
鱼须(barbel)是鱼类及龟鳖目部分物种的嘴边的一种细长、猫须似的触感器官。有这种器官的鱼类包括有:鲇鱼、鲤鱼、须鲷科物种、盲鳗、鲟鱼、斑马鱼、大西洋奇棘鱼及诸如锯鲨之类的部分鲨鱼物种。鱼须内藏有这些鱼类的味蕾,使它们得以在浑浊的水里觅得食物。 不同鱼类的鱼须位置不同,有些鱼位于上颚(包括鼻子、甚或从鼻孔伸出),有些位于下颚甚至下颔上。
[编辑]- Adriaens, D. and Verraes, W. (1997). Ontogeny of the maxillary barbel muscles in Clarias gariepinus (Siluroidei: Clariidae), with some notes on the palatine-maxillary mechanism. Journal of Zoology (London) 241, 117-133.
- Eakin, R. R., Eastman, J. T. and Vacchi, M. (2006). Sexual dimorphism and mental barbel structure in the South Georgia plunderfish Artedidraco mirus (Perciformes : Notothenioidei : Artedidraconidae). Polar Biology 30, 45-52.
- Fadaee, B., Pourkazemi, M., Tavakoli, M., Joushideh, H., Khoshghalb, M. R. B., Hosseini, M. R. and Abdulhay, H. (2006). Tagging and tracking juvenile sturgeons in shallow waters of the Caspian Sea (less than 10 m depth) using CWT (Coded Wire Tags) and barbel incision. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22, 160-165.
- Fox, H. (1999). Barbels and barbel-like tentacular structures in sub-mammalian vertebrates: A review. Hydrobiologia 403, 153-193.
- Grover-Johnson, N. and Farbman, A. (1976). Fine structure of taste buds in the barbel of the catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Cell Tissue Res 169, 395-403.
- Joyce, E. C. and Chapman, G. B. (1978). Fine structure of the nasal barbel of the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Journal of Morphology 158, 109-153.
- LeClair, E.E. and Topczewski, J. (2009). Methods for the study of the zebrafish maxillary barbel. J Vis Exp, http://www.jove.com/video/1558/methods-for-the-study-of-the-zebrafish-maxillary-barbel?id=1558 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), doi:10.3791/1558.
- LeClair, E.E. and Topczewski, J. (2010). Development and regeneration of the zebrafish maxillary barbel: a novel study system for vertebrate tissue growth and repair. PLoS One 5, e8737.
- Ogawa, K., Marui, T. and Caprio, J. (1997). Bimodal (taste/tactile) fibers innervate the maxillary barbel in the channel catfish. Chem Senses 22, 477-82.
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