53.3% 完成
[编辑]- 语言学 Linguistics
- 理论语言学 theoretical linguistics
- 应用语言学 applied linguistics
- 普通语言学 general linguistics
- 历史语言学 historical linguistics
- 比较语言学 comparative
- 历时语言学 diachronic linguistics; historical linguistics
- 共时语言学 synchronic linguistics
- 描写语言学 descriptive linguistics
- 符号学 semiotics
- 语符学 giossematics
- 语言哲学 linguistic philosophy; philosophy of language
- 哲理语言学 philosophical linguistics
- 语文学 philology
- 比较语文学 comparative philology
- 句法学 syntax
- 语素学 morphemics
- 形态学 morphology
- 屈折形态学 inflectional moiphology
- 派生形态学 derivational morphology
- 语用学 pragmatics
- 词汇语用学 lexical pragmatics
- 带连字符语言学 hyphenated linguistics
- 计量语言学 quantitative linguistics
- 数理语言学 mathematical linguistics
- 统计语言学 statistical linguistics
- 计算语用学 computational pragmatics
- 结构类型学 structural typology
- 语言类型学 language typology; linguistic typology
- 人类文化诗学 ethnopoetics
- 人类学语言学 anthropological linguistics
- 人类文化语言学 ethnolinguistics
- 人类文化语义学 ethnosemantics
- 言语人种学 ethnography of speaking
- 空间关系学 proxemics
- 认知语言学 cognitive linguistics
- 生物语言学 biolinguistics; biological linguistics
- 体态语言学 kinesics
- 心理语言学 psycholinguistics
- 神经语言学 neurolinguistics; neurological linguistics
- 神经认知语言学 neurocognitive linguistics
- 语言病理学 speech-language pathology
- 语言发生学 glossogenetics
- 元语言学 melalinguistics
[编辑]- 新弗斯学派 Neo-Firthian
- 新语法学派 Neogrammarians
- 结构语言学派 structural linguistics; structuralist linguistics
- 布拉格学派 Prague School
- 生成语言学派 generative linguistics
- 解释语义学派 interpretive semantics
- 生成语义学派 generative semantics
- 词汇学派 lexicalism
[编辑]- 笛卡尔语言学 Cartesian linguistics
- 语言决定论 linguistic determinism
- 萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说 Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
- 天赋说 innateness hypothesis
- 规定主义 prescriptivism
- 现实主义 realism
- 心智主义 mentalism
- 形式主义 formalism
- 功能主义 functionalism
- 传统语法 tradilional grammar
- 层次语言学 stratificational linguistics
- 法位学 tagmemics
- 弧对语法 arc pair grammar
- 形式语言学 formal linguistics
- 非形式语言学 informal linguistics
- 结构主义 structuralism
- 直接成分分析法 immediate constituent analysis
- 分布分析法 distributional analysis
- 田野调查 field study
- 普遍语法 universal grammar
- 转换生成语法 transformational-generative grammar ; TG
- 标准理论 standard theory
- 扩展标准理论 extenede standard theory; EST
- X杠理论 X bar theory; X-bar theory; X'theory
- 语迹理论 trace theory
- θ理论 theta-theory; thematic theory; θ-theory
- 最简方案 minimalist program
- 词汇映射理论 lexical mapping theory; LMT
- 词汇主义假说 lexicalist hypothesis
- 语义主义 semanticism
- 括号表示法 bracketing
- 蒙太格语法 Montague grammer
- 蒙太格语义学 Montague semantics
- 对比语言学 contrastive linguistics
- 跨语言研究 cross-linguistics research
- 语言年代学 glottochronology
- 单一母语说 monogenesis
- 多母语说 polygenesis
- 波浪理论 wave theory
- 配价理论 valence theory
- 原型理论 prototype theory
- 原型语义学 prototype semantics
- 呈现语法 emergent grammar
- 功能句子观 functional sentence perspective
- 话语表现理论 discourse representation theory
- 施为句假说 performative hypothesis
[编辑]- 语言 langue
- 言语 parole
- 副语言 paralanguage
- 共时 synchrony
- 历时 diachrony
- 任意性 arbitrariness
- 能产性 productivity
- 系统 system
- 形式 form
- 意义 meaning
- 语言单位 linguistic unit
- 语言模型 linguistic model
- 语言直觉 linguistic intuition
- 经济原则 economy principle
- 口语 speech
- 书面语 written language
- 中介语 interlanguage
- 手势语 sign language; gesture language
- 声调语言 tonal language; tone language
- 无声调语言 non-tonal language
- 构型语言 configurational language
- 非构型语言 non-configurational language
- 语言获得机制 language acquisition device; LAD
- 外化语言 externalized language; E-language
- 内化语言 internalized language; I-language
- 语法层级 grammatical hierarchies
- 语法缺失症 agrammatism
- 标记性 markedness
- 成分分析 constituent analysis
- 观察充分性 observational adequacy
- 描写充分性 descriptive adequacy
- 解释充分性 explanatory adequacy
- 自主句法 autonomous syntax
- 合语法性 grammaticality
- 语言能力 competence; language competence; linguistic competence
- 语言运用 performance; linguistic per-formance
- 形式化 formalization
- 有限状态语言 finite-state language
- 上下文无关语言 context-free language
- 上下文相关语言 context sensitive language
- 阻断效应 blocking effect
- D结构 D-structure
- S结构 S-Structure
- 语迹 trace
- 零形式 zero form
- 管辖 government
- 语障 barrier
- 照应语 anaphor
- 回指 anaphora
- 题元角色 theta role
- 轻动词 light verb
- 格标记系统 case marking system
- 作格现象 ergativity
- 法位 tagmeme
- 形式意义 formal meaning
- 层次网络模型 hierarchical network model
- 格系统 case system
- 语义三角 semiotic triangle
- 预设 presupposition
- 蕴涵 entailment
- 话语 discourse
- 话语分析 discourse analysis
- 话语表现结构 discourse representation structure
- 型 type
- 例 token
- 合成度 indexoisynthesis
- 融合度 index of fusion
- 有理据词 motivated word
- 无理据词 unmotivated word
- 语言共性 language universal linguistic universal
- 分布共性 distribvlional universal
- 绝对共性 absolute universal
- 蕴涵共性 implicational universal
- 非蕴涵共性 non-implicational universal
- 形式共性 formal universal
- 实质共性 substantive universal
- 孤立语 isolating language
- 屈折语 inflecting language; infleclional language; inflected language
- 黏著语 agglutinative language; agglutinating language
- 综合语 synthetic language
- 主-宾-动语序语言 SOV language
- 主-动-宾语序语言 SVO language
- 动-主-宾语序语言 VSO language
[编辑]- 行为主义 behaviourism
- 实证主义 positivism; pragmatism
- 经验主义 empiricism
- 理性主义 rationalism
- 概念主义 conceptualism
- 天赋论 nativism
- 连通论 connectionism
- 建构论 constructivism
- 编码 encoding
- 解码 decoding
- 文本 text
- 生成 generate
[编辑]- 文字学 graphology
- 普通文字学 general graphology
- 古文字学 palaeographology; palaeography
- 汉字学 Chinese graphology; study of Chinese script
- 中国古文字学 study of ancient Chinese script
- 甲骨学 study of bone inscriptions
- 甲骨文字学 graphology of bone in-scriptions
- 金石学 epigraphy
- 传统汉字学 classical Chinese graphology
- 汉字字源学 graphic etymology of Chinese script
- 汉字文化学 sludy of Chinese ficripi culture
- 现代汉字学 study of contemporary Chinese character
- 比较文字学 comparative graphology; comparative grammatology
- 文字 script; writing
- 文字画 graphic picture
- 刻划符号 scratch-mark symbol
- 象形文字 pictographic script
- 表音文字 phonetic script
- 音索文字 phonemic script
- 音节文字 syllabic script
- 表意文字 semantic script; ideography
- 语素文字 morphemic script
- 意音文字 semanto-phonetic script
- 自源文字 self-initiated script
- 他源文字 other-initiated script
- 古文字 ancient script; ancient writing
- 汉字 Hanzi; Chinese character; Chinese script; sinogram
- 字形 graphic form
- 字音 pronunciation of a script
- 字义 semantic meaning of a script
- 古汉字 ancient Chinese script
- 近代汉字 modem Chinese character
- 现代汉字 contemporary Chinese charcter
- 文字改革 script refonn; writing reform
[编辑]- 陶符 pottery symbol
- 简化 simplification
- 简体 simplified form
- 借笔 stroke loan
- 草书楷化 regularization of cursive form into standard script
- 同音代替 homophonic substitution
- 合文 compound graph
- 繁化 complexity
- 繁体 complex form
- 累增字 cumulative graph
- 声化 phoneticization
- 讹变 corruption
- 义近形旁通用 interchange new meaning components
- 分化 differentiation
- 分化字 differentiated graph
- 同源字 cognate graph; paronymy graph
- 源字 malrigraph
- 字原 basic character
- 类化 nalogization; assimilation.
[编辑]- 汉字结构 structure of Chinese character
- 独体字 single-element character
- 合体字 composite character; compound-element character
- 笔画 stroke
- 笔形 stroke form
- 笔顺 stroke order
- 部件 component part
- 偏旁 graphic component; side component
- 部首 radical
- 字符 graphic symbol
- 意符 semantic symbol
- 义符 pictographic symbol
- 音符 phonetic symbol
- 记号 sign
- 结构类型 structure category
- 六书 Six Scripts; six categories of character construction
- 象形 pictographic method
- 象形字 pictograph
- 指事 deictic method; indicative method
- 指事字 deictograph; indicative character
- 指事符号 deictic symbol
- 会意 syssemantographic method; associative method
- 会意字 syssemantograph; associative character
- 亦声 semanto-phoneric inclusion
- 形声 picto-phonelic method
- 形声字 picto-phonetic character
- 省形 signiflc symbol abbreviation
- 省声 phonetic symbol abbreviation
- 形旁 semantic component; signific component
- 声旁 phonetic component
- 右文说 theory of the right-side graphic element; youwen theory
- 会意兼形声字 syssemantographic and picto-phonetic character
- 转注 notative method
- 转注字 notative character
- 假借 borrowing method
- 形借 borrowing of graphic form
- 假借字 loangraph; borrowed character
- 通假 phonological borrowing
- 通假字 borrowed graph
- 本字 oithograph
- 后起本字 younger orthograph
- 表意字 semantogram
- 变体字 form-altered graph
- 表音宇 phonogram
- 变体表音字 form-altered phonogram
- 合音字 phonetic fusion graph
- 记号字 sign graph
- 半记号字 semi-sign graph
- 六书说 theory of Six Scripts
- 三书说 theory of Three Scripts
- 四体二用说 theory of four-principle and two-use for Six Scripts
- 六书三耦说 theory of three pairs for Six Scripts
[编辑]- 形体 script figure
- 字体 script style
- 甲骨文 oracle bone inscription; carapace and bone script
- 金文 bronze inscription
- 族名金文 bronze clan inscription
- 鸟虫书 bird and insect script
- 战国文字 Warring States script
- 秦系文字 Qin system script
- 六国文字 Six States script
- 简帛文字 bambooslip and silk script
- 陶文 pottery inscription
- 蛮印文字 seal inscription
- 石刻文字 stone inscription
- 墓志文字 grave-tablel inscription
- 碑别字 vulgar form of stele inscription
- 封泥文字 sealing~clay inscription
- 货币文字 coin inscription
- 瓦当文字 eaves tile inscription
- 古文 guwen script
- 籀文 zhouwen script
- 奇字 odd script
- 传抄古文 transcribed ancient script
- 隶定古文 clerically transcribed ancient script
- 三体石经 Tri-script Stone Classics
- 小篆 small seal script
- 隶书 clerical script
- 古隶 ancient clerical script
- 汉隶 Han clerical script
- 隶变 clerical change
- 隶定 clerical transcription
- 新隶体 neo-clerical script
- 草书 cursive script
- 章草 zhangcao script
- 今草 modem cursive script
- 狂草 deranged cursive script
- 行书 semi-cursive script; running script
- 楷书 standard script
- 魏碑体 Wei stele style
- 秦书八体 eight script-styles in Qin
- 汉初六体 six script-styles in early Han
- 行款 script arrangement; script format
- 印刷体 printed form
- 新字形 new printed form
- 旧字形 old printed form
- 手写体 handwritten form
- 饰笔 decorative mark
- 合文符号 compound graph mark
- 重文符号 repeating mark
- 区别符号 distinctive mark
[编辑]- 同形字 homograph
- 形似字 near homograph
- 单音字 monophonic character
- 多音字 polyphonic character
- 多音多义字 heteronymic character
- 异读字 heterophonic character
- 同音字 homophonous character
- 单义字 monosemic character
- 多义字 polysemic character
- 同义字 synonymic character
- 同义换读 synonymic interchange
- 正体字 standard form; proper character
- 俗体字 vulgarism; vulgar form
- 错别字 wrong and inappropriate charcter
- 古今字 ancient and modem graphs
- 初文 protoform
- 后起字 younger graph; later graph
- 传承字 transmissive character
- 新增字 neo-emerging character
- 异体字 allograph; variant character
- 避讳字 taboo character
[编辑]- 汉字改革 Chinese character reform
- 拉丁化新文字 Latinizational New Writing System
- 注音字母 Mandarin Phonetic Alphabet
- 国语罗马字 National Romanization; GR Alphabetic Syste
- 汉语拼音方案 Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet
- 现代汉字规范化 standardization of contemporary Chinese character
- 正字法 orthography
- 汉字整理 Chinese character systematization
- 规范汉字 normative character
- 汉字简化方案 Scheme for Simplifying Chinese Characters
- 简化字 simplified Chinese character
- 简化字总表 General Table of Simplified Characters
- 繁体字 traditional Chinese character
- 简体字 convenient character
- 类推简化 analogical simplification
- 汉字应用 Chinese character application
- 常用字 everyday character
- 通用字 current character
- 专用字 specialized character
- 罕用字 rarely used character
- 废弃字 obsolete character; dead character
- 社会用字 character popular among people
- 字量 script quantity
- 字形数 number of character forms
- 字种 character type
- 字频 frequency of character
- 高频趋简律 simplication tendency of high frequency character
- 字序 script order; character order
- 汉字检字法 Chinese character referencing method
- 字样学 study of character model
- 偏旁分析法 component analysis
- 辞例推勘法 contextual inference
[编辑]- 语音学 phonetics
- 实验语音学 experimental phonetics
- 语音 speech sound
- 辅音 consonant
- 辅音丛 consonant cluster
- 清辅音 voiceless consonant; unvoiced consonant
- 浊辅音 voiced consonant
- 元音 vowel
- 正则元音 Cardinal vowels
- 元音图 vowel chart
- 长元音 long vowel
- 短元音 short vowel
- 单元音 monophthong
- 复合元音 compound vowel
- 二合元音 diphthong
- 三合元音 triphthong
- 阻音 obstruent
- 响音 sonorant
- 音节 syllable
- 开音节 open syllable
- 闭音节 closed syllable
- 音节结构 syllable structure
- 音节首 onset; initial
- 韵基 rime; rhyme; final
- 音节核 nucleus
- 音节尾 coda
- 声调 tone
- 调类 tonal category
- 调值 tonal value
- 语调 intonation
- 调群 tone group
- 调冠 prehead
- 调头 head
- 调核 nucleus
- 调尾 tail
- 重读 stressed
- 重音 stress
- 词重音 word stress
- 主重音 primary stress
- 次重音 secondary stress
- 句重音 sentence stress
- 语法重音 grammatical stress
- 对比重音 contrastive stress
- 强调重音 emphatic stress
- 轻读 unstressed
- 节奏 rhythm
- 停顿 pause。
- 填声停顿 filled pause
- 无声停顿 silent pause
- 标音 transcription
- 音位标音 phonemic transcription
- 语音标音 phonetic transcription
- 国际音标 International Phonetic Alphabet; IPA
- 附加符号 diacritic
- 语流音变 contextual variation
- 増音 epenthesis; insertion
- 减音 deletion
- 元音融合 synaloepha
- 同化 assimilation
- 异化 dissimilation
- 清化 devoicing
- 浊化 voicing
- 央化 centralization
- 鼻化 nasalization
- 连读变调 tone sandhi
- 送气 aspirated
- 不送气 unaspirated
[编辑]- 声母 initial
- 浊声母 voiced initial
- 清声母 voiceless initial
- 零声母 zero initial
- 韵母 final
- 单韵母 simple final
- 复合韵母 compound final
- 复合元音韵母 diphthongal final
- 鼻韵母 nasal final
- 儿化 rhotacized; er diminutive
- 儿化韵 rhotacized final; er diminutive final
- 单字调 citation tone
- 轻声 neutral tone
- 五度标调法 5-letter tone system; a system of tone-letters
[编辑]- 发音语音学 articulatory phonetics
- 言语产生 speech production
- 调音 articulation
- 成阻 approach; closing
- 持阻 hold; closure
- 除阻 release
- 收紧 constriction
- 收紧点 constriction point
- 收紧度 degree of stricture
- 主要发音(动作)primary articulation
- 次要发音(动作)secondary articulation
- 发音叠接 articulatory overlap
- 协同发音 coarticu]ation
- 气流机制 air stream mechanism
- 发音器官 vocal organs
- 主动发音器官 active articulator
- 被动发音器官 passive articulator
- 声道 vocal tract
- 共鸣腔 resonant cavity
- 唇 lip
- 圆唇 rounded
- 不圆唇 unrounded
- 舌 tongue
- 舌尖 tongue tip; apex
- 舌叶 tongue blade; laminal
- 舌面 dorsum
- 舌根 tongue root; radical
- 腭 palate
- 硬腭 hard palate
- 软腭 soft palate
- 小舌 uvula
- 声带 vocal folds; vocal coids
- 声门 glottis
- 喉 larynx
- 发音部位 place of articulation
- 双唇音 bilabial
- 唇齿音 labio-dental
- 舌尖-齿音 apico-dental
- 舌尖-齿龈音apico-alveolar
- 舌尖-龈后音 apico-postalveolar
- 舌叶-齿龈音 lamino-alveolar
- 舌面-腭前音 dorso-prepalatal
- 舌面-腭后音 dorso-postpalatal
- 舌面-软腭音 dorso-velar
- 小舌音 uvular
- 咽音 pharyngeal
- 喉音 laryngeal; glottal
- 发音方式 manner of articulation
- 爆发音 plosive
- 鼻音 nasal
- 颤音 trill
- 拍音 tap; flap
- 擦音 fricative
- 边音 lateral
- 边擦音 lateral fricative
- 近音 approximant
- 边近音 lateral approximant
- 塞擦音 affricate
- 噪音 voice
- 发声 phonation
- 发声类型 phonation type
- 常态嗓音 modal voice
- 气嗓音 breathy voice
- 嘎裂声 creaky voice
- 假声 falsetto
- 耳语声 whisper
- 舌面元音 dorsal vowel
- 舌尖元音 apical vowel
- 舌尖前元音 apical dental vowel
- 舌尖后元音 apical post-alveolar vowel
- 舌位 tongue position
- 开口度 opening degree
- 开元音 open vowel
- 半开元音 half-open vowel
- 半闭元音 half-closed vowel
- 闭元音 closed vowel
- 前元音 front vowel
- 央元音 central vowel; neutral vowel; schwa
- 后元音 back vowel
- 圆唇元音 rounded vowel
- 不圆唇元音 unrounded vowel
- 口内压力 intra-oral pressure
- 喉下压力 subglottal pressure
- 伯努利效应 Bernoulli effect
- X射线照相术 X-radiography
- 电子气流测量术 electrokymography
- 聘位测量术 palatography
- 肌电测量术 electromyography ;EMG
- 声门测量术 glottography
[编辑]- 声学语音学 acoustic phonetics
- 言语波 speech wave
- 声门波 glottal wave
- 波形 waveform
- 周期波 periodic wave
- 非周期波 aperiodic wave
- 乐音 musical sound
- 噪声 noise
- 白噪声 white noise
- 声源 source
- 辐射 radiation
- 波长 wavelength
- 周期 period
- 振幅 amplitude
- 频率 (物理学) frequency
- 赫兹 Hertz; Hz
- 音强 intensity
- 共振 resonance
- 共振峰 formant
- 反共振 antiresonance
- 反共振峰 antiformant
- 阻尼 damping
- 正弦波 sine wave
- 纯音 pure tone
- 复合波 complex wave
- 复合音 complex sound
- 傅立叶分析 Fourier analysis
- 声谱分析 sound spectral analysis
- 分音 partial
- 基音 fundamental
- 基频 fundamental frequency
- 谐波 harmonic
- 泛音 overtone
- 记纹器 kymograph
- 声谱仪 sound spectrograph
- 声滤波器 acoustic filter
- 声谱 sound spectrum
- 谱包络 spectral envelope
- 离散谱 discrete spectrum
- 连续谱 continuous spectrum
- 语图 sound spectrogram; sonagram
- 宽市语图 wide-band spectrogram
- 窄带语图 namw-band spectrogram
- 嗓音横杠 voice bar
- 音轨 locus
- 嗓音起始时间 voice onset time; VOT
- 共振峰模式 fonnant pattern
- 过渡音征 transition cue
- 乱纹 fill
- 冲直条 spike
- 送气 aspiration; aspirate
- 声学元音图 vowel chart(上面已有?)
[编辑]- 听觉语音学 auditory phonetics
- 言语知觉 speech perception
- 耳 ear
- 倍频程 octave
- 半音 semitone
- 美 mel
- 分贝 decibel; dB
- 响度 loudness
- 突显 prominence
- 音高范围 pitch range。
- 语速 speaking rate
- 音长 duration
- 音高 pitch
- 音色 timbre
[编辑]- 音位学 phonemics
- 音系学 phonology
- 生成音系学 generative phonology; GP
- 经典生成音系学 classical generative phonology
- 非线性音系学 non-linear phonology
- 自主音段音系学 autosegmental phonology
- 节律音系学 metrical phonology
- 韵律音系学 prosodic phonology
- 优选论 optimality theory
- 音系 phonology
- 音系变化 phonological change
- 元音和谐 vowel harmony
- 辅音和谐 consonant harmony
- 中和 neutralization
- 音位 phonome
- 音位系统 phoneme system
- 最小对立体 minimal pair
- 语音相似性 phonetic similarity
- 互补分布 complementary distribution
- 对立 opposition; contrast
- 音素 phoneme
- 音位变体 allophone
- 自由变体 free variant
- 条件变体 conditioned variant
- 区别特征 distinctive feature
- 音层 tier
- 音层图 tier chart
- 骨架音层 skeletal tier
- 自主音段 autosegment
- 连接 association; linking
- 连接线 association line
- 语音表达式 phonetic representation
- 音位表达式 phonemic representation
- 音系表达式 phonological represention
- 底层表达式 underlying representation
- 表层表达式 surface representation
- 推导 derivation
- 音系规则 phonological rule
- 语音实现 phonetic implementation
- 语音实现规则 phonelic impletation rule
- 音段 segment
- 韵律 prosody
- 超音段 suprasegmental。
- 韵律特征 prosodic feature
- 韵律域 prosodic domain
- 韵律层级 prosodic hierarchy
- 莫拉 mora
- 音步 foot
- 音系词 phonological word
- 音系短语 phonological phrase
- 语调短语 international phrase
- 韵律语句 prosodic utterance
- 节律树 metrical tree
- 节律栅 metrical grid
- 音高重调 pilch accent
- 边界调 boundary tone
[编辑]- 语法学 grammar
- 共时语法 synchronic grammar
- 历时语法 diachronic grammar
- 比较语法 comparative grammar
- 结构主义语法 structuralist grammar
- 层次语法 stratiflcationai grammar
- 短语结构语法 Phrase structure gram_mar; PSG
- 转换语法 transformational grammar;
- 生成语法 generative grammar
- 管辖与约束理论 government-binding theory
- 哲辖理论 government theory
- 约束理论 binding theory
- 功能语法 functional grammer
- 认知语法 cognitive grammar
- 格语法 case grammar
- 配价语法 valency gammar
- 形式语法 formal grammar
- 概念语法 ideational grammar
- 语法化 grammaticalization
- 原型 prototype
- 临摹性原则 copy principle
- 范畴化 categorization
- 语义特征 semantic feature
- 原则和参数 PrincipIes and parameters
[编辑]- 词法 morphology; word formation
- 词法学 morphology
- 语素 morpheme
- 词 word
- 单纯词 simple word
- 合成词 compound word
- 复合词 compound word
- 派生词 derivative
- 词根 root
- 词缀 affix
- 词类 parts of speech
- 词性 category
- 兼类词 cross-category word
- 实词 content word
- 虚词 fimction word
- 体词 substantive
- 谓词 predicative
- 名词 noun
- 动词 verb
- 形容词 adjective
- 区别词 non-predicative adjective
- 数词 numeral
- 量词 measure word; classifier
- 代词 pronoun
- 叹词 interjection
- 拟声词 onomatopoeic word; onomatopoeia; ideophone
- 副词 adverb
- 介词 preposition
- 连词 conjunction
- 助词 particle
- 语气词 mood particle
- 专有名词 proper noun
- 集合名词 collective noun
- 抽象名词 abstract noun
- 时间名词 temporal noun
- 处所名词 place noun
- 方位词 locative noun
- 及物动词 transitive verb
- 不及物动词 intransitive verb
- 判断动词 judgment verb; copular verb
- 能愿动词 modal verb
- 趋向动词 directional verb
- 自主动词 volitional verb
- 非自主动词 non-volitional verb
- 持续性动词 sustained verb
- 非持续性动词 non-sustained verb
- 体宾动词 substantive-object verb
- 谓宾动词 predicate-object verb
- 性质形容词 property adjective
- 状态形容词 state adjective
- 基数词 cardinal
- 序数词 ordinal
- 物置词 substance measure word
- 动量词 aclion measure word
- 时量词 temporal measure word
- 个体量词 individual classifier
- 集体量词 collective measure word
- 复合量词 compound measure word
- 人称代词 personal pronoun
- 疑问代词 interrogative pronoun; interrogative word; Wh-word
- 指示代词 demonstrative pronoun
- 反身代词 reflexive pronoun
- 程度副词 degree adverb
- 范围副词 scope adverb
- 时间副词 time adverb
- 否定副词 negation adverb
- 语气副词 adverb of mood
- 结构助词 structural particle
- 动态助词 aspectual particle
- 比况助词 metaphor particle
- 一价动词 monovalent verb
- 二价动词 bivalent verb
- 三价动词 trivalent verb
- 有定 definite
- 无定 indefinite
- 任指 arbitrary reference
- 虚指 indefinite reference; vague reference
- 名物化 noniinalization
[编辑]- 句法 syntax
- 句法学 syntax; syntactics
- 语法单位 grammatical unit
- 语法意义 grammatical meaning
- 语法形式 grammatical form
- 语法功能 grammatical function
- 语法范畴 grammatica] category
- 语法规则 gmmmatical rule
- 语法系统 grammatical system
- 语法性质 grammatical characteristic
- 深层结构 deep structure
- 表层结构 surface structure
- 向心结构 endocentric construction
- 离心结构 exocentric conslruction
- 聚合关系 paradigmatic relations
- 组合关系 syntagmatic relations
- 结构关系 structural relations
- 结构 structure
- 短语 phrase
- 名词性短语 nominal phrase
- 动词性短语 verbal phrase
- 形容词性短语 adjectival phrase
- 联合短语 coordinate construction
- 偏正短语 subordinate phrase
- 主谓短语 subject-predicate phrase
- 述宾短语 verb-object phrase
- 述补短语 verb or adjective complement phrase
- 方位短语 locative phrase
- 数量短语 numeral-classifier phrase
- 介词短语 prepositional phrase
- 的字短语 De-phrase
- 所字短语 Suo-phrase
- 同位短语 appositional phrase
- 连谓短语 serial verb phrase
- 连动式 serial verb construction
- 兼语式 pivotal construction
- 句子 sentence
- 单句 simple sentence
- 复句 compound; complex sentence
- 分句 clause
- 小句 clause
- 联合复句 coordinate complex sentence
- 偏正复句 subordinate complex sentence .
- 多重复句 multiple complex sentence
- 紧缩句 compressive complex sentence
- 句群 sentence group
- 句法成分 syntactic constituent
- 句型 sentence pattern
- 句式 construction
- 句类 sentence mode type
- 句法歧义 syntactic ambiguity
- 语序 word order
- 陈述句 declarative sentence
- 疑问句 interrogative sentence
- 是非问句 yes-no question
- 反复问句 A-not-A question
- 特指问句 specific question
- 选择问句 alternative question
- 感叹句 exclamatory sentence
- 祈使句 imperative sentence
- 主谓句 subject-predicate sentence
- 名词谓语句 nominal-predicate sentence
- 动词谓语句 verb-predicate sentence
- 形容词谓语句 adjective-predicate sentence
- 主谓谓语句 clausal-predicate sentence
- 非主谓句 non-subject-predicate sentence
- 独词句 one-word sentence
- 判断句 equational sentence
- 存现句 existential sentence
- 把字句 Ba-construction
- 被字句 Bei-construction
- 连谓句 serial verb construction
- 兼语句 pivotal construction
- 双宾句 double-object construction
- 倒装句 inversional sentence
- 省略句 ellipsis sentence
- 关联词语 correlative word
- 主语 subject
- 谓词性主语 verbal subject
- 施事主语 agent]ve subject
- 受事主语 patient subject
- 与事主语 recipient subject
- 处所主语 locative subject
- 时间主语 temporal subject
- 工具主语 instrumental subject
- 谓语 predicate
- 体词性谓语 nominal predicate
- 述语 predicative
- 宾语 object
- 谓词性宾语 predicative object
- 施事宾语 agentive object
- 受事宾语 patient object
- 结果宾语 resultive object
- 时间宾语 temporal object
- 处所宾语 locative object
- 存现宾语 existential object
- 工具宾语 instrumental object
- 数量宾语 quantitive object
- 双宾语 double objects
- 直接宾语 direct object
- 间接宾语 indirect object
- 定语 attributive
- 描写性定语 descriptive attributive
- 限制性定语 restrictive attributive
- 状语 adverbial
- 补语 complement
- 结果补语 resultive complement
- 趋向补语 directional complement
- 可能补语 potential complement
- 程度补语 degree complement
- 状态补语 state complement
- 数量补语 quantitive complement
- 处所补语 locative complement
- 时间补语 temporal complement
- 中心语 head
- 修饰语 modifier
- 独立语 absolute
- 施事 agent
- 受事 patient
- 感事 experiencer
- 与事 recipient
- 系事 co-referent
- 逻辑主语 logic subject
- 逻辑宾语 logic object
- 话题 topic
- 评述 comment
- 主题 (语言学) theme
- 述题 rheme
- 焦点 focus
- 预设 presupposition
- 句法分析 syntactic analysis
- 直接成分分析 immediate constituent analysis
- 句子成分分析 sentence constituent analysis
- 变换分析 transformational analysis
- 词形变化 accidence
- 性 gender
- 数 number
- 格 case; Case
- 价 valency
- 人称 person
- 时 tense
- 体 aspect
- 态 voice
- 主格 nominative case; NOM case
- 宾格 objective case
- 与格 dative case
- 作格 ergative case
- 属格 genitive case
- 重叠 superposition
- 零形式 zero form
- 直接成分 immediate constituent; IC
- 分布 distribution
- 替换 substitution
- 短语标记 phrase-marker; PM
- 移位 movement; move
- 嵌套 embed
- 省略 ellipsis
- 搭配 combination
- 扩展 expansion
- 形式 form
- 功能 function
- 辖域 scope
- 连贯 coherence
[编辑]- 语义学 ①semantics; ②linguistic semantics
- 传统语义学 traditional semantics
- 现代语义学 modem semantics
- 普通语义学 general semantics; theoretic semantics
- 普遍语义学 universal semantics
- 解释语义学 interpretive semantics
- 生成语义学 generative semantics
- 结构语义学 structural semantics
- 文化语义学 cultural semantics
- 哲学语义学 philosophical semantics
- 逻辑语义学 logical semantics
- 真值条件语义学 trulh-conditional semantics
- 模型论式语义学 model theory; model-theoretic semantics
- 语义哲学 semantic philosophy; philosophy of semantics
- 真理论语义学 truth-theoretic semantics
- 博弈论语义学 game-theoretic semantics
- 翻译语义学 translational semantics
- 判据和构造语义学 criterial-constructive semantics
- 词汇语义学 lexical semantics
- 句法语义学 syntactic semantics
- 柏拉图意义观 Plato’s notion meaning; Platonic notion of meaning
- 亚里士多德意义观 Aristotle’s notion of meaning; Aristotelian notion of meaning
- 指称论 referential theory; referentialism; denotational theory
- 意义三元论 meaning trialism; semiotic triangle of meaning
- 语义网络理论 semantic network theory
- 语境理论 context theory
- 场论 field theory; semantic field theory
- 成分分析理论 componential analysis theory
[编辑]- 语义成分分析法 componential analysis
- 语乂结构分析法 semiotactic analysis
- 词义构成分析法 lexical constituent analysis
- 扩展法 inserted expansion
- 同形替代法 constituent substitution; constituent replacement
- 词汇统计法 lexicostalistics
[编辑]- 词汇学 lexicology
- 普通词汇学 general lexicology
- 专语词汇学 specialized lexicology; concrete lexicology
- 描写词汇学 descriptive lexicology
- 历史词汇学 historical lexicology
- 历史比较词汇学 historical comparative
- 古代汉语词汇学 ancient Chinese lexicology
- 汉语历史词汇学 historical Chinese lexicology
- 现代汉语词汇学 modern Chinese lexicology
- 词义学 lexicology; lexical semantics
- 词彩学 lexical colorology
- 语汇学 lexis studies
- 熟语学 phraseology
- 语源学 etymology
- 词源学 etymology
- 汉语词族学 Chinese lexical linearology
- 二维度词源学 two-dimensional etymology; bi-dimensional etymology
[编辑]- 词 word
- 词汇 word
- 语汇 vocabulary stock
- 词汇层 lexemic stratum; lexical hierarchy
- 词汇词 lexical word; content word
- 词汇单位 lexical unit
- 词汇类型 lexical type
- 词汇系统 lexical system
- 全民性词汇 national vocabulary
- 非全民性词汇 non-national vocabulary
- 基本词汇 basic vocabulary
- 一般词汇 common vocabulary
- 通用词汇 general vocabulary
- 常用词汇 high frequent word
- 书面语词汇 vocabulary of written language; vocabulary of written words
- 口语词汇 colloquialism; vocabulary of spoken language
- 基本词 basic word
- 常用词 everyday expression
- 言语词 contextual word
- 偶发词 nonce word; nonce formation; nonce; accidental words
- 词库 lexicon
- 首词 prototypical lexeme
- 同类词 class word; group word
- 本语词 native word
- 外来词 loan word; foreign word; alienism; alien word; foreignism
- 译词 translated loan
- 音译词 transliteration; phonemic loan
- 音义兼译词 meaning-indicative phonetic transcription
- 意译词 semantic loan
- 仿译词 loan translation; caique
- 形译词 graphic loan from Japanese
- 混合词 hybrid; hybrid word; loan-blend
- 单义词 monoseine
- 多义词 polyseme
- 同义词 synonym
- 意念同义词 semantic field synonym
- 语体同义词 stylistic synonym
- 修辞同义词 rhetoric synonym
- 同素同义词 in-component synonym
- 等义词 absolute synonym
- 近义词 relative synonym; near synonym
- 反义词 antonym
- 类义词 lexical cluster
- 上位词 hypernym; super term
- 下位词 hyponym
- 概念词 concept word; conception word
- 感情色彩词 emotive word; affective word
- 褒义词 complimentary word
- 贬义词 derogatory word
- 中性词 neutral word
- 民族色彩词 ethno-lexeme
- 社区词 community expression
- 文化词 cultural word
- 古语词 archaic word
- 文言词 classical Chinese word
- 历史词语 historism; historical word
- 方言词 dialect word
- 传承词 inherited word
- 比喻词语 figurative word
- 异形词 abnormity of a Chinese character
- 异体词 variant forms of a Chinese character
- 工程词 linguistic unit of high frequency
- 摹状词 description
- 元语言 metalanguage
- 定义词汇 defining vocabulary
- 语源 etymon
- 原生词 proto-lexeme; etymon
- 俗词源 folk etymon
- 新词语 neologism; coined word
- 旧词语 obsolete old word
[编辑]- 词义 lexical meaning
- 词形 word form
- 词汇意义类型 lexical meaning type
- 词义系统 lexical meaning system
- 同义关系 synonymy
- 反义关系 antonymy
- 同指关系 co-referentiality; co-referential relation
- 表层义 surface meaning
- 深层义 deep meaning
- 基本义 basic meaning
- 内部形式 internal form
- 指称意义 referential meaning
- 词的理据 lexical motivation; motivation of word
- 命名义 designational meaning
- 概念义 ideational meaning; conceptual meaning
- 概括义 generalized meaning
- 具体义 concrete meaning
- 类型义 class meaning
- 功能义 functional meaning
- 结构义 structural meaning
- 假借义 phonetic loan meaning
- 范畴义 categorical meaning
- 本义 original meaning; basic meaning
- 原始义 primary meaning
- 引申义 extensional meaning; denotative meaning
- 历史义 historical meaning
- 现存义 current meaning
- 古义 ancient meaning
- 文化义 cultural connotation; cultural meaning
- 常用义 generally-used meaning
- 僻义 rarely-used meaning
- 联想义 associative meaning
- 临时义 temporary meaning
- 色彩义 meaning with special flavour
- 比喻义 figurative meaning; meaning
- 转义 transferred meaning
- 贮存义 langue meaning
- 言语义 parol meaning
- 语义 semanteme
- 语义场 semantic field
- 义项 senseitem; meaning item
- 义象 meaning Iongtitude; meaning ensemble label
- 义类 weaning class; semantic category
- 义族 meaning family
- 义群 subset meaning group
- 义列 extensional meaning series; de-notative meaning series
- 义域 meaning domain; semantic domain
- 义位 sememe
- 义素 semantic component
- 义区 meaning sector; semantic space
- 义系 meaning set
- 义蚀 meaning eclipse
- 义通 meaning or semantic association; meaning connection
- 词义扩大 the enlarging of meaning
- 词义缩小 the narrowing of meaning
- 词义转移 the transferring of meaning
[编辑]- 构词法 lexical morphology
- 原形词 original word
- 派生词 derivative
- 单纯词 simple word
- 合成词 compound word
- 复合词 compound word
- 偏义复合词 subordination compound word
- 同素词 allotropy
- 缩略词 abbreviate
- 离合词 segregatory word
- 同音词 homophone
- 同形词 homograph
- 单音词 monosyllabic word
- 复音词 disyllabic and polysyllabic word
- 叠音词 reduplication word
- 多音词 polyphonic word
- 联绵词 twin simple word
- 双声叠韵词 alliterative or rhyming twin simple word
- 词根词 stem; root morpheme
- 词干 stem
- 词根 root
- 自由词根 free root
- 黏着词根 bound root
- 词素 semantic morpheme
- 合成词素 compounding semantic morpheme
- 实词素 content semantic morpheme
- 虚词素 grammatical semantic morpheme
- 自由形式 free form
- 黏着形式 bound form
- 屈折形式 inflectional form
- 附加词素 bound morpheme
- 词缀 affix
- 前缀 prefix
- 中缀 infix
- 后缀 suffix
- 类词缀(准词缀) quasi-affix
- 类前缀(准前缀) semi-grammaticalized prefix; semi-prefix; quasi-prefix
- 类后缀(准后缀) semi-grammaticalized suffix; semi-suffix; quasi-suffix
- 词头 proclitics; prefix; headword
- 词尾 enclitics; inflectional suffix
- 字母词素 lettered morpheme
- 首字母缩略词 initialism; alphabetism
- 造词法 word fonnation
- 词法造词法 mationmorphological word formation
- 句法造词法 syntactic word formation
- 语音造词法(语音构词) phonetic word formation
- 衍声造词法 rhymed word formation
- 仿造词 new creation by partial mor-pheme substitution
- 双音词化 lexical disyllabification; lexico-disyllabication
[编辑]- 熟语 phraseological unit; stereotyped expression; idiomatic phrase
- 成语 idiom; set phrase
- 四字格 quadrisyllable word
- 惯用语 formulaic expression; routine; refabricated language
- 社会习惯语(社会方言词语、习惯语) social idiom; social dialect
- 术语 term; terminology
- 行业语(行业词、行话) jargon; cant
- 委婉语 euphemism
- 禁忌语 taboo
- 警句(警语) epigram; aphorism
- 歇后语 a two-part allegorical saying
- 谚语 proverb
- 格言 maxim; motto; aphorism
- 典故词 allusive word
- 俚语词 slang; slang word
- 詈词(恶言、恶声、秽语、骂言、粗口) abusive expression; swear word; curse; abusive language
- 俗语词 popular word; folksay; slang
[编辑]- 辞书学 science of lexicographic(al) works
- 词典学 lexicography
- 普通词典学 general lexicography
- 专科词典学 specialized lexicography
- 比较词典学 comparative lexicography
- 计算词典学(电子词典学) computational lexicography
- 百科词典学 eruiycdopeciic lexicography
- 理论词典学 theoretical lexicography
- 应用词典学 applied lexicography; practical lexicography
- 单语词典学 monolingual lexicography
- 双语词典学 bilingual lexicography
- 多语词典学 multilingual lexicography
- 词典分类学(词典类型学) dictionary typology
- 词典考古学 dictionary archaeology; lexicographic(al) archaeology
- 语料库词典学 corpus lexicography; corpus-oriented lexicography
- 辞书评论 dictionary review; dictionarycriticism
- 辞书史 dictionary history
- 用户需求分析 user needs analysis
[编辑]- 辞书编纂 dictionary making; dictionary compilation
- 辞书编纂方案(辞书编纂计划) dictionary project
- 总体设计 overall design
- 总体结构 overall structure
- 总体规模 total size
- 总体布局 overall layout
- 总体风格 general style
- 编纂计划 planning of dictionary project
- 编纂宗旨 purpose of dictionary-making
- 编纂条例 rules of dictionary-making
- 体例 format guideline
- 凡例(例言) key to entries
- 框架结构 frame structure; megastructure
- 宏观结构 macrostructure
- 中观结构 mediostructure
- 参见结构 cross-reference structure
- 微观结构 microstructure
- 微观结构设计 microstructure design
- 条目结构 entry structure; article structure
- 外部材料 outside matter
- 前置页 front matter
- 中置页 middle matter
- 后置页 back matter
- 附录 appendix; subsidiary
- 词条 entry; lexical entry
- 查询区 search area
- 立目 selection of lemma
- 选词 selection of headword
- 收词 inclusion of headword
- 收词原则 principles of headword selection
- 收词范围 coverage of headword selection
- 古旧词 archaism
- 废弃词 obsolete word
- 选条 selection of entries (articles)
- 选字 selection of head characters
- 收条 inclusion of articles
- 收字 inclusion of head characters
- 语词条目 lexical entry
- 百科条目 encyclopedic entry
- 词目 lemma
- 词头(词目词) entry-word; headword
- 字条 character entry
- 字头 head character
- 条目 article; entry
- 条头 heading of an article
- 条头设计(条头标引) design of heading
- 单字条目 single-word entry
- 多字条耳 multi-word entry
- 短语条目 piirasal entry
- 主词条(主词条、正条) main entry
- 次词条 sub-entry
- 内词条 run-on entry
- 副词条(副条) secondary lemma
- 参见条 cross-reference entry
- 注释 gloss
- 用法说明 usage note
- 词汇搭配 lexical collocation
- 分布结构 distribution structure
- 闭环性 closedness of dictionary
- 例证(用例、词例) example; illustrative example
- 辞书语证 lexicographic(al) evidence
- 引例(书证) cited example; citation
- 自撰例 constructed example
- 典型例证 typical example
- 反语证 counterexample
- 对等词 equivalent
- 翻译对等词 translation equivalent
- 解释性对等词 explanatory equivalent
- 部分对等 partial equivalence
- 部分对等词 partial equivalent
- 语义仿造 semantic caique
- 归纳仿造 inductive caique
- 指称仿造 referential caique
- 句法仿造 syntactic caique
- 形态仿造 morphological caique
- 形义仿造 morpho-semantic caique
- 音形仿造 phono-morphological caique
- 音义仿造 phono-semanic caique
- 注音 phonetic transcription
- 音标注音法 phonetic transcription; phonetic symbol transcription
- 字母注音法 phonetic alphabet transcription
- 编排技巧 ordering device
- 排检法 arrangement and consultation
- 编排法 arrangement
- 查检法 consultaion
- 音序排检法 arrangement and consultation by phonetic alphabet
- 形序排检法(词形排检法、字形排检法) arrangement and consultation by written form
[编辑]- 方言学 dialectology
- 方言 dialect
- 汉语方言 Chinese dialect
- 方言地理学 dialect geography
- 方言地图集 dialect atlas
- 原始方言 proto dialect
- 方言特征 dialectal characiteristics
- 母方言 mother tongue
- 基础方言 basic dialect
- 方言亲疏 dialectal distance
- 地方普通话 regional common language
- 方言边界 dialect boundary
[编辑]- 方言普查 general survey of dialects
- 《方言调查字表》Chinese Table for Dialectal Investigation
- 方言记略 outline of a dialect
- 方言拼音方案 dialectal romanization system
- 记音 phonetic transcription
- 方言志 dialect chorography
- 国际音标标音 IPA transcription
- 宽式标音 broad transcription
- 严式标音 narrow transcription
- 发音人 informant
- 本地人 native speaker
- 方言音系 dialectal phonology
- 单字音系 phonological system of mono-syllable
- 方言词汇 dialectal lexicon
- 方言词典 dialectal dictionary
- 方言语法 dialectal grammar
[编辑]- 方言分区 dialectal division
- 方言系属 dialectal belongings
- 方言层级 dialectal stratification
- 方言分类 dialectal classification
- 方言区 dialect group
- 方言片 dialect cluster
- 方言小片 dialect sub-cluster
- 方言点 dialect spot
- 方言岛 dialect island
- 军话 military dialect
- 站话 station dialect
- 蛮话 Man dialect
- 土话 aboriginal vernacular
- 粤北土话 Northern Yue Vernacular Cluster
- 湘南土话 Southern Xiang Vernacular Cluster
- 官话方言 Mandarin dialect
- 北方方言 Northern Mandarin
- 蓝青官话 substandard Mandarin
- 北京官话 Beijing Mandarin
- 东北官话 Northeastern Mandarin
- 兰银官话 Lanyin Mandarin
- 胶辽官话 Jiaoiiao Mandarin
- 冀鲁官话 Jilu Mandarin
- 中原官话 Zhongyuan Mandarin
- 西南官话 Southwestern Mandarin
- 上江官话 Shangjiang Mandarin
- 江淮官话 Jianghuai Mandarin
- 下江官话 Xiajiang Mandarin
- 吴方言 Wu dialect
- 北部吴语 Northern Wu dialect
- 南部吴语 Southern Wu dialect
- 湘方言 Xiang dialect
- 赣方言 Gan dialect
- 粤方言 Yue dialect
- 闽方言 Min dialect
- 客家方言 Hakka dialect
- 晋方言 Jin dialect
- 徽方言 Hui dialect
- 平话方言 Pinghua dialect
[编辑]- 本音 basic form
- 变音 changed form
- 合音 fusion
- 儿化 er diminutive; rhotacized
- 儿化韵 er diminutive final; rhotacized final
- 本调 basic tone
- 单字调 independent tone
- 变调 changed tone
- 连读变调 tone sandhi
- 两字组 bi-syllabic form
- 三字组 tri-syllabic form
- 小称 diminutive
- 小称变韵 diminutive final
- 小称变调 diminutive tone
- 子变韵母 zi changed final
- D变韵 D changed final
- 音韵地位 historical phonological categories
- 分尖团 sharp and round initial distinction
- 尖音 sharp initial
- 团音 round initial
- 清音浊流 unvoiced initial with voiced release
- 舒声 lax tone
- 促声 abrupt tone
- 语音对应 phonological correspondence
- 异读 variant reading
- 训读 interpretative reading
- 文读 literary reading
- 文读音 literary pronounciation
- 文读层 literary layer
- 白读 colloquial reading
- 白读音 colloquial pronounciation
- 白读层 colloquial layer
- 文白异读 literary versus colloquial distinction
- 新派 new variation
- 老派 old variation
- 方言字 dialectal character
- 俗字 vulgar character
- 本字 etymological character
- 考本宇 etymological character analysis
- 例外字 exceptional reading character
- 特字 special reading character
- 方言词 dialectal word
- 特征词 distinctive word
- 分音词 split word
- 合音词 fusional word
- 切脚词 qiejiao word
- 方言韵书 dialectal rhyme book
[编辑]- 音韵学 historical phonology
- 音韵 phonology
- 古音构拟 reconstruction of ancient pronunciation
- 上古音 old Chinese sounds
- 中古音 middle Chinese sounds
- 近代音 recent Chinese sounds; early Mandarin
- 近古音 early Mandarin
- 通语 common language
- 北音 North Chinese sounds
- 北音学 North Chinese phonology
- 南音 South Chinese sounds
- 国音 national pronunciation
[编辑]- 清 voiceless
- 全清 unaspirated voiceless initials
- 次清 aspirated voiceless initials
- 浊 voiced
- 全浊 voiced obstruent (stop, affricate and fricative)
- 次浊 voiced sonorant
- 戛透拂练揉 initial types of [ k ] (unaspirated) ,[ t‘ ] ( aspirated) ,[ f ] ( fricative) ,[ l ] (lateral) and [ r ] ( nasal and semi-vowel)
- 声 ①initial ( of a Chinese syllable); ②initial category; ③tone
- 纽 ①initial (of a Chinese syllable); ②to combine an initial and a final to form a syllable; ③syllable
- 声母 initial
- 复辅音声母 consonant cluster as an initial
- 零声母 zero initial
- 清声母 voiceless initial
- 浊声母 voiced initial
- 双声 alliterated disyllables
- 叠韵 rhymed disyllables
- 韵 ① rhyme;② group of rhymes;③ second sinigram in a fanqie
- 韵母 final
- 韵头 medial
- 韵腹 main vowel
- 韵尾 syllabic ending
- 开韵尾 open ending or vowel ending
- 鼻音韵尾 nasal ending
- 塞音韵尾 stop ending
- 阴声韵 rhyme with an open ending
- 阳声韵 rhyme with a nasal
- 入声韵 rhyme with a stop ending
- 闭口韵 rhyme with a labial ending
- 声调 tone
- 四声 four tonal categories
- 平声 level or even tone
- 平声阴 level tone with a vokeless consonant
- 平声阳 level tone with a voiced consonant
- 上声 rising tone
- 去声 departing or going tone
- 入声 entering tone
- 阳调 tone with a voiced initial
- 阴调 tone with a voiceless initial
- 舒声 ① non-abrupt tone; ② rhyme with vowel or nasal ending
- 促声 ①abrupt tone;②rhyme with stop ending
- 平仄 even and uneven tonal categories
- 仄声 uneven tones
- 字母 sinigrams used as initials
- 守温字母 Shouwen’s system of initial sinigrams
- 三十六字母 36 initial sinigrams
- 五音 five initial categories
- 七音 seven initial categories
- 九音 nine initial categories
- 唇音 labial
- 重唇音 heavy labial;bilabial
- 轻唇音 light labial;labiodental
- 舌音 lingual
- 舌头音 shetou; apical
- 舌上音 sheshang; laminal
- 半舌音 semi-lingual
- 齿音 dental
- 齿头音 chitou; alveolar
- 正齿音 zhengchi; dental proper
- 照二组 Zhao group at the second division; Zhuang group
- 照三组 Zhao group at the third division; Zhang group
- 半齿音 semi-dental
- 半舌半齿音 semi-lingual and semi-dental
- 牙音 velar
- 喉音 guttural
- 喻三 Yu at the third division
- 喻四 Yu at the fourth division
- 转 zhuan; a table in earlier rhyme tables
- 内转 neizhuan; inner rhyme tables
- 外转 waizhuan; outer riiyme tables
- 摄 she;rhyme groups
- 十六摄 16 rhyme groups
- 呼 articulation
- 开合 kaihe; both rounded and unrounded articulution
- 开口 kaikou; unrounded articulation
- 合口 hekou; rounded articulation
- 开合韵 kaihe; a rhyme table with both rounded and unrounded finals
- 独韵 duyun; a rhyme table with exclusively rounded or unrounded finals
- 开口呼 articulation when neither [ i ] [ u ] or [ y ] is used as medial or main vowel
- 合口呼 articulation with [ u ] as medial or main vowel
- 齐齿呼 articulation with [ i ] as medial or main vowel
- 撮口呼 articulation with [y] as medial or main vowel
- 尖团音 jianyin vs. tuanyin
- 洪细 big vs. small aperture
- 弇侈 narrow vs. wide aperture
- 轻重 qing vs. zhong; light vs. heavy
- 等 division; grade 爹中根据韵腹和介音把韵母分为四 斤分列或四格分
- 一等韵 first division
- 二等韵 second division
- 三等韵 third division
- 四等韵 fourth division
- 纯三等韵 pure third division
- 假二等 false second division
- 假四等 false fourth division
- 切韵学 study of rhyme tables
- 切韵法 method of fanqie
- 等韵学 study of rhyme tables
- 等韵 phonology of rhyme tables
- 切韵图 rhyme tables
- 等韵图 rhyme tables
- 列围 slot
- 归字 locate
- 悉昙 siddham
- 门法 menfa; guiding principle of understanding rhyme tables
- 窠切 keqie; a menfa principle relating zhi initial group
- 内外 nei vs. wai; inner vs. outer
- 精照互用 huyong; a menfa principle relating jing and zhao initial groups
- 轻重交互 jiaohu; a men£a principle relating light and heavy labials
- 日寄凭切 riji; a menfa principle relating the ri initial
- 寄韵凭切 jiyun; a menfa principle relating the zhao initial group
- 类隔 leige:a principle relating duan and zhi initial groups
- 音和 yinhe; total harmony
[编辑]- 押韵 rhyme
- 叶音 adaptation
- 韵脚 rhymed sinigram
- 韵例 rhyming pattern
- 合韵 mixed rhyming
- 合辙 rhyme
- 诗韵 ①rhyraing system for regular poetry; ②rhyming system of the Book of Songs
- 平水韵 Pingshui rhyming system
- 词韵 Rhyming system of the Ci poetry
- 曲韵 rhyming system of the Qu poetry
- 十三辙 13 vernacular rhyming groups
- 今音学 middle Chinese phonology
- 今音 middle Chinese sounds
- 韵书 rhyme dictionary
- 韵目 rhyme heading
- 同用 ①shared rhyme; ②identical application
- 独用 exclusive rhyme
- 重韵 chongyun; rhymes with common features but under different headings
- 小韵 syllable in a rhyme dictionary “纽”。指韵书中声、韵、调完全相同的 字组。
- 重出小韵 redundant syllable
- 重纽 redundant syllable in rhyme tables
- 韵系 rhyme set
- 四声相承 tonal relation within a rhyme set
- 反切 fanqie; sinigraphic spelling
- 被切字 sinigram to be spelt
- 反切上字 first sinigram in a fanqie
- 反切下字 second sinigram in a fanqie
- 又音 another pronunciation
- 又切 the fanqie for the other pronunciation
- 倒纽 anti-pronunciation
- 正纽 normal pronunciation
- 助纽字 alliterated sinigrams
- 反切系联法 interconnection method of fanqie
- 正例 basic principles of the interconnection method
- 变例 complementary principles of the interconnection method
- 递用 sequential application
- 互用 mutual application
- 韵类 rhyme category
- 声类 initial cateeory
[编辑]- 古音学 old Chinese phonology
- 古音 old Chinese sounds
- 古本音 old sound proper
- 古合韵 mixed rhyming in old Chinese
- 正声 ①rhyme shifting proper; ②initials proper
- 变声 ①rhyme shifting additional; ②initials generated
- 正韵 ①old rhyme proper; ②rhyme categories with proper initials
- 支韵 ①old riiyme generated; ②rhyme categories with generated
- 变韵 rhyme generated
- 韵部 rhyme group
- 支脂之三分 a hypothesis that the three neighbouring sets of rhymes of zhi,zhi and zhi in qieyun belong to three different rhyme groups in old Chinese
- 脂微分部 a hypothesis that the rhymes of zhi and wei in qieyun belong to two different rhyme groups in old Chinese
- 通转 tongzhuan; relation between different phonological categories
- 对转 duizhuan
- 阴阳对转 duizhuan between rhymes with nasal and vowel endings
- 阴入对转 duizlman between rhymes with vowel and stop endings
- 阳入对转 duizhuan between rhymes with nasal and stop endings
- 正对转 primary duizhuan
- 次对转 secondary duizhuan
- 旁转 pangzhuan
- 近旁转 near-by pangzhuan
- 次旁转secondary pangzhuan
- 谐声 sinigrams with shared phonetic symbol
- 主谐字 zhuxiezi; sinigram used as the phonetic symbol
- 被谐字 beixiezi; sinigram using zhuxiezi as the phonetic symbol
- 谐声系列 phonetic symbol series; sinigrams based on the same phonetic
- 谐声系统 phonetic symbol system
- 譬况 description
- 急声 quick pronunciation
- 慢声 slow pronunciation
- 直音 homophone
[编辑]- 古无轻唇音 a hypothesis that there are no light labials in old Chinese
- 古无舌上音 a hypothesis that there arc no lflininflls in old Chinese
- 娘日归泥 a hypothesis that the initial categories of niang and er belong to the category of ni in old Chinese
- 喻三归厘 a hypothesis that the yu initial at the third division belongs to the xia initial in old Chinese
- 喻四归定 a hypothesis that the yu initial at the fourth division belongs to the ding initial in old Chinese
- 三等喻化 a hypothesis that initials of the third division are palatalized
- 浊音清化 the process of voiced obstruents becoming voiceless
- 四声一贯 a hypothesis that tonal distinctions are merged in old Chinese verses
- 古无去声 a hypothec that there h no departing tone category in Old Chinese
- 浊上变去 rising tone of the sinigrams with voiced initials become departing tone
- 平分阴阳 ping fen yin yang
- 入派三声 ru pai san sheng
- 对音 transcriptions between languages
- 梵汉对音 Chinese transcription of the Sanskrit words
- 藏汉对音 Chinese transcription of the old Tibetan words
- 日汉对音Japanese transcription of the borrowed Chinese words
- 朝汉对音 Korean transcription of the borrowed Chinese words
- 越汉对音 Vietnamese transcription of the borrowed Chinese words
[编辑]- 计算语言学 computationaninguistics
- 计算词汇学 computational lexicology
- 计算语义学 computational semantics
- 数理语言学 mathematical linguistics
- 语料库语言学 corpus linguistics
- 自然语言处理 natural language processing
- 自然语言理解 natural language understanding
- 自然语言生成 natural language generation
- 语言工程 language engineering
- 人工智能 artificial intelligence
- 信息论 information theory
- 本体知识体系 ontology
[编辑]- 汉字信息处理 Chinese character information processing
- 国标交换码 Chinese national standard code for information interchange
- 国标区位码 Chinese national standard code by section-position
- 汉字编码 Chinese character encoding; Chinese character coding
- 汉字交换码 Chinese character code for information interchange
- 汉字内码 Chinese character internal code
- 汉字字形码 Chinese eharaeter fom code
- 汉字编码字符集 Chinese character coded set
- 汉字识别 Chinese character recognition
- 汉字输入 Chinese character input
- 汉字输出 Chinese character output
[编辑]- 汉语自动分词 Chinese word segmentation; Chinese word tokenizalion; auto-matic segmentation of Chinese word
- 分词规范 specification of word segmentation
- 汉语分词系统 Chinese word segmentation system
- 分词标记 mark of word segmentation
- 分词单位 unit of word segmentation
- 机械分词方法 mechanical segmentation method
- 最大匹配分词方法 maximum matching segmentation method
- 正向最大匹配分词方法 forward maximum matching method
- 反向最大匹配分词方法 backward maximum matching method
- 未登录词 unregistered word; unlisted word; unknown word
- 交集型歧义切分字段 overlapping ambiguous segmentation
- 组合型歧义切分字段 combination ambiguous segmentation
- 词频 word frequency
- 词频索引 word frequency index
- 齐普夫定律 Zipf’s law
- 词例 word token
- 词型 word type
- 词型复现率 repetition rate of word type
- 型一例比 type-token ratio
- 词汇差异度 vocabulary diversity
- 词汇集中度 vocabulary concentration
- 词长分布 distribution of word length
- 类属词 generic word
- 自动形态分析 automatic morphological analysis; automatic lexical analysis
[编辑]- 句法树 syntactic tree
- 剖析树 parsing tree
- 标记树 annotated tree; labeled tree
- 分析器 analyzer
- 句法分析器 parser
- 静态属性表 static attribute list
- 动态属性表 dynamic attribute list
- 歧义结构 ambiguous structure
- 歧义消解 disambiguation
- 基本名词短语 base NP; non-recursive noun phrase
- 组块分析 chunk parsing;chunking
- 部分句法分析 partial parsing
- 浅层分析 shallow parsing
- 基于规则的方法 rule-based approach
- 基于统计的方法 statistic-based approach; statistical approach
[编辑]- 标准通用置标语言 standard generalized markup language; SGML
- 超文本置标语言 hypertext markup language; HTML
- 可扩展置标语言 extensible markup language; XML
- 文本 text
[编辑]- isa关系 isa relation
- part-of关系 part-of relation
- 布尔运算符 Boolean operator
- 巴克斯-诺尔范式 Backus-Naur form; BNF
- 重写规则 rewriting rules
- 产生式规则表示法 production rule
- 产生式语言 production language
- 递归定义 recursive definition
- 有向图 directed graph
- 二叉树 binary tree
- 顶点 vertex
- 结点 node
- 非终极符 non-terminal symbol
- 终极符 terminal symbol
- 子结点 child
- 父结点 father
- 兄弟结点 sibling
- 子树 subtree
- 决策树 decision tree
- 故事树 story tree
- 复杂特征 complex features
- 特征结构 feature structure
- 概念描述 concept description
- 概念图 concept graph
- 槪念网络 conceptual network
- 框架 frame
- 槽 slots
- 框架表示法 frame representation
- 填充项 filler
- 离散分布 discrete distribution
- 命题演算 proposition calculus
- 模糊集 fuzzy set
- 模式 pattern
- 子模式 subpattem
- 启发式规则 heuristic rule
- 神经元网络识别法 neural network recognition method
- 受限语言 restricted language
- 统计识别方法 statistical recognition method
- 推导 derivation
- 推导树 derivative tree
- 谓词逻辑表示法 predicate logic representation
- 语言羡余 language redundancy
- 语义标记 semantic marker
- 语义基元 semantic primitive
- 基元动作 primitive acts; primitive actons
- 语义解释 semantic interpretation
- 语义模式 semantic pattern
- 语义网络表示法 semantic network representation
- 元规则 meta-rule
- 元知识 meta-knowledge
- 知识表示 knowledge representation; KR
- 知识表示系统 knowledge representation system
- 最大似然估计 maximum likelihood estimator
[编辑]- 自底向上句法分析 bottom-up parsing
- 自顶向下句法分析 top-down parsing
- 最右派生 right most derivation
- 最左派生 left most derivation
- 宽度优先策路 breadth-first strategy
- 深度优先策略 depth-first strategy
- 回溯 backtrack
- 确定性算法 deterministic algorithm
- 非确定性算法 nondeterministic algorithm
- 语言归约 language reduction
- 厄尔利算法 Earley algorithm
- 富田胜算法 Tomita algorithm
- 线图 chart
- 线图句法分析 chart parsing
- CYK算法 Cocke-Younger-Kasami algorithm
- 合一算法 unification algorithm; unification
- 逻辑联结词 logical connectives
- 合取 conjunction
- 析取 disjunction
- 方差 variance
- 互倍息 mutual information
- 互熵 cross entropy
- 隶属度 membership
- 贝叶斯决策规则 Bayes decision rule
- 聚类 clustering
- 聚类中心 cluster center
- 简单聚类 simple clustering
- 模糊聚类 fuzzy clustering
- 匹配 matching
- 模式匹配 pattern matching
- 启发式搜索 heuristic search
- 评价函数 evaluation function
- 特征抽取 feature extraction
- 特征函数 feature function
- 特征向呈 feature vector
- 期望 expectation
- 先验概率 prior probability
- 数据平滑 data smoolhing
- 数据稀疏 data sparseness
- 转移概率矩阵 transtion-probability matrix
- 维特比算法 Viterbi algorithm
- 向后算法 backward algorithm
- 向内算法 inside algorithm
- 向前算法 forward algorithm
- 向外算法 outside algorithm
- 词汇驱动 lexicon-driven
- 文法驱动 grammar-driven
- 数据驱动 data-driven
- 目标驱动 goal-driven
- 事件驱动 event-driven
[编辑]- 乔姆斯基层级 Chomskian hierarchy
- 非限制文法 unrestricted grarmmar
- 上下文有关文法 context-sensitive grammar
- 上下文无关文法 context-free grammar
- 正则文法 regular grammar
- 正则语言 regular language
- 定子句语法 definite clause grammar
- 短语结构语法 phrase structure grammar
- 概率上下文无关文法 probabilistic context free grammar
- 属性语法 attribute grammar
- 概率语法 probabilistic grammar
- 功能合一语法 functional unification grammar
- 基于合—的语法 unification-basecJ grammar
- 框架语义学 frame semantics
- 数理逻辑语义学 logical and math-ematical semantics
- 算子语法 operator grammar
- 概念依存理论 conceptual dependency theory
- 有限状态转移网络 finite state transition network; FSTN
- 递归转移网络 recursive transition network; RTN
- 扩充转移网络 augmented transition network; ATN
- 链语法 link grammar
- 逻辑语法 logic grammar
- 外位语法 extraposition grammar
- 树邻接语法 tree adjoining grammar
- 优选语义学 preference semantics
- 语义语法 semantie grammar
- 语言串理论 linguistic string theory
- 神经网络 neural net
- 语言的随机模型 stochastic model of language
- n元模型 n-gram model
- 马尔可夫链模型 Markov-chain model
- 隐马尔可夫模型 hidden Markov model
- 元理论 meta-theory
- 元语法 meta-grammar
- 原型 prototype
- 知识模型 knowledge model
- 内涵逻辑 intensional logic
- 自动机 automaton
[编辑]- 人机界面 man-machine interface
- 问答系统 question answering system
- 专家系统 expert system
- 倍息提取 information extraction
- 命名实体 named entity
- 命名实体识别 named ehtity recognization
- 信息过滤 information filtering
- 搜索引擎 search engine
- 自动分类 automatic classifying
- 自动检索 automatic retrieval
- 自动索引 automatic indexing
- 自动文摘 automatic text summarization; automatic abstraction
- 文本检索 text retrieval
- 文本分类 text classification; text categorization
- 文本挖掘 text mining
- 文本校对 text proofreading
- 文本-语音转换 text to speech; TTS
- 语音-文本转换 speech-text transfer
- 信息检索 information retrieval
- 检索系统 retrieval system
- 跨语言信息检索 cross-language in-formation retrieval
- 查询 query
- 标引 indexing
- 自动标引 automatic indexing
- 主题标引 subject indexing
- 组配标引 coordinate indexing
- 加权标引 weighted indexing
- 主题词 subject term
- 主题词表 thesaurus
- 主题检索 subject retrieval
- F值 F-measure
- 停用词 stop words
- 模式识别 pattern recognition
- 精确率 precision; labeled precision
- 识别率 recognition rate
- 拒识率 rejection rate
- 误识率 error rate
- 召回率 recall; labeled recall
- 知识工程 knowledge engineering
- 知识获取 knowledge acquisition
- 机器学习 machine learning
- 参爱学习 parameter learning
- 类比学习 learning by analogy
- 有指导学习 supervised learning
- 无指导学习 unsupervised learning
- 预处理 preprocessing
- 后处理 postprocessing
[编辑]- 机器翻译 machine translation; MT
- 基于规则的机器翻译 rule-based machine translation; RBMT
- 基于实例的机器翻译 example-based machine translation; EBMT
- 统计机器翻译 statistical machine translation; SMT
- 机助人译 machine-aided human translation
- 人助机译 human-aided machine translation
- 翻译记忆 translation memory
- 语言对 language pair
- 源语分析 source language analysis
- 目标语生成 target language generation
- 中间语 interlingua; intermediate language
- 中间语言法 interiingua approach
- 忠实度 fidelity
- 可懂度 intelligibility
- 转换法 transfer approach
- 转换词典 transfer dictionary
[编辑]- 语言知识库 language knowledge base
- 语料库 corpus
- 平衡语料库 balanced corpus
- 双语语料库 bilingual corpus
- 术语库 terminology bank
- 树库 tree bank
- 机器词典 machine dictionary
- 语乂词典 semantic dictionary
- 用户词典 user specific dictionary
- 词典结构 dictionary configuration
- 词典信息 dictionary information
- 词型和词例关系 relation between type and token
- 词义自动标注 word sense tagging
- 语法标注 grammatical tagging
- 词性标注 part of sppech tagging
- 文本对齐 lexical alignment; bilingual alignment
- 测试集 test set
- 训练集 training set
- 抽样 sampling
- 样本量 sample size
[编辑]- 社会语言学 sociolinguistics
- 互动社会语言学 interactional sociolinguistics
- 宏观社会语言学 macro-sociolinguistics
- 微观社会语言学 micro-sociolinguistics
- 城市方言学 urban dialectology
- 双语学 bilingual studies
- 语言社会学 sociology of language
- 交际民族志学 ethnography of communication
- 语言社会心理学 social psychology of language
- 会话分析学 conversation analysis
[编辑]- 变异 variation
- 变异形式(变异体,变素) variant
- 社会变异 social variation
- 区域性变异 regional variation
- 语言项目(语项) linguistic item
- 语言变项(语言变量) language variable
- 社会变项 social variable
- 社会分布 social distribution
- 语言变体 language variety; linguistic variety
- 地域变体 regional variety
- 言语共同体(言语社区,言语社群,言语社团) speech community
- 言语群体 speech group
- 社会语言标记 sociolinguistic marker
- 社会差别标志 social differentiator
- 社会方言 social dialect; sociolect
- 城市语特征 urbanism
- 标准变体 standard variety
- 非标准变体 nonstandard variety; substandard variety
- 分层(层化) stratification
- 性别差异 gender differences
- 女国音 female accent
- 女书
- 代别(代差) generation differences
- 年龄差异 age differences
- 敬语 honorific
- 正式语体 formal style
- 非正式语体(随便语体) informal style; casual style
- 商议语体(咨询语体) consultative style
- 亲切语体 intimate style
- 固定语体(礼仪语体) frozen style
- 场合语体(场景语体) contextual style
- 雅化语体 modified speech
- 粗俗词语 vulgarism
- 幼儿话语 baby talk
- 语域 register
- 隐语 secret dialect
- 黑话 argot
- 异质有序 ordered heterogeneity
- 显现变项 indicator
- 标记变项(标志变项) marker
- 成见变项 stereotype
- 未意识变化 change from below
- 意识变化 change from above
- 进行中变化 change in progress
- 社会网络 social network
- 网络密度 network density
- 网络力度 network strength
- 交际密度 density of communication
- 观察者悖论 observer's paradox
- 快速隐匿观察法 rapid and anonymous observation
- 参与观察法(参与性观察) participant observation
- 言语反应测验 speech reaction test
- 最小对测试 minimal pair test
- 显性声望 overt prestige
- 隐性声望 covert prestige
- 语义区分量表(语义鉴别量表) semantic differential scales
- 自我评价测验 self-evaluation test
- 配对变语测试法 matched-guise technique
- 变项规则 variable rule
- 绝对规则 categorical rule
- 超越模式 crossover pattern
- 年龄级差 age-grading
- 共时变异 synchronic variation
- 历时变异 diachronic variation
- 真实时间 real time
- 显象时间 apparent time
- 语言演变 language change
- 起因 actuation
- 制约因素 constraint
- 过渡阶段transition
- 嵌入 embedding
- 评价 evaluation
- 语言分化 language divergence
- 语言相对论 linguistic relativity
- 语言缺陷论 deficit hypothesis
[编辑]- 社会语境 social context
- 情景 situation
- 话题 topic
- 参与者 participant
- 场所 setting
- 角色关系 role relationship
- 权势关系(强势关系) power
- 同等关系(一致关系) solidarity
- 角色指令 role instruction
- 协调情景 congruent situation
- 得体性 appropriateness
- 同现规则 co-occurrence rule
- 选用规则 alternation rule
- 场域(语言应用领域) domain
- 语库(言语能力库) verbal repertoire
- 语码(语言代码) linguistic code
- 语码转换 code-switching
- 情景型语码转换 situational code-switching
- 喻意型语码转换 metaphorical code-switching
- 语码混合 code-mixing
- 语境化暗示(语境线索) contextualization cue
- 语境意义 situated meaning
- 普遍礼貌特征 universals of politeness
- 礼貌策略 politeness strategy
- 消极礼貌策略 negative politeness strategy
- 积极礼貌策略 positive politeness strategy
- 消极面子 negative face
- 积极面子 positive face
- 交际能力 communicative competence
- 言语顺应理论(交际调适理论) speech accommodation theory
- 言语行为 speech act
- 间接言语行为 indirect speech act
- 合作原则 cooperative principle
- 会话隐含 conversational implicature
- 发话人 sender
- 会话分祈 conversational analysis
- 话轮 turn
- 话轮转换 turn-taking
- 邻接对 adjacency pair
- 言语事件 speech event
- 寒喧交谈 phatic communion
- 伴随语言特征(副语言特征) paralinguistic feature
- 临时词 nonce-word
- 言语交际 verbal communication
- 非言语交际 nonverbal communication
- 会话风格 conversational style
- 会话投入 conversational involvernment
- 解读框架 frame
[编辑]- 双语现象 bilingualism
- 多语现象 multingualism
- 双语人 bilingual
- 多语人 multilingual
- 单语人 monolingual
- 双方言现象 bidialectism
- 多方言现象 multidialectism
- 双语读写能力 biliterate
- 双言制(双言现象) diglossia
- 多言制(多言现象) polyglossia
- 高变体 high variety
- 低变体 low variety
- 超方言变体 superposed variety
- 少数民族语言 minority language
- 多数人语言 majority language
- 少数族裔语言 minor language
- 语言优势 language dominance
- 强势语言(优势语言) prestige language
- 弱势语言 nonpcestige language
- 强势方言 prestige dialect
- 弱势方言 nonprestige dialect
- 土著语言(原住民语) indigenous language
- 社区语言(社团语言) community language
- 言语岛 speech island
- 地方话 local dialect
- 本地话(土话) vernacular
- 方言化 dialectalization
- 非方言化 de-dialectalization
- 语言接触 language contact
- 方言借用(内部借用) dialect-borrowing
- 半借词 loan blend
- 借词音变 loan shift
- 语言混合 hybridization
- 混合语 mixed language
- 接触语 contact language
- 皮钦语 pidgin
- 克里奥尔语(民族混合语) creole
- 克里奥尔语演化连续体 post-creole continuum
- 高势语 acrolect,低势语 basilect,中势语 mesolect
- 并合语 split language
- 底层语言 substratum
- 表层语言 superstratum
- 本土化 indigenization
- 母语 mother tongue
- 族际通用语(交际媒介语) lingua franca
- 国际语言 international language
- 世界语 Esperanto
- 语言共同体(语言社区)language community
- 语言保持(语言维护)language maintenance
- 语言转用(语言替换)language shift
- 语言忠诚 language loyalty
- 语言丧失 language loss
- 语言同化 linguistic assimilation
- 活语言 living language
- 濒危语言 endangered language
- 语言消亡 language death
- 语言融合 language blending
- 语言联盟 language union
[编辑]- 语言规划 language planning
- 语言地位规划 status planning
- 语言本体规划 corpus planning
- 语言声望规划 language prestige planning
- 语言标准化 language standardization
- 标准语 standard langnage
- 内源规范 endonormative
- 外来规范 exonomative
- 语言规范化 language normalization
- 语文现代化 language modernization
- 语言选择 language choice
- 族内语 endoglossic
- 族外语 exoglossic
- 部分族外语 part-exoglossic
- 通用语 common language
- 普通话 Putonghua
- 官方语言 official language
- 国语 national language
- 语言状况 language situation
- 语言政策 language policy
- 语言法 language law
- 语言权 language rights
- 群体语言权 group language rights
- 个体语言权 individual language rights
- 语言歧视 language discrimination
- 语言认同 language identity
- 语言复兴 language revival
- 语言活力 language vitality
- 语言技能 language skills
- 第一语言 first language
- 第二语言 second language
- 外国语 foreign language
- 目的语 target language
- 工具型动机 instrumental motivation
- 融合型动机(整合动机,归附动机) integrative motivation
- 附加性双语现象(增益性双语现象) additive bilingualism
- 缩减性双语现象(消戒性双语现象) substractive bilingualism
- 生产性双语现象 productive bilingualism
- 语言产业 language industry
- 语言服务 language service
- 语言市场 language market
- 语言冲突 language conflict
- 语言态度(语言观念) language attitude
[编辑]- 藏缅语族 Tibeto-Burman group
[编辑]- 景颇语支 Jingpo branch
- 景颇语 Jingpo language
- 格曼语 Geman language
- 达让语 Darang language
- 独龙语 Dulong language
- 阿侬语 Anong language
[编辑]- 彝语支 Yi branch
- 彝语 Yi language
- 哈尼语 Hani langnage
- 傈僳语 Lisu langnage
- 拉祜语 Lahu language
- 纳西语 Naxi language
- 基诺语 Jinuo language
- 喀卓语 Kazhuo language
- 桑孔语 Sangkong langnage
- 毕苏语 Bisu language
- 怒苏语 Nusu language
- 柔若语 Rouruo language
[编辑]- 缅语支 Burmese branch
- 载瓦语 Zaiwa language
- 阿昌语 Achang language
- 浪速语 Langsu language
- 勒期语 Leqi language
- 波拉语 Bola language
- 仙岛语 Xiandao language
[编辑]- 羌语支 Qiang branch
- 羌语 Qiang language
- 嘉戎语 rGyarong language
- 普米语 Pumi language
- 尔龚语(道孚语) Ergong language
- 却域语 Queyu language
- 扎坝语 Zhaba Ianguaage
- 木雅语 Muya language
- 尔苏语 Ersu language
- 史兴语 Shixing language
- 贵琼语 Guiqiong language
- 纳木依语(鱼通话) Namuyi language
[编辑]- 苗瑶语族 Miao-Yao group
[编辑]- 苗语支 Miao (Hmong) branch
- 苗语 Miao (Hmong) language
- 布努语 Bunu language
- 巴哼语 Baheng language
- 炯奈语 Jiongnai language
[编辑]- 壮侗语族 Zhuang-Dong group
[编辑]- 壮傣语支(台语支) Zhuang-Dai branch
- 壮语 Zhuang language
- 布依语 Bouyei language
- 傣语 Dai language
- 临高语 Lingao language
[编辑]- 侗水语支 Dong-Sui branch
- 侗语 Dong language
- 水语 Sui language
- 仫佬语 Mulam language
- 毛南语 Maonan language
- 拉珈语 Lajia language
- 佯僙语 Yanghuang language
- 莫语 Mo language
[编辑]- 仡央语支 Ge-Yang branch
- 仡佬语 Gelao language
- 木佬语 Mulao language
- 拉基语 Laji language
- 布央语 Buyang language
- 普标语 Pubiao language
- 布干语 Bugan language
[编辑]- 阿尔泰语系 Altaic family
[编辑]- 突厥语族 Turkic group
[编辑]- 西匈语支 Westem Huns branch
- 维吾尔语 Uighur language
- 哈萨克语 Kazak language
- 乌孜别克语 Uzbek language
- 撒拉语 Salar language
- 塔塔尔语 Tatar language
[编辑]- 蒙古语族 Mongolian Group
- 蒙古语 Mongolian language
- 东乡语 Dongxiang language
- 土族语 Tu language
- 达斡尔语 Daur language
- 保安语 Bao'an language
- 东部裕固语 Eastern Yugor language
- 康家语 Kangjia language
[编辑]- 满-通古斯语族(通古斯语族) Manchu-Tungusic Group
[编辑]- 南亚语系 Austern-Asiatic family
[编辑]- 孟-高棉语族 Mon-Khmer group
[编辑]- 佤-德昂语支 Wa-De'angic branch
- 佤语 Wa language
- 布朗语 Bulang language
- 德昂语 De'ang language
- 克木语 Kemu language
- 克蔑语 Kemie language
- 布兴语 Buxing language
[编辑]- 南岛语系(马来-波利尼西亚语系) Austronesian family
- 泰耶尔语 Atayal language
- 赛德克语 Sedeq language
- 邹语 Tsou language
- 沙阿鲁阿语 Saaroa language
- 卡那卡那富语 Kanakanavu language
- 排湾语 Paiwan language
- 卑南语 Puyuma language
- 雅美语(达悟语) Yami language
- 邵语 Thao laoguage
- 噶玛兰语 Kavalan language
- 巴则海语 Pazeh language
[编辑]- 朝鲜语 Kocean language
[编辑]- 八思巴文 Phags-pa script
- 白文 Bai writing
- 察合台文(老维吾尔文) Chagatay script
- 东巴文 Tomba script
- 哥巴文 Geba script
- 尔苏沙巴文 Ersu script
- 回鹘文(回纥文) Uighur script
- 女真文 Jurchen script
- 契丹文 Khitan script
- 满文 Manchu script
- 佉卢字 Kharosthi alphabet
- 焉耆-龟兹文(吐火罗文) Tocharian script
- 粟特文(窣利文) Sogdian language
- 水书 Sui script
- 古突厥文(鄂尔浑-叶尼塞文) Turkic script
- 西夏文 Xixia script
- 托忒文 Todorkhai Mongol
- 布依文 Bouyei writing
- 谚文 Korean writing
- 傣文 Dai writing
- 侗文 Dong w1iting
- 俄罗斯文 Russian writing
- 哈尼文 Hani writing
- 哈萨克文 Kazak writing
- 景颇文 Jingpo writing
- 柯尔克孜文 Kirgiz writing
- 拉祜文 Lahu writing
- 傈僳文 Lisu writing
- 黎文 Li writing
- 蒙古文 Mongolian writing
- 苗文 Miao writing
- 纳西文 Naxi writing
- 土文 Monguor writing
- 佤文 Wa writing
- 乌孜别克文 Uzbek writing
- 维吾尔文 Uighur writing
- 锡伯文 Xibo writing
- 瑶文 Yao writing
- 彝文 Yi writing
- 于阗文 Khotan script
- 藏文 Tibetan writing
- 载瓦文 Zaiwa writing
- 壮文 Zhuang writing
- 羌文 Qiang writing