英格兰殖民地,又称为英吉利帝国,包括英格兰王国通过殖民统治、征服或以其他方式获得的海外领土,1707年联合法令通过,英格兰王国和苏格兰王国合并为大不列颠王国. 众多的英格兰殖民地和快速发展的海军、国际霸权成为大英帝国形成的基础,并超越荷兰共和国、葡萄牙王国、西班牙王国的殖民地。
英格兰第一个海外定居区在爱尔兰建立,之后在北美、百慕大、西印度、东印度的万丹等地和印度次大陆苏拉特等地。1639年, 一系列英格兰的城堡在印度沿岸圣乔治堡建立。1661年,查理二世和Catherine of Braganza的婚姻,获得了从葡萄牙帝国带来的嫁妆, ,包括北非的丹吉尔和印度的孟买。
在北美, 纽芬兰和弗吉尼亚是英国殖民的第一个中心。 17世纪,英格兰占据了缅因、普利茅斯、新汉普、塞勒姆、马萨诸塞湾、新苏格兰、康涅狄格、纽哈芬、马里兰和罗德岛和普罗维登斯。1664年,从荷兰夺得新尼德兰和新瑞典,成为英属纽约省、新泽西和特拉华、宾夕法尼亚的一部分。
[编辑]- 罗阿诺克殖民地
- 圣约翰斯[1][2][3]
- 詹姆斯镇 (维吉尼亚州)
- 百慕大
- 普利茅斯殖民地
- 缅因
- 格洛斯特
- 塞勒姆 (马萨诸塞州)
- 马萨诸塞湾殖民地
- 新苏格兰
- 康涅狄格
- 英属马里兰省
- 罗德岛和普罗维登斯
- 纽哈芬
- 英属纽约省
- 英属新泽西省(东泽西省与西泽西省)
- 鲁珀特地
- 英属宾夕法尼亚省
[编辑]- ^ Nicholas Canny, The Oxford History of the British Empire: Volume I, 2001, ISBN 0-19-924676-9.
- ^ Early Settlement Schemes. Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Web Site Project. Memorial University of Newfoundland. 1998 [2010-01-09]. (原始内容存档于2013-07-24).
- ^ Paul O'Neill, The Oldest City: The Story of St. John's, Newfoundland, 2003, ISBN 0-9730271-2-6.
- ^ Sir Robert Schomburg, History of Barbados (2012 edition), p. 258
- ^ Reuben Gold Thwaites, The Colonies, 1492-1750 (1927), p. 245
- ^ Canny, p. 71
- ^ East India Company, The Register of Letters &c. of the Governour and Company of Merchants of London Trading Into the East Indies, 1600-1619 (B. Quaritch, 1893), pp. lxxiv, 33
- ^ N. S. Ramaswami, Fort St. George, Madras (Madras, 1980; Tamilnadu State Department of Archaeology, No. 49)
- ^ Catherine of Bragança (1638–1705). BBC. [5 November 2008]. (原始内容存档于2008-04-24).
- ^ The Gazetteer of Bombay City and Island 1978,第54页
- ^ M. D. David, History of Bombay, 1661–1708 (1973) p. 410
- ^ F. L. Carsten, The New Cambridge Modern History V (The ascendancy of France 1648–88) (Cambridge University Press, 1961, ISBN 978-0-521-04544-5), p. 427
- ^ John Wreglesworth, Tangier: England's Forgotten Colony (1661-1684), p. 6
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- Andrews, Charles M., The Colonial Period of American History (4 vols. 1934–38), the standard political overview to 1700
- Andrews, Charles M., Colonial Self-Government, 1652–1689 (1904) full text online
- Bayly, C. A., ed., Atlas of the British Empire (1989), survey by scholars, heavily illustrated
- Black, Jeremy, The British Seaborne Empire (2004)
- Coelho, Philip R. P., "The Profitability of Imperialism: The British Experience in the West Indies 1768–1772," Explorations in Economic History, July 1973, Vol. 10 Issue 3, pp 253–280
- Dalziel, Nigel, The Penguin Historical Atlas of the British Empire (2006), 144 pp
- Doyle, John Andrew, English Colonies in America: Virginia, Maryland and the Carolinas (1882) online edition
- Doyle, John Andrew, English Colonies in America: The Puritan colonies (1889) online edition
- Doyle, John Andrew, The English in America: The colonies under the House of Hanover (1907) online edition
- Ferguson, Niall, Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power (2002)
- Fishkin, Rebecca Love, English Colonies in America (2008)
- Foley, Arthur, The Early English Colonies (Sadler Phillips, 2010)
- Gipson, Lawrence. The British Empire Before the American Revolution (15 vol 1936–70), comprehensive scholarly overview
- Green, William A., "Caribbean Historiography, 1600–1900: The Recent Tide," Journal of Interdisciplinary History Vol. 7, No. 3 (Winter, 1977), pp. 509–530 in JSTOR (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Greene, Jack P., Peripheries & Center: Constitutional Development in the Extended Polities of the British Empire & the United States, 1607–1788 (1986), 274pp
- James, Lawrence, The Rise and Fall of the British Empire (1997)
- Jernegan, Marcus Wilson, The American Colonies, 1492–1750 (1959)
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- Knorr, Klaus E., British Colonial Theories 1570–1850 (1944)
- Louis, William, Roger (general editor), The Oxford History of the British Empire, 5 vols (1998–99), vol. 1 "The Origins of Empire" ed. Nicholas Canny (1998)
- McDermott, James, Martin Frobisher: Elizabethan privateer (Yale University Press, 2001)
- Marshall, P. J., ed., The Cambridge Illustrated History of the British Empire (1996)
- O'Shaughnessy, Andrew Jackson, Empire Divided: The American Revolution & the British Caribbean (2000) 357pp
- Parker, Lewis K., English Colonies in the Americas (2003)
- Payne, Edward John, Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen to America (vol. 1, 1893; vol. 2, 1900)
- Payne, Edward John, History of the New World called America (vol. 1, 1892; vol. 2, 1899)
- Quinn, David B., Set Fair for Roanoke: voyages and colonies, 1584–1606 (1985)
- Rose, J. Holland, A. P. Newton and E. A. Benians, gen. eds., The Cambridge History of the British Empire, 9 vols (1929–61); vol 1: "The Old Empire from the Beginnings to 1783" (online edition (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆))
- Sheridan, Richard B., "The Plantation Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, 1625–1775," Caribbean Studies Vol. 9, No. 3 (Oct., 1969), pp. 5–25 in JSTOR (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Sitwell, Sidney Mary, Growth of the English Colonies (new ed. 2010)
- Thomas, Robert Paul, "The Sugar Colonies of the Old Empire: Profit or Loss for Great Britain" in Economic History Review April 1968, Vol. 21 Issue 1, pp 30–45
- Nathaniel Crouch, The English Empire in America: or a Prospect of His Majesties Dominions in the West-Indies (London, 1685)