本頁是以往討論的存檔。請勿編輯本頁。若您想發起新討論或重啟現有討論,請在當前討論頁進行。 |
- 《可靠來源布告板評級指引》:取消「非常可靠」評級,並將「無共識」評級自「半可靠」評級中分拆。(討論記錄)
- 《關注度指引(組織)》:微調〈教育機構〉一節內容,移除重複適用之項目。(討論記錄)
- 《簽名指引》:禁止在簽名中宣傳評選、添加回車符或換行符,以及利用模板等語法繞過系統對簽名之限制。此外,亦不能在簽名保存編輯後殘留任何可以再次被替換引用或他人再次編輯該頁後會發生變化的符號、魔術字、模板或其他語法。(討論記錄)
- 《討論頁指引》暨《用戶頁指引》:修訂前者〈用戶討論頁〉一節,闡明允許移除整串討論,但不允許移除討論中無不當內容之個別留言;後者相應修訂。(討論記錄)
- 《一級行政區道路特殊收錄限制列表》:調整表格用詞,避免指定特定國家之一級行政區公路為某級行政區公路。(討論記錄)
- 《共識方針》:重寫〈提案討論及公示時間〉一節內容,明確「新留言」之定義,並要求公示時同時在公告欄進行宣告。(討論記錄)
- 《關注度指引(人物)》:移除或修訂定義含糊或其他關注度指引能夠涵蓋的內容。(討論記錄)
- 《有償編輯方針》:收緊對於有償編輯者編輯形式之限制。(討論記錄)
- 《管理員方針》暨《行政員方針》:經社群討論通過,設立管理員復任制度,在特定情況下允許管理員經審核復任。(討論記錄)
- 《字詞轉換處理指引》暨《地區詞處理指引》:撤銷2011年錯誤移除指引模板之操作,實質恢復二者之指引地位。(討論記錄)
- 方針:《保護方針》、《文明方針》、《編輯戰方針》、《破壞方針》、《命名常規》、《生者傳記方針》、《人事任免投票資格方針》、《模板編輯員方針》、《誹謗方針》、《介面管理員方針》、《非自由內容使用準則》、《快速刪除方針》、《機器用戶方針》、《管理員方針》(一、二)、《監督方針》、《行政員方針》、《封禁方針》、《侵犯著作權方針》及《方針與指引》。
- 指引:《可靠來源布告板評級指引》(一、二)、《關注度指引(交通)》、《勇於提問指引》、《建設性意見指引》、《用戶頁指引》(一、二)、《討論頁指引》、《頁面分類指引》、《格式手冊(文字格式)》、《字詞轉換處理指引》、《地區詞處理指引》、《什麼是條目指引》、《格式手冊(兩岸四地用語)》、《申請成為管理人員指引》、《命名常規(國際關係)》、《格式手冊(列表)》、《利益衝突指引》、《關注度指引(數字)》、《重定向指引》及《關注度指引(人物)》。
- 經社群討論通過,收緊已刪除內容查詢使用限制。(討論記錄)
- 過去一個月內,共有2名維基人獲提名維基獎勵並通過:Nucleus hydro elemon獲授科學特別貢獻、Sanmosa獲授維基服務專家。
Wikidata weekly summary #501
- Events
- Upcoming:
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, January 19th 2022 at 17:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group.
- SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, January 4 at 19:00 CEST
- Ongoing:
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #23, Residence
- Past:
- Wikibase live session (December 2021) - log
- Upcoming:
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Videos
- Working hour - Wikidata SPARQL querries (in Italian) - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Wikidata's Q item explorer: Show claims where the item is the subject of the statement but doesn't show statements where the item is the target value.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Documentation of the WikidataCon 2021 presenting the key tools and lessons learned from the organizing team
- Results of the WikidataCon 2021 participants survey
- Video recordings of the WikidataCon 2021 are currently being uploaded
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: number of triples, URL for freedom of information requests, official shop URL, facilitates flow of, next level in hierarchy
- External identifiers: Norgeshistorie ID, Numista mint ID, Austrian Street ID, F6S ID, EU Whoiswho ID, DFIH financier ID, Express Gazeta ID, All-Science Journal Classification Codes, Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi ID, Numista coin ID, Comparably company ID, Folketinget actor ID, Coub channel ID, Sachsens-Schlösser-Kennung, Index of Middle English Verse ID, Stack Exchange user ID, Listen Notes podcast ID, Casefile ID, ILAB ID, Oslo Byleksikon ID, Slovak Theatre Virtual Database ID, CNSflora ID, Baseball Prospectus ID, UNESCO ICH ID, Artland artist ID, Genie media ID, Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD) ID, Archivio Storico dell'Università degli Studi di Cagliari person ID, National Library of Ireland ID, Viber group ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: cantilever sign, yield rate, Stalin Memo ID, Name in Swedish government, reference image
- External identifiers: FID ID, Labyrinth database ID, doollee.com playwright ID, doollee.com play ID, doollee.com literary agent ID, doollee.com play publisher ID, people.su person ID, Biographe.ru ID, Filmovamista.cz film ID, ICPSR Subject Thesaurus ID, Hermitage Museum ID, ICPSR Personal Names Authority List ID, ICPSR Organization Names Authority List ID, ICPSR Geographic Names Thesaurus ID, Clavis Apocryphorum Novi Testamenti ID, Clavis Apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti ID, Tretyakov Gallery ID, Maritimt Magasin skips ID, ARCHER ID, Pipe Organ Database ID, Washington Native Plant Society Plant Directory ID, TVFPlay series ID, UKÄ standard classification of Swedish science topics 2016
- Query examples:
- Map of New Zealand suburbs (source)
- Graph of influences in the Age of Enlightenment (source)
- Family names shared by astronauts (along with how often they occur in Wikidata) (source)
- Bills and coins of Brazilian Real (with pictures) (source)
- People awarded by the French Legion of Honour on Dec 31, 2021 (source)
- Average height of people named Joe (Source)
- Indian writers who died in 1961 (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Due to the winter holidays, no development has happened for Wikidata in the last two weeks.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
排名 | 條目 | 瀏覽量 | 類別 |
1 | 天之驕女 | 4238070 | drama |
2 | 魷魚遊戲 | 4074644 | drama |
3 | 戴資穎 | 4010288 | person |
4 | Penthouse (電視劇) | 4004979 | drama |
5 | 全明星運動會 | 3467205 | show |
6 | 咒術迴戰 | 3388574 | acg |
7 | 黑道律師文森佐 | 3387577 | drama |
8 | 火神的眼淚 | 3256818 | drama |
9 | 習近平 | 3222957 | politics+person |
10 | 華燈初上 (電視劇) | 3220717 | drama |
11 | 六四事件 | 3171272 | politics+event |
12 | 長歌行 (電視劇) | 3024228 | drama |
13 | 中華電信MOD | 2967586 | others |
14 | 哲仁王后 (電視劇) | 2935487 | drama |
15 | 無職轉生~到了異世界就拿出真本事~ | 2855607 | acg |
16 | 錦心似玉 | 2834825 | drama |
17 | 山河令 | 2800002 | drama |
18 | 鬼滅之刃 | 2777388 | acg |
19 | 進擊的巨人 | 2700252 | acg |
20 | 女神降臨 (電視劇) | 2676073 | drama |
--1=0,歡迎加入WP:維基百科維護專題 2022年1月1日 (六) 02:08 (UTC)
- 我猜的魷魚遊戲,就差一點,其實最好的狀態是前二十都是專業性比較強的各領域核心條目,最爛的狀態是前二十全是政治性條目。現在是17個綜藝+2個政治,也真是。。。請大家不忘初心搞建設!!!10000個核心條目都有一大片你們看的最緊張的紅色!!!Forza Ferrari ! 2022年1月1日 (六) 02:20 (UTC)
- 有紅鏈代表還有條目可以再創建,大家一起努力吧。--Wolfch (留言) 2022年1月1日 (六) 03:29 (UTC)
- 一堆drama和acg,想起了這玩意:User:Hat600/essay/fansite。——Sakamotosan路過圍觀杯弓蛇影 | 避免做作,免敬 2022年1月1日 (六) 04:27 (UTC)
- 且讓人們娛樂至死(估計其他條目再努力也是這個樣,有些娛樂類條目即使不完善也是穩定多人看)。--S叔 2022年1月1日 (六) 07:57 (UTC)
- 我個人覺得那篇論述可能會讓用心在寫好那些領域的條目的編者感到不開心。比如說我每次看到那個論述就不舒服,讓我感覺不在今年寫些學術類條目就不及格一樣。 --Milky·Defer 2022年1月1日 (六) 10:55 (UTC)
- (▲)同上XD —— Eric Liu 創造は生命(留言.留名.學生會) 2022年1月1日 (六) 11:45 (UTC)
- 作為動漫條目寫手(例如上面的咒術迴戰有一半左右的文字是我寫的),完全不覺得不開心。人各有志,我只是決定將有限的時間放在多人看的條目而已。-hiJK910 走先喇 係咁先喇 下次再玩吖 2022年1月1日 (六) 12:01 (UTC)
- 本人涉足範圍涵蓋學術及非學術類型的條目,而且我會找一些娛樂和學術性質兼具的條目去寫(本人靠寫性入維的,這部分難以在娛樂及學術上劃界),因此無感。--S叔 2022年1月1日 (六) 12:37 (UTC)
- 中華電信MOD又又又又上榜了LMAO --Txkk(留言) 2022年1月6日 (四) 05:19 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Folklore is back!
You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 28th of February.
You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.
You can also organize a local contest in your country and support us in translating the project pages to help us spread the word in your native language.
Feel free to contact us on our project Talk page if you need any assistance.
Kind regards,
Wiki loves Folklore International Team
我們誠摯地邀請您參加維基愛民俗 2022(Wiki Loves Folklore 2022)國際攝影大賽,這是一個在維基共享資源上舉辦的國際攝影大賽,旨在記錄不同地區的民俗和非物質文化遺產,包括,民間創意活動等。它從每年的2月1日到28日舉行。
維基愛民俗國際團隊(Wiki loves Folklore International Team)
--Translate by BlackShadowG(留言) 2022年1月10日 (一) 01:49 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #502
- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: Ameisenigel, welcome!
- New request for comments: Automated Manipulation and Calculation
- Events
- Upcoming:
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, January 19th 2022 at 17:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group.
- Next Wikidata Bug Triage Hour on January 13th at 18:00 Central Europe Time (17:00 UTC/GMT), in this Jitsi room. This edition will be an open discussion without a specific theme: you can bring 1-2 Phabricator tickets that you really care about, and we will look at them together and see how we can add relevant information and triage them.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Review Wikimedia Foundation’s Linked Open Data Strategy 2021 and community discussion. Agenda, January 11th. to local time!
- Upcoming Search Platform Office Hours. Date: Wednesday, January 12th, 2022. Time: 16:00-17:00 GMT / 08:00-09:00 PST / 11:00-12:00 EST / 17:00-18:00 CET & WAT
- SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, January 12 at 19:00 CEST (exceptionally on Wednesday)
- The ceremony of the 2021 Wikimedia Coolest Tool Award will take place virtually on Friday 14 January 2022, 17:00 UTC. This award is highlighting software tools that have been nominated by contributors to the Wikimedia projects. The ceremony will be a nice moment to show appreciation to our tool developers and maybe discover new tools! Read more about the livestream and the discussion channels.
- LIVE Wikidata editing #66 - YouTube, Facebook, January 15 at 19:00 UTC
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #92, January 16 at 13.00 UTC
- Ongoing:
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #24, Antonyms
- Creating, maintaining and updating Shape Expressions as EntitySchemas in the Wikimedia ecosystem. International SWAT4HCLS Conference. 10 - 13 Jan 2022. Register!
- Upcoming:
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Tool of the week
- OneZoom "tree of life explorer" is an interactive map of the evolutionary links between all living things known to science using Wikidata.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Celtic Knot Conference (dedicated to underserved languages on the Wikimedia project, with a strong focus on Wikidata and lexicographical data) will take place online in 2022. You can help the organizers with giving input on topics you'd like to see at the conference. Feel free to fill in the survey before January 17.
- The page Wikidata:WikiProject Duplicates/Wikipedia mergers has been created, in order to facilitate users when they find duplicate articles in a Wikipedia whose language is unfamiliar to them:
- if you want to declare that you are available for merging duplicate articles in one or more given Wikipedias, please add your name to this page
- if you want to find some user able to merge articles in a certain Wikipedia, you can see if there are already available users for that Wikipedia and contact them directly
- New open positions at Wikimedia Deutschland (Wikidata/Wikibase teams)
- Post WikidataCon 2021
- Documentation of the WikidataCon 2021 presenting the key tools and lessons learned from the organizing team
- Results of the WikidataCon 2021 participants survey
- Video recordings of the WikidataCon 2021 are currently being uploaded
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: official shop URL, facilitates flow of, next level in hierarchy, is an individual of taxon, reference image, associated cadastral district
- External identifiers: Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD) ID, Archivio Storico dell'Università degli Studi di Cagliari person ID, National Library of Ireland ID, Viber group ID, WikiStrinda ID, Volgograd Oblast address register, NER portfolio ID, Der Spiegel topic ID, LocalWiki ID, Initiale ID, Joconde representation ID, Biografisches Handbuch – Todesopfer der Grenzregime am Eisernen Vorhang ID, Filmovamista.cz film ID, Arthive person ID, Lur Encyclopedic Dictionary ID, NatureServe Explorer ID, NT Place Names Register ID, MedlinePlus drug identifier, MedlinePlus supplement identifier, eurasian-defence.ru person ID, everyeye.it ID, Triple J Unearthed artist ID, Parque de la Memoria ID, Bokselskap.no ID, Digital Mechanism and Gear Library ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: TV3 programme ID, Chief/Naa/Traditional ruler, results in quality, official jobs URL, relative, director of publication, Business valuation, 議案番號
- External identifiers: Washington Native Plant Society Plant Directory ID, TVFPlay series ID, UKÄ standard classification of Swedish science topics 2016, New York Flora Atlas ID, UKÄ standard classification of Swedish science topics 2011, NLC FL Sys. No., Senators of Spain (1834-1923), Finnish real property ID, TV3 video ID, OpenAlex ID, IRIS Sardinia IDs, CineCartaz, identifiant Inventaire national du Patrimoine culturel immatériel, Numista type number, Indeed company ID, DFG Science Classification, SPLC group ID, AMS Glossary of Meteorology ID, EtymWb lemma ID, Wörterbuch der Präpositionen ID, archive-ouverte Unige ID, Catalogo Generale dei Beni Culturali work ID, rus.team person ID, Hessian Literature Council author ID, Bergen byleksikon ID, CNGAL Entry ID
- Query examples:
- Authors without field of work but with topic-tagged publications
- Compound first names starting with "John" (and the number of uses on Wikidata) (Source)
- Presidents of Brazil with the most awards (Source)
- Locations of parishes across Scotland (Source)
- Map of where Roman Catholic Popes were born (Source)
- Birth place of people who are described in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the Great Russian Encyclopedia, the Great Catalan Encyclopedia and the Store Norske Leksikon (Source)
- Various kinds of New Year's celebrations in the world (Source)
- World map of recent censuses known at Wikidata for each decade (source) select decade on the right side
- Non-English labels for a set of objects, with the names of the languages (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Getting the Wikidata:Mismatch Finder ready for release. Focusing on adding statistics.
- Fixed an issue where statement editing was broken in some older browser (phab:T298001)
- Made it so that grammatical features on a Form of a Lexeme can be ordered consistently across all Lexemes (phab:T232557)
- Working on an issue where changes from Wikidata don't get sent to the other wikis for the initial adding of the sitelink to an Item (phab:T233520)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Looking back at 2021
- Developments rolled out in 2021:
- New updater for the Wikidata Query Service to help it keep up with the large number of edits on Wikidata
- Query Builder to make it easier for people to create SPARQL queries without having to know SPARQL
- Item Quality Evaluator to make it easy to find the highest and lowest quality Items in a topic area
- Constraints Violations Checker is a small command-line tool that gives constraint violation statistics for a set of Items to make it easier to find the Items that need more work
- Curious Facts finds anomalies in the data in Wikidata and offers them up for review and amusement
- Wikidata Map to see the distribution of Wikidata's Items across the world and the connections between them
- Current Events to make it easy to see what's currently a hot topic in the world and being edited a lot on Wikidata
- New entities in 2021:
- Items Q104595000 (approx.) to Q110342868
- Properties P9003 to P10223
- Lexemes L400170 (approx.) to L625164
- Developments rolled out in 2021:
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
社群技術團隊致力於為有經驗的維基媒體編輯者開發工具。 您可以使用任何語言編寫建議,我們將為您翻譯建議。謝謝,我們期待著您的建議! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 2022年1月10日 (一) 18:49 (UTC)
Feminism and Folklore 2022
Greetings! You are invited to participate in Feminism and Folklore 2022 writing competion. This year Feminism and Folklore will focus on feminism, women biographies and gender-focused topics for the project in league with Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus with folk culture theme on Wikipedia.
You can help us in enriching the folklore documentation on Wikipedia from your region by creating or improving articles focused on folklore around the world, including, but not limited to folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, women and queer personalities in folklore, folk culture (folk artists, folk dancers, folk singers, folk musicians, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales and more. You can contribute to new articles or translate from the list of suggested articles here.
You can also support us in organizing the contest on your local Wikipedia by signing up your community to participate in this project and also translating the project page and help us spread the word in your native language.
Learn more about the contest and prizes from our project page. Feel free to contact us on our talk page or via Email if you need any assistance...
Thank you.
Feminism and Folklore Team,
—以上未加入日期時間的留言是於2022年1月11日 (二) 08:14 (UTC)之前加入的。
- 確保在當選候選人中有更多樣化代表性的最佳方法是什麼?
- 選舉期間對候選人的期望是什麼?
誠摯地邀請您參與對話。 如何任何問題,歡迎聯繫討論。
運動策略與治理團隊敬上 VChang (WMF)(留言) 2022年1月12日 (三) 09:50 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: December 2021
This Month in GLAM: December 2021
Wikidata weekly summary #503
- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: MSGJ (RfP scheduled to end after 20 January 2022 17:45 UTC)
- Events
- Upcoming:
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, January 19th 2022 at 17:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team present what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, January 18 at 19:00 CEST
- LIVE Wikidata editing #67 - YouTube, Facebook, January 22 at 19:00 UTC
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #93, January 23 at 13.00 UTC
- Ongoing:
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #25, Volcano
- #1Lib1Ref campaign runs runs from January 15th to February 5th. Contribute by creating Wikidata items for texts and authors on Wikisource.
- Past:
- Bug Triage Hour (log). The next session will be announced here in the Wikidata Weekly Summary and on the Wikidata mailing-list.
- Wikimedia Coolest Tool Award 2021 (replay on YouTube)
- Upcoming:
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Tour de France's stage winners an Observable notebook to explore Tour de France's data using SPARQL and Observable's Plot library.
- Wikidata, Open Infrastructures, Recognition & Rewards
- Equal Street Names Wiesbaden
- Videos
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Wiki History Game is a game based on Wikidata where you have to put events in order of when they happened.
- GraphQL demo for WikiCite is a simple GraphQL interface to Wikidata.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: reference image, associated cadastral district, admission yield rate
- External identifiers: Triple J Unearthed artist ID, Parque de la Memoria ID, Bokselskap.no ID, Digital Mechanism and Gear Library ID, oKino.ua film ID, AMPAS collections item ID, Pipe Organ Database organ ID, UNICA IRIS author ID, IRIS UNISS author ID, AMS Glossary of Meteorology ID, EtymWb lemma ID, Offizielle Deutsche Charts album ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Business valuation, 議案番號, podcast image url, list of TV show episode, XJustiz registration court ID, LinkedIn showcase ID, religious community
- External identifiers: Bergen byleksikon ID, CNGAL Entry ID, Amazon podcast ID, Podchaser numeric ID, Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English ID, Football Federation of Armenia ID, Union of Bulgarian Composers ID, Habr company ID, Douban book Works ID, German Lobbyregister-ID, Google Arts & Culture entity ID2, Vesti.ru dossier ID, Catalogue of Life ID 2, Orthodoxie.com topic ID, Encyclopedia of Russian Jewry ID, Wikisimpsons ID, Réseau documents d'artistes ID, Millattashlar ID, Transphoto city ID, IRIS national research institutes IDs
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixed an issue where making changes with sitelinks were not fully dispatched to the clients (phab:T233520)
- Mismatch Finder: Improved the texts in the tool to be more understandable after testing
- Mismatch Finder: added a way to get statistics about all the reviews that have been done in the tool and what is still awaiting review
- Special:NewLexeme: kicked off the development work to improve the page in order to make it more understandable
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Subscribe to the This Month in Education newsletter - learn from others and share your stories
Dear community members,
Greetings from the EWOC Newsletter team and the education team at Wikimedia Foundation. We are very excited to share that we on tenth years of Education Newsletter (This Month in Education) invite you to join us by subscribing to the newsletter on your talk page or by sharing your activities in the upcoming newsletters. The Wikimedia Education newsletter is a monthly newsletter that collects articles written by community members using Wikimedia projects in education around the world, and it is published by the EWOC Newsletter team in collaboration with the Education team. These stories can bring you new ideas to try, valuable insights about the success and challenges of our community members in running education programs in their context.
If your affiliate/language project is developing its own education initiatives, please remember to take advantage of this newsletter to publish your stories with the wider movement that shares your passion for education. You can submit newsletter articles in your own language or submit bilingual articles for the education newsletter. For the month of January the deadline to submit articles is on the 20th January. We look forward to reading your stories.
Older versions of this newsletter can be found in the complete archive.
More information about the newsletter can be found at Education/Newsletter/About.
For more information, please contact spatnaikwikimedia.org.
—以上未加入日期時間的留言是於2022年1月18日 (二) 16:14 (UTC)之前加入的。
可惜的是,該報告(以及該問題)本身被視為一個影響投票保密性的問題,故此本人無法公開該問題的複製過程(Steps to reproduce the issue)。我只能夠提供下列的資訊:
- 該問題並不影響任何人投票的選項(以及其保密性)。任何用戶的投票內容仍然是保密的。
- 該問題並沒有洩漏投票者的CU data(也就是,您投票時的技術數據並沒有洩漏)
- 該問題讓任何用戶都能夠獲得他們本身正常使用該系統時不會獲取的資訊
- 該問題能夠在尚未登入任何系統的情況下重現(無論你是否登入選舉系統/任何維基媒體帳號)
1233 (T / C) 2022年1月6日 (四) 16:14 (UTC)
- 所以現在全域都要停用SecurePoll?另外能否透露此問題已經產生多久了? ——魔琴 [ 已經告假 留言 貢獻 ] 2022年1月7日 (五) 13:02 (UTC)
- 預計何時會修復完成?--Sanmosa Immortal 2022年1月8日 (六) 05:40 (UTC)
- 是否全域我不清楚,但是有安全疑慮是真的。至於預計修復時間:現在還沒有patch--1233 (T / C) 2022年1月8日 (六) 12:20 (UTC)
- 大家好,
- 由於此問題的特性,我無法預測該問題會何時被修復。另外 @魔琴,此問題是修另一個問題的時候疑似遺漏忘了修的問題。至於是否全域停用,我就不清楚,但是我無法得知該漏洞是否已被他人使用(i.e. appear in the wild)。
- 另外,基於本人快開學的緣故,本人可能會放一個短的維基假期。
- 基於本問題已被證實確實存在(i.e.可以搞一個CVE的漏洞了),而本人又無法及時向社群交代該問題的影響/修復程度,本人已添加若干位社群信任且已簽署《非公開信息保密協議》的用戶以讓他們閱覽該任務。當然,我無法得知他們會否更新此通知。--1233 (T / C) 2022年1月9日 (日) 15:31 (UTC)
- 能否告知哪些用戶可以得知該漏洞的修復進度?便於社群與之聯繫。--BlackShadowG(留言) 2022年1月10日 (一) 01:35 (UTC)
- 兩位監督員,Xiplus及Ericliu1912。另外,此問題在討論的時候亦衍生了另一個問題,phab:T298849。1233 (T / C) 2022年1月10日 (一) 03:09 (UTC)
- 我會說,此漏洞並不影響一般人,而且問題並沒有很大,不必緊張。—— Eric Liu 創造は生命(留言.留名.學生會) 2022年1月15日 (六) 22:49 (UTC)
- 能否告知哪些用戶可以得知該漏洞的修復進度?便於社群與之聯繫。--BlackShadowG(留言) 2022年1月10日 (一) 01:35 (UTC)
- 是否全域我不清楚,但是有安全疑慮是真的。至於預計修復時間:現在還沒有patch--1233 (T / C) 2022年1月8日 (六) 12:20 (UTC)
- 平時沒挖出bug,一上來就挖出兩個b。 囧rz……代碼無時無刻都在創造bug。 囧rz……——Sakamotosan路過圍觀 | 避免做作,免敬 2022年1月13日 (四) 09:21 (UTC)
- 常規操作啦,就MediaWiki的代碼屎山樣子沒bug才不正常。我在短短幾個禮拜的時間內就提了關於GlobalPreferences組件的好幾個bug。--Milky·Defer 2022年1月13日 (四) 12:19 (UTC)
- 一個是真的和安全相關的Bug,但另一個不是(那個問題我也不懂怎麼形容就是了)。--1233 (T / C) 2022年1月15日 (六) 16:52 (UTC)
- 「安全相關的Bug」——大家可能還不知道,在接近3年的時間裡面(2018年到2021年12月),任何用戶(包括IP用戶)都可以通過某種方法編輯任意頁面(包括首頁等被保護的頁面,和MediaWiki:Common.js);在接近8年的時間裡面(從2013年開始),任何用戶可以看到任何私密wiki(例如checkuserwiki)中的所有未刪除歷史版本。參見mw:2021-12_security_release/FAQ。--GZWDer(留言) 2022年1月16日 (日) 18:35 (UTC)
更新:T298434已解決。--1233 (T / C) 2022年1月19日 (三) 16:10 (UTC)
- T298849所述問題和T298434不大相關,因此我認為現在不需要延遲使用SecurePoll的選舉了。--1233 (T / C) 2022年1月19日 (三) 16:26 (UTC)
- @1233:現在能透露一下何種信息被洩露了嗎?--GZWDer(留言) 2022年1月21日 (五) 09:26 (UTC)
運動策略與治理團隊VChang (WMF)(留言) 2022年1月21日 (五) 12:28 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #504
- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: MSGJ (Successful). Welcome onboard \o/
- Events
- Upcoming:
- The next Wikibase live session is 16:00 UTC on Thursday 27th January 2022 (17:00 Berlin time). What are you working on around Wikibase? You're welcome to come and share your project with the community.
- Editing with OpenRefine live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, January 25 at 19:00 CET (UTC+1)
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Professor Pascal Martinolli speaking on tabletop role-playing game citations practices and Wikidata, January 25th.
- LIVE Wikidata editing #68 - YouTube, Facebook, January 29 at 19:00 UTC
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #94, January 30 at 13.00 UTC
- Online workshop in French about Breton lexicographical data, by Envlh and Vigneron, January 30 at 15:00 CET (UTC+1)
- On Tuesday, February 22, the OpenRefine team hosts a community meetup to present current and future work on Structured Data on Commons support in OpenRefine.
- Ongoing:
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #26, Bees
- #1Lib1Ref campaign runs runs from January 15th to February 5th. Contribute by creating Wikidata items for texts and authors on Wikisource.
- Past:
- Wikidata/Wikibase office hour (2022-01-19)
- Upcoming:
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- The CIA lost track of who runs the UK, so I picked up the slack featured on Hacker News
- Solving Wordle, Sutom, and al. with SPARQL queries on Wikidata
- Wikitrivia is a web game that challenges your knowledge of historical dates
- Wikitrivia, the viral game that tests how much you know about history (in Spanish)
- 100 Women in Science in Smithsonian History
- Papers
- Videos
- [WORKSHOP] Wikidata and libraries: tools for information managers (in Spanish) - YouTube
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Comparator compare the list of cited entities across two different wikipedia articles using Wikidata and SPARQL
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Lexemes forms:
- How many triples are added when certain edits are made? ... User:Mahir256/Triples
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: admission yield rate, Corruption Perceptions Index, category for honorary citizens of entity, podcast image url
- External identifiers: AMS Glossary of Meteorology ID, EtymWb lemma ID, Offizielle Deutsche Charts album ID, ARCHER ID, Senators of Spain (1834-1923) ID, AdoroCinema person ID, Kinofilms.ua film ID, Kinofilms.ua actor ID, kino-teatr.ru film ID, Hermitage Museum work ID, Engineer's Line Reference, Archive ouverte UNIGE ID, Union of Bulgarian Composers ID, AsianWiki ID, ENEA-IRIS Open Archive author ID, METRICA author ID, Encyclopedia of Russian Jewry ID, TVFPlay series ID, Orthodoxie.com topic ID, Slangopedia ID, OpenAlex ID, iCSO ID, Indeed company ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: LinkedIn showcase ID, religious community, subpopulation 3, type of register, identifier in a register, phrase in hiero markup
- External identifiers: Vesti.ru dossier ID, Catalogue of Life ID 2, XJustiz registration court ID, Wikisimpsons ID, Réseau documents d'artistes ID, Millattashlar ID, Transphoto city ID, Grand Duchy of Lithuania Encyclopedia ID, Archivio Biografico Comunale (Palermo) ID, Sceneweb artist ID, Index to Organism Names ID, Leopoldina member web site ID, Dico en ligne Le Robert ID, LastDodo-area-id, SberZvuk ID, North Data company ID, Gardens Navigator ID, SAHRA heritage objects ID, ezeri.lv ID, SAHA player ID, norsk fangeregister fangeleir ID, Mnemosine ID, World Economic Forum ID, Apple Podcasts podcast episode ID
- Query examples:
- Map of tramways in France
- Map of categories for honorary citizens (source)
- Map of the Medieval universities and its founding date (source)
- Camps/subcamps within a 20km radius of your location (source)
- Taxa found at Fazenda Tamanduá (Sertão of Paraíba - Brazil) (source)
- Birthplace of Rabbis (source)
- Italian parliamentarians and ministers aged between 50 and 80 (source)
- Female Irish scientists in Wikidata without a Wikipedia article (source)
- Places in the Hautes-Alpes that are the subject of an article on Wikipedia in at least 10 languages (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Enabling usage tracking specifically for statements on Waray, Armenian and Cebuano Wikipedias (phab:T296383, phab:T296382, phab:T296384)
- Implementing basic version of mul language code and deploying it to Test Wikidata (phab:T297393)
- Preparing an event centered on reusing Wikidata's data
- Mismatch Finder: Been in touch with people who can potentially provide the first mismatches to load into the new tool for the launch. Finalized the statistics part.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in Education: January 2022
This Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 1 • January 2022
Contents • Headlines • Subscribe
In This Issue
- 30-h Wikipedia Article Writing Challenge
- Announcing Wiki Workshop 2022
- Final exhibition about Cieszyn Silesia region
- Join us this February for the EduWiki Week
- Offline Education project WikiChallenge closed its third edition
- Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom ToT Experience of a Filipina Wikimedian
- Welcoming new trainers of the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program
- Wikimedia Israel’s education program: Students enrich Hebrew Wiktionary with Biblical expressions still in use in modern Hebrew
- 就理事會選舉徵求反饋:我們邀請您就即將舉行的維基媒體基金會理事會選舉提供反饋。本次反饋徵求已在2022年1月10日開始,並將於2022年2月16日結束。
- 通用行為準則的批准:2021年,維基媒體基金會向社群詢問如何執行通用行為準則的政策文本。執行規範的修訂草案應會在三月份供社群投票。
- 運動策略執行補助金:在我們繼續審查幾個有趣的提案的同時,我們鼓勵並歡迎更多針對運動策略建議之特定倡議的提案和想法。
- 通訊報的新方向:隨著《通用行為準則通訊報》過渡到《運動與策略治理通訊報》,請與促進員小組一同來構想和決定本通訊報的新方向。
- Diff部落格:在維基媒體Diff上查看有關運動策略與治理的最新出版物。
另外與您分享,目前運動策略與治理團隊正在徵求選舉志願者,就下列幾個部分支援今年度的理事會選舉:在社群協助推廣有關理事會選舉的訊息、組織有關理事會選舉的社群討論,及協助理事會選舉訊息的翻譯。若您對選舉事務特別感興趣,或想一同為提升中文社群在理事會選舉的參與做努力,都非常歡迎您聯繫。 運動策略與治理團隊VChang (WMF)(留言) 2022年1月26日 (三) 13:16 (UTC)
維基數據正在討論有關在標籤的可用語言中禁用zh的事項,歡迎前去發表意見。--Tiger(留言) 2022年1月25日 (二) 15:11 (UTC)
- 簡單說明一下:此提案由User:Stang提出,內容是「為避免維基數據中因為中文繁簡的不同而產生編輯戰,在標籤可用語言中取消zh,而使用更為明確的zh-hans和zh-hant」。Itcfangye(留言) 2022年1月30日 (日) 19:00 (UTC)
The Signpost: 30 January 2022
- Special report: WikiEd course leads to Twitter harassment
- News and notes: Feedback for Board of Trustees election
- Interview: CEO Maryana Iskander "four weeks in"
- Black History Month: What are you doing for Black History Month?
- Deletion report: Ringing in the new year: Subject notability guideline under discussion
- WikiProject report: The Forgotten Featured
- Arbitration report: New arbitrators look at new case and antediluvian sanctions
- Traffic report: The most viewed articles of 2021
- Gallery: No Spanish municipality without a photograph
- Obituary: Twofingered Typist
- Op-Ed: Identifying and rooting out climate change denial
- Essay: The prime directive
- Opinion: Should the Wikimedia Foundation continue to accept cryptocurrency donations?
- In the media: Fuzzy-headed government editing
- Recent research: Articles with higher quality ratings have fewer "knowledge gaps"
- Serendipity: Pooh entered the Public Domain – but Tigger has to wait two more years
- Crossword: Cross swords with a crossword
想不到二指打字員去世了(72)…… --Milky·Defer 2022年1月31日 (一) 08:36 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #505
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming:
- Talk to the Search Platform Team about anything related to Wikimedia search, Wikidata Query Service, Wikimedia Commons Query Service, etc.! February 2nd, 2022. Etherpad.
- LIVE Wikidata editing #69 - YouTube, Facebook, February 5 at 19:00 UTC
- Wikimedia Research February Office Hours Wednesday, 2022-02-02 at 00:00-1:00 UTC (16:00 PT 02-01 /19:00 ET 02-01 / 1:00 CET 02-02).
- Data Reuse Days will take place on March 14-24, highlighing applications and tools using Wikidata's data. You can already propose a session.
- Ongoing:
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #27, Numbers (1/n)
- Past:
- Editing with OpenRefine live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron
- Wikibase Live Session (2022.01.27)
- Upcoming:
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Press
- "Massive open index of scholarly papers launches" - called OpenAlex, it draws its data from sources including Wikidata
- Blogs
- OpenSanctions is integrating persons of interest from Wikidata
- Celebrating the 2,000 featured articles milestone in Wikipedia in French: Using the Wikipedia Categorymembers API through a SPARQL query to get all articles featured in category "Article de qualité" and compute statistics.
- Smithsonian Libraries and Archives & Wikidata: Using Linked Open Data to Connect Smithsonian Information
- The origin of the gender gap
- Videos
- Press
- Tool of the week
- Basque version of Wordle using Wikidata's lexicographic data. Check it out!
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- WDQS scaling update for Jan 2022 available here. We will be trying to do monthly updates starting this month.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: category for honorary citizens of entity, podcast logo URL, hotel rating, dpi for original size, director of publication, official jobs URL
- External identifiers: TVFPlay series ID, Orthodoxie.com topic ID, Slangopedia ID, OpenAlex ID, iCSO ID, Indeed company ID, DFG Science Classification, Muz-TV ID, Podchaser numeric ID, Wikisimpsons ID, Wörterbuch der Präpositionen ID, Tretyakov Gallery work ID, Grand Duchy of Lithuania encyclopedia ID, Amazon podcast ID, Habr company ID, Google Arts & Culture entity ID, Sceneweb artist ID, Leopoldina member web site ID, German Lobbyregister ID, Film.ru actor ID, Film.ru film ID, Apple Podcasts podcast episode ID, StarHit ID, North Data ID, CYT/CCS, LKI ID, Unified book number
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: has member, register in Germany, dailytelefrag.ru ID, time in the pouch, semantic gender, Game World Navigator ID
- External identifiers: Mnemosine ID, World Economic Forum ID, CHY Number, OpenSanctions ID, identifiant Les Archives du spectacle (organisme), Japanese Canadian Artists Directory ID, histrf.ru person ID, Vsemirnaya Istoriya Encyclopedia ID, Kaspersky Encyclopedia ID, Chgk person ID, Latvijas ūdenstilpju klasifikatora kods, RCN (Irish Registered Charity Number), RBC company ID, OpenStates ID, NetEase Music Artist ID, QQ Music Singer ID, Euro NCAP ID, PlayGround.ru ID, Viki ID, Absolute Games developer and publisher IDs 2
- Query examples:
- US states with the most punk bands (source)
- List of Ghanaian scientists by citation count (source)
- Actresses who have played Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice, with type of production (source)
- MPs with identified mythical ancestors
- Items with "language of work or name = Toki Pona" as qualifier
- Timeline of 1st women practising a given sports discipline (source)
- Water boards in the Netherlands (source)
- Birthplaces of US Presidents, Russian emperors, Roman emperors (source)
- Age of the actress when she played "Elizabeth Bennet" (source)
- People with dates of birth and death on January 1st (day precision dates) (source)
- More than 500 lexemes in Breton now have at least one sense (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Continuing work on adding the mul language code for labels, descriptions and aliases. (phab:T297393)
- Enabled statement usage tracking for Cebuano, Armenian and Warai Warai to ensure fine-grained notifications about edits on Wikidata on those Wikipedias (phab:T296383, phab:T296382, phab:T296384)
- Continuing work on fixing a bug where Wikidata changes do not get sent to Wikipedia and co for the first sitelink adding leading to missing information in the page_props table (phab:T233520)
- Continuing work on making sure the Wikidata search box works with the new Vector skin improvements (phab:T296202)
- Mismatch Finder: Debugging some issues with the first files we got with mismatches that we can load into the Mismatch Finder
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!