
亞倫·斯沃茨 Aaron Swartz | |
![]() 斯沃茨在2008年12月13日的知識共享活動中 | |
出生 | 亞倫·希勒爾·斯沃茨 Aaron Hillel Swartz[1] 1986年11月8日 美國伊利諾伊州高地公園[2] |
逝世 | 2013年1月11日 美國紐約市布魯克林區 | (26歲)
死因 | 自縊 |
母校 | 斯坦福大學 |
職業 | 軟件開發者、作家、互聯網活動家 |
頭銜 | 哈佛埃德蒙·薩夫拉倫理研究中心學者 |
獎項 | |
網站 | www |
亞倫·希勒爾·斯沃茨(英語:Aaron Hillel Swartz,1986年11月8日—2013年1月11日)是美國電腦程序員、企業家、作家和互聯網駭客運動者。他參與開發了RSS[3]消息來源發布格式、Markdown[4]文本發布格式、知識共享組織、[5]web.py網站開發框架,[6]同時是社交媒體Reddit的聯合創始人——在他的Infogami和亞歷克西斯·瓦尼安及斯蒂文·霍夫曼的公司合併為Not a Bug的時候,由Y Combinator創始人保羅·格雷厄姆授予他創始人頭銜。[a]
斯沃茨生於美國伊利諾伊州的高地公園[2][18](芝加哥郊區),是猶太父母蘇珊和羅伯特·斯沃茨的長子,有諾亞和本傑明兩名兄弟[1][19]。他的父親創辦了軟件公司馬克威廉公司。斯沃茨沉迷於計算機,編程和互聯網以及互聯網文化的世界裡。[20] 他在北岸郡全日制學校上到九年級[21],在十年級的時候離開高中,並在芝加哥的一所地區大學學習課程。[22][23]
13歲時,斯沃茨贏得為創辦「有用、有教育意義、協作而非商業的網站」的年輕人而設的ArsDigita獎。 獎品包括參觀麻省理工學院及與互聯網界的知名人士見會。14歲時,斯沃茨加入編寫早期版本的RSS1.0版本的工作組。[24][24] 亞倫是一個經常寫網誌的人,他寫了很多關於他在斯坦福大學的經歷,例如他在創作知識共享組織中扮演的角色,著作權法以及其他各種主題[25] 。
[編輯]斯沃茨曾於斯坦福大學學習。大一時,他申請了Y Combinator的第一批夏日創始人計劃,提出創辦一家叫做Infogami的公司,通過建設內容管理系統,來幫助創建生動有趣的網站或者是結構化數據的維基。[26] 2005 的整個夏天,他都在和其合伙人西蒙(Simon Carstensen)為了Infogami公司而忙碌。暑期過後斯沃茨未返回斯坦福校園,而是繼續了他的創業之路。 [26]
在斯沃茨創辦Infogami的過程中,他發現有的Python開發框架並不合其心意,於是開發了網站應用框架web.py。在 2005 的夏天,斯沃茨與同期在Y Combinator的公司Reddit的創始人們一起重寫了他們的代碼,從Lisp轉為使用Python和web.py。 [6]
在Infogami尋求進一步資金失敗後,Y Combinator 的組織者建議Infogami與Reddit合併[27][28]。 2005年11月,兩家公司合併成了Not a Bug公司,[27][29]合併後,斯沃茨被給予公司聯合創始人的頭銜。雖然兩個項目最初都未取得大量關注,但在2005-06兩年間,Reddit逐漸有了更大的影響力。
2006年10月,Reddit 成功後被《連線》雜誌的母公司康泰納仕出版公司收購[20][30]。斯沃茨跟隨公司搬到了舊金山,開始在《連線》上班[20]。斯沃茨並不太喜歡辦公室生活,最終離開了公司[31]。Infogami的平台在 Not a Bug 公司被收購後就廢棄了,但相關軟件被用於支持互聯網檔案館的開放圖書館項目。同時,網站開發框架web.py也被用於斯沃茨及其他人開發的各種項目中。
2007年九月,斯沃茨和此前Infogami的合伙人西蒙(Simon Carstensen)一起創辦了新公司Jottit,致力於用Python語言寫一個基於Markdown的內容管理系統。[32]
[編輯]2008 年,斯沃茨創辦了Watchdog.net,「會咬人的優秀政府類網站」("the good government site with teeth"),用於匯集政治人物相關的數據起來並進行數據可視化。[33][34]同年,他寫了一份廣為流傳的《推動信息開放宣言》(Guerilla Open Access Manifesto,參見 #開放獲取)。[35][36][37][38] 在支援社會活動方面,他最著名的項目之一是DeadDrop(之後更名為SecureDrop),一個致力於幫助記者和線人(告密者)安全溝通的平台,大型的新聞機構:《ProPublica》[39]、The Intercept[40]、《衛報》[41]、《華盛頓郵報》[42]等都在使用這個平台。
[編輯]2009 年,斯沃茨幫助創辦了先進社會變革活動委員會(Progressive Change Campaign Committee),期望能進行學習如何進行有效的社會變革。[43] 他在博客中寫到,「我這兩天都在試驗怎麼樣能讓進步性的政策被啟用和進步的政治家當選。」[44]斯沃茨第一次社會運動就是和先進社會變革活動委員會展開的,他們收集了上萬個簽名,將其交給了麻省的立法者們——希望他們指定一名參議員幫助前參參議員泰德·肯尼迪實現希望改革醫保系統的遺願。[45]
[編輯]2010年,[46]斯沃茨聯合創辦了求進會(Demand Progress)[47],一個在線政治群組,致力於組織網民對人權問題,政府改革等問題「採取行動,聯絡國會和其他領導人,資助急迫的問題並傳播消息。」[48]
斯沃茨積極參與阻止《禁止網絡盜版法案》(英文:Stop Online Piracy Act,縮寫:SOPA)通過的運動。這份法案期望能夠打擊互聯網盜版,但被批評使得美國政府更容易以侵權的名義關閉網站,同時也會給網站維護者帶來過大的負擔。[50]
[編輯]2010年12月27日,斯沃茨提交了一份信息自由法請求,希望能公開切爾西·曼寧(據稱是維基解密的一位線人)的遭遇。 [57][58]
PACER系統為每頁資料收取8美分費用。Public.Resource.Org的創始人馬拉默德認為這些資料該是免費的,因為政府文件不受版權法保護。[60][61]據紐約時報報導:「法院收費是為了替技術提供資金,但根據法庭報告,整個系統大約有1.5億美元的盈餘。」[60] 「PACER使用過去為撥號上網而設計的科技……把整個國家的法律系統都放在金錢和障礙的牆後,分割了人民與他所謂的「民主的作業系統」。」[60]馬拉默德呼籲大家行動起來,去17個提供PACER系統免費試用的圖書館把法院文檔下載下來,然後經過他公開給大眾。[60]
看到馬拉默德的呼籲後,[60]斯沃茨寫了一個Perl腳本:腳本跑在亞馬遜的雲服務器上,用薩克拉門托市圖書館的賬戶登錄PACER系統,然後下載文檔。[59] 從2008年9月4號至20號,腳本下載了大量的文檔然後把它們上傳到服務器上。[61]他隨後把這些文檔轉交了馬拉默德的組織。[61]
2008年9月29日[60],政府出版局停止了這項免費試用服務,稱項目「需要評估」。[60][61]美國聯邦調查局隨後調查了斯沃茨的行為。[60][61]然而在兩個月後,在未提起檢控的情況下,調查終止。[61]斯沃茨通過提交「信息自由法請求」獲知了這次調查的文件,他認為這 「不過又展示了聯調局混亂不堪,沒有幽默感的一面。」[61] PACER仍然收費,但Firefox用戶可以通過使用一個叫做RECAP的擴展程序將下載的文檔公開給大眾。[62]
供稿於《Ars Technica》,協助創建了基於斯沃茨下載的文檔開發的RECAP拓展程序的蒂姆·李(Timothy Lee),[65]說, "在爬蟲腳本被關停的前幾天,斯沃茨猜測他下載了PACER數據庫中約25%的數據,《紐約時報》也報道說 「下載了大約20%的數據」。但根據數據庫含有5億份數據,斯沃茨下載了2700萬數據的事實判斷,下載的數據不到數據庫的百分之一。[59]
[編輯]2001年,斯沃茨加入了萬維網聯盟(W3C)的RDF核心工作組。[70]他撰寫了RFC 3870 :多媒體文件類型信息「Application/RDF+XML」,文檔定義了一種新的多媒體類型RDF/XML以支持語義網。[71]
[編輯]斯沃茨是Markdown (一種輕量級標記語言)的主要貢獻者[72][73] 。同時其是 html2text 編譯軟件(HTML 轉換為純文本)的作者。Markdown的語法顯著地受到了受到斯沃茨早年開發的atx(2002)語言的影響[74] ,主要由於其今天被叫做『atx風』的標題語法而被大眾熟記。[75]
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Markdown 至今仍被被廣泛使用。
[編輯]在他死後,有報道指出,斯沃茨曾獲取有美國國會圖書館的完整圖書數據集——圖書館要求人們付費才能訪問,但作為政府文檔,在美國境內是沒有版權的。通過把數據放到開放圖書館上,斯沃茨使其對所有人免費。[76]國會圖書館項目得到了版權辦公室的同意。[77] 有信息[78]表示,這份文件是通過普利茅斯州立大學的圖書館Scriblio系統捐獻給互聯網檔案館的。不論來源如何,這份文件最終成為了斯沃茨擔任首席設計師的開放圖書館的基礎。
[編輯]2008年,斯沃茨和維吉爾·格里菲斯一起開發設計了Tor2web,一個用來訪問匿名服務列表的 HTTP 代理。這個代理為使用普通網頁瀏覽器訪問 Tor 網絡提供了方便。[79][80][81]
[編輯]州和聯邦有關部門指出,斯沃茨在2010年末2011年初其間數周,經由MIT校園網,使用數位圖書館JSTOR下載了大量的[b]期刊文章。 當時斯沃茨是哈佛大學的一名研究員,因此有JSTOR賬戶。[13]MIT「開放校園」的訪客能通過校園網訪問 JSTOR。[86]
[編輯]2010年9月25日,MIT的IP地址18.55.6.215開始每分鐘發送數百個PDF文件下載請求,影響了整個JSTOR站點。[94]這使得這個地址被封禁。早晨,另一個MIT的IP地址也開始發送大量的 PDF 下載請求,使得JSTOR的防火牆臨時封鎖了整個MIT18.0.0.0/8 網段地址。稍後,MIT 收到了一封解釋情況的郵件——
注意這是極端狀況。我們通常每次只會封鎖一個獨立IP地址——最多大約6個每天,在有7000多個機構訂閱者的情況下——在當前情況下,我們注意到生產站點的性能下降。我在這兒的5年中,印象中,只有3、4次這種情況。 採用的模式是為每一個或多個PDF下載創建一個新的會話。這很有效,但不小心。從我們這兒,我們觀察到最多每小時有20萬的會話。
《根本原因分析》(Root Cause Analysis)" 報告 (第一面), 描述了從2010年9月25日至11月26日發生的事件。[97]
《根本原因分析》報告(第二面), 展示了JSTOR的回應和其事故處理流程。[98]
從JSTOR發往斯蒂芬·海曼 (助理檢察官) 的郵件,估計大約有350萬PDF文檔被下載。[99]
[編輯]2011年1月6日晚,斯沃茨在哈佛大學校園附近被MIT警察和一名美國特勤局特工逮捕。 他因違反州法非法入侵和有犯重罪意圖而被提審於劍橋市地方法院。[11][12][89][103][104]
斯沃茨在2013年1月11日自殺身亡。[115] 他死後,聯邦檢察官放棄了檢控。[116][117]2013年11月4日,在《連線》雜誌調查記者提出的FOIA請求下,特勤局公開了數份與此案相關的文檔——其中就包括斯沃茨進入MIT網絡隔間的視頻。[118]
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斯沃茨的葬禮於2013年1月15日舉行,萬維網的發明者蒂姆·伯納斯-李在葬禮上發表悼詞。[120]紀念活動定於1月18日、19日及24日分別在馬薩諸塞州劍橋[121],紐約市[122][123]及舊金山[124]進行。同一天,《華爾街日報》發表了一篇部分基於對(亞倫女友)塔倫·斯坦布里克納-考夫曼 (Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman)的採訪的報導[125]。 她告訴《華爾街日報》,斯沃茨沒有錢支付審判費用,而且「他很難通過尋求幫助……讓他生活的那一部分公之於眾」。 她說,他也很沮喪,因為他的兩個朋友剛剛被傳票,而且他不再相信麻省理工學院會試圖阻止起訴[125]。
在斯沃茨的葬禮前,勞倫斯·雷席格發表了悼詞《Prosecutor as Bully》。他譴責對斯沃茨的判決不符合比例原則,稱:「問題在於——政府必須回答為何斯沃茨必須被打上『重罪犯』的標籤。他並不願接受18個月的談判。」科里·多克托羅(英語:Cory Doctorow)寫道,「亞倫擁有無以倫比的政治洞見力、技術能力和處理人、事的智慧。我認為他本可以徹底改變美國(及世界)政治。不過——他的遺產仍然可以在將來對政治做出影響。」
幾場追悼會緊隨其後。 1月19日,數百人參加了在柯柏聯盟學院(Cooper Union)舉行的追悼會,演講者包括(亞倫女友)塔倫·斯坦布里克納-考夫曼 、開源倡導者 Doc Searls、知識共享(Creative Commons)的Glenn Otis Brown、記者 Quinn Norton、ThoughtWorks 的 Roy Singham、和求進會(Demand Progress)的 David Segal[126][127][128] 。1月24日,舊金山互聯網檔案館總部舉辦了一場紀念活動(視頻[129]),演講者包括斯坦布里克納-考夫曼、Alex Stamos、布魯斯特·卡利[130]、彼得·埃克斯利 和 Carl Malamud[131]。
2月4日,在國會山的 Cannon House 辦公大樓舉行了一場追悼會[132][133][134][135]; 參議員榮·懷登和眾議員達雷爾·伊薩、阿蘭·蓋雷森、和 賈雷德·波利斯[134][135]在這場追悼會上發言, 和其他出席的立法者包括參議員伊麗莎白·沃倫和眾議員佐伊·洛夫格倫和簡·夏科夫斯基[134][135]。 3月12日還在麻省理工媒體實驗室舉行了追悼會[136]。
[編輯]卡門·奧提茲,時任美國馬薩諸塞州地區檢察官,說「作為父母和姐妹,我只能想像亞倫·斯沃茨的家人和朋友所感受到的痛苦,[...] 然而,我必須明確表示,這辦公室的行為在提起和處理此案時是適當的。」[139]
斯沃茨的律師要求所有審訊前的文檔都被公開,[149]而麻省理工不同意。斯沃茨的支持者們就反對不刪改公共證據一事批評了麻省理工。[150] 2013年7月26日,阿伯爾森領導的小組提交了一份182頁的報告給麻省理工學院主席雷歐·拉斐爾·萊夫,並被批准於7月30日公開[151][152][153]。小組報告麻省理工沒有支持對斯沃茨的檢控,也沒有做錯事。儘管如此,報告也指出,雖然麻省理工一直在學院層面支持開放獲取文化,學校從未就此事支持過亞倫·斯沃茨。報告也披露,比如,麻省理工考慮過就此事發表公開聲明,但並未實行。[154]
路透社把斯沃茨稱作是一個「網絡符號」(「an online icon」)——「幫助了不計其數的線上信息的流通,包括1900萬聯邦法庭的文檔。」[159]據美聯社報道:「斯沃茨一案顯示了社會對不為私利,而為了使信息公開而侵入計算機系統的人不斷變化的看法,」同時指出:JSTOR的律師,前紐約北區首席檢察官,Mary Jo White曾要求辦案的檢察官放棄檢控。[50]
Hyperallergic的編輯Hrag Vartanian談論到,紐約布魯克林的壁畫藝術家「不論什麼方式」(By Any Means Necessary,簡稱「BAMN」)為斯沃茨畫了一幅壁畫[160]。「斯沃茨是一個為了我們能訪問自由和開放的互聯網而鬥爭的大好人,」藝術家說,「他遠不只是那個 『Reddit 人』。」
2013年4月17日,,哈拉瑞 (Yuval Noah Harari) 將斯沃茨描述為「信息自由運動的第一位殉道者」[161]。 然而,根據哈拉瑞的說法,斯沃茨的立場並沒有說明對人身自由或言論自由的信念,而是源於年輕一代越來越相信信息應該是自由的。
2013年,肯尼思·戈德史密斯用他的《打印互聯網》(英語:Printing Out the Internet)展覽向斯沃茨致敬。[162][163]
2013年1月18日晚,MIT的電郵系統下線了10個小時。[166]1月22日,發往麻省理工的郵件被黑客Aush0k和TibitXimer發往韓國科學技術院。其他所有到麻省理工的流量都被轉發到了哈佛大學一個發布了一則聲明的電腦上,標題為「安息吧,亞倫·斯沃茨」(R.I.P Aaron Swartz)[167],內容則是斯沃茨2009年的一則貼文[168],伴有芯片版的音樂《星條旗》。麻省理工在七個小時後奪回控制權。[169]
2013年1月26日晚,美國量刑委員會的網站USSC.gov,被匿名者攻入[170][171]。主頁被替換成了一個Youtube視頻《匿名者行動-最後一擊》(Anonymous Operation Last Resort)。視頻表示斯沃茨面臨着一個「不可能的選擇」。[172][173]
[編輯]斯沃茨死後,有超過5萬在網上聯署向白宮請願[175],要求「亞倫·斯沃茨一案行為過分」的奧提茲辭職[176]。類似的,要求斯蒂芬·海曼辭職的聯署請願[177]也被提交。[178][179] 2015年1月,亞倫死後兩年,白宮拒絕了兩份請願。[180]
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2017 年,土耳其-荷蘭藝術家 Ahmet Öğüt 通過描繪斯沃茨半身像的題為「人民的信息力量」的作品來紀念斯沃茨[190]。

[編輯]在 2002 年,斯沃茨曾聲明他死後,希望他硬盤中的所有內容都能被公開訪問。[191][192]
作為開放獲取運動長期以來的支持者,斯沃茨在他的《開放獲取宣言》(Guerilla Open Access Manifesto)中寫道:[37]
這個世界的科學成果正在被大面積的電子化,並鎖在少數幾個私有公司的柜子里。 開放獲取運動正在勇敢地鬥爭,希望科學家們不要把自己版權出讓,而是把成果發布到互聯網上,使得所有人都可以訪問。
斯沃茨的支持者在他死後,開展了一項#PDFTribute[193]的運動,以支持開放獲取[194][195]。1月12日,伊娃(Eva Vivalt),世界銀行的發展經濟學家,開始把她所有的學術文章發布上網,並加上主題標籤#pdftribute作為對斯沃茨的致敬[195][196][197],此後學者們開始張貼了到他們各自研究成果的鏈接。[198]
斯沃茨的故事讓開放獲取科研成果的話題得到了更廣泛的關注[199][200];使許多機構和個人開始倡導開放獲取科學知識[201];使開放獲取科研數據顯得更緊迫了[202][203]。 普林斯頓大學的Think Computer 基金会(Think Computer Foundation)和信息技術政策中心宣布了以紀念亞倫·斯沃茨為名的獎學金。[204]
同年3月,由於與所屬的羅德里奇出版公司的爭端,《圖書館管理期刊》(Journal of Library Administration)的編委會集體辭職[207]。一位編委會成員寫道,在亞倫·斯沃茨死後,「在非開放獲取刊物上發表要受到良知的譴責」。[208][209]
歐洲研究委員會的「cOAlition S」聯盟啟動了S計劃,繼續着亞倫斯沃茨的鬥爭。致力於在2020年前,把所有成員國資助研究的刊物都向公眾開放。[210]
2月22日,美國副總檢察長為參與這項調查國會成員做了簡報[218][219]。他們被告知,斯沃茨的《開放獲取宣言》(Guerilla Open Access Manifesto)在檢控決定中扮演了重大的角色。[36][218][219]有人覺得,檢察官們可能認為這如果不能讓斯沃茨以需要服刑的重罪被判決,那麼針對他的案子就沒有意義的的想法。[218][219]
[編輯]2013年,加州民主黨議員佐·洛夫格林引入了《亞倫法》,即《計算機欺詐與濫用法》(英:Computer Fraud And Abuse Act,縮寫:CFAA)的修正案草案(H.R. 2454, S. 1196[222]) 把一些違反服務條款的法條從1986年《CFAA》電信詐騙罪(wire fraud)中刪去。[223]
雷席格作為福滿法律與領導力教授的第一次演講就是以《亞倫法:數字時代的法律與正義》(Aaron's Laws: Law and Justice in a Digital Age)為題的,以致敬斯沃茨。[77][228][229][230]
[編輯]《公平訪問科技研究法案(提案)》 (英:Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act,縮寫:FASTR)是一份要求納稅人資助的研究公開開放的提案。《FASTR》被稱作是「另一份亞倫法(The Other Aaron's Law)」[232]
[編輯]2014年1月11日,斯沃茨的第一個忌日,《互聯網之子:亞倫斯沃茨的故事》[235]公布了它的首支預告片[236][237]。這部講述斯沃茨,國安局,和《禁止網絡盜版法案》法案的影片在2014年1月的「聖丹斯電影節」發布[238]。《Democracy Now!》通過對導演布萊恩(Brian Knapperberger)、斯沃茨父親、兄弟,及律師的訪談,報道了影片的發布和亞倫的生活及所涉案件[239] 。影片在創作共用許可下發布[240][241],2013年6月開始在影院和按需點映上線。[242]
[編輯]《Patriot of the Web》是由 Darius Burke 編劇執導的一部獨立傳記影片,將於2018年秋在亞馬遜公司上發布[245][246]。影片在2017年11月在 Reelhouse[247] 和 2018年1月在 Pivotshare[248]上有有限的點映。
《Think Aaron》是一部正在由《HBO電影頻道》製作的關於斯沃茨的傳記影片[249]。
[編輯]Sci-Hub可以幫助那些無法或不願意支付昂貴費用以取得學術論文的研究者和學生。其創始人,哈薩克斯坦計算機科學家和神經科學家亞歷珊卓·艾爾巴金 因為與斯沃茨一樣用行動支持學術論文的開放獲取,所以常被同時提及。
[編輯]- Swartz, Aaron; Lucchese, Adriano, Raw Thought, Raw Nerve: Inside the Mind of Aaron Swartz (
PDF/ePub), New York City: Discovery Publisher, November 2014 [2017-12-31], (原始內容存檔於2015-12-06).
- Swartz, Aaron; Hendler, James, The Semantic Web: A network of content for the digital city, Proceedings of the Second Annual Digital Cities Workshop, Kyoto, JP: Blogspace, October 2001 [2013-01-19], (原始內容存檔於2011-07-09).
- Swartz, Aaron. MusicBrainz: A Semantic Web service (PDF). IEEE Intelligent Systems (UMBC). January–February 2002, 17 (1): 76–77 [2013-01-19]. ISSN 1541-1672. doi:10.1109/5254.988466. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2019-07-28).
- Gruber, John; Swartz, Aaron, Markdown definition, Daring Fireball, December 2004 [2013-01-19], (原始內容存檔於2004-04-02).
- Swartz, Aaron. Guerilla Open Access Manifesto. July 2008.
- Swartz, Aaron; James Hendler. Building programmable Web sites. S.F.: Morgan & Claypool. 2009. ISBN 1-59829-920-4.
- Swartz, Aaron (Interviewee). We can change the world (Video). YouTube. [2017-12-31]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-05).
- Swartz, Aaron (Speaker). Keynote address at Freedom To Connect 2012: How we stopped SOPA (Video). D.C.: YouTube. 2012-05-21 [2017-12-31]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-19).
- Swartz, Aaron. Aaron Swartz's A programmable Web: An unfinished work (
PDF). San Francisco: Morgan & Claypool. February 2013 [2009] [2017-12-31]. (原始內容存檔於2021-04-23). 簡明摘要.
To Dan Connolly, who not only created the Web but found time to teach it to me.
- Swartz, Aaron. The Boy Who Could Change the World: The Writings of Aaron Swartz. The New Press. January 2016 [2017-12-31]. (原始內容存檔於2017-05-05).
[編輯]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Yearwood, Pauline. Brilliant life, tragic death. Chicago Jewish News. 2013-02-22: 1 [2018-04-15]. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-17).
Aaron Hillel Swartz was not depressed or suicidal ... a rabbi's wife who has known him since he was a child says.... At age 13 he won the ArsDigita Prize, a competition for young people who create noncommercial websites....
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Skaggs, Paula. Aaron Swartz Remembered as Internet Activist who Changed the World. Patch. 2013-01-16. (原始內容存檔於2017-12-31).
- ^ RSS creator Aaron Swartz dead at 26. Harvard Magazine. 2013-01-14 [2017-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2017-11-28).
Swartz helped create RSS—a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works (blog entries, news headlines, ...) in a standardized format—at the age of 14.
- ^ Markdown. Aaron Swartz: The Weblog. 2004-03-19 [2017-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2017-12-24).
- ^ Lessig, Lawrence. Remembering Aaron Swartz. Creative Commons. 2013-01-12 [2017-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2015-12-04).
Aaron was one of the early architects of Creative Commons. As a teenager, he helped design the code layer to our licenses...
- ^ 6.0 6.1 Grehan, Rick. Pillars of Python: Web.py Web framework. InfoWorld. 2011-08-10 [2017-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2017-11-28).
Web.py, the brainchild of Aaron Swartz, who developed it while working at Reddit.com, describes itself as a 'minimalist's framework.' ... Test Center Scorecard: Capability 7; Ease of Development 9; Documentation 7; ...; Overall Score 7.6, Good.
- ^ Swartz, Aaron. Sociology or Anthropology. Raw Thought. [2013-01-16]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-16).
- ^ Swartz, Aaron. Simplistic Sociological Functionalism. Raw Thought. 2008-05-13 [2013-01-16]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-16).
- ^ 9.0 9.1 Seidman, Bianca. Internet activist charged with hacking into MIT network. Arlington, Va.: Public Broadcasting Service. 2011-07-22 [2017-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2017-11-07).
[Swartz] was in the middle of a fellowship at Harvard's Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, in its Lab on Institutional Corruption
- ^ 10.0 10.1 Lab Fellows 2010–2011: Aaron Swartz. Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics. Harvard University. 2010 [2018-10-31]. (原始內容存檔於2013-05-29).
During the fellowship year, he will conduct experimental and ethnographic studies of the political system to prepare a monograph on the mechanisms of political corruption.
- ^ 11.0 11.1 Gerstein, Josh. MIT also pressing charges against hacking suspect. Politico. 2011-07-22 [2017-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2015-07-27).
[Swartz's] alleged use of MIT facilities and Web connections to access the JSTOR database ... resulted in two state felony charges for breaking into a 『depository' and breaking & entering in the daytime, according to local prosecutors.
- ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Commonwealth v. Swartz, 11-52CR73 & 11-52CR75, MIT Police Incident Report 11-351 (Massachusetts District Court 2011-12-16). 「Captain Albert P[...] and Special Agent Pickett were able to apprehend the suspect at 24 Lee Street.... He was arrested for two counts of Breaking and Entering in the daytime with the intent to commit a felony....」
- ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 Indictment, USA v. Swartz, 1:11-cr-10260, No. 2 (D.Mass. July 14, 2011). MIT. 2011-07-14 [2013-01-23]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-17). Superseded by Superseding Indictment, USA v. Swartz, 1:11-cr-10260, No. 53 (D.Mass. September 12, 2012). Docketalarm.com. 2012-09-12 [2013-01-23]. (原始內容存檔於2020-06-11).
- ^ US Attorney's Office District of Massachusetts. Alleged Hacker Charged With Stealing Over Four Million Documents from MIT Network. Press release. 2011-07-19 [2013-01-17]. (原始內容存檔於2012-05-26).
- ^ Aaron Swartz, Tech Prodigy and Internet Activist, Is Dead at 26. Time. 2013-01-13 [2013-01-13]. (原始內容存檔於2019-10-21).
- ^ Aaron Swartz, internet freedom activist, dies aged 26. BBC News. 2013-01-13 [2013-01-13]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-13).
- ^ 17.0 17.1 Internet Hall of Fame Announces 2013 Inductees. 互聯網名人堂. 2013-06-26 [2013-08-03]. (原始內容存檔於2013-07-22).
- ^ 存档副本. [2018-04-15]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-04).
- ^ Nelson, Valerie J. Aaron Swartz dies at 26; Internet folk hero founded Reddit. Los Angeles Times. 2013-01-12 [2013-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-23).
- ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 Aaron, Swartz. How to get a job like mine. Aaron Swartz: just the facts, sir. Jottit. [2013-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2015-05-23).
- ^ Reddit co-creator Aaron Swartz dies from suicide. Chicago Tribune. 2013-01-13 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2016-04-09).
- ^ Skaggs, Paula. Internet activist Aaron Swartz's teachers remember ‘brilliant' student. Patch (Northbrook, Ill.). 2013-01-15 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-11-04).
Swartz ... attended North Shore Country Day School through 9th grade.
- ^ Swartz, Aaron. It's always cool to run.... Weblog. Aaron Swartz. 2002-01-14 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-31).
I would have been in 10th grade this year.... Now I'm taking a couple classes at a local college.
- ^ 24.0 24.1 Holzner, Steven. Peachpit (article). [2010-12-11]. (原始內容存檔於2011-11-09).
- ^ 存档副本. [2018-04-14]. (原始內容存檔於2018-04-28).
- ^ 26.0 26.1 Singel Ryan. Stars Rise at Startup Summer Camp. Wired. 2005-09-13 [2014-12-19]. (原始內容存檔於2014-11-30).
- ^ 27.0 27.1 Swartz, Aaron. Introducing Infogami. Infogami. CondeNet. 2007 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2007-12-24).
- ^ A passion for your users brings good karma: (Interview with) Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of reddit.com. StartupStories. 2006-11-11 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2007-08-23).
- ^ 29.0 29.1 Singel, Ryan. Feds Charge Activist as Hacker for Downloading Millions of Academic Articles. Wired. 2011-07-19 [2013-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-15).
- ^ Breaking News: Condé Nast/Wired Acquires Reddit. Techcrunch. 2006-10-31 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-15).
- ^ Lenssen, Philipp. A Chat with Aaron Swartz. Google Blogoscoped. 2007 [2010-05-11]. (原始內容存檔於2010-04-27).
- ^ Aaron Swartz's Jottit has been officially released. Reddit. 2007 [2015-10-20]. (原始內容存檔於2016-04-18).
- ^ Aaron Swartz vs. United States. The Longest Now. 2011-07-25 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-29) (美國英語).
He founded watchdog.net to aggregate ... data about politicians – including where their money comes from.
- ^ The team. Watchdog.net. [2018-10-31]. (原始內容存檔於2008-12-23).
Founder Aaron Swartz ... We're funded by a grant from the Sunlight Network and the Sunlight Foundation.
- ^ Norton, Quinn. Life Inside the Aaron Swartz Investigation. The Atlantic. 2013-03-03 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-06-17) (美國英語).
- ^ 36.0 36.1 36.2 McVeigh, Karen. Aaron Swartz's partner accuses US of delaying investigation into prosecution. the Guardian. 2013-03-01 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-31) (英語).
- ^ 37.0 37.1 Swartz, Aaron. Guerilla Open Access Manifesto. Internet Archive. July 2008.
We need to buy secret databases and put them on the Web. We need to download scientific journals and upload them to file sharing networks.
- ^ Murphy, Samantha. 'Guerilla Activist' Releases 18,000 Scientific Papers. MIT Technology Review. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2015-11-17) (英語).
In a 2008 『Guerilla Open Access Manifesto,' Swartz called for activists to 『fight back' against services that held academic papers hostage behind paywalls
- ^ How to Send Tips to ProPublica — ProPublica. ProPublica. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2017-06-30) (美國英語).
- ^ About & Contacts. The Intercept. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-30) (英語).
- ^ The Guardian SecureDrop Server. securedrop.theguardian.com. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-11-01).
- ^ SecureDrop. Washington Post. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-23).
- ^ Join the Bold Progressive Movement!. Progressive Change Campaign Committee (BoldProgressives.org). [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2015-12-22).
- ^ How to Get a Job Like Mine (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought). www.aaronsw.com. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-31).
- ^ BoldProgressives, Victory! HonorKennedy.com, 2009-09-23 [2018-11-01], (原始內容存檔於2017-04-23)
- ^ Eckersley, Peter. Farewell to Aaron Swartz, an Extraordinary Hacker and Activist. Deeplinks Blog. Electronic Frontier Foundation. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-11-25).
- ^ Matthews, Laura. Who is Aaron Swartz, the JSTOR MIT Hacker?. International Business Times. 2011-07-19 [2013-01-13]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-12).
- ^ Our Mission. Demand Progress. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-29) (美國英語).
- ^ 49.0 49.1 ‘Homeland,’ by Cory Doctorow. Washington Post. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-06-16) (英語).
As Doctorow made clear in his eloquent obituary, he drew on advice from Swartz in setting out how his protagonist could use the information now available about voters to create a grass-roots anti-establishment political campaign. ... One of the book's two afterwords is by Swartz.
- ^ 50.0 50.1 Wagner, Daniel; Verena Dobnik. Swartz' death fuels debate over computer crime. Associated Press. 2013-01-13 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2013-03-30).
JSTOR's attorney, Mary Jo White – formerly the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan – had called the lead Boston prosecutor in the case and asked him to drop it, said Peters.
- ^ Todd, Wasserman. SOPA Is Dead: Smith Pulls Bill. [2012-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2012-01-20).
- ^ F2C2012. F2C2012: Aaron Swartz keynote - "How we stopped SOPA" (Video upload). YouTube. Google, Inc. 2012-05-22 [2013-01-13]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-13).
- ^ 53.0 53.1 Freedom to Connect: Aaron Swartz (1986-2013) on Victory to Save Open Internet, Fight Online Censors. Democracy Now!. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-11-01) (英語).
[T]he 'Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeiting Act' ... was introduced on September 20th, 2010.... And [then] it began being called PIPA, and eventually SOPA.
- ^ 54.0 54.1 Aaron Swartz (interviewee) & Amy Goodman. Freedom to Connect: Aaron Swartz (1986–2013) on victory to save open Internet, fight online censors (Video). N.Y.C.: Democracy Now. 2012-05-21 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-20) (英語).
- ^ Bill Killed: SOPA death celebrated as Congress recalls anti-piracy acts. RT International. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-09-11) (美國英語).
- ^ Swartz, Aaron, Aaron Swartz: How We Stopped SOPA (video), Speech at ThoughtWorks New York (雅虎), 2012-08-17 [2018-11-01], (原始內容存檔於2018-06-15)
- ^ Leopold, Jason. Aaron Swartz's FOIA Requests Shed Light on His Struggle. The Public Record. 2013-01-18 [2013-01-23]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-22).
- ^ FOI Request: Records related to Bradley Manning. Muckrock. [2013-01-23]. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-17).
- ^ 59.0 59.1 59.2 The inside story of Aaron Swartz’s campaign to liberate court filings. Ars Technica. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-06-16) (美國英語).
- ^ 60.0 60.1 60.2 60.3 60.4 60.5 60.6 60.7 Schwartz, John. An Effort to Upgrade a Court Archive System to Free and Easy. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-21) (英語).
- ^ 61.0 61.1 61.2 61.3 61.4 61.5 61.6 FBI Investigated Coder for Liberating Paywalled Court Records. WIRED. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-07-07) (美國英語).
- ^ Johnson, Bobbie. Recap: Cracking open US courtrooms. The Guardian (London). 2009-11-11 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-08).
- ^ Malamud, Carl. Aaron's Army (演講). Memorial for Aaron Swartz at the Internet Archive. San Francisco. 2013-01-24 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-09-11).
- ^ Malamud, Carl. On Crime and Access to Knowledge. public.resource.org. 2013-03-30 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-26) (英語).
- ^ About Me. timothyblee.com. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-08) (美國英語).
- ^ 66.0 66.1 » Remembering Aaron Swartz The Wikipedian. thewikipedian.net. [2017-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-13).
- ^ Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2006/Results/en. Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Election. 2006-09-24 [2022-01-16]. (原始內容存檔於2021-04-15).
6th – 423 (18%) – AaronSw (Aaron Swartz)
- ^ 68.0 68.1 Swartz, Aaron. Who Writes Wikipedia?. Raw Thought. 2006-09-04 [2013-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2011-08-21).
- ^ Blodget, Henry. Who The Hell Writes Wikipedia, Anyway?. Business Insider. 2009-01-03 [2013-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2012-07-30).
- ^ RDFCore Working Group Membership. W3. 2002-11-01 [2013-01-15]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-15).
- ^ Swartz, Aaron. application/rdf+xml Media Type Registration. Network Working Group. The Internet Society. 2004-09 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2013-09-17) (英語).
A media type for use with the Extensible Markup Language serialization of the Resource Description Framework.... [It] allows RDF consumers to identify RDF/XML documents....
- ^ Markdown. Aaron Swartz: The Weblog. 2004-03-19 [2017-12-30]. (原始內容存檔於2017-12-24).
- ^ Gruber, John. Daring Fireball: Markdown. Daring Fireball. [2014-04-25]. (原始內容存檔於2004-04-02).
- ^ atx, the true structured text format. [2018-10-31]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-31).
- ^ Daring Fireball – Markdown – Syntax. [2018-10-31]. (原始內容存檔於2011-02-22).
- ^ Commons man. The Economist. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2017-04-18) (英語).
- ^ 77.0 77.1 Video of Lawrence Lessig's lecture, Aaron's Laws: Law and Justice in a Digital Age. Youtube.com. 2013-02-20 [2013-03-24]. (原始內容存檔於2013-03-24).
- ^ MARC Records from Scriblio 2007. Internet Archive.
- ^ In Defense of Anonymity (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought). www.aaronsw.com. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-31).
- ^ New Service Makes Tor Anonymized Content Available to All. WIRED. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2014-03-18) (美國英語).
- ^ tor2web brings anonymous Tor sites to the "regular" web. Ars Technica. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-11-02) (美國英語).
- ^ Poulsen, Kevin. Strongbox and Aaron Swartz. 紐約客. [2013-05-16]. (原始內容存檔於2013-06-05).
- ^ Davidson, Amy. Introducing Strongbox. 紐約客. 2013-05-15 [2013-06-20]. (原始內容存檔於2013-06-29).
- ^ Kassner, Michael. Aaron Swartz legacy lives on with New Yorker's Strongbox: How it works. TechRepublic. 2013-05-20 [2013-06-20]. (原始內容存檔於2013-07-29).
- ^ Charlton, Alistair. Aaron Swartz-Designed Whistleblower Tool SecureDrop Launched by Press Freedom Foundation. 國際財經時報. IBT Media. 2013-10-16 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-17).
- ^ 86.0 86.1 Larissa MacFarquhar. Requiem for a dream: The tragedy of Aaron Swartz. The New Yorker. 2013-03-11 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2014-07-06).
[Swartz] wrote a script that instructed his computer to download articles continuously, something that was forbidden by JSTOR's terms of service.... He spoofed the computer's address.... This happened several times. MIT traced the requests to his laptop, which he had hidden in an unlocked closet.
- ^ Lindsay, Jay. Feds: Harvard fellow hacked millions of papers. Boston. Associated Press. 2011-07-19 [2013-01-15]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-16).
- ^ JSTOR Statement: Misuse Incident and Criminal Case. JSTOR. [2013-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-12).
- ^ 89.0 89.1 Cohen, Noam. How M.I.T. ensnared a hacker, bucking a freewheeling culture
. The New York Times. 2013-01-20: A1 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-06).
'Suspect is seen on camera entering network closet' [in an unlocked building] ... Within a mile of MIT ... he was stopped by an MIT police captain and [U.S. Secret Service agent] Pickett.
- ^ Peters, Justin. The Idealist: Aaron Swartz wanted to save the world. Why couldn't he save himself?. Slate (N.Y.C.). 2013-02-07. 6 [2013-02-10]. (原始內容存檔於2013-02-10).
The superseding indictment ... claimed that Swartz had 『contrived to break into a restricted-access wiring closet at MIT.' But the closet door had been unlocked—and remained unlocked even after the university and authorities were aware that someone had been in there trying to access the school's network.
- ^ 91.0 91.1 Merritt, Jeralyn. MIT to conduct internal probe on its role in Aaron Swartz case. TalkLeft (blog). Att'y Jeralyn Merritt. 2013-01-14 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-16).
The wiring closet was not locked and was accessible to the public. If you look at the pictures supplied by the Government, you can see graffiti on one wall.
- ^ JSTOR Statement: Misuse Incident and Criminal Case. JSTOR. 2011-07-19 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-12).
- ^ Aaron Swartz, Internet Pioneer, Found Dead Amid Prosecutor 'Bullying' In Unconventional Case. The Huffington Post. 2013-01-12 [2013-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-20).
- ^ JSTOR. JSTOR Evidence in United States vs. Aaron Swartz. Page 136. (PDF-1.6). 2013-07-30 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-04-02) –透過Archive.org.
- ^ JSTOR. JSTOR Evidence in United States vs. Aaron Swartz. Page 134. (PDF-1.6). 2013-07-30 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-04-02) –透過Archive.org.
- ^ JSTOR. JSTOR Evidence in United States vs. Aaron Swartz. (PDF-1.6). 2013-07-30 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-04-02) –透過Archive.org.
- ^ JSTOR. JSTOR Evidence in United States vs. Aaron Swartz. Page 3142. (PDF-1.6). 2013-07-30 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-04-02) –透過Archive.org.
- ^ JSTOR. JSTOR Evidence in United States vs. Aaron Swartz. Page 3143. (PDF-1.6). 2013-07-30 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-04-02) –透過Archive.org.
- ^ JSTOR. JSTOR Evidence in United States vs. Aaron Swartz. Page 3127. (PDF-1.6). 2013-07-30 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-04-02) –透過Archive.org.
- ^ JSTOR. JSTOR Evidence in United States vs. Aaron Swartz. Page 3128. (PDF-1.6). 2013-07-30 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-04-02) –透過Archive.org.
- ^ JSTOR. JSTOR Evidence in United States vs. Aaron Swartz. Page 3129. (PDF-1.6). 2013-07-30 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-04-02) –透過Archive.org.
- ^ JSTOR. JSTOR Evidence in United States vs. Aaron Swartz. Page 3136. (PDF-1.6). 2013-07-30 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-04-02) –透過Archive.org.
- ^ Hak, Susana; Paz, Gabriella. Compilation of December 15, 2010 – January 20, 2011 (PDF). Hak–De Paz Police Log Compilations (MIT Crime Club). 2011-01-26: 6 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-03-17).
January 6, 2:20 p.m., Aaron Swartz, was arrested at 24 Lee Street as a suspect for breaking and entering....
- ^ Singel, Ryan. Rogue academic downloader busted by MIT webcam stakeout, arrest report says. Wired (N.Y.C.). 2011-02-27 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2014-03-22).
Swartz is accused ... of stealing the articles by attaching a laptop directly to a network switch in ... a 『restricted' room, though neither the police report nor the indictment [mentions] a door lock or signage indicating the room is off-limits.
- ^ Bilton, Nick. Internet Activist Charged in Data Theft
. Boston: Bits Blog, The New York Times Company. 2011-07-19 [2011-07-19]. (原始內容存檔於2011-07-21).
- ^ Hawkinson, John. Swartz indicted for breaking and entering. The Tech (MIT). 2011-11-18: 11 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2017-04-22).
Swartz ... was indicted ... in Middlesex Superior Court ... for breaking and entering, larceny over $250, and unauthorized access to a computer network.
- ^ Cambridge man indicted on breaking & entering charges, larceny charges in connection with data theft (新聞稿). Middlesex District Attorney. 2011-11-17 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-06-16).
Swartz ... was indicted today on charges of Breaking and Entering with Intent to Commit a Felony, Larceny over $250, and Unauthorized Access to a Computer Network by a Middlesex Superior Grand Jury.
- ^ 108.0 108.1 108.2 Hawkinson, John State drops charges against Swartz; federal charges remain (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) The Tech, March 16, 2012. Retrieved May 14, 2013.
- ^ Bombardieri, Marcella. The inside story of MIT and Aaron Swartz. 波士頓環球報. 2014-03-30 [2015-11-19]. (原始內容存檔於2015-11-19).
- ^ US Government Ups Felony Count in JSTOR/Aaron Swartz Case From Four To Thirteen. Tech dirt. 2012-09-17 [2013-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-12).
- ^ 111.0 111.1 Zetter, Kim. Congress Demands Justice Department Explain Aaron Swartz Prosecution | Threat Level. Wired.com. 2013-01-29 [2013-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-31).
- ^ Smith-Spark, Laura. Prosecutor defends case against Aaron Swartz. CNN Tech (有線電視新聞網). [2014-06-13]. (原始內容存檔於2014-04-11).
- ^ Cullen, Kevin; Ellement, John. MIT hacking case lawyer says Aaron Swartz was offered plea deal of six months behind bars. Boston.com (Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC). [2014-06-13]. (原始內容存檔於2014-07-21).
- ^ Dean, John. Dealing With Aaron Swartz in the Nixonian Tradition: Overzealous Overcharging Leads to a Tragic Result. Verdict from Justia. [2016-05-28]. (原始內容存檔於2013-02-16).
- ^ Boeri, David. Ortiz Under Fire: Critics Say Swartz Tragedy Is Evidence Of Troublesome Pattern. WBUR. 2013-02-20 [2014-05-16]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-02).
- ^ Landergan, Katherine. US District Court drops charges against Aaron Swartz – MIT – Your Campus. Boston.com. 2013-01-14 [2013-01-23]. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-08).
- ^ United States v. Swartz, 1:11-cr-10260, 106 (美國馬薩諸塞聯邦地區法院 filed January 14, 2013).
- ^ Poulsen, Kevin. This Is the MIT Surveillance Video That Undid Aaron Swartz. Wired. 2013-11-04 [2013-11-07]. (原始內容存檔於2013-12-05).
- ^ Doctorow, Cory, RIP, Aaron Swartz, Boing Boing, 2013-01-12 [2013-01-19], (原始內容存檔於2013-01-17)
- ^ Gallardo, Michelle, January 15, 2013, Aaron Swartz, Reddit co-founder, remembered at funeral (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), ABC News, Retrieved January 15, 2013
- ^ Aaron Swartz Memorial Ice Cream Social Hour – Free Software Foundation – working together for free software. Fsf.org. [2013-01-18]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-18).
- ^ Aaron Swartz NYC Memorial Service – Eventbrite. Aaronswnyc.eventbrite.com. 1993-05-12 [2013-01-18]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-18).
- ^ Cory Doctorow at 1:20 pm Thu, Jan 17. Aaron Swartz memorial in NYC this Saturday. Boing Boing. [2013-01-18]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-20).
- ^ Memorial for Aaron Swartz | Internet Archive Blogs. Blog.archive.org. [2013-01-18].
- ^ 125.0 125.1 Ante, Spencer; Anjali Athavaley; Joe Palazzolo. Legal case strained troubled activist. The Wall Street Journal. 2013-01-14: B1 [2017-08-03]. (原始內容存檔於2017-08-26).
With the government's position hardening, Mr. Swartz realized that he would have to face a costly public trial.... He would need to ask for help financing his defense....
- ^ Hsieh, Steven, Why Did the Justice System Target Aaron Swartz? 網際網路檔案館的存檔,存檔日期2017-08-20., Rolling Stone, January 23, 2013. Retrieved January 26, 2013.
- ^ Peltz, Jennifer. Aaron Swartz Tribute: Hundreds Honor Information Activist. Associated Press. 2013-01-19 [2013-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-22).
- ^ Fishman, Rob. Grief And Anger at Aaron Swartz's Memorial. BuzzFeed. 2013-01-19 [2013-01-26]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-23).
- ^ Aaron Swartz Memorial at the Internet Archive, Part 1, 2013-01-24 [2021-11-24]
- ^ Kahle, Brewster. Aaron Swartz, hero of the open world, dies. Internet Archive Blogs. 2013-01-12 [2021-11-24]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-12) (美國英語).
- ^ Memorial for Aaron Swartz | Internet Archive Blogs. 2013-01-15 [2013-01-18].
- ^ Aaron Swartz DC Memorial. Aaronswartzdcmemorial.eventbrite.com. [2013-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2013-02-04).
- ^ Farrell, Henry. Aaron Swartz Memorial in Washington DC. Crooked Timber. 2013-01-29 [2013-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2013-02-15).
- ^ 134.0 134.1 134.2 Gross, Grant, Lawmakers pledge to change hacking law during Swartz memorial 網際網路檔案館的存檔,存檔日期2013-11-11., InfoWorld, February 5, 2013. Retrieved February 5, 2013.
- ^ 135.0 135.1 135.2 Carter, Zach. Aaron Swartz Memorial on Capitol Hill Draws Darrell Issa, Elizabeth Warren. HuffPost. 2013-02-05 [2013-02-05]. (原始內容存檔於2013-02-05).
- ^ Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman. TarenSK: MIT Memorial Service. 2013-03-13 [2013-03-15]. (原始內容存檔於2013-06-12). including links to video of the ceremony/speeches.
- ^ Rob Fishman. Grief And Anger at Aaron Swartz's Memorial. BuzzFeed. 2013-01-19 [2014-07-16]. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-19).
- ^ Holden Karnofsky. In memory of Aaron Swartz. 2013-01-16 [2014-07-16]. (原始內容存檔於2014-08-27).
- ^ Ortiz, Carmen M. Statement Of United States Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz Regarding The Death Of Aaron Swartz. justice.gov. 2013-01-16 [2021-11-24]. (原始內容存檔於2014-12-15) (英語).
- ^ 140.0 140.1 Remember Aaron Swartz. Tumblr. [2013-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-13).
- ^ Guy, Sandra. Aaron Swartz was ‘killed by government,' father says at funeral. Chicago Sun-Times. 2013-01-15 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2014-08-24).
Swartz's father ... said that at a school event, 3-year-old Aaron read to his parents while all of the other parents read to their children.
- ^ US Attorney’s husband causes backlash on Twitter with posts on hacker’s suicide - The Boston Globe. BostonGlobe.com. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-09).
- ^ Pierce: More About the Aaron Swartz Suicide. Esquire. 2013-01-17 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2014-09-18) (美國英語).
- ^ Swartz' death fuels debate over computer crime. Usatoday.com. 2013-01-14 [2013-01-29]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-21).
- ^ Smith, Gerry. Aaron Swartz case ‘snowballed out of MIT's hands,' source says. Huffington Post. 2013-01-15 [2013-01-16]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-16).
- ^ President Reif writes to MIT community regarding Aaron Swartz (新聞稿). MIT. 2013-01-13 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-14).
I have asked ... Abelson to lead a thorough analysis of MIT's involvement from the time that we first perceived unusual activity on our network in fall 2010....
- ^ homepage. Swartz Review. MIT. 2013-01-23 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2013-02-06).
IS&T has created this web site so [community members] can suggest questions and issues to guide the review... What questions should MIT be asking at this stage of the Aaron Swartz review?
- ^ Nanos, Janelle. MIT prof announces plans for Swartz review: A website is launched allowing for discussion of how his case was handled. Boston Magazine. 2013-01-24 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-16).
- ^ MIT and Aaron Swartz's lawyers argue over releasing evidence. Techdirt. 2013-03-20 [2013-03-24]. (原始內容存檔於2013-03-23).
- ^ Rebecca Greenfield. MIT's peace offering of Aaron Swartz documents still won't be enough. The Atlantic Wire. 2013-03-19 [2013-03-24]. (原始內容存檔於2015-04-12).
- ^ Report Details MIT's Involvement in the Aaron Swartz Case. alum.mit.edu. August 2013 [2016-09-07]. (原始內容存檔於2013-08-29).
- ^ Schwartz, John. M.I.T. Releases Report on Its Role in the Case of Aaron Swartz
. The New York Times. 2013-07-30 [2013-07-30]. (原始內容存檔於2013-07-31).
- ^ MIT releases report on its actions in the Aaron Swartz case. MIT news. MIT News Office. 2013-07-30 [2013-07-30]. (原始內容存檔於2013-08-03).
- ^ Report to the President: MIT and the Prosecution of Aaron Swartz (PDF). Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2013 [2013-07-30]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2014-12-29).
- ^ Grandoni, Dino, Tom Dolan, Husband of Aaron Swartz's Prosecutor, Huffington Post, 2013-01-15 [2013-01-16], (原始內容存檔於2013-01-16)
- ^ McCullagh, Declan, Prosecutor in Aaron Swartz 'hacking' case comes under fire, (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CNET, January 15, 2013.. Retrieved January 17, 2013.
- ^ Stout, Matt. "Ortiz: We never intended full penalty for Swartz" (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), The Boston Herald, January 17, 2013. Retrieved January 17, 2013.
- ^ Barnes, James. "Hacker's suicide linked to 'overzealous' prosecutors" (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), The Global Legal Post, 15 January 2013. Retrieved January 17, 2013.
- ^ Dobuzinskis, Alex; P.J. Huffstutter. Internet activist, programmer Aaron Swartz dead at 26. Reuters. 2013-01-13 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-24).
That belief – that information should be shared and available for the good of society – prompted Swartz to found the nonprofit group Demand Progress.
- ^ Vartanian, Hrag. A roller tribute to two digital anarchist heroes. Brooklyn, NY: Hyperallergic. 2013-02-07 [2013-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2013-06-05).
- ^ 哈拉瑞. Data Processing - Part 1 (Video). 2013-04-18 [2018-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2018-12-24).
- ^ Zak, Dan. ‘Printing Out the Internet' exhibit is crowdsourced work of art. The Washington Post. 2013-07-26 [2013-08-20]. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-17).
- ^ Crowdsourced art project aims to print out entire internet. CBC News. 2013-07-30 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2013-09-02).
- ^ Keilman, John. Legacy of open access activist still growing. 芝加哥論壇報 (Section 1, Page 3). 2016-01-18 [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-11-22).
- ^ Anonymous hacks MIT Web sites to post Aaron Swartz tribute, call to arms. The Washington Post. [2013-01-13]. (原始內容存檔於2014-10-19).
- ^ Kao, Joanna. MIT email was down for 10 hours last night, Mystery Hunt temporarily affected. Tech Blogs (MIT). 2013-01-19 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2013-02-17).
A mail loop caused by a series of malformed email messages led to an exhaustion of system resources....
- ^ Aush0k; TibitXimer. R.I.P Aaron Swartz. [harvard.edu]. 2013-01-22 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2017-06-27).
hacked by aush0k and tibitximer
- ^ Swartz, Aaron. Life in a world of pervasive immorality: The ethics of being alive. Raw Thought: Aaron Swartz's Weblog. 2009-08-02 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-31).
Is there sense in following [the] rules or are they just another example of the world's pervasive immorality?
- ^ Kao, Joanna. MIT DNS hacked; traffic redirected. The Tech (MIT). 2013-01-23: 1 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2017-12-23).
From 11:58 a.m. to 1:05 p.m., MIT's DNS was redirected ... to CloudFlare, where the hackers had configured servers to return a Harvard IP address.... By 7:15 p.m., CloudFlare removed the 『mail.mit.edu' record, which referred to the machine ... at KAIST.
- ^ Reported by Sabari Selvan. United States Sentencing Commission(ussc.gov) hacked and defaced by Anonymous | Hacking News | Security updates. Ehackingnews.com. [2013-01-29]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-29).
- ^ Hackers take over sentencing commission website. Associated Press. 2013-01-26 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2014-10-18).
'Two weeks ago today, a line was crossed,' the statement said.
- ^ Aarons ArkAngel. Anonymous Operation Last Resort: Anonymous hacked USSC.GOV (Flash video). YouTube. 2013-01-26 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-08-24).
- ^ Anonymous hackers target US agency site. BBC News. 2013-01-26 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-09-26).
The hackers ... said the site was chosen for symbolic reasons. 『The federal sentencing guidelines ... enable prosecutors to cheat citizens of their constitutionally guaranteed right to a fair trial ...,' the video statement said.
- ^ Stanza, Arrow. Springer Link hacked in honor of Aaron Swartz (新聞稿). Slashdot. 2014-01-06 [2014-01-14]. (原始內容存檔於2014-01-14).
The material is published in honor of Aaron Swartz in springer-lta.co.nf
. [Author's pseudonym is an anagram of "aaron swartz".] - ^ Petition: "Remove United States District Attorney Carmen Ortiz from office for overreach in the case of Aaron Swartz.". Wh.gov. 2013-01-12 [2013-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2013-02-18).
- ^ Smith, Gerry. Were The Charges Against Internet Activist Aaron Swartz Too Severe?. Huffington Post. 2013-01-13 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-05).
- ^ Fire Assistant U.S. Attorney Steve Heymann. petitions.whitehouse.gov. 2013-01-12 [2013-01-29]. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-19).
- ^ Glenn Greenwald. Carmen Ortiz and Stephen Heymann: accountability for prosecutorial abuse | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk. London: Guardian. 2013-01-16 [2013-01-29]. (原始內容存檔於2013-08-04).
- ^ Convicted hacker Stephen Watt on Aaron Swartz: ‘It's just not justice'. VentureBeat. 2013-01-25 [2013-01-29]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-20).
- ^ Fung, Brian; Peterson, Andrea. After long delay, Obama declines to rule on petition calling for firing of DOJ officials over Aaron Swartz's suicide. The Washington Post. 2015-01-08 [2015-03-13]. (原始內容存檔於2015-01-16).
- ^ Rosenblatt, Seth. Call to action kicks off second Aaron Swartz hackathon. CNET News. 2013-11-09 [2013-11-10]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-10).
- ^ Guthrie Weissman, Cale. Tonight begins the second annual Aaron Swartz hackathon. Pando Daily. 2013-11-08 [2013-11-10]. (原始內容存檔於2013-12-03).
- ^ Aaron Swartz Hackathon. [2013-11-09]. (原始內容存檔於2014-03-29).
- ^ Higgins, Parker. Aaron Swartz Hackathons This Weekend to Continue his Work. Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). 2001-11-06 [2013-11-10]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-10).
- ^ Rocheleau, Matt. In Aaron Swartz' memory, hackathons to be held across globe, including at MIT, next month. Boston. 2013-10-21 [2013-11-10]. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-25).
- ^ Worldwide Aaron Swartz Memorial Hackathon Series. Noisebridge. [2013-11-09]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-08).
- ^ Aaron projects. Noisebridge. [2013-11-09]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-10).
- ^ Lessig, Lawrence. Aaron's Walk: The New Hampshire Rebellion. Huffington Post. 2014-01-10 [2014-09-05]. (原始內容存檔於2014-07-31).
- ^ Boyko, Brian. It Begins. Thank you.. 2014-01-11 [2014-09-05]. (原始內容存檔於2014-09-04).
- ^ Information Power to The People. Ahmet Öğüt's website. [2019-03-31]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-03).
- ^ Swartz, Aaron. If I get hit by a truck.... [2016-05-29]. (原始內容存檔於2003-01-17).
- ^ Aaron Swartz. Economist.com. 2013-01-19 [2013-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-19).
- ^ PDF Tribute. [2013-01-15]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-15).
- ^ Cutler, Kim-Mai. PDF tribute to Aaron Swartz attracts roughly 1,500 links to copyright-protected research. TechCrunch. 2013-01-13 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-11-04).
- ^ 195.0 195.1 Musil, Steven. Researchers honor Swartz's memory with PDF protest. CNET. 2013-01-13 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2014-02-14).
- ^ Vivalt, Eva. In memoriam. Aid Economics. Eva Vivalt. 2013-01-12 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2013-03-13).
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- ^ James Madison Award. Ala.org. 2013-01-17 [2013-03-24]. (原始內容存檔於2013-03-22).
- ^ Entire library journal editorial board resigns, citing 'crisis of conscience' after death of Aaron Swartz. theverge.com. [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2013-12-31).
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- ^ It was just days after Aaron Swartz' death, and I was having a crisis of conscience about publishing in a journal that was not open access.. Feral Librarian. [2014-11-19]. (原始內容存檔於2014-08-24).
- ^ Science Europe – ‘Plan S’ Making Open Access a Reality by 2020. www.scienceeurope.org. [2018-10-14]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-15) (英國英語).
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- ^ http://www.cornyn.senate.gov/public/?a=Files.Serve&File_id=74c0afb3-1bc2-49f5-9150-0a8f004ef438 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) (pdf)
- ^ Pearce, Matt. Aaron Swartz suicide has U.S. lawmakers scrutinizing prosecutors. latimes.com. 2013-01-18 [2013-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-20).
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- ^ Top senator scolds Holder over Reddit founder's suicide. Washington Times. 2013-01-18 [2013-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-19).
- ^ Ortiz Under Fire: Critics Say Swartz Tragedy Is Evidence Of Troublesome Pattern. www.wbur.org. [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2016-05-24) (英語).
- ^ 218.0 218.1 218.2 Reilly, Ryan J. Aaron Swartz Prosecutors Weighed 'Guerilla' Manifesto, Justice Official Tells Congressional Committee. Huffington Post. 2013-02-22 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-06-25) (美國英語).
- ^ 219.0 219.1 219.2 DOJ Admits It Had To Put Aaron Swartz In Jail To Save Face Over The Arrest. Techdirt. [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-06-25).
- ^ Masnick, Mike. Holder: DOJ used discretion in bullying Swartz, press lacked discretion in quoting facts. Techdirt. 2013-03-07 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-11-08).塔倫則發表聲明,重複了他對檢方行為不當的看法。公開文件,她說,顯示了檢察官Stephen Heymann在指示特勤局在沒有搜查令的情況下收集證據……向法官就此事說謊……並且把對控方不利證據藏了起來……超過一年,」嚴重違反了要把證據上交的法律和道德義務。Masnick, Mike. Aaron Swartz's partner accuses DOJ of lying, seizing evidence without a warrant & withholding exculpatory evidence. Techdirt. 2013-03-08 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-11-08).
- ^ Carter, Zach. Al Franken Sends Eric Holder Letter Over 'Remarkably Aggressive' Aaron Swartz Prosecution. Huffingtonpost.com. 2013-03-22 [2013-03-24]. (原始內容存檔於2013-03-25).
- ^ H.R. 2454; H.R. 2454 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) at GovTrack; H.R. 2454 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) at OpenCongress. S. 1196; S. 1196 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) at GovTrack; S. 1196 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) at OpenCongress.
- ^ Musil, Steven. New 'Aaron's Law' aims to alter controversial computer fraud law. Internet & Media News. CNET. 2011-11-30 [2013-01-16]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-16).
- ^ Greenberg, Andrew 『Andy'. 'Aaron's Law' Suggests Reforms To Computer Fraud Act (But Not Enough To Have Protected Aaron Swartz). 福布斯. 2013-01-16 [2013-01-16]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-20).
- ^ Aaron's Law, Drafting the Best Limits of the CFAA, And A Reader Poll on A Few Examples - The Volokh Conspiracy. The Volokh Conspiracy. 2013-01-27 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-08-19) (美國英語).
- ^ Help Protect The Next Aaron Swartz. Aclu.org. 2013-01-11 [2013-02-07]. (原始內容存檔於2013-02-05).
- ^ Reform Draconian Computer Crime Law. Action.eff.org. [2013-02-07]. (原始內容存檔於2013-02-07).
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- ^ Dekel, Jonathan. Swartz doc director: Oracle and Larry Ellison killed Aaron's Law. Postmedia. 2014-05-01 [2018-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-03).
- ^ Peterson, Andrea. How FASTR Will Help Americans. Thinkprogress.org. 2013-02-16 [2013-03-24]. (原始內容存檔於2013-02-27).
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- ^ The Internet's Own Boy: The Story Of Aaron Swartz – Festival Program. Sundance Institute. [2018-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2014-03-25).
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- ^ Not A Bug, Inc.: Private company information. Bloomberg Business. 2006-10-31 [2015-05-30]. (原始內容存檔於2015-06-09).
The company owns and operates portals that allow users to post contents and create Websites.... As of October 31, 2006, [it] is a subsidiary of CondéNet, Inc.... Key Executives for Not A Bug, Inc.: ... Huffman, President and Director; ... Swartz, Treasurer and Director; ... Ohanian, Secretary and Director.
- ^ There was a third 'co-founder' of reddit, Today I Learned, Reddit, 2010-10-18 [2017-12-30], (原始內容存檔於2017-04-21),
Aaron isn't a founder of reddit.
[編輯]外部影片連結 | |
![]() 演講者:Justin Peter 演講時間:2016年6月11日 出品方:C-SPAN | |
![]() 導演:Brian Knappenberger 製片:Luminant Media 發行:The Documentary Network 發行時間:2014年6月29日 |
- Nanos, Janelle. Losing Aaron. 波士頓. 2014-01 [2017-12-31]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-26).
- Peters, Justin. The Idealist: Aaron Swartz and the Rise of Free Culture on the Internet. Charles Scribner's Sons. 2016. ISBN 978-1476767727. Biography of Swartz.
- Poulsen, Kevin. "MIT Moves to Intervene in Release of Aaron Swartz's Secret Service File(頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)." 連線. 2013-07-18.
- 殺戮開關:與互聯網控制的戰鬥:Ali Akbarzadeh執導;Akorn Entertainment出品
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