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Wikidata weekly summary #514

- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot: APSbot 4: Task/s: Regularly create organizations from the Research Organization Registry (ROR - https://ror.org/) that are missing in Wikidata.
- Events
- Upcoming:
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Adam Schiff (University of Washington), Tyler Rogers (San Diego State University), Julia Gilmore (University of Toronto) on documenting buildings on academic campuses. Agenda with call link, April 5.
- Wikimedia Research Office Hours April 5, 2022
- Wikidata items about theatre and dance productions, April 6 (in French). The same workshop will be offered in English on May 4.
- Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service Team—April 6th, 2022. Date: Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 Time: 15:00-16:00 GMT / 08:00-09:00 PDT / 11:00-12:00 EDT / 16:00-17:00 WAT / 17:00-18:00 CEST Etherpad
- Art+Feminism Community Hours. Theme: Add your Event Data to Wikidata. April 9 at 2pm UTC!
- Ongoing: Weekly Lexemes Challenge #36, Family
- Past: Wikibase live session (March 2022) log
- Upcoming:
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Property exploration: How do I learn more about properties on Wikidata?
- UCSC Ph.D. students dive deep into engineering open-domain dialogue AI with the support of industry partners. "...aims to develop a better system for entity linking, the connection of entities like “Lebron James” or “the Earth” to their various meanings in an existing database of knowledge – in this case, Wikidata..."
- Highlighting linked data projects. "...Cornell University Library, Stanford Libraries, and the School of Library and Information Science at the University of Iowa are engaging in the grant-funded Linked Data for Production project. Broadly, the project uses linked data to show patrons information from outside sources (such as Wikidata) and build longer, more nuanced links between resources".
- Videos
- Other
- FAIR cookbook's recipe "How to Register a Dataset with Wikidata"
- OpenRefine will soon hold its two-yearly survey again. Who wants to help translate the survey to their language? It will take around 45 minutes. There are already translations underway in Spanish and Dutch. Contact User:SFauconnier if you want to help!
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Kyrksok.se is an app about Swedish churches based on Wikidata.
- QAnswer is a question answering system based on Wikidata and other projects. Who was the first to create liquid helium? Try it!
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Query Service scaling update, March 2022 is now available.
- WDQS backend alternatives paper with shortlist of options have been published.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: cantilever sign, supports qualifier, APE code
- External identifiers: Australian Reptile Online Database ID, RSPA modern authors ID, RSPA ancient authors ID, 1905.com film ID, Leafsnap ID, ImagesDéfense ID, TASS Encyclopedia person ID, TASS Encyclopedia country ID, TASS Encyclopedia tag ID, WIPO Pearl term ID, Arizona State Legislators: Then & Now ID, db.narb.by ID, Kayak hotel ID, Melon music video ID, Evil Angel movie ID, ACE Repertory publisher ID, World of Waterfalls ID, IxTheo authority ID, BillionGraves grave ID, eSbírky institution ID, Enciclopedia del Novecento ID, Zotero ID, My World@Mail.Ru ID, KSH code (historical), traveloka activities ID, Virginia Tech Dendrology Factsheets ID, SPLC group ID, GuideStar India Organisations-ID, Encyclopedia of China ID (Third Edition), tiket to-do ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: oeconym, ISCED Attainment, Per capita income
- External identifiers: Invasive.org species ID, ihg Hotel ID, Monoskop article ID, Le Monde journalist ID, Libération journalist ID, Le Parisien journalist ID, Les Échos journalist ID, L'Humanité journalist ID, L'Opinion journalist ID, Le Figaro journalist ID, Présent author ID, Aldiwan poet ID, Aldiwan poem ID, International Jewish Cemetery Project ID, AccessScience ID, IPU Chamber ID, COL taxon ID, deckenmalerei.eu ID, C-SPAN Person Numeric ID, SRSLY person ID, 100 Years of Alaska's Legislature Bio ID, Indiana State Historical Marker Program numeric ID, Beatport track ID, EIA plant ID, EIA utility ID, Speleologi del passato ID, HuijiWiki article ID, Encyclopedia of Cacti species ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Lexicographical data: Continued work on the new Special:NewLexeme page and focused on displaying sensible error messages if an error occurs during Lexeme creation. We're also working on adding a dropdown for the language variant.
- REST API: Continued work on conditional requests and authorization
- Made use of the new fields added in the wbsearchentities API and added language information to the markup of entity searches that you see when editing a statement or searching with the little searchbox at the top of the page on Wikidata. Now these search results should make a bit more sense to people who use screen readers.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #515

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Stang (RfP scheduled to end after 14 April 2022 12:18 UTC)
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Botcrux 10. Task/s: Change publication date (P577) of scientific articles from "1 January YYYY" to just "YYYY".
- Pi bot 25. Task/s: Wikidata:Properties for deletion maintenance
- Events
- Upcoming:
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #104, April 17th at 12.00 UTC
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, April 20th 2022 at 17:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- April 26, Ghent, Belgium: public OpenRefine data cleaning workshop and meet&greet with the OpenRefine team, including preview of Structured Data on Commons functionalities. Physical event, free, sign up via this link.
- Wiki Workshop 2022 - Registration open! The event is virtually held on April 25, 12:00-18:30 UTC
- April 22nd - 24th, from Wiki Mentor Africa, A three days workshop on Linking biodiversity data through wikidata using Webaps and jupyter notebooks to attend, register here
- May 5th: Wikidata Bug Triage Hour, open discussion. Come with your favorite Phabricator task and we will improve its description together.
- DigAMus goes Wikidata workshop: make digital projects in museums visible and findable. April 29, 3-5 p.m. TIB Open Science Lab. Register here.
- Ongoing: Weekly Lexemes Challenge #37, Numbers
- Upcoming:
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- A formalization of one of the main claims of “Cortex reorganization of Xenopus laevis eggs in strong static magnetic fields” by Mietchen et al. 2005 (uses Wikidata identifiers for statements)
- A formalization of one of the main claims of “Creative Commons licenses and the non-commercial condition: Implications for the re-use of biodiversity information” by Hagedorn et al. 2011 (uses Wikidata identifiers for statements)
- Videos
- Wikidata Query Service Tutorial in Tunisian by Houcemeddine Turki (WikiConference RU 2021 - Part 1, Part 2)
- Live Coding - PyORCIDAtor, integrating ORCID with Wikidata - YouTube
- How to add location coordinates to Wikidata Items (in Dagbani) - YouTube
- Bundestag + Wikidata = Open Parliament TV (in German) - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Wikidata MOOC (online course) has been developed by Wikimedia France, involving several French-speaking Wikidata editors. The first version of the course will start on April 26 (in French only - registration here)
- OpenRefine is running a short survey to learn about user needs and expectations for the new Structured Data on Commons extension for OpenRefine, which is in the process of being developed. If you upload files to Wikimedia Commons and/or edit structured data there, please help by filling in the survey!
- Wikibase cloud update (April): the closed beta of Wikibase.cloud is planned to start in mid-April. If you want to apply for closed beta access, please register with this form.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: APE code, maintains linking to, academic calendar type, taxonomic treatment, co-applicant, applicant, P10604, notable role
- External identifiers: traveloka activities ID, Virginia Tech Dendrology Factsheets ID, SPLC group ID, GuideStar India Organisations ID, Encyclopedia of China ID (Third Edition), tiket to-do ID, Speleologi del passato ID, L'Humanité journalist ID, L'Opinion journalist ID, Le Monde journalist ID, Le Figaro journalist ID, Le Parisien journalist ID, Les Échos journalist ID, Libération journalist ID, Intesa Sanpaolo Historical Archive Map ID, Monoskop article ID, IDU foreign theatre ID, IDU theatre building ID, IDU theatrical ensemble ID, Cameroun COG, Author ID from the Modern Discussion website, SRSLY person ID, FAOTERM ID, Catalogue of Life ID, Trovo ID, IFPI GTIN, MangaDex title ID, All.Rugby club ID, traveloka restaurant ID, maPZS trails/locations ID, Kinowiki ID, marriott hotel ID, Chuvash Encyclopedia person ID, Chuvash Encyclopedia place ID, Chuvash Encyclopedia topic ID, HarperCollins product ID, Atlas of Cultural Heritage Calabria cultural place ID, XJustiz registration court ID, Atlante Beni Culturali Calabria item ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: является автором художественной выставки, shoe color, government debt-to-GDP ratio, National Historical Museums of Sweden object ID, class of property value, has group, name of victim, Tracks featured in work, smb.museum digital ID
- External identifiers: HuijiWiki article ID, Encyclopedia of Cacti species ID, bebyggelseområdeskod i Sverige, Israeli Opera site person id, FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus Identifier, Musik und Gender im Internet ID, IRIS Piedmont IDs, Slovak Olympic athlete ID, MINEDEX, Library of the Haskala ID
- Query examples:
- Most popular Chess openings (by number of sitelinks) (source)
- Random set of popular ("having more than 20 site links") items (source)
- Wikimedia affiliates on social media (source)
- Listed viaducts in the UK (source)
- Pages linked to the University of Clermont according to the number of articles on Wikimedia projects (source)
- Which languages share a word for the same thing (visualized as a tree map). e.g. planet (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Lexicographical data: Continued work on the new Special:NewLexeme page. We worked on displaying error messages and inferring the spelling variant from the language. We also looked into the non-JavaScript version of the page.
- REST API: Worked on conditional requests (do not return data the client already has) and authorization.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in GLAM: March 2022
- 《快速删除方针》:修订〈其他页面〉一节,扩大O4准则适用范围,并调整O7准则语句措辞;相关模组一并修订。(讨论纪录)
- 《管理员的离任方针》:经社群讨论通过,将管理人员离任相关页面整合至行政员布告板。(讨论纪录)
- 《讨论页指引》:明定一般讨论页之排版格式和标准不适用于因技术原因而无法遵守者(例如结构式讨论页)。(讨论纪录)
- 《关注度指引(电视剧)》:依据社群讨论结果,正式订立电视剧相关条目之关注度指引,优先适用于既有之《关注度指引》。(讨论纪录)
- 方针:《保护方针》、《文明方针》、《编辑战方针》、《破坏方针》、《命名常规》、《生者传记方针》、《人事任免投票资格方针》、《模板编辑员方针》、《诽谤方针》、《界面管理员方针》、《非自由内容使用准则》、《快速删除方针》、《机器用户方针》、《共识方针》、《管理员方针》、《监督方针》、《有偿编辑方针》、《行政员方针》、《封禁方针》、《侵犯著作权方针》及《方针与指引》。
- 指引:《可靠来源布告板评级指引》、《关注度指引(交通)》、《勇于提问指引》、《建设性意见指引》、《用户页指引》、《讨论页指引》、《页面分类指引》、《格式手册(文字格式)》、《字词转换处理指引》、《地区词处理指引》、《关注度指引(组织)》、《签名指引》、《什么是条目指引》、《格式手册(两岸四地用语)》、《一级行政区道路特殊收录限制列表》、《申请成为管理人员指引》、《命名常规(国际关系)》、《格式手册(列表)》、《关注度指引(人物)》、《利益冲突指引》、《关注度指引(数字)》及《重定向指引》。
Wikidata weekly summary #516

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Pi admin bot (RfP scheduled to end after 20 April 2022 17:58 UTC)
- Closed request for adminship: Stang (successful)
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Stangbot 2. Task/s: Insert electorate (P1831) and keep it updated on Brazilian municipalities and states items
- AmeisenBot. Task/s: Label unsigned comments on talk pages
- Events
- Upcoming:
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call will be on Tuesday, April 19 at 11 AM Eastern US time: Martin Schibel will be speaking on Entitree. Please note this is one hour earlier than the usual meeting time Agenda
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, April 20th 2022 at 17:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- LD4 Wikibase Working Hour: Learn about Wikibase system exploration, data model development, and the road ahead for Digital Scriptorium. When: Thurs. 21 April 2022, 3PM Eastern US (time zone converter). Where: Registration Link
- Register for Contribuling – Conference on minority languages and free participative software. Conference date: April 22
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #105, April 24th at 12.00 UTC
- Upcoming:
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- WeDigBio Transcription workflow "...blogpost...showing how I go from finding the name of a collector when transcribing labels to adding them to Wikidata & then linking them to their collections via Bionomia."
- More Wikidata metrics on the Dashboard
- Videos
- other:
- Decolonizing the Internet’s Structured Data – Summary Report by Whose Knowledge?
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Bird O'Clock! is a tool based on Wikidata and other data sources that shows pictures and numbers from actual people counting actual birds in the actual world!
- Tiago's Coin Herbarium is a coin collection depicting different plant information displayed via Wikidata SPARQL queries.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata and Wikibase 2022 development plan has been updated to include activity estimates for the second quarter (Q2).
- There is a new hub page for the Wikidata Query Service scaling updates, to help you all stay updated.
- Wikidata metrics are now easily accessible on the Dashboard. Here's an example Dashboard including a blog post above detailing the process.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: taxonomic treatment, co-applicant, applicant, type of a register in Germany, notable role, athletics program, number of teachers, has certification, choreography for, surrounds the enclave, has surface, per capita income, number of blood donors, official observer status in organisation, web interface software, Martian coordinates, suggested data fields, medical indication, number of conferences, historic insurance number (building), pole positions, place of disappearance, code name, reports to, podium finishes, number of likes, number of dislikes, number of comments, rack system, oeconym
- External identifiers: MangaDex title ID, All.Rugby club ID, traveloka restaurant ID, maPZS trails/locations ID, Kinowiki ID, marriott hotel ID, Chuvash Encyclopedia person ID, Chuvash Encyclopedia place ID, Chuvash Encyclopedia topic ID, HarperCollins product ID, Atlas of Cultural Heritage Calabria cultural place ID, XJustiz registration court ID, Atlante Beni Culturali Calabria item ID, FID performing arts ID, PLOS Thesaurus ID, QQ Music album ID, QQ Music song ID, Beatport track ID, Salzburger Literatur Netz ID, Kramerius of Regional Library in Pardubice UUID, Literatur Netz Oberösterreich ID, 1905.com star ID, OpaqueNamespace ID, deckenmalerei.eu ID, ODOT county code, OpenSanctions ID, CNGAL entry ID, USA Track & Field athlete ID (www.usatf.org), National Associations Register Number Spain, AperTO author ID, IRIS UNIUPO author ID, AlloCiné TV season ID, Library of Parliament of Canada riding ID, ARTEINFORMADO person ID, Slovak Olympic athlete ID, International Jewish Cemetery Project ID, Via Rail station code, WikiApiary farm
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: name of victim, Tracks featured in work, smb.museum digital ID, Unique image of unicode char, Historic Oregon Newspapers ID, Thai Romanization, construction start, construction end
- External identifiers: MINEDEX, Library of the Haskala ID, fanvue creator ID, ACNP library ID, lieferando restaurant ID, Yarus feed ID, Enciclopedia Colchagüina ID, Winterthur Glossar ID, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society ID, Personality Database work identifier, Hmoegirlpedia, CNKI Institute ID, Peacock ID, techradar review ID
- Query examples:
- Birthplace of rappers (source)
- Bubble chart of occupation of people linked to University of Clermont (source)
- List of corporate archives, location, and address where available (source)
- French adventure video games (source)
- Women with the citizenship of a country and the most articles in other languages (including English) but without an article in French Wikipedia (source)
- Countries that are bigger (blue) or smaller (red) than all their neighbours (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Lexicographical data: Worked on inferring the spelling variant from the language's Item on the new Special:NewLexeme page and started building a little help box on the special page to explain what lex. data is.
- REST API: Getting closer to having a first version of the REST API that returns Item data.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
邀请您与维基媒体基金会执行长Maryana Iskander一同讨论基金会的年度计划
这些对话接续Maryana Iskander身为维基媒体基金会执行长的聆听之旅。
- 2030维基媒体运动策略为“知识即服务”和“知识平权”设定了方向。维基媒体基金会希望根据这两个目标进行规划。您认为维基媒体基金会应该如何将这两个目标应用到工作中?
- 维基媒体基金会将继续探索在区域层级上更好的工作方式。我们在补助金、新功能和社群对话等方面加强区域聚焦。您觉得什么部分运作良好?又有什么部分需要改进,以及如何改进?
- 任何人都可以为运动策略的进程做出贡献。邀请您分享您的活动、想法、请求以及经验传承。您认为维基媒体基金会应如何能更好地支援从事运动策略活动的志愿者和自治体?
下星期日4月24日07:00 UTC的对话场次将提供同步中文口译,更多相关资讯下周尽快与您分享。
运动策略与治理VChang (WMF)(留言) 2022年4月14日 (四) 19:11 (UTC)
更新:4月24日的对话邀请您透过此Zoom会议连结参与。 基金会将透过此年度计划更明确的聚焦运动策略,并想了解社群目前已有什么工作以进行双向规划。内容主要为基金会年度计划简介、执行长Maryana开场和开放提问讨论。提问部分以上列三个问题做引导,不过对话将保持弹性开放社群成员自由地提问、分享对基金会年度计划的想法以及已经在进行的相关工作等。如果您对此活动有任何疑问,欢迎与我联系,谢谢!VChang (WMF)(留言) 2022年4月21日 (四) 16:39 (UTC)
This Month in Education: April 2022
This Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 4 • April 2022
Contents • Headlines • Subscribe
In This Issue
- Audio-Educational Seminar of Wikimedia Mexico
- Dagbani Wikimedians using digital TV broadcast to train Wikipedia contributors in Ghana
- Digital Education & The Open Space With Herbert Acheampong
- HerStory walks as a part of edit-a-thons
- Join us for Wiki Workshop 2022
- The youngest member of Tartu Wikiclub is 15-year-old student
The Signpost: 24 April 2022

- News and notes: Double trouble
- In the media: The battlegrounds outside and inside Wikipedia
- Special report: Ukrainian Wikimedians during the war
- Eyewitness Wikimedian – Vinnytsia, Ukraine: War diary (Part 2)
- Technology report: 8-year-old attribution issues in Media Viewer
- Featured content: Wikipedia's best content from March
- Interview: On a war and a map
- Serendipity: Wikipedia loves photographs, but hates photographers
- Traffic report: Justice Jackson, the Smiths, and an invasion
- News from the WMF: How Smart is the SMART Copyright Act?
- Humour: Really huge message boxes
- From the archives: Wales resigned WMF board chair in 2006 reorganization
Wikidata weekly summary #517

- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship:
- Pi admin bot (successful)
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- BgeeDB-bot. Task/s: inserting gene expression data from the Bgee database into Wikidata.
- Closed request for adminship:
- Events
- Upcoming:
- The next Wikibase live session is 15:00 UTC on Thursday 28th April 2022 (17:00 Berlin time). What are you working on around Wikibase? You're welcome to come and share your project with the community.
- Cultural Venues Datathon: April 25 - May 2, 2022. The aim of this online editing event is to increase the quantity and quality of performing arts building/venue items.
- Daily guided editing sessions will be facilitated in English and in French between April 25 and April 29.
- Wikidata Coffee Breaks From April 25 - April 29, 2022 to fill in missing information on Swiss Performing Arts Institutions and venues.
- Faut-il un nouvel élément Wikidata pour décrire une « salle de spectacle » ?, supplementary Cultural Venues Datathon activity, April 26, 19:00-19:30 UTC.
- How to disentangle a Wikidata item describing both a building and an organization, supplementary Cultural Venues Datathon activity, April 27, 13:00-13:45 UTC.
- The full schedule of official and supplementary activities of the Cultural Venues Datathon is availabe in the Google Calendar.
- Third Pywikibot workshop on Friday, April 29th, 16:00 UTC. "This workshop will introduce participants to writing basic scripts via the Pywikibot framework."
- From May 4 to 18 there will be the International Museum Day - Wikidata competition. The aim is to improve data about museums in the countries and regions participating. Contributors from anywhere can take part.
- The Wikimedia Hackathon will take place online on May 20–22, 2022. If you’re interested in presenting something around Wikidata and Wikibase during the hackathon, don’t wait too long to book a slot: Wikimedia Hackathon 2022/Schedule#The Wikidata and Wikibase Room.
- Ongoing:
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #39, Agriculture
- Past:
- Wikidata/Wikibase office hour (2022-04-20)
- Upcoming:
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Tool of the week
- Wikitaxa is a software of taxonomy data written in R.
- User:So9q/fatcat-link.jsscrip is a userscript for looking up fatcat! DOIs. It adds a link to the fatcat! database in the Tools' section on items.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- WDQS update lag SLO has been lowered from update lag <10 min 99% of the time, to update lag <10 min 95% of the time.
- Wikidata now has over 9,900 Properties! (71.16% Identifiers)
- Job opening: Product Manager (PM) for Wikifunctions
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: amount of medals, exhibited creator, applies to work, featured track(s), raw material processed, debut date, OSM object, number of references, franchisor, government debt-to-GDP ratio, ionic radius
- External identifiers: DTB artistic gymnast ID, Basketball Bundesliga UUID, C-SPAN person numeric ID, IndexCat ID, lieferando restaurant ID, IPU chamber ID, ACNP library ID, HuijiWiki article ID, TV Maze season ID, Musik und Gender im Internet ID, MINEDEX project ID, FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus ID, Winterthur Glossar ID, 100 Years of Alaska's Legislature bio ID, Aldiwan poet ID, EIA plant ID, Uber Eats store ID, Aldiwan poem ID, Library of the Haskala person ID, Google Fonts ID, Personality Database work ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: CXSMILES, Databank Beschermheiligen anno 1959
- External identifiers: Reflora ID, North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox ID, RBMS Controlled Vocabulary ID, Biografiskt lexikon för Finland URN.FI, Galaxy Store app ID, Identifiant Les Recteurs d'Académie en France, Identifiant Les inspecteurs généraux de l'Instruction publique (1802-1914), NSR quay ID, NSR stopplace ID, Heiligen.net ID, PlantFiles taxon ID, Garden.org Plants Database ID, Woody Plants Database ID, Gun Violence Archive incident ID, WhoSampled television series ID, WhoSampled track ID
- Deleted properties:
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Lexicographical data: Worked on showing the name of language variants in the language variant selector and added the new information box to help people get a better understanding of lex. data.
- REST API: Finished the initial implementation of the endpoint for getting data for a full Item and discussed feedback, testing and roll-out plans.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
运动策略与治理团队谨代表选举委员会和理事会 --VChang (WMF)(留言) 2022年4月25日 (一) 17:37 (UTC)
New Video and Audio player will change in your wiki very soon
Next week we will change the software that lets you play audio and video files on your wiki from Kultura to Video.js. With this change, the old player won’t be accessible anymore. The replacement of the player has been active as a beta feature since May 2017.
The new player has many advantages, including a better design, consistent look with the rest of our interface, better compatibility with browsers, the ability to work on mobile which means our multimedia will be properly accessible on iPhone and Android, better accessibility, and many more.
The old player has been unmaintained for eight years now and was custom for MediaWiki (unlike the new player which is a widely used open source project) and uses old, slow, deprecated, and abandoned frameworks such as jQuery UI. Removing the old player’s code also improves performance of the wikis for anyone visiting any page (see this blog post). The old player has many open bugs that we will be able to close as invalid after this migration.
The new player will solve a lot of old and outstanding issues, but will also have its own bugs and missing features. All important known ones have been fixed, but there will be some small ones to tackle in the future, after the rollout.
What we are asking now is to turn on the beta feature for the new player and let us know about last-minute any issues.
You can track the work in T100106 and read more information about the new player on this page: mw:Extension:TimedMediaHandler/VideoJS_Player
Thank you, Amir Ladsgroup(留言) 2022年4月26日 (二) 00:08 (UTC)
运动策略与治理VChang (WMF)(留言) 2022年4月26日 (二) 09:06 (UTC)
Improving moderation tools on mobile web - share your opinions!
Sorry for writing this message in English - please feel free to help by translating it below.
The Moderator Tools team at the Wikimedia Foundation is working on improvements to the mobile web interface. In particular, we are exploring improvements to tools for content moderators, including patrollers and administrators.
If you edit from a mobile device, or would like to do so more, we want to hear from you so that we can prioritise work on the features which you need most!
Please share your opinions on our project page on MediaWiki. Samwalton9 (WMF)(留言) 2022年4月26日 (二) 10:25 (UTC)
New Wikipedia Library Collections Available Now - April 2022
Hello Wikimedians!

The Wikipedia Library has free access to new paywalled reliable sources. You can these and dozens more collections at https://wikipedialibrary.wmflabs.org/:
- Wiley – journals, books, and research resources, covering life, health, social, and physical sciences
- OECD – OECD iLibrary, Data, and Multimedia published by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- SPIE Digital Library – journals and eBooks on optics and photonics applied research
Many other sources are freely available for experienced editors, including collections which recently became accessible to all eligible editors: Cambridge University Press, BMJ, AAAS, Érudit and more.
Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: log in today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 2022年4月26日 (二) 13:16 (UTC)
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