曼达安教 | |
ࡌࡀࡍࡃࡀࡉࡉࡀ | |
![]() 阿拉伯语版的《琴扎·拉巴》 | |
类别 | 民族宗教 |
宗派 | 诺斯底主义 |
里沙马 | Sattar Jabbar Hilo |
区域 | 伊拉克、伊朗 |
起源 | 1世纪 巴勒斯坦地区 |
伊斯兰教 与其他宗教 |
亚伯拉罕诸教 |
其余宗教 |
伊斯兰教与...... |
曼达安教 (现代曼达安语:מנדעיותא Mandaʻiūtā; 阿拉伯语:مندائية Mandāʼīyah)是一个诺斯底主义宗教[1],信仰该教的民族称作曼达安人,其拥有强烈的二元世界观,崇敬亚当、亚伯、塞特、以挪士、挪亚、闪姆、亚兰以及视施洗者约翰为最后一位先知,并拒绝承认亚伯拉罕、摩西和耶稣的先知地位。Manda在曼达安语中代表“知识”。[2][3]
大多数的学者都认为曼达安教历史早于基督教,不过也有部分学者认为曼达安出现时间晚于基督教创立。[4]曼达安人在西元一世纪时从南黎凡特迁徙至美索不达米亚,他们是闪族人,使用东部亚拉姆语的其中一支方言曼达安语,他们的起源可能与纳巴泰人有密切关联。[5] 部分研究者认为《可兰经》中提到的拜星教就是现在的曼达安教。
[编辑]在2003年伊拉克战争之前,曼达安人主要居住在伊拉克[6],以及部分在伊朗;美军占领伊拉克后,许多伊斯兰极端团体的暴力攻击使得曼达安人逃离伊拉克[7],至2007年伊拉克仅剩约5,000人[6];逃离的曼达安人主要是迁往伊朗和伊拉克北部,小部分移民至叙利亚、约旦,也有部分获得难民庇护至瑞典、澳洲和美国等西方国家。目前全球约有 60,000至70,000名曼达安人。[8]
[编辑]- ^ Buckley, Jorunn Jacobsen, The Mandaeans: ancient texts and modern people (PDF), Oxford University Press, 2002 [2016-02-15], ISBN 9780195153859, (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2017-10-11)
- ^ Rudolph, Kurt. Mandaeism. BRILL. 1978: 15 [2016-02-15]. ISBN 9789004052529. (原始内容存档于2021-01-26).
In some texts, however, it is said that Anoš and Manda ḏHayyē appeared in Jerusalem together with Jesus Christ (Mšiha), and exposed him as a lying prophet. This tradition can be explained by an anti-Christian concept, which is also found in Mandaeism, but, according to several scholars, it contains scarcely any traditions of historical events. Because of the strong dualism in Mandaeism, between body and soul, great attention is paid to the "deliverance" of the soul
- ^ The Light and the Dark: Dualism in ancient Iran, India, and China Petrus Franciscus Maria Fontaine - 1990 "Although it shows Jewish and Christian influences, Mandaeism was hostile to Judaism and Christianity. Mandaeans spoke an East-Aramaic language in which 'manda' means 'knowledge'; this already is sufficient proof of the connection of Mandaeism with the Gnosis...
- ^ Etudes mithriaques 1978 p545 Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin "The conviction of the leading Mandaean scholars – E. S. Drower, Kurt Rudolph, Rudolph Macuch – that Mandaeanism had a pre-Christian origin rests largely upon the subjective evaluation of parallels between Mandaean texts and the Gospel of John."
- ^ Hämeen-Anttila, Jaakko. The Last Pagans of Iraq: Ibn Waḥshiyya and His Nabatean Agriculture. Boston: BRILL. 2006: 11 [2016-02-15]. ISBN 9789004150102. (原始内容存档于2016-03-07).
- ^ 6.0 6.1 "Save the Gnostics" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) by Nathaniel Deutsch, October 6, 2007, New York Times.
- ^ Iraq's Mandaeans 'face extinction' (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Angus Crawford, BBC, March 4, 2007.
- ^ Iraqi minority group needs U.S. attention 互联网档案馆的存档,存档日期2007-10-25., Kai Thaler, Yale Daily News, March 9, 2007.
[编辑]- 曼达安联盟 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) – 统整全球曼达安人事务的国际组织,提供英语与阿拉伯语资讯。
- The Worlds of Mandaean Priests (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), University of Exeter