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The Signpost: 31 October 2021

- From the editor: Different stories, same place
- News and notes: The sockpuppet who ran for adminship and almost succeeded
- Discussion report: Editors brainstorm and propose changes to the Requests for adminship process
- Recent research: Welcome messages fail to improve newbie retention
- Community view: Reflections on the Chinese Wikipedia
- Traffic report: James Bond and the Giant Squid Game
- Technology report: Wikimedia Toolhub, winners of the Coolest Tool Award, and more
- Serendipity: How Wikipedia helped create a Serbian stamp
- Book review: Wikipedia and the Representation of Reality
- WikiProject report: Redirection
- Humour: A very Wiki crossword
- China bans, and is there intelligent life on this planet? 与 Reflections on the Chinese Wikipedia 两文与本地有关。其中后者为本地用户/使用者User:不爱思考得猪之投稿。 ——魔琴 [ 已经告假 留言 贡献 ] 2021年10月31日 (日) 22:45 (UTC)
- 多谢魔琴发布公告。🙏🙏--不爱思考得猪(留言) 2021年11月1日 (一) 00:56 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #492

- Discussions
- New request for comments: handling of data objects for pages in the project namespace
- Events
- Upcoming:
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Sam Oyeyele will join us to discuss the AfroCine project. doc, Nov. 2nd.
- Upcoming Search Platform Office Hours—November 3rd, 2021. Time: 16:00-17:00 GMT / 09:00-10:00 PDT / 12:00-13:00 EDT / 17:00-18:00 CET & WAT. Come and ask anything related to Wikimedia search, Wikidata Query Service, Wikimedia Commons Query Service, etc.!
- Ongoing:
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #14, COP26
- Past:
- WikidataCon 2021 happened \o/
- Documentation of the sessions are currently ongoing. It may take a few weeks to publish all 80 hours of content but you can already watch some of them (linked from each session's Etherpad).
- Wikidatapink pony session (a meetup where participants shared wishes and feature requests about Wikidata to the development team)
- List of birthday presents
- WikidataComplete gadget by Dhairya3124
- Wikidata Subgraph Analysis by Aisha Khatun
- UseAsRef 2.0 by Epìdosis
- KGTK project by Pedro Szekely
- Wikidata Map (series of updates of the all-coordinates-on-wikidata, made available at commons:Wikidata map) by Addshore
- Special episode of Wikipediapodden with an interview with Denny about Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions by Ainali
- Lua access for Lexemes on beta by LydiaPintscher
- Editathon documentation page by bunch of lovely glam professionals
- Learn wikidata course by Clifford Anderson and co
- Wikxhibit by Tarfah Alrashed
- Integraality updates by Jean-Frédéric
- iNaturalist BioBlitz by Pigsonthewing
- WikidataCon 2021 happened \o/
- Upcoming:
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blog post
- Challenge A to Z 2021 (in French)
- Papers
- Complex Portal 2022: new curation frontiers about the Complex Portal (Q47196990) <> Wikidata connection
- (fr) Les libellés francophones genrés dans Wikidata (notebook Observablehq)
- Videos
- Research projects
- Blog post
- Tool of the week
- Cemeteries.wiki by Yamen is a project to display Dataviz and statistics about cemeteries all over the world. (2021-11-01)
- ... and remember you can propose a new tool or gadget!
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Foundation is looking for a Graph Consultant to help migrate the Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) from Blazegraph to a different RDF store. Apply here!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: term in higher taxon, official forum
- External identifiers: NatureScot Sitelink ID, Refuges.info ID, Dizionario delle Scienze Fisiche ID, George Eastman Museum people ID, Parliament of Australia MP ID, UAE University Libraries ID, Dizionario di Medicina ID, Museu da Pessoa person ID, Indigenous Corporation Number, Toolhub ID, Research Data Australia ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: date of recording, Candidate position, MTBdata
- External identifiers: Vokrug.tv person ID, Standing Waters Database ID, State Duma person ID, Federation Council person ID, Enciclopedia della Scienza e della Tecnica ID, FRACS profile ID, NER portfolio ID, Triple J Unearthed artist ID, SEEK company ID, Levels.fyi company ID, romaq.org ID, NWT Species ID, IRIS UNISA author ID, Nederlandse Voornamenbank ID, IRIS Verona author ID, IRIS UNIMI author ID, IRIS UNIURB author ID, Australian Charities and Not‑for‑profits Register Charity ID, IRIS UNIBO author ID, Québec Enterprise Number, Douyin User ID, ACE Repertory publisher ID, ACE Repertory writer ID, Indonesian Hospital ID
- Query examples:
- Map of French bridges and tunnels carrying an high-speed railway line
- List of Wikidata item's labels which are same as male form and different from female form in French (ie using the generic as male form) (source)
- List of Wikidata item's labels which are same as male form and different from female form in English (ie using the generic as male form)(source)
- consorts of Selim III (source)
- Coordinates of the birthplaces of people with family name Autrique (Source)
- Coordinates of battles (Source)
- Geographical distribution of votive boats historic monuments in France (Source)
- Relationship among accepted NFDI consortia (Source)
- Newest database reports: top missing property by number of identifiers: spouse (P26)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- WikidataCon! \o/
- Continued the work on the first version of the Mismatch Finder. We are getting closer to the polishing phase now and will have something ready in the next weeks.
- Lua access for Lexemes is now ready to test on English Beta Wiktionary.
- Concluded work on the improved behind-the-scenes system for notifying Wikipedias and co about Wikidata edits that affect them. Nothing should have changed for you.
- Started working on a new implementation of the search box to be ready for the upcoming skin changes the WMF is working on.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 选举结果已经公告。1018位社群成员投票选出七位委员:Richard Knipel (Pharos)、Anne Clin (Risker)、Alice Wiegand (Lyzzy)、Michał Buczyński (Aegis Maelstrom)、Richard (Nosebagbear)、Ravan J Al-Taie (Ravan)与Ciell (Ciell)。
- 诸运动自治体选出六位委员:Anass Sedrati (Anass Sedrati)、Érica Azzellini (EricaAzzellini)、Jamie Li-Yun Lin (Li-Yun Lin)、Georges Fodouop (Geugeor)、Manavpreet Kaur (Manavpreet Kaur)与Pepe Flores (Padaguan)。
- 维基媒体基金会任命二位委员:Runa Bhattacharjee (Runab WMF)、Jorge Vargas (JVargas (WMF))。
大家好,我是最近开始为基金会工作的社群推动者(Community Facilitator),未来会在运动策略与治理的范畴内支援中文社群。由于对工作业务尚在熟悉中,如回复较慢或无法立即给您满意的答复还请海涵,也请您不吝指教。VChang (WMF)(留言) 2021年11月3日 (三) 08:06 (UTC)
- 欢迎VChang来到中文维基,并且恭喜Jamie与其他维基人一同成为我们的运动宪章起草委员。--章安德鲁(留言) 2021年11月4日 (四) 08:17 (UTC)
- 欢迎!—— Eric Liu 创造は生命(留言.留名.学生会) 2021年11月8日 (一) 11:23 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #493

- Events
- Upcoming
- Live about SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French, by Vigneron, November 9 at 18:00 CET
- LIVE Wikidata editing #61 - YouTube, Facebook, November 13 at 19:00 UTC
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #86, November 14 at 13.00 UTC
- Wikidata webinar at the Goethe Institute in Athens (Greek). Nov 8, 2021 17:00 UTC+1
- Next installment of the LD4 Wikibase Working Hour! Monday 15 November 2021, 3PM - 4PM Eastern (Time zone converter). Registration: Zoom registration link
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #15, COP26 (2/2)
- Past
- Documentation of the WikidataCon 2021 sessions are currently ongoing. It may take a few weeks to publish all 80 hours of content but you can already watch some of them (from each session's Etherpad)
- Wikidata SPARQL tutorial around the Saint-Brieuc museum (in French)
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Media
- Blogs
- Videos
- Basic tutorial on how to improve Wikidata items (in Italian) - YouTube
- Metadata of cultural institutes: import strategies on Wikidata in the case of the Tuscany Region (in Italian) - YouTube
- Wikidata for 5-star Linked Open Databases: a case study of PanglaoDB - YouTube
- Using Wikidata entities and properties in schema.org markup and linked data - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- are occupation labels gender neutral? a tool to explore gender neutrality of labels in different languages.
- RAWGraphs, a dataviz tool which allows SPARQL queries (source)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Museu da Pessoa History, Conway polyhedron notation
- External identifiers: Tennis Abstract player ID, Women in the Legislature ID, StopGame ID, Enciclopedia di Roma person ID, Biografija.ru ID, Derrieux agency person ID, Kola Encyclopedia ID, Penza Encyclopedia ID, Enciclopedia della Scienza e della Tecnica ID, Musées Nationaux Recuperation ID, Lithuanian Heritage Registry code, Nynorskordboka-ID, Bokmålsordboka-ID, Indonesian parliament candidate ID 2019, Trove work ID, Vokrug.tv show ID, Apple maps ID, Federation Council person ID, Meetup group id, Glitchwave genre ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: original catalog description, Kanobu ID, Yandex.Question person ID, 発车メロディ
- External identifiers: Listen Notes podcast ID, WhatsApp number, CNKI Journal ID, Baidu Scholar Journal ID, AllHomes research location ID, Domain suburb profile ID, Coles Online product ID, Woolworths product ID, Maritime Business Directory ID, Oslo Byleksikon ID, NVE Bre ID, Databáze-her.cz ID, FederalPress Encyclopedia ID, babesdirectory, DHAC ID, Naver TV ID, IJF competition ID, JudoInside competition ID, live.ijf competition ID, FAOLEX No, EJU competition ID, The-Sports.org competition ID, StarHit ID, Nasha Versia ID, LocalWiki ID, ESPN MMA fighter ID, Comparably company ID, Spanish Cultural Heritage thesauri ID, Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases Chemical ID
- Query examples:
- Number of virtual twins (pair with the same dates of birth and death) in Wikidata (source)
- People recently buried in a cemetery nearby without an image of the grave (P1442) on Wikidata (source)
- List of lexemes in French associated with occupation items (source)
- Towns with less than 1000 people that have a cathedral (Source)
- Musical works based on literary works (Source)
- Main surnames of people born in the Puy-de-Dôme, France (Source)
- Members of the Ukrainian national sports team (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Mismatch Finder: We finished adding “next steps” dialog and a “more info” dialog to tell users more about the import a mismatch was added in.
- We had discussions about how to best make the SearchBox WVUI component for the new Vector skin work well for Wikidata (phab:T275251)
- We have put a version of WBStack on wikibase.dev. We will start work to deploy to wikibase.cloud in the coming weeks.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Books & Bytes – Issue 47
Books & Bytes
Issue 47, September – October 2021
- On-wiki Wikipedia Library notification rolling out
- Search tool deployed
- New My Library design improvements
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2021年11月10日 (三) 16:59 (UTC) —以上未加入日期时间的留言是于2021年11月11日 (四) 00:14 (UTC)之前加入的。
This Month in GLAM: October 2021
Wikidata weekly summary #494

- Discussions
- New request for comments: Create massive changes in one property for spesific categories/properties?
- Events
- Upcoming
- Next Bug Triage Hour on API issues. Monday 15th November at 17:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin time, see other time zones) (Etherpad)
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Éder Porto will be discussing adding journal articles to Wikidata Wikipedia and Academic Libraries: A Global Project/Chapter 17. doc, Nov. 16th.
- Open Source Publishing Tools in Wikidata, 16 November 2021. Part of the Open Publishing Fest.
- LIVE Wikidata editing #62 - YouTube, Facebook, November 20 at 19:00 UTC
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #87, November 21 at 13.00 UTC
- Ongoing:
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #16, Books
- Past
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Wikidata and open infrastructure: a request for participation
- Own metadata for own blog posts - science communication and bibliographies with open data and Wikidata
- How we're tracking elections in symbiosis with Wikidata
- Recent updates and improvements to Wikidata Query Service
- Videos
- Podcasts
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Plantilla:Infotaula persona, infobox for people on Catalan Wikipedia with extensive use of Wikidata, used 175000 times, with Bridge editing. Sample use at ca:Frits Zernike.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- [Feedback Requested] Introducing a dedicated section on Wikidata Item pages for classifying properties
- New strategies for Wikidata and the Wikibase Ecosystem published and waiting for your feedback. Add your comments!
- What kind of articles have you created? an Observable notebook which use Wikidata API to get the value of P31 for the list of articles created by a user.
- OpenRefine is hiring a part-time Project director (paid position).
- Hewell public beta app: is a virtual tour guide that automatically finds interesting things around you whether you're in a new city or your hometown.
- Full Fact is using the MediaWiki Action API in their workflow to help add some Wikidata identifiers to their mark-up.
- Magnus replaced some live SPARQL queries in Mix’n’match with a database cache. Main page now loads faster.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Nederlandse Voornamenbank ID, Standing Waters Database ID, Vokrug.tv person ID, Atlas Project of Roman Aqueducts ID, IRIS UNIURB author ID, IRIS Verona author ID, IRIS UNISA author ID, IRIS UNIMI author ID, IRIS UNIBO author ID, Philosophica ID, Castforward ID, Baidu Scholar journal ID, Academy of Russian Television person ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Tabakalera ID, mathematical symbol, included as part, specific impulse by weight, Newgrounds username
- External identifiers: 7 Days person ID, DBLP event ID, Osmose Agency person ID, Author ID from the Modern Discussion website, IRIS Umbria IDs, biografiA ID, Global Geoparks Network ID (new), identifiant Numelyo
- Query examples:
- List of properties which have instances or subclass of humans as possible value with male and female form in French (source)
- Different people with same label / birthday / occupation in a specified year
- Narrative locations of the book Itinerary from Paris to Mont-d'Or (Source)
- Maps of tombs of unknown soldiers (Source)
- Most common first names (> 5) among people with a Wikidata item and born in Auvergne (Source)
- Student-Teacher relationship based on entries in 'Das Geistige Berlin' (1897) (Source)
- Relative frequency of reasons MPs' terms end, since 1870 (Source)
- Newest database reports: recently ended TV series
- Newest properties:
- Development
- The language codes
(Aghem, T288335) andmcn
(Massa, T293884) are now supported. - Mismatch Finder: Added various dialogs and help texts to make it easier to understand what reviewers need to do and what information they are seeing in the tool
- Mismatch Finder: started polishing and bug fixing for release of the first version
- Making the order of Lexeme's grammatical features consistent (phab:T232557)
- Investigating how to share complex SPARQL queries in Wikidata Query Service via short URL (phab:T295560)
- The language codes
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in Education: November 2021
Wikidata weekly summary #495

- Discussions
- Events
- Upcoming
- The next Wikibase live session is 16:00 GMT on Thursday 25th November 2021 (18:00 Berlin time). All are welcome!
- Editing Scottish government agencies at CTC24 – Open In Practice, November 27-28
- LIVE Wikidata editing #63 - YouTube, Facebook, November 27 at 19:00 UTC
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #88, November 28 at 13.00 UTC
- ISKO UK Hands-on Meetup - Introduction to Wikibase (November 23rd 2021 13:00 Berlin time) (register on meetup)
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #17, Bread
- Past
- Bug Triage Hour on API issues (log)
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Videos
- How to use the Wikidata query service without having experience with the SPARQL language (Wikidata Query Builder) (in Spanish) - YouTube
- Bringing Linked Data into Libraries via Wikidata - YouTube
- Presenting the project for integrating data from the Ricordi Archive into Wikimedia projects (in Italian) - YouTube
- Wikidata for 5-star Linked Open Bio-Ontologies - YouTube
- ENDORSE Follow up event: Wikibase and the EU Knowledge Graph as a use case - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- WikiCite Search is a bibliographic search engine for Wikidata that finds articles either by searching for keywords, or by string matching.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Deutschland is looking for a Full-Stack Developer and Partner Relationships Manager to join the Wikidata/Wikibase team.
- Are you doing research around Wikidata? There is a new fund to support research work around the Wikimedia projects that you can apply to.
- This post about the question of the week is showing how questions can be answered over Wikidata. Also it gives some insights on how Google and Siri are using Wikidata.
- A new openly accessible book on knowledge graphs has been published by prominent researchers in the field.
- The latest version of WordNet released now links to Wikidata for many entries
- [Feedback Requested] Introducing a dedicated section on Wikidata Item pages for classifying properties
- New strategies for Wikidata and the Wikibase Ecosystem published and waiting for your feedback. Add your comments!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: train melody
- External identifiers: SEKO ID, NWT Species ID, IJF competition ID, JudoInside competition ID, SEEK company ID, Tabakalera ID, IRIS UNIPG author ID, EXQUIRITE author ID, State Duma person ID, ESPN MMA fighter ID, Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases chemical ID, CREPČ institution ID, CREPČ person ID, Spanish Cultural Heritage thesauri ID, Maritime Business Directory ID, FAOLEX No, EJU competition ID, Australian Charities and Not‑for‑profits Register Charity ID, CJFD journal ID, Offshore leaks database ID, Osmose Agency person ID, biografiA ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Rehearses at, image with color chart, Wallet Address, dpi, project of, outcome, introduced by, IMA Symbol, Ghana Place Names URL, CSS code, Deity, number of teachers
- External identifiers: Newgrounds username, identifiant Numelyo, Genie artist ID, Genie album ID, Genie song ID, Genie media ID, Naver VIBE track ID, Naver VIBE video ID, Bugs! track ID, Bugs! music video ID, Melon music video ID, Rutube channel ID, Saint Petersburg Encyclopedia ID, Nintendo64EVER ID, N64-Database ID, MedlinePlus drug identifier, Web Encyclopedia of Kyiv ID, Database of Czech librarians ID, Coub channel ID, Catalog of arthistoricum.net ID, identifiant OùVoir.Ça, kino-teatr.ru film ID 2, CH district ID, Volgograd Oblast address register, identifiant Initiale, AbeBooks ID, Sceneweb organization ID, SensCritique work ID, Library of Congress providers ID, Irkipedia ID, Delovaya Stolitsa ID, Baseball Prospectus ID, NT Place Names Register ID, Place Names of New Brunswick ID, IRIS polytechnic universities IDs
- Query examples:
- Numbers from 0 to 20 sorted alphabetically thanks to lexicographical data (source)
- Given names of French fictional characters, as chosen by French / non-French authors (Source)
- Map of members of the International Society of Biocuration (historical and current; affiliation and education institutions) (Source)
- UK MPs and their reason for *finally* leaving office (Source)
- Number of new UK MPs at each general election since 1870 (new = never served before) (Source)
- Crewe Alexandra players from Crewe (Source)
- Chronological timeline of people buried in Cimetière des Carmes (Source)
- Stops in the travel routes of Wilhelm Müller on his way from Leipzig to Bad Schandau in 1820/21 (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Working on displaying the grammatical features of Lexemes in a particular order in the UI (phab:T232557)
- Mismatch Finder: continuing polishing before first release. Focusing on making API documentation available and adding a footer to the site
- The ongoing work on MediaWiki skin improvements especially for Wikipedia will break the search box for Wikidata. We're working on addressing this. (phab:T275251)
- Migrating a number of components to vue 3 to keep up with the rest of MediaWiki (phab:T294465)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
仿刻英文版Wikipedia:Article alerts的条目状态通告机器人Alertlivebot今天开始正式上线运行,与英文版每日更新的方式不同,Alertlivebot为实时更新。使用方法见User:Alertlivebot的用户页,欢迎各专题使用,有任何意见建议也欢迎提出 --百無一用是書生 (☎) 2021年11月24日 (三) 06:45 (UTC)
“ |
The "climate change" entry on Chinese Wikipedia lists solar activity as one of the possible explanations for rising temperatures around the world today. Other widely disproven theories listed include unfounded claims about the emergence of a totalitarian world government and tie calls for climate action to secretive financial interests. |
” |
“ |
维基百科中文网页上,有一些未经验证的说法被列为气候变化背后的潜在原因,且没有说明,容易令人真假莫辨,产生误解。 比如,中文维基百科的“气候变化”条目将太阳活动列为当今全球气温升高的可能解释之一。 席尔瓦解释说,这部分内容的问题在于,把一些莫名其妙、云山雾罩的假设和实实在在的科学解释并列,不加区别也没有注释,客观结果是给伪科学、不实信息涂上合法性色彩。 |
” |
中文维基百科上的相关条目有全球变暖和气候变迁。我认为报道中的描述不实,作者但凡仔细看过全球变暖§太阳变化理论,应能知晓其并不支持太阳活动对全球变暖的显著影响。作者身为“气候变化虚假信息专家”,为何选择中文维基百科作为泼脏水对象,是比较有趣的一点。--Lt2818(留言) 2021年11月24日 (三) 06:03 (UTC)
- 基本上现在西方的所谓“中国专家”有多专,反而是最大的一个疑问。——Sakamotosan路过围观杯弓蛇影 | 避免做作,免敬 2021年11月24日 (三) 08:44 (UTC)
要我说的话这就是翻译完全不负查证责任,且维护人员专业素养太差,而且年久失修的综合结果。只能说啊,被BBC抓包是活该了。 --Milky·Defer 2021年11月24日 (三) 11:45 (UTC)
- 两个来源都是英维来的,经由这笔编辑移除;这篇文章与第二个来源有关,解释了其与全球变暖的联系。刚刚将报道中明显的失实处标记了颜色。--Lt2818(留言) 2021年11月24日 (三) 14:29 (UTC)
- 我有必要提醒你,你已经在误读来源了。我先不提你选择科学新闻传媒,而不是同行评审期刊作为论据的这个行为(实际上据我所知中维这个偏好科学消息二贩子,而非论文原文的这个习惯就是很多人说“去看英维,不要看垃圾中维”的理据之一),就算是这个通俗来源,你也没读懂。
- 你的这篇文章只有倒数第二和第三段出现了warm的字眼,其他篇幅的内容都是太阳活动导致海面上方的云损失大概7%这件事。那我看这两段。
- “A loss of clouds of 4 or 5 per cent may not sound very much, but it briefly increases the sunlight reaching the oceans by about 2 watt per square metre, and that's equivalent to all the global warming during the 20th Century.”这句话的大意是说,别看这百分之四或者百分之五的云损失不大,它会导致阳光照射在海平面上的功率每平米短暂增加两瓦特,这个数值跟整个20世纪的全球变暖相当。这句话将云层减少导致阳光照射增加与全球变暖进行了数值上的类比,从逻辑上它完全没有将二者进行任何因果关联。我完全可以将这个数值跟别的类似数据进行类比,比如北方集中供暖。
- “……and the loss of low cloud cover persists for long enough to warm the world. That explains, according to the DTU team, the alternations of warming and cooling seen in the lower atmosphere and in the oceans during solar cycles.”这句话所说的warm the world就是全球变暖吗?不见得。它后面紧跟着的That explains表明了他真正要解释的内容:太阳周期内近海平面以及海中的周期性变暖和变冷。这也不是全球变暖。整篇来源都是跟全球变暖貌合神离似是而非的东西,但是我们却缺乏判断这种东西的能力。--Milky·Defer 2021年11月24日 (三) 18:12 (UTC)
- 另外,我认为这篇报道挺客观的,没觉得有什么问题。这也是一种捉虫(fix bug)的方式啊--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2021年11月25日 (四) 02:26 (UTC)
- 这句话我已经删掉了--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2021年11月25日 (四) 02:24 (UTC)
运动策略与治理团队 VChang (WMF)(留言) 2021年11月27日 (六) 03:56 (UTC)
- 《命名常规(音乐)》 :将消歧义用词“纯音乐”改为“器乐”。(讨论纪录)
- 《可靠来源布告板评级指引》:将大众媒体排除出第五级(非常可靠)评级范围,并将已经结束出版的来源排除出“陈旧讨论”定义范围(讨论纪录);将“一致认为”改为“达成共识认为”(讨论纪录);之后取消所有以数字表示等级的描述,改用中文直接表示。(讨论纪录)
- 《格式手册(两岸四地用语)》暨《命名常规(国际关系)》:对于派驻海峡两岸之外交代表机构及其工作人员,在不产生歧义的前提下,可使用“驻中国”、“驻华”为简称;此外,并将后者之〈外交代表机构命名〉一节提升为方针。(讨论纪录)
- 《快速删除方针》:精简R2准则措辞,并删除保留误建用户页重定向页面之规定(讨论纪录);相关模组一并修订。
- 《格式手册(文字格式)》暨《页面分类指引》:调整前者〈用词要求〉一节中允许分类名称夹杂外文与中文之情况,另相应微调后者〈外文粗体〉一节语句。(讨论纪录)
- 方针:《命名常规》、《维基百科不是什么》、《界面管理员方针》、《监督方针》、《管理员的离任方针》、《编辑禁制方针》、《IP封禁例外方针》、《儿童保护方针》、《保护方针》、《可供查证方针》、《避免地域中心方针》、《修订版本删除方针》、《基金会行动方针》、《有偿编辑方针》、《快速删除方针》、《删除方针》及《编辑战方针》。
- 指引:《翻译指引》、《申请成为管理人员指引》、《繁简处理指引》、《可靠来源指引》、《权限申请指引》、《不要伤害新手指引》、《可靠来源布告板评级指引》、《用户页指引》、《大量讯息发送者指引》、《消歧义指引》、《游戏维基规则》、《小小作品指引》、《分类名称指引》、《礼仪指引》、《通用行为准则》、《利益冲突指引》、《争议解决指引》及《格式手册(两岸四地用语)》。
- 管理员布告板“3RR”已经更名为“编辑争议”。(讨论纪录)
- “namespace”之简体中文翻译由“名字空间”变更为“命名空间”,《什么是条目指引》、《保护方针》、《傀儡方针》、《共识方针》、《删除方针》、《命名常规》、《命名常规(技术限制)》、《快速删除方针》、《捷径指引》、《方针与指引》、《格式手册(列表)》、《格式手册(标点符号)》、《生者传记方针》、《用户页指引》、《签名指引》、《管理员方针》、《管理员的离任方针》、《维基百科不是什么》、《编辑方针》、《翻译指引》、《草稿命名空间指引》、《草稿命名空间指引》、《跨维基汇入者指引》、《重定向指引》、《非自由内容使用准则》、《非自由版权图片大小指引》及《页面分类指引》等页面相应调整用词。(讨论纪录)
- 过去一个月内,共有1名维基人获提名维基奖励并通过:Nucleus hydro elemon获授科学特别贡献。
The Signpost: 29 November 2021

- In the media: Denial: climate change, mass killings and pornography
- WikiCup report: The WikiCup 2021
- Deletion report: What we lost, what we gained
- From a Wikipedia reader: What's Matt Amodio?
- Arbitration report: ArbCom in 2021
- Discussion report: On the brink of change – RFA reforms appear imminent
- Technology report: What does it take to upload a file?
- WikiProject report: Interview with contributors to WikiProject Actors and Filmmakers
- Serendipity: "Did You Know ..." featured a photo of the wrong female WWII pilot
- News from Diff: Content translation tool helps create one million Wikipedia articles
- Traffic report: Reporting ticket sales on the edge of the Wiki, if Eternals should fail
- Recent research: Vandalizing Wikipedia as rational behavior
- Humour: A very new very Wiki crossword
Wikidata weekly summary #496

- Discussions
- Events
- Upcoming
- Working with Siegfried, Wikidata, and Wikibase. December 2, 2021 4:00 pm CET
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Jan Ainali on WikiProject Govdirectory, a tool and associated Wikiproject for building a user-friendly directory of government agencies and their online presence. Agenda with call link, November 30.
- Next LD4 Wikibase Working Hour. Thurs. 16 December 2021, 11AM-12PM Eastern, (time zone converter). "We will continue work developing our WBStack sandbox which seeks to explore how Wikibase could help track the usage of alternate labels for terms in vocabularies like LCSH"
- LIVE Wikidata editing #64 - YouTube, Facebook, December 4 at 19:00 UTC
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #89, December 5 at 13.00 UTC
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #18, Horse
- Past
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Videos
- Video tutorial for Wikidata Scraping, data processing and import (Open Refine) (in Czech) - YouTube
- (Wikidata intro) how it acts as one of the levers for the discoverability of cultural content in dance (in French) - YouTube
- Archive and register of sound art / sound artists with Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikimedia (in Spanish) - YouTube
- Reconciliation server demonstration against Wikidata - YouTube
- Wikidata: A Magic Portal for Siegfried and Roy - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- New gadget available in the preferences: "compact items" makes the interface on item pages more compact (it was previously a gadget for common.css)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Deutschland is looking for a Full-Stack Developer to join the Wikidata team.
- Are you doing research around Wikidata? There is a new fund to support research work around the Wikimedia projects that you can apply to.
- New strategies for Wikidata and the Wikibase Ecosystem published and waiting for your feedback. Add your comments!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: death rate, image with color chart
- External identifiers: Australian Prints + Printmaking artist ID, Australian Prints + Printmaking work ID, Dissernet institution ID, DHAC ID, Bildatlas-Künstler-ID, AHPRA registration number, FRACS Find a Surgeon profile ID, Databáze her ID, 7 Days person ID, Oùvoir.ça film ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Corruption Perceptions Index, surrounds the enclave, Harvard Art Museums ID, GISAID identifier, Nextstrain identifier, homophone lexeme, Numista
- External identifiers: identifiant base Enluminures, The World of Shakespeare ID, oKino.ua film ID, kinobaza.com.ua film ID, kinobaza.com.ua actor ID, oKino.ua actor ID, Natural History Museum (London) person ID, svpressa.ru ID, Russian Academy of Sciences person ID, The Parliamentary Newspaper ID, Lib.ru author ID, politika-crimea.ru person ID, Institute of the History of Ukraine scientist ID, centrasia.org person ID, Music of Armenia ID, Encyclopedia of Transbaikalia ID
- Query examples:
- Number of items without any statements (last week: more than 1,300,000)
- Number of items without any statements by sitelinks (sample: 1757 items link to nlwiki, but have no statements).
- Taxa named after women (by place of birth) (Source)
- List of articles on Blaise Pascal in all Wikipedias, sorted by decreasing article size (Source)
- Texts on French Wikisource by people born in Puy-de-Dôme (Source)
- List of countries by the highest elevation point (Source)
- Number of distinct (UK parliament) seats returning someone who chose to sit elsewhere each year, 1830-1910 (Source)
- List of services that support the OpenRefine Reconciliation service (Source)
- Things depicted in art works in the Khalili Collections (Source)
- Images of Wikidata's items linked to UBERON ids (Source)
- Population density of administrative subdivisions exceeding 100,000 km² and 100 inhabitants / km² (Source)
- List of government agencies in Scotland (Source)
- Which day of the week people died on in the Mauthausen concentration camp (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Mismatch Finder: Continued working on last remaining tickets for the first version. Added a footer to the site, improved documentation and added ability to delete a batch of mismatches.
- Made good progress on migrating our on-wiki Vue apps to support the new Vue.createMwApp compatibility layer in MediaWiki core (phab:T294465)
- Continued work on making it possible to define a custom ordering of grammatical features on Lexemes (phab:T232557)
- More research and discussion on mul language code (phab:T285156)
- Discussing with data re-users about their views on the ontology issue classification we worked on earlier this year to get their input (slides from Data Quality Days session)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!