




  • 威廉·布斯(William Booth),70岁,爱尔兰圣公会牧师,壁橱副书记(1991-2007)。[14]
  • 钟开莱,92岁,华裔美国数学家。[15]
  • 大卫·埃丁斯(David Eddings),77岁,美国奇幻作家。[16]
  • 约翰·恩斯廷(John Ernsting),81岁,英国空军副元帅,航空医学专家。[17]
  • FrancEyE,87岁,美国诗人,髋部骨折并发症。[18]
  • 特里·汉金斯(Terry Hankins),34岁,美国连环杀手,注射死刑。[19]
  • 阿尔弗雷德·克恩(Alfred Kern),85岁,美国小说家和学者。[20]
  • 托尼·马格斯(Tony Maggs),72岁,南非赛车手,癌症。[21]
  • Palghat R. Raghu,81岁,缅甸出生的印度音乐家,心脏骤停。[22]
  • Kidane-Mariam Teklehaimanot,75岁,衣索比亚罗马天主教主教,阿迪格拉特主教(1985-2001)。[23]
  • 保罗·威廉姆斯(Paul O. Williams),74岁,美国科幻作家,主动脉夹层。[24]
  • 杰弗里·宾厄姆(Geoffrey Bingham),90岁,澳大利亚福音派基督教作家。[25]
  • 大卫·布罗米奇(David Bromige),75岁,英国出生的加拿大诗人和学者,手推车奖获得者,糖尿病并发症。[26]
  • Sam Butera,81岁,美国萨克斯管演奏家,阿尔茨海默病。[27]
  • 詹姆斯·卡尔弗特(James F. Calvert),88岁,美国海军军官,美国海军学院第46任院长,心力衰竭。[28]
  • 大卫·卡拉迪恩,72岁,美国演员(《功夫》《杀死比尔》《箱车伯莎》)和电影导演,窒息式性爱[29]
  • 都琴峰,79岁,韩国女演员。[30]
  • Sam George,56岁,加拿大活动家,原住民权利活动家,在Ipperwash危机,胰腺癌和肺癌之后宣导Ipperwash调查。[31]
  • 汤玛斯·吉尔(Thomas Gill),87岁,美国政治家,美国夏威夷众议员(1963-1965),长期患病。[32]
  • 弗兰克·哈里森(Frank Harrison),69岁,美国政治家,宾夕法尼亚州联邦众议员(1983-1985),自然原因。[33]
  • Geir Høgsnes,58岁,挪威社会学家。[34]
  • Peter Landin,78岁,英国计算机科学家,前列腺癌。[35]
  • 杰克·罗斯(Jack Ross),110岁,澳大利亚超级百岁老人,最后一位幸存的澳大利亚第一次世界大战老兵。[36]
  • 石坚,96岁,香港演员(《龙争虎斗》)。[37]
  • Koko Taylor,80岁,美国蓝调音乐家,胃肠道手术并发症。[38]
  • 查理斯·阿诺德·贝克(Charles Arnold-Baker),90岁,英国历史学家。[64]
  • Jean Dausset,92岁,法国免疫学家,诺贝尔医学奖(1980年)。[65]
  • 玛丽·霍华德·德·利亚格雷(Mary Howard de Liagre),96岁,美国女演员(《伊利诺伊州的阿贝·林肯》《沼泽水》)。[66]
  • 吉姆·欧文斯(Jim Owens),82岁,美国大学橄榄球教练(华盛顿哈士奇队),高血压和心脏病并发症。[67]
  • Pio Sagapolutele,39岁,美属萨摩亚足球运动员(克利夫兰布朗队,新英格兰爱国者队),动脉瘤。[68]
  • 罗伊·博伊(Roy Boe),79岁,美国商人,新泽西篮网队(1969-1978),纽约岛民队(1972-1979)的老板,心力衰竭。[69]
  • 休·霍珀(Hugh Hopper),64岁,英国前卫摇滚贝斯手和作曲家(Soft Machine),白血病。[70]
  • 威利·基尔马诺克(Willie Kilmarnock),87岁,苏格兰足球运动员(马瑟韦尔)。[71]
  • 戈登·列侬(Gordon Lennon),26岁,北爱尔兰足球运动员(邓巴顿),车祸。[72]
  • 肯尼·兰金(Kenny Rankin),69岁,美国创作歌手,肺癌。[73]
  • 彼得·汤森(Peter Townsend),81岁,英国社会学家,肺炎。[74]
  • Vaea男爵,88岁,汤加政治家,总理(1991-2000),短暂生病后。[75]
  • Om Prakash Aditya,72岁,印度诗人,车祸。[76]
  • 奥玛律·邦戈,73岁,加蓬政治家,总统(1967-2009),心脏病发作。[77]
  • 弗兰克·达索(Frank Dasso),91岁,美国棒球运动员。[78]
  • Sheila Finestone,82岁,加拿大政治家,皇家山议员(1984-1999)和参议员(1999-2002),癌症。[79]
  • Aage Rou Jensen,84岁,丹麦足球运动员。[80]
  • 哈罗德·诺尔斯(Harold Norse),92岁,美国诗人。[81]
  • 约翰尼·巴勒莫(Johnny Palermo),27岁,美国演员(Just for Kicks,Everybody Hates Chris),车祸。[82]
  • 马特·辛普森(Matt Simpson),73岁,英国诗人和文学评论家。[83]
  • 哈比卜·坦维尔(Habib Tanvir),85岁,印度剧作家和戏剧导演,在短暂生病后。[84]
  • 巴里·贝克特(Barry Beckett),66岁,美国唱片制作人,会议音乐家,键盘手(Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section),自然原因。[99]
  • 安德鲁·温德尔·柏格(Andrew Wendell Bogue),90岁,美国联邦法官。[100]
  • John A. Eddy,78岁,美国天文学家,癌症。[101]
  • 坦尼尔·埃文斯(Tenniel Evans),83岁,英国演员。[102]
  • Xaver Frick,96岁,列支敦斯登奥运运动员和越野滑雪运动员。[103]
  • 阿扎·加兹吉里耶娃(Aza Gazgireyeva),54岁,俄罗斯法学家,印古什高级法官,被枪杀。[104]
  • 休伊·朗(Huey Long),105岁,美国歌手(The Ink Spots)。[105]
  • Nguyễn Khắc Ngư,100岁,越南罗马天主教主教,龙旭延主教(1960-1997)。[106]
  • 杰克·尼米兹(Jack Nimitz),79岁,美国爵士男中音萨克斯管演奏家,肺气肿并发症。[107]
  • 玛丽安·普尔-埃尔(Marian Pour-El),81岁,美国数理逻辑学家。[108]
  • 理查·奎克(Richard Quick),66岁,美国游泳和跳水教练,脑瘤。[109]
  • Stelios Skevofilakas,70岁,希腊足球运动员(AEK雅典),胃癌。[110]
  • Helle Virkner,83岁,丹麦女演员和第一夫人,癌症。[111]
  • Joji Banuve,68-69岁,斐济政治家,地方政府和环境部长,短暂生病后。[167]
  • 何塞·卡尔瓦里奥(José Calvário),58岁,葡萄牙大师和管弦乐队,心脏病发作并发症。[168]
  • 拉尔夫·达伦多夫(Ralf Dahrendorf),80岁,德国出生的英国社会学家和政治家,癌症。[169]
  • 亚历杭德罗·多里亚(Alejandro Doria),72岁,阿根廷电影导演,肺炎。[170]
  • 派翠克·道林(Patrick Dowling),89岁,英国电视制片人。[171]
  • Eon,55岁,英国音乐家,肺炎并发症。[173]
  • 何塞·伊格纳西奥·加西亚·汉密尔顿,65岁,阿根廷政治家和历史学家。[172]
  • 简·艾肯·霍奇(Jane Aiken Hodge),91岁,美国出生的英国作家,因吸毒过量自杀。[173]
  • 韦恩·霍维茨(Wayne L. Horvitz),88岁,美国劳工调解员,癌症。[174]
  • John Houghtaling,92岁,美国商人和发明家(Magic Fingers振动床),跌倒并发症。[175]
  • IZ the Wiz,50岁,美国涂鸦艺术家,心脏病发作。[176]
  • 达雷尔·鲍尔斯(Darrell Powers),86岁,美国士兵(Easy Company)。[177]
  • Dusty Rhodes,82岁,美国棒球运动员(纽约巨人队),糖尿病和肺气肿并发症。[178]
  • 阿里·赛义德,索马里公务员,警察局长(摩加迪休),被枪杀。[179]
  • 佩里·萨勒斯(Perry Salles),70岁,巴西演员(《曼陀罗》《灰姑娘》《克隆人》)和电影导演,肺癌。[180]
  • Shacky Tauro,49岁,辛巴威足球运动员,短暂生病后。[181]
  • Shacky Tauro, 49, Zimbabwean footballer, after short illness.[182]
  • Tony Wong,60岁,加拿大政治家。[183]
  • 戈登·雷(Gordon Wray),57岁,英国出生的加拿大政治家。[184]
  • 科林·比恩(Colin Bean),83岁,英国演员(《爸爸的军队》)。[207]
  • 阿尔多·加尔加尼(Aldo Gargani),76岁,义大利哲学家。[208]
  • 乔尔·海伦尼,52岁,美国长号手,[209]
  • 拉尔夫·赫希曼(Ralph F. Hirschmann),87岁,美国生物化学家(合成第一种酶),肾功能衰竭。[210]
  • Nazir Jairazbhoy,81岁,英国出生的美国民族音乐学家。[211]
  • Naci Kınacıoğlu,79-80岁,土耳其学者,法律学者,临时交通部长。[212]
  • 派翠克·孔巴伊(Patrick Kombayi),70岁,辛巴威政治家和商人,1990年枪击事件的并发症。[213]
  • 戈弗雷·兰普林,100岁,英国运动员,1936年奥运会接力冠军,北约指挥官,女演员夏洛特·兰普林的父亲。[214]
  • Kenneth L. Reusser,89岁,美国海军陆战队飞行员,第二次世界大战,朝鲜战争和越南战争的功勋老兵。[215]
  • Anthony Yeo,60岁,新加坡谘询师,伯基特淋巴瘤。[216]
  • 小瑟曼·亚当斯(Thurman Adams Jr.),80岁,美国政治家,自1972年起担任特拉华州参议院议员,胰腺癌。[236]
  • Raymond Berthiaume,78岁,加拿大爵士音乐家、歌手和唱片制作人,癌症患者。[237]
  • 菲利斯·布桑斯基(Phyllis Busansky),72岁,美国政治家,县专员和选举监督员(佛罗里达州希尔斯伯勒县)。[238]
  • 约翰·卡拉威(John Callaway),72岁,美国记者(《芝加哥今晚报》),心脏病发作。[239]
  • 哈罗德·卡斯滕斯(Harold H. Carstens),84岁,美国杂志出版商。[240]
  • Gegham Ghandilyan,35岁,亚美尼亚演员,车祸。[241]
  • 伊斯梅特·居尼(İsmet Güney),85岁,塞普勒斯艺术家和漫画家,设计塞普勒斯共和国国旗,癌症。[242]
  • Hanne Hiob,86岁,德国女演员,诗人和剧作家贝托尔特·布莱希特的女儿。[243]
  • 约翰尼·约瑟夫(Johny Joseph),45岁,海地新闻主持人(海地国家电视台),癌症。[244]
  • 汤玛斯·金(Thomas M. King),80岁,美国罗马天主教神父和神学家,皮埃尔·泰尔哈德·德·夏尔丹(Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)心脏病专家。[245]
  • 埃德·麦克马洪(Ed McMahon),86岁,美国电视节目主持人(Star Search)和播音员(《今夜秀》)。[246]
  • Aram Miskaryan,36岁,亚美尼亚演员,车祸。[241]
  • 杰里·尼尔森(Jerri Nielsen),57岁,美国医生,1999年在南极洲治疗乳腺癌。[247]
  • 罗宾·普拉克特(Robin Plackett),88岁,英国统计学家。[248]
  • 杰基·斯温德尔斯(Jackie Swindells),72岁,英国足球运动员。[249]
  • Irv Homer,85岁,美国脱口秀主持人,心脏病发作。[250]
  • Olja Ivanjicki,78岁,塞尔维亚画家。[251]
  • 蒂姆·克雷克尔(Tim Krekel),58岁,美国吉他手和词曲作者,癌症。[252]
  • Robèrt Lafont,87岁,法国学者。[253]
  • 罗密欧·勒布朗,81岁,加拿大政治家(1973-1994),总督(1995-1999),阿尔茨海默病。[254]
  • 罗伯特·潘普林(Robert B. Pamplin),97岁,美国高管,乔治亚太平洋公司总裁(1957-1976)。[255]
  • 埃德·汤玛斯(Ed Thomas),58岁,美式橄榄球教练,NFL年度最佳高中橄榄球教练(2005年),投篮。[256]
  • 史蒂文·威尔斯(Steven Wells),49岁,英国记者和作家,癌症。[257]
  • 拉蒙·阿尔卡拉斯(Ramon Alcaraz),93岁,菲律宾二战老兵,银星奖获得者。[258]
  • 唐·科尔德史密斯(Don Coldsmith),83岁,美国西部作家,中风。[259]
  • 尼拉·德赛(Neera Desai),84岁,印度院士、政治活动家和妇女研究先驱。[260]
  • 乔治·欧内斯特(George Ernest),87岁,美国电影演员。[261]
  • 花拉·科茜(Farrah Fawcett),62岁,美国女演员(《查理的天使》(Charlie's Angels)、《炮弹逃亡》(The Cannonball Run)、《T博士与女人》(Dr. T & the Women),肛门癌。[262]
  • 莫顿·戈特利布(Morton Gottlieb),88岁,美国百老汇戏剧制作人,托尼奖得主(1971年),自然原因。[263]
  • 詹姆斯·贝克·霍尔(James Baker Hall),74岁,美国诗人和学者,肯塔基州桂冠诗人(2001-2003),自然原因。[264]
  • 迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson),50岁,美国歌手(“Thriller”,“Billie Jean”,“Smooth Criminal”)和舞者,九次格莱美奖得主,急性异丙酚中毒。[265]
  • 克利夫顿·詹森,67岁,美国法学家,北卡罗来纳州高等法院(1978-1982)和上诉法院(1982-1996)。[266]
  • 杰克·詹森(Jack Johnson),78岁,加拿大政治家。[267]
  • 布莱恩·钟斯(Brian Jones),70岁,英国诗人。[268]
  • 西尔维亚·莱文(Sylvia Levin),91岁,美国公民和选民登记活动家,登记了47,000名新选民,中风。[269]
  • 希夫·查兰·马图尔,83岁,印度政治家,自2008年起担任阿萨姆邦州长,拉贾斯坦邦首席部长(1988-1989),心脏骤停。[270]
  • Mian Tufail Mohammad,95岁,巴基斯坦政治家,脑溢血。[271]
  • 贝拉·穆克吉(Bela Mukherjee),89岁,印度歌手,歌手兼作曲家赫曼塔·穆克吉(Hemanta Mukherjee)的遗孀,自然原因。[272]
  • 保罗·诺兰(Paul V. Nolan),85岁,美国医生和政治家,肝癌。[273]
  • 卡利姆·奥玛律(Kaleem Omar),72岁,巴基斯坦诗人和记者,心力衰竭。[274]
  • Sky Saxon,71岁,美国摇滚音乐家(The Seeds),心力衰竭。[275]
  • 休·斯凯夫(Hugh Scaife),79岁,英国布景师(《象人》、《爱我的间谍》、《印度之旅》)。[276]
  • Zinaida Stahurskaya,38岁,白俄罗斯自行车手,训练碰撞(车祸)。[277]
  • Al Siebert,75岁,美国作家和教育家,结肠癌。[278]
  • 阿尼尔·威尔逊(Anil Wilson),62岁,印度教育家,德里圣斯蒂芬学院校长(1991-2007),胰腺癌。[279]
  • Yasmine,37岁,比利时歌手和电视节目主持人,上吊自杀。[280]
  • 戴夫·巴特斯(Dave Batters),39岁,加拿大政治家,帕利斯议员(2004-2008),自杀。[303]
  • 乔·鲍曼(Joe Bowman),84岁,美国制鞋师和神枪手,心脏病发作。[304]
  • 穆罕默德·霍库奇(Mohammad Hoqouqi),72岁,伊朗诗人,肝硬化。
  • Pauline Picard,62岁,加拿大政治家,德拉蒙德议员(1993-2008),肺癌。[305]
  • Jan Rubeš,89岁,捷克出生的加拿大演员(《目击者》《雪落在雪松上》《D2:The Mighty Ducks》)和歌剧歌手,中风。[306]
  • 桑德拉·沃菲尔德(Sandra Warfield),88岁,美国歌剧女中音,中风并发症。[307]


  1. ^ Revkin, Andrew C. Thomas Berry, Writer and Lecturer with a Mission for Mankind, Dies at 94. The New York Times. June 3, 2009. 
  2. ^ Former Indy driver Bob Christie dies at 85. USA Today. 
  3. ^ Ken Clark (I) (1927–2009)
  4. ^ Ernest May, International Relations Expert, Dies at 80. The New York Times. 7 June 2009. 
  5. ^ Ex-trainer Vincent O'Brien dies. BBC News. June 2009. 
  6. ^ Belarusian Philosopher, Writer and Civil Activist Alexander Potupa Dies at 64
  7. ^ Jerry Rosenberg, Jailhouse Lawyer, Dies at 72. The New York Times. 2 June 2009. 
  8. ^ Actress Parvin Soleimani dies at 87. TehranTimes.com. 2 June 2009. 
  9. ^ Dirk du Toit dies
  10. ^ Silvio Barbato. The Daily Telegraph. June 5, 2009. 
  11. ^ TRENTO10 anni fa la tragedia dell'Air France che costò la vita a Giovanni Battista Lenzi 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期8 June 2019., 29 March 2022
  12. ^ Harpist who was IU grad one of Air France crash victims
  13. ^ Descendant of Brazil's last emperor died on flight. Taiwan News Online. [July 3, 2009]. (原始内容存档于June 11, 2009). 
  14. ^ Prebendary Willie Booth. The Daily Telegraph. (原始内容存档于2022-05-17). 
  15. ^ Kai Lai Chung: 1917–2009
  16. ^ Fantasy author Eddings dies at 77. BBC News. June 5, 2009. 
  17. ^ Air Vice-Marshal Professor John Ernsting. The Daily Telegraph. 
  18. ^ Noland, Claire. FrancEyE dies at 87; prolific Santa Monica poet. Los Angeles Times. June 21, 2009. 
  19. ^ Texas Man Who Killed 5 Relatives Executed. KXAS-TV. 2 June 2009. 
  20. ^ Obituary: Alfred Kern. Legacy.com. 
  21. ^ Tony Maggs 1937-2009. Grandprix.com. June 4, 2009. (原始内容存档于2016-04-02). 
  22. ^ Mridangam maestro Palghat Raghu dead. The Hindu. 2009-06-03. (原始内容存档于2009-06-06). 
  23. ^ Cheney, David M. Bishop Kidane-Mariam Teklehaimanot. Catholic-Hierarchy. 
  24. ^ Paul O. Williams (1935-2009). [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-29). 
  25. ^ His ministry was wider than one church: Geoffrey Bingham, 1919-2009
  26. ^ David Bromige's Obituary in Press Democrat. legacy.com. 
  27. ^ Bernstein, Adam. Sam Butera dies at 81; 1950s-'60s tenor saxophonist. Los Angeles Times. June 5, 2009. 
  28. ^ James F. Calvert, 88, Sub Captain Who Surfaced at North Pole, Dies. The New York Times. 16 June 2009. 
  29. ^ Hollywood star David Carradine died in sex act, Thai police say. The Daily Telegraph. June 5, 2009. 
  30. ^ Veteran Actress Do Passes Away. The Korea Times. 7 June 2009. 
  31. ^ Sam George, 56, pushed Ipperwash Inquiry. Toronto Star. June 3, 2009. 
  32. ^ Tom Gill, longtime Hawaii politician, dies at 87
  33. ^ Ex-congressman mourned. [2009-06-04]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-06). 
  34. ^ Kjent professor død (挪威语). 
  35. ^ Bornat, Richard. Peter Landin obituary. The Guardian. 22 September 2009. 
  36. ^ Last remaining Digger: Australia's oldest man Jack Ross dies aged 110. The Age. June 3, 2009. 
  37. ^ Martial arts actor Shek Kin dead at 96
  38. ^ Koko Taylor, Legendary Blues Singer, Dies At 80
  39. ^ Obasanjo's Wife, Major Moji, Dies. [2010-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-09). 
  40. ^ Умер Лев Броварский (俄语). 
  41. ^ Robert Colescott: 1925-2009. The Oregonian. June 5, 2009. 
  42. ^ Actor Edward 'Ward' Costello dies. Variety. 16 June 2009. 
  43. ^ Philip Curtin, 87, Scholar of Slave Trade, Is Dead. The New York Times. 16 June 2009. 
  44. ^ Cheney, David M. Bishop Luc Alfons De Hovre. Catholic-Hierarchy. 
  45. ^ Longtime labor leader John Henning dies
  46. ^ Film Obituaries: Dorothy Layton
  47. ^ Tovey, Josephine. Tumour claims cancer specialist. The Sydney Morning Herald. June 4, 2009. 
  48. ^ Randy Smith, former Brave, dies at 60
  49. ^ Bernard Barker dies at 92; Watergate burglar was a CIA operative. Los Angeles Times. June 6, 2009. 
  50. ^ Peter L. Bernstein, Explainer of Stock Risks, Dies. The New York Times. June 8, 2009. 
  51. ^ Alan Berkman, 63, Activist Doctor, Dies. The New York Times. 15 June 2009. 
  52. ^ Fleur Cowles, 101, Is Dead; Friend of the Elite and the Editor of a Magazine for Them. The New York Times. 8 June 2009. 
  53. ^ Gunmen kill Guinea-Bissau presidential candidate. Reuters. June 5, 2009. 
  54. ^ St. Paul songwriter Jeff Hanson, 31, found dead. Star Tribune. [July 3, 2009]. (原始内容存档于June 11, 2009). 
  55. ^ Oliver-Hudson, Ola J.. The Los Angeles Times. 2009-06-14: 94 [2018-02-08] –通过Newspapers.com. 
  56. ^ Dick Jacobs, Former Indians Owner, Dies. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-08). 
  57. ^ News anchor Luo Jing dies at 48. Danwei.org. (原始内容存档于2009-06-12). 
  58. ^ Russian regional minister dies in gun attack. Reuters. June 5, 2009. 
  59. ^ Rajeev Motwani, noted Stanford professor and Google founders' adviser, dead at 45
  60. ^ Борис Покровский: Народный артист СССР. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-01-04) (俄语). 
  61. ^ Guinea-Bissau poll candidate killed. Al Jazeera. 
  62. ^ Oldest Wales and Lions player Haydn Tanner dies aged 92. The Daily Telegraph. (原始内容存档于2022-01-18). 
  63. ^ George Edward Wahlen. Salt Lake Tribune. 
  64. ^ Charles Arnold-Baker. The Guardian. July 15, 2009. 
  65. ^ Décés du Prix Nobel de Médecine, Jean Dausset. Le Monde. 6 June 2009 (法语). 
  66. ^ Actress Mary Howard de Liagre dies. Variety. 9 June 2009. 
  67. ^ Jim Owens, coaching legend of UW football, dies at 82. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-11). 
  68. ^ Sagapolutele, Pats Super Bowl team starter, dead. [July 3, 2009]. (原始内容存档于June 11, 2009). 
  69. ^ Roy Boe, Who Owned Islanders and Nets but Sold Dr. J, Dies at 79. The New York Times. 9 June 2009. 
  70. ^ Soft Machine icon Hugh Hopper dies. 11 June 2009. (原始内容存档于11 June 2009). 
  71. ^ Willie Kilmarnock: Footballer and publican
  72. ^ Football captain killed in crash. BBC News. June 8, 2009. 
  73. ^ Thurber, Jon. Kenny Rankin dies at 69; singer-songwriter's long career almost defied categorization. Los Angeles Times. June 9, 2009. 
  74. ^ Professor Peter Townsend, 1928-2009. University of Bristol. 
  75. ^ Former Tongan PM dies, aged 88. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 8 June 2009. 
  76. ^ Hindi poet Om Prakash Aditya killed in accident
  77. ^ Gabon's Omar Bongo confirmed dead. BBC News. June 8, 2009. 
  78. ^ Frank Dasso Obituary
  79. ^ Finestone Remembered as Fighter for Betterment of Society. Canadian Jewish News. June 18, 2009. 
  80. ^ Agf-Legende er Gået Bort. [2009-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-16) (丹麦语). 
  81. ^ Beat poet Harold Norse dies at 92. San Francisco Chronicle. June 14, 2009. 
  82. ^ Actor Johnny Palermo dies in car accident. Reuters. 11 June 2017. 
  83. ^ Lucas, John. Matt Simpson. The Guardian. 29 June 2009. 
  84. ^ Noted playwright Habib Tanvir passes away. Sify.com. [March 6, 2021]. (原始内容存档于June 15, 2009). 
  85. ^ Aneurysms can strike almost anyone, at any time. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-15). 
  86. ^ Norman Brinker 1931-2009
  87. ^ League mourns Cyril Connell
  88. ^ Edward Hanrahan, Prosecutor Tied to '69 Panthers Raid, Dies at 88. The New York Times. 12 June 2009. 
  89. ^ Levy, Paul. Jean Hugel. The Guardian. 14 June 2009. 
  90. ^ Bill Lillard Stats
  91. ^ Jack Napier Littrell
  92. ^ Dick May. Legends of Nascar. 
  93. ^ John F. Mitchell, 1928-2009: Was president of Motorola from 1980 to '95. Chicago Tribune. 
  94. ^ Renown Bulgarian Historian, Writer Vera Mutafchieva Dies at 80
  95. ^ Actor with local connection reportedly took his own life. Star-Banner. 
  96. ^ Dave Simons, R.I.P.
  97. ^ En trist melding
  98. ^ Schauspieler Karl-Michael Vogler gestorben. RP Online. June 9, 2009 (德语). 
  99. ^ Legendary Record Producer Barry Beckett Dies. Country Music Television. (原始内容存档于2009-06-15). 
  100. ^ U.S. Senior District Judge Andrew Bogue dies. Rapid City Journal. 
  101. ^ Obituaries: John Eddy
  102. ^ Purser, Philip. Tenniel Evans. The Guardian. 11 June 2009. 
  103. ^ Xaver Frick, the first president of the Liechtenstein Athletics Federation, passed away on Thursday at the age of 96. [2009-07-11]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-16). 
  104. ^ Judge killed in Ingushetia, Russia, while taking children to school. 
  105. ^ Guitar legend Huey Long dies at 105. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-15). 
  106. ^ AsiaNews.it. Msgr. Michael Nguyen Khac Ngu, the oldest Vietnamese bishop, dies. 
  107. ^ Jack Nimitz Baritone Sax Player Dies. All About Jazz. (原始内容存档于2012-07-24). 
  108. ^ Deaths of AMS Members (PDF). Notices of the American Mathematical Society. February 2010, 57 (2): 269. 
  109. ^ Richard Quick Passes Away. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-19). 
  110. ^ Κουμουρτζής: "Μαχητής ο Σκευοφύλακας" (希腊语). 
  111. ^ Obit: Helle Virkner. June 10, 2009. 
  112. ^ Viacheslav Aliabiev has left this world. FC Shakhtar. (原始内容存档于2009-06-15). 
  113. ^ Sidney W. Bijou, Child Psychologist, Is Dead at 100. The New York Times. 22 July 2009. 
  114. ^ Poseł PiS Marian Goliński zginął w wypadku samochodowym. [July 3, 2009]. (原始内容存档于June 14, 2009) (波兰语). 
  115. ^ Former Cleveland Indians shortstop Woodie Held dies at age 77. The Plain Dealer. June 12, 2009. 
  116. ^ Jakob Kjersem, Tresfjord er død, 83 år gamal. 15 June 2009. (原始内容存档于15 June 2009) (挪威语). 
  117. ^ An Astronomy Pioneer Dies. Daily Kos. 
  118. ^ Schauspielerin Christel Peters ist tot. Tagesschau. (原始内容存档于2009-06-15) (德语). 
  119. ^ Former Michigan Congressman Carl Pursell dies at 76
  120. ^ Mozambique: Country's Top Photo-Journalist Dies. AllAfrica. 12 June 2009. 
  121. ^ Koakuma Ageha model Sumire dead at 21. JapanToday.com. 
  122. ^ Hennessy-Fiske, Molly. Roger 'Bill' Terry dies at 87; member of WWII Tuskegee Airmen. Los Angeles Times. June 14, 2009. 
  123. ^ Peter Wheeler 1944–2009. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-18). 
  124. ^ Nepal's first woman deputy Prime Minister Acharya passes away
  125. ^ Annesley Dias. Internet Movie Database. 
  126. ^ The Honorable Robinson O. Everett, 81. Duke University School of Law. 
  127. ^ Template:Cite Tas Parliament
  128. ^ Glenny, Misha. Peter Gowan. The Guardian. 16 June 2009. 
  129. ^ synthhead. The Orb's Andy Hughes Dead At 43. Synthtopia.com. 24 June 2009. 
  130. ^ ONZ Biographical Notes, Deceased Members: Dr Ivan Lichter, ONZ. (原始内容存档于2009-06-29). 
  131. ^ Chadians pay last respect to late ex-president Malloum. Panapress.com. (原始内容存档于2015-04-02). 
  132. ^ 1907–2009 Rosa Markmann: Ex primera dama de Chile. Enmemoria.com. (原始内容存档于2009-06-25) (西班牙语). 
  133. ^ Another Killing in Region Bordering Chechnya. The New York Times. 14 June 2009. 
  134. ^ The Dead Rock Stars Club :2009 January to June
  135. ^ Shiotani, Masoto. Misawa's cause of death "separation of cervical spinal cord", dead body to Tokyo. Nikkan Sports. June 15, 2009 [12 December 2019] (日语). 
  136. ^ Hobsbawm, Eric. John Saville. The Guardian. 15 June 2009. 
  137. ^ Cheney, David M. Archbishop Khalil Abi-Nader. Catholic-Hierarchy. 
  138. ^ The Ventures guitarist Bob Bogle dies at 75. Reuters. 17 June 2017. 
  139. ^ Angela Coughlan. The Hamilton Spectator. December 28, 2009. 
  140. ^ È morto Ivan Della Mea, addio al cantautore della classe operaia. Corriere della Sera (意大利语). 
  141. ^ 画监督の长谷部安春さん死去 (日语)
  142. ^ Dorothy Kozak
  143. ^ Makin, Kirk. William McIntyre was wrongly labelled an arch-conservative. The Globe and Mail. June 16, 2009. 
  144. ^ Décès de Moumouni Djermakoye (法语)
  145. ^ Panzariu, Ovidiu. NASCAR Driver Carlos Pardo Dies In Tragic Race Crash!. AutoEvolution. 2009-06-16 [2017-12-19]. 
  146. ^ Sullivan, Patricia. Obituary: Edith 'Jackie' Ronne, First U.S. Woman on Antarctica. The Washington Post. 18 June 2009. 
  147. ^ Woo, Elaine. Frederick E. Sontag dies at 84; Pomona College philosophy professor. Los Angeles Times. June 20, 2009. 
  148. ^ Bayelsa star killed after title win. BBC News. June 15, 2009. 
  149. ^ Hal Woodeshick, All-Star Reliever in Era Before Closers, Is Dead at 76
  150. ^ Son of defeated Iran candidate ally killed: Website. Reuters. July 25, 2009. 
  151. ^ Former USC, NFL player George Belotti dies at 74. [2009-07-15]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-09). 
  152. ^ Antonio Bianco. The Daily Telegraph. 
  153. ^ Walton, Don. Former Lincoln mayor Boosalis dies. Lincoln Journal Star. 
  154. ^ Osuh, Chris. Tributes pour in for hero detective. Manchester Evening News. 24 June 2009 [October 5, 2012]. (原始内容存档于November 12, 2012). 
  155. ^ Documentary filmmaker Allan King dead at 79. June 15, 2009. 
  156. ^ Ham, Larissa. Fourth member of Moran clan shot dead. The Sydney Morning Herald. June 15, 2009. 
  157. ^ John Anthony Bio, Stats, and Results. (原始内容存档于2020-04-18). 
  158. ^ Notice of Death – Peter Arundell. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-07-02). 
  159. ^ Décès de Mgr Emmanuel Constant. Radio Kiskeya (法语). 
  160. ^ Paul Fino, Politician Who Battled Lindsay, Dies at 95. The New York Times. 19 June 2009. 
  161. ^ Remembering Celia Fremlin. Gregory & Company. [September 3, 2009]. (原始内容存档于February 18, 2010). 
  162. ^ D. Mark Hegsted, 95, Harvard Nutritionist, Is Dead. The New York Times. 9 July 2009. 
  163. ^ Anderman, Joan. Charlie Mariano, saxophonist, musical sojourner. Boston Globe. 17 June 2009. 
  164. ^ Tina Marsh. Austin American-Statesman. 
  165. ^ Another New York Memory. Artnet. 
  166. ^ Professor Sheila Rodwell. The Daily Telegraph. (原始内容存档于2023-04-07). 
  167. ^ Joji Banuve[永久失效链接]
  168. ^ José Calvário (1972, 1974, 1988 composer) dies aged 58. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2010-02-09). 
  169. ^ Lord Dahrendorf. The Daily Telegraph. 
  170. ^ Movie director Alejandro Doria died. [2011-04-24]. (原始内容存档于2011-12-28). 
  171. ^ Death of Patrick Dowling. TonyHart.co.uk. 
  172. ^ Eon R.I.P.. The Daily Swarm. (原始内容存档于2009-10-03). 
  173. ^ Deputy García Hamilton dies. Buenos Aires Herald. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03). 
  174. ^ Jane Aiken Hodge: prolific author of romance and suspense novels. The Times. (原始内容存档于2010-05-24). 
  175. ^ Wayne L. Horvitz, 88, Labor Mediator, Dies. The New York Times. 22 June 2009. 
  176. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. John Houghtaling dies at 92; inventor of vibrating Magic Fingers bed. Los Angeles Times. June 20, 2009. 
  177. ^ Iz the Wiz. The Daily Telegraph. 
  178. ^ Veteran a part of 'Band of Brothers'. [2009-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2012-09-29). 
  179. ^ Dusty Rhodes, hero for Giants of 1954 World Series vs. Indians, dies. New York Daily News. 
  180. ^ Battle kills Somali police chief. BBC News. June 17, 2009. 
  181. ^ Morre o ator Perry Salles, ex-marido de Vera Fischer. O Estado de S. Paulo (葡萄牙语). 
  182. ^ Football legend Shacky Tauro dies
  183. ^ Markham regional councillor Tony Wong dies. YorkRegion.com. (原始内容存档于2009-06-23). 
  184. ^ Gordon Wray: Politician and businessman
  185. ^ Somalia minister killed by bomb. BBC News. June 18, 2009. 
  186. ^ E' Morto Giovanni Arrighi. Un Lutto Per Il Pensiero Critico Anticapitalista. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-16) (意大利语). 
  187. ^ A los 94 años murió viuda de Salvador Allende. El Mercurio. 18 June 2009 (西班牙语). 
  188. ^ Victor Cosson, l'homme à la moto. [2009-11-23]. (原始内容存档于2010-01-04) (法语). 
  189. ^ The Hon. Terence Allan Griffiths. Former Members of the Parliament of New South Wales. [11 May 2019]. 
  190. ^ Blom-Cooper, Louis. Sir Henry Hodge. The Guardian. 21 June 2009. 
  191. ^ Thomason, Robert E. Sarod Virtuoso Ali Akbar Khan Dies at 87. The Washington Post. 20 June 2009. 
  192. ^ Restos mortales de Andrade llegarán el miércoles a Lima desde EE.UU.. El Comercio. June 20, 2009 (西班牙语). 
  193. ^ Aurigny founder's death announced. BBC News. June 21, 2009. 
  194. ^ Alaska's first elected lieutenant governor H.A. "Red" Boucher dies at 88. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-22). 
  195. ^ Father figure of 'Pacific Studies' passes away. Fiji Times. [July 3, 2009]. (原始内容存档于July 11, 2011). 
  196. ^ Briefly: Vicente Ferrer. The Independent. 22 June 2009. 
  197. ^ Shelly Gross, Producer for Broadway and Suburbs, Dies at 88. The New York Times. 25 June 2009. 
  198. ^ Trauer um Jörg Hube. FOCUS Online (德语). 
  199. ^ Schudel, Matt. Arthur W. Lehman, 91, Retired Sergeant Played Euphonium With the Marine Band. The Washington Post. 28 June 2009. 
  200. ^ Peter Newbrook. The Daily Telegraph. 
  201. ^ Remembering Gary Papa. 6ABC Action News. [November 24, 2019]. (原始内容存档于June 26, 2013). 
  202. ^ Shapiro, T. Rees. Ken Roberts, 99; Golden-Throated Announcer Introduced Soap Operas. The Washington Post. 28 June 2009. 
  203. ^ Former State Senator Herschel Rosenthal Dies in Sacramento. [July 3, 2009]. (原始内容存档于June 8, 2011). 
  204. ^ State Sen. Robert Schuler dies at 66
  205. ^ Vale Stan Sismey, wicketkeeper to the best
  206. ^ Report: world's oldest man dies at 113 in Japan. Xinhua News Agency. (原始内容存档于2009-06-22). 
  207. ^ Obituary: Colin Bean. The Guardian. August 24, 2009. 
  208. ^ gadilu. Addio a Aldo Gargani. Sentierinterrotti.wordpress.com. 20 June 2009. 
  209. ^ Mourning Joel Helleny (1956-2009). Jazzlives.wordpress.com. 22 June 2009. 
  210. ^ Ralph F. Hirschmann, Leading Scientist on Early Enzyme Research, Dies at 87. The New York Times. 19 July 2009. 
  211. ^ Passings: Nazir Ali Jairazbhoy. Los Angeles Times. June 28, 2009. 
  212. ^ Prof. Dr. Naci Kınacıoğlu hayatını kaybetti. CNNTurk.com (土耳其语). 
  213. ^ Former Gweru Mayor Kombayi dies. The Zimbabwe Times. 2009-06-21 [2017-12-19]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-28). 
  214. ^ Oldest UK Olympian dies aged 100. BBC News. June 28, 2009. 
  215. ^ Marine Corps pilot, decorated for heroic efforts in 3 wars, dies in Oregon at 89. Stripes.com. 
  216. ^ A 'lion' in counselling
  217. ^ Fallece la actriz Gilda Galán. Primera Hora. June 22, 2009 (西班牙语). 
  218. ^ Vancouver actor Lorena Gale dies of cancer. The Georgia Straight. June 26, 2009. 
  219. ^ Falece bispo emérito de Bom Jesus da Lapa. Cancaonova.com (葡萄牙语). 
  220. ^ Professor Errol Harris: philosopher. The Times. (原始内容存档于2010-05-23). 
  221. ^ Former Deemster Arthur Luft dies
  222. ^ Top stallion Agnes Tachyon dies. [2015-02-01]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-07). 
  223. ^ Betty Allen, Opera Singer and Educator, Dies at 82
  224. ^ Bert Bank dies at 94. Tuscaloosa News. 
  225. ^ Template:Cite Tas Parliament
  226. ^ Remington, Alexander F. Alec Gallup dies at 81; former chairman of polling organization. Los Angeles Times. June 30, 2009. 
  227. ^ Obituary: June, Marchioness of Aberdeen and Temair
  228. ^ Maj-Len Grönholm on kuollut. Ilta-Sanomat. (原始内容存档于2009-09-01) (芬兰语). 
  229. ^ Moisei Itkis Bio, Stats, and Results. (原始内容存档于2020-04-18). 
  230. ^ Billy Red Lyons dies. (原始内容存档于August 25, 2015). 
  231. ^ Jazz trumpeter Eddie Preston dies in Florida
  232. ^ Steve Race. The Daily Telegraph. 
  233. ^ Legendary iron worker Philip Simmons passes away (updated). TheDigitel.com. (原始内容存档于2009-06-28). 
  234. ^ Van Miert, former Commissioner, dies. Euronews.net. 23 June 2009 [July 3, 2009]. (原始内容存档于June 27, 2009). 
  235. ^ Dr. Sam Williams Dead at 88. Flyingmag.com. [July 3, 2009]. (原始内容存档于January 2, 2020). 
  236. ^ Senate leader Thurman Adams dies at 80
  237. ^ Adieu Raymond Berthiaume. ICI Radio-Canada.ca (法语). 
  238. ^ Phyllis Busansky found dead in St. Augustine. [July 3, 2009]. (原始内容存档于July 1, 2009). 
  239. ^ Legendary Journalist John Callaway Dies. WBEZ. June 24, 2009. 
  240. ^ Hal Carstens passes away at home, age 84. Model Railroad Hobbyist. 
  241. ^ 241.0 241.1 Highway Tragedy Claims Popular Actors: Armenia's "Gokor" and "Garik" killed in late night crash. ArmeniaNow. (原始内容存档于2009-07-28). 
  242. ^ Απεβίωσε ο Τουρκοκύπριος σχεδιαστής της κυπριακής σημαίας. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-27) (希腊语). 
  243. ^ Hanne Hiob: Actress and daughter of Bertolt Brecht. The Times. (原始内容存档于2010-05-23). 
  244. ^ Décès de Johny Joseph, ancien présentateur de la TNH. HaitiPressNetwork.com. (原始内容存档于2009-07-01) (法语). 
  245. ^ Davis, Rebekah. Rev. Thomas King; blessed set, crews of 'The Exorcist'. Boston.com. June 29, 2009. 
  246. ^ Leopold, Todd. Ed McMahon dies at 86. CNN. 
  247. ^ Doctor rescued from Antarctica in 1999 dies at 57. CNN. 
  248. ^ Robert Lewis Plackett, 1920-2009
  249. ^ Laidlar, John. Altrincham FC Home Page. AltrinchamFC.co.uk. 
  250. ^ Talk Radio Personality Irv Homer Dies At 85. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-28). 
  251. ^ Serbia's best-known painter, Olja Ivanjicki, dies. TopNews. 
  252. ^ Songwriter Tim Krekel dies at 58. Reuters. 25 June 2017. 
  253. ^ Robert Lafont, lo grand davancièr (法语). 
  254. ^ Roméo LeBlanc, former governor general, dies at 81
  255. ^ Pamplin Sr., former Georgia-Pacific chairman, dies at 97. The Oregonian. June 25, 2009. 
  256. ^ Community reels at loss of Thomas; former player in custody. The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier. 
  257. ^ Quantick, David. Steven Wells. The Guardian. 28 June 2009. 
  258. ^ RIP Commodore Alcaraz. Philippine Defense Forces Forum. May 6, 2012 [July 3, 2019]. (原始内容存档于February 16, 2016). 
  259. ^ Western author Don Coldsmith dead at 83
  260. ^ Neera Desai (1925-2009): Pioneer of Women's Studies in India. Economic and Political Weekly. 5 June 2015, 50 (23). 
  261. ^ George Ernest - Biography, Movie Highlights and Photos. Allmovie.com. 
  262. ^ Farrah Fawcett, sex symbol and actress, dies. CNN. 
  263. ^ Morton Gottlieb, a Broadway Producer, Dies at 88. The New York Times. 27 June 2009. 
  264. ^ Obituary: James Baker Hall
  265. ^ Duke, Alan. Michael Jackson's death was a homicide, coroner rules. CNN. 
  266. ^ Retired judge Clifton Johnson dies at age 67. The Charlotte Post. 
  267. ^ Jack Johnson. ObitTree. [2 July 2019]. 
  268. ^ McLoughlin, Paul. Brian Jones. The Guardian. 23 August 2009. 
  269. ^ Pool, Bob. Sylvia Levin dies at 91; she registered more than 47,000 to vote. Los Angeles Times. June 28, 2009. 
  270. ^ Assam Governor Shiv Charan Mathur passes away. NetIndian. 
  271. ^ Former JI Amir Mian Tufail passes away. (原始内容存档于2009-06-28). 
  272. ^ Singer passes away. The Times of India. 
  273. ^ Obituaries - Nolan, Paul V.. The Chattanoogan. June 27, 2009 [July 3, 2019]. 
  274. ^ Journalist, poet Kaleem Omar dead. [2009-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-27). 
  275. ^ Sky Saxon, 71, leader of the Seeds. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-07-02). 
  276. ^ Hugh Scaife. Internet Movie Database. 
  277. ^ Zinaida Stagurskaya Bio, Stats, and Results. (原始内容存档于2020-04-18). 
  278. ^ Obituaries: Siebert, Lawrence Albert (PDF). The Oregonian. July 5, 2009. 
  279. ^ Death of Dr. Anil Wilson condoled. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-21). 
  280. ^ Flemish TV personality Yasmine takes her own life. [2009-07-01]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-23). 
  281. ^ Mizrachi Music Pioneer Jo Amar Passes Away. Arutz Sheva. 
  282. ^ Bernard Ganley: Record-breaking rugby league player for Oldham and Great Britain. The Independent. 11 July 2009. 
  283. ^ Journalist, B'Tselem founder Amnon Kapeliouk dies aged 78
  284. ^ Bates, David. Frank Barlow. The Guardian. 23 July 2009. 
  285. ^ Spanish Poet Victoriano Cremer Dies at 102. Latin American Herald Tribune. [July 3, 2009]. (原始内容存档于July 19, 2011). 
  286. ^ Bernstein, Adam. Mary Lou Forbes, 83; Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist. The Washington Post. 30 June 2009. 
  287. ^ Willy Kyrklund avliden. Svenska Dagbladet (瑞典语). 
  288. ^ Sweeting, Adam. Fayette Pinkney. The Guardian. 6 July 2009. 
  289. ^ Olympic marathon runner Nagata dies at 53
  290. ^ Gale Storm, perky star of 1950s TV dies at 87. The Victoria Advocate. 
  291. ^ The Reverend Gordon Taylor. The Daily Telegraph. August 16, 2009. 
  292. ^ Canadian bluesman Jackie Washington dies at 89
  293. ^ Terry Black Canada's teen sensation in '60s. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-07-05). 
  294. ^ Major-General Joe Crowdy. The Daily Telegraph. 
  295. ^ Fallece a los 81 años Josep Maria Guix, el obispo emérito de Vic. El Mundo (西班牙语). 
  296. ^ Traditional singer Rita Keane dies, 86. RTÉ. 
  297. ^ A. K. Lohithadas passes away. The Hindu. June 29, 2009. 
  298. ^ TV pitchman Billy Mays had heart disease, coroner says. CNN. 
  299. ^ Former Ga. Aquarium exec. Swanagan dies. Atlanta Business Chronicle. 
  300. ^ DiGiacomo, Janet. Comedian Fred Travalena dies of cancer. CNN. 
  301. ^ Tom Wilkes: Graphic designer responsible for many celebrated album. The Independent. 15 July 2009. 
  302. ^ Yu, pioneering filmmaker, passes away. The Korea Herald. 
  303. ^ Former MP Dave Batters takes own life. CBC News. 2009-07-01. (原始内容存档于2022-09-02). 
  304. ^ Joe Bowman, Sharpshooter, Dies at 84. The New York Times. 6 July 2009. 
  305. ^ Pauline Picard meurt à 62 ans. ICI Radio Canada (法语). 
  306. ^ Jan Rubes brought a wide range of talents to stage, screen and radio. The Globe and Mail. 
  307. ^ Fox, Margalit. Sandra Warfield, Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 88. The New York Times. 2009-07-04 [2019-02-05]. 
  308. ^ German dance legend Pina Bausch dies at 68. Deutsche Welle (德语). 
  309. ^ Les'shyerar, Maxarathiel. Rice, Beans and Razor Blades!: Paquito Cordero, Puerto Rican TV Pioneer, 1932-2009. rbeansrblades.blogspot.com. 30 June 2009. 
  310. ^ Robert Boliver "Bob" DePugh's Obituary in Kansas City Star. legacy.com. 
  311. ^ Murphy, Victoria. Pride of Britain Liam loses cancer battle. Daily Mirror. 1 July 2009. 
  312. ^ Jim McNulty, congressman who made his home in political arena, dies at 83. [2009-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-07-04). 
  313. ^ Skådespelare och regissör. [2009-07-24]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-18) (瑞典语). 
  314. ^ Se fue Luis Oliva, el atletismo de luto. La Voz del Interior (西班牙语). 
  315. ^ Bernstein, Adam. Baritone Harve Presnell Dies; Starred in 'Unsinkable Molly Brown' on Broadway. The Washington Post. 3 July 2009. 
  316. ^ Shi Pei Pu, Singer, Spy and 'M. Butterfly,' Dies at 70. The New York Times. 2 July 2009.