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Wikidata weekly summary #668
week leading up to 2025-02-24. Missed the previous one? See issue #667
- New requests for permissions/Bot: MatSuBot_10 - Task(s): Import aliases from Female form of Label (P2521) and Male form of Label(P3321).
- New request for comments: Certify the Wikidata trainers? - Initially discussed in Project Chat, this RfC looks to establish a clear community-endorsed policy on how Wikidata Trainers can be appropriately certified and their skills demonstrated and recognized.
- Ongoing events: Data Reuse Days, until February 28th: watch the sessions that you missed and check the program for this week.
- Upcoming events:
- International Mother Language Day 2025 Datathon - online event by WikiProject India from 21-28 February 2025.
- OpenStreetMap X Wikidata Meetup #74 March 10 Time: 19:30-21:00 UTC+8 at Taipei 摩茲工寮 (Q61752245)
- Past:
- Wikidata and Bangla Wikisource: When two cool kids play together! at Wikisource Conference 2025
- Wiki Movimento Brasil unveil QuickStatements 3.0 - A livetsreamed workshop showcasing the latest version of QuickStatements. Discover the new features implemented based on community research.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Videos:
- Live Wikidata Editing - User:Ainali and User:Abbe98 return for a Wikidata live edit session for Data Reuse Days.
- (Czech) Wikibase as a tool for database operation in a memory institution Linda Jansová presents this session on Wikibase (first streamed 9 November, 2024) at the 13th Wikiconference 2024, hosted by WM Česká republika.
- Podcasts: Using Wikidata to connect constituents with their government - User:Ainali (Co-founder of Wikimedians for Sustainable Development discusses their knowledge about Wikidata and how it underpins Govdirectory, their vision for the future impact of Wikidata.
Tool of the week
- The WikidataDiffAnalyzer is a Ruby gem designed to parse and analyze differences between Wikidata revisions, providing detailed statistics on changes to claims, labels, descriptions, aliases, site links, and more, while also supporting analysis of merges, redirects, and other edit types.
- German Political parties and politicians tracked on the Fediverse - Powered by Wikidata, this Fediverse tracker aggregates social media links to official channels of German politicians. (toot)
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Job Vacancy: Senior UX Designer for Wikidata - If you have a passion for UX design and open and free knowledge, please consider applying!
- [Wikibase] Bug Fixes: Wikibase Suite Deploy 1.0.2, 3.0.4, Wikibase 1.0.2, 3.0.3
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- software used for creation (software that was used to create this media or work)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- Toki Pona headnoun (Toki Pona common noun for which the name serves as a proper modifier)
- Newest External identifiers: PWBA.com player ID, IATI organisation ID, Oorlogsbronnen ID, DIF historia player ID, Cinema Belgica censorship ID, critify.de game ID, Digital Scriptorium Catalog item ID, Patristic Text Archive author ID, Patristic Text Archive work ID, Patristic Text Archive manuscript ID, Patristic Text Archive person ID, Patristic Text Archive organization ID, The New Yorker topic ID, CriticDB author ID, Rate Your Music music video ID, Eurosport person ID, Soccerbase season ID, nesdb.se game ID, Albin Michel author ID, National Gallery ID, Wine AppDB ID developer ID, Brussels Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Brussels Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- Date filed (Filing date for a document, e.g. a patent or court case. Alternative names include <code>date submitted</code>, <code>submission date</code>, <code>filing date</code>, etc. These are all distinct from dates of issuance, granting, acceptance, publication, etc. that are public-facing and have to do with the last stage in a publication process. Searches for [https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?search=date+filed&title=Special:Search&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&ns120=1 similar] terms yielded [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=filing&ns120=1&fulltext=Search+for+a+property&fulltext=Search no results], so apologies if this is redundant.)
- API documentation (API documentation URL)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Euronews topic ID, NES Directory game ID, Friends of Friendless Churches ID, Bane NOR station ID, Meine Abgeordneten ID, Wikidot article ID, Breitbart tag ID, SMB-digital asset ID, Authority control/Korean National Species list ID, FMJD person ID, KNDB person ID, Radiomuseum.org vacuum tube transitor ID, Lenape Talking Dictionary ID, Thinky Games database game ID, Encyclopædia Universalis index ID, Archives in Bavaria ID, CBFC record ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Puerto Rican Cultural Heritage - serves as a central hub for various initiatives highlighting Puerto Ricans and Puerto Rican culture in Wikidata
- Newest database reports: SPARQL: Federation report - Check the status of different SPARQL endpoints.
- Showcase Items: The Incredible Hulk (Q466611) - 2008 superhero film directed by Louis Leterrier
- Showcase Lexemes: år (L743600) - Nynorsk noun that can mean "a vein", "road", "talent", "an ore", "insect wing part" or "small stripe with a different colour from its surroundings."
- Hosting the Data Reuse Days
- Wikibase REST API: We are continuing the work on a search endpoint for the API (phab:T383126)
- Search: We are continuing to work on the search field that lets you search other entity types as well and not just Items (phab:T321543
- Mobile editing: We are designing prototypes for first testing sessions
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Uganda
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help [[d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next|write the next summary!]

- 維基百科為數位公共財:維基百科已被聯合國所認可的數位公共財聯盟認可為數位公共財。
- 中東與北非(MENA)Connect:該區域社群通話會議在2025年的第一屆活動將於2月22日舉行。
- 維基媒體研究展示:下一次展示的主題為「維基百科管理員的招募、留任和流失」,將於2月26日 17:30 UTC舉行。
- 2025年歡慶國際婦女節:維基媒體運動的性別組織社群每年3月都會舉辦名為「歡慶國際婦女節」的年度活動。我們將於2月25日 14:00-16:00 UTC舉行座談會,介紹一些可以支持您縮小性別差距的、振奮人心的工具。
- Outreachy:維基媒體基金會將參與2025年6月至8月的Outreachy計劃第30輪。提交專案的截止日期為3月4日 16:00 UTC。
年度目標進展 基礎設施
參見其他電子報:維基媒體App · Growth · 研究 · 網頁 · 維基函數與抽象維基百科 · 技術新聞 · 語言與國際化 · 其他MediaWiki.org電子報
- Growth功能:新的社群新訊模組功能旨在促進wiki編輯倡議與新手之間的聯繫。
- 簡單條目摘要:維基媒體基金會的網頁團隊在特定維基百科推出了簡單條目摘要專案。該專案旨在給讀者展示容易吸收的條目摘要。
- 語言與國際化:新增五個維基百科語言版本,作為未來語言孵化計劃的一部分。參閱最新一期的語言與國際化電子報。
- 技術新聞:使用Growth工具的社群現在可以在Special:首頁上展示一則活動,供新手參考。更多來自技術新聞第7期、第8期的新訊。
年度目標進展 知識公平
- 社群見解:2024年社群見解報告展現了許多新見解,其中包括關於新手(大多是年輕人)的見解、維基人的編輯動機(97%的人希望自己的貢獻能夠幫助他人),以及首次有過半數的受訪者(51%)同意維基媒體基金會在其專案和倡議方面進行了良好的溝通。
- Let's Connect學習診所:觀看「給課程創建者的WikiLearn要點:建立線上社群技能第1課」的錄影。
- 全球資源分配委員會(GRDC):您有興趣改善維基媒體運動的資金分配方式嗎?歡迎申請成為臨時全球資源分配委員會的一員,申請截止日期為2月25日。
年度目標進展 安全與誠信
參見博客:全球倡議博客 · 全球倡議電子報 · 政策博客
- 公共政策:維基媒體專案如何透過公眾領域、數位共有財和數位公共財,為互聯網的未來推動正面願景。
- 維基媒體企業:維基媒體企業與總部位於柏林的搜尋引擎Ecosia建立合作關係。
參見:維基媒體基金會理事會佈告板 · 地方自治體委員會電子報
- 巴西維基媒體協會:巴西維基媒體協會成為最新的維基媒體分會!
- 南蘇丹維基社群用戶組:南蘇丹維基社群用戶組獲認可。
- 地方自治體委員會:地方自治體委員會2024年策略務虛會對維基媒體運動組織生態系統未來的見解。
參見:Diff博客 · Goings-on · Planet Wikimedia · Signpost (en) · Kurier (de) · Actualités du Wiktionnaire (fr) · Regards sur l』actualité de la Wikimedia (fr) · Wikimag (fr) · 教育 · GLAM · 維基百科圖書館 · 里程碑 · 維基數據 · 中歐及東歐 · 其他電子報
MediaWiki message delivery 2025年2月24日 (一) 20:13 (UTC)
The Signpost: 27 February 2025
[編輯]- Serendipity: Guinea-Bissau Heritage from Commons to the World
- Technology report: Hear that? The wikis go silent twice a year
- In the media: The end of the world
- Recent research: What's known about how readers navigate Wikipedia; Italian Wikipedia hardest to read
- Opinion: Sennecaster's RfA debriefing
- Tips and tricks: One year after this article is posted, will every single article on Wikipedia have a short description?
- Community view: Open letter from French Wikipedians says "no" to intimidation of volunteer contributors
- Traffic report: Temporary scars, February stars
[編輯]參見公開信的繁體中文譯本。 ——魔琴[身份聲明 留言 貢獻 PJ:NEW23] 2025年2月28日 (五) 23:36 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #669
week leading up to 2025-03-03. Missed the previous one? See issue #668
- Other: Email Chain "Elephant in the room" - discussing the large number of Wikidata Items lacking Statements, Sitelinks or Labels/Descriptions.
- Upcoming events:
- All the information you need to start working on your Wikimania 2025 program submissions is now available on the Wiki. Deadline: March 31 st, Anywhere on Earth.
- New Wikidata Event! The upcoming "Wikidata and Sister Projects" event (May 29–June 1) is looking for speakers to share how Wikidata connects with other Wikimedia projects - if you are interested, request more info or submit your session idea here.
- New Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group project series! We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group project series session on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET Time Zone Converter Eric Willey will be facilitating a series of four sessions focused on starting a Wikidata project from the foundation up at your institution. The third session will focus on making the most of your time and work. Event page.
- Wikidata and Wikibase - Curriculum Transformation in the Digital Humanities - Join for 4 free talks showcasing how linked open data can support teaching, research and collections. March 5, 1500 - 1700 GMT (UTC-0).
- Wiki Workshop 2025 CfP - Call for Papers (Submission deadline: March 9)
- Open Data Day Taiwan 2025 March 9 Time: 09:30-17:30 UTC+8 at Taipei Humanities Building (Q122750631)
- Wiki Mentor Africa (WMA) Hackathon 2025 - Registration & Scholarship Now Open. Date: 28th - 30th March 2025. Who Can Participate? African developers, Wikimedia contributors, and anyone interested in Wikimedia projects.
- Ongoing:
- Wiki Loves Ramadan 2025 - annual global contest aimed at documenting and sharing the diverse customs and traditions observed during the month of Ramadan. Date: 25 February 2025 – 16 April 2025. Register here!
- Items with P31 (instance of) = human settlement without a country has dropped from 7600 to below 4600 Items. You can help to get it even lower.
- Wikidata & OpenStreetMap Datathon & Mapathon as part of International Open Data Day 2025 from 1st - 15th March 2025 by WikiProject India (Q11037573).
- Past events: Data Reuse Days 2025: you can watch the sessions that you missed at your own pace.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- UK universities educate the most national leaders globally, analysis (based on Wikidata) shows. By The Guardian
- Two Wikimedians-in-Residence appointed to increase Maltese literature representation on Wikipedia and Wikidata Times of Malta
- Videos
- (French) PasseGares: Bug fixes and data imports from Wikidata YouTube
- Adding Wikidata label and descriptions, from the Wali Language Art+Feminism Editathon (Ghana 2025) YouTube
- Workshop showcasing QuickStatements 3.0! Learn how this updated tool streamlines your workflow and discover new features. YouTube
- Contributing to Wikidata 101, a series of demonstrations organised by WM Community UG Uganda Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- Optimize SPARQL queries to avoid timeouts: Efficiently count entities sharing values YouTube
- Data Reuse Days playlist and live-editing session with User:Ainali and User:Abbe98 YouTube
- LUDAP: Shared authority file for Luxembourg's Scientific and Cultural Heritage, with Wikibase YouTube
Tool of the week
- QuickStatements 3.0 - new version of the original QuickStatements with enhanced functionality, performance, and user experience.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- On March 17, Vector 2022 will become the default skin on Wikidata
- Jobs
- Senior UX Designer for Wikidata - Apply online
- Product Manager for Wikibase Suite - Apply online
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- thesis submitted for degree (the academic degree for which a thesis or dissertation is submitted)
- Newest External identifiers: Korean National Species list ID, NES Directory game ID, Miraheze wiki ID, Global Energy Monitor Wiki ID, FU-Lexikon ID, MACM artwork ID, Hiking Note chalet identifier, domain name, TechRaptor game ID, TechRaptor company ID, TechRaptor genre ID, Sanzhi Dargwa dictionary ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- copy present in institution (copy present in institution)
- single extrait de l'album (indicates the album from which the item is taken)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: HelloAsso organization ID, europlayers.com club ID, eLIBRARY Document Number, LIBRIS Library ID, parlament.fyi person ID, Embryo Project Encyclopedia ID, factordb id, Yukon Register of Historic Places ID, Our Campaigns container ID, Encyclopaedia of Islam (glossary and index of terms) ID, badmintoncn.com star ID, Game Input Database ID, Historia Hispánica ID, Coasterpedia ID, Captain Coaster coaster ID, Captain Coaster park ID, Dark Ride Database IDs
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Climate Change Policies - aims to model policies related to Climate change on Wikidata.
- Newest database reports: Most linked category Items
- Showcase Items: Basshunter (Q383541) - Swedish singer, record producer, and DJ
- Showcase Lexemes: baguette (L7347) - French noun that can mean "elongated type of bread loaf", "elongated type of bread loaf", "conductor's baton", "chopsticks", "drum sticks" or "magic wand".
- Wikibase REST API: We are continuing the work on the simple Item search (phab:T383126)
- Dumps: We fixed an issue that prevented the dumps from being generated (phab:T386401)
- Search: We are continuing to work on the search UI that will let you search not just Items but also other entity types (phab:T321543)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Australia
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Growth Newsletter #33
A quarterly update from the Growth team on our work to improve the new editor experience.
This year, the Growth team is exploring ways to help more new account holders start editing—and do so constructively, meaning their edits are not reverted. Our latest experiments include:
- Gradual rollout of "Add a Link" at English Wikipedia – We are gradually introducing the "Add a Link" structured task to newcomers at English Wikipedia (T386029). This serves as a natural A/B test to measure its impact on activation, retention, and revert rates (T382603). Previous experiments on pilot wikis showed that "Add a Link" increases newcomer participation, particularly by helping them make constructive (non-reverted) edits.
- Testing in-article suggestions for first-time editors – Many new account holders want to contribute but don’t know where to start. To help, we’re piloting a feature that surfaces structured task suggestions directly in an article’s read view for brand-new editors (T385343). These suggestions will appear for logged-in users with no edits, providing a clear, simple way to begin contributing that is surfaced while they read.
Newcomers often struggle to find their place in Wikipedia’s collaborative environment. While experienced editors easily discover events like edit-a-thons and writing campaigns, newcomers often miss out.
- To bridge this gap, we launched the Community Updates module for the Newcomer Homepage. This module is disabled by default, allowing Community Admins to decide how (or if) to use it.
- If your community hosts events, consider setting up a Community Update to engage and welcome newcomers! Learn more on Diff. To configure, visit Special:CommunityConfiguration.
Community Configuration is now available across all wikis, including non-Wikipedia projects (T383910). Community Configuration allows admins to customize various features like Growth features and Automoderator for their communities, and more recently the Babel extension now allows admins to modify configuration:
- Babel customization – Admins can now configure Babel settings (T374348), including category naming, automatic category creation, and more. See an example on Wikimedia Commons.
- Upcoming configurable features – Projects exploring community configuration options include: Incident Reporting System (T374113) and Cite backlinks (T378807).
Mentors play a key role in guiding new editors. If you’re interested in mentoring, or turning mentorship on at your wiki, check out the Mentorship FAQ
- Starting February 17, 100% of new accounts at English Wikipedia will be assigned a mentor (T384505).
- At Spanish Wikipedia, on 50% of newcomers get a mentor. Experienced contributors are encouraged to join mentorship so that Spanish Wikipedia can provide a mentor to all new users.
Looking Ahead
[編輯]In the coming months, we will continue balancing maintenance work—such as deprecating EditGrowth Config (T367574) and migrating Statslib (T359352) — with user-facing improvements that support new editors and foster the next generation of contributors.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2025年3月4日 (二) 19:00 (UTC)
Universal Code of Conduct annual review: proposed changes are available for comment
[編輯]My apologies for writing in English. 請協助翻譯成您使用的語言.
I am writing to you to let you know that proposed changes to the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines and Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) Charter are open for review. You can provide feedback on suggested changes through the end of day on Tuesday, 18 March 2025. This is the second step in the annual review process, the final step will be community voting on the proposed changes. Read more information and find relevant links about the process on the UCoC annual review page on Meta.
The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. This annual review was planned and implemented by the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, you may review the U4C Charter.
Please share this information with other members in your community wherever else might be appropriate.
-- In cooperation with the U4C, Keegan (WMF) 2025年3月7日 (五) 18:51 (UTC)
- 《通用行為準則》年度審查:修訂提案可供評論
- 這則訊息是為了通知您,《通用行為準則執行規範》及《通用行為準則協調委員會章程》的修訂提案現正開放審查。您可以在2025年3月18日(二)結束前(AoE)就修訂提案提出反饋意見。這是年度審查程序的第二個步驟,最後一步驟將由社群就修訂提案進行投票。參閱元維基的《通用行為準則》年度審查頁面查看有關此程序的相關連結並了解更多資訊。
- 通用行為準則協調委員會(U4C)是致力於公平、一致地實施《通用行為準則》的全域群組。此次年度審查由U4C規劃和實施。參閱《U4C章程》了解U4C的職責以及更多資訊。
- 請與您社群的其他成員適時分享此資訊。
- -- 謹此與《通用行為準則》協調委員會合作,Keegan (WMF)
- 譯者:Cookai餅塊🍪(💬留言) 2025年3月8日 (六) 06:28 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #670
week leading up to 2025-03-10. Missed the previous one? See issue #669
- Upcoming events: Tuscan Women & Wikidata - data entry lab for shared memory, 5 March.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- WMDE Blog - Highlights of Data Reuse Days: The post showcases 3 excellent apps: WikiFlix (public domain full-length films), KDE Itinerary (travel assistant app) and Scribe Keyboard (easier writing in secondary languages). These are just some of the applications built using Wikidata; check out more at the Data Reuse Days pages.
- (German) Digital Stumbling Blocks – How the Wiki Community Drives Remembrance Culture: User:Cookroach highlights the efforts of Wikimedians across projects (Wikidata, Wikipedia, Commons) to digitally document the Stolpersteine, brass-plaques laid to commemorate victims of the National Socialism.
- (German) Digital History Berlin: Field research with LOD - a write-up of the methods, experiences data-model and SPARQl queries of the field research conducted as part of the WikiProject: Field Survey Digital Humanities.
- (Italian) Wikipedia & Wikidata project for Cesare Alfieri - an introduction to the project to expand articles and data of the archives of Cesare Alfieri University of Florence.
- Communicating Ontology: Technical approaches for facilitating use of our Wikibase data (Semantic Lab at Pratt Institute)
Tool of the week
- zelph: A new tool for detecting logical contradictions and making inferences in Wikidata, using a rule-based system to improve data quality and derive new facts. Check it out on GitHub or explore results on the project website.
- New Tool for Women’s Day: Scheherazade identifies women without articles in your Wikipedia but present in many others, helping editors prioritize creating missing biographies.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Research Fund had launched. You're encourage to submit proposals around Wikidata. The deadline to submit your proposal is April 16, 2025.
- The 4th iteration of the Wikidata:Open Online Course will begin from March 17 until April 30. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps, an individual in need of a refresher on Wikidata concepts, or a seasoned trainer looking to level up your skills - this course is right for you.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- model number (identifier for a product model)
- provides data for property (dataset associated with this external ID usually contains data applicable to this other Wikidata property)
- items classified (class of items that this classification system classifies)
- presented works (works of art or creative works performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- number of goals scored in penalty shootouts (total number of goals scored by a team in a penalty shootout)
- Newest External identifiers: Thinky Games game ID, Lenape Talking Dictionary ID, Biographical Dictionary of Republican China (X-Boorman) ID, LEMAC ID, Bane NOR station ID, Sutian entry ID, Platform for Taiwan Religion and Folk Culture ID, Meine Abgeordneten ID, Hiking Note plant ID, VGC game ID, VGC company ID, VGC people ID, Archives in Bavaria ID, VGC theme ID, Steam group ID, AllGame game ID (archived)
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- kigo of (the season the sense denotes in haiku in Japanese)
- Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised score (score that the subject have received on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised psychological assessment tool as administered by a suitably qualified and experienced clinician under scientifically controlled and licensed conditions, standardized conditions)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Archaeological site (Japan) ID, Hmong Studies Citations ID, GitLab topic, Christchurch City Council Park ID, Clio-online researcher ID, Clio-online web resource ID, Clio-online organization ID, Congress.gov committee ID, AGORHA ID, Crunchyroll artist ID, ZOOM Platform product ID, GCMD keyword ID, KnowWhereGraph entity ID, VejinBooks author ID, SteamDB tech ID, Identifiant Cartofaf d'une organisation, Saarland Biografien ID, Murderpedia ID, Big Fish Games game ID, Danskefilmstemmer.dk work ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Obscure units of measurement and where to find them
- Female scientists with most number of sitelinks (but not English Wikipedia)
- Newest WikiProjects: AncientCoinsAndModernMedals
- WikiProject Highlights:
- WikiProject Biology: List of Mushrooms - revived by User:Prototyperspective, help catalogue all known fungal friends, and join the subreddit (for all Wikidata topics): r/WData
- India/Police Stations
- Newest database reports: List of free software without an image set - This is a table of Wikidata items about a free software missing an image.
- Showcase Items: Doctor Strange (Q18406872) - 2016 film directed by Scott Derrickson
- Showcase Lexemes: felle (L476372) - Bokmål verb that can mean "to make something fall", "to kill", "to force a resignation", "to prove guilt", "to let lose", "to announce" or "to join."
- Search: The search team at the WMF has added a new search keyword for Lexemes. You can use the keyword "inlanguage:en" or "inlanguage:Q1860" to limit your search to Lexemes with Lexeme language English and so on. Here is an example search for "bank" within English Lexemes: https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?search=L%3Abank+inlanguage%3Aen (phab:T271776)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!

- 年度計劃:協助塑造我們產品與技術工作的早期構思,並在確定預算與可衡量目標之前提供反饋。
- 2025年全球趨勢:作為年度計劃的一部分,我們找出了將影響維基媒體運動的一系列全球趨勢,例如人們在線上搜尋和提供資訊的方式和地點的變化、網絡空間中錯誤訊息和扭曲訊息的增加,以及對線上資訊提供者不斷發展的法規。
- 2025年維基媒體國際會議:快來申請在2025年維基媒體國際會議中發言,無論是主持工作坊、小組討論、海報展示或工具示範。請於3月31日前(AoE時間)提交您的會議申請。如果您有興趣審查2025年維基媒體國際會議的提案,並協助塑造議程,您可以在3月17日前填寫簡短表單,申請成為議程審查員。
- 2025年北美維基會議:獎助金申請現已開始,4月4日截止。本次會議將於2025年10月16日至19日在紐約市舉行,主題為「維基的世界博覽會」。
- 維基媒體企業和全球倡議參與SXSW 2025:維基媒體企業將與共享創意組織於3月9日一同在SXSW 2025進行一天的對話和專題討論,討論AI的挑戰以及開放資料的保存與道德發展。全球倡議將參與3月8日的專題討論會,深入探討互聯網的未來。
- WikiCauserie:此雙月線上會議將由WikiFranca的法語成員社群於3月21日 18:00 UTC舉行。
年度目標進展 基礎設施
參見其他電子報:維基媒體App · Growth · 研究 · 網頁 · 維基函數與抽象維基百科 · 技術新聞 · 語言與國際化 · 其他MediaWiki.org電子報
- 資料中心切換:3月19日,由於資料中心伺服器切換,所有維基媒體網站將進入唯讀狀態數分鐘,預定於14:00 UTC開始,最長30分鐘。
- 技術新聞:wikimedia.org入門網站已更新,並持續進行一些改進,使維基媒體的入門網站頁面更現代化、更易於使用。該頁面現在有更好的手機版版面,措辭連結得到更新,並支援更多語言。更多來自技術新聞第9期、第10期的新訊。
- 維基媒體推薦API:3月31日之後,我們將從現有產品中移除推薦API。該API的唯一使用者——維基百科Android App,其較新版本已不再使用該API。
- 維基函數:我們部署、測試了本季度的主要里程碑之一:從維基數據項中獲得正確詞位的能力,或者更簡單地說,從一件事物獲得正確的單詞。
- 維基媒體App:我們正在邀請使用者協助改善維基百科App在離線或受限網絡使用下的閱讀與編輯體驗。我們將召開焦點團體來詳細討論這些體驗。敬請加入討論,分享您的想法並協助改善維基百科App。
年度目標進展 知識公平
- 婦女歷史月:維基媒體基金會正在舉辦活動,聚焦一些在維基媒體專案中努力縮小性別落差的維基人。活動名為「知識屬於人類,知識屬於她。」,旨在接觸位於漠南非洲的外部受眾。
- 維基媒體研究展示:下一次研究展示的主題為「性別落差」,將於3月19日 16:30 UTC舉行。
- 全球資源分配委員會:候選人徵集期延長至3月31日。
年度目標進展 安全與誠信
參見博客:全球倡議博客 · 全球倡議電子報 · 政策博客
- 私隱與透明:在私隱與開放之間取得平衡,在開放運動中確保安全。
- 官司勝訴:維基媒體基金會在德國法院勝訴,該判決創下了法律先例,保障維基媒體專案和志願者免受「擇地訴訟」策略(為求有利判決而選擇特定司法管轄區法院)的影響。
- 維基媒體企業:維基媒體企業與法國AI新創公司Pleias攜手合作,展現結構化、機器可讀的知識能夠推動AI創新,同時堅守開放性、可驗證性與道德發展。
參見:維基媒體基金會理事會佈告板 · 地方自治體委員會電子報
- 申訴專員委員會:公佈2025年申訴專員委員會成員。
- 通用行為準則:維基媒體基金會決定任命副總法律顧問Jacob Rogers,擔任基金會在通用行為準則協調委員會(U4C)中的諮詢席位。
- 維基媒體基金會理事會:理事會於12月11日舉行了線上會議,處理季度事務。在理事會佈告版查看最近採取的公司行動。
參見:Diff博客 · Goings-on · Planet Wikimedia · Signpost (en) · Kurier (de) · Actualités du Wiktionnaire (fr) · Regards sur l』actualité de la Wikimedia (fr) · Wikimag (fr) · 教育 · GLAM · 維基百科圖書館 · 里程碑 · 維基數據 · 中歐及東歐 · 其他電子報
MediaWiki message delivery 2025年3月10日 (一) 15:55 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: February 2025
This Month in Education: February 2025
[編輯]This Month in Education
Volume 14 • Issue 2 • February 2025
- Activities series at the Shefit Hekali school in Peqin, Albania
- Wikimedia Brazil has formed a partnership with a public policy research institute
- Preserving Heritage: Tuluvas Aati Month Educational Wikimedia Programs
- Reflecting on our Past: Farewell to the Auckland Museum Summer Students
- Successful Conclusion of the Second Phase of "Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom" in Yemen
- Wiki Workshop in Mitrovica
- Wikimedia MKD' Education: Lots of new trained users, lots of new articles
- Wikimedia Serbia receives accreditation from the National Library of Serbia for the Wiki Senior seminar
[編輯]2025年2月 • 總第2期
- 邀請您持續關注本站RFC:〈深色模式介面問題修復〉與〈CSS模板樣式轉換〉
- CSSImageCrop.js:CSS圖像裁剪工具(介紹)- by 維基小霸王
- 英維本月新小工具:noRedLinks.js(by Twineeea),歡迎參與中維適配
Wikidata weekly summary #671
week leading up to 2025-03-17. Missed the previous one? See issue #670
- New request for comments: Time to deprecate P642 - of (P642) has spent 3 years marked asdeprecated. Is it time to finally mark it as an obsolete Wikidata property(Q18644427)?
- Upcoming events:
- Call for Wikimania 2025 Programme reviewers. Apply until Monday 17 March 12:00 UTC
- Wikidata Affinity Group Update: The fourth session of Starting a Wikidata Project, originally set for March 18, will now be an asynchronous Slack discussion in the #wikidata channel of the LD4 Slack Space. Join us at 9am PT / 16:00 UTC to discuss Reporting Your Outcomes and Results. Join Slack here. Note: April programming will pause as we prepare the next series.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Training for the staff of the Museum of Photography in Krakow on Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata - "The training aimed to enable the MuFo staff to effectively navigate and develop skills in editing and managing the museum's digital resources within the Wikimedia projects."
- (German) Wikipedia Unterwegs - this time in Neu-Ulm: This travelling community meetup for German Wikimedians discusses the growing ecosystem of Wikipedia, Wikidata and Commons.
- REST in Rust by Magnus: "A new Rust crate has been developed to simplify access to the Wikibase REST API, featuring industry-level coding standards, 248 unit tests, >97% code coverage, and high maintainability. Check out the GitHub repo and contribute via the issue tracker or pull requests!"
- Videos
- Useful videos that explain how to set up/make use of Wikibases. Put together by Valerie
- Wikidata and Wikibase - Curriculum Transformation in the Digital Humanities
- (Chinese) Open Data Day Taiwan 2025: more details and program agenda on the Wikimedia Taiwan Meta Event page
- Wikidata as an Open Data Resource: Ian Watt at Open Source SG
- Bridging GLAM and Wiki: The Khalili Perspective: Dr. Martin Poulter, WiR at Khalili Foundation.
Tool of the week
- Research Expeditions on Wikidata with itineraries - Visualization tool for research expeditions itineraries and natural history collections.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- An update regarding the WDQS backend has been published, about the adoption of the new endpoints and the next steps that will take place.
- Call for Projects – Wiki Mentor Africa Hackathon 2025. Do you have a technical project that needs contributions? Or a testing initiative that could use more hands? Submit a project BY 21st March 2025.
- The Wikidata Vector Database prototype is almost ready! Developers interested in integrating semantic search into their applications and editors looking to explore Wikidata items using natural language search are invited to reach out for more details: philippe.saade
- Join the Wikimedia Deutschland software development team: Product Manager Wikibase Suite (all genders)
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- OAI formatter (formatter to generate ID compatible with Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting services)
- AI-generation prompt (exact prompt that was used to generate this AI-generated media or work)
- data analysis method (methods used in the main item for inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information)
- Newest External identifiers: Wikishire article ID, HelloAsso organization ID, Dictionnaire de la déportation gardoise person ID, Graceful17 entity ID, Game Input Database ID, DRTV ID, Calindex person ID, Historia Hispánica ID, TERMDAT ID, Kulturdatenbank ID, DDLC entry ID, Chinese Basketball Association player ID, Captain Coaster coaster ID, Memoria Chilena ID, Jamendo track ID, MikuWiki article ID, ZOOM Platform product ID, Clio-online researcher ID, Clio-online organization ID, SteamDB tech ID, Big Fish Games game ID, Clio-online web resource ID, Iowa State University Library Vocabularies ID, Newsweek topic ID, booru tag
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- watercraft prefix (prefix applied to watercraft operated by different organisations)
- accused (person or organization who has been accused of carrying out this harmful, illegal, or immoral act without having received a criminal conviction or where the accused have been acquitted in a court of law)
- applies to volume (volume of the item (usually edition of a work) to which the claim applies)
- oxygen endurance (The maximum time a submarine, spacecraft or enclosed vehicle can sustain life using its onboard oxygen supply.)
- Coefficient of thermal expansion ()
- fracture toughness ()
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Danskefilmstemmer.dk work ID, Danskefilmstemmer.dk character ID, Internet-Portal „Westfälische Geschichte「 person ID, Kosovo NGO registration number, Yale LUX ID, geraldika.ru symbol ID, Swimcloud swimmer ID, CACI company ID, VD 16 ID, World Higher Education Database ID, Qur'an Wiki article ID, JSIC code, Macrotransactions game ID, Landtag Tirol person ID, NexusMods mod ID, Thunderstore game ID, SideQuest app ID, IndExs Exsiccata ID, National Academy of Engineering member ID, DGO ID, The Rural Settlement of Roman Britain ID, Audiovisual Identity Database page, Encyclopaedia of Islam (Arabic edition) ID, Rodovid family ID, Cultural Heritage Azerbaijan ID, Zurich Kantonsrat and Regierungsrat member ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Location of fire stations in Spain (source)
- Oldest known individual per taxon (pre-20th century) (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: AncientMaths
- WikiProject Highlights: New country page for Poland in WikiProject Nonprofit Organizations, and on cividata.org. Help expanding it!
- Newest database reports: German lexemes without forms divided by lexical category (source)
- Showcase Items: Perm (Q915) - city in Russia
- Showcase Lexemes: Knoten (L298686) - German noun that can mean "knot", "fundamental unit of which graphs (in graph theory) are formed", "point where an orbit crosses a plane of reference to which it is inclined", or "hair wrapped in a circular coil around itself (bun)."
- Wikibase REST API: We continued the work on adding search to the API (phab:T383126)
- Search: We are continuing the work on making it easier to search for entities other than Items in the search box (phab:T338483)
- Query Service: We set up the constraint checks to use the split graph instead of the full graph (phab:T374021)
- Integration in the other Wikimedia projects: We are looking into how changes from Wikidata are represented on the other Wikimedia projects and how that can be improved (phab:T386200)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
語言和產品本地化團隊改進了內容翻譯儀錶板 為所有使用流動裝置和桌面裝置的貢獻者創造一致的體驗。以下是有關改進的重要資訊的細目分類。

我們將在 2025 年 3 月 24 日之前在您的維基百科和其他網站上實施這項改進。
您仍然可以在一段時間內透過工具頁面存取以前的儀錶板。我們將在 2025 年 5 月之前將其從所有維基百科中刪除,因為維護以前的儀錶板將不再有成效。
您可以使用此連結在測試的維基媒體專案中嘗試改進的功能:https://test.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:ContentTranslation&campaign=contributionsmenu&to=zh&filter-type=automatic&filter-id=previous-edits&active-list=suggestions&from=en#/ 。如果您注意到與測試維基媒體專案中改進的儀錶板相關的問題,請在此線程中告知我們,或者在 Phabricator 中報告,並添加以下標籤:BUG REPORT
僅代表語言和產品本地化團隊 --UOzurumba (WMF)(留言) 2025年3月18日 (二) 19:48 (UTC)