
公路铁路两用跨海大桥、公铁两用跨海大桥、公铁两用桥、公铁桥(英语:road-rail bridge)、组合桥、并合桥(英语:combined bridges)[1]是指可同时供予公路及铁路通行的桥梁。
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- Transandine Railway 铁路隧道暂时改为单线道公路使用。
- Zárate–Brazo Largo Bridge
- San Roque González de Santa Cruz Bridge 连接阿根廷波萨达斯及巴拉圭恩卡纳西翁。
[编辑]- Narrows Bridge, Perth, carries Mandurah railway line in central reservation[8]
- Mount Henry Bridge, Perth, carries Mandurah railway line in central reservation[8]
- Bridgewater Bridge, 荷巴特, carried Midland Highway and South railway line[9][10]
- Burdekin Bridge
- Bli Bli Bridge, carries David Low Way over Maroochy River, also carried Moreton Central Sugar Mill Cane Tramway until the mid-1990s[11]
- Dickabram Bridge
- Grafton Bridge, Grafton, carries road on top level with North Coast railway line below[12]
- Septimus, Queensland – Head-Menkens Road – Cane tram[13]
- Fremantle Railway Bridge, 费里曼图 proposed to be rebuilt as combined bridge after flood damage; 1926.[14]
- Bloomfield Coal Loop over 新英格兰公路 near Thornton[15]
- Leonardi Di Palma road-rail bridge, Miallo, Queensland – Cane tram[16] 610mm gauge
- John Luscombe Pioneer River bridge, sugar cane tramway 610mm gauge
- Menindee – separated in the 1970s.
- Penrith – separated in 1907 by construction of separate railway bridge.
- Tocumwal – separated by construction of adjacent road-only bridge in 1987.[17]
- 默里布里奇[18] from the opening of the railway in 1886 until a separate rail bridge was opened in 1925.
- Paringa Bridge, from its opening in 1927[19][20] until the Barmera railway line closed in 1982.[21] The railway area was converted to a cycleway in 1986. Originally one lane of traffic and the railway shared the area within the truss spans, but a single-lane deck was later attached to either outer side of the trusses to separate road and rail traffic.
- 埃楚卡–Moama, opened in 1879, road only since adjacent rail-only bridge opened in 1989.[22]
- Gonn Crossing, 1926, on the Stony Crossing railway line. Road only since the rail line closed in 1964.
- Robinvale, 1927, as part of the Robinvale railway line. Road only after construction of the line was abandoned in 1943. Replaced by a new road bridge in 2006.[23]
- 卡姆登 (新南威尔士州) Rail bridge attached to the road bridge until line closure in 1963.
- North Richmond, Rail bridge attached to the road bridge on the Kurrajong railway line until line closure in 1952.
- 武里河 bridge, in 杜阿拉 – almost unserviceable because of poor condition[27][28]
- Bonabéri–杜阿拉 over 武里河 estuary
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Derwent Way Bridge, 三角洲 (不列颠哥伦比亚省)–新威斯敏斯特
- Mission Railway Bridge, 米逊 (不列颠哥伦比亚省)–亚布斯佛; Rail only since the opening of the road only Mission Bridge
- Nova Scotia
- Ontario
- Alexandra Bridge, 渥太华 until the tracks were removed
- Prince Edward Viaduct, 多伦多 since 1966 when the subway was commissioned on the lower decks
- 旋涡急流大桥, 尼亚加拉瀑布城 (安大略省), carries passenger rail on the upper level, commuter autos on the lower level连接Ontario and New York
- Québec
- Victoria Bridge, 蒙特利尔
- 魁北克桥, 魁北克市
- The new Champlain Bridge when the 大都会快速网络 is installed
- Saskatchewan
- St. Louis Bridge – 1915 rail only; 1928 road–rail; 1983; road only.
- Canadian Northern Railway Bridge (Prince Albert) – 1909–1960 road–rail; 1960 rail only;
- also a 平转桥 1909–1939
- Crooked Bridge – 1930
- CPR Bridge (Saskatoon) rail 1908; rail and pedestrian 1909
[编辑]- Binbei railway Songhua River road-railway bridge (6-lane highway and 滨北铁路)
- 菜园坝长江大桥 (6-lane highway and 重庆轨道交通3号线)
- 朝天门长江大桥 (6-lane highway and 重庆轨道交通环线)
- Daxie Bridge
- 鼎山长江大桥 (212国道 and 重庆轨道交通5号线)
- Dongshuimen Yangtze River Bridge (4-lane highway and 重庆轨道交通6号线)
- Ganjiang Bridge (2-lane road and 京九铁路)
- Hengyang Xiang River Road-Railway Bridge (Guangdong Road, Daqing Road and 湘桂铁路)
- Huainan Huaihe Bridge
- Huanggang Yangtze River Bridge (S38 and Wuhuang ICR)
- 沪苏通长江公铁大桥 (S19, 沪苏通铁路 and 通苏嘉甬铁路 (planned))
- Jingyuan Yellow River Road-Railway bridge (road and Honghui Railway)
- Jingzhou Yangtze River Road-Railway Bridge (351国道, S61 and 浩吉铁路)
- 九江长江大桥 (105国道 and 京九铁路)
- 南京长江大桥 (104国道 and 京沪铁路)
- Pingtan Road-Railway Bridge (京台高速公路 and 福平铁路)
- Qiansimen Bridge (4-lane highway and 重庆轨道交通6号线)
- 钱塘江大桥
Second Qiantang River Bridge(road and 沪昆铁路, temporary closed for renovation)- 中朝友谊桥
- Third Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge (8-lane highway, 商杭客运专线 and 芜湖轨道交通 芜湖轨道交通1号线)
- 天兴洲长江大桥 (316国道, Third Ring Road, 京广高速铁路 and Wuhan freight bypass)
- Tongling Yangtze River Road-Railway Bridge (S30, 合福客运专线 and 庐铜铁路)
- Wanghe Bridge
- 五峰山长江大桥 (S39 and 连镇客运专线)
- 武汉长江大桥 (107国道, Inner Ring Road and 京广铁路)
- 芜湖长江大桥 (芜合高速公路, 329国道 and Huainan railway)
- Xinglin Bridge (6-lane highway and 福厦铁路)
- 鱼洞长江大桥 (210国道 and 重庆轨道交通2号线)
- Zhaoqing Xi River Bridge (324国道 and 广茂铁路)
- 枝城长江大桥 (S225 and 焦柳铁路)
- Zhengxin Yellow River Bridge (S227 and 京广高速铁路)
- Zhujiang Bridge (Zhongshan Road and 广茂铁路)
[编辑]- Binbei Bridge (was a part of 202国道 and 滨北铁路, road part closed in 2006, railway part closed and replaced by another bridge in 2016)
- 松浦大桥 (上海) (金山铁路 part abandoned及replaced by Jinshan railway Huangpu River Bridge, still used by 320国道)
- 贝希涅. In 1928 a bridge was constructed to carry the railway line and road from 塔博尔 (捷克) into Bechyně. Previously the line had stopped on the other side of a deep gorge from the town and access was by way of a steep road and narrow bridge. The rail line runs in the roadway for 100 m and traffic stopped by lights as for a grade crossing.[29]
- Kongolo Bridge
Brazzaville–Kinshasa Bridge – proposed [30]
- Matadi Bridge – railway yet to be used. Built 1983.[31] Angola would like to use this bridge to reach their 飞地 of 喀丙达省.
- 大贝尔特桥, the Western Bridge.
- 小贝尔特桥
- 厄勒海峡大桥
- Masnedsund Bridge
- Storstrøm Bridge – A replacement bridge is under constriction, also road-rail, will have the same name
- King Frederik IX Bridge
- King Christian X Bridge in 森讷堡, railway closed.
- Oddesund Bridge
- 海松 (丹麦) Bridge, railway closed, bridge replaced.
- On 维提岛 the CSR Company was obliged to provide road-rail bridges when it built bridges for the Cane Trains to their sugar mills, e.g. the two largest bridges over the Ba and Sigatoka Rivers. Many are now rail-only as separate road bridges has been built.
- The Ba Bridge (550英尺(170米)) has 19 spans, 17 standard spans (30英尺(9.1米)) and a short span at each end及has been rail-only for many years. The Sigatoka Bridge (810英尺(250米)) has 27 spans. Both bridges are prone to hurricane damage due to extra flow of water; the Ba Bridge often disappears under water but is not always damaged (see Cane Trains).
- Sigatoka Bridge was washed away by storms, January 2009.[34]
- Labasa River - Sugar cane tramway; 610mm gauge; proposed. [35]
- Ounaskoski bridge
- Bridge in 凯明马
- 锡兹-博洛宗高架桥 on the 布雷斯地区布尔格—贝勒加德铁路 built 1882, destroyed by the maquis in 1945, rebuilt 1950
- Pont Morand, Lyon
- Pont de Recouvrance, 布雷斯特 – road & tramway – includes 升降桥[36]
- Beatus Rhenanus Bridge
- Viaduc de Salles at Giroussens, Tarn, on the Chemin de fer touristique du Tarn
- Fehmarn Sound bridge
- Lindaunis Bridge
- Kattwykbrücke[37] - Hamburg, new railroad bridge being built next to existing bridge, opening December 2020
- Moselbrücke Bullay – double deck road and rail bridge[38]
- 奥伯鲍姆桥
- Peenebrücke Wolgast
- Rügendamm
- Elbbrücke Lauenburg
[编辑]- Unknown location with YouTube movie[39]
[编辑]- 青屿干线
- Hoi Wong Road across 屯门河 estuary[41][42]
- 观塘道/观塘线 viaduct连接牛头角站 and 九龙湾站 stations
- 观塘道 over Tsui Ping Nullah
- Castle Peak Road—Hung Shui Kiu over Hung Shui Hang (Hung Shui Kiu River)
- 马鞍山路/马鞍山线 (now part of Tuen Ma line) over Tai Shui Hang/Nui Po Tung Hang
- 青葵公路, 东涌线 and 机场快线 (港铁) (road and four tracks of rapid transit) - two stretches
- 青山公路 over Yuen Long Creek (Yuen Long Nullah)
- Digha–Sonpur bridge, 比哈尔邦
- Godavari Bridge, 安得拉邦
- 那拉纳拉扬大桥, 阿萨姆邦
- 萨赖嘎特大桥, 阿萨姆邦
- Koilwar Bridge, 比哈尔邦
- Rajendra Setu, 比哈尔邦
- Munger Ganga Bridge, 比哈尔邦
- 法拉卡堰, 西孟加拉邦
- Vivekananda Setu, 西孟加拉邦
- Strachey Bridge, Agra, 北方邦
- Old Naini Bridge, 普拉亚格拉吉
- Old Yamuna Bridge, 德里
- Malaviya Bridge, Varanasi Over Ganga in U.P.
- Cirahong Bridge – opened in 1893[46]
[编辑]- Mezzanacorti bridge over the 波河 on the Milan–Genoa railway
- San Michele bridge over the 阿达河 on the Seregno–Bergamo railway
- 塞斯托卡伦代 bridge over the 提契诺州 on the Domodossola–Milan railway
- Soleri viaduct in 库内奥
- 图尔比戈 bridge over the 提契诺州 on the Saronno–Novara railway
- 瓦伦扎 bridge over the Po on the Pavia–Alessandria railway
- 解放桥 (意大利) in 威尼斯
- 维杰瓦诺 bridge over the 提契诺州 on the Milan–Mortara railway
[编辑]- Adenige bridge on temporary Mont Cenis Railway[48]
- 洋红色 bridge over the 提契诺州 on the Turin–Milan railway
- 雷韦雷 bridge over the Po on the Verona–Bologna railway
- San Nicolò bridge over the 特雷比亚河 on the Alessandria–Piacenza railway
[编辑]- Great Seto Bridge, 四国旅客铁道 Honshi-bisan Line and 濑户大桥
- 关西国际机场 Access Bridge (关西国际机场联络桥), 西日本旅客铁道, 南海电气铁道 and 6-lane expressway
- Kobe Sky Bridge 连接Kobe Airport and Port Island, carrying the 港湾人工岛线
- Murayama Bridge, 长野电铁 and National Route 406
- 彩虹大桥, 东京临海新交通临海线 and 首都高速道路 首都高速11号台场线 (route 11)
- Rokko Bridge, 六甲人工岛线 and 4-lane road
- Shin Yodogawa Bridge, 大阪市营地下铁 御堂筋线 and National Route 423
- Shin-Kuzuryu Bridge, 北陆新干线 (railway under construction) and Fukui Prefectural Route 268[49]
- Tatsunokuchi Bridge, 仙台市地下铁东西线 and 2-lane road
- Tatsupi Bridge, 多摩都市单轨电车线 and Tokyo Prefectural Route 149
[编辑]- Azumba Bridge – 东京都电车 closed in 1972
- 犬山桥 – separated in 2000.
- Umaya Bridge – 东京都电车 closed in 1971
- 西湾大桥 (space reserved for a rail-link in future)
- The 唐娜安娜大桥 has carried rail and road traffic, but not at the same time.
- Mu River
- Ye River – 240m
- Thanlwin Bridge in 毛淡棉, which is 2400m long
- 丁茵大桥

A 1930 report listed 33 bridges and estimated that the cost of bridge-keepers, extra maintenance for the decks, etc. amounted to £15,500 a year, as against £4,307 paid to NZR.[50]
[编辑]- Alexandra – Manuherikia River, Central Otago Line – single level, shared deck (rail closed)
- Okahukura – Stratford–Okahukura Line连接Taumarunui and Ōhura – two level, road under rail 1933-2009 (rail disused)
- Taramakau River – Ross Branch – single level, shared deck
- Hindon, New Zealand – 但尼丁铁路 – single level – converted from rail only
- Sutton, near Middlemarch, New Zealand – 但尼丁铁路 – single level
- 内皮尔 (新西兰) – Palmerston North – Gisborne Line – single level, separate decks (road closed)
- Inangahua – Stillwater–Ngawakau Line – single level, separate decks
- Arahura, near Hokitika – Ross Branch – single level, separate decks (replaced single level, shared deck bridge)
- Seddon – Main North Line over Awatere River – two level, single lane road under rail (road closed in November 2007); see picture above of 太平洋海岸号列车 crossing the bridge in April 2007
[编辑]- Arahura River –连接格雷茅斯 and Hokitika – single level – replaced in 2009[51]
- Blackball combined over Grey River[52]
- Huntly 1915–1959 (now rail/footbridge only) over 怀卡托河[53]
- Ngākawau River separated in 1939[54]
- 华卡塔尼 –连接Edgecumbe and Taneatua – single level, shared deck – track removed in 2017[55]
- Rakaia – separated in 1939
- Taramakau River Bridge Greytown - dual use from opening in 1893 until separate road bridge opened alongside in 2018.
- Waitaki – separated around the late 1950s
- 旺阿努伊河 near Taumarunui - dual use until separate road bridge opened upstream in 1960s.
[编辑]- Wairoa River – due to road bridge washaway 2008[56]
- Rødberg Bridge carried the now closed Numedal Line to its terminus in Rødberg and the highway continuing to 耶卢 over Upsetelva in the center of Rødberg. The rails are still in place, covered by tarmac. There has been no rail traffic on Numedalsbanen since 1988. The railway is in the road, so car traffic had to stop when trains were passing.
- Bruhaug Bridge, also on Numedal Line carried both the railway and local car traffic over the river Numedalslågen. The road surface is wood.
- Hølendalen Bridge, near 苔类植物门. Motorway and railway, parallel separate bridges.
- Nygård Bridge in Bergen carries both the 卑尔根轻铁 and a street. A parallel bridge carries 欧洲E39公路.
Railway Track under Metro Bus Track on Gate of Rawalpindi City near Marirh Chowk Muree Road Rawalpindi
- See above for the cross-border bridge to Argentina

- Guadalupe Bridge in the 马卡蒂-曼达卢永 border over the 巴石河. The rail bridge of 马尼拉捷运3号线 is above the road bridge carrying 桑托斯大道.
- 4月25日大桥
- Pocinho Bridge in 福什科阿新镇 (closed)
- Ponte Eiffel
- Ponte de Jafafe in Sernada do Vouga single level bridge over Vouga River used by Linha do Vouga
- 路易一世大桥
- Ponte de Valença in 瓦伦萨 (维亚纳堡区) over 米尼奥河 used by Ramal Internacional de Valença
- 维丁, Bulgaria – 卡拉法特, Romania – 2013 single track[25]
- Danube bridge to 保加利亚[26]
- Bridge over the 锡雷特河 river
- 阿达大桥 (rail track under construction)
- 潘切沃大桥
- Road–Railway Bridge (same carriageway, temporary, demolished 2018/19)
- Žeželj Bridge
- Rača Bridge (same carriageway until 2010, when a dedicated road bridge was built next to it)
- Orlovat Bridge (same carriageway)
- 蒂泰尔 Bridge
- Buffalo River at East London harbour (double-deck bridge)
- Umkomaas, KZN south coast
- Port Shepstone, KZN south coast
- Caledon River at Maseru
- Fairy Knowe (Wilderness)
- Qamata
- Tugela (at one time, many years ago)[59]
- Manampitiya Bridge over the 马哈威利河 – This narrow bridge is used only for rail since 2006.[60][61]
- Oddamavadi Bridge (Valaichchenai Bridge) across Valaichchenai lagoon in 东部省 (斯里兰卡) – Railway-only since April 2010[60][62]
- 厄勒海峡大桥 – 8 km long two-level bridge. Road (four lane) on top, rail (two tracks) below.
- A few narrow same-track combined road-rail bridges:
- 特朗博格桥 – in Stockholm, combined road and 地铁 bridge.
- Skanstull Bridge – in Stockholm, combined road and 地铁 bridge.
- Lidingöbron – 1 km long parallel road and rail (two separate bridges). The road bridge was built 1971; before that the old bridge had road and double track railway in the same carriageway.
Both railways operated by Aare Seeland Mobil go over three combined bridges each. Four of these bridges cross the Aare river, one crosses a highway.
[编辑]- Chulachomklao Bridge
- Chulalongkorn Bridge
- Rama VI Bridge (separated in 2003)

- Gülüşkür Bridge - Crosses the Keban Dam in eastern Turkey.
- 亚武兹苏丹塞利姆大桥 - Crosses the Bosphorus Straight, north of 伊斯坦布尔. The bridge opened in 2016 with space allocated for a double-track railway which is still under construction.

- Ashton Swing Bridge Preston. Crosses Preston Dock lock. Road traffic and pedestrians controlled by barriers from the lock control room. Still used by The Ribble Steam Railway and tour trains visiting from the main line, still running in 2012 the bridge is used for delivery of bitumen by railway to the Preston Total Bitumen plant. On arrival from Total's oil refinery in Immingham, North Lincolnshire, the tankers are parked at the exchange sidings. The steam railway staff divide the trains and shunt the tankers into Total Bitumen's siding for the bitumen processing and distribution plant, later reforming the trains for their return journey to Immingham.
- 布列坦尼亚桥 Robert Stephenson's famous, formerly 'tubular' railway bridge across the Menai Strait in Wales. Rebuilt as a road and rail bridge after a major fire in 1970.
- 高阶桥 Newcastle upon Tyne.
- King George V Bridge, Keadby, North Lincolnshire. Carries the A18 and the 唐卡斯特–斯肯索普 railway across the 特伦特河. Opened in 1916, Althorpe railway station is on the western bank of the Trent, very close to the bridge, which has not lifted for some years.
- 贝尔法斯特 cross-harbour bridge, opened 1994–1995. See The Motorway Archive
- Kingsferry road and rail bridge, 谢佩岛. Built in 1960, until 2006 this was the only road crossing to the island. The bridge opens 20 times each day.
- Porthmadog, Wales, on the Welsh Highland Railway, Shared by this narrow gauge line and the main road through the town.
- Pont Briwet, over River Dwyryd, near Penrhyndeudraeth, North Wales – single track rail of the Cambrian Coast Line, beside wide single-carriageway road; re-opened in summer 2015 after major repairs.
[编辑]- Connel Bridge, near Oban, Scotland, was shared until the railway closed in the 1960s. A cantilever bridge.
- Ashton Avenue Bridge, Bristol road rail swing bridge.
- Queen Alexandra Bridge, still in road (A1231) use across the River Wear连接Deptford and Southwick in 桑德兰, mineral railway abandoned in 1921 after 12 years' use.
- Newhaven Harbour, East Sussex, swing bridge standard gauge harbour branch shared with main coast road to Brighton, closed about 1962.
- Runcorn Railway Bridge – rail; pedestrian bridge alongside was open until 1965.
- Cross Keys Bridge, on the Norfolk /Lincolnshire border, both sides now in use for road traffic. Swing Bridge
- Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel - a road-rail tunnel
- I Street Bridge carries two tracks of 美铁/联合太平洋铁路 and two lanes of 16号加利福尼亚州州道连接沙加缅度 and 西萨克拉门托 (加利福尼亚州).
- 旧金山—奥克兰海湾大桥 carried two tracks of Key System连接San Francisco and 奥克兰 (加利福尼亚州) from 1936 until 1963.
- Mare Island Causeway is a 升降桥 that links Mare Island to 瓦列霍 (加利福尼亚州), carrying a railroad track and a street.[64]
- Pit River Bridge across Lake Shasta- 4 lanes of 5号州际公路 and also 联合太平洋铁路
- Acosta Bridge – Carries two monorail tracks for the JTA Skyway and six lanes of State Road 13 in 杰克逊维尔 (佛罗里达州).
- Lake Street Bridge – rail on upper deck (CTA 芝加哥地铁绿线 & 芝加哥地铁粉红线) road on lower deck, bascule bridge.
- McKinley Bridge – rail removed in 1978.
- Wells Street Bridge – rail on upper deck (CTA 芝加哥地铁棕线 & 芝加哥地铁紫线), road on lower deck, bascule bridge.
- Fort Madison Toll Bridge – rail on lower deck, road on upper deck
- 政府大桥 – rail on upper deck, road on lower deck, swing-span bridge
- Keokuk Rail Bridge – rail on lower deck, disused road on upper deck, swing-span bridge above Lock and Dam No. 19.
- Kentucky & Indiana Terminal Bridge – Truss bridge连接路易维尔 (肯塔基州) and 新奥尔巴尼 (印第安纳州) over the 俄亥俄河. Road portion closed in 1979 when roadway collapsed under an overweight truck.
- Almonaster Avenue Bridge – Bascule drawbridge in 新奥尔良
- Florida Avenue Bridge – Vertical lift drawbridge in 新奥尔良
- Huey P. Long Bridge – Truss bridge in 杰斐逊堂区 (路易斯安那州).
- Huey P. Long Bridge – Truss bridge in 巴吞鲁日.
- St. Claude Avenue Bridge – former road and 铁路运输 bridge, nowadays it serves automotive and pedestrian traffic. New Orleans
- Longfellow Bridge – Four lane road with the 波士顿地铁红线 in the median of the bridge connecting 波士顿 and 剑桥 (马萨诸塞州) over the Charles River.
- Portage Lake Lift Bridge connecting Hancock and Houghton. The world's heaviest and largest double deck vertical lift bridge. 4-lane road on upper deck, rail on lower deck (converted to trail). The lower deck was also paved so the bridge could be placed in an intermediate position to allow road traffic only.
- Camp Ripley Bridge
- Oliver Bridge connecting Duluth, Minnesota and Oliver, Wisconsin. Rail on upper deck, road on lower deck.
- Washington Avenue Bridge – in Minneapolis across the Mississippi River. Opened in 1965, rail (Green Line light rail) added in 2011.
- 汉尼拔二桥 in Kansas City, Missouri across the 密苏里河. Opened in 1917, had a road deck until 1956, when another bridge was built, but the rail deck is presently in use. Evidence of the road deck is still plainly visible.
- ASB Bridge in Kansas City, Missouri, across the Missouri River. Opened in 1911, it carried vehicular traffic until 1987, when new span was built. Bridge is unique that lower part is a vertical lift drawbridge, while without interrupting traffic on the upper deck.
- 伊兹桥 in St. Louis, Missouri across the 密西西比河. Opened in 1874. It carries the road traffic on the upper deck and the 圣路易斯轻轨 on the lower deck.
- 百老汇桥 – Road and the IRT百老汇-第七大道线 of the 纽约地铁
- 布鲁克林大桥 – A road bridge that also carried elevated rapid transit service until 1944
- 曼哈顿大桥 – Road and the B, D, N and Q trains of the 纽约地铁
- 昆斯博罗桥 – A road bridge that also carried elevated rapid transit service until the early 1940s.
- Railroad St. Bridge – 罗马 (纽约州) – Railroad St. and Mohawk, Adirondack and Northern Railroad share right-of-way on bridge.
- Roosevelt Avenue (Flushing River) Bridge - double deck bascule span with IRT法拉盛线 elevated line on upper level and Roosevelt Avenue on lower level over Flushing River, completed 1928
- 威廉斯堡大桥 – Road and the BMT纳苏街线 of the 纽约地铁
- 旋涡急流大桥, 尼亚加拉瀑布城 (纽约州), carries passenger rail on the upper level, commuter autos on the lower level连接Ontario and New York
- Clay Wade Bailey Bridge/C&O Railroad Bridge – 辛辛那提 to 纽波特 (肯塔基州) over the 俄亥俄河. (Technically, these are two separate bridges, but they are spaced very closely adjacent to each other and built on common piers.)
- Steel Bridge – A through truss, double lift bridge across the 威拉米特河 in 波特兰 (俄勒冈州) Carrying pedestrian, rail, automobile, bus及波特兰轻轨, making it one of the most multi-modal bridges in the world.
- 本杰明·富兰克林大桥 – Suspension bridge carrying I-676 and 港务局交通公司高速线 trains连接费城, 宾夕法尼亚州及肯顿 (新泽西州).
- Harahan Bridge (formerly) - Through truss bridge across the 密西西比河 connecting 孟菲斯 (田纳西州) to 西孟菲斯 (阿肯色州). Built for two railroad tracks and two one-lane "wagonways" cantilevered outside the through truss. Vehicular traffic moved to Memphis & Arkansas Bridge in 1949; though the original decks on both "wagonways" were removed, one of them was rebuilt for pedestrian/bicycle use in 2016.
- 阿姆河 Bridge is the first bridge连接花拉子模州 and 卡拉卡尔帕克斯坦共和国, opened March 2004. It only has one track with the rails embedded into tarmac, used for trains and cars, one direction at a time及is 681 m long. It now doubles the pontoon bridge that was the only link连接Khorezm and the rest of Uzbekistan.
- See above for the cross-border bridge to Afghanistan
2012年苏格兰Stromeferry公路发生山体滑坡后,平行铁路的 150m 路段铺设了橡胶砖,以使道路交通避免绕行 250 公里。[65]
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- ^ 重庆市城市建设投资(集团)有限公司. 重庆市快速路五横线白居寺长江大桥及引道工程勘察测量招标公告. 重庆市招标投标综合网. 2015-04-27 [2015-10-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-18).
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- ^ 8.0 8.1 Perth's New MetroRail Project Transit Australia April 2004 pages 120-123
- ^ Motive Power April 2009 page 117
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- ^ The Paringa Lift Span Bridge Australian Railway Historical Society Bulletin issue 726 April 1998 pages 139-142
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- ^ Light Railways 2024 April, p33
- ^ Today's Railways Europe #214, p15
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- ^ 国际铁路公报 June 2012 p25
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