模板:Infobox country/sandbox
![]() | 這是Template:Infobox country(差異)的沙盒。 參見本模板的測試樣例。 |
![]() | 本模板含有複雜而精密的擴展語法。 編輯本模板前,建議您先熟悉解析器函數與本模板的設計思路、運作原理等。若您的編輯引發了意外的問題,請儘快撤銷編輯,因為本模板可能被大量頁面使用。 您所作的編輯可先在模板沙盒或您的個人頁面中進行測試。 |
[編輯]參數 | 說明 | 例子 | 結果 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
綠色背景為英文維基沒有的參數 | 綠色背景為英文維基沒有的特性 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
是否私人國家 一般國家無須加入。 ( yes 或no )
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國家長名稱 | 德意志聯邦共和國
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
當地/官方語言的國家長名稱 建議用{{native name}}模板 |
{{native name|de|Bundesrepublik Deutschland}}
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
不用於顯示的名稱,用於尋找連結,使用中文 | 德國
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
狀態(用於私人國家或歷史國家) | 現時
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
建立年份 | XXXX年
流亡政府建立年份 | XXXX年
流亡政府結束年份 | XXXX年
存續時間 | XXXX年-XXXX年 XXXX年
滅亡時間 | XXXX年
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國旗描述文字 | 從左至右藍、白、紅色垂直排列的三色旗
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
是否顯示國旗外的邊線 ( yes 或no )如選擇顯示無須加入 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國旗的引用或腳註 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
旗幟類型,連結與類型一致 | 區旗
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
第二面旗幟圖像檔,無需加入File: 如無無須加入 |
Flag of FLNKS.svg
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
第二面旗幟描述文字 如無無須加入 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
是否顯示第二面旗幟外的邊線 ( yes 或no )如選擇顯示無須加入 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國徽圖像檔,無需加入File: 如無無須加入 |
Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom.svg
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國徽描述文字 | 由獅子和獨角獸支持有皇冠的盾牌
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
徽章類型,連結與類型一致 | 皇家徽章
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
整個徽章連結更改symbol_type 和symbol_type_article 只能二擇其一 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國徽的引用或腳註 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
格言,原名建議使用{{native phrase}}模板 中文譯名使用「chinesemotto」參數 |
{{native phrase|sa|सत्यमेव जयते}}<br/>chinesemotto=「唯有真理得勝」
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國歌,包括音檔 | 《[[泰國國歌]]》<br/><br/>[[File:Thai National Anthem - US Navy Band.ogg]] 《[[中華民國國歌]]》<br/><br/>[[File:National Anthem of the Republic of China.ogg]]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
王家頌歌,包括音檔 | 《[[頌聖歌]]》<br/><br/>[[File:Thai Royal Anthem - US Navy Band.ogg]]
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國旗歌,包括音檔 | 《[[中華民國國旗歌]]》<br/><br/>[[File:National Flag Anthem(R.O.C).ogg]]
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
頌歌類型 | 盟歌
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
其他標誌種類 | 國家歌曲 [[桐紋|日本政府紋章]]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
其他標誌 (非其他國家象徵) |
《[[范德馬塔蘭]]》 {{unbulleted list |[[File:Goshichi no kiri.svg|75x75px]] |{{larger|{{Nihongo|桐紋|五七桐}}}}}}
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
地圖下說明 | {{map caption |country=瑞典|location_color=深綠色 |region=歐洲 |region_color=深灰色 |subregion=歐盟 |subregion_color=綠色 |legend=EU-Sweden.svg}}
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
地圖描述文字 | 北歐芬諾斯堪底亞
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
文字說明位置 | 距英國英格蘭薩福克郡海岸10公里
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
第二幅地圖圖像檔,無需加入File: 如無無須加入 |
Outre-mer en sans Terre Adelie.png
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
第二幅地圖下說明 | 法蘭西共和國版圖
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
第二幅地圖描述文字 | 法蘭西共和國連海外屬地版圖
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
首都 | [[華沙]] [[華盛頓哥倫比亞特區]]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
latd 、latm 、latNS
首都緯度 | 52 、13 、N 38 、53 、N
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
longd 、longm 、longEW
首都經度 | 21 、02 、E 77 、01 、W
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
largest_city 或largest_settlement
最大城市 填 capital 或與capital 內的參數一樣,會於首都一欄下加入「暨最大城市」
capital [[紐約市]]
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
最大城市類型更改,無須填「最大」 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
首都類型更改 | 首都(聲稱)
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
行政中心類型更改 | 政治中心
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
行政中心(僅會在無首都時顯示) | {{Unbulleted list|[[布魯塞爾]]|[[盧森堡市]]|[[史特拉斯堡]]}}
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
官方語言 | [[蒙特內哥羅語]]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
官方文字 | {{unbulleted list|[[西里爾字母]]|[[拉丁字母]]}}
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
官方承認國家語言 | [[斯瓦希里語]]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
官方承認語言 | {{unbulleted list|[[西班牙語]]|[[葡萄牙語]]|[[法語]]}}
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
官方承認地方語言 | {{unbulleted list|[[西班牙語]]|其他68種原住民語言}}
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
languages 、languages2
其他並非國家語言、地方語言或承認語言之語言 | [[白話文]]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
languages_type 、languages2_type
其他並非國家語言、地方語言或承認語言之語言的類型 | 官方書寫語言
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
languages_sub 、languages2_sub
其他並非國家語言、地方語言或承認語言之語言是否上一個語言的子項目 ( yes 或no )
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
族群 | {{unbulleted list|88% [[因紐特人]]|12% 丹麥人及其他歐洲人}}
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
族群數據年份。如果要在此字段後加入來源等其他內容,請將「年」字寫上,否則無法正常顯示 | 2015
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
宗教 | [[芬蘭福音信義會]]、[[芬蘭正教會]]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
組織種類(地緣政治組織) | 政治及經濟聯盟
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
組織成員(地緣政治組織) | {{unbulleted list|{{BEL}}|{{NED}}|{{LUX}} }}
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
組織成員種類(地緣政治組織) | 成員國
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
政府種類 | [[單一制]] [[議會制]] [[君主立憲制]]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
leader_title# (# = 1-14) |
領導人職銜 | [[挪威君主列表|國王]]
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
leader_name# (# = 1-14) |
領導人名稱 | [[哈拉德五世]]
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
立法機關 | [[國民大會 (波蘭)|國民大會]] [[克羅地亞議會]]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
上議院 | [[參議院 (波蘭)|參議院]]
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
下議院 | [[眾議院 (波蘭)|色姆]]
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
現役軍人 | 1,325,000
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
現役軍人數排名 | 3
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
現役軍人數數據年份 | 2008
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
現役軍人數數據來源 | <ref>{{cite ... }}</ref>
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國家成立事件類型/歷程類型 | [[俄羅斯歷史|形成]] [[法國歷史|成立]]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
成立日期(地緣政治組織) 如組織是逐部成立或無既定日子成立,可不填,使用 established_event# 和established_date# 。
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
established_event# (# = 1-12) |
國家在歷史上及現時國家之成立事件 | [[基輔羅斯]] [[法蘭克王國|法蘭克統一]]
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
established_date# (# = 1-12) |
國家在歷史上及現時國家之成立事件的日期 | 公元882年 公元486年
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
平方公里面積,僅須填數字 | 377944 88361
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
面積腳註 | <ref>{{cite ... }}</ref>
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
面積排名 | 62 113
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
更改面積類型 | 包括科索沃面積
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
水域率百分比,僅須填數字 | 0.8
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
area_label# (# = 2-3) |
其他面積的類型 | 不包括科索沃面積
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
area_data# (# = 2-3) |
其他面積的數據 不會自動轉換公里/英里,建議使用{{convert}}模板 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
估計人口 | 64,511,000
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
估計人口數據年份 | 2014
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
估計人口排名 | 22
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
普查人口 | 63,181,775
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
普查人口數據年份 | 2011
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
普查人口數據排名 | 22
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
每平方公里人口密度,僅須填數字 | 255.6
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人口密度排名 | 51
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
population_label# (# = 2-3) |
非估計或普查人口類別 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
population_data# (# = 2-3) |
非估計或普查人口數據 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
成員數目(私人國家) | 14299
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國內生產總值(購買力平價) | 1.668兆美元
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國內生產總值(購買力平價)排名 | 14
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國內生產總值(購買力平價)數據年份 | 2015
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人均國內生產總值(購買力平價) | 53,149美元
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人均國內生產總值(購買力平價)排名 | 12
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國內生產總值(國際匯率) | 1451.53億美元
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國內生產總值(國際匯率)排名 | 58
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國內生產總值(國際匯率)數據年份 | 2015
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人均國內生產總值(國際匯率) | 14,703美元
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人均國內生產總值(國際匯率)排名 | 57
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
堅尼系數,只須填數字 模板自動將輸入數值除以100來轉為0-1之間的數 高中低會自動計算 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
堅尼系數數據來源 | <ref>{{cite ... }}</ref>
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
堅尼系數轉變increase 、decrease 或steady
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
堅尼系數排名 | 57
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
堅尼系數數據年份 填寫數據指的年份,而非出版年份 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人類發展指數,只須填數字 高中低會自動計算 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人類發展指數數據來源 | <ref>{{cite ... }}</ref>
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人類發展指數轉變increase 、decrease 或steady
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人類發展指數排名 | 27
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人類發展指數年份 填寫數據指的年份,而非出版年份 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
貨幣 | [[白俄羅斯盧布]]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
貨幣代碼 | BYR
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
時區名稱 | [[東非時間]] [[歐洲中部時間]]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
與格林威治標準時間次差別 | +3 +1
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
夏令時時區名稱 | [[歐洲中部夏令時間]]
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
夏令時與格林威治標準時間之差別 | +2
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
曆法 | [[伊朗曆]]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
日期書寫格式 | yyyy/mm/dd{{small|(伊朗曆年)}} dd/mm/yyyy
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
道路通行方向 | 左
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
電話區號 | +90
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國家代碼(默認ISO 3166-2) | CY
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
互聯網頂級域名 | [[.sg]]、[[.新加坡]]
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
官方網站(地緣組織、個人國家) | {{URL|//liberland.org/}}
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
史書記載 | 《史记·齐太公世家》
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
footnote_# (# = 1-8)
註腳 須在上方先加入 <sup>#<sup> 或<sup>@<sup> ,後在此部分加入註腳
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
footnote_@ (@ = a-h)
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
{{Infobox country |micronation = <!--yes if a micronation--> |conventional_long_name = <!--Formal or official full name of the country in English--> |native_name = <!--Country's name (usually full name) in its native language, hence in italics (double quotemarks)--> |common_name = <!--Common name in English (used for wikilinks, captions, and to produce a default iso3166 code)--> |status = <!--Status of country, especially useful for micronations--> |image_flag = <!--e.g. Flag of country.svg--> |alt_flag = <!--alt text for flag (text shown when pointer hovers over flag)--> |flag_border = <!--set to no to disable border around the flag--> |image_flag2 = <!--e.g. Second-flag of country.svg--> |alt_flag2 = <!--alt text for second flag--> |flag2_border = <!--set to no to disable border around the flag--> |image_coat = <!--e.g. Coat of arms of country.svg--> |alt_coat = <!--alt text for coat of arms--> |symbol_type = <!--emblem, seal, etc (if not a coat of arms)--> |symbol_footnote = <!--optional reference or footnote for the symbol caption--> |national_motto = <!--in inverted commas and wikilinked if link exists--> |englishmotto = <!--English language version of motto--> |national_anthem = <!--in inverted commas and wikilinked if link exists--> |royal_anthem = <!--in inverted commas and wikilinked if link exists--> |other_symbol_type = <!--Use if a further symbol exists, e.g. hymn--> |other_symbol = |image_map = <!--e.g. LocationCountry.svg--> |loctext = <!--text description of location of country--> |alt_map = <!--alt text for map--> |map_caption = <!--Caption to place below map--> |image_map2 = <!--Another map, if required--> |alt_map2 = <!--alt text for second map--> |map_caption2 = <!--Caption to place below second map--> |capital = <!--Name of country/territory's capital, wikilinked if link exists--> |coordinates = <!-- Coordinates for capital, using {{tl|coord}} --> |largest_city = <!--Name of country/territory's largest city. Use "capital" (without quotation marks) if it's the capital.--> |largest_settlement_type = <!--Type of settlement if largest settlement not a city--> |largest_settlement = <!--Name of largest settlement--> |official_languages = <!--Languages recognised in legislation, constitution, etc--> |national_languages = <!--Country/territory-wide languages recognised but not necessarily in country/territory-wide law, etc--> |regional_languages = <!--Languages recognised or associated with particular regions within the country/territory--> |languages_type = <!--Use to specify a further type of language, if not official, national or regional--> |languages = <!--Languages of the further type--> |languages_sub = <!--Is this further type of language a sub-item of the previous non-sub type? ("yes" or "no")--> |languages2_type = <!--Another further type of language--> |languages2 = <!--Languages of this second further type--> |languages2_sub = <!--Is the second alternative type of languages a sub-item of the previous non-sub type? ("yes" or "no")--> |ethnic_groups = <!--List/breakdown of ethnic groups within the country/territory--> |ethnic_groups_year = <!--Year of ethnic groups data (if provided)--> |ethnic_groups_ref = <!--(for any ref/s to associate with ethnic groups data)--> |religion = <!--Religion--> |religion_year = <!--Year of religion data (if provided)--> |religion_ref = <!--(for any ref/s to associate with religion data)--> |demonym = <!--Term/s describing those associated with the country/territory (e.g. "Belgian" for the country Belgium)--> |government_type = <!--(often a compound multi-wikilinked term, e.g. "Federal semi-presidential constitutional republic", etc)--> |leader_title1 = <!--(for a country, usually the head of state's (wikilinked) title, e.g. "President", "Monarch")--> |leader_name1 = |leader_title2 = <!--(could be "Vice President", otherwise "Prime Minster", etc, etc)--> |leader_name2 = <!--......--> |leader_title14 = <!--(up to 14 distinct leaders may be included)--> |leader_name14 = |legislature = <!--Name of the country/territory's governing body, e.g. "Parliament", "Congress", etc--> |upper_house = <!--Name of governing body's upper house, if given (e.g. "Senate")--> |lower_house = <!--Name of governing body's lower house, if given (e.g. "Chamber of Deputies")--> |sovereignty_type = <!--Brief description of country/territory's status ("Independence [from...]", "Autonomous province [of...]", etc)--> |sovereignty_note = |established_event1 = <!--First key event in history of country/territory's status or formation--> |established_date1 = <!--Date of first key event--> |established_event2 = <!--Second key event--> |established_date2 = <!--Date of second key event--> <!--......--> |established_event13 = <!--(up to 13 distinct events may be included)--> |established_date13 = |area_rank = |area = <!--Major area size (in [[Template:convert]] either km2 or sqmi first)--> |area_km2 = <!--Major area size (in square km)--> |area_sq_mi = <!--Area in square mi (requires area_km2)--> |area_footnote = <!--Optional footnote for area--> |percent_water = |area_label = <!--Label under "Area" (default is "Total")--> |area_label2 = <!--Label below area_label (optional)--> |area_data2 = <!--Text after area_label2 (optional)--> |population_estimate = |population_estimate_rank = |population_estimate_year = |population_census = |population_census_year = |population_density_km2 = |population_density_sq_mi = |population_density_rank = |nummembers = <!--An alternative to population for micronation--> |GDP_PPP = <!--(Gross Domestic Product from Purchasing Power Parity)--> |GDP_PPP_rank = |GDP_PPP_year = |GDP_PPP_per_capita = |GDP_PPP_per_capita_rank = |GDP_nominal = |GDP_nominal_rank = |GDP_nominal_year = |GDP_nominal_per_capita = |GDP_nominal_per_capita_rank = |Gini = <!--(Gini measure of income inequality; input number only; valid values are between 0 and 100)--> |Gini_ref = <!--(for any ref/s to associate with Gini number)--> |Gini_rank = |Gini_year = |HDI_year = <!-- Please use the year to which the data refers, not the publication year--> |HDI = <!--(Human Development Index; input number only; valid values are between 0 and 1)--> |HDI_change = <!--increase/decrease/steady; rank change from previous year--> |HDI_rank = |HDI_ref = <!--(for any ref/s to associate with HDI number)--> |currency = <!--Name/s of currency/ies used in country/territory--> |currency_code = <!--ISO 4217 code/s for currency/ies (each usually three capital letters)--> |time_zone = <!--e.g. GMT, PST, AST, etc, etc (wikilinked if possible)--> |utc_offset = <!--in the form "+N", where N is number of hours offset--> |time_zone_DST = <!--Link to DST (Daylight Saving Time) used, otherwise leave empty--> |utc_offset_DST = <!--in the form "+N", where N is number of hours offset--> |DST_note = <!--Optional note regarding DST use--> |antipodes = <!--Place/s exactly on the opposite side of the world to country/territory--> |date_format = <!--numeric dates (dd-mm-yyyy, yyyy.mm.dd, etc) plus era (CE, AD, AH, etc)--> |drives_on = <!--"right" or "left" (side of road)--> |cctld = <!--Internet country code top-level domain identifier (e.g. [[.br]], [[.de]], etc) |iso3166code = <!--Use to override default from common_name parameter above; omit using "omit".--> |calling_code = <!--e.g. [[+1]], [[+531]], [[+44]], etc--> |patron_saint = <!--Use patron_saints for multiple--> |image_map3 = <!--Optional third map position, e.g. for use with reference to footnotes below it--> |alt_map3 = <!--alt text for third map position--> |footnote_a = <!--For any footnote <sup>a</sup> used above--> |footnote_b = <!--For any footnote <sup>b</sup> used above--> <!--......--> |footnote_h = <!--For any footnote <sup>h</sup> used above--> |footnotes = <!--For any generic non-numbered footnotes--> }}
France-specific parameters
Note: Now redundant.
|metropole = |metropole_area = |metropole_area_rank = |metropole_area_magnitude = |metropole_areami² = |metropole_population = |metropole_population_estimate_rank = |foot = |foot2 = |foot3 = |foot4 = |foot5 =
* If, on a particular page, the default widths provided for the flag and coat-of-arms/symbol images produce an unsatisfactory result, use flag_width (as % or px) to specify the width to be used for the flag image; the remaining width is then assigned to the coat-of-arms/symbol (if included).
{{Infobox geopolitical organization |name = <!-- (in English) --> |native_name = <!-- Long-form name in native or any/all non-English languages --> |linking_name = <!-- For wikilinks, if diff from name --> |image_flag = <!-- Flag image's filename --> |alt_flag = <!-- alt text for flag--> |flag_border = <!--set to no to disable border around the flag--> |symbol_type = <!-- Symbol, Emblem, Logo, etc. --> |image_symbol = <!-- Symbol image's filename --> |alt_symbol = <!-- alt text for symbol --> |symbol_width = <!-- Symbol image's width (default 85px) --> |motto = <!-- "[motto]" --> |englishmotto = <!--English language version of motto--> |anthem = <!-- ''[anthem name]'' --> |text_symbol_type = <!-- for other types of text symbol --> |text_symbol = <!-- e.g. ''[hymn name]'' --> |image_map = <!-- Map image's filename --> |loctext = <!--text description of location of organization--> |alt_map = <!-- alt text for map image --> |map_width = <!-- Map image's width (default 250px) --> |map_caption = |org_type = <!-- e.g. Trade bloc --> |membership_type = <!-- (default "Membership") --> |membership = <!-- Type/s and/or number/s of members --> |admin_center_type = <!-- e.g. "Administrative center" (default) --> |admin_center = <!-- Location/s of administrative center/s --> |languages_type = <!-- e.g. "[[Official language]]s" (default) --> |languages = |leader_title1 = <!-- e.g. "Chair", "President", etc. --> |leader_name1 = |leader_title2 = <!-- e.g. "Deputy chair", etc. --> |leader_name2 = <--......--> |leader_title14 = |leader_name14 = |established = <!-- Usually a date, in lieu of event/s hereafter --> |established_event1 = |established_date1 = |established_event2 = |established_date2 = <--......--> |established_event9 = |established_date9 = |official_website = |area_km2 = <!-- major area size (in sq_km) --> |area_sq_mi = <!-- area in square mi (requires area_km2) --> |area_footnote = <!-- optional footnote for area --> |percent_water = |area_label = <!-- label under "Area" (default is "Total") --> |area_label2 = <!-- label below area_label (optional) --> |area_dabodyalign = <!-- text after area_label2 (optional) --> |population_estimate = |population_estimate_year = |population_density_km2 = |population_density_sq_mi = |GDP_PPP = |GDP_PPP_rank = |GDP_PPP_year = |GDP_PPP_per_capita = |GDP_nominal = |GDP_nominal_year = |GDP_nominal_per_capita = |Gini = <!-- number only, 0-100 --> |Gini_ref = <!-- for any ref/s to associate with Gini number --> |Gini_year = |HDI = <!-- number only, 0-1 --> |HDI_ref = <!-- for any ref/s to associate with HDI number --> |HDI_year = |currency = |currency_code = |time_zone = |utc_offset = <!-- +N, where N is number of hours --> |footnote1 = |footnote2 = <--......--> |footnote7 = |footnotes = <!-- For generic non-numbered footnotes --> }}
{{Infobox former country |native_name = <!-- Name in a modern syntax of native language(s). Leave blank if name is only in English. Separate with line breaks<br/> or use Template:Plainlist. If language uses Latin characters, place name(s) in italics. --> |conventional_long_name = <!-- Full name in English --> |common_name = <!-- Name to be used in constructing links and category names; not for display --> |era = <!-- Use: "Napoleonic Wars", "Cold War", etc. --> |status = <!-- Status: see Category list on template page --> |status_text = <!-- A free text to describe status at the top of the infobox. Use sparingly. --> |empire = <!-- The empire or country to which the entity was in a state of dependency --> |government_type = <!-- To generate categories: "Monarchy", "Republic", etc. to generate categories --> <!-- Rise and fall, events, years and dates --> <!-- only fill in the start/end event entry if a specific article exists. Don't just say "abolition" or "declaration" --> |event_start = <!-- Default: "Established" --> |date_start = <!-- Optional: Date of establishment, in format 1 January (no year) --> |year_start = <!-- Year of establishment --> |event_end = <!-- Default: "Disestablished" --> |date_end = <!-- Optional: Date of disestablishment, in format 1 January (no year) --> |year_end = <!-- Year of disestablishment --> |year_exile_start = <!-- Year of start of exile (if dealing with exiled government: status="Exile") --> |year_exile_end = <!-- Year of end of exile (leave blank if still in exile) --> |event1 = <!-- Optional: other events between "start" and "end" --> |date_event1 = |event2 = |date_event2 = |event3 = |date_event3 = |event4 = |date_event4 = |event5 = |date_event5 = |event_pre = <!-- Optional: A crucial event that took place before "event_start" --> |date_pre = |event_post = <!-- Optional: A crucial event that took place after "event_end" --> |date_post = <!-- Flag navigation: Preceding and succeeding entities p1 to p5 and s1 to s5 --> |p1 = <!-- Name of the article for preceding entity, numbered 1-5 --> |flag_p1 = <!-- Default: "Flag of {{{p1}}}.svg" (size 30) --> |image_p1 = <!-- Use: [[File:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] --> |p2 = |flag_p2 = |p3 = |flag_p3 = |p4 = |flag_p4 = |p5 = |flag_p5 = |s1 = <!-- Name of the article for succeeding entity, numbered 1-5 --> |flag_s1 = <!-- Default: "Flag of {{{s1}}}.svg" (size 30) --> |image_s1 = <!-- Use: [[File:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] --> |s2 = |flag_s2 = |s3 = |flag_s3 = |s4 = |flag_s4 = |s5 = |flag_s5 = |image_flag = <!-- Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}}.svg --> |flag_alt = <!-- Alt text for flag --> |image_flag2 = <!-- Second flag --> |flag_alt2 = <!-- Alt text for second flag --> |flag = <!-- Link target under flag image. Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}} --> |flag2 = <!-- Link target under flag2 image. Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}} --> |flag_type = <!-- Displayed text for link under flag. Default "Flag" --> |flag2_type = <!-- Displayed text for link under flag2. Default "Flag" --> |image_coat = <!-- Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}}.svg --> |coa_size = <!-- Size of coat of arms --> |coat_alt = <!-- Alt text for coat of arms --> |symbol_type = <!-- Displayed text for link under symbol. Default "Coat of arms" --> |symbol_type_article = <!-- Link target under symbol image. Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}} --> |image_map = |image_map_alt = |image_map_caption = |image_map2 = <!-- If second map is needed; does not appear by default --> |image_map2_alt = |image_map2_caption = |capital = |capital_exile = <!-- If status="Exile" --> |national_motto = |national_anthem = |common_languages = |religion = |demonym = |currency = <!-- Titles and names of the first and last leaders and their deputies --> |leader1 = <!-- Name of king or president --> |leader2 = |leader3 = |leader4 = |year_leader1 = <!-- Years served --> |year_leader2 = |year_leader3 = |year_leader4 = |title_leader = <!-- Default: "King" for monarchy, otherwise "President" --> |representative1 = <!-- Name of representative of head of state (e.g. colonial governor) --> |representative2 = |representative3 = |representative4 = |year_representative1 = <!-- Years served --> |year_representative2 = |year_representative3 = |year_representative4 = |title_representative = <!-- Default: "Governor" --> |deputy1 = <!-- Name of prime minister --> |deputy2 = |deputy3 = |deputy4 = |year_deputy1 = <!-- Years served --> |year_deputy2 = |year_deputy3 = |year_deputy4 = |title_deputy = <!-- Default: "Prime minister" --> <!-- Legislature --> |legislature = <!-- Name of legislature --> |house1 = <!-- Name of first chamber --> |type_house1 = <!-- Default: "Upper house" --> |house2 = <!-- Name of second chamber --> |type_house2 = <!-- Default: "Lower house" --> <!-- Area and population of a given year --> |stat_year1 = <!-- year of the statistic, specify either area, population or both --> |stat_area1 = <!-- area in square kílometres (w/o commas or spaces), area in square miles is calculated --> |stat_pop1 = <!-- population (w/o commas or spaces), population density is calculated if area is also given --> |stat_year2 = |stat_area2 = |stat_pop2 = |stat_year3 = |stat_area3 = |stat_pop3 = |stat_year4 = |stat_area4 = |stat_pop4 = |stat_year5 = |stat_area5 = |stat_pop5 = |today = <!-- Overlapping modern countries, if no more than four of these --><!-- Do NOT add flags, per MOS:INFOBOXFLAG --> |footnote_a = <!-- Accepts wikilinks --> |footnote_b = <!-- Accepts wikilinks --> ... |footnote_h = <!-- Accepts wikilinks --> |footnotes = <!-- Accepts wikilinks --> }}
烏拉圭東岸共和國 República Oriental del Uruguay | |
格言:"Libertad o Muerte"(西班牙語) 「不自由毋寧死」 | |
國歌:"Himno Nacional de Uruguay" 《烏拉圭國歌》 | |
![]() | |
首都 暨最大城市 | 蒙得維的亞 |
官方語言 | 西班牙語 |
族群 (2011[7]) |
政府 | 單一制總統制立憲共和國 |
• 總統 | 塔瓦雷·巴斯克斯 |
立法機構 | 國會 |
• 上議院 | 參議院 |
• 下議院 | 眾議院 |
獨立(自巴西帝國) | |
• 宣告獨立 | 1825年8月25日 |
• 獨立獲承認 | 1828年8月28日 |
• 立憲 | 1830年7月18日 |
面積 | |
• 總計 | 176,215平方公里(第89位) |
• 水域率 | 1.5% |
人口 | |
• 2016年估計 | 3,427,000[3](第134位) |
• 2011年普查 | 3,286,314[8] |
• 密度 | 18,6人/平方公里(第198位) |
GDP(PPP) | 2016年估計 |
• 總計 | $752.12億[3](第91位) |
• 人均 | $21,944[3](第61位) |
GDP(國際匯率) | 2016年估計 |
• 總計 | $531.45億[3](第78位) |
• 人均 | $15,505[3](第45位) |
堅尼系數 | 0.419[5](2013年) 中 |
人類發展指數 | ▲ 0.793[6](2014年) 高高 · 52nd |
貨幣 | 烏拉圭比索(UYU) |
時區 | UTC−3(烏拉圭時間) |
行駛方位 | 靠右行駛 |
電話區號 | +598 |
ISO 3166碼 | UY |
互聯網頂級域 | .uy |
{{Infobox country |conventional_long_name = 乌拉圭东岸共和国 |native_name = {{lang|es|República Oriental del Uruguay}} |image_flag = Flag of Uruguay.svg |image_coat = Coat of arms of Uruguay.svg |alt_flag = |common_name = 乌拉圭 |national_motto = {{native phrase|es|"Libertad o Muerte"|italics=off|nolink=on}}<br />“不自由毋宁死” |national_anthem = "{{nowrap|1=[[乌拉圭国歌|Himno Nacional de Uruguay]]"<br>《烏拉圭國歌》<div style="padding-top:0.4em;">[[File:United States Navy Band - National Anthem of Uruguay (short with intro).ogg|center]]</div><!--(end nowrap:)-->}} |image_map = Uruguay (orthographic projection).svg |map_width = 220px |alt_map = |map_caption = |image_map2 = |capital = [[蒙得维的亚]] |largest_city = capital |latd = 34 |latm = 53 |latNS = S |longd = 56 |longm = 10 |longEW = W |official_languages = [[西班牙语]] |national_languages = |languages = |ethnic_groups ={{unbulleted list|87.7% 白人|4.6% 黑人|2.4% 原住民|0.2% 亚裔|5.1% 其他}} |ethnic_groups_year = 2011<ref name=enha_asc>{{cite web|title=Atlas Sociodemografico y de la Desigualdad en Uruguay, 2011: Ancestry |language=es |format=PDF |publisher=National Institute of Statistics |url=http://www.ine.gub.uy/biblioteca/Atlas_Sociodemografico/Atlas_fasciculo_2_Afrouruguayos.pdf |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20140209083630/http://www.ine.gub.uy/biblioteca/Atlas_Sociodemografico/Atlas_fasciculo_2_Afrouruguayos.pdf |archivedate=9 February 2014 |page=15}}</ref> |government_type = [[单一制]][[总统制]][[共和制|立宪共和国]] |leader_title1 = [[乌拉圭总统|总统]] |leader_name1 = [[塔瓦雷·巴斯克斯]] |legislature = [[国会 (乌拉圭)|国会]] |upper_house = 参议院 |lower_house = 众议院 |sovereignty_type = 独立{{nobold|(自[[巴西帝国]])}} |established_event1 = 宣告独立 |established_date1 = 1825年8月25日 |established_event2 = 独立获承认 |established_date2 = 1828年8月28日 |established_event3 = 立宪 |established_date3 = 1830年7月18日 |area_km2 = 176,215 |area_footnote = |area_rank = 第89位 |percent_water = 1.5 |population_estimate = 3,427,000<ref name=imf2/> |population_census = 3,286,314<ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20140209083630/http://www.ine.gub.uy/censos2011/resultadosfinales/analisispais.pdf Resultados del Censo de Población 2011: población, crecimiento y estructura por sexo y edad] ine.gub.uy</ref> |population_estimate_year = 2016 |population_estimate_rank = 第134位 |population_census_year = 2011 |population_density_km2 = 18,6 |population_density_rank = 第198位 |GDP_PPP = $752.12亿<ref name=imf2>{{cite web|url=http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2016/01/weodata/weorept.aspx?sy=2016&ey=2021&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&pr1.x=51&pr1.y=6&c=213%2C273%2C228%2C298&s=NGDPD%2CNGDPDPC%2CPPPGDP%2CPPPPC%2CLP&grp=0&a=|title=Report for Selected Countries and Subjects |work=World Economic Outlook |publisher=International Monetary Fund|accessdate=4 July 2016}}</ref> |GDP_PPP_year = 2016 |GDP_PPP_rank = 第91位 |GDP_PPP_per_capita = $21,944<ref name=imf2 /> |GDP_PPP_per_capita_rank = 第61位 |GDP_nominal = $531.45亿<ref name=imf2 /> |GDP_nominal_year = 2016 |GDP_nominal_rank = 第78位 |GDP_nominal_per_capita = $15,505<ref name=imf2 /> |GDP_nominal_per_capita_rank = 第45位 |Gini = 41.9 <!--number only--> |Gini_year = 2013 |Gini_change = <!--increase/decrease/steady--> |Gini_ref = <ref name="wb-gini">{{cite web|url=http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.GINI/|title=Gini Index|publisher=World Bank|accessdate=21 November 2015}}</ref> |Gini_rank = |HDI = 0.793 <!--number only--> |HDI_year = 2014<!-- Please use the year to which the data refers, not the publication year--> |HDI_change = increase <!--increase/decrease/steady--> |HDI_ref = <ref name="HDI">{{cite web |url=http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/hdr_2015_statistical_annex.pdf |title=2015 Human Development Report Statistical Annex |date=2015 |accessdate=14 December 2015 |publisher=United Nations Development Programme | page=8}}</ref> |HDI_rank = 52nd |currency = [[乌拉圭比索]] |currency_code = UYU |time_zone = 乌拉圭时间 |utc_offset = −3 |DST_note = |antipodes = |date_format = |drives_on = 靠右行驶 |calling_code = +598 |iso3166code = |cctld = [[.uy]] |area_magnitude = }}
- ^ The Asian Conventional Military Balance in 2006 II Retrieved on 03-27-08
- ^ Japan Statistical Yearbook 2010 (PDF). Statistics Bureau: 17. [January 15, 2011].
- ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 United Kingdom. International Monetary Fund. [October 2015]. 引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「imf2」的
標籤用不同內容定義了多次 - ^ 2011 UK censuses. Office for National Statistics. [17 December 2012].
- ^ 5.0 5.1 Gini Index. World Bank. [November 21, 2015]. 引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「wb-gini」的
標籤用不同內容定義了多次 - ^ 6.0 6.1 2015 Human Development Report (PDF). United Nations Development Programme. 2015 [14 December 2015]. 引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「HDI」的
標籤用不同內容定義了多次 - ^ Atlas Sociodemografico y de la Desigualdad en Uruguay, 2011: Ancestry (PDF). National Institute of Statistics: 15. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於9 February 2014) (西班牙語).
- ^ Resultados del Censo de Población 2011: población, crecimiento y estructura por sexo y edad ine.gub.uy
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
格言:In varietate concordia(拉丁文) 「多元一體」 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
盟歌:《歡樂頌》(管弦樂)[1] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() 地理位置 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
政治中心 | 布魯塞爾[2] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
最大城市 | 倫敦、巴黎和柏林 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
官方語言 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
類型 | 政治-經濟聯盟 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
成員國 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
領導人 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 歐盟委員會主席 | 讓-克洛德·容克 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 歐洲理事會主席 | 唐納德·圖斯克 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
歐洲聯盟立法機構 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
上議院- 歐盟理事會 下議院- 歐洲議會 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
成立 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 《羅馬條約》 | 1958年1月1日 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 《馬斯特里赫特條約》 | 1993年11月1日 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
面積 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 總計 | 4,324,782平方公里(第7位1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 水域率 | 3.08% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人口 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 2016年估計 | 510,152,681[3](第3位1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 密度 | 115.8人/平方公里 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GDP(PPP) | 2014年估計 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 總計 | $18.124萬億美元[4](第1位1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 人均 | $35,849[4](第18位1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GDP(國際匯率) | 2014年估計 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 總計 | $18.399萬億美元[4](第1位1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 人均 | $36,392[5](第16位1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
堅尼系數 | 0.304[6](2010年) 中 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人類發展指數 | ▲ 0.876[7](2011年) 極高極高 · 第13位 / 第25位1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
貨幣 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
時區 | WET(UTC)[a] CET(UTC+1) EET (UTC+2) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 夏令時 | UTC+3(WEST(UTC+1) CEST(UTC+2) EEST) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
互聯網頂級域 | .eu[b] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
{{Infobox geopolitical organization |name = {{collapsible list |titlestyle = background:transparent; font-size:9pt; |title = {{resize|11.5pt|欧洲联盟}} [[File:Nobel prize medal.svg|25px]] |{{Infobox|subbox=yes|bodystyle= font-size:9pt; | rowclass1 = mergedrow | label1 = [[保加利亚语]]: | data1 = {{lang|bg|Европейски съюз}} | rowclass2 = mergedrow | label2 = [[克罗埃西亞语]]: | data2 = {{lang|hr|Europska unija}} | rowclass3 = mergedrow | label3 = [[捷克语]]: | data3 = {{lang|cs|Evropská unie}} | rowclass4 = mergedrow | label4 = [[丹麦语]]: | data4 = {{lang|da|Den Europæiske Union}} | rowclass5 = mergedrow | label5 = [[荷兰语]]: | data5 = {{lang|nl|Europese Unie}} | rowclass6 = mergedrow | label6 = [[英语]]: | data6 = {{lang|en|European Union}} | rowclass7 = mergedrow | label7 = [[爱沙尼亚语]]: | data7 = {{lang|et|Euroopa Liit}} | rowclass8 = mergedrow | label8 = [[芬兰语]]: | data8 = {{lang|fi|Euroopan unioni}} | rowclass9 = mergedrow | label9 = [[法语]]: | data9 = {{lang|fr|Union européenne}} | rowclass10 = mergedrow | label10 = [[德语]]: | data10 = {{lang|de|Europäische Union}} | rowclass11 = mergedrow | label11 = [[希腊语]]: | data11 = {{lang|el|Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση}} | rowclass12 = mergedrow | label12 = [[匈牙利语]]: | data12 = {{lang|hu|Európai Unió}} | rowclass13 = mergedrow | label13 = [[爱尔兰语]]: | data13 = {{lang|ga|An tAontas Eorpach}} | rowclass14 = mergedrow | label14 = [[意大利语]]: | data14 = {{lang|it|Unione europea}} | rowclass15 = mergedrow | label15 = [[拉脱维亚语]]: | data15 = {{lang|lv|Eiropas Savienība}} | rowclass16 = mergedrow | label16 = [[立陶宛语]]: | data16 = {{lang|lt|Europos Sąjunga}} | rowclass17 = mergedrow | label17 = [[馬爾他语]]: | data17 = {{lang|mt|Unjoni Ewropea}} | rowclass18 = mergedrow | label18 = [[波兰语]]: | data18 = {{lang|pl|Unia Europejska}} | rowclass19 = mergedrow | label19 = [[葡萄牙语]]: | data19 = {{lang|pt|União Europeia}} | rowclass20 = mergedrow | label20 = [[罗马尼亚语]]: | data20 = {{lang|ro|Uniunea Europeană}} | rowclass21 = mergedrow | label21 = [[斯洛伐克语]]: | data21 = {{lang|sk|Európska únia}} | rowclass22 = mergedrow | label22 = [[斯洛維尼亚语]]: | data22 = {{lang|sl|Evropska unija}} | rowclass23 = mergedrow | label23 = [[西班牙语]]: | data23 = {{lang|es|Unión Europea}} | rowclass24 = mergedrow | label24 = [[瑞典语]]: | data24 = {{lang|sv|Europeiska unionen}} }} }} |linking_name = 欧盟 |image_flag = Flag of Europe.svg |flag_type = 旗帜 |alt_flag = 十二颗五角金星环成一圆,蓝底 |motto = {{lang|la|''In varietate concordia''}}{{la icon}} |chinesemotto = 「[[欧盟格言|多元一體]]」 |anthem_type = 盟歌 |anthem = 《[[歐洲之歌|欢乐颂]]》(管弦乐)<ref name="EU-Symbols">{{cite web |url = http://europa.eu/abc/symbols/motto/index_en.htm |title = United in diversity |accessdate = 20 January 2010 |work=[[Europa (web portal)]] |publisher=[[European Commission]] |quote='United in diversity' is the motto of the European Union. The motto means that, via the EU, Europeans are united in working together for peace and prosperity, and that the many different cultures, traditions and languages in Europe are a positive asset for the continent.}}</ref><br />[[File:Anthem of Europe (US Navy instrumental short version).ogg|center]] |image_map = Global European Union.svg |map_caption = 地理位置 |map_width = 220px |capital = [[布鲁塞尔]]<ref name="Euractiv.com">{{cite web |title = Brussels' EU capital role seen as irreversible |website = Euractiv.com |url = http://www.euractiv.com/pa/brussels-eu-capital-role-seen-ir-news-494302 |accessdate=28 October 2012 |quote = Brussels has become the [[de facto]] capital of the European Union }}</ref> |capital_type = 政治中心 |latd = 50 |latm = 51 |latNS = N |longd = 4 |longm = 21 |longEW = E |largest_settlement = [[倫敦]]、[[巴黎]]和[[柏林]]<!--NOTE: Do not change without consensus. This is an agreed compromise after a lengthy discussion on the talk page.--> |largest_settlement_type = 城市 |official_languages = {{collapsible list |titlestyle = background:transparent;text-align:left;font-weight:normal; |title = [[欧洲联盟语言|24种语言]] |[[保加利亚语]] |[[克罗地亚语]] |[[捷克语]] |[[丹麦语]] |[[荷兰语]] |[[英语]] |[[爱沙尼亚语]] |[[芬兰语]] |[[法语]] |[[德语]] |[[希腊语]] |[[匈牙利语]] |[[爱尔兰语]] |[[意大利语]] |[[拉脱维亚语]] |[[立陶宛语]] |[[馬爾他语]] |[[波兰语]] |[[葡萄牙语]] |[[罗马尼亚语]] |[[斯洛伐克语]] |[[斯洛維尼亚语]] |[[西班牙语]] |[[瑞典语]] }} |org_type = 政治-经济联盟 |membership_type = 成员国 |membership = {{collapsible list |titlestyle = background:transparent; text-align:left; font-weight:normal; |title = [[欧洲联盟成员国|28个成员国]] |{{flagcountry|奥地利}}|{{flagcountry|比利时}}|{{flagcountry|保加利亚}}|{{flagcountry|克罗地亚}}|{{flagcountry|賽普勒斯}}|{{flagcountry|捷克}}|{{flagcountry|丹麦}}|{{flagcountry|爱沙尼亚}}|{{flagcountry|芬兰}}|{{flagcountry|法国 }}|{{flagcountry|英国}}(脫歐程序已於2017年3月29日開始啟動)|{{flagcountry|德国}}|{{flagcountry|希腊}}|{{flagcountry|匈牙利}}|{{flagcountry|爱尔兰}}|{{flagcountry|意大利}}|{{flagcountry|拉脱维亚}}|{{flagcountry|立陶宛}}|{{flagcountry|卢森堡}}|{{flagcountry|馬爾他}}|{{flagcountry|荷兰}}|{{flagcountry|波兰}}|{{flagcountry|葡萄牙}}|{{flagcountry|罗马尼亚}}|{{flagcountry|斯洛伐克}}|{{flagcountry|SLO}}|{{flagcountry|西班牙}}|{{flagcountry|瑞典}}| }} |leader_title1 = [[欧盟委员会主席]] |leader_name1 = [[让-克洛德·容克]] |leader_title2 = [[欧洲理事会主席]] |leader_name2 = [[唐纳德·图斯克]] {{infobox|child=yes|headerstyle = text-align:left; font-weight:normal; |header1 = '''欧洲联盟立法機構''' |rowclass2 = mergedrow |header2 = {{nowrap| 上議院- [[欧盟理事会]]}}<br />{{nowrap| 下議院- [[欧洲议会]]}} }} |sovereignty_type = [[欧洲联盟历史|成立]] |established_event1 = 《[[罗马条约]]》 |established_date1 = 1958年1月1日 |established_event2 = 《[[马斯特里赫特条约]]》 |established_date2 = 1993年11月1日 |official_website = {{URL|europa.eu}} |area_rank = 第7位<sup>1</sup><!--gives link to list--><!--Calculated by taking out EU members from the list--> |area_magnitude = 1 E12 |area_km2 = 4,324,782 <!--Do not remove per [[WP:MOSNUM]]--> |percent_water = 3.08 |population_estimate = 510,152,681<ref>{{cite web |url = http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/tgm/table.do?tab=table&language=en&pcode=tps00001&tableSelection=1&footnotes=yes&labeling=labels&plugin=1 |title=Eurostat-Tables,Graphs and Maps Interface(TGM)table |publisher=[[European Commission]]|accessdate=9 March 2015}}</ref> |population_estimate_rank = 第3位<sup>1</sup><!--gives link to list--><!--Calculated by taking out EU members from the list--> |population_estimate_year = 2016 |population_density_km2 = 115.8 <!--507,416,607 / 4,381,376km2 = 115.8 people/km2 (1 January 2014)--> |population_density_rank = <!--Calculated by taking out EU members from the list--> <!--IMF GDP data published in October 2014--> |GDP_PPP = $18.124万亿美元<ref name="imf">{{cite web |url = http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2015/01/weodata/weorept.aspx?pr.x=59&pr.y=6&sy=2015&ey=2015&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=998&s=NGDPD%2CPPPGDP%2CPPPPC&grp=1&a=1 |title=IMF World Economic Outlook Database, April 2015 |publisher=International Monetary Fund |accessdate=26 April 2015}}</ref> |GDP_PPP_rank = 第1位<sup>1</sup><!--gives link to list--><!--Calculated by taking out EU members from the list--> |GDP_PPP_year = 2014 |GDP_PPP_per_capita = $35,849<ref name="imf"/> |GDP_PPP_per_capita_rank = 第18位<sup>1</sup><!--Calculated by taking out EU members from the list--> |GDP_nominal = $18.399万亿美元<ref name="imf" /> |GDP_nominal_rank = 第1位<sup>1</sup><!--Calculated by taking out EU members from the list--> |GDP_nominal_year = 2014 |GDP_nominal_per_capita = $36,392<ref name="imf2">[http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2015/01/weodata/weorept.aspx?pr.x=59&pr.y=6&sy=2015&ey=2015&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=998&s=NGDPD%2CPPPGDP%2CPPPPC&grp=1&a=1 Nominal 2015 GDP for the European Union] and [http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2015/01/weodata/weorept.aspx?pr.x=39&pr.y=13&sy=2013&ey=2013&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=998&s=NGDPD%2CPPPGDP%2CPPPPC&grp=1&a=1 2015 population for the European Union], [http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2015/01/weodata/index.aspx World Economic Outlook Database, April 2015], [[International Monetary Fund]]. Accessed on 26 April 2015</ref> |GDP_nominal_per_capita_rank = 第16位<sup>1</sup><!--gives link to list--><!--Calculated by taking out EU members from the list--> |Gini_year = 2010 |Gini_change = <!--increase/decrease/steady--> |Gini = 30.4 <!--number only--> |Gini_ref = <ref name="gini">{{cite web |url=https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2172.html |title=Distribution of family income – Gini index |work=The World Factbook |publisher=CIA |accessdate=28 January 2012}}</ref> |Gini_rank = |HDI_year = 2011 |HDI_change = increase <!--increase/decrease/steady--> |HDI = 0.876 <!--number only--> |HDI_ref = <ref name="HDI">Calculated using UNDP data for the member states with weighted population.</ref> |HDI_rank = 第13位<!--Calculated by taking out EU members from the list-->{{\}}第25位<sup>1</sup><!--Calculated with EU members in the list--> |currency = {{unbulleted list |[[欧元]]([[ISO 4217|EUR]];[[欧元区]]) |{{collapsible list |titlestyle = background:transparent;text-align:left;font-weight:normal; |title = 其他10种 |[[保加利亚列弗]](BGN)|[[克罗地亚库纳]](HRK)|[[捷克克朗]](CZK)|[[丹麦克朗]](DKK)|[[匈牙利福林]](HUF)|[[波兰兹罗提]](PLN)|[[罗马尼亚列伊]](RON)|[[瑞典克朗]](SEK)|[[英镑]](GBP)|[[直布罗陀镑]](GIP) }} }} |time_zone = [[欧洲西部时间|WET]]([[协调世界时|UTC]]){{efn|不包括[[海外领土]]。}}<br />[[欧洲中部时间|CET]]([[协调世界时|UTC]]+1)<br />[[欧洲东部时间|EET]] ([[协调世界时|UTC]]+2) |time_zone_DST = [[欧洲西部夏令时间|WEST]]([[协调世界时|UTC]]+1)<br />[[欧洲中部夏令时间|CEST]]([[协调世界时|UTC]]+2)<br />[[欧洲东部时间|EEST]] |utc_offset_DST = +3 |date_format = |cctld = [[.eu]]{{efn|[[.eu]]代表全欧盟;成员国亦有各自的[[國家和地區頂級域]]。}} |footnote1 = 功能上可视为一个[[国家]]。 }}
- ^ United in diversity. Europa (web portal). European Commission. [20 January 2010].
'United in diversity' is the motto of the European Union. The motto means that, via the EU, Europeans are united in working together for peace and prosperity, and that the many different cultures, traditions and languages in Europe are a positive asset for the continent.
- ^ Brussels' EU capital role seen as irreversible. Euractiv.com. [28 October 2012].
Brussels has become the de facto capital of the European Union
- ^ Eurostat-Tables,Graphs and Maps Interface(TGM)table. European Commission. [9 March 2015].
- ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 IMF World Economic Outlook Database, April 2015. International Monetary Fund. [26 April 2015].
- ^ Nominal 2015 GDP for the European Union and 2015 population for the European Union, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2015, International Monetary Fund. Accessed on 26 April 2015
- ^ Distribution of family income – Gini index. The World Factbook. CIA. [28 January 2012].
- ^ Calculated using UNDP data for the member states with weighted population.
德意志國 Deutsches Reich | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1871年-1918年 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
格言:Gott mit uns(德語) 「主與我們同在」 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() 1914年第一次世界大戰前的德國領土 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
首都 | 柏林 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
常用語言 | 官方 德語 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
宗教 | 多數: 62% 新教(信義宗、歸正宗、聯合教會) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
政府 | 聯邦制君主立憲制 (至1918年10月) 聯邦制議會制君主立憲制 (1918年10月至11月) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
皇帝 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 1871–1888 | 威廉一世 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 1888 | 腓特烈三世 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 1888–1918 | 威廉二世 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
宰相 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 1871–1890 | 奧托·馮·俾斯麥(首) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 1918 | 弗里德里希·艾伯特(末) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
立法機構 | 帝國議會 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 聯邦議院 | 帝國參議院 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
歷史時期 | 新帝國主義/第一次世界大戰 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 統一 | 1871年1月18日 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 立憲 | 1871年4月16日 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 第一次世界大戰 | 1914年7月28日 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 德國革命 | 1918年11月3日 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 停戰協定 | 1918年11月11日 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1918年11月28日 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 凡爾賽條約 | 1919年6月28日 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
面積 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1910年 | 540,857.54平方公里 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
人口 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 1871年 | 40050790 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 1890年 | 49428470 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
• 1910年 | 64925993 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
貨幣 | 邦聯銀元、南德意志金元、不萊梅銀元、漢堡馬克、法國法郎 (至1873年共同使用) 黃金馬克 (1873–1914) 紙馬克 (1914–1918) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
ISO 3166碼 | DE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
今屬於 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
面積和人口不包含殖民地 |
{{Infobox former country |native_name ={{lang|de|Deutsches Reich}} |conventional_long_name = 德意志国 |common_name = 德国 |continent = 歐洲 |region = 西欧 |country = 德国 |era = [[新帝国主义]]/[[第一次世界大战]] |year_start = 1871年 |year_end = 1918年 |life_span = 1871年-1918年 |event_start = [[德意志统一|统一]] |date_start = 1月18日 |event_end = [[威廉二世 (德国)|威廉二世]][[退位]] |date_end = 11月28日 |event1 = [[德意志帝国宪法|立宪]] |date_event1 = 1871年4月16日 |event2 = [[第一次世界大战]] |date_event2 = 1914年7月28日 |event3 = [[德国十一月革命|德国革命]] |date_event3 = 1918年11月3日 |event4 = [[康边停战协定|停战协定]] |date_event4 = 1918年11月11日 |event_pre = |date_pre = |event_post = [[凡尔赛条约]] |date_post = 1919年6月28日 |p1 = 北德意志邦联 |flag_p1 = Flag of the German Empire.svg |p2 = 巴伐利亚王国 |flag_p2 = Flag of Bavaria (striped).svg |p3 = 符腾堡王国 |flag_p3 = Flagge Königreich Württemberg.svg |p4 = 巴登大公国 |flag_p4 = Flagge Großherzogtum Baden (1871-1891).svg |p5 = 黑森-达姆施塔特{{!}}黑森大公国 |flag_p5 = Flagge Großherzogtum Hessen ohne Wappen.svg |s1 = 魏玛共和国 |flag_s1 = Flag of Germany (3-2 aspect ratio).svg |s2 = 波兰第二共和国 |flag_s2 = Flag of Poland.svg |s4 = 萨尔 (国际联盟){{!}}萨尔盆地 |flag_s4 = Flag of Saar 1920-1935.svg |s5 = 但泽自由市 |flag_s5 = Flag of the Free City of Danzig.svg |s6 = 立陶宛{{!}}立陶宛共和国 |flag_s6 = Flag of Lithuania 1918-1940.svg |image_flag = Flag of the German Empire.svg |flag = 德国国旗#北德意志邦聯和德意志帝國時期 |flag_type = 国旗 |image_coat = Wappen Deutsches Reich - Reichsadler 1889.svg |symbol_type = 国徽 (1888−1918) |symbol = 德国国徽#德意志帝国 |image_map = German Empire 1914.svg |image_map_caption = 1914年[[第一次世界大战]]前的德国领土 |national_motto = {{native phrase|de|[[主與我們同在|Gott mit uns]]|italics=on}}<br />“主與我們同在” |national_anthem = {{plainlist | * "[[万岁胜利者的桂冠|Heil dir im Siegerkranz]]"(官方,皇室颂歌)<br />《万岁胜利者的桂冠》 * "[[德意志之歌|Das Lied der Deutschen]]"(非官方,通行)<br />《德意志人之歌》 * "[[守卫莱茵|Die Wacht am Rhein]]"(非官方)<br />《守卫莱茵》 }} |capital = 柏林 |latd=52 |latm=31 |latNS=N |longd=13 |longm=24 |longEW=E |common_languages = '''官方'''<br />[[德语]]<br />{{hidden|'''非官方:'''|[[丹麦语]]、[[法语]]、[[波兰语]]、[[捷克语]]、[[荷兰语]]、[[索布语]]、[[低地德语]]、[[弗里西语]]、[[立陶宛语]]等|style=font-size:100%;padding:0.25em 0 0; |headerstyle=text-align:left;font-weight:normal;}} |government_type = [[联邦君主制|联邦制]][[君主立宪制]]<br />{{small|(至1918年10月)}}<br />[[聯邦制]][[议会制君主立宪制]]<br />{{small|(1918年10月至11月)}} |title_leader = [[德意志皇帝|皇帝]] |leader1 = [[威廉一世 (德国)|威廉一世]] |year_leader1 = 1871–1888 |leader2 = [[腓特烈三世 (普鲁士)|腓特烈三世]] |year_leader2 = 1888 |leader3 = [[威廉二世 (德国)|威廉二世]] |year_leader3 = 1888–1918 |title_deputy = [[德国总理|宰相]] |deputy1 = [[奥托·冯·俾斯麦]]<small>(首)</small> |year_deputy1 = 1871–1890 |deputy2 = [[弗里德里希·艾伯特]]<small>(末)</small> |year_deputy2 = 1918 |legislature = [[德意志帝国议会|帝国议会]] |house1 = [[德国联邦参议院|帝国参议院]] |type_house1 = 联邦议院 |stat_year1 = 1871年 |religion = '''多数:'''<br />62% [[新教]]([[信义宗]]、[[加尔文主义|归正宗]]、{{le|普鲁士联合教会|Prussian Union of churches|联合教会}})<br />{{hidden|'''少数:'''|36.5% [[罗马天主教]]<br />1.5% [[犹太教]]|style=font-size:100%;padding:0.25em 0 0; |headerstyle=text-align:left;font-weight:normal;}} |stat_pop1 = 40050790 |stat_year2 = 1890年 |stat_pop2 = 49428470 |stat_year4 = 1910年 |stat_pop4 = 64925993 |stat_area4 = 540857.54 |currency = 邦联银元、南德意志金元、不莱梅银元、汉堡马克、[[法国法郎]]<br /><small>(至1873年共同使用)</small><br />[[黄金马克]]<br /><small>(1873–1914)</small><br />[[纸马克]]<br /><small>(1914–1918)</small> |footnotes = 面积和人口不包含殖民地 |today = {{flag|Germany}}<br />{{flag|Poland}}<br />{{Flag|France}}<br />{{flag|Denmark}}<br />{{flag|Russia}}<br />{{flag|Belgium}}<br />{{flag|Lithuania}}<br />{{flag|Czech Republic}}<br />{{flag|Netherlands}} }}
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