
















塞雷茨·卡马原先是贝专纳保护国最大部落恩瓦托部落英语Ngwato tribe的酋长继承人,1951年被迫中止继承权并被流放,他在结束流放生涯后创立博茨瓦纳民主党,致力于独立运动。1966年博茨瓦纳共和国脱离英国正式独立,卡马担任首任总统























帕特里斯·卢蒙巴约瑟夫·卡萨武布阿尔伯特·卡隆吉英语Albert Kalonji让·柏利戡戈英语Jean Bolikango克雷奥帕斯·卡米塔图英语Cléophas Kamitatu保罗·博利亚英语Paul Bolya都被视为是刚果民主共和国的“独立之父”。[2]




埃及独立的创始人萨德·扎格卢勒是一位政治家,曾经在埃及政府多个部门任职,也曾被英国政府关押到马耳他,后来回国参与1919年埃及革命。随后,扎格卢勒说服苏丹福阿德一世凭借良好的英埃关系英语Egypt–United Kingdom relations,交涉英国给予埃及独立;并于1922年宣布独立为埃及王国,扎格卢勒担任埃及总理。1956年随着苏伊士运河国有化,英国结束在埃及的军事据点。



恩格瓦尼三世英语Ngwane III于1745年至1780年担任卡恩格瓦尼国王,带领史瓦帝人定居现在土地,被认为是现代斯威士兰的首任国王。

















约瑟·詹金斯·罗拔斯是一位非裔美国人后裔的自由人。1829年,他和家人移居利比里亚,与1820年以来美国殖民协会协助下,数千名重新定居的其他非裔美国人一起生活。1839年,罗拔斯成为利比里亚副总督,随后担任总督英语Agents and governors of Liberia。他被称为利比里亚之父,1847年见证利比里亚独立英语1846 Liberian independence referendum,并成为首任总统[4] 罗拔斯和非裔美国人定居者的后裔称为美洲裔利比里亚人



伊德里斯一世利比亚首任与唯一一任国王,1951年至1969年在位,他也是塞努西穆斯林教团的领袖。伊德里斯于1949年获得支持,宣布成立昔兰尼加酋长国;他还成为的黎波里塔尼亚的埃米尔,这是现在利比亚的三个传统区之一(第三个是费赞)。[5] 他在盟国的支持下将利比亚统一在单一君主制,1949年制定宪法,并于1951年10月通过。国民大会选举伊德里斯为国王,并于1951年12月24日宣布利比亚王国为独立国家。



第一个摩洛哥国家伊德里斯一世于788年建立,至今统治摩洛哥的阿拉维王朝,于1631年由谢里夫·本·阿里英语Sharif ibn Ali建立。






以上都被认为是尼日利亚的创始人,奥巴费米·阿沃洛沃英语Obafemi Awolowo纳姆迪·阿齐基韦艾哈迈杜·贝洛英语Ahmadu Bello作为三巨头,在芬米拉约·兰索姆-库蒂英语Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti酋长等人协助下,向英国进行尼日利亚独立谈判。









塞拉利昂首都弗里敦非裔美国人士兵托马斯·彼得斯英语Thomas Peters (revolutionary)于1792年建立,他说服英国废奴主义者英语Abolitionism in the United Kingdom协助安置1,192名非裔,这些人为英国作战以换取自由。彼得斯与两位黑人大卫·乔治英语David George (Baptist)摩西·威尔金森英语Moses Wilkinson都对建设弗里敦发挥过贡献,但今天人们只记得彼得斯是对塞拉利昂真正有影响力的创建者。彼得斯和非裔美国人后裔英语Nova Scotian Settlers已经成为塞拉利昂克里奥尔人(克里奥人)的一部分[6][7],2011年弗里敦建立一座雕像纪念彼得斯。[8]




1940年代以来,索马里青年联盟英语Somali Youth League在推进索马里独立过程中,发挥着重要的作用。其中两位成员曾经先后担任索马里总统,即首任总统亚丁·达尔和第二任总统阿卜迪拉希德·舍马克,索马里首都摩加迪沙有几处纪念该组织参与独立运动的壁画和纪念碑。



默罕默德·哈吉·易卜拉欣·埃加勒英语Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Egal是索马里裔政治家,是1960年成立索马里兰国的创始人及总理,虽然这个国家仅存在短短五天,却得到35个国家的承认;1960年7月1日至12日,他担任索马里共和国首任总理,并于1967年至1969年再度担任第四任总理;埃加勒于1993年至2002年去世为止,担任重新独立的索马里兰共和国第二任总统





其他反种族隔离英语Anti-Apartheid Movement活动家包括:










哈比卜·布尔吉巴被认为是现代突尼斯的创建者,他于1956年担任总理,并领导突尼西亚从法国独立英语Tunisian independence;随后废除君主制,并从1957年至1987年担任首任总统。他领导突尼西亚实现现代化,建设学校和医院,并赋予妇女比周边国家更好的人权,并且突尼西亚妇女至今仍然享有这些权利。[来源请求]






肯尼思·卡翁达是领导赞比亚独立英语Zambia Independence Act 1964和统一的主要人物,他于1964年至1991年担任赞比亚首任总统。除此之外,西蒙·卡普韦普韦英语Simon Kapwepwe哈里·恩昆布拉英语Harry Nkumbula也是建国领袖,他们以不同身份领导国家迈向独立。









The Argentine military commander José de San Martín is known as the "Liberator of Argentina, Chile and Peru".[10]

The military commander José de San Martín was one of the most important figures of the War of Independence (1810–1818) in Argentina, where he is known as the "Father of the Homeland" (Spanish: Padre de la Patria) and the date of his death (or "Passage to Immortality"; "Pasaje a la Inmortalidad in Spanish) is commemorated as a national holiday.[11] One of the main libertadores英语libertadores of the Spanish American wars of independence, San Martín played a crucial role in the expulsion of royalist英语Royalist (Spanish American independence) forces not only from Argentina but also from Chile and Peru, where he is thus also celebrated as a national hero.[12] One of his most celebrated feats is the 1817 Crossing of the Andes英语Crossing of the Andes, when he crossed the mountain range from present-day Argentina to present-day Chile, in a surprise attack on royalist forces.[13]

Manuel Belgrano, another important leader of the War of Independence and creator of the flag of Argentina, is also widely regarded as a national hero.[14]

María Remedios del Valle英语María Remedios del Valle, an Afro-Argentine camp follower英语camp follower turned soldier who participated in the War of Independence, is regarded as the "Mother of the Homeland" (Spanish: Madre de la Patria).[15]



Lynden Pindling is considered the "Father of the Nation". He served as first Prime Minister of the Bahamas from 1967 to 1992. Independence from United Kingdom was achieved in 1973.[来源请求]



Errol Barrow英语Errol Barrow (1920–1987) is often referred to as the Father of Independence of Barbados.[16] Initially a World War II pilot and then a lawyer, he founded the Democratic Labour Party英语Democratic Labour Party (Barbados) in 1955 after defecting from the Barbados Labour Party英语Barbados Labour Party. He served as the third and final premier of Barbados英语premier of Barbados (serving from 1961 to 1966) and lead Barbados to independence英语Barbados Independence Act 1966 from the British Empire in 1966. He became the country's first prime minister and served two terms (1966–1976 and 1986–1987) and died in office from illness in 1987.



George Cadle Price (1919–2011) is considered to be the Father of the Nation of Belize.[17][18] He served as head of government of British Honduras, later Belize from 1961 to 1984. Independence from United Kingdom was achieved in 1981.[来源请求]



Simón Bolívar (1783–1830) and Antonio José de Sucre (1795–1830) are considered to be the founders of Bolivia.[来源请求]


Pedro I, founder and first ruler of the Empire of Brazil

Pedro Álvares Cabral (1467/68–1520) commander of the first Portuguese fleet to arrive in South America.

José Bonifácio de Andrada (1763–1838), known as "Patriarch of Independence", is considered the maximum leader of the independence movement because of his intellectual mentorship and political prominence, and Pedro I of Brazil (1798–1834), son of the King João VI of Portugal, the symbol of the "center of force and union", according to the Bonifácio strategy.



The name "Fathers of Confederation英语Fathers of Confederation" is given to those who attended the Charlottetown and Quebec Conferences英语Quebec Conference, 1864 in 1864, and the London Conference of 1866英语London Conference of 1866, to establish the Canadian Confederation. There were 36 original Fathers of Confederation.[19]

Queen Victoria, who supported and encouraged this process, is known as the Mother of Confederation. She was the first Monarch under the 1867 Constitution and personally chose Ottawa as Canada's capital city. The political leaders who brought the other provinces into Confederation after 1867 are also referred to as "Fathers of Confederation".[20]

Caribbean Community


Errol Barrow英语Errol Barrow (Barbados: 1920–1987); Forbes Burnham (Guyana: 1923–1985); Michael Manley英语Michael Manley (Jamaica: 1924–1997); and Eric Williams英语Eric Williams (Trinidad and Tobago: 1911–1981) were the leaders who brought forth regional integration among the Caribbean Community.[21]


Posthumous (1854) portrait of the Founding Fathers of the Chilean Republic. From left to right: José Miguel Carrera英语José Miguel Carrera, Bernardo O'Higgins, José de San Martín, Diego Portales

Bernardo O'Higgins (1778–1842) and José Miguel Carrera英语José Miguel Carrera (1785–1821) are usually considered the founders of Chile. Diego Portales (1793–1837) is sometimes considered due to his influence in the 1833 Constitution.[来源请求]



Simón Bolívar, was founder of Gran Colombia, which also included Panama, Ecuador, and Venezuela. Francisco de Paula Santander wrote the first constitution of Colombia英语Constitution of Cúcuta. Antonio Nariño英语Antonio Nariño ("Precursor of the Independence") and Camilo Torres英语Camilo Torres Tenorio were the most relevant statesmen of the First Republic.

Costa Rica


Juan Mora Fernández, first Head of State of Costa Rica英语President of Costa Rica.[22] José María Castro Madriz, First President of the Republic and proclaimed "Founder of the Republic" by Congress[23] Juan Rafael Mora Porras, President during Costa Rica's campaign against William Walker, proclaimed "Hero and Liberator" by Congress.



Carlos Manuel de Céspedes is considered the Cuban Founding Father. In 1868 he freed his slaves and declared the independence of Cuba, which began the Ten Years' War (1868–1878).

José Martí is a Cuban national hero.

Modern day Cuba was shaped by Fidel Castro with help from Che Guevara during the Cuban Revolution.

Dominican Republic


Matías Ramón Mella (1816–1864), Juan Pablo Duarte (1813–1876) and Francisco del Rosario Sánchez (1817–1861) are considered the Fathers of the Country. Duarte is featured on the $1 coin and on the now discontinued $1 bill; Sanchez on the $5 coin and on the also discontinued $5 bill; Mella on the $10 coin and on the also discontinued $10 bill.



Jose Joaquin Olmedo took this as a cue to declare Ecuador's independence at a junta in Guayaquil in 1820.

El Salvador


José Matías Delgado英语José Matías Delgado is considered to be the "Father of the Salvadoran Fatherland".[24]



In 1523, Pedro de Alvarado, a member of Hernán Cortés' group that conquered Mexico, was sent to conquer the area of land below Mexico that is known today as Guatemala.


Toussaint Louverture of Haiti

Toussaint Louverture (1743–1803) and Jean-Jacques Dessalines (1758–1806) were revolutionary and early political leaders of Haiti. Henri Christophe and Alexandre Pétion were also important figures of early Haiti.



Founders of the Honduran Nation are José Cecilio del Valle英语José Cecilio del Valle (1777–1834), Dionisio de Herrera英语Dionisio de Herrera (1781–1850), Francisco Morazán (1792–1842), José Trinidad Reyes英语José Trinidad Reyes (1797–1855), and José Trinidad Cabañas英语José Trinidad Cabañas (1805–1871).



Norman Manley英语Norman Manley is particularly noted for his role in securing universal suffrage for the country's population in 1944 along with founding the People's National Party. Manley also served as Chief Minister of Jamaica from 1955 to 1962. Alexander Bustamante英语Alexander Bustamante was an influential union leader and as founder of the Jamaican Labour Party. Bustamante served as the then colony's first Chief Minister from 1953 to 1955 and later went on to lead Jamaica to independence from the United Kingdom in 1962, becoming the country's first Prime Minister.



According to the decrees of the Congress of the Union of Mexico issued in 1822 and 1823,[25] the Mexican founders are Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (1753–1811), Ignacio Allende英语Ignacio Allende (1769–1811), Juan Aldama英语Juan Aldama (1774–1811), Mariano Abasolo英语Mariano Abasolo (1783–1816), José María Morelos (1765–1815), Mariano Matamoros英语Mariano Matamoros (1770–1814), Leonardo Bravo (1764–1812), Miguel Bravo (unknown–1814), Hermenegildo Galeana英语Hermenegildo Galeana (general) (1762–1814), Mariano Jiménez英语José Mariano Jiménez (1781–1811), Xavier Mina英语Francisco Javier Mina (1789–1817), Pedro Moreno英语Pedro Moreno (soldier) (1775–1817), and Víctor Rosales英语Víctor Rosales (1776–1817).

Nine of the thirteen founders are buried in the Monument to Independence in Mexico City.[26]


José Anacleto Ordóñez英语José Anacleto Ordóñez, "First Popular Caudillo of Nicaragua"

José Anacleto Ordóñez英语José Anacleto Ordóñez (1778–1839) is recognised as the "First Popular Caudillo of Nicaragua", as he led the state to independence by revolting against the pro Mexican government in 1823. Later he served as Head of State of Nicaragua英语President of Nicaragua within the Federal Republic of Central America.

José Núñez英语José Núñez (President of Nicaragua) (1800–1880) and Joaquín del Cossío英语Joaquín del Cossío (1789–unknown) were the most important figures in Nicaragua's Independence, as they started the first and second transitional governments that declared to the State's Independence from the FRCA in 1838.

Fruto Chamorro (1804–1855) is considered as "Founder of the Republic", as he initiated the 1854 Constitution which formally declared Nicaragua a Republic.



The first Spanish settlement in Panama was made in 1510. Then on 25 September 1513, Vasco Nunez de Balboa became the first European to see the Pacific Ocean (which he called the South Sea and which he claimed for Spain). Then in 1519 Pedro Arias de Avila英语Pedro Arias Dávila founded Panama City.



José Gaspár Rodríguez de Francia is considered the founder of Paraguay. He was named perpetual dictator as of the country's formation. Although he was the one that ended up ruling the country, Rodríguez de Francia was not the only prócer of the 1811 revolution英语Independence of Paraguay, others include: Fulgencio Yegros, Pedro Juan Caballero英语Pedro Juan Caballero (politician), Fernando de la Mora英语Fernando de la Mora (politician), Mauricio José Troche英语Mauricio José Troche (liberator) and Vicente Ignacio Iturbe. Yegros also served as consul英语consul alongside Francia, shortly before being deposed by him.

General Andrés Rodríguez was the first democratically elected president of Paraguay, shortly after leading the 1989 coup英语1989 Paraguayan coup d'état that ended Alfredo Stroessner's dictatorship英语Dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner. This is why he is often considered the father of modern Paraguay.



José de San Martín and Simón Bolívar led Peru to independence and forged the country.[27]

South America

Simón Bolívar of Venezuela

José de San Martín,[28] Simón Bolívar,[29] Antonio José de Sucre, Francisco de Paula Santander,[30] Francisco de Miranda[31] have been referred to as the founding fathers of the region comprising modern day Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Panama.



José Gervasio Artigas is considered to be the founder of Uruguay. He was a staunch democrat and federalist, opposed to monarchism and centralism.

United States

George Washington, chief among the founders of the United States, called "the Father of his country" (Pater Patriae)

The single person most identified as "Father" of the United States is George Washington, a general in the American Revolution and the 1st President of the United States.[32][33][34] Washington was part of a larger group of revolutionaries known as the "Founding Fathers". Within the Founding Fathers, there are two key subsets, the Signers英语Signers of the Declaration of Independence (who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776) and the Framers (who were delegates to the Federal Convention and took part in framing or drafting the proposed Constitution of the United States). Some historians have suggested a revised definition of the "Founding Fathers", including a significantly broader group of not only the Signers and the Framers but also all those who, whether as politicians, jurists, statesmen, soldiers, diplomats, and ordinary citizens took part in winning U.S. independence and creating the United States of America.[35]

American historian Richard B. Morris英语Richard B. Morris, in his 1973 book Seven Who Shaped Our Destiny: The Founding Fathers as Revolutionaries, identified the following seven figures as the key founders: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Washington.



Simón Bolívar (1783–1830) is considered to be the founder not only of Venezuela, but of many of the region's countries as the Gran Colombia, which also included Panama, Ecuador, and Colombia. José Antonio Páez led the separation of Venezuela from the Gran Colombia and formed the modern statehood of the country. Scholars credit president Rómulo Betancourt as the founding father of modern democratic Venezuela, and Hugo Chávez as the founding father of modern democratic-dictatorship Venezuela.




Ahmad Shah Durrani, founder of Afghanistan

Ahmad Shah Durrani (1723–1773) unified the Afghan tribes and founded Afghanistan in 1747.[36] His mausoleum is next to the Shrine of the Cloak英语Kirka Sharif in Kandahar, Afghanistan, where he is fondly known as Ahmad Shah Baba (Ahmad Shah the Father).

However, the founding father of modern Afghanistan is Mohammad Zahir Shah, the last King of Afghanistan. Due to this, the Afghan parliament gave him the title of "Father of the Nation."


Aram Manukian英语Aram Manukian is regarded as the founder of First Republic of Armenia



Mammad Amin Rasulzade (Azerbaijani: Məhəmməd Əmin Axund Hacı Molla Ələkbər oğlu Rəsulzadə, Turkish: Mehmed Emin Resulzâde; (1884–1955) was an Azerbaijani statesman, scholar, public figure and one of the founding political leaders of Azerbaijan Republic (1918–1920). His expression "Bir kərə yüksələn bayraq, bir daha enməz!" ("The flag once raised will never fall!") became the motto of the independence movement in Azerbaijan in the 20th century.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is considered by many as the founding father of Bangladesh

Apart from the founding leaders, the four key members of the Liberation Wartime government vice-president英语Vice President of Bangladesh Syed Nazrul Islam, prime minister Tajuddin Ahmad, finance minister英语Minister of Finance (Bangladesh) Muhammad Mansur Ali and home minister英语Minister of Home Affairs (Bangladesh) Abul Hasnat Muhammad Qamaruzzaman英语Abul Hasnat Muhammad Qamaruzzaman (altogether known as 'Four National Leaders') and the Liberation Wartime armed forces chief Muhammad Ataul Gani Osmani英语M. A. G. Osmani are hailed as vital figures in Bangladesh's independence.



Ngawang Namgyal (1594–1651) fled Tibet and unified the fiefdoms of Bhutan. He established the dual system of shared power between secular and Buddhist leadership that continues as a tradition to the present.



According to local historiography, the country of Brunei was founded by Awang Alak Betatar英语Muhammad Shah of Brunei, later to be Sultan Muhammad Shah, reigning around AD 1400.

Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia



Kaundinya I was the founder of ancient Khmer kingdom of Funan.

Jayavarman II (770–850) was the founder of the Khmer Empire.

Norodom Sihanouk (1922–2012) declared Cambodia's independence from France in 1953 and is regarded as the nation's founding father.



The Yellow Thearch is revered as the legendary initiator of Chinese civilization, one of the cradles of civilization.[44]

Yu the Great is conventionally regarded as having inaugurated dynastic rule in China by establishing the Xia dynasty, the first orthodox dynasty of China, in circa 2070 BC.[45]

In 221 BC, the State of Qin completed the conquest of the various Chinese kingdoms of the Warring States period and formed the first unified Chinese empire, the Qin dynasty.[46] Its monarch then took the title of Huángdì (皇帝; "Emperor") to reflect his prestigious status vis-à-vis prior rulers, thus becoming Qin Shi Huang.[46]

Sun Yat-sen was the founding father of the Republic of China and served as its first provisional president. He was officially conferred the title of Guófù (國父; "Father of the Nation") by the Nationalist government in AD 1940.[47] Today, he is still officially recognized as such in the Taiwan Area where the Republic of China continues to rule, while the People's Republic of China considers him the Gémìng Xiānxíngzhě (革命先行者; "Forerunner of the Revolution").[48]

Mao Zedong is regarded as the founder of the People's Republic of China,[49] even though the state has yet to officially confer the title "Father of the Nation" upon anyone.[50]

Yellow Thearch
Yellow Thearch
Yu the Great
Yu the Great
Qin Shi Huang
Qin Shi Huang
Sun Yat-sen
Sun Yat-sen



Makarios III (1913–1977), archbishop and primate of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Church of Cyprus (1950–1977), and first president of Cyprus (1960–1977), is widely regarded by Greek Cypriots as the Father of the Nation or "Ethnarch英语Ethnarch".[51]

Conversely, Rauf Denktaş (1924–2012), under Makarios III second and last Vice President of Cyprus (1973–1974), and first President of Northern Cyprus (1983–2005), is considered the founding father of Northern Cyprus.[52]

East Turkistan


Sabit Damolla is considered the father of the nation and one of the most prominent leaders of the East Turkistan independence movement. He organized the Kumul Rebellion which erupted in 1931 into a full national liberation movement and served as the Prime Minister of the First East Turkestan Republic from 1933 to 1934.


Mahatma Gandhi of India

Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948) is considered the father of the nation and the most prominent leaders of the Indian independence movement.[53][54] He is featured on the Indian rupee.



The 4 general founders of Indonesia are generally considered to be Mohammad Hatta, Sukarno, Sutan Syahrir and Tan Malaka.[55] Sukarno is considered to be a founding father by some Indonesians, although he had an authoritarian rule during the time of his presidency. Mohammad Hatta is generally considered as one of the more democratic founder of Indonesia. They both signed the Proclamation of Independence, proclaiming the independence of Indonesia from the Netherlands on 17 August 1945. A day later, they were elected respectively as the first President and Vice President英语Vice President of Indonesia of Indonesia.

As the Netherlands did not recognize the proclamation of independence immediately, both of them were prominent figures and were seen as symbol of unity among Indonesian people to fight against Dutch during the National Revolution from 1945 to 1949. In August 1949, Hatta headed a delegation to The Hague for a Round Table Conference英语Dutch–Indonesian Round Table Conference which then led to the recognition of Indonesian independence by the Netherlands on 27 December 1949.[56]

Mohammad Hatta
Sutan Sjahrir
Tan Malaka



Cyrus the Great (600–530 BC) was the founder of the First Persian Empire under the Achaemenid dynasty英语Achaemenid dynasty. Many Iranians gather at his tomb in Pasargadae annually on the Cyrus the Great Day and Nowruz, the Persian New Year. Prior to the 1979 Revolution the 2,500th year of Foundation of Imperial State of Iran took place. It consisted of an elaborate set of festivities that took place on 12–16 October 1971 on the occasion of the 2,500th anniversary of the founding of the Imperial State of Iran and First Persian Empire by Cyrus the Great.[57][58] The intent of the celebration was to demonstrate Iran's old civilization and history to showcase its contemporary advancements under Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran.[59][60]

Ruhollah Khomeini is considered the founder of the modern Islamic Republic of Iran.[61]


Theodor Herzl of Israel.

Theodor Herzl is considered the founder of political Zionism, the modern ideology that institutionalized the longstanding Jewish desire to return to the homeland, which eventually lead to the founding of Israel decades later.

David Ben-Gurion was the first Prime Minister of Israel英语List of Prime Ministers of Israel, and is often considered an important founding figure as well as a leader of Labor Zionism, Israel's founding ideology. Ben-Gurion lead Israel for a total of thirteen years and is today admired by both the left and the right.

Other figures include Moshe Dayan, who became a war hero and symbol of the Israel Defense Forces and Eliezer Ben-Yehuda who led the revival of the Hebrew language.



Emperor Jimmu神武天皇,Jinmu-tennō (traditional reign 660–585 BC) was the first emperor of Japan,[62] according to the traditional order of succession.[63] The Japanese national holiday National Foundation Day建国記念の日,Kenkoku Kinen no Hi) is celebrated annually on 11 February in commemoration of the founding of the nation of Japan and the ascension of Emperor Jimmu to the imperial throne.[64]


Abdullah I of Jordan

Abdullah bin Al-Hussain was the founder and ruler of the Jordanian realm from 11 April 1921 until his assassination on 20 July 1951.

He was the Emir of Transjordan, a British protectorate, until 25 May 1946,[65][66] after which he was the king of an independent Jordan. He was a 38th-generation direct descendant of Muhammad, as he belongs to the Hashemite family.


Alikhan Bokeikhanov, leader and founder of the Alash Orda national liberation movement.

There is no law in the country which officially recognizes a single individual as the "Father of the Nation". Either title may be associated with any of the following prominent historical persons, owing to their impact on the country during their respective times.

Alikhan Bukeikhanov (1866–1937) was a Kazakh statesman, politician, publicist, teacher, writer and environmental scientist. He was leader and founder of the Alash Orda national liberation movement. He sided with the westernizers in the Kazakh political scene who were promoting the idea of the Western culture into the Kazakh steppe. In 1920, after the establishment of Soviet hegemony, Bukeikhanov joined the Bolshevik party and returned to scientific life. His earlier political activities caused the authorities to view him with suspicion, leading to arrests in 1926 and 1928. In 1926, Bukeikhanov was arrested on the charge of counter-revolutionary activity and put into Butyrka prison in Moscow. But due to the lack of evidence in the criminal case against him, he was released from prison. In 1930, the authorities banished him to Moscow, where he was arrested a final time in 1937 and executed.

Dinmukhamed Kunayev (1912–1993) was a Kazakh Soviet communist politician. He became first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan again in 1964 when Khrushchev was ousted and replaced by Brezhnev. He kept his position for twenty-two more years. He was an alternate member of the Politburo from 1967, and a full member from 1971 to 1987. During Kunayev's long rule, Kazakhs occupied prominent positions in the bureaucracy, economy and educational institutions. A Brezhnev loyalist, he was removed from office under pressure from Mikhail Gorbachev, who accused him of corruption. On 16 December 1986 the Politburo replaced him with Gennady Kolbin, who had never lived in the Kazakh SSR before. This provoked street riots in Almaty, which were the first signs of ethnic strife during Gorbachev's tenure. In modern Kazakhstan, this revolt is called Jeltoqsan, meaning December in Kazakh.

Nursultan Nazarbayev was elected the nation's first president following its independence from the Soviet Union in December 1991. In 2010 Parliament of Kazakhstan named him Елбасы (Elbasy) which means "Leader of the Nation".

North Korea

Dangun, Legendary founding father of Korea.

Kim Il-sung was the founder of North Korea. He ruled from 1948 to 1994. After his death, he was declared as the Eternal President of North Korea in 1998.

South Korea


Dangun, the legendary first king of Gojoseon, is venerated in Korea as the founder of the Korean nation and peoples. His legendary birthday and the day he founded Gojoseon is celebrated as National Foundation Day (개천절), which falls on 3 October. There have been many founders throughout history such as Lee Seonggye, Taejo Wang Geon, and Dongmyeong the great.

There is no official founding father of South Korea who is generally accepted nor acknowledged by the government, though some figures like Syngman Rhee or Kim Ku are proposed as the father of his country.



The first recorded ruler of Kuwait was Sheikh Abu Salman Sabah英语Sabah I bin Jaber. However, Sheikh Mubarak Al-Kabir is known as the founder of the modern state of Kuwait. He was instrumental in moving the country away from the Ottoman Empire and toward British influence.



Fa Ngum is widely considered a founding father of the Lao people. In present-day Laos, Kaysonne Phomvihane and Prince Souphanouvoung are considered the fathers of the Marxist–Leninist state.


Tunku Abdul Rahman of Malaysia

Tunku Abdul Rahman (1903–1990) usually known as "the Tunku" (a princely title in Malaysia), and also called Bapa Kemerdekaan (Father of Independence) or Bapa Malaysia (Father of Malaysia), was Chief Minister of the Federation of Malaya from 1955, and the country's first Prime Minister from independence in 1957. He remained Prime Minister after Sabah, Sarawak, and Singapore joined in 1963 to form Malaysia.


Genghis Khan posthumous portrait

Genghis Khan (c. 1162–1227), who by uniting the nomadic tribes founded the Mongol Empire, is generally regarded as the father of modern-day Mongolia.[来源请求] Although downcast during the communist-era, Genghis Khan's reputation surged after the democratic revolution in 1990.



Anawrahta is considered to be founder of ancient Burmese Kingdom of Pagan.

General Aung San is the founder of modern Burma (also known as Myanmar). Although he did not live to see the country's independence英语Burma Independence Act 1947, he is credited in forming the basic structure of the independence movement and government. Aung San started his political career in 1930 as the editor of Rangoon University's newspaper – where he accused one of the colonial administrators in Burma of misconduct. In late 1940 he went to Japanese controlled Taiwan and Xiamen to receive military training, and he led the Burma Independence Army英语Burma Independence Army, spearheading the Japanese invasion of Burma. Later, he switched sides to the Allies, and helped in the Burma campaign. After the war, he was appointed to the government of a returning British administration, and was able to negotiate Burma's independence. He helped organized the Panglong Agreement in February 1947, achieving independence for all Burmese territories. However, on Saturday, 19 July 1947, Aung San, along with his cabinet ministers, was assassinated at the secretariat building英语Ministers' Building in Rangoon.

U Nu served as first Prime Minister of Myanmar from 1948 to 1956.

General Ne Win was one of the founders of Tatmadaw. On 1962, 15 years after the independence, he led a military coup that brought him to power. Ne Win established the Burmese Way to Socialism which ruled Burma for 26 years.


Prithvi Narayan Shah of Nepal

Prithvi Narayan Shah was largely responsible for the unification of Nepal英语unification of Nepal, and is considered to be the founder of Nepal. His vision of ruling over a unified Nepal is said to have started when atop a hill near Nepa Valley (Present day Kathmandu), he decided he would like to rule over it. His strategic plan was very successful and his successors continued to build on his progress.[67] Prithvi Narayan Shah's descendants continued to rule over Nepal for a total of 240 years英语List of monarchs of Nepal before the 2006 democracy movement in Nepal toppled the constitutional power exercised by King Gyanendra, before abolishing the monarchy in 2008.



Sultan Qaboos bin Said changed the name of the country from the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman英语Muscat and Oman to simply Oman.


Muhammad Ali Jinnah of Pakistan

Pakistan's founder is Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who is hailed as Quaid-e-Azam or "Great Leader" and Baba-e-Qaum or Father of Nation. He founded not only the Islamic Republic of Pakistan but is credited for creating an entirely new nation state. Other prominent founders include the poet Muhammad Iqbal or spiritual Father, believed to be the first person to propagate the idea of a state for India's Muslims, Fatima Jinnah (Mother of nation) and members of Pakistan's first Cabinet such as Liaquat Ali Khan, A. K. Fazlul Huq英语A. K. Fazlul Huq, Abdul Rab Nishtar英语Abdul Rab Nishtar, Malik Feroze Khan Noon英语Feroz Khan Noon, Khwaja Nazimuddin and I. I. Chundrigar.

Some historians credit the Muslim reformist Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as a founder of Pakistan because he provided the Two-Nation Theory which played a central role in the perception of Pakistan and its Muslim nationalist ideology largely based on Iqbal's philosophy and views.


Yasser Arafat of Palestine

Palestinian political leader Yasser Arafat has been considered by some commentators as being the "founding father" of Palestine.[68][69] Born in 1929 in Cairo, Egypt, Arafat soon became a supporter of Arab nationalism and anti-Zionism; in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, he fought alongside the Muslim Brotherhood against the newly independent State of Israel.[70] From 1969 until 2004, he served as the chairman英语Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), a Palestinian nationalist organization which engaged in a numerous guerrilla conflicts with the Israel Defense Forces during the second half of the 20th century.[71]

Beginning from 1983 onwards, Arafat based himself in Tunisia and switched to a tactic of negotiating with the Israeli government英语Cabinet of Israel, acknowledging Israel's right to exist英语right to exist in a UN resolution and supporting a two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Arafat engaged in a series of negotiations with the Israeli government to end the conflict between it and the PLO, including the Madrid Conference of 1991英语Madrid Conference of 1991, the 1993 Oslo Accords and the 2000 Camp David Summit英语2000 Camp David Summit.[72] In 1994, he returned to Palestine and promoted self-government for the Palestinian territories, receiving the Nobel Peace Prize the same year. Among Palestinians, Arafat is viewed as a martyr who symbolized the national aspirations of his people.[73]


José Rizal of the Philippines

There is no law in the Philippines which officially recognizes any single individual as the "Father of the Nation". Either title may be associated with any of the following prominent historical persons, owing to their impact on the country during their respective times: José Rizal (1861–1896) was a Filipino nationalist during the tail end of the Spanish colonial period of the Philippines. An ophthalmologist by profession, Rizal became a writer and a key member of the Filipino Propaganda Movement which advocated political reforms for the colony under Spain. He was executed by the Spanish colonial government for the crime of rebellion after an anti-colonial revolution, inspired in part by his writings, broke out. Though he was not actively involved in its planning or conduct, he ultimately approved of its goals which eventually led to Philippine independence. He is widely considered one of the greatest heroes of the Philippines, and is implied by Philippine law to be one of the national heroes. He was the author of the novels Noli Me Tángere英语Noli Me Tángere (novel), and El Filibusterismo, and a number of poems and essays. Andrés Bonifacio (1863–1897) rebel leader during the Philippine Revolution in 1896, which saw armed resistance against the Spanish Empire. Emilio Aguinaldo (1869–1964) Military Leader with the highest rank of Generalissimo of the Philippine Revolution and first president of the Philippines through the 1899 Malolos Congress, which oversaw the promulgation of the Malolos Constitution. Manuel Roxas (1892-1948) served as first President of independent Philippines from 1946 to 1948.



Sheikh Jassim Bin Mohammed Bin Thani is the founder of the State of Qatar. He was a military leader, judge and scholar, knight and poet possessing both gallantry and magnanimity.

Saudi Arabia

Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia

Abdulaziz Al Saud, also known as Ibn Saud, is the founding father of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He served as first King from 1932 to 1953.


Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore

Lee Kuan Yew (1923–2015), often referred to by his initials "LKY", was the first prime minister of the Republic of Singapore, governing for three decades, from 1959 to 1990. Lee has helped to build the economy from a third world country to a first world country and turned Singapore into a metropolis after the separation from Malaysia in 1965.

Don Stephen Senanayaka of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka


Prince Vijaya英语Prince Vijaya is considered to be the first King of Sri Lanka with Dutugemunu英语Dutugemunu honored as the first king to unify Sri Lanka. D. S. Senanayake (1883–1952) is widely known as the modern (post independence) father of the nation. William Gopallawa (1896–1981) was the first Constitutional President while J. R. Jayewardene (1906–1996) was the first Executive President.




Atatürk, the founding father of the Republic of Turkey
  • Alp Arslan (1029–1072) was the second Sultan of the Seljuk Empire. He greatly expanded the Seljuk territory and consolidated his power, defeating rivals to the south and northwest, and his victory over the Byzantines英语Population of the Byzantine Empire at the Battle of Manzikert, in 1071, ushered in the Turkoman settlement of Anatolia.
  • Osman I (1258–1324), was the leader of the Kayi tribe and the founder of the Ottoman dynasty.
  • Mehmed the Conqueror (1432–1481), was an Ottoman sultan who ruled from August 1444 to September 1446, and then later from February 1451 to May 1481. When he ascended the throne again in 1451 he strengthened the Ottoman navy and made preparations to attack Constantinople. At the age of 21, he conquered Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) and brought an end to the Byzantine Empire.
  • Mahmud II (1785–1839) was the 30th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1808 until his death in 1839. His reign is recognized for the extensive administrative, military, and fiscal reforms he instituted, which culminated in the Decree of Tanzimat ("reorganization"). Mahmud's reforms included the 1826 abolition of the conservative Janissary corps, which removed a major obstacle to his and his successors' reforms in the Empire. The reforms he instituted were characterized by political and social changes, which would eventually lead to the birth of the modern Turkish Republic.
  • Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881–1938) was the founder and first president of the Republic of Turkey. Following the First World War, the huge conglomeration of territories and peoples that formerly comprised the Ottoman Empire was divided into several new states. The Turkish War of Independence (1919–1923), initiated by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his colleagues in Anatolia, resulted in the establishment of the modern Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) in 1923.[74] He subsequently introduced many radical reforms with the aim of transforming the old multinational Ottoman state into a new secular republic.[75]

United Arab Emirates


Initially independent emirates part of the Trucial states, Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan established the United Arab Emirates by joining the seven independent emirates into a federation.



In Uzbekistan, no single individual is officially recognized as the "Founder of the Nation." However, different figures have been viewed as founders of Uzbekistan during various eras throughout history.

Muhammad Shaybani the Uzbek ruler, founder of Shaybanid Dynasty of the Khanate of Bukhara
Amir Timur

Amir Timur is widely regarded as the main historical hero for modern Uzbekistan, as he founded the Timurid Empire and made significant contributions to the development of Uzbek Statehood.

Another significant historical figure, Muhammad Shaybani, is considered to be a significant founder of the nation due to his proximity in time to the establishment of the Uzbek state. He was an Uzbek leader who consolidated various Uzbek tribes and laid the foundations for their ascendance in Transoxiana and the establishment of the Khanate of Bukhara.

Fayzulla Xoʻjayev in 1896

And Fayzulla Xoʻjayev was the founder of modern Uzbekistan. He first head of the Bukharan People's Soviet Republic, which would later form part of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic. He became well known in the early 20th century as an advocate for Uzbekistani independence and as a leader of the Jadidist movement. This movement aimed to modernize and secularize Islamic society in Central Asia.

Khodzhayev's political career was marked by several challenges, including periods of exile and imprisonment. In 1920, he briefly served as the first prime minister of the Bukharan People's Soviet Republic. As Prime Minister, Khodjaev implemented a series of reforms aimed at promoting industrialization and collectivization in Uzbekistan. He also supported efforts to promote Uzbek culture英语Uzbek culture and language, including the establishment of a national theater and the publication of a national encyclopedia. Khodjaev's political career came to an abrupt end in 1937, when he was arrested as part of Joseph Stalin's Great Purge. He was accused of espionage and treason and was executed in 1938. Today, Khodjaev is remembered as an important figure in the history of Uzbekistan and as a symbol of the complex relationship between the Central Asian republics and the Soviet Union. His legacy continues to be debated, with some seeing him as a progressive reformer and others as a Soviet stooge who contributed to the suppression of Uzbek national identity.



Kinh Dương VươngLạc Long Quân and the Hùng Kings were the founders of the Hồng Bàng dynasty – the first dynasty of Vietnam and laid the foundation to form the country of Vietnam.



Yahya Muhammad Hamid ed-Din ruled as first independent King of Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen from 1918 to 1948.




Ismail Kemal of Albania

Ismail Kemal (24 January 1844 – 26 January 1919) was a distinguished leader of the Albanian national movement英语Albanian National Awakening at the beginning of the 20th century, founder of the modern Albanian state in 1912, and its first prime minister英语Prime Minister of Albania and head of state and government.



The first Co-Princes of Andorra were Roger-Bernard III, Count of Foix英语Roger-Bernard III, Count of Foix and Pere d'Urtx英语Pere d'Urtx, Bishop of Urgell, who signed the Paréage英语Paréage of Andorra (1278), which gave them joint sovereignty over Andorra in 1278.



Karl Renner, who was the first Chancellor of Austria and the first post-war President of Austria after World War II, is often referred to as the "Father of the Republic" due to his leadership of the First Austrian Republic, and for playing a decisive role in establishing the present Second Austrian republic.





Though there is no official founding father of Belgium, the leaders of the Belgian Revolution, Charles Rogier and Erasme Louis Surlet de Chokier英语Erasme Louis Surlet de Chokier, as well as the first King of the Belgians英语Monarchy of Belgium, Leopold I, were key figures in the independence of Belgium from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Bosnia and Herzegovina




Mythical rulers of Bulgaria date back as far as 3rd millennium BC.









Makarios III (1913–1977), archbishop and primate of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Church of Cyprus (1950–1977), and first president of Cyprus (1960–1977), is widely regarded by Greek Cypriots as the Father of the Nation or "Ethnarch英语Ethnarch".[51]

Conversely, Rauf Denktaş (1924–2012), under Makarios III second and last Vice President of Cyprus (1973–1974), and first President of Northern Cyprus (1983–2005), is considered the founding father of Northern Cyprus.[52]

Czech Republic



Gorm the Old
Niels Ebbesen (1308 – 21 November 1340)
  • Dan (king)英语Dan (king) (or Halfdan) is the name of the legendary earliest king of the Danes and Denmark, mentioned in medieval Scandinavian texts. He is said to be the progenitor of the nation and the Danish Royal House according to Saxo Grammaticus's Gesta Danorum.
  • Gorm the Old, the first recorded ruler of Denmark, reigning from c.  936 to his death c.  958. The current King Frederik X of Denmark can trace his heritage back to Gorm the Old. He is called the founder of the kingdom of Denmark, though at the time he did not control the whole country, only Jutland.
  • Harald Bluetooth was the son of Gorm the old and the first to unite Denmark into a single country by uniting the tribes. Harald ruled as king of Denmark from c. 958 – c. 986. He was baptized and the first Christian king of Denmark and helped Christianize the Danes, which is proclaimed on the Jelling stone.
  • Niels Ebbesen was a Danish squire and national hero who liberated Denmark, which had been patented away to German barons and landlords. He is known for his killing of Gerhard III, Count of Holstein-Rendsburg in 1340, and in doing so returning control of Jutland and Funen back to the Danish king.



Edgar Savisaar英语Edgar Savisaar served as first post-Soviet Prime Minister of Estonia from 1991 to 1992.



Pehr Evind Svinhufvud served as first Prime Minister of Finland英语Prime Minister of Finland from 1917 to 1918.






Otto von Bismarck

Before the national unification of Germany in 1871, German nationalists sought out multiple legendary founders of the German nation, such as Arminius, Charlemagne and – as championed by Friedrich Ludwig Jahn and Richard WagnerHenry the Fowler. Otto von Bismarck (1815–1898), the "Iron Chancellor", engineered the unification of the numerous states of Germany in 1871.[来源请求]

Frederick Barbarossa has, from time to time, been cited as the father and hero of the German people. According to a Germanic medieval legend, Barbarossa was not dead but asleep英语king asleep in mountain, and would awaken in the hour of Germany's greatest need and restore the nation to its former glory. [85] This idea gained prominence among German Nationalist movements in the 19th and 20th century. During the German Empire, Kaiser Wilhelm I was declared the reincarnation of Frederick.[86][87] In 1937, Adolf Hitler praised Barbarossa as the emperor who first expressed Germanic cultural ideas and carried them to the outside world through his imperial mission; he would later name his invasion of the Soviet Union.[88]

Modern, democratic Germany was decisively shaped by the "Fathers of the Basic Law" in the 1948 Constitutional Convention at Herrenchiemsee, and by the first German Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer. For reunified Germany, the slogan "Wir sind das Volk!" ("We are the people!") became symbolic, thus making all Germans founders of modern Germany.[来源请求]









According to Anonymus the fejedelem英语fejedelem who made the Magyars settle into the Carpathian Basin in 896 AD was Árpád. His dynasty reigned over the Hungarian Kingdom from the ninth century until 1301. In Hungary Stephen I of Hungary is commonly regarded as the founder of the nation. He was Hungary's first king and united the Magyar people into the Kingdom of Hungary. Amongst others, Lajos Kossuth is supposed to be the Pater Patriae. He is known as the leader of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 against the Habsburgs, and therefore founder of the modern Hungarian Republic.



Jón Sigurðsson英语Jón Sigurðsson was the leader of the 19th century Icelandic independence movement英语Icelandic nationalism.[93] He was the first president of the Althingi, restored as a legislative branch in 1875.



The Irish Free State was established after the Irish War of Independence (1919–21), in which Éamon de Valera, Cathal Brugha英语Cathal Brugha and Michael Collins were key leaders. However, they became antagonists in the Irish Civil War (1922–23), in which Collins and Brugha were killed and de Valera defeated. For decades, the inheritors of the opposing factions bypassed these sensitivities to honour the earlier leaders of the Easter Rising of 1916, in particular the seven signatories of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic: Patrick Pearse, James Connolly, Éamonn Ceannt英语Éamonn Ceannt, Tom Clarke英语Tom Clarke (Irish republican), Seán Mac Diarmada英语Seán Mac Diarmada, Thomas MacDonagh英语Thomas MacDonagh, and Joseph Plunkett英语Joseph Plunkett.




The Capitoline Wolf, arguably the most famous statue of the she-wolf英语she-wolf. In the Roman foundation myth, the she-wolf (lupa in Italian) was an Italian wolf who nursed and sheltered the twins Romulus and Remus. Romulus would later become the founder and first king of Rome.
Augustus created during the Roman Empire for the first time an administrative region called Italia英语Name of Italy with inhabitants called Italicus Populus; for this reason historians called him Father of Italians.[94]
Constantine the Great played a pivotal role in elevating the status of Christianity in Rome, decriminalizing Christian practice and ceasing Christian persecution in a period referred to as the Constantinian shift英语Constantinian shift.


Cola di Rienzo led a revolt in Rome, became the Tribune and later attempted to unify Italy
  • Alberto da Giussano英语Alberto da Giussano is a legendary character of the 12th century who would have participated, as a protagonist, in the battle of Legnano on 29 May 1176.[97] In reality, according to historians, the actual military leader of the Lombard League in the famous military battle with Frederick Barbarossa was Guido da Landriano英语Guido da Landriano.[98] Historical analyses made over time have indeed shown that the figure of Alberto da Giussano never existed.[99] In the past, historians, attempting to find a real confirmation, hypothesized the identification of his figure with Albertus de Carathe (Alberto da Carate) and Albertus Longus (Alberto Longo), both among the Milanese who signed the pact in Cremona in March 1167 which established the Lombard League, or in an Alberto da Giussano mentioned in an appeal of 1196 presented to Pope Celestine III on the administration of the church-hospital of San Sempliciano. These, however, are all weak identifications, given that they lack clear and convincing historical confirmation.[97][100] The battle of Legnano ended the fifth and last descent into Italy of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa,[101] who after the defeat tried to resolve the Italian question by adopting a diplomatic approach. This resulted a few years later in the Peace of Constance (25 June 1183), with which the Emperor recognized the Lombard League and made administrative, political, and judicial concessions to the municipalities, officially ending his attempt to dominate northern Italy.[102] The battle is alluded to in the Canto degli Italiani by Goffredo Mameli and Michele Novaro英语Michele Novaro, the national anthem of Italy since 1946, which reads: «From the Alps to Sicily, Legnano is everywhere» in memory of the victory of Italian populations over foreign ones.[103]
  • Cola di Rienzo, led a revolt in Rome, became the Tribune and later attempted to unify Italy.[104] In July 1347, in a decree, he proclaimed the sovereignty of the Roman people over the empire. But before this he had set to work on restoring the authority of Rome over the cities and provinces of Italy, of making the city again caput mundi. He wrote letters to the cities of Italy, asking them to send representatives to an assembly which would meet on 1 August, when the formation of a great federation under the headship of Rome would be considered. On the appointed day, a number of representatives appeared, and Cola issued an edict citing Louis IV, Holy Roman Emperor and his rival Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor, and also the imperial electors and all others concerned in the dispute, to appear before him in order that he might pronounce judgment.[105]The following day, the festival of the unity of Italy was celebrated, but neither this nor the previous meeting had any practical result. Cola's power, however, was recognized in the Kingdom of Naples, and both Joan I of Naples and Louis I of Hungary appealed to him for protection and aid, and on 15 August with great pomp he was crowned Tribune. Ferdinand Gregorovius英语Ferdinand Gregorovius says this ceremony "was the fantastic caricature in which ended the imperium of Charles the Great. A world where political action was represented in such guise was ripe for overthrow, or could only be saved by a great mental reformation."[105]


Giuseppe Mazzini (left), highly influential leader of the Italian revolutionary movement; and Giuseppe Garibaldi (right), celebrated as one of the greatest generals of modern times[106] and as the "Hero of the Two Worlds" because of his military enterprises in South America and Europe,[107] who fought in many military campaigns that led to Italian unification
Victor Emmanuel II (left) and Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour (right), leading figures in unification, became respectively the first King and Prime Minister of unified Italy.
Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, the "Premier of Victory" for defeating the Central Powers along with the Entente in World War I
Alcide De Gasperi, first republican Prime Minister of Italy and one of the Founding fathers of the European Union



It is likely that the Kosovo Albanians regard Ibrahim Rugova as a key figure, since he was the one that brought an independence movement of Kosovo from the fall of Yugoslavia. Additionally, Rugova ruled Kosovo from the 1992 till 2006 as president of the nation, and ever since has been regarded as the National Hero of Kosovo, and led to further independence in 2008 from Serbia to which now 97 nations have recognised Kosovo as of September 2021.



Most Latvians regard Kārlis Ulmanis, a key figure in the Latvian war of independence and four-times Prime Minister of Latvia, as being the founding father of modern Latvia.





The first and the only king (1251–1263) of Lithuania, Mindaugas, is seen as the founder of the Lithuanian state, as is commemorated on Statehood Day英语Statehood Day (Lithuania) on 6 July.[123] Dr. Jonas Basanavičius, activist and proponent of the Lithuanian National Revival英语Lithuanian National Revival in the turn of the 19th century into the 20th, who participated in every major event leading to the independence of Lithuania, member of the Council of Lithuania which on 16 February 1918 declared Lithuania an independent state, is universally considered the "Patriarch of the Nation".[124]



Sigfried, Count of the Ardennes



Anthony Mamo英语Anthony Mamo (1909–2008) was the first president of the Republic of Malta.







Petar I Petrović-Njegoš英语Petar I Petrović-Njegoš (1747–1830) acquired de facto independence for Montenegro from the Ottoman Empire and created the first Montenegrin law in the modern era.



Prince William I of Orange (1533–1584) or William the Silent, is known as the father of the Netherlands. He led the Dutch in their Revolt against Spain for their independence. Today he is often called Vader des Vaderlands ("Father of the Fatherland").[128]

North Macedonia


Kiro Gligorov (first president of independent Macedonia).[129]




Mieszko I of Poland


Kingdom of Poland and Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów:

  • Mieszko I (c. 920/45–992), the first historical ruler of Poland, Mieszko I is considered the de facto creator of the Polish state. He was a Duke of the Polans from about 960 until his death. Mieszko I's marriage in 965 to the Přemyslid princess Dobrawa and his baptism in 966 put him and his country in the cultural sphere of Western Christianity. According to existing sources, Mieszko I was a wise politician, a talented military leader and charismatic ruler. He successfully used diplomacy, concluding an alliance with Bohemia first, and then with Sweden and the Holy Roman Empire. In foreign policy, he placed the interests of his country foremost, even entering into agreements with former enemies. On his death, he left to his sons a country of greatly expanded territory, with a well-established position in Europe. Mieszko I also appeared as "Dagome" in a papal document from about 1085, called "Dagome iudex英语Dagome iudex", which mentions a gift or dedication of Mieszko's land to the Pope (the act took place almost a hundred years earlier).
  • Bolesław I Chrobry (967–1025), was Duke of Poland from 992 to 1025, and the first King of Poland in 1025. He was the son of Mieszko I of Poland by his wife, Dobrawa of Bohemia. He supported the missionary views of Adalbert, Bishop of Prague, and Bruno of Querfurt英语Bruno of Querfurt. The martyrdom of Adalbert in 997 and his imminent canonization were used to consolidate Poland's autonomy from the Holy Roman Empire. This perhaps happened most clearly during the Congress of Gniezno (11 March 1000), which resulted in the establishment of a Polish church structure with a Metropolitan See英语Metropolitan See at Gniezno. This See was independent of the German Archbishopric of Magdeburg英语Archbishopric of Magdeburg, which had tried to claim jurisdiction over the Polish church. Following the Congress of Gniezno, bishoprics were also established in Kraków, Wrocław and Kołobrzeg, and Bolesław formally repudiated paying tribute to the Holy Roman Empire. In the summer of 1018, in one of his expeditions, Bolesław I captured Kiev, where he installed his son-in-law Sviatopolk I as ruler. According to legend, Bolesław chipped his sword when striking Kiev's Golden Gate. Later, in honor of this legend, a sword called Szczerbiec英语Szczerbiec ("Jagged Sword") would become the coronation sword of Poland's kings. Bolesław I was a remarkable politician, strategist, and statesman. He not only turned Poland into a country comparable to older western monarchies, but he raised it to the front rank of European states. Bolesław conducted successful military campaigns in the west, south and east. He consolidated Polish lands and conquered territories outside the borders of modern-day Poland, including Slovakia, Moravia, Red Ruthenia, Meissen, Lusatia, and Bohemia. He was a powerful mediator in Central European affairs. Finally, as the culmination of his reign, in 1025 he had himself crowned King of Poland. He was the first Polish ruler to receive the title of rex (Latin: "king").
Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania under Władysław II Jagiełło rule.
Gen. Józef Piłsudski (first on the left) Ignacy Jan Paderewski (next to Piłsudski in the a civil coat) and Stanisław Wojciechowski (behind Paderewski), future second President of Poland, during the opening ceremony of the Legislative Sejm英语Legislative Sejm (Second Polish Republic), 9 February 1919.

Fathers of Polish Independence:




  • Burebista英语Burebista is considered the great king who unified all the Dacian tribes. He is also known for creating a powerful empire that stretched from west to the Adriatic Sea and Southern Germany, from east to the Black Sea, from north to Southern Poland and from south to Greek Macedonia and Eastern Thrace. He is considered by many Romanians as a national hero. The Dacian Kingdom under Burebista was the greatest territorial extent in Romania's history.
  • Decebalus and Trajan are considered to be the fathers of the Romanian people, as Roman veterans were settled on the present-day territory of Romania following Trajan's Dacian Wars.[来源请求]
  • Basarab I the Founder (c. 1270-1351/1352) was the great voivode of Wallachia. Basarab either came into power between 1304 and 1324 by dethroning or peacefully succeeding the legendary founder of Wallachia, Radu Negru, or in 1310 by succeeding his father, Thocomerius. In 1330 he defeated Charles I of Hungary at the battle of Posada英语battle of Posada, and the first independent Romanian state was consequently founded. He founded the Basarab dynasty and his descendants ruled Wallachia for more than three centuries. From the middle of the 14th century, some foreign chronicles used derivations of his name: "Basarab", when referring to Wallachia.
  • Michael the Brave (1558–1601) was the Prince of Wallachia (1593–1601), Prince of Moldavia (1600) and de facto ruler of Transylvania (1599–1600). He is considered one of Romania's greatest national heroes. Since the 19th century, Michael the Brave has been regarded as a symbol of the unity of all Romanians, as his reign marked the first time all states mainly inhabited by Romanians were under the same ruler.
  • Alexandru Ioan Cuza was elected as the first leader of the modern Romanian state. He presided over Wallachia and Moldavia in a personal union, which later became permanent even though he was forced to abdicate.
  • Carol I was the first King of Romania that obtained the independence of the country.
  • Ion C. Brătianu established the foundation of the modern Romanian State.
  • Mihail Kogălniceanu established the foundation of the modern Romanian State.
  • Ferdinand I was King of Romania when the country gained Transylvania and Bessarabia.



San Marino


Saint Marinus was the founder of the world's oldest surviving republic, San Marino, in 301. Tradition holds that he was a stonemason by trade who came from the island of Rab on the other side of the Adriatic Sea (modern Croatia), fleeing persecution for his Christian beliefs in the Diocletianic Persecution.





Many Slovaks see Great Moravia as their ancestors, which would make Mojmír I a founder.



France Bučar英语France Bučar is a Slovenian politician, legal expert and author. Between 1990 and 1992, he served as the first chairman of the freely elected Slovenian Parliament. He was the one to formally declare the independence of Slovenia on 25 June 1991. He is considered one of the founders of Slovenian democracy and independence. He is also considered, together with Peter Jambrek英语Peter Jambrek, as the main author of the current Slovenian constitution. Jože Pučnik英语Jože Pučnik was president of DEMOS英语Democratic Opposition of Slovenia and one of the main persons in the Slovenian fight for independence. The largest Slovenian airport is named Letališče Jožeta Pučnika (Jože Pučnik airport). Lojze Peterle英语Lojze Peterle was first prime minister of Slovenia and Milan Kučan was the first president. Janez Janša was the first minister of defense, and played a big role in the development of Slovenian Territorial Defence英语Slovenian Territorial Defence, together with Janez Slapar who was the first chief of staff. The first Minister of Interior英语Minister of Interior was Igor Bavčar英语Igor Bavčar, who helped the Slovenian Territorial Defense英语Slovenian Territorial Defense defeat the Yugoslav Army with the police.


The Catholic Monarchs of Spain

The Catholic Monarchs, Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, unified Spain in the 15th century. Both came from the noble House of Trastámara. Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor was the first to inherit the dynastic union and the first Habsburg monarch. His successor, Philip II of Spain, established a capital in Madrid. The first Bourbon King of Spain was Philip V of Spain, who is also responsible for the de jure unification of the country.



While Sweden had existed as a monarchy of sorts long before his time, Birger Jarl, father of and regent for Valdemar, King of Sweden, can be said to have established Sweden as a nation. Birger was Jarl in the years 1248–66.

Gustav I of Sweden, who secured Sweden's independence from Denmark in 1523, is often considered a father of the nation.



Both the anonymous Eidgenossen英语Eidgenossen who drew up the Federal Charter of 1291, or the liberal statesmen who helped found the modern Swiss Confederation in 1848 can be considered the founders of Switzerland. Among the latter, those who became the first members of the Swiss Federal Council were perhaps the most notable: Ulrich Ochsenbein, Jakob Stämpfli, Jonas Furrer, Josef Munzinger, Henri Druey, Friedrich Frey-Herosé, Wilhelm Matthias Naeff and Stefano Franscini.[来源请求]



Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv were brothers who founded city of Kyiv in 482 CE

Oleg the Wise who was first Grand Prince of Kiev and created Kyivan Rus in 880

Daniel of Galicia was King of Ruthenia

In 1648, Bohdan Khmelnytsky and Petro Doroshenko led the largest of the Cossack uprisings英语Cossack uprisings against the Commonwealth and the Polish king.

Mykhailo Hrushevsky was the President the Central Council of Ukraine People's Republic.

Leonid Kravchuk is the First President of Ukraine elected in 1991.

United Kingdom

Robert Walpole

Alfred the Great is generally considered the first King of England, while the modern English polity is often considered founded by William the Conqueror, William I of England following the Norman Conquest, and from which the present Royal Family continue to assert descent. The first Monarch to unite all of Scotland was Kenneth MacAlpin in 843. Ireland was brought under Norman English dominion in 1189 under Henry II of England, Wales was subdued between 1093 and 1293; before this Brian Boru in Ireland and Owain the Great in Wales had been figures of national importance in the context of fragmented polities. Scotland and England had a centuries long history of invasion and counter invasion, and the Scottish national heroes William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, as well as the Declaration of Arbroath, asserting Scottish nationhood and sovereignty, date from that period.

Scotland and England were finally united dynastically rather than militarily, and James VI and I was regarded by some as the first king of Great Britain (both England and Scotland). The sovereign United Kingdom of Great Britain, however, dates from the Acts of Union 1707, under Queen Anne, while the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, later Northern Ireland, was created in 1801 by a further Act of Union - up to that point Great Britain and Ireland were de jure two separate kingdoms in personal Union. Robert Walpole is generally considered the first Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Following Irish independence, the Northern Ireland Parliament英语Parliament of Northern Ireland operated largely autonomously from London, with the leaders Edward Carson英语Edward Carson and Sir James Craig英语Sir James Craig, Lord Craigavon, considered by unionists to be its founding fathers. The reinstallment of the Scottish Parliament as a devolved institution in 1999 under the influence of Donald Dewar英语Donald Dewar led to his recognition as the "Father of Scottish devolution" and "Father of the Nation".

Vatican City


Peter the Apostle is seen as the first pope.

Vatican City took on its modern form under the Lateran Treaty signed by Pope Pius XI.





Early colonial era


Late colonial and federation era

Sir Henry Parkes英语Henry Parkes, colonial Australian politician, premier of New South Wales and "Father of Federation"
  • Sir Henry Parkes英语Henry Parkes is often regarded as the "Father of Federation" in Australia. During the late 19th century, he was the strongest proponent for a federation of Australian territories. However, he died before Australia federated, and was never able to see his plan come to fruition.[134]
  • Andrew Inglis Clark英语Andrew Inglis Clark is another founding father of Australia. He largely wrote the Australian Constitution in addition to developing the Hare-Clark英语Hare-Clark system of voting and pushing for universal adult suffrage and other progressive ideals that would become law early in Australia's history.
  • Alfred Deakin also stands out as a significant founding father as he attended all the Federation Conferences, he gave up 10 years of senior political appointments to travel the country promoting federation and was Australia's first Attorney General. He was instrumental in securing Edmond Barton as the first Prime Minister while Deakin went on to be Australia's 2nd, 5th and 7th Prime Minister. Deakin was responsible for establishing the High Court, Australian Navy, and many other important acts of parliament. Sir Robert Menzies is on record for saying he was Australia's greatest Prime Ministers.[135]
  • John Dunmore Lang英语John Dunmore Lang. Although passing away over two decades before federation, John Dunmore Lang was a strong advocate of a federation of the Australian colonies as a democratic republic, independent from the British Empire.[136][137]

Federated States of Micronesia


Chief Justice Andon Amaraich英语Andon Amaraich is regarded as "one of the founding fathers of the Federated States of Micronesia".[138][139]



Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara is widely viewed as the "Founding Father" of an independent Fiji.[140][141][142][143][144]



Hammer DeRoburt dominated the political scene for the first two decades of the republic; he served as president for most of the postindependence period until being voted out of office in 1989. Thereafter, national politics was marked by a series of weak, short-lived governments; the presidency tended to be traded among a small number of politicians.

New Zealand


Maori people consider Kupe, a mythologised figure who led the first Polynesian migration to New Zealand from Hawaiki英语Hawaiki in the 10th century, to be a founding figure and the common ancestor of all Maori. In the 19th century, the Scottish businessman, James Busby英语James Busby, drafted the Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand英语Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand and co-authored the Treaty of Waitangi with the Royal Navy officer, William Hobson英语William Hobson. It is considered by many to be the founding document of the nation of New Zealand.[145]

Papua New Guinea


Grand Chief英语Order of Logohu Sir Michael Somare is viewed as the "Founding Father" of Papua New Guinea.[146][147][148][149] The leading figure during the country's transition to independence from Australia, he was Papua New Guinea's first Prime Minister.


George Tupou I founded the modern Kingdom of Tonga

King George Tupou I, who united his country and established the contemporary Kingdom of Tonga, has been described as Tonga's "founding father".[150][151]



Arabian Peninsula


After the Hijrah (622), the Islamic Prophet Muhammad英语Prophet Muhammad (570–632) assumed political leadership over Yathrib, present day Medina. This feat in and of itself was unheard of, as the city consisted of both Jews英语History of the Jews in Saudi Arabia and Arab pagans. Alongside consolidating his power in Medina, the Battle of Badr (624) saw the de facto leadership of Mecca destabilised. Eventually, at the Conquest of Mecca英语Conquest of Mecca (629–630) Muhammad took leadership over his tribesmen. Furthermore, Muhammad oversaw delegations and armies英语Military career of Muhammad sent across Arabia, including Yemen. The last Persian governor Badhan英语Badhan (Persian governor) converted to Islam (628), thus including Southern Arabia英语South Arabia under Islamic rule. Pre-Islamic Arabia was strife with tribalism and territoriality, therefore it was implausible for tribes to elect leaders let alone Arabia itself. Yet come Muhammad's death (632), Arabia was unified under one polity and religion.

Despite this state not possessing a specific name, it proved to be the platform for the Rashidun Caliphs (632–661) to eventually look beyond the Arabian Peninsula to the Byzantine and Sassanid Empires.



Although the first known ruler of Bohemia was Bořivoj I, Duke of Bohemia, the real unifier of various Slavic tribes in Bohemia and creator of nation was Duke Boleslaus I, Duke of Bohemia. Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor is regarded as the "Father of the Homeland" in the Czech Republic, because during his time the Kingdom of Bohemia experienced the greatest prosperity. Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk (1850–1937) is widely revered as the Liberator President who played the chief role in the 1918 melding of Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia and Ruthenia into the Czechoslovak Republic, and who served as President of the Republic from 1918 to 1935.

Republic of Biafra


Nigerian military officer Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, of the Igbo ethnic group, established the Republic of Biafra on 30 May 1967 after he seceded the predominantly Igbo region of Nigeria from the rest of the country, sparking the Nigerian Civil War.



Kingdom of England


It was King Athelstan (893/95–939) who united the several Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England around the year 927, when he became King of the English as opposed to his previous title, King of the West Saxons. However, his fame is often overshadowed by his predecessor and grandfather Alfred the Great (871–899), who set in motion the unification of the English kingdoms and could also claim to be the nation's founder.

Kingdom of Hawaiʻi


Polynesians arrived on the islands from 1000 to 1200 AD, becoming Native Hawaiians. However, it was in 1795 when King Kamehameha I conceived the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi and unified the islands, beginning modern Hawaiian history.

Ancient Korea


For ancient Korea, Hwanung (환웅/桓雄) and his son Dangun Wanggeom (단군왕검/檀君王儉) were the legendary founders of Gojoseon, the first kingdom of Korea. The founding date is usually calculated as 3 October 2333 BC; 3 October is a South Korean national holiday known as Gaecheonjeol (개천절/開天節, 直译:“Festival of the Opening of Heaven”). However, in North Korea, Gaecheonjeol is not celebrated and recognized at all, unlike South Korea.

Ottoman Empire

Osman I, the founding father of the Turkish Empire

By the end of the 14th century, most of Anatolia was controlled by various Anatolian beyliks due to the collapse of the Seljuk dynasty in the area. The Seljuk dynasty had established both the Seljuk Empire, which was founded by Tughril and the Sultanate of Rum, with the first one being responsible for the Turkification of Anatolia. Osman I unified the beyliks under one banner, proclaiming the Ottoman Empire.[152]

Russian Empire


Kingdom of Scotland


It was King Kenneth MacAlpin (841–858) who united Pictland and Scotland, around the year 843, when he became King of Scots, as opposed to his previous title, King of Dál Riada. However, his fame is partly eclipsed by Malcolm III (1058–1093), who was the first king to rule over nearly all Scotland, after annexing Strathclyde.[156]

The fictionalising medieval poem The Wallace英语The Wallace (poem) (约 1477) celebrated William Wallace (died 1305) as one of the founder-heroes of Scotland's struggle to preserve/re-establish independence from Plantagenet England英语Plantagenet England.[157]

Serbia and Montenegro


Soviet Union

Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union and the leader of the Bolshevik party.
Leon Trotsky, founder of the Red Army and a key figure in the October Revolution.

Republic of Texas




Republic of Vietnam


Ngô Đình Diệm (1901–1963), first president of South Vietnam.

Kingdom of Yugoslavia


King Alexander I of Yugoslavia, known as Alexander the Unifier.

Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia


Josip Broz Tito, Marshal of Yugoslavia (1943–1980).

Union of South Africa

  • Louis Botha was the first Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa, and Jan Smuts, its second prime minister, was a prominent advocate of unification and seen in more recent polls英语Great South Africans as the Union of South Africa's greatest historical leader.
  • Jan van Riebeeck was treated as a South African founding father by the South African government during the apartheid era, being featured on statues and the country's currency (although the likeness was erroneous and was actually that of another man).[166][167]



Mobutu Sese Seko was the founder of Zaire and its only president.




  1. ^ Burkina Faso: former president Thomas Sankara elevated to the rank of "national hero". Africa News. 2023-08-13 (英语). 
  2. ^ Congo Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Independence. Congo Planet. Congo News Agency. 30 June 2010 [20 February 2010]. 
  3. ^ The 'Father of Modern Egypt' school includes: Henry Dodwell, The Founder of Modern Egypt: A Study of Muhammad Ali (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1965); Arthur Goldschmidt, Jr., Modern Egypt: The Formation of a Nation-State (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988); Albert Haurani, A History of the Arab Peoples (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2002); Jean Lacouture and Simonne Lacouture, Egypt in Transition, trans. Francis Scarfe (New York: Criterion Books, 1958); P.J. Vatikiotis, The History of Modern Egypt: From Muhammad Ali to Mubarak (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991). The following internet sources, while not necessarily scholarly, show how widespread this interpretation is. "History," The Egyptian Presidency, 2008, History. [12 April 2009]. (原始内容存档于17 May 2008).  (accessed 29 October 2008); Metz, Helen, Chapin英语Helen Chapin Metz. "Muhammad Ali of Egypt 1805–48," Egypt: a Country Study, 1990, http://countrystudies.us/egypt/ (accessed 29 October 2008); "Muhammad Ali of Egypt 1805–48: The Father of Modern Egypt," Travel to Egypt – Egypt Travel Guide, 2007, http://www.travel-to-egypt.net/muhammad-ali.html (accessed 29 October 2008); "Muhammad Ali of Egypt," Answer.com, 2008, http://www.answers.com/topic/muhammad-ali (accessed 29 October 2008).
  4. ^ Joseph Roberts, Liberia's first President! 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期23 November 2007. The African American Registry
  5. ^ Diller, Daniel; Moore, John (1995). The Middle East. Congressional Quarterly. p. 308.
  6. ^ Walker, James W. Chapter Five: Foundation of Sierra Leone. The Black Loyalists: The Search for a Promised Land in Nova Scotia and Sierra Leone, 1783–1870需要免费注册. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1992: 94–114. ISBN 978-0-8020-7402-7. , originally published by Longman & Dalhousie University Press (1976).
  7. ^ Redmond Shannon. Saint John historian illuminates story of Thomas Peters, prominent black loyalist. New Brunswick: CBC News. 13 April 2016 [22 November 2016]. 
  8. ^ A Tribute to Thomas Peters
  9. ^ Fouéré, Marie-Aude. Julius Nyerere, Ujamaa, and Political Morality in Contemporary Tanzania. African Studies Review. 2014, 57 (1): 1–24. ISSN 0002-0206. 
  10. ^ John Lynch, San Martin: Argentine Soldier, American Hero (2009)
  11. ^ ¿Por qué San Martín es considerado el "Padre de la Patria"?. La Nación. Buenos Aires. 17 August 2023 [25 November 2023] (西班牙语). 
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  15. ^ María Remedios del Valle, la "Madre de la Patria". Buenos Aires: Museo Nacional del Cabildo de Buenos Aires y de la Revolución de Mayo. Ministerio de Cultura英语Ministry of Culture (Argentina). [19 November 2023] (西班牙语). 
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  18. ^ Father of the Nation, George Cadle Price, passes. The San Pedro Sun英语The San Pedro Sun (San Pedro Town, Belize). 19 September 2011 [26 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于1 June 2013). 
  19. ^ Library and Archives Canada. Fathers of Confederation. Collections Canada: Canadian Confederation.
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  21. ^ Granger, David. The Spirit of Chaguaramas. CARICOM. Georgetown, Guyana: Government of CARICOM. 16 February 2017 [26 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于9 June 2017). 
  22. ^ Juan Mora Fernández. Guiascostarica.com. 27 June 2013 [10 August 2017]. 
  23. ^ Francisco María Oreamuno Badilla. Guiascostarica.com. 27 June 2013 [10 August 2017]. 
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