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The Signpost: 1 December 2018

- From the editor: Time for a truce
- Special report: The Christmas wishlist
- Discussion report: Farewell, Mediation Committee
- Arbitration report: A long break ends
- Traffic report: Queen reigns for four weeks straight
- Gallery: Intersections
- From the archives: Ars longa,vita brevis
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-49
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! ![]() The Hiroshima Maidens are a group of 25 Japanese women who were school age girls when they were seriously disfigured as a result of the thermal flash of the fission bomb dropped on Hiroshima on the morning of August 6, 1945. They subsequently went on a highly publicized journey to get reconstructive surgery in the US in 1955. Keloid scars from their burns marred their faces and many of their hand burns healed into bent claw-like positions. These women, as well as the other citizens affected by the A-bomb, were referred to as hibakusha, meaning "explosion-affected people". (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
Wikidata weekly summary #341

- Discussions
- New request for comments: How to handle heat treating as a qualifier for material properties ?
- New development input: Identify problems with adding new languages into Wikidata
- Events
- Upcoming: "Researcher meets Curator", with a subquestion: "What are the consequences of collecting born digital sources, working with digital network analysis and engaging with linked open data initiatives such as Wikidata", in Maastricht on 22 March 2019. Call for papers
- Upcoming: Advanced Wikidata Training in India, December 15-16
- Past: "Wikibase: configure, customize, and collaborate" workshop at SWIB 18 in Bonn, Germany on November 26, 2018. Workshop materials
- Past: EveryPolitician event to identify political data sources for Wikidata in Madrid, Spain, on December 1, 2018.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Author Disambiguator (github source), new tool by d:User:ArthurPSmith (based on SourceMD) for linking author items to their works.
- OpenRefine 3.1 was released
- New API module to format multiple entity IDs
- You can now access the number of Forms and Senses of Lexemes through API and special page
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: reference has role, tautomer of, eponymous category, language style, ratified by, funding scheme
- External identifiers: GameFAQs company ID, AJOL journal ID, LEGO set ID, BDFA player ID, Sabinet journal ID, NSW State Archives and Records Authority Agency ID, Bygdeband location ID, Austrian Biographical Encylopedia ID, Badtaste ID, Badgames ID, Mexican female soccer players ID, member of the Portuguese parliament ID, BBC News topic ID, OBV editions ID, Geolex ID, CNPJ, Defined Term ID, Guida al Fumetto Italiano ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: gained independence from, nachgewiesen mittels, measured by (KPI), OpenTrials ID, administrated by the administrative territorial entity, level of description, stored as lexeme, taxon author citation, Astronomical coordinates, catchphrase, real estate developer, Danske Taler speaker
- External identifiers: TrENSmissions person ID, LIGA profile, SEINet ID, BIBSYS work ID, Jewish Museum Berlin person ID, UK Parliament Identifier, HAER ID, Vesti.kz person ID, Genius album ID, Genius song ID, TASS reference, DIR3 ID, NooSFere story ID, L'Encyclopédie philosophique ID, RegiowikiAT ID, Discord Store game SKU, kohanimeregister, ARLLFB member ID, ARB person ID, Biographie nationale de Belgique ID, protected area authority ID, Flora of Wisconsin ID, identifiant Monument aux morts
- Query examples:
- Timeline of early Western movies (source)
- Species represented in the exhibition "Espèces en voies d'illumination" in the natural history museum of Paris (source)
- Properties most used to describe cats in Wikidata (source)
- List of UK embassies (source)
- Map of places of residence for accused witches in Scotland with a layer for occupations (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Add Lexeme to Wikibase's ontology.owl (phab:T195368)
- Prepare to drop change_tag.ct_tag column (phab:T194163)
- Create Federated Wikibase instance on Beta Commons (phab:T204748)
- More work on preparing a new termbox for the mobile version of Wikidata
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
New Wikimedia password policy and requirements
CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 2018年12月6日 (四) 20:03 (UTC)
Growth team updates #4
Welcome to the fourth newsletter for the new Growth team!
The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
We need your feedback!
We have two requests for community members:
- Now that data is coming in for the welcome survey, we are planning how to use that data to personalize the newcomer's first day. See our current thoughts here, and join the conversation here.
- Try out the help panel's interactive prototype, and read about how we're planning to roll it out, and post any thoughts or reactions here.
Two Growth team projects have been deployed (detailed updates here)
- Personalized first day (welcome survey) was deployed on November 20 on both Czech and Korean Wikipedias.
- The survey is now being shown to half of new users (A/B test). Responses are being recorded in the database. We'll report on initial results during December.
- We are planning to test a second version of the survey, called "Variation C", which we think will maximize the number of users who complete the survey and stay on the wiki.
- The original objective of this project was to give newcomers the materials they need to achieve their goals, and so now we are currently planning how we will use the information collected in the welcome survey to personalize the newcomer's experience. We hope community members will read our current thinking and join the conversation here. Some of the plans we are considering include:
- Making it easy for newcomers to see editing activity around the topic areas in which they indicated that they're interested.
- Connecting interested newcomers to experienced editors.
- Surfacing the help content most relevant to the reason for which the newcomers created their accounts.
- Understanding first day (EditorJourney) was deployed on November 15 on both Czech and Korean Wikipedias. It has been done after a longer security review and final testing than expected. Data is now being recorded for all new users on those wikis, and we've been auditing the data and preparing to make initial reports during December. Stay tuned for the next newsletter!
Help panel is under construction
- Focus on help desk (help panel) is planned to be deployed during the week of January 7 on both Czech and Korean Wikipedias.
- This interactive prototype is the best way to see the design and wording in the feature.
- We ran live user tests on the prototype, with results posted here.
- In addition to giving the ability to ask a question, the help panel will also contain a set of links to existing help content. Our ambassadors on Czech and Korean Wikipedias are determining the right initial set of most helpful links in this task.
- We encourage community members to try out the prototype and read about the rules for who will get the feature, and add any thoughts to this discussion.
We are still looking for volunteers
Do you want to participate to our experiments? We are looking for new communities to work with us (especially a new mid-size wiki), and people to become ambassadors to help us to communicate with the different communities. Discover how you can involve yourself or your community.
Also, please share this update with your community and interested people!
Learn more about us
You can visit our team page to find out why our team was formed and how we are thinking about new editors, and our project updates page for detailed updates on the projects we work on.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot, 2018年12月7日 (五) 09:31 (UTC) • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Structured Data on Commons Newsletter - Fall 2018 edition
Welcome to the newsletter for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons! You can update your subscription to the newsletter. Do inform others who you think will want to be involved in the project!
- Community updates
- Multilingual Captions, the first feature release for Structured Data, is coming in January of 2019
- Be on the lookout for the beta testing announcement
- Help using captions has been set up, if you'd like to go ahead and see the workflow
- Two IRC office hours were held since the last newsletter
- Our dedicated IRC channel: wikimedia-commons-sd webchat
- Help determine and propose properties on Wikidata for Commons
- Review designs for structured licensing and copyright
- Join the community focus group!
Since the last newsletter:
- Review a prototype for searching structured Commons (October 2018)
- "Good coverage" for depicts tagging (Sept. 2018)
- Review and discuss mockups for displaying the new metadata section of the file page (18 September - 9 October 2018)
- Depicts statements draft requirements (14 August - 31 August 2018)
- Identify Wikidata properties that Commons will need (26 June - 14 August 2018)
- Presentation by Keegan on the first features to be released for Structured Data, presented at Wikiconference North America, Columbus, Ohio, October 2018.
- Sandra presented a project update at the GLAM-Wiki conference in Tel Aviv, Israel, November 2018, as part of an update and panel discussion.
- Structured Data on Commons was the subject of a keynote presentation by Sandra (see slides) at the Baltic Audiovisual Archives Council conference in Tallinn, Estonia, November 2018.
- Partners and allies
- The info portal on Structured Commons now includes a section on GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums).
- We are currently planning the first GLAM pilot projects that will use structured data on Wikimedia Commons. One project has already started: the Swedish Heritage Board researches and develops a prototype tool to provide improved metadata (translations, data additions...) from Wikimedia Commons back to the source institution. Read the project brief.
- The documentation for batch uploads of files to Wikimedia Commons will be improved in 2019, as part of preparing for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons. To prepare, the GLAM team at the Wikimedia Foundation wants to understand better which types of documentation you already use, and how you like to learn new GLAM-Wiki skills and knowledge. Fill in a short survey to provide input!
- Stay up to date!
- Follow the Structured Data on Commons project on Phabricator: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/34/
- Subscribe to this newsletter to receive it on a talk page of your own choice.
-- Keegan (WMF) (talk)
Message sent by MediaWiki message delivery - 2018年12月7日 (五) 17:58 (UTC)
最近两个月乌克兰语维基百科刷条目愈来愈厉害。现在每天已增长3000至4000条条目。如此下去,中文维基两个月还创建不到1万条条目,乌克兰语已有4万条。若果情况不变,乌克兰语条目数量应可在7至9个月间超越中文维基百科。各位有何打算?--Шәτіт🐷⏣ 2018年11月13日 (二) 10:20 (UTC)
- 每天3000是跑机器人吧。人力根本难以抗衡,没有什么可以阻止的,除非中维也一起跑机器人。—AT 2018年11月13日 (二) 20:24 (UTC)
- 人手模版创建。--Шәτіт🐷⏣ 2018年11月13日 (二) 23:25 (UTC)
- 其实这种条目排名似乎也没什么好计较的,就算真的超越也只是让zh版维基百科掉到15,跟14名而言没有多大差别,就像现有的排名也根本不知哪里有进前10。如果一天拿机器人刷个一万以上条目或许可以冲到第1[开玩笑的]--Z7504非常建议必要时多关注评选(留言) 2018年11月13日 (二) 23:47 (UTC)
- 我在开机器人,但是阻力干扰会比较多,也比较慢。另外乌克兰的机器人开得比较好,他们直接从WIKIDATA提取数据,往往注释准确、图文并茂,从技术方面我自问不足。Walter Grassroot(留言) 2018年11月14日 (三) 01:24 (UTC)
- 感叹,上个月去计算机历史博物馆,看到维基百科的展览,我还要跟朋友解释为何中文维基百科不在前十名,没有听过的语言却榜上有名。不过我自己觉得中文维基质量还是不错的,即使撇开刷条目的那几个语言不谈,也比很多前十名的版本要好。--Wikimycota~receptor 🍄 2018年11月14日 (三) 19:53 (UTC)
- 按照正常速度的话,基本每天200~400左右,只有开机器人或者任何批量创建的话,的确不止这个数,但是可以参见Wikipedia:机器人建立条目小组,为什么当时立下的目标许多都不了了之,就是无法解决一些根本性问题,所以为什么之后基本没有大规模的机器人冲刺的动作。请解决一些基础性问题,例如关注度、条目质量、命名问题等。——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2018年11月15日 (四) 00:47 (UTC)
- 命名已有指引,问题理应不大,然而质量嘛⋯⋯模板创建也差不多。 --Шәτіт🐷⏣ 2018年11月16日 (五) 11:41 (UTC)
- 其实可以考虑在方剂列表中批量创建不同中药药方。药方属中医药范畴,作为中文维维基百科也应该协助说明。 --Шәτіт🐷⏣ 2018年11月17日 (六) 00:58 (UTC)
- (!)意见中文维维基百科? -- Sunny00217 --维基餐厅开幕了,欢迎参观。 2018年11月28日 (三) 11:39 (UTC)
- 引进先进的Lsjbot!!![开玩笑的]--仍然相信友谊就是魔法的CuSO4 2018年11月17日 (六) 09:32 (UTC)
- en:User_talk:Lsj-- Sunny00217 --维基餐厅开幕了,欢迎参观。 2018年11月28日 (三) 11:39 (UTC)
- 不过在下有一个问题,就是乌克兰语有在用机器人写条目吗?是的话我们也没有法子,毕竟我和条目神们都尽力刷条目了。除非我们这群条目神懂用机器人写条目(和懂写程式),不然中文维基百科就像PewDiePie一样等被超越吧。--维基病夫(给我留言·学生会·维基餐厅·亚利桑那州) 2018年11月17日 (六) 09:42 (UTC)
- 有用机器人,叫Rarbot。--Шәτіт🐷⏣ 2018年11月17日 (六) 13:17 (UTC)
- 在下是保留派,但(&)建议重质不重量,数字如浮云。 ——CommInt'l(留言) 2018年11月17日 (六) 15:55 (UTC)
- 有一些条目不存在一手来源也没有二手来源或数量极少,而是公司所公布的相关数据(如小城子街站),亦不能作为来源,如果采用图片形式进行佐证则可能考虑违反合理使用,这样有一些轨道交通条目撰写缓解消红链的欲望会比较困难...--☭CHNAQW最爱我家小丫头(留言) 2018年11月18日 (日) 15:09 (UTC)
- 除非关注度有问题,否则照样创建吧⋯--Шәτіт🐷⏣ 2018年11月19日 (一) 15:25 (UTC)
- 路过随便说两句,我个人对一感到条目总量就要被其它人超越,马上就会有人突击刷出一堆内容极为简单的小条目的现象表示极为反感。诸如Template:山东省第四批文物保护单位,这些条目实质上除了地点和年代并无其它有用的信息,一些用户总是站在编者的角度看条目,却完全没有站在读者的角度,更不用说后续出现的重复、消歧义、条目名称不当甚至完全错误的问题(例如根本就是子虚乌有的敕海庙)。--猫猫的日记本(留言) 2018年12月8日 (六) 15:34 (UTC)
- 不如找个懂乌克兰语的维基人去偷师学习吧。[开玩笑的]--维基病夫 —— 距离第二届年度总会尚有16天 2018年12月9日 (日) 04:07 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-50
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! ![]() Dazzle camouflage was a family of ship camouflage used extensively in World War I, and to a lesser extent in World War II and afterwards. Credited to the British marine artist Norman Wilkinson, though with a rejected prior claim by the zoologist John Graham Kerr, it consisted of complex patterns of geometric shapes in contrasting colours, interrupting and intersecting each other. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
Wikidata weekly summary #342

- Discussions
- New request for comments: Scholarly articles that are book reviews
- Events
- Past: SWAT4HCLS in Antwerp Belgium December 3:
- Wikibase tutorial
- "Wikidata as an intuitive resource towards semantic data modeling in data FAIRification" short paper
- "WikiCite, Wikidata, and Scholia: Linking Publications to Topics" (demo /food/ aspect)
- Past: Workshop "Wikidata - what is that and why it's relevant in the field of geospatial information technologies?"? at Latvia's Geospatial Information Technology (GIT) conference (slides)
- Past: Introduction to Wikidata for Wikipedians in Stokholm, Sweden, December 4th
- Upcoming: Introduction to Wikidata for Wikipedians in Göteborg, Sweden, December 10th
- Past: SWAT4HCLS in Antwerp Belgium December 3:
- Press, articles, blog posts
- "Detailed depictions with IIIF, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons" by Martin Poulter, Bodleian Digital Library blog
- Report of the GNDCon in the Kurier (in German)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- iD, the default OSM editor at openstreetmap.org has recently had an update which pulls data from Wikidata.
- WikidataCon 2019, the conference for open data enthusiasts, will take place on 25-26 October 2019 in Berlin
- Miniature map will be displayed for coordinate properties
- New passwords requirements will apply on all wikis to new accounts and privileged accounts starting on December 13th
- New grant request by MySociety: Wikidata post-election updating toolkit
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: award rationale, heat treating, copyright status, level of description
- External identifiers: SEINet ID, LIGA profile, BIBSYS work ID, UK Parliament identifier, Jewish Museum Berlin person ID, Vesti.kz person ID, Genius album ID, Genius song ID, TASS reference, OpenTrials ID, NooSFere story ID, DIR3 ID, L'Encyclopédie philosophique ID, TrENSmissions person ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: creator, WordLift ID, Specific age inside fictional universe, type of rear suspensions, type of front suspensions, ride height, approach angle, departure angle, Drag coefficient, related category, SinemaTürk person ID, SinemaTürk film ID, Nombre annuel de passagers
- External identifiers: BDEL ID, ZVR, NARA record group number, MMLO, IEC database ID commemorative monument of Catalonia, Meteorological Service of Canada climate ID, PomBase systematic ID, Volksbund ID, iTunes music movie ID, Paris Musées ID, Beachsoccer.ru player ID, BSRussia player ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- We are now showing the language name instead of the language code of a Gloss (phabricator:T203457, phabricator:T209931)
- We added a Page property for easier programmatic access to the number of Senses and Forms of a Lexeme (phabricator:T199611)
- The code samples in the query service have been improved (phabricator:T207749, thanks abian!)
- We're working on tracking how often the different Lua functions that Wikibase provides are used in the Wikimedia project to see how that changes over time (phabricator:T191416)
- We worked on and fixed a security incident related to blocking (phabricator:T210953)
- We are continuing to bring the termbox (showing labels, descriptions, aliases) to mobile viewers
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in GLAM: November 2018
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-51
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! ![]() Guangfu is a town in Yongnian District, Handan, Hebei, China. It comprises the Guangfu Ancient City, a AAAAA-rated tourist attraction that preserves the appearance of a Ming-era Chinese town through its architecture, large city walls, and expansive moat. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
Wikidata weekly summary #343

- Discussions
- New request for comments: Split identifier into KEGG Drug Identifier, KEGG Compound Identifier, etc?
- Closed request for comments: Clarifying rights and responsibilities of Property Creators
- Events
- Past: 26 November 2018: Adding your own stuff to Wikidata. Workshop at SWIB18, Bonn, Germany
- Past: 04 December 2018: Chancen und Risiken einer komplementären Nutzung von GND und Wikidata. Präsentation auf der GNDCon in Frankfurt Main, Germany
- Past: 11–12 December 2018 in Namburu, India: Wiki Advanced Training 2018 (with special focus on Wikidata) by Asaf Bartov
- Upcoming: 35th Chaos Communication Congress, December 27-30, Leipzig. There will be Wikidata staff and volunteers and Wikidata-related sessions
- Press, articles, blog posts
- 6 "inside-out" activities librarians are doing — numbers 4 and 5 involve Wikidata
- From the "Annalen der Pharmacie" to the "European Journal of Organic Chemistry" about using Wikidata for capturing (some of) the history of chemistry
- Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons, by Sandra Fauconnier, in EuropeanaTech 10 Insight Issue 10: Innovation Agenda
- Many faces of Wikibase: Lingua Libre makes languages audible, by Jens Ohlig (also available in German)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Call for contribution for the WikiWorkshop, forum bringing together researchers exploring all aspects of the Wikimedia projects, held in May 2019 in San Francisco, is now open until January 31st
- Research questionnaire about Wikidata as a learning platform by Shani Evenstein as part of her PhD research.
- Interactive map of the Sibthorp & Bauer Expedition, produced by the Bodleian Libraries, powered by Wikidata
- Scholia's "missing" pages (example) now link to the new Author Disambiguator tool, and a Listeria list is available to help prioritize co-author disambiguation for authors with sitelinks.
- Draft of behavior norms policy, feel free to leave comments
- Wikimedia hackathon in Prague: apply for a scholarship until January 4th
- Discuss if you can edit your own item, and vote here on the proposed policy.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: real estate developer, collection creator, digital representation of, specific age inside fictional universe, catchphrase, subject lexeme, right ascension, declination, epoch, galactic longitude, galactic latitude
- External identifiers: ARLLFB member ID, Flora of Wisconsin ID, RegiowikiAT identifier, Discord Store game SKU, Bavarian protected area ID, BDEL ID, Danske Taler speaker ID, Place Names Register ID (Estonia), Biographie nationale de Belgique ID, ARB person ID, Monument aux morts ID, IEC commemorative monument of Catalonia ID, MMLO, Meteorological Service of Canada climate site ID, Volksbund ID, PomBase systematic ID, Paris Musées work ID, LEGO design ID, LEGO element ID, iTunes music movie ID, BSRussia player ID, Beachsoccer.ru person ID, SinemaTürk person ID, SinemaTürk film ID, Wikia article ID, MinDat mineral ID, Harvard Index of Botanists ID, MinDat Locality ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Garzanti Linguistica, Buried in this place, specific rotation, Data interval, Minimum wage, Danmarks svampeatlas ID, friend of, copyright representative, rights statement, co-director, Berliner Schutzgebiets-ID, preparation instructions
- External identifiers: SVT Open archive, Hymnary.org page, Anbytarforum, Multiplayer ID, Amazon Music artist ID, Parliament of South Africa ID, Objectif Gard topic ID, Epic Games Store ID, Hymnary author ID, IPPDH ID, French Academy of Sciences member ID, OTRS ticket number 2, MNopedia ID, NCpedia ID, ICCD IDs, Weeds in Ontario ID, AllMusic performance ID, bbcmicro.co.uk identifier, YSA ID
- Query examples:
- (UK) Ambassador by country list - Listeria report which writes 240 by-country reports on UK Ambassadors - h/t NavinoEvans for the approach
- Presidents of the United States ranked by the number of species named after them (source)
- Communes of France whose name starts with "Saint" (source)
- Italian toponyms with suffixes of Celtic origin (-ago, -ate, -asco) (source)
- List of ABBA songs in A major (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Wikidata:WikiProject Policies
- Newest database reports: Nicolas Cage filmography
- expanded list of Christmas films
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Test that the issue with blocked users will not happen anymore (phab:T211120)
- Finish up on showing Language and Language codes when editing glosses (phab:T209931)
- Work towards having QualityContraints on Beta (phab:T209957)
- Work on tracking usage of Wikibase Lua Functions (phab:T191416)
- Some more work on string length limits (phab:T154660)
- Work on some Wikidata toolkit improvements (phab:T209399)
- Fix some errors happening in production (phab:T208924)
- More under-the-hood work for the termbox on mobile
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Books & Bytes, Issue 31
Books & Bytes
Issue 31, October – Novemeber 2018
- OAWiki
- Wikimedia and Libraries User Group update
- Global branches update
- Bytes in brief
French version of Books & Bytes is now available on meta!
Read the full newsletter
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2018年12月21日 (五) 14:34 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-52
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! The Roman Thermae (Bulgarian: Римски терми, Rimski termi) are a complex of Ancient Roman baths (thermae) in the Black Sea port city of Varna in northeastern Bulgaria. The Roman Thermae are situated in the southeastern part of the modern city, which under the Roman Empire was known as Odessus. The baths were constructed in the late 2nd century AD and rank as the fourth-largest preserved Roman thermae in Europe and the largest in the Balkans. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
The Signpost: 24 December 2018

- From the editors: Where to draw the line in reporting?
- News and notes: Some wishes do come true
- In the media: Political hijinks
- Discussion report: A new record low for RfA
- WikiProject report: Articlegenesis
- Arbitration report: Year ends with one active case
- Traffic report: Queen dethroned by U.S. presidents
- Gallery: Sun and moon, water and stone
- Blog: News from the WMF
- Humour: I believe in Bigfoot
- Essay: Requests for medication
- From the archives: Compromised admin accounts – again
Invitation from Wiki Loves Love 2019

Love is an important subject for humanity and it is expressed in different cultures and regions in different ways across the world through different gestures, ceremonies, festivals and to document expression of this rich and beautiful emotion, we need your help so we can share and spread the depth of cultures that each region has, the best of how people of that region, celebrate love.
Wiki Loves Love (WLL) is an international photography competition of Wikimedia Commons with the subject love testimonials happening in the month of February.
The primary goal of the competition is to document love testimonials through human cultural diversity such as monuments, ceremonies, snapshot of tender gesture, and miscellaneous objects used as symbol of love; to illustrate articles in the worldwide free encyclopedia Wikipedia, and other Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) projects.
The theme of 2019 iteration is Celebrations, Festivals, Ceremonies and rituals of love.
Sign up your affiliate or individually at Participants page.
To know more about the contest, check out our Commons Page and FAQs
There are several prizes to grab. Hope to see you spreading love this February with Wiki Loves Love!
Kind regards,
Imagine... the sum of all love!
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2018年12月27日 (四) 10:13 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #344

- Discussions
- Closed request for comments: Changes in email property, Datatype of P667, How to capture negative results in Wikidata?
- Events
- Current: Chaos Communication Congress (35C3) where several Wikidata people are present and related sessions happening
- Next Wikidata IRC office hour: January 8th, 18:00 (UTC+1) on the channel wikimedia-office
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Wikidata architecture overview by Addshore
- Créer une carte avec Wikidata, OpenRefine et uMap (in French) by Jean-Baptiste Pressac
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: API endpoint, demonym of, specific rotation, concentration, copyright representative, Berlin protected area ID, advertises
- External identifiers: Garzanti Linguistica ID, Multiplayer ID, Danmarks svampeatlas ID, Boobpedia article, Amazon Music artist ID, Objectif Gard topic ID, Epic Games Store ID, ZVR-Number, IPPDH ID, French Academy of Sciences member ID, MNopedia ID, NCpedia ID, Weeds in Ontario ID, ICCD ID - S form, ICCD ID - CF form, ICCD ID - CG form, ODNR Division of Wildlife ID, Penthouse ID, bbcmicro.co.uk identifier, YSA ID, ARTIC exhibition ID, ARTIC artist ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: maintenance method, second family name in Scandinavian names, organizational unit, story by, Code of Natura 2000 FFH habitats, century fl., adjective of, holonym 2, meronym 2, has contraction 2, yield, colorist, distinguishing property, Wikispecies template for this work, affiliation string
- External identifiers: bgm.tv person identifier, bgm.tv character identifier, PC-9801DB ID, ACB.com coach ID, The Armory Show at 100 ID, researchportal.helsinki.fi profile URL, Scoresway tennis person ID, Dictionnaire de spiritualité ID, Muséosphère ID, Historical RNA ID, TheFinalBall coach ID, TheFinalBall referee ID, WorldFootball.net referee ID, teams.by player ID, pressball.by player ID, AMFR player ID, premierliga.ru staff ID, premierliga.ru referee ID, CFU player ID, AIC player ID, RusTeam player ID, Critique d'art ID, Centre Pompidou ID, Agence photo RMN ID, INE ID (Portugal), Agence photo RMN package ID, Wikiapiary entry, England Football Online player profile, England Football Online manager profile, DVR Number, Politika topic, Goodreads character ID
- Deleted properties: P4570 (Wikidata project)
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Writing a maintenance script to make configuring WikibaseQualityConstraints easier (phab:T209958)
- Working on new ID generator using different SQL to attempt to stop lock errors when creating lots of items (phab:T194299)
- Making more parts of the Query Service UI more configurable such as the copyright page, title, and started work on the favicon / logos (phab:T194175)
- Adding tracking for Wikibase Lua functions so we can see how they are used on various different projects (phab:T191416)
- Working on fixing alignment issues with glosses (phab:T207401)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!