![]() | 本页是以往讨论的存档。请勿编辑本页。若您想发起新讨论或重启现有讨论,请在当前讨论页进行。 |
- Linter扩充功能帮助你找到条目中的技术错误。它在上周无法显示新的变更,这是因为API的问题,这现已正常运作。 [1]
- Special:监视列表显示了错误的资讯,它不能正确显示哪些编辑已看过,哪些尚未看过,这是数据库的问题造成的。开发人员正在处理并解决这个问题。 [2]
- 你可以收到电子邮件通知,你可以选择立即收到、每日一次摘要或每周一次摘要,如果你选择摘要,你将很快能选择不收到你已在维基上标记为已读的通知。 [3]
欢迎参与在IRC上举行之技术建议会议。会议上,志愿开发人员可以获取建议。会议将于12月18日 16:00 (UTC)举行。参加办法见此。
- 部分封锁功能已经稳定,它将在1月6日部署到大多数的维基,你可以维基可以要求延后,如果你现在不想要此功能请联络NKohli (WMF)。 [4]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2019年12月17日 (二) 00:18 (UTC)
- 《破坏方针》:将本年十一月间事实性修改交付公示并获得通过。(讨论记录)
- 《足球员关注度指引》:依据社群讨论,正式订立足球员相关条目之关注度指引,优先适用于既有之《人物收录准则》。(讨论记录)
- 《避免地域中心方针》:修订〈政治〉一节内容,完善既有表述。(讨论记录)
- 《编辑禁制方针》:修订〈管理员〉一节内容,新增应对站内用户不当行为之渠道。(讨论记录)
- 因节假日,下一期技术新闻推迟到2020年1月6日发送。
- 所有手机版网页的使用者将获得新功能。功能包括:页面/讨论页的页签、展开的使用者选单、能直接存取历史页面。这些功能最初是“进阶模式”的一部分。
- 本周和下周都没有MediaWiki新版本。
- 你可以在URL中使用
来改变使用者的界面语言,这在未来将不会自动发生,当你打开这种连结时,将被询问是否要改变语言,如果你的浏览器无法执行Javascript,将不会进行询问。 [5]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2019年12月23日 (一) 20:07 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #397

- Events
- New: you can Wikidata-related events in the calendar of Wikimedia Space
- Upcoming: next Wikidata office hour, January 22nd, 18:00 (UTC+1), on the Wikidata Telegram channel
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in Grenoble, France, January 16th
- Tool of the week
- Resolver allows you to quickly find an item based on a property+value string pair. It is especially useful for checking whether an external identifier such as a VIAF ID (P214) or Getty AAT ID (P1014) is already in use in Wikidata.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: copyright status as a creator, serving temperature, egg incubation period, member of military unit
- External identifiers: ZX81 Collection publisher ID, ZX81 Collection ID, DAF ID, Computer Emuzone game ID, console music history ID, Czech cohesion region ID, Czech territorial region ID, deviantArt person ID, EEPS ID, garaph.info game ID, garaph.info group ID, IDFA film ID, Lithuanian Football Encyclopedia player ID, Microworld ID, Mille Anni di Scienza in Italia ID, Movie Walker person ID, Natural Product Atlas ID, NES Cart Database ID, NIPS Proceedings author ID, Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging, Nonfiction ID, portable music history ID, Prague territorial district ID, Projekt Gutenberg-DE ID, PS photographer ID, ScreenScraper company ID, ScreenScraper game ID, ScreenScraper platform ID, SPIE profile ID, The Video Games Museum system ID, Tubi movie ID, Tubi series ID, VBProfiles person ID, Archives Portal Europe ID, DES ID, Bob ID, Australian National Maritime Museum object ID, Australian National Maritime Museum person ID, PersonalData.IO ID, Atlas Obscura identifier, The Digital Local Culture Encyclopedia of Korea ID, The Good Old Days ID, RationalWiki ID, SSNE person ID, AdoroCinema film ID, Museum of Modern Art exhibition ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: literary form, HASC, Stairway To Hell ID, number of reviews or ratings, armament used, equipment used
- External identifiers: bauhaus.community, LaunchBox Games Database game ID, OpenBibArt ID, LaunchBox Games Database developer ID, Saregama artist ID, openSUSE package, LaunchBox Games Database publisher ID, Orthodox Wiki ID, Wien Geschichte Wiki ID, What is the Apple IIGS? ID, BookBrainz work ID, NMVW id, David Wojnarowicz Knowledge Base ID, FandangoNow ID, CPCWiki ID, Sarvavijnanakosam ID, Punjabipedia ID, Open Churches ID, Apple IIGS France ID
- Query examples:
- Horses sorted by age of death (source)
- Affiliates of the USA organization Peace Action (source)
- 100 random paintings related to Haarlem (source)
- Timeline of adaptations of Little Women and actresses who played Jo's character (source)
- Indian people whose work is entering public domain in 2020 (source)
- Newest properties:
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
2020年1月6日 (一) 21:22 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #398

- Events
- Registration for the Wikimedia Hackathon in Tirana (May 9-11) opened
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: getting started in Wikidata, labels, and aliases, 14 January. Agenda
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Report of Wiki Techstorm 2019 by Jsamwrites
- Aberdeen Plaques – Part Two: Visualisations, calculations, and analysis using wikidata by Ian Watt
- Overview of Wikidata gadgets and user scripts - slides from LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Meetings
- Wikipedia Rolls Out Our Research on Providing Semantic Information for Mathematical Formulae - this feature uses Wikidata
- Tool of the week
- Tabernacle creates a tabular view of a set of data items from a SPARQL query, PagePile list, or manual list of items. You can select which languages and properties to display. The tool lets you drag-and-drop statements from one item to another, and manually add or edit statements without leaving the page. Tabernacle is great for harmonizing a set of related items or identifying items that need their labels and descriptions translated.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- You can test a new feature highlighting mismatched references
- The next Weekly Summary (January 20) will be the issue #400. Please help us collecting interesting Wikidata-related facts around the number 400!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: exonerated of, Commons category for ship name, heading, filename in archive
- External identifiers: Russian PFL player ID, J-GLOBAL ID, LaunchBox Games Database developer ID, LaunchBox Games Database game ID, Époques ID, openSUSE package, Ten-Bruggencatenummer, DLE RAE ID, NTIS accession number, PubAg ID, Games Database developer ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Beta Masaheft ID, ordered by, university of the third age, period of lactation, position, grape variety, merged into, distribution map of taxon
- External identifiers: Ogólnopolska Baza Kolejowa - stacja ID, Livelib.ru person ID, ScummVM wiki ID, Instituto Moreira Salles ID, Arcade PCB database game ID, Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology ID, eu-football team ID, Museen in OÖ ID, Voetbal International player ID, Museums in Salzburg (AT) ID, C64.COM ID, Museen in Burgenland (AT) ID, FlashScore.com team ID, Soccerdonna team ID, c64games.de ID, Museums in Austria Code, Canmore thesaurus ID, The Cutting Room Floor ID, NPDRIM record ID, EFIS person ID, coinop.org game ID, EFIS film ID, EFIS filmmaker ID, EFIS film festival ID, WeChangEd ID, marterl.at ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on finishing the migration of wb_terms table
- Don’t check constraints on “Wikidata property example for media” statements (phab:T227865)
- Warn users that they're not nogged-in before performing restore or undo (phab:T234430, thanks to Matěj Suchánek)
- Remove edit link from Special:NewPages if page is not directly editable (phab:T240561, thanks to Matěj Suchánek)
- Introduce MwEraParser and improve i18n of dates BCE (phab:T140541, thanks to Matěj Suchánek)
- Bridge: show error dialog if the user isn't allowed to edit Wikidata (phab:T235154)
- Bridge: ask the user if the change is a fix or an update (phab:T237333)
- Enabled tainted references on test.wikidata.org
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
维基媒体技术社群发出最新 技术新闻。请告知其他用户以下变更。当然,未必所有变更都会影响阁下。翻译本于此。
- 如果你的浏览器使用非常旧的TLS,你将再也无法阅读维基媒体的维基,因为这对任何人都会造成安全性问题,将导致降级攻击。自从12月9日起你只会看到警告,很快地浏览器将不再连结到维基,大多数有此问题的使用者都是使用低于4.4版的Android系统。你可以阅读浏览器建议。 [7]
- Special:连结搜寻已从Special:特殊页面的“重定向特殊页面”段落移动到“页面列表”段落。 [8]
维基可以保护页面,仅让部分使用者能编辑。标准的保护等级是仅允许自动确认用户和仅允许管理员。如果你的维基使用更多的保护等级,该技术名称将会被重命名以进行标准化,这不会影响使用者看到的内容。 [9]
- Deepcat和Catgraph将在一月底停止运作。这是因为你可以使用一般的搜寻功能来代替。 [10]
- 你可以使用
<ref follow="…">
来合并互相跟随的脚注,这在维基文库的电子书使用。如果脚注的顺序错误,不会显示错误讯息,但坏掉的<ref>会显示在<references />列表之外。这将会改变以让你看到错误讯息。 [11]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2020年1月13日 (一) 18:40 (UTC)
- 《关闭存废讨论指引》:进行细节修改,消除关注度提删相关条文歧义。(讨论记录)
- 《删除方针》:因应前项《关闭存废讨论指引》修订。(讨论记录)
- 《快速删除方针》:修订〈图片及多媒体档案〉一节内容,新增了二项新准则,分别为F9:没有填写任何合理使用依据的非自由著作权档案(讨论记录)以及F10:可被替代的非自由著作权档案(讨论记录),相关模组一并修订。
- 方针:《非中文重新导向问题方针》、《维基百科不是什么》、《格式手册(列表)》、《命名常规(人名)》、《申报有偿编辑方针》、《管理员的离任》、《避免地域中心方针》、《删除方针》、《行政员方针》、《机器人方针》、《非原创研究方针》、《快速删除方针》及《使用者名称方针》。
- 指引:《重定向指引》、《关闭存废讨论指引》、《格式手册(列表)》、《讨论页指引》、《账号请求指引》、《足球员关注度指引》、《气旋收录准则》、《一级行政区道路特殊收录限制列表》、《关注度指引(几何图形)》、《关注度指引(数字)》、《人物收录准则》、《关注度指引(地理特征)》、《关注度指引(书籍)》及《关注度指引》。
Wikidata weekly summary #399

- Events
- Past: Wikidata OpenRefine Workshop in 布拉格 (Q1085)
- Upcoming: next Wikidata office hour, January 22nd, at 17:00 UTC (18:00 UTC+1), on the Wikidata Telegram channel. Topics: presenting the roadmap for 2020 and some news from the development team
- Tool of the week
- The Wikidata Card Game Generator generates printable cards based on a topic (eg chemical elements) and some statements of the item.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New gadget added to Preferences, "Show UnpatrolledEdits" (see discussion): it shows if the last edit to the item has not been patrolled
- Pywikibot deprecates Python 2 support. Any scripts running via Python 2 should be migrated soon, see more at [12]
- The next Weekly Summary (January 27) will be the issue #400. Please help us collecting interesting Wikidata-related facts around the number 400!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: National September 11 Memorial ID, BeWeb person ID, BeWeb entity ID, BeWeb family ID, Apple IIGS France ID, bauhaus.community ID, CEEB K-12 school code, D-MSX ID, Decine21 person ID, dovidka.com.ua person ID, Games Database publisher ID, Games Database system ID, ICD-11 (foundation), kino-teatr.ru person ID, LaunchBox Games Database platform ID, LaunchBox Games Database publisher ID, Macintosh Garden game ID, Macintosh Repository ID, Open Churches ID, OpenBibArt ID, textove.com artist ID, textove.com song ID, Electronic library Ukrainica ID, article in French Vikidia, OrthodoxWiki ID (English), Punjabipedia ID, Sarvavijnanakosam ID, article in Italian Vikidia, BookBrainz work ID, CPCWiki ID, UCUM code, VGMPF ID, article in Spanish Vikidia, What is the Apple IIGS? ID, article in English Vikidia, LiverTox ID, NMVW id, article in Basque Vikidia, Authenticus ID, Instituto Moreira Salles ID, Livelib.ru person ID, Nederlands Fotomuseum photographer ID, Polish Nationwide Railway Database - station ID, Saregama artist ID, ScummVM wiki ID, article in Armenian Vikidia, Vienna History Wiki ID, article in German Vikidia, Joconde object type ID, MarketScreener business leaders ID, Beta maṣāḥǝft ID, DigitaltMuseum ID, Frick Art Reference Library artist file ID, Panoptikum podcast episode ID, Joconde location ID, Identifier for a resource held by the Smithsonian Institution
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: local to a language context, category for files created with program, Used with verb, Commons postcards category, Indonesian intangible cultural heritage, IP address or range, Commons map category V2, necessary property for class, 8-bits ID
- External identifiers: CoBiS author ID, The Cover Project game ID, Analysis & Policy Observatory node ID, Analysis & Policy Observatory term ID, Swedish School Registry ID, Eurogamer ID, VR GameCritic ID, GameStar ID, Media Art Database ID, IGCD game ID, GameTDB game ID, identifier HAL for article, Diccionari del cinema a Catalunya ID, VGMRips composer ID, Historical Marker Database ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on wb_terms table migration: information about property terms is no longer updated and removed from wb_terms table.
- Add "wikibase-statementsection-identifiers i18n message key to Wikibase (phab:T240356)
- Stop using $wgUser in Wikibase (phab:T241947)
- Document possible configuration options for Wikibase Repository and Wikibase Client installations (phab:T165973)
- Document Wikibase Usage Aspects (phab:T236772)
- Document Wikibase tables (phab:T124603)
- Wikidata Bridge: add the RadioButton to the component library (phab:T239799)
- Showing error dialogs if users can’t edit on the repo wiki (phab:T235154)
- Tainted references: work on keeping the warning visible when users cancel an edit
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 有个关于如何显示未注册编辑的新建议,这是为了让未注册编辑者有更好的隐私及让某些反破坏工作更加快速。您可以给予反馈。
Pywikibot是一个Python函式库,用来自动化维基上的工作。它将再也不支援Python 2,如果您需要继续执行Python 2程序,请使用
标签。Pywikibot团队强烈建议迁移到Python3。您可以获取帮助。 [13]每周MediaWiki分支切割将转为自动化,切割时间可能会改变。如果这影响您的话,您可以在Phabricator进行讨论。 [14]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年1月20日 (一) 19:42 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #400

- Welcome to the 400th Weekly Summary! Here are some interesting Wikidata facts or queries collected by the community and related to the number 400:
- Item #400 is Jenna Jameson; Property #400 is platform (software), and Lexeme #400 is "vierhonderd" - Dutch for "four hundred". The QID for the natural number 400 is Q1535396. The QID for the year 400 is Q25621.
- The page ID 400 is Ludwig van Beethoven; the Wikidata page version ID 400 was a version of printer.
- The Greek philosopher Hypatia, one of the first women scientists, became head of the Neo-Platonist school at Alexandria, in 400 AD. We include her here in tribute to those working to reduce Wikidata's gender gap.
- Wikimedia Commons has 627 images taken with the Canon PowerShot A400 - you can see one on baritone saxophone.
- Map of things at an altitude of 400 m.
- Map of places with a population of 400 ± 5 (yellow) graduating to 400 ± 0 (red).
- From this query, Wikidata knows of 21 theatres, 15 cinemas, 11 sports venues, 11 event venues, and 9 ships having a maximum capacity of 400.
- Image grid of taxa with a highest observed lifespan of at least 400 years.
- Image grid of items with a mass of 400 kilograms and image grid of items with a mass of 400 grams.
- List of 400m distance sports events.
- 400 Ducrosa is a main-belt asteroid named after J. Ducros.
- List of items with an external ID equal to 400.
- Last but not least, 400 dahlias for Léa, Lydia and the other contributors to this list!
- Events
- Past: Wikidata office hour on Telegram, January 22nd. Notes of the meeting
- Upcoming: WikiTuesday / Wikidata Talks Meetup in Istambul, Turkey, January 28th
- Upcoming: online meeting dedicated to organizers of Wikidata's 8th birthday, January 29th
- Tool of the week
- Duplicate Item copies the current item (without descriptions or sitelinks) to a new item. This tool is useful for splitting items and for making sets of similar items. Recommended for experienced users.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: attested as, category for files created with program, period of lactation, aperture
- External identifiers: C64.COM ID, c64games.de ID, eu-football.info team ID, museum in Salzburg (AT) ID, fyyd podcast episode ID, Upper Austria Museum ID, WorldCat Identities ID, word in DEJ of RAE ID, HAL article ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: LiverTox Likelihood Score, dean, stated age in source, US Bureau of Prisons Register Number, located in the constituency, motherboard, WMF short URL, Recognition, recognized by, not recognized by, jurisdiction status, supported metadata, expansion, historic first, number of pins, number of pin positions, catalogue raisonné, Dose, value group number, external georeferencer URL, axis, Voting system, image revision-id, region within image, georeferencing data, based on tabular data, Number of active electronic terminals, associated with, translated title, position in sequence, Attribution text, food energy, madhhab, Maximum number of playable characters, Main deity, electron configuration, capital social, gained territory from, key col of, religion or world view, CMF identifier, masculine form, feminine form, menu items, food composition, IP address or range, featured in, lighting, general law, territorial entity ranking context, references, mentions named entity, hardiness
- External identifiers: NASA active astronaut ID, VGMRips company ID, DSSTOX compound identifier, Roglo person ID, VGMRips system ID, Museu de Memes ID, Nobel API ID, VideoGamer.com game ID, Canmore object-type ID, Canmore maritime-type ID, GameRevolution game ID, TrueAchievements game ID, PARADISEC Catalog, ELAR ID, ChemSynthesis ID, Whaling History ID, ft.dk politician identifier, Ciência ID, 7digital United Kingdom artist ID, Ident.Nr., GoodRx, part number, Faculté des sciences de Nancy ID, MIC, UEFA referee ID, name-suggestion-index identifier, TrueAchievements series ID, Bollywood Hungama ID 2, Gamekult game ID
- Query examples:
- The results of the Australian Triple J Hottest 100, 2019 music voting poll were published on 25 January 2019. See the results with associated music videos to watch.
- Map of destinations from Wuhan Tianhe International Airport
- 50 philosophers for which DBpedia and Wikidata state different date of birth (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on wb_terms migration
- Units support for quantity datatype (phab:T239474)
- Fix the link to rawgraphs.io from WDQS (phab:T222257)
- More work on showing messages related to permissions on the Wikidata Bridge
- Tainted references: fix minor alignment issues (phab:T243269, phab:T242212)
- Add a "remove warning" button to confirm a correct reference (phab:T234789)
- Preparing the ground for a unified component library for the Wikidata UI
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 一些手机版的版本差异有问题,有些按钮没有显示。维基共享资源上的结构化数据版本差异令人难以理解。开发人员正在修复。 [15][16]
- 管理员在使用结构式讨论的维基上无法移动讨论页,这是个错误,开发人员正在修复。 [17]
- 本周没有MediaWiki的新版本。
- Special:Undelete上有供管理员的使用的JavaScript程式码,将能够透过按住“Shift”键并点击来自动选取多个复选框。这个程式码意外地在其他特殊页面和条目中载入,这导致页面载入缓慢。如果您知道该程式码在其他特殊页面上也有用处,请在phab:T232688告知开发人员。
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年1月27日 (一) 18:53 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #401

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Mike Peel
- Events
- Past: Wikidata in Social Science Classroom - Workshop, Dubai, January 21st
- Upcoming: Wikibase Community User Group online meeting (date to be decided, you can vote here)
- Upcoming: OSM TW x Wikidata Taiwan meetup, February 10th, Taipei
- Press, articles, blog posts
- A newbie's guide to querying Wikidata, by Mark Needham
- Tool of the week
- VizQuery allows you to use the Wikidata Query Service without having to know SPARQL. Simply use a couple of autocomplete input boxes and you can do most basic queries.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Bruno and Denny present how to use Lexical Masks in ShEx to validate lexemes, including a first set of example schemata. They also invite everyone to work on more languages, and will keep adding more ShEx schema over time.
- 2020 report on Property constraints by user:Abián
- Wikimedia Hackathon in Tirana: scholarship requests and registration for people needing visa support are open until February 9th.
- Mismatched reference: first version to be deployed this week
- OpenRefine 3.3 was released
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: category for maps, number of reviews/ratings, merged into, 8-bits.info ID
- External identifiers: CoBiS author ID, marterl.at ID, NPDRIM record ID, Analysis & Policy Observatory node ID, Analysis & Policy Observatory term ID, PCBdB game ID, Diccionari del cinema a Catalunya ID, EFIS film festival ID, EFIS person ID, Eurogamer ID, FlashScore.com team ID, GameStar ID, Soccerdonna team ID, The Video Games Museum game ID, Voetbal International player ID, Games Database game ID, ft.dk politician identifier, Historical Marker Database ID, Joconde Inscription ID, Joconde time period ID, Media Art Database ID, Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology ID, EFIS filmfirm ID, EFIS film ID, Ciência ID, Swedish School Registry ID, Whaling History ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: hierarchy switch, Wikipedia infobox field, ontological level of Wikidata item, status of mortal remains, TheTVDB person ID, fails compliance with
- External identifiers: Gamekult company ID, Gamekult franchise ID, CNGB project ID, Gamekult platform ID, Adelsvapen ID, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina ID, Clavis Clavium ID, FEMA number, SerialStation game ID, GBAtemp game ID, AnimalBase ID, RPGamer ID, Denkmalatlas Niedersachsen Objekt-ID, DR music artist ID, Jurisdiction List Number, Médias 19 ID, ArchiWebture ID, MOCAGH ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Enable the first version of tainted/mismatched references on wikidata.org
- Work on adding a button to hide the notification (phab:T234789)
- Show the icon after canceling editing if the icon was shown before (phab:T234790)
- More work on Wikidata Bridge (restrict editing based on user rights or data types)
- More work on wb_terms migration
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
2020年2月3日 (一) 20:05 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #402

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Nomen ad hoc
- Events
- Learn about the use of Wikidata, Wikipedia and sister projects in education, at the Wikimedia in Education UK Summit at Coventry University on 26 February
- Hackday Niederrhein, Germany, on March 28-29, including a Wikidata workshop
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: further discussion of labels and aliases; start looking at Google Sheets, 11 February. Agenda
- WikiCite meetup in Melbourne, Australia, on February 14th
- Wikidata Wednesday in Vienna, Austria, on February 19th
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Wikidata and Beyond – Knowledge for everyone by everyone, keynote video from Denny Vrandečić at SWAT4HCLS 2019
- Wikidata and the sum of all video games − 2019 edition, by Jean-Frédéric
- Discovering Implicational Knowledge in Wikidata, by Tom Hanika, Maximilian Marx and Gerd Stumme.
- Tool of the week
- Reasonator offers a visual formatted display of Wikidata information. It is useful for introducing Wikidata to new audiences and can help find missing or incorrect data by presenting a different view than the standard editing interface.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Kensho Derived Wikimedia Dataset is a a cleaned English subset of Wikipedia/Wikidata with 2.3B tokens, 5.3M pages, 51M nodes, and 120M edges for use in natural language processing (NLP) research
- Property talk pages now include a link to query for a few random items using the "SERVICE bd:sample" in SPARQL. Example: look for "random list" on d:Property talk:P279
- "Status of Wikidata Query Service" update from WMF, on Wikidata mailing list
- Facebook page of a volunteer working on Wikidata about the French local elections in Conflans
- Swiss newspaper Le Temps built a new front-end to interact with a Wikibase backend developed by nonprofit PersonalData.IO to power its citizen-led investigation of personal data flows.
- There are now 100,000 people with the name "John" in Wikidata. "Elizabeth" is now the most frequent female given name.
- Knowledge Grapher is a new tool to create Wikidata knowledge graphs without needing any knowledge of Wikidata Query or SPARQL code. Developed by Fuzheado, it is currently in early testing mode and helps create graphs as described by MartinPoulter at his 2019 blog post Making Wikidata Visible. Feedback is appreciated.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Academia.edu publication ID, TI-99/4A Videogame House ID, National Aviation Hall of Fame ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: гражданский чин, uses dataset, CVR person ID, description, Wikimedia community discussion, The Great Biography
- External identifiers: Visual AIDS Artist+ Registry ID, CYRI ID, Mendeley publication ID, CODEPAC-Bauru ID, Daughters of the American Revolution ancestor ID, PC Games Database.de game ID, Encyclopedia of Chicago, DANFS ID, Deutsche Biographie ID, Haz-Map ID, RAL ID, PC Games Database.de company ID, Kickstarter project ID, Adventure Games company ID, VcBA ID, Adventure Games series ID, Hrvatska enciklopedije ID, Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland: 1880-2000 ID, Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development ID, Trakt.tv uri, Open Food Facts label, Compendium heroicum ID, Gry Online game ID, Gram.pl game ID, startrekdb.se query, Legislative Assembly of Ontario MPP ID, Gry Online company ID
- Deleted properties: lithography (P2157)
- Query examples:
- Timeline of same-sex marriage legalization in various countries (source)
- Chart of the number of infections and deaths casued since the outbreak of novel coronavirus, as reported by the World Health Organisation
- Adjacent constituencies of the UK Parliament - query federated with Ordnance Survey's SPARQL endpoint. (source)
- List of this year’s Academy Awards winners
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikidata Bridge: more work on enabling error messages for various cases (datatype not supported, user can't edit on client or repo, etc.)
- Including the property label in the title of the Data Bridge dialog (phab:T233295)
- Mismatched references: follow-up of the deployment in production, adding the "remove warning" button
- Monitoring the number of times the feature reference warnings are being triggered and opened (phab:T231731)
- Fixing some issues connected to the train deployment
- Fixing an issue with new edit summaries not being displayed on client wikis (phab:T244129)
- Fixing an issue with ittem having label conflict with itself (phab:T243158)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 在Android上有新版本的维基共享资源手机应用程序,它应已解决上传失败的问题。 [18]
- 上周MediaWiki的新版本出现了一些问题,它意外地删除了一些讯息,新版本因为修复而延迟。 [19]
机器人和小工具使用Action API。一些错误代码将会改变,一些数值若不遵照标准格式将不再运作。 [20]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年2月10日 (一) 19:12 (UTC)
Can you remove the airline AtlasGlobal in the arrival and departure section of the article 伊斯坦布尔机场, which was its hub, first of all, and also in other airport articles, to where it once flew? Two days ago, the private Turkish airline Atlasglobal (and last year its sister airline AtlasGlobal Ukraine) went bankrupt. Here is one source out of many: https://ftnnews.com/news-from-turkey/38827-atlasglobal-goes-bankrupt-ceases-operations You can check the internet for this news as well.
Yours sincerely,留言) 2020年2月14日 (五) 11:29 (UTC)
- Thank you.留言) 2020年2月15日 (六) 07:39 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #403

- Discussions
- Versionize property definitions ?
- Closed request for comments: Non-free content
- Events
- Past: Warsaw, 13-14 February: Workshop to develop the data model for taxonomic and nomenclatural data in Wikidata
- Upcoming: March 12, Amsterdam: Datasprint Amsterdam Time Machine/Golden Agents with the ECARTICO and ONSTAGE datasets, involving Wikidata.
- Upcoming: FindingGLAMs Wikidata editing challenge, improve data about cultural heritage institutions, from February 17th to 23rd
- Tool of the week
- Looking for one of the 7000+ Wikidata properties? Try Propbrowse to search and browse all properties.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Cradle tool can now generate forms based on Schemas (example for human)
- Loading time of pages on Wikidata and Commons has been improved. You can learn more about page load performance and developing with ResourceLoader.
- Science Stories by Kat Thornton and Kenneth Seals-Nutt, an application that tells stories about underrepresented people in STEM using Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia, is the winner of the LODLAM 2020 Challenge!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: gained territory from, gave up territory to
- External identifiers: MOCAGH ID, Denkmalatlas Niedersachsen Objekt-ID, Encyclopedia of Chicago ID, Deutsche Biographie ID, AnimalBase ID, Canmore maritime-type ID, Canmore object-type ID, Clavis Clavium ID, CYRI ID, DANFS ship ID, Gamekult company ID, Gamekult franchise ID, Gamekult game ID, Gamekult platform ID, GBAtemp game ID, Mendeley publication ID, Museums in Austria Code, Médias 19 ID, SerialStation game ID, TheTVDB person ID, TrueAchievements series ID, Canmore monument-type ID, Bollywood Hungama person alphabetic ID, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina ID, Jurisdiction List number, Visual AIDS Artist+ Registry ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: energy consumption per transaction, yearly energy consumption, church patron saint, national identification number, Democracy Index, business model, intended subject, examination jury, depicted format, DoME artist ID, historic county, код персоны на elibrary.ru, applies if regular expression matches
- External identifiers: Patamu Certificate ID, Colecovision Addict ID, Annuaire des Maîtres d'art, Biographisches Lexikon zur Geschichte Südosteuropas ID, GameReactor game ID, Fandango performer ID, Cell Ontology ID, ColecoVision.dk ID, BioLexSOE ID, EH.Net Encyclopedia of Economic and Business History ID, NHS Health A to Z ID, Corpus Corporum author ID, Colecovision Zone ID, Catalogue of Life ID, GreatSchools ID, Clavis Patrum Graecorum ID, Clavis Patrum Latinorum ID, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca ID, Podchaser podcast ID, Mirabile author ID, Mirabile saint ID, Kanopy ID, Czech War Graves Register
- Query examples:
- Place names of Bergamo: map with pronunciation audio files (source)
- Number words whose number of letters equals their value: with Lexemes (source), with labels (source)
- Graph of the extended Kardashian clan (source)
- Scottish monuments with a commons sitelink, but no image (source)
- Number of films with LGBT representation per country (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikidata Bridge: more work on unsupported edit cases (unsupported datatypes phab:T235753, ambiguous statements phab:T240212, deprecated statements phab:T238660, unknown value or no value statements phab:T242747)
- Including the property label in the title of the Data Bridge dialog (phab:T233295)
- Making the edit based on the user's fixed/updated choice (phab:T238662)
- Style fixes and font size adjustments (phab:T239421, phab:T243192)
- Create Grafana boards to track the results of the tainted references feature
- Increase factor for query service that is taken into account for maxlag (later reverted) (phab:T244722)
- Fix edit summaries not displayed on client wikis (phab:T244129)
- Fixed some issues causes by the wb_terms migration
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
2020年2月17日 (一) 16:17 (UTC)
- T.A Shirakawa已离任管理员一职。
- 《公共运输收录准则》(现《关注度指引(交通)》):补充公共运输系统之物理线路相关条目收录标准。(讨论记录)
- 《删除方针》:微调〈删除理由〉一节导言。(讨论记录)
- 《重新导向方针》暨《重新导向指引》:修正部分语句、厘清语意、调整方针暨指引之适用范围(讨论记录),后修订〈分类重新导向〉一节内容,《页面分类指引》相应修订。(讨论记录)
- 《可靠来源指引》:修订〈法律〉一节内容。(讨论记录)
- 《快速删除方针》:因应社群讨论修正〈图片及多媒体档案〉一节部分页面之内部链接(讨论记录),后微调O7项条文内容以避免技术性问题。(讨论记录)
- 《天体收录准则》(现《关注度指引(天体)》):依据社群讨论结果,正式订立天体相关条目之关注度指引,优先适用于既有之《关注度指引》。(讨论记录)
- 《气旋收录准则》(现《关注度指引(气旋)》):修正部分语句、厘清语意。(讨论记录)
- 《存废复核方针》:修正部分语句。(讨论记录)
- 因应社群讨论,将关注度相关指引之标题格式进行统一(《人物收录准则》更名为《关注度指引(人物)》、《足球员关注度指引》更名为《关注度指引(足球员)》、《公共运输条目收录准则》更名为《关注度指引(交通)》、《气旋收录准则》更名为《关注度指引(气旋)》、《天体收录准则》更名为《关注度指引(天体)》)。(讨论记录)
- 《讨论页指引》:弱化〈排版〉一节中关于以缩排符号(:)回应讨论内容的语气。(讨论记录)
- 《格式手册(版面布局)》:修订〈附录元素〉一节内容,以贴近条目实际排版情况,并提升可读性。(讨论记录)
- 《命名常规》:调整“使用常用名称”及“名从主人”等原则的适用范围。(讨论记录)
- 《格式手册(列表)》:修订〈条目内嵌入人物列表的收录标准〉一节内容,禁止在疾病相关条目中嵌入“知名患者”等人物列表。(讨论记录)
- 《格式手册(日期和数字)》:微调公元纪年、民国纪年、历史纪年和民族纪年之格式规范。(讨论记录)
- 方针:《格式手册(列表)》、《快速删除方针》、《删除方针》、《封锁方针》、《保护方针》、《维基百科不是词典》、《重新导向方针》、《管理员方针》、《命名常规(电子游戏)》、《新页面巡查方针》、《傀儡方针》、《IP封禁例外方针》、《存废复核方针》、《命名常规》、《档案使用方针》、《编辑禁制方针》、《编辑战方针》、《非自由内容使用准则》、《权限申请方针》、《避免地域中心方针》、《志工回复团队方针》、《机器使用者方针》、《人事任免投票资格方针》、《监督方针》、《申报有偿编辑方针》、《编辑方针》、《修订版本删除方针》、《五大支柱》及《破坏方针》。
- 指引:《讨论页指引》、《格式手册(列表)》、《关闭存废讨论指引》、《重新导向指引》、《关注度指引(交通)》、《关注度指引(足球员)》、《账号请求指引》、《关注度指引(天体)》、《关注度指引(气旋)》、《使用者页面指引》、《关注度指引》、《档案名称指引》、《页面分类指引》及《指引列表》。
Wikidata weekly summary #404

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: DannyS712, Fralambert
- Possible change of usage of "located in administrative territorial entity" (P131)
- Events
- Scholarships application process for Wikimania 2020 (Bangkok) is now open until March 17th. More information, FAQ, apply
- Celtic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference, one of the themes being how Wikidata can support minority languages, will take place on July 9-10 in Limerick, Ireland. Call for submissions open from February 27th to March 30th.
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: More discussion of pseudonyms and historical place names, 25 February. Agenda
- Upcoming: Wikimedia Research office hour, February 26th
- Upcoming: Wikidata x OSM meetup in Taiwan, March 9th
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Wikidata's Linked Data for Cultural Heritage Digital Resources: An Evaluation Based on the Europeana Data Model by Nuno Freire, Antoine Isaac
- When Humans and Machines Collaborate - Cross-lingual Label Editing in Wikidata, by Lucie-Aimée Kaffee: video during Wikimedia Research Showcase (at 30:00), paper
- Do you speak data? Wikidata as the Open Internet’s universal language, by Elisabeth Giesemann
- “Wikidata is just a matter of facts”, by Andra Waagmeester
- Does Biodiversity Informatics 💘 Wikidata?, by Quentin Groom & Deborah Paul
- Tool of the week
- Wiki Art Depiction Explorer is a web interface for adding depiction information for artworks in Wikidata by surfacing frequently used terms and providing suggestions. Read the full project description and documentation
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- QWiki, a mobile game asking geography questions based on Wikidata, now has a new version released as well as a website where one can learn how the game was made and how to contribute;
- soweego is an artificial intelligence that links Wikidata to large external catalogs. The proposal for version 2 is out for your consideration. review of version 1 is open for discussion.
- Wikimedia Developer Satisfaction Survey run by the WMF until March 6th (source)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Wikimedia community discussion
- External identifiers: Open Food Facts label, BioLexSOE ID, Roglo person ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: applies to name of object, Country of registry, Poeti d'Italia in lingua latina author ID, generational suffix
- External identifiers: RealGM basketball coach ID, Irish playography person ID, Irish playography play ID, Mirabile title ID, Mirabile manuscript ID, Filmfront person ID, Filmfront film ID, Dansk kvindebiografisk leksikon ID, Global Music Rights work ID, SESAC work number, The First Amendment Encyclopedia ID, Indiegogo project ID, Glassdoor company ID, block creators, targeted block time, staking ratio, SOCAN work number, NHLR ID, The Washington Post ID
- Query examples:
- Importing from ThePeerage (Nov. 2019) added 50% to the number of Johns on Wikidata (source)
- SF movies and series with a significant character known to have been portrayed by an actor who was born in Liverpool (source)
- countries in Europe whose ISO 2-letter abbreviation contains letters not in the native language name of their country (source)
- places names in Wales with Welsh pronunciation audio (source)
- Map of types of GLAMs in Wales (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Provide better redirect for statement nodes (phab:T203397)
- Wikidata Bridge: style fixes and font size adjustments (phab:T239421, phab:T243192)
- making the edit based on the user's fixed/updated choice (phab:T238662)
- research how to do reference rendering (phab:T244987)
- showing the loading bar while saving (phab:T237433)
- More work on wb_terms table and fixing various issues
- Removing all of pre-entity source based federation code
- Fixing various issues causing errors in production
- Investigate on an issue with pasting exact Commons file title (phab:T196165)
- Update the APIs to specify an errorformat and a uselang parameter (phab:T242769)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
2020年2月24日 (一) 21:00 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #405

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Kostas20142
- Events
- March 7: Wikidata introductions and editathon during OpenDataDay in Hasselt, Belgium
- July 2-4, Lisbon: WikiData Days 2020. Call for proposals is open until April 15.
- Program submissions for the Celtic Knot Conference are open until March 30th. Submissions about languages on Wikidata, GLAM or supporting minority languages are very welcome.
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Tutorial on how to use machine learning with Wikidata.
- Bob DuCharme's blog post: Populating a Schema.org dataset from Wikidata
- About Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons:
- OpenRefine: results of the 2020 user survey
- Tool of the week
- Wikidata graph builder is a front-end on top of the Query service, allowing to easily build graphs.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Wikidata Languages Landscape dashboard provides insights into the ways languages are organized and used in Wikidata and across the Wikimedia projects that reuse Wikidata.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: business model, format of creative work, associated electoral district
- External identifiers: Adelsvapen ID, Irish playography play ID, Irish playography person ID, Corpus Corporum author ID, Dansk kvindebiografisk leksikon ID, Adventure Gamers company ID, Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland: 1880-2000 ID, NHLR ID, The Washington Post writer ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Type of bow used, staking lock-up period, validator bond lock-up period, URL match pattern, Pertainym, cognate, symbol of, transactions per month, compatible wallets, minimum amount to run a validator, minimum amount to participate in voting
- External identifiers: Kooora player ID, Marvel Comics creators ID, DC Comics talent ID, EcuRed, IGCD fictional car ID, Chicago Landmarks ID, URL on Nintendo eShop, BC Register of Historic Places ID
- Query examples:
- Updated chart of the number of infections and deaths caused since the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, as reported by the World Health Organisation
- British Prime Ministers with children under the age of 5 when elected, or born during their time in office (source)
- Timeline of countries of origin of the winner of the European Film Award for Best European Film
- People with profiles on the Washington Post website
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Started working on Federated Properties for Wikibase
- Bridge: more style adjustments
- Research on reference rendering for the Bridge (phab:T244987)
- Disable WDQS jump to focus when used in an iframe (phab:T245637)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 上周一小段时间内,由于一个错误,未登入的读者界面会由浏览器决定,而非以往地取决于浏览的维基项目语言。 [23]
- 如果您忘记密码时,您可以要求新密码并发送至您的电子邮件地址,您需要知道您的电子邮件地址或您的使用者名称。您现在能够在偏好设定中选择重置密码时是否需要同时输入这两个,以减少接收到其他人请求的密码重设邮件。 [24]
- 当您在Special:PasswordReset要求新密码时,您以前能看到该用户名是否不存在。现在此页面将显示您输入的用户名,并告知若用户名存在则已发送电邮。这是为了提高安全性。 [25]
- 在Special:链入页面上您能够看到哪些页面连结到某个页面,您也可以看到来自重定向的连结,现在您能够看到该重定向连结到哪个章节。 [26]
- 开发人员正在研究解决讨论页上编辑冲突的新界面。您可以提出反馈。 [27]
- 有一个关于建立名为防滥用过滤器管理员用户组的投票,该投票在3月1日至3月31日间于元维基举行。
曾用于手机版网页,它从2017年起被弃用,并将于4月起停止运作。各维基媒体计划应检查是否正在使用它,若有则应该进行修复,您可以了解更多并请求协助。这影响了183个维基,列表于此。 [28]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年3月3日 (二) 00:36 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #406

- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: Fralambert, Kostas20142, welcome on board!
- New request for comments: Restrictions on making items
- Events
- WikiGap Challenge, online editing challenge to improve the coverage of women on Wikipedia and Wikidata, from March 8th to April 8th
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Knowledge Graphs on the Web -- an Overview - Nicolas Heist, et al.
- Some issues with this paper's reporting of Wikidata are identified in this Twitter thread
- The List Revolution: Creating dynamic lists using linked data, by Alex Stinson
- Knowledge Graphs on the Web -- an Overview - Nicolas Heist, et al.
- Tool of the week
- wikibase-cli (Q87194660) now (>= v9.2.0) has a batch mode, and EditGroups support (auto-activated for batch edits targeting Wikidata): ready to make some mass edit, and open for feedback!
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The WikidataCon 2019 grant report has been published
- EqualStreetNames.Brussels shows streets in Brussels named after men and women, visualized with data from OpenStreetMap and Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: The Washington Post contributor ID, DoME artist ID, ArchiWebture ID, Museu de Memes ID, WeChangEd ID, GreatSchools ID, Czech War Graves Register, Marvel Comics creators ID, DC Comics talent ID, The First Amendment Encyclopedia ID, Indiegogo project ID, RealGM basketball coach ID, Global Music Rights work ID, SESAC work number, Directory of Maîtres d'art, Chicago Landmarks ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: SIUSA archive conservator ID, ToposText IDs, content partnership category, eligible award recipient, NetBSD package, OpenBSD port, Number of recoveries, footedness, HTML autocomplete attribute, SoloTutes, see talk page discussion at
- External identifiers: BC Register of Historic Places ID, Encyclopédie sur le développement des jeunes enfants ID, RFI Musique ID, Moravian Lives, EL, Dictionnaire des femmes de l’ancienne France ID, Google Scholar case ID, TaDiRAH ID, Movie Review Query Engine ID, SkiMo Stats ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Querying the URL datatype with haswbstatement is now possible (phab:T243693). It will take two to three months before URLs are indexed for all Wikidata items.
- Wikidata Bridge: more style fixes, preparing a prototype to show how we will display references
- Fixing various production errors
- Monitoring the run of wb_terms migration
- Fixing an issue with the Commons files search field (phab:T196165)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
2020年3月9日 (一) 17:15 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #407

- Discussions
- Closed request for comments: Wikidata:Wikidata to use data schemas to standardise data structure on a subject
- Events
- Note: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, most meetups, including all those funded by Wikimedia Foundation grants, have been cancelled, or moved online, for the foreseeable future.
- Past: Wikidata workshop at the central library of Göttingen. Slides: connecting Wikidata and other databases (in German)
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in Paris, March 20th, will take place online starting at 20:00 on IRC (freenode:wikidata-fr)
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #5, March 22
- Upcoming: Wikidata Wochenende in Ulm, June 12-14
- Postponed:
- Wikidata Days 2020 (July, Portugal) will be postponed (more information)
- WikiCite Satellite Cologne 2020 (May, Germany) is postponed until "late 2020"
- Cancelled:
- Wikimedia Hackathon (9-11 May, Tirana) is cancelled due to COVID-19.
- Press, articles, blog posts
- People First: Wikimedia’s Response to COVID-19 - Update from Katherine Maher, Wikimedia Foundation CEO
- Wikimedia Foundation’s Knowledge Infrastructure with Grant Ingersoll, CTO of Wikimedia Foundation
- Improving Neural Named Entity Recognition with Gazetteers - "describes how to generate gazetteers from the Wikidata knowledge graph"
- Introduction to Wikidata video by Jason Evans and Aaron Morris, available both in English and in Welsh
- Video of the live Wikidata Querying, March 15th, by WikidataFacts
- Tool of the week
- TabulistBot, a tool to generate and update tabular data on Commons, based on Wikidata SPARQL queries. Sample: earthquakes.tab
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New help page: Suggesters and selectors
- All identifiers are now sorted mostly alphabetically according to the RfC regarding the sorting of identifiers, which remains open if you have improvement proposals. Feel free to comment here!
- Maximilian Klein applied for a project grant to merge and improve WHGI and Denelezh, tools that heavily rely on Wikidata to provide statistics about gender gap and biographical content in Wikimedia projects.
- QuickStatements change (4 March). QuickStatements is now executing "run in background" batches with the same priority as direct batches run from the browser. Background batches may now run many times faster than they previously did (discussion), when the WDQS updater can handle this.
- News and discussions about Structured Data on Commons SPARQL endpoint
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: historic county, corresponding HTML autocomplete attribute
- External identifiers: Joconde Discovery ID, Joconde Genèse ID, Dictionnaire des femmes de l’ancienne France ID, Cell Ontology ID, Scilit work ID, NetBSD package, OpenBSD port, VR GameCritic ID, DAR ancestor ID, FandangoNow ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: descriptive solubility, Unicode character (item), Donations, endorsed by, countermeasure, Venue of the final, Tournament format, tilt
- External identifiers: Social Blade YouTube channel ID, Dizionario di Filosofia ID, re:publica speaker ID, ACM Conference ID, HuijiWiki Wiki ID, ACM Journal ID, m3db.com film ID, m3db.com person ID, TripAdvisor ID 2
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject COVID-19
- Newest database reports: COVID-19 deaths
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Add monolingual codes nrf-gg (Guernésiais), nrf-je (Jèrriais), thanks to Mbch331! (phab:T165648)
- Article Placeholder: make the entity field required (phab:T247478)
- Remove legacy Wikibase service containers (phab:T245865)
- Fix an error UnresolvedEntityRedirectException when viewing certain Wikidata item pages (phab:T243779)
- Fix an issue with new edit summaries not always showing what expected (phab:T246873)
- Federated properties: enable search with remote properties (wbsearchentities) (phab:T246349)
- showing the updated Wikipedia article after changing a value via Bridge (phab:T235208)
- research how to do reference rendering (phab:T244987)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
来指定新模型。您可以阅读在mediawiki.org上的说明文件。 [33]
- 如果您和别人同时修改了一个页面,您会遇到编辑冲突,现在有个新的两栏界面来让解决冲突更加方便。它将很快地能在德语、阿拉伯语和波斯语维基百科上使用,且在接下来的几个月内于更多维基上预设启用,您将可以选择不要使用新界面。 [34][35]
- 您可以查看更轻松回应留言的建议设计。
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年3月16日 (一) 21:15 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #408

- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata and Wikibase office hour, April 7th, 18:00 Berlin time (UTC+2) in the Wikidata Telegram group
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #6, March 29
- Postponed: Wikimania Bangkok is postponed until 2021
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Wikidata as a knowledge graph for the life sciences, Andra Waagmeester et.al.
- Tensor Decompositions for Temporal Knowledge Base Completion ("Additionally, we propose a new dataset for knowledge base completion constructed from Wikidata ... for evaluating temporal and non-temporal link prediction methods.")
- Tool of the week
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms allows quickly generating a new lexeme with all its forms in selected languages; you can also use the tool to add forms to an existing lexeme, or bulk upload many lexemes and forms at once.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A task force is formed under WikiProject India to work on 2020 coronavirus pandemic in India (Q84055514)
- Important for tool maintainers: last steps of wb_terms table migration (wb_terms is not updated anymore and will be renamed next week)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: food energy, quantity symbol, depicted format, electron configuration, endorsed by, ordered by, research subject recruitment status, footedness, IM channel, number of recoveries, number of clinical tests
- External identifiers: FandangoNow ID, CVR person ID, Faculté des sciences de Nancy ID, Filmfront film ID, stargate-wiki.de article, AncientFaces person ID, Decine21 ID, ACM Conference ID, Clavis Patrum Latinorum ID, ExoticA ID, Hrvatska enciklopedija ID, ACM Journal ID, Kanopy ID, Mirabile author ID, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca ID, Clavis Patrum Graecorum ID, Mirabile manuscript ID, Mirabile saint ID, Mirabile title ID, Poeti d'Italia in lingua latina author ID, Treccani Dizionario di Filosofia ID, Colecovision Zone ID, NHS Health A to Z ID, EH.Net Encyclopedia of Economic and Business History ID, Gry Online company ID, Podchaser podcast ID, Haz-Map ID, Social Security Death Index entry, ColecoVision.dk ID, US Bureau of Prisons Inmate Register Number, Google Scholar case ID, Adventure Games series ID, Trakt.tv ID, Compendium heroicum ID, Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development English ID, Encyclopédie sur le développement des jeunes enfants ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: tilt, Dog and cat breed registries, terminology, perpetrator, virtual tour, victims, décès, subpopulation 2, Institutionskennzeichen (IK), ODMP person ID, is metaclass for, correct spelling
- External identifiers: Unified registration number, AGROVOC ID, Forest Stewardship Council Certificate Code, Forest Stewardship Council License Code, PIV Online ID, MusicBrainz genre ID, Curran Index Contributor ID, Curran Index Periodical ID, Artprice artist ID, Reta Vortaro, National Register of Historic Monuments in Bosnia and Herzegovina ID, identifiant co-optimus.com, Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon ID, Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity ID, CIRIS author ID, motorsportstats.com series, National-Football-Teams.com club ID, motorsportstats.com driver ID, motorsportstats.com team ID, CAB ID, motorsportstats.com venue ID, curlingzone.com ID, Visit Tuscany ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Federated properties: set up a test system (phab:T247734)
- ore work on search for remote properties (phab:T246349)
- Bridge: more work on messages about the license (phab:T238728)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 一些开发进展将会比预期的慢,这是因为目前的流行病,您可以查阅新的部署指引,以避免某人不在时所造成的风险。
- 在之前加入跨语言链接可能会有问题,您用来加入跨语言链接的工具可能会建议连结到错误的计划,这已被修复。 [36][37]
- 有一个让新手编辑更加容易的专案。开发人员试图了解不同的维基百科使用什么方法来欢迎新手,他们还想知道哪些模板常用于这些活动,您透过检查您的维基页面是否已列于维基数据上来帮助此专案。
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年3月23日 (一) 17:08 (UTC)
- 《新闻动态指引(重复发生的项目)》:依据社群讨论结果,正式订立周期性新闻事项之新闻动态相关指引,作为管理员更新新闻动态之参考。(讨论记录)
- 《基金会行动方针》:将本年二月间事实性修改交付公示并获得通过。(讨论记录)
- 因应社群讨论,将“车轮战”一词正名为“管理战”,《车轮战方针》 相应更名为《管理战方针》 。(讨论记录)
- 《快速删除方针》:修订〈所有页面〉一节内容,调整G16准则条文内容(讨论记录),之后修订G5准则条文内容,要求附上前次的删除资讯。(讨论记录)
- 《使用者页面指引》、《机器人方针》、《保护方针》及《傀儡方针》:对机器人等合规附属账号的使用者页面做出较为明确的规范。(讨论记录)
- 《格式手册(日期和数字)》:修订〈年月日〉一节内容,调整中文数字“零”在条目中的相关格式规范。(讨论记录)
- 方针:《使用者名称方针》、《傀儡方针》、《生者传记方针》(已回退)、《维基百科不是什么》、《管理战方针》、《破坏方针》、《保护方针》、《快速删除方针》、《避免地域中心方针》、《中立的观点》(已回退)、《使用者查核方针》及《监督方针》。
- 指引:《格式手册(缩写)》、《格式手册(不要华而不实)》、《格式手册(日期和数字)》、《格式手册(标点符号)》、《格式手册(文字格式)》、《格式手册(版面布局)》、《格式手册(作品列表)》、《申请成为管理人员指引》、《繁简处理指引》、《使用者页面指引》、《讨论页指引》、《格式手册(旗帜)》、《重新导向指引》、《可靠来源指引》、《签名指引》及《格式手册(中国相关条目)》。
Wikidata weekly summary #409

- Events
- Today: Edit tools for Wikidata, on-line workshop in Polish, access link, March 30, 17:00 GMT (7pm Warsaw time)
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #7, April 5
- Upcoming: Wikidata for beginners, April 1
- Upcoming: Wiki Workshop, researchers forum (fully remote), on April 21. More information, registration
- Upcoming: The Celtic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference will take place fully remotely in July 2020. Call for submissions with remote formats is open until April 30th.
- Upcoming: the Wikidata Wochenende (previously in Ulm) will take place fully remote on June 12-14
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Video: How can Wikimedia projects help fight the pandemic, by Susanna Ånäs
- Investigating Software Usage in the Social Sciences: A Knowledge Graph Approach ("we linked the entities of the knowledge graph to other knowledge bases such as the Microsoft Academic Knowledge Graph, the Software Ontology, and Wikidata")
- Wikidata Queries around the SARS-CoV-2 virus and pandemic (free eBook)
- Video: Live SPARQL editing in French by Vigneron
- Video: Live editing in English by Ainali and Abbe98: Youtube, Twitch, Periscope, Facebook
- Tool of the week
- IdentifierInput: when adding identifiers, it lets you paste the full URL, and extracts the ID part
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- About Wikidata dumps:
- No second XML dump in March
- RDF and JSON dumps generation is broken (no new dump since March 11th, fix in progress)
- Wikidata knowledge imbalance dashboard - Alpha release
- Internet Archive has launched a National Emergency Library and would like to work together with WikiCite
- wb_terms migration: a temporary table has been created, the current wb_terms table will be emptied on April 6th (more details)
- About Wikidata dumps:
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: generational suffix, LiverTox likelihood score, size designation, perpetrator, victim
- External identifiers: IGCD game ID, Kickstarter project ID, Gram.pl game ID, Kooora/Goalzz player ID, RFI Musique artist ID, VideoGamer.com game ID, Nobel Laureate API ID, VGMRips system ID, VGMRips company ID, GameRevolution game ID, PIV Online ID, Movie Review Query Engine ID, VcBA ID, m3db.com film ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Chinese Clinical Trial Registry identifier, donated to, number of hospitalized cases, number of home cases, ARK formatter, Filceolaire, viability on surface, entry receptor, birth rate
- External identifiers: SAN archive producer ID, SAR ancestor ID, National Catalog of Hospitals ID, Pinakes copyist or possessor ID, Frankfurter Personenlexikon ID, Encyklopedia Solidarności ID, Geschichtsquellen des deutschen Mittelalters author ID, identifiant Geneastar, Geschichtsquellen des deutschen Mittelalters work ID, Women of Scotland ID, Women of Scotland subject ID, World Biographical Information System ID, COTREX trail ID, Natural Atlas ID, Apache Project ID, Amazon Prime Video ID, Archival Resource Key, UM-BBD compound ID, BitterDB Compound ID, FooDB compound ID, ModelSEED compound ID, Hopital.fr ID, BookBrainz publisher ID, Macdonald Dictionary ID, FHF hospital group ID, FHF establishment ID, Ameli ID, Pascal et Francis ID, Retronews ID, Elephind.com, What Do They Know organisation ID, Papers Past, Internetowy Polski Słownik Biograficzny ID, I-Revues ID, BDSP ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fix an issue with the Wikidata dumps (phab:T248612)
- Migrate to and read from new store for item terms (phab:T219123)
- Create wb_terms_no_longer_updated to ease the transition to the new tables
- Bridge: improve the rendering of references (phab:T238661)
- More work on editing references (phab:T240333)
- Continue setting up a test system to work on federated properties
- More research on suggesting references
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Create a scraper for Mix'n'match from the catalogue list.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
2020年3月30日 (一) 17:26 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #410

- Discussions
- New request for comments: Should we create new properties for beaches?
- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata office hour, April 7th at 18:00 UTC+2, on the Wikidata Telegram channel
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Google Sheets add-on, Author Disambiguator Tool, 07 April. Agenda
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries in French by Vigneron, April 8 at 20:00 CEST
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #8, April 12
- Upcoming: Wikidata for Beginners (German, Remoted via Zoom), May 3
- Ongoing: WikiGap Challenge until April 8th
- Ongoing: covid-19 virtual biohackathon until April 11th. Information on how to participate. Instructions to participate are on the github wiki and join #wikidata room. Several Wikidata-related topics are currently presented, such as: COVID-19 Global Dashboard, sync the ICTV Virus classification and Nomenclature with Wikidata, federate between Wikidata and NextProt, use wikibase to align between (bio)schema.org and Wikidata.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Signpost special report: Wikipedia on COVID-19: what we publish and why it matters — with mentions of COVID-related Wikidata activities
- Denny Vrandecic published a proposal that suggests some extensions to Wikidata, and also a wholly new project, Wikilambda.
- ScienceGuide's The COVID-19 pandemic stresses the societal importance of open science mentions WikiProject COVID-19
- SPARC*Europe mentions the WikiProject COVID-19 in Overnight, COVID-19 heightens the need for Open Science post
- Video: Live SPARQL queries in English by WikidataFacts
- Video: Live SPARQL queries in French by Vigneron
- Tool of the week
- Scholia highlights the scholarly data in Wikidata, including scholarly works, projects, topics, and individual researchers, including their relationships and statistics. It encourages further enrichment of Wikidata through links on the "missing" pages.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New tool: ShExStatements to generate Shape Expressions from CSV (more details)
- Job opportunity: Science Museum, London. Research Developer, "using computational techniques to create links between the SMG collection and Wikidata at scale" (deadline: 19 April).
- New tool: Wikidata Complete uses machine learning algorithms to read Wikipedia, identify facts and import them into Wikidata after manual check (blog post)
- schema.org announced an extension to allow for special announcements with regards to COVID-19. The way to identify the topic as per the example? By using the Wikidata Q-Identifier, Q81068910: Structured data for special announcements
- Interactive map showing the spread of COVID-19, updated daily with data from Wikidata.
- wb_terms table will be emptied today
- Your feedback is welcome on two projects to improve the queries and lists workflows
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: organized response related to outbreak, Latvian transcription, country of registry, number of hospitalized cases, ARK formatter, symbol of
- External identifiers: m3db.com person ID, Filmfront person ID, SIUSA archive conservator ID, National Register of Historic Monuments in Bosnia and Herzegovina ID, RPGamer game ID, DR music artist ID, PC Games Database.de game ID, ELAR ID, Frankfurter Personenlexikon ID, Women of Scotland memorial ID, Women of Scotland subject ID, Geschichtsquellen des deutschen Mittelalters author ID, MusicBrainz genre ID, Latvian unified registration number, Amazon Prime Video ID, VGMRips composer ID, Apache Project ID, coinop.org game ID, Glassdoor company ID, AGROVOC ID, Ameli ID, BookBrainz publisher ID, Chinese Clinical Trial Registry identifier, CIRIS author ID, Colecovision Addict ID, Macdonald Dictionary ID, ToposText place ID, ToposText person ID, ToposText work ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: located in the statistical territorial entity, formatter for periodical, CSS Color name
- External identifiers: JournalTOCs ID, EZB ID, MUSE article ID, Paperity journal ID, Paperity article ID, Flora del Cono Sur Darwinion, MxM xref, Biographical Dictionary of Architects in Canada ID, TED speaker numeric ID, Sejm-Wielki.pl profile ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Working on a first prototype for automated finding references (board)
- Bridge: improve rendering of references (phab:T238661)
- Only send incremental changes through the API (phab:T230343)
- Adding a screen allowing people to go edit the references on Wikidata (phab:T240333)
- Reducing the size of the extra Javascript that the user has to download for Bridge (phab:T228857)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 有个使用者页面无法在桌面版上显示的问题,这是由于一个错误,它将很快修复。 [41]
- MediaWiki将使用新版本的Unicode。一些字符在过去并没有等价的大写字符,以这些字符为开头的标题将被移动,这些标题的列表可以在Phabricator上找到,将由使用者
Maintenance script
进行重命名,从2020年4月13日开始进行,若您想要也可在此之前先将其重命名为与脚本不同的新名称。 [42]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年4月6日 (一) 19:03 (UTC)
- 您现在可以在所有维基百科使用
搜寻字,它使用主题来搜寻条目。 [43] - 您可以在新的工具库看到维基工具。 [44]
- 您可以在新的仪表板看到来自Wikimedia Cloud Services的编辑。
- 当您在历史页面上使用过滤器时,您有时无法看到任何编辑,现在有一行文字对此进行说明,在此之前是完全空白的。 [45]
- 有一个新的维基媒体技术部落格。 [46]
- 上周维基数据数据库有些问题。一些维基下线了20分钟,维基数据和其他计划显示了错误讯息,跨维基连结无法显示,一些工具无法运作并有其他问题。有些问题已经很快修复了,开发人员正在修复剩下的问题。 [47][48][49]
- 有些图表无法在移动设备上显示。这将很快地被修复。 [50]
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2020年4月13日 (一) 15:31 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #411

- Discussions
- CheckUser nominations: Sotiale, Jasper Deng, Romaine
- Events
- Ongoing: Wikidata Lab XXII on the Wikidata Wikiproject COVID-19, April 14, 1pm UTC, remote, in English. Event page
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries in French by Vigneron, Tuesday April 14 at 20:00 CEST (UTC+2)
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #9, April 19
- Past: Wikidata and Wikibase office hour, April 7, on Telegram. Notes of the discussion
- Past: Wikidata topic at the virtual biohackathon. Mid-term updates final presentations (Wikidata report starts at 1:17:40)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- A protocol for adding knowledge to Wikidata, a case report (new preprint about virus info (strains, genes, proteins), ShEx, and SPARQL)
- Multilingual enrichment of disease biomedical ontologies ("We look at the coverage of two biomedical ontologies focusing on diseases with respect to Wikidata for 9 European languages")
- Wikidata and the bibliography of life in the time of coronavirus
- Video: Editing Wikidata and creating a property proposal: YouTube, Facebook, Periscope
- Tool of the week
- COVID19 Dashboard is a Wikidata-powered one-stop information/visualization service for COVID19-related topics such as COVID19's outbreak map, deaths, symptoms, taxonomy, and publications.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A database breakage, also affecting connected sister projects such as Wikipedia, on April 6, 11pm UTC. A fix has been deployed and no data has been lost. However, issues related to sitelinks and bots creating duplicates can still occur.
- You're welcome to give feedback on ideas of improvements for the Query Service interface
- The development team is working on automated finding of references, feel free to give feedback on the first batch
- ZFOURGE UDS 19909 (Q90000000) - our ninety-millionth item, about a galaxy - was created on 10 April.
- For the first time, a Wikipedia list article populated entirely from Wikidata, and built using Listeria, has been granted "featured" status, on the Portuguese Wikipedia (video on YouTube).
- ListeriaBot blocked pending review on English Wikipedia.
- A Telegram group has been created for discussions about Wikidata in German
- Comment on QID Emoji proposal until April 20th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: donations, network bands, bus, recommended unit of measurement, CSS color keyword
- External identifiers: BDSP ID, CAB ID, Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity ID, Geschichtsquellen des deutschen Mittelalters work ID, ScreenScraper group ID, The Cover Project game ID, FHF establishment ID, FHF hospital group ID, elibrary.ru person ID, Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon ID, WBIS ID, Spanish National Catalog of Hospitals ID, Visit Tuscany ID, URL on Nintendo eShop, Curran Index contributor ID, ODMP person ID, GameTDB game ID, Elephind.com ID, EZB ID, GameReactor game ID, Archival Resource Key, EcuRed article, Geneastar person ID, Encyklopedia Solidarności ID, Pinakes copyist or possessor ID, Biographical Dictionary of Architects in Canada ID, I-Revues ID, JournalTOCs ID, MUSE article ID, NASA active astronaut ID - DO NOT USE, Paperity article ID, Paperity journal ID, SAN archive producer ID, SOCAN work number, Papers Past ID, Pascal et Francis ID, Retronews ID, COTREX trail ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: ACUM work ID, appendix, Wikisource index page, Unicode character, Arlington Cemetery person ID, Eigentümerhistorie, quantification instruction, language level, Included in curricula, Order number, ShEx available at URL, dialect of (computer language), file page offset, station service succession
- External identifiers: Seoul Information Disclosure Plaza management number, Wikiparques ID, NKAA ID, Described and Captioned Media Program producer ID, Provenio ID, Encyclopedia of Brno Person ID, RPPS ID, South African Company Registration Number, Sicilian Regional Assembly ID, Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis ID, SNCF station identifier, Benerail station identifier, Indian Railways train number, Soccerdonna coach ID, DLL Catalog IDs, MDN, Psocodea Species File ID, Slovak Registration ID, Swedish Glaciers, Club Identifier Netherlands Handball Association, Encyclopaedia Metallum label ID, UK Modern House Index building ID, UK Modern House Index architect ID, CPAN person, FactGrid item ID, FactGrid property ID, Texas Historic Sites Atlas ID
- Query examples:
- Schema examples: pandemic (E184), preprint (E185), Macromolecular complex (E186), hospital (E187), 2020 coronavirus pandemic local outbreaks (E188), clinical trial (E189), Lockdown (E190), lockdown part of the 2019-2020 coronavirus disease pandemic (E191), virus taxon (E192), Preprint server (E193), Complex Portal entity (E194), contact tracing app (E195)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Move wb_terms data in cloud replicas to wb_terms_no_longer_updated (phab:T248592)
- Rebuild wb_items_per_site, after incident where wb_items_per_site was dropped (phab:T249596)
- Purge / Reject client pages that were cached in parser cache during the incident (phab:T249595)
- More work on Automated finding references
- More work on federated properties: create and save a statement with federated properties
- Bridge: improve the generic error screen (phab:T241126) and on save (phab:T248087)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 《快速删除方针》:修订〈条目〉一节,调整A5准则条文内容,允许与其他现有条目内容非常相似的条目符合A5款。(讨论记录)
- 《避免地域中心》:修订〈非官方机构及国际活动〉一节,在不牵涉台湾的情况下,允许在与香港、澳门作非政治性用途对比时使用“中国大陆”一词。(讨论记录)
- 《COVID-19条目共识》:依据社群讨论结果,正式订立2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)相关条目共识指引,避免在相关条目发生编辑战时遭到管理员全保护处理。(讨论记录)