
使徒统绪(Apostolic succession),天主教中文译作宗徒传承,是指基督教教会的圣职是从耶稣的十二使徒传承开始代代相传,通常与声称是一系列的主教有关[1]这一系列的主教,起初被视为由一个或多个使徒建立的教座的主教,但现在被理解为一系列的主教(不论来自那个教座)受其他主教祝圣,而施行祝圣的主教也是以同样的方式受祝圣,一直追溯至使徒[2][3]。
- 圣座:是罗马主教,即众所周知的教宗,的教务职权,也是天主教会内超乎众教座之上的主教教座,承继自使徒之首彼得(伯多禄)和保罗(保禄)[8]。
- 君士坦丁堡普世牧首区:是东正教会的首席大主教区,最高领袖称为君士坦丁堡普世牧首,承继自使徒安德烈(安德肋)。
- 亚历山大港教区:是亚历山大科普特正教会和亚历山大及全非洲地区东正教会的教区,最高领袖称为亚历山大港牧首,承继自使徒马可(马尔谷)。[9]
- 安提阿教区:是安提阿正教会(现驻大马士革),默基特希腊礼天主教会(现驻大马士革),叙利亚东方正统教会(现驻大马士革),叙利亚礼天主教会(现驻贝鲁特),马龙尼礼教会(现驻贝凯克)的教区,最高领袖称为安提阿牧首,承继自使徒之首彼得(伯多禄)和保罗(保禄)[10]
- 耶路撒冷教区:是耶路撒冷正教会的首席大主教区,最高领袖称为耶路撒冷牧首,承继自使徒公义者雅各(雅各伯)[11]
- 塞浦路斯教会,承继自使徒保罗(保禄)和巴拿巴(巴尔纳伯)[12],自431年成为东正教自主教会
- 乔治亚正教会:承继自使徒安得烈(安德肋)、奋锐党的西门(热诚者西满)和等同使徒的圣徒尼诺,自486年成为东正教自主教会
- 埃奇米阿津圣座:是亚美尼亚使徒教会的首席教区,位于瓦加尔沙帕特的埃奇米阿津主教座堂,承继自使徒巴托罗缪(巴尔多禄茂)、使徒达太(达陡)和等同使徒的圣格列高利[13]
- 泰西封座堂:是东方亚述教会的教区,最高领袖称为东方亚述教会牧首(现驻巴格达),承继自使徒多马(多默)
- 印度喀拉拉邦的圣多马基督徒教会,承继自使徒多马(多默)[14]
- 埃塞俄比亚正统台瓦西多教会,承继自传福音者腓利(斐理伯)[15],以及亚历山大科普特正教会
- 圣公会,承继自英格兰天主教会第一位坎特伯雷大主教奥古斯丁的使徒统绪,从1530年代起脱离天主教会自立为圣公会
- 瑞典教会,承继自瑞典乌普萨拉大主教的使徒统绪,从1530年代起脱离天主教会成为信义会
- 菲律宾独立教会,1902年脱离天主教会,1948年获得美国圣公会授予其使徒统绪
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 F.L. Cross, E.A. Livingstone (editors), The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (Oxford University Press 2005 ISBN 978-0-19-280290-3), article "apostolic succession"
- ^ Justo L. González, ''Essential Theological Terms'' (Westminster John Knox Press 2005 ISBN 978-0-664-22810-1), p. 15. Google.com. [2013-07-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-27).
- ^ Walter A. Elwell, ''Evangelical Dictionary of Theology'' (Baker Academic 2001 ISBN 978-0-8010-2075-9), p. 89. Google.com. [2013-07-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-29).
- ^ Donald S. Armentrout, Robert Boak Slocum An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church (Church Publishing 1999 ISBN 9780898692112), p. 25 or
- ^ Jay, Eric G. The Church. John Knox press: 1980, p.229
- ^ Adam, Karl. The Spirit of Catholicism Doubleday & C°, Inc: 1957 p. 20
- ^ "Apostolic Succession" in ''The Columbia Encyclopedia'', Sixth Edition (Columbia University Press 2004). Questia.com. [2013-07-18]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-04).
- ^ St. Irenaeus. Adversus Haereses. 1907.
Because it would be too long in such a volume as this to enumerate the successions of all the churches, we point to the tradition of that very great and very ancient and universally known Church, which was founded and established at Rome, by the two most glorious Apostles, Peter and Paul: we point I say, to the tradition which this Church has from the Apostles, and to her faith proclaimed to men which comes down to our time through the succession of her bishops, and so we put to shame . . . all who assemble in unauthorized meetings. For with this Church, because of its superior authority, every Church must agree — that is the faithful everywhere — in communion with which Church the tradition of the Apostles has been always preserved by those who are everywhere
- ^ St. Mark The Apostle, Evangelist. [2017-10-28]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-26).
- ^ The Patriarchate of Antioch: Founded by Saints Peter and Paul. [2017-10-28]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-23).
Ignatius was the second successor to Peter and may actually have been consecrated by that Apostle or Saint Paul.
- ^ 305 Chapter XIX.—The Episcopal Chair of James. [2017-10-28]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-12).
- ^ Cyprian Orthodox Church Official Website. Churchofcyprus.org.cy. [26 July 2011]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-23).
- ^ We are the One Holy Universal Apostolic Orthodox Armenian Church. [2017-10-28]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-05).
- ^ Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. malankaraorthodoxchurch.in. [18 August 2011]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-21).
- ^ THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ETHIOPIAN CHURCH. [2017-10-28]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-11).
- ^ The First Presidency of the Early Church: Their Lives and Epistles. [2017-10-28]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-24).