
“表情符号”的各地常用名称 | |
![]() 一个笑脸表情符号 | |
中国大陆 | 表情符号 |
港澳 | 字符表情 |
台湾 | 字元表情 |

第一个以ASCII构成的表情符号通常被认为由计算机科学家斯科特·法尔曼(Scott Fahlman)所发明,他在1982年于卡内基梅隆大学的电子布告栏系统上的一条消息中提出了后来被称为“smiley”的表情符号(:-)
与 :-(
)。在西方国家,表情符号通常以水平的,即与文本方向成直角的方式书写。而来自日本的用户使用日语更大的字符集推广了一种名为 kaomoji 的表情符号。这种风格于 1986 年在日本的 ASCII NET 上出现。它们在英语中也被称为“verticons”(来自 vertical icon),因为它们无需旋转即可阅读。
[编辑]- ^ Zimmerly, Arlene; Jaehne, Julie. Computer Connections: Projects and Applications, Student Edition. McGraw-Hill Education. 2003. ISBN 978-0-07-861399-9.
Emoticon: An acronym for emotion icon, a small icon composed of punctuation characters that indicate how an e-mail message should be interpreted (that is, the writer's mood).
[页码请求] - ^ emoticon. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. [March 22, 2018].
- ^ emoticon. American Heritage Dictionary. [March 22, 2018].
- ^ emoticon. Collins Dictionary. [March 22, 2018].
- ^ emoticon - Definition of emoticon in English by Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford Dictionaries - English. (原始内容存档于August 28, 2017).
[编辑]- Asteroff, Janet. Appendix C: Face Symbols and ASCII Character Set
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- Bódi, Zoltán, and Veszelszki, Ágnes (2006). Emotikonok. Érzelemkifejezés az internetes kommunikációban (Emoticons: Expressing Emotions in the Internet Communication). Budapest: Magyar Szemiotikai Társaság.
- Dresner, Eli, and Herring, Susan C. (2010). "Functions of the Non-verbal in CMC: Emoticons and Illocutionary Force" (preprint copy). Communication Theory 20: 249–268.
- Walther, J. B.; D'Addario, K. P. The impacts of emoticons on message interpretation in computer-mediated communication. Social Science Computer Review. 2001, 19 (3): 323–345. ISSN 0894-4393. S2CID 16179750. doi:10.1177/089443930101900307.
- Veszelszki, Ágnes (2012). Connections of Image and Text in Digital and Handwritten Documents. In: Benedek, András, and Nyíri, Kristóf (eds.): The Iconic Turn in Education. Series Visual Learning Vol. 2. Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang, pp. 97−110.
- Veszelszki, Ágnes (2015). "Emoticons vs. Reaction-Gifs: Non-Verbal Communication on the Internet from the Aspects of Visuality, Verbality and Time". In: Benedek, András − Nyíri, Kristóf (eds.): Beyond Words: Pictures, Parables, Paradoxes (series Visual Learning, vol. 5). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 131−145.
- Wolf, Alecia (2000). "Emotional expression online: Gender differences in emoticon use". CyberPsychology & Behavior 3: 827–833.
- Savage, Jon. A design for life. Design. The Guardian. 2009-02-21 [2024-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-29).
- Churches, Owen; Nicholls, Mike; Thiessen, Myra; Kohler, Mark; Keage, Hannah. Emoticons in mind: An event-related potential study. Social Neuroscience. 2014-01-06, 9 (2): 196–202. PMID 24387045. doi:10.1080/17470919.2013.873737. 已忽略未知参数