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据传播媒体所叙述,奥托·米德尔顿(英语:Otto Middleton)应为剑桥公爵夫人凯萨琳所拥有的一只黑色可卡犬。
“ | “在凯瑟琳28岁生日的时候,威廉王子送了她一对耳环作生日礼物,这对耳环是威廉王子当时所能找到的最好、最华贵的一对耳环。但现在,他可能会后悔当时的大费周章。凯瑟琳的爱犬奥托在她没有注意的时候咬烂了这对耳环,以致这双耳环无法继续佩戴[译注 2][4]。 | ” |
“ | 奥托似乎是进到了她的屋子里并吃掉了耳环,它坐在床尾,看起来很满足地舔着爪子。凯瑟琳一开始非常沮丧,但后来当她告诉威廉的时候,威廉哈哈大笑并且告诉凯瑟琳可以等小狗从另一端将耳环排出来[译注 3][4]。 | ” |
《每日电讯报》继续报道称凯瑟琳随后监视了奥托的粪便并等待耳环出现[4]。《赫芬顿邮报》称她应该“仔细地搜索小狗的大便[译注 4][5]”。《纽约每日新闻》指出凯瑟琳还被迫每天带奥托出去散步,促进其消化以找到耳环[6](还有人称皇家警卫被要求在小狗的排泄物中寻找耳环[7])。不论如何,这双耳环最后都没法戴了,每日邮报引用在场者的话称:“威廉告诉凯瑟琳不要担心,他会再给她买一对”[译注 5][4],并称“威廉说狗没出问题是最重要的,他非常喜欢奥托,并且觉得奥托是条乖狗[译注 6][6]”。
[编辑]“ | 凯瑟琳·米德尔顿夫人很明显不养狗,所以说她的狗吃掉了威廉王子送的耳环这事真让人难以理解[译注 7][9]。 | ” |
“ | 凯瑟琳·米德尔顿是一个独立个体,我们不会就其个人私事进行评价[译注 8][11]。 | ” |
3月9日,《每日电讯报》修改了他们此前发出的新闻,修改后的内容声称奥托有“铁一般的不在场证明”。同日,克里斯蒂安·赫伯恩·斯科特告知《每日电讯报》奥托实际上在约克郡,而且斯科特也不是把奥托给了凯瑟琳,而是给了其弟的友人。饲养员还说埃拉才是实际送给凯瑟琳的那条狗,而且没有任何证据证明埃拉吃掉了耳环[1]。哈博特尔和刘易斯法律公司的律师、米德尔顿家族的发言人杰勒德·蒂雷尔也否认了这篇报道的真实性,同时打趣称“我们为了找这条狗都快要急疯了”[译注 9][12]。
“ | 我们在发布报道前咨询了克拉伦斯府新闻办公室,他们当时没有提出任何问题。但此后,我们被告知该报道确有不准确之处,出于礼貌,我们已将其从网站上删除[译注 10][12]。” | ” |
《卫报》批评克拉伦斯府拒绝就最初的报道置评,称“克拉伦斯府本来可以很容易地把这个报道扼杀在萌芽里,引导媒体不发表这个报道。他们是不是宁死也不愿意在这类事上帮上一点小忙?”[译注 11][12]
然而,即便《每日电讯报》已经修改了最初的报道,其他报纸仍继续将《每日电讯报》最初时的报道当作事实性新闻。3月10日,安·威德康贝在《每日快报》的新闻中指出威廉王子并没有因为失去礼物耳环而感到难受,因为他“觉得整个事件很搞笑”(found the whole episode hilarious)[13]。
一年之后(2011年4月25日),网络上的媒体工作者仍把奥托和耳环的报道当作事实引用[14][15]。2011年5月12日,英国公共关系网站PR fire称在凯瑟琳·米德尔顿的婚礼前夕,“宠物专家认为她的黑色可卡犬奥托也会感到紧张,因为它挑起了女主人的窘迫回忆”[译注 12][16]。
随着对读者的竞争日益激烈,特别是在互联网对新闻媒体实时更新的要求之下,即便是所谓的优质“可靠”新闻来源也可能变得十分可疑。就如《纽约时报》在2013年12月的文章《如果一个故事如病毒般传播,那么其中的真相可能会受到打击》(If a Story Is Viral, Truth May Be Taking a Beating)中提到的一般:
“ | 在数字新闻网站对读者的加速竞争中,事实和虚构的界限变得越来越模糊,数字新闻网站说这都是在网络新闻的崎岖世界中存活的一部分……这些网站的编辑也十分坦率地承认,在一个互联的时代,他们需要平衡真实性和时效性[译注 13][19]。 | ” |
[编辑]- ^ 原文:don't believe everything you read in the papers
- ^ 原文:When Prince William bought Kate Middleton a pair of pearl earrings for her 28th birthday, he carefully tracked down the finest and most expensive pair he could find. But now he may be wishing he had not gone to so much trouble – after the precious antiques were eaten by Kate's dog. Otto, her beloved black cocker spaniel, chewed up the jewellery so badly that they were rendered unwearable – much to her consternation.
- ^ 原文:It seems that Otto had got into her room and eaten the earrings. He was sitting on the end of the bed looking pleased with himself and licking his paws. Kate was really upset and embarrassed. But when she told William he burst out laughing and said she would have to wait for them to come out the other end.
- ^ 原文:search through dog poop
- ^ 原文:William told her not to worry and said he would buy her another pair
- ^ 原文:He said the main thing was that Otto was okay ... He adores the dog, who's very sweet.
- ^ 原文:Kate Middleton doesn't have a dog apparently so is puzzled by claims it ate a pearl earring from Prince William.
- ^ 原文:Kate Middleton is a private individual. We don't comment on private individuals.
- ^ 原文:We have been searching in vain for the dog.
- ^ 原文:We put the story to the Clarence House press office before publication and they didn’t give us any indication it was untrue. We have since been told there were inaccuracies in the story and as a courtesy we have removed it from our website.
- ^ 原文:could have easily nipped the story in the bud by steering the paper away from publishing. Would it have killed CH to be a teensy bit helpful on this one?
- ^ 原文:pet experts believe her black Cocker Spaniel, Otto, will also be getting the jitters as he picks up on his mistress's own nerve
- ^ 原文:In the stepped-up competition for readers, digital news sites are increasingly blurring the line between fact and fiction, and saying that it is all part of doing business in the rough-and-tumble world of online journalism ... editors at these sites acknowledge frankly that there are trade-offs in balancing authenticity with the need to act quickly in a hyperconnected age.
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Walker, Tim. The curious incident of Kate Middleton's dog. The Telegraph. 2010-03-12 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-02).
- ^ Royal Dogs Of The Ages. Global Animal.org. [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-18).
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Pedigree chums for Wills and Kate. Daily Mail. 2009-01-10 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04).
- ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Harrison, David. Kate Middleton’s spaniel in the doghouse after eating birthday present from Prince William. The Daily Telegraph. 2010-03-07 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-29).
- ^ Kate Middleton's Dog Ate Her Birthday Gift, Left Her A 'Present'. Huffington Post. 2008-03-03 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-10).
- ^ 6.0 6.1 Furse, Jane. Kate Middleton, girlfriend of Prince William, had to search through dog's poo after pearls swallowed. New York Daily News. 2010-03-08 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2010-03-11).
- ^ 7.0 7.1 Moylan, Brian. Why George Clooney Was Mean At The Oscars, And Other Mysteries. The Defamer. 2010-03-09.
- ^ Celeste, Rigel. Kate Middleton's Dog Swallows Expensive Gift from Prince William. Luxist. 2010-03-11 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-17).
- ^ @RoyalReporter Richard Palmer. Kate Middleton doesn't hav .... Twitter. 2010-03-08 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-11).
- ^ MacGuffin. Not front pages news (cont.) or how an imaginary dog can't eat an earring. 2010-03-08 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-28).
- ^ Palace tight-lipped over earrings eaten by Kate Middleton's dog. Earth Times. 2010-03-09 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-22).
- ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Brook, Stephen. Kate Middleton, the Mail on Sunday, a dog with a pearl earring and a right royal mess. The Guardian. 2010-03-16 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2010-03-23).
- ^ Widdecombe, Ann. William's a pearl among princes. Daily Express. 2010-03-10 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-07).
- ^ Spillman, Susan. William and Kate's Royal Romance: Is It Puppy Love?. Encino Patch. 2011-04-25 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2012-09-17).
- ^ Giuseppe, Rufus. Lucky for Kate and Prince William, royal wedding goes to the dawgs. theday.com. 2011-04-28 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-28).
- ^ Higgins, Danielle. Royal Bride's Dog Otto Will Be Stressed Too!. PRfire.co.uk. 2011-05-12.
- ^ Orr, James. Cocker Spaniel puppy for Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William. The Telegraph. 2012-02-01 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-05).
- ^ Rayner, Gordon. Duchess of Cambridge reveals new puppy is named Lupo. The Telegraph. 2012-02-21 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-03).
- ^ Somaiya, Ravi; Kaufman, Leslie. If a Story Is Viral, Truth May Be Taking a Beating. The New York Times. 2013-12-09 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-14).