
尊敬的 皮埃尔·普瓦列夫尔 Pierre Poilievre PC MP | |
![]() 2023年的博励治 | |
![]() | |
现任 | |
就任日期 2022年9月10日 | |
君主 | 查尔斯三世 |
首相 | 特鲁多 卡尼 |
副职 | 兰兹曼 添·欧普 |
前任 | 伯根 |
![]() 选举:2022年 | |
现任 | |
就任日期 2022年9月10日 | |
副职 | 兰兹曼 添·欧普 |
前任 | 奥图尔 伯根(临时) |
![]() | |
任期 2015年2月9日—2015年11月4日 | |
总理 | 哈珀 |
前任 | 康尼 |
继任 | 杜克洛 米海楚克 |
![]() | |
任期 2013年7月15日—2015年11月4日 | |
总理 | 哈珀 |
前任 | 添·欧普 |
继任 | 蒙塞夫 |
加拿大众议院议员 | |
现任 | |
就任日期 2004年6月28日 | |
前任 | 大卫‧普拉特 (尼皮安-卡尔顿) |
选区 | 卡尔顿 |
个人资料 | |
出生 | Pierre Marcel Poilievre 1979年6月3日[1] ![]() |
政党 | ![]() |
其他政党 | ![]() ![]() |
配偶 | 阿娜伊达·普瓦列夫尔(2017年结婚) |
儿女 | 2 |
居住地 | ![]() |
母校 | 卡尔加里大学(BA) |
宗教信仰 | 罗马天主教 |
签名 | ![]() |
网站 | www |
皮埃尔·马塞尔·普瓦列夫尔[注 1] PC MP(英语:Pierre Marcel Poilievre;1979年6月3日—),官方中文名博励治[4][5][注 2],加拿大政治人物,现任联邦保守党党魁和官方反对党领袖,他自2004年以来一直担任众议院卡尔顿选区议员。曾于2013年至2015年在保守党总理哈珀内阁中出任民主改革部长,并于2015年2月至11月担任就业和社会发展部长。
[编辑]博励治于1979年6月3日出生于艾伯塔省卡尔加里[11],亲生母亲是年仅16岁的高中生Jacqueline Farrell。[12][13]法雷尔的父亲是爱尔兰裔加拿大人,如果她没有把他送去收养,她原本打算给他起名叫杰夫(Jeff),这个名字直到他成年后仍偶尔被这样被称呼[13][14][15]。他出生后不久就被一对法裔萨斯喀彻温省教师夫妇Donald Poilievre与Marlene Poilievre收养[16][12][17] 。这对夫妇后来也收养了他同父异母的弟弟Patrick[14],这对兄弟在卡尔加里郊区的一个普通家庭中长大,经常打冰球、去露营。[15]博励治曾就读于亨利怀斯伍德高中(Henry Wise Wood High School)[18]和卡尔加里大学。他曾是加拿大改革党活跃党员。[15][19]
在搬到渥太华之前的2003年,博励治与合伙人Jonathan Denis共同创立了一家名为3D Contact Inc.的公司[24],专注于提供政治传播、民意调查和研究服务。[25]他曾为一个叫Campaign to Draft Stockwell Day的组织工作,该组织想协助戴国卫竞选成为加拿大联盟党魁[26],他随后参加了戴国卫的党领竞选活动。几年后,在戴国卫担任官方反对党领袖之后,博励治为戴国卫担任顾问。[27]
博励治致力于正处于扩建工程之中的皇后大道卡尔顿医院免除租金,因为该医院与国家首都委员会的租约将于2013年到期,面临着省级营运资金的削减和租金的上涨。为了免除医院支付的租金,博励治于2005年6月20日提出了一项私人议员法案C-414,名为《防止加拿大政府向非营利医院收取租金的法案》。[30]该法案以165比111的投票结果被否决[31],但尼皮安-卡尔顿选区省议员白谔德主张医院每年只支付1加元的租金[32] ,并在白谔德第二年成为联邦财政委员会主席后实施了该法案。[33] 博励治也发起了2005年5月11日提出的C-383号私人议员法案,旨在通过请愿书[34]来罢免国会议员,并于2005 年11月24日提出了C-456号法案,将父母责任纳入《刑事法典》规定,父母因疏忽、不当行为或缺乏适当行动导致其子女犯罪的行为属于犯罪行为。[35]
2014年2月4日,作为国务部长的博励治将法案C-23(称为公平选举法)引入下议院。[58] 除其他规定外,该法案扩大了投票时接受的身份证明类型,并取消了担保制度,即选民无需身份证即可投票,并由熟人为他们“担保”。该法案遭到前首席选举官让-皮埃尔·金斯利[59]、前审计长希拉·弗雷泽[60]以及数十名加拿大[61]和国际政治专家[62]的反对——博励治加紧了对当时加拿大选举委员会的首席选举官马克·梅兰德的攻击,博励治指责他想要“更多的权力、更大的预算和更少的责任”。[63]该法案最后获得通过并获得御准。
作为国务部长,博励治于2014年12月将C-50法案(即公民投票法)提交下议院。该法案是政府对安大略省高级法院裁决的回应,该裁决将上诉至最高法院正如Frank v Canada (AG)案一样,该案裁定剥夺在国外居住超过五年的侨民的选举权是违宪的。[65]相反,C-50法案提议增加外籍人士投票的额外文件要求。[66]然而,它并未在2015年8月议会结束前获得通过。

[编辑]博励治称自己为“真正的保守派”,即蓝色托里派(Blue Tory)[120],而部分记者将其形容为自由意志主义者[121]和民粹主义者,许多记者也为其民粹主义标签提供不同注解。[122][123][124][125][126][127][128]
议题 | 概括 |
财政 | 他认为巨额预算赤字是通货膨胀的原因。[129]
房屋和基础设施 | 博励治将缺乏新住房问题归咎于官僚主义,自由党政府设置了太多的房屋建设障碍,使得房源供不应求。
医疗保健 | 博励治支持加拿大的公共医疗保健,并表示“我相信每个人都应该能够获得公共医疗保健。这是我一生所依赖的系统。”[151]
2022年,他提出了私人法案C-377,即《防止政府授权强制性疫苗政策法案》,该法案将终止联邦政府强制执行与COVID-19相关的强制性疫苗政策。[157][158]2022年10月,已成为保守党党魁的他投票支持保守党私人议员修改《刑事法典》的法案,禁止强迫卫生专业人员在对患者实施安乐死的行为,以维护《权利和自由宪章》第2(a)条中的“意识自由”。[159]但所有自由党、新民主党和魁人政团议员投票反对,该法案被否决。[160] |
环境 |
社会问题 |
外交和国防 |
言论自由 | |
移民 |
美加墨贸易战 | |
其他 |
搬到渥太华后,博励治与保守党政治顾问Jenni Byrne交往,直到2011年结束关系。2018年1月,博励治在葡萄牙与加拿大上议院助手Anaida Galindo结婚,并举行婚礼。他们的第一个孩子Valentina Alejandra Poilievre Galindo于2018年10月17日出生。2021年9月12日,博励治迎来了他的第二个孩子Cruz Alejandro Poilievre。
[编辑]年度 | 选举届数 | 选区 | 所属政党 | 得票数 | 得票率 | 当选标记 | 备注 |
2004 | 第三十八届国会议员选举 | 尼皮安-卡尔顿选区 | ![]() |
30,420 | 45.70% | ![]() |
2006 | 第三十九届国会议员选举 | 39,260 | 54.70% | ||||
2008 | 第四十届国会议员选举 | 39,915 | 55.84% | ||||
2011 | 第四十一届国会议员选举 | 43,477 | 54.45% | ||||
2015 | 第四十二届国会议员选举 | 卡尔顿选区 | 27,762 | 46.86% | |||
2019 | 第四十三届国会议员选举 | 32,147 | 46.35% | ||||
2021 | 第四十四届国会议员选举 | 35,356 | 49.90% | ||||
2025 | 第四十五届国会议员选举 |
2022年加拿大保守党党魁选举 | ||||
候选人 | 首轮投票 | |||
分数 | % | |||
博励治 Pierre Poilievre |
22,993.42 | 68.15 | ||
庄社理 | 5,421.62 | 16.07 | ||
刘易斯 | 3,269.54 | 9.69 | ||
巴贝尔 | 1,696.76 | 5.83 | ||
艾齐森 | 356.66 | 1.06 | ||
Total | 33,737.99 | 100.00 | ||
Sources: 保守党[199] |
[编辑]- ^ Profile of The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, P.C., M.P.. [2022-07-07]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-27).
- ^ 保守党的攻势和自由党的反击,新民主党则说不必在红队蓝队间做选择. Radio canada. 2023-01-27 [2024-08-28]. (原始内容存档于2024-08-28).
- ^ 加拿大保守党选出新党魁,特鲁多迎来劲敌. Radio canada. 2022-07-15 [2022-09-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-05).
- ^ 博勵治訪列市打華裔牌 若執政將嚴懲仇恨罪犯. 星岛日报. 2022-07-15 [2022-08-22]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-17).
- ^ 博勵治首召議員團會議 誓為勞動階層爭取利益. www.mingpaocanada.com. 明报加拿大. [2022-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-13).
- ^ 聯邦保守黨臨時黨魁伯根誓改造黨派致力大選勝利. www.mingpaocanada.com. 明报加拿大. [2022-09-02]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-04).
- ^ 博勵治劍指總理之位 宣布角逐保守黨黨領. www.singtao.ca. 星岛日报. [2022-09-02]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-02).
- ^ Tasker, John Paul. Conservative members pick MP Pierre Poilievre to be their new leader. CBC News. September 10, 2022 [September 10, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-10).
- ^ 'He changed the political conversation': Pierre Poilievre voted CP's Newsmaker of the Year. [December 21, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-19).
- ^ Pierre Poilievre is The Canadian Press Newsmaker of the Year for second year in a row. [December 16, 2024].
- ^ The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, P.C., M.P.. Parliament of Canada. [September 23, 2022]. (原始内容存档于September 19, 2022).
- ^ 12.0 12.1 引用错误:没有为名为
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ 13.0 13.1 引用错误:没有为名为
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ 14.0 14.1 Levitz, Stephanie. There's a new book about Pierre Poilievre. Here are five things we learned about the Conservative leader.. Toronto Star. May 23, 2024. (原始内容存档于May 24, 2024).
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- ^ Vachon, Pascal. Pierre Poilievre Devient Nouveau Chef Du Parti Conservateur. ONFR. September 10, 2022 [September 11, 2022]. (原始内容存档于September 12, 2022).
Mon père qui a des origines canadiennes-françaises et qui vient d'un village fransaskois m'a transmis l'importance de préserver le français dès mon plus jeune âge. [My father, who has French-Canadian origins and comes from a Fransaskois village, taught me the importance of preserving French from an early age].
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As a teenager, he worked in corporate collections at Telus, calling businesses that hadn't paid their bills and helping them develop payment plans.
- ^ Bell, Rick. Bell: Kenney, from Best Summer Ever to Last Summer Ever. Calgary Sun. July 12, 2022 [August 2, 2022]. (原始内容存档于July 12, 2022).
And Pierre Poilievre, the federal Conservative MP and frontrunner in his party’s leadership race, scores huge applause at a weekend barbecue in Calgary, a city where he grew up and was a paperboy for the Calgary Sun.
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- ^ Adam, Mohammed. Hospital wins fight for $1 rent. Ottawa Citizen. July 29, 2006: E1. (原始内容存档于October 11, 2007).
- ^ Bill C-383 An Act to allow the recall of members of the House of Commons. Parliament of Canada. May 11, 2005 [March 3, 2022]. (原始内容存档于March 3, 2022).
- ^ Bill C-456 An Act to amend the Criminal Code (parental responsibility). Parliament of Canada. November 24, 2005 [March 3, 2022]. (原始内容存档于March 3, 2022).
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- ^ Poilievre represents Canada at UN conference. Nepean Barrhaven EMC (Nepean, Ontario). May 8, 2009: 10.
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- ^ MP wants Google boss to explain street cameras; Poilievre wants firm to present its case to privacy committee. Ottawa Citizen. March 30, 2009: A1.
- ^ A tale of two Poilievres. Ottawa Citizen. February 22, 2011: C1.
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- ^ Poilievre, Pierre. Unions ignore the Rand formula. Financial Post. February 6, 2013 [September 14, 2022]. (原始内容存档于April 22, 2022).
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- ^ Eight things we learned from the Pierre Poilievre book, including why he didn't run in 2020. [2024-06-16].
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- ^ Curry, Bill; Bozikovic, Alex. Anti-communism memorial better than building an office, minister says. The Globe and Mail. March 25, 2015.
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- ^ Elections watchdog says Pierre Poilievre's branded shirt at 2015 event broke rules. CTV News. July 21, 2017 [September 10, 2020]. (原始内容存档于February 13, 2022).
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- ^ Poilierve, Pierre. Canadian MPs accepted $620K worth of free travel from third parties, foreign entities in 2017. CBC News. March 27, 2018 [December 17, 2019]. (原始内容存档于February 13, 2022).
- ^ Curry, Bill. Conservative bill targets clawback of disabilities benefits. The Globe and Mail. February 5, 2018 [March 29, 2022]. (原始内容存档于March 29, 2022).
- ^ C-395 An Act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act. Parliament of Canada. June 6, 2018 [March 29, 2022]. (原始内容存档于March 29, 2022).
- ^ Curry, John. MP Pierre Poilievre at Dieppe ceremonies. Metroland Media Group. August 29, 2017 [March 31, 2022]. (原始内容存档于March 31, 2022).
- ^ Platt, Brian. Conservative finance critic Poilievre begins 'marathon speech' in attempt to force more SNC-Lavalin testimony. April 1, 2019 [March 31, 2022]. (原始内容存档于October 16, 2023).
- ^ Thomson, Stuart. 'It's just beginning': Fourth day of Poilievre marathon speech targets Bouchard in SNC-Lavalin scandal. April 4, 2019 [March 31, 2022]. (原始内容存档于October 16, 2023).
- ^ Trudeau, Poilievre engage in heated exchange regarding dollar amount paid out to Trudeau family by WE Charity. Global News. July 30, 2020 [December 9, 2022]. (原始内容存档于December 9, 2022).
- ^ Paul Tasker, John. Commons law clerk says government went too far in redacting WE Charity documents. CBC News. August 27, 2020 [December 9, 2022]. (原始内容存档于September 1, 2020).
- ^ Pierre Poilievre asks Bill Morneau to resign. CBC News. [December 9, 2022]. (原始内容存档于December 9, 2022).
- ^ Bill Morneau resigns as finance minister and MP, will seek to head up OECD. CBC News. (原始内容存档于August 18, 2020).
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- ^ Levitz, Stephanie. All eyes are on Pierre Poilievre as Conservatives prepare for leadership race. Toronto Star. February 4, 2022 [May 21, 2022]. (原始内容存档于May 21, 2022).
- ^ Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre says he is running for prime minister – National. Global News. [March 12, 2022]. (原始内容存档于February 6, 2022).
- ^ @PierrePoilievre. I'm running for Prime Minister to give you back control of your life. Sign up now to help me replace Trudeau & restore freedom (推文). February 5, 2022. (原始内容存档于February 14, 2022) –通过Twitter.
- ^ Lau, Matthew. Matthew Lau: How blue is Pierre Poilievre?. Financial Post. March 22, 2022 [April 3, 2022]. (原始内容存档于March 22, 2022).
- ^ PIERRE POILIEVRE SAYS HE WANTS TO MAKE CANADA THE "FREEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD". iHeartRadio. March 21, 2022 [April 4, 2022]. (原始内容存档于April 4, 2022).
- ^ Raj, Althia. Patrick Brown and Jean Charest have a deal that could make one of them the next Conservative leader. Toronto Star. March 9, 2022 [May 21, 2022]. (原始内容存档于May 21, 2022).
- ^ Gray, Mackenzie; Ha, Stephanie. Conservative leadership candidate Jean Charest says claims he's a Liberal are 'ludicrous'. CTV News. March 12, 2022 [May 21, 2022]. (原始内容存档于January 25, 2023).
- ^ Tasker, John Paul. Brown, Poilievre trade shots over niqab ban as Conservative leadership race heats up. CBC News. March 14, 2022 [May 21, 2022]. (原始内容存档于May 19, 2022).
- ^ Curry, Bill. Pierre Poilievre's support of trucker convoy 'disqualifies' him from political leadership, Jean Charest says. The Globe and Mail. April 10, 2022 [April 14, 2022]. (原始内容存档于April 13, 2022).
"Everyone knows that Pierre Poilievre supported the blockade. ... Well, I'm sorry, if you want to be a leader of a party, if you want to sit in the House of Commons and make laws, you have to obey them," he said. "That's not just a failure in leadership. It disqualifies you, as far as I'm concerned, as being someone who thinks, or aspires to be, a leader of a party."..."I'm proud of the truckers and I stand with them," Mr. Poilievre said in a podcast recorded on Feb. 10, as the protesters who had arrived in late January were settled in and showing no signs of leaving.
- ^ Curry, Bill. Pierre Poilievre's support of trucker convoy 'disqualifies' him from political leadership, Jean Charest says. The Globe and Mail. April 10, 2022 [April 14, 2022]. (原始内容存档于April 13, 2022).
"Jean Charest should be excluded from becoming prime minister after he sold out Canada's security for a quick buck by working to get Huawei technology on Canada's communications networks," he said. The comment is in reference to Mr. Charest's previous work as a consultant to China's Huawei in the Meng Wanzhou extradition case and the company's efforts to participate in Canada's 5G wireless networks.
- ^ Boutilier, Alex. Poilievre camp raises concerns over membership 'fraud' in Conservative race. Global News. April 12, 2022 [April 13, 2022]. (原始内容存档于April 12, 2022).
- ^ Boutilier, Alex. Conservatives ban pre-paid credit cards after Poilievre camp warns of membership 'fraud'. Global News. 14 April 2022 [21 May 2022]. (原始内容存档于May 10, 2022).
- ^ Poilievre, Pierre [@PierrePoilievre]. It is a Poilievre Majority! 60 MPs - a majority of elected Conservatives - have endorsed me and my plan to put Canadians back in control of their lives in the world's freest nation. (推文). 4 July 2022 [24 July 2022] –通过Twitter (英语).
- ^ 存档副本. [2022-07-26]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-29).
- ^ Aiello, Rachel. Pierre Poilievre wins Conservative leadership on first ballot. CTV News. September 10, 2022 [September 10, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-27).
- ^ Bulowski, Natasha. Pierre Poilievre preaches small government, appoints big shadow cabinet. ca.news.yahoo.com. [14 October 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-15) (加拿大英语).
- ^ Aiello, Rachel. Conservatives' Poilievre pushing for federal audit of ArriveCan app contracts. CTV News. April 7, 2023 [2023-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-07).
- ^ Zimonjic, Peter. Poilievre calls for parliamentary probe of Liberals' relationship with McKinsey consulting firm. CBC. January 10, 2022 [2023-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-21).
- ^ Tories vote in favour of bill enshrining long-term funding for child-care system. Toronto Star. June 19, 2023 [2023-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-30).
- ^ White-Crummey, Arthur. Poilievre tells Trudeau to 'butt out' of New Brunswick's policy on LGBTQ students. CBC News. June 27, 2023 [2023-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-29).
- ^ Poilievre latest to tell Alberta to 'stay in the CPP' as opposition mounts. Calgary. 2023-10-20 [2023-10-25]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-31) (英语).
- ^ Some Canadian politicians are ‘wittingly’ participating in foreign interference: watchdog - National | Globalnews.ca. Global News. [2024-08-12] (美国英语).
- ^ Major, Darren. Why won't Trudeau release classified names — and why won't Poilievre get a security clearance?. October 18, 2024 [2024-10-29]. (原始内容存档于2025-03-13).
- ^ Poilievre promises to release names of MPs who participated in foreign interference. October 29, 2024.
- ^ Liberals survive first confidence vote after the end of governance agreement with NDP. CBC. September 25, 2024 [2024-09-25]. (原始内容存档于2024-11-24).
- ^ https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/liberal-government-survives-third-conservative-non-confidence-vote-1.7138316
- ^ John Paul, Tasker. Trudeau hits back at the U.S. with big tariffs after Trump launches a trade war. CBC News. 2025-02-02 [2025-02-02] (英语).
- ^ https://x.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1886470100313891061
- ^ Canada shouldn’t remove retaliatory tariffs until all U.S. tariffs gone, Poilievre says. CBC News. 2025-03-07 [2025-03-07]. (原始内容存档于2025-03-14) (英语).
- ^ 安省牛津选区、曼省波蒂奇—利斯加选区、艾省卡尔加里—传统选区和安省杜林选区
- ^ Liberals, Conservatives take 2 seats apiece in 4 federal byelections | CBC. CBC. [June 27, 2024]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-08) (美国英语).
- ^ Tasker, John Paul. Conservatives win longtime Liberal stronghold Toronto-St. Paul's in shock byelection result. CBC News. June 24, 2024 [June 27, 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-07-02).
- ^ Fournier, Philippe. Summer surge continues for the Conservatives. 338Canada. 21 August 2023 [2 October 2024]. (原始内容存档于2025-01-14).
- ^ Canada's Conservatives are crushing Justin Trudeau. The Economist. [2024-10-29]. (原始内容存档于2025-01-17).
- ^ Donald Trump has thrown a massive obstacle onto Pierre Poilievre’s path to power. Toronto Star. [2025-02-09]. (原始内容存档于2025-02-10).
- ^ Mackenzie Gray and Stephanie Ha. Conservative leadership candidate Jean Charest says claims he's a Liberal are 'ludicrous'. CTV News. 2022-03-12 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-25).
- ^ Spectator Editorial. Pierre Poilievre a force to be reckoned with. The Hamilton Spectator. 2022-04-18 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-24).
- ^ DANIEL DRACHE AND MARC D. FROESE. Pierre Poilievre is the latest iteration in the long history of ‘Made in Canada’ populism. The Globe and Mail. 2022-07-29 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-31).
- ^ NP View: The unstoppable Pierre Poilievre. National Post. 5 August 2022.
- ^ Forrest, Maura. The quick take on Canada's new Conservative leader. Politico. 12 September 2022 [2022-12-02]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-26).
He has been compared to former President Donald Trump for his populist overtures, but in terms of substance, he has largely confined himself to pocketbook issues. He is pro-immigration — his wife is a Venezuelan immigrant — and now calls himself pro-choice.
- ^ Is there room for centrists in the current Conservative Party?: Tasha Kheiriddin on the right path forward for Conservatives in Canada. The Hub. 9 August 2022 [2022-12-02]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-30).
And second, what parts of his program—which, to be fair to him, he is pro-immigration, pro-same-sex marriage, and pro-choice—do you take exception to?
- ^ McConkey, David. Pierre Poilievre, populist politician?. The Brandon Sun. 23 October 2022 [2022-12-02]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-30).
In several ways, Poilievre does not fit the mould of a new populist. For one, Poilievre is not new. He was a cabinet minister in the Stephen Harper government and he has been a member of Parliament for almost 20 years. For another, he is not your stereotypical reactionary. He is at ease with the non-traditional family, he is pro-choice, he is pro-immigration.
- ^ Campbell, Clark. The making of Pierre Poilievre, conservative proselytizer. The Globe and Mail. 16 September 2022 [2022-12-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-24).
But he is no Donald Trump in tenets or temperament. He doesn’t echo the anti-immigrant rhetoric, and abhors Mr. Trump’s gargantuan deficits. He is so calculated that he could never be the erratic bundle of impulses that rambles at a Trump rally.
- ^ Canada's Conservatives pick a brainy brawler as leader. The Economist. 15 September 2022 [2022-12-02]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-20).
His rhetorical style evokes populists such as Donald Trump. But his enemies list is more circumscribed. Unlike Mr Trump, he favours immigration.
- ^ Aaron Wherry. The Conservatives' inflation argument is flawed — but it still might work. CBC News. 2021-11-25 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-12).
- ^ 130.0 130.1 130.2 Elaine Della-Mattia. Pierre Poilievre talks freedom, housing and balanced budget on Sault stop. The Sault Star. 2022-04-22 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-16).
- ^ Horwood, Matthew. Jack Mintz: Poilievre's spirit hung over Centre Ice Conservatives like Banquo's ghost. National Post. June 22, 2022 [March 17, 2023]. (原始内容存档于October 16, 2023).
His pay-as-you-go approach to budgeting used in the Clinton and Obama years would help keep the lid on spending and deficits.
- ^ Mintz, Jack. Poilievre would introduce Pay-As-You-Go Law, requiring government save a dollar for every one spent. Western Standard. August 13, 2022 [March 17, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 17, 2023).
Poilievre pointed out that US Congress also imposed a Pay-As-You-Go Law on the deficit-prone United States Federal Government in 1990, which remained in place throughout the Clinton administration. Within a few years of its introduction, America's deficit was gone and the country had its first balanced budget since 1969.
- ^ John Paul Tasker. In a pitch to cryptocurrency investors, Poilievre says he wants Canada to be 'blockchain capital of the world'. CBC News. 2022-03-28 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-18).
- ^ Brian Platt. Pierre Poilievre says he would fire the Bank of Canada governor if elected prime minister. Financial Post. 2022-05-12 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-18).
- ^ 135.0 135.1 Justin Tang. Poilievre says his choice for next Bank of Canada governor would stay focused on fighting inflation. The Globe and Mail. 2022-12-30 [2023-01-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-09).
- ^ Matthew Lau. Matthew Lau: How blue is Pierre Poilievre?. Financial Post. 2022-03-22 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-22).
- ^ Secretariat, Treasury Board of Canada. 2022–23 Estimates. www.canada.ca. February 25, 2021 [January 26, 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-15).
- ^ Telecommunications 'need more competition,' Poilievre says after Rogers-Shaw deal clears hurdle. Global News. December 30, 2022 [March 8, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 8, 2023).
- ^ Pierre Poilievre says Canada should block RBC, HSBC merger. Financial Post. Oct 20, 2023 [Nov 09, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-20).
- ^ LILLEY: Pierre Poilievre promises tax cuts so Canadians can afford life again. April 20, 2024 [2024-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-21).
- ^ Poilievre pledges to roll back capital gains tax hike, retaliate against Trump tariffs. April 20, 2024 [2024-01-16]. (原始内容存档于2025-02-10).
- ^ Poilievre comes out against capital gains tax change, Liberal plan passes with backing of other parties. June 11, 2024 [2024-06-14]. (原始内容存档于2024-06-14).
- ^ 資本利得加稅法案過了 房主股票主都遭殃. June 11, 2024 [2024-06-14]. (原始内容存档于2024-06-14).
- ^ Poilievre talks immigration, inflation, and “radical authoritarian” Trudeau in year-end interview. [2023-12-21]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-01).
- ^ 145.0 145.1 Poilievre promet la rigueur budgétaire. [2023-12-21]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-17).
- ^ 保守黨博勵治斥現任政府「需對高樓價負責」 稱如當選將取消部分聯邦銷售稅. [2024-10-28].
- ^ Poilievre promises to abolish federal sales tax on new homes under $1 million. [2024-10-28].
- ^ 聯邦保守黨黨領博勵治 年初一與大溫本地媒體舉行圓桌會議. 星岛新闻. 2023-01-23 [2023-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-25).
- ^ Mark Brown. 1,200 greet Poilievre, who promises to sell off some federal buildings. Blackburn News. 2022-03-29 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-03).
- ^ 存档副本. [2025-03-11]. (原始内容存档于2025-03-17).
- ^ Aiello, Rachel. Trudeau watching as Ford plans to expand private delivery of public health care, Singh calls for conditions. CTV News. 23 January 2023 [March 8, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 8, 2023).
- ^ Jones, Alexandra. Poilievre calling for national standardized test to license doctors, nurses trained outside of Canada. CTV News. 2023-03-20 [2023-03-20]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-12).
- ^ Paas-Lang, Christian. Poilievre calls for changes to allow doctors, nurses to work across Canada. CBC News. 2023-03-20 [2023-03-20]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-08).
- ^ Taylor, Stephanie. Pierre Poilievre pledges to honour Trudeau's health-care funding offer to premiers. CP24. 8 February 2023 [March 8, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 8, 2023).
- ^ Aiello, Rachel. Poilievre says Conservatives would uphold federal-provincial health-care funding deals. CTVNews. 2023-02-08 [2023-02-09]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-10) (英语).
- ^ Aiello, Rachel. Opposition leader says a Conservative government would keep Trudeau's health-care deal — and spend more. CTVNews. 2023-02-08 [2023-02-09]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-15) (英语).
- ^ C-278 (44-1) - LEGISinfo - Parliament of Canada. www.parl.ca. [2022-09-10]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-26).
- ^ Saha, Pallab. Conservative leadership hopeful Pierre Poilievre tables bill to ban COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. June 3, 2022 [September 10, 2022]. (原始内容存档于September 10, 2022).
- ^ Bill C-230. House of Commons. [2022-10-09]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-06).
- ^ Taylor, Stephanie. Conservative MP's bill on conscience rights fails, but gets Poilievre's support. CTVNews. 5 October 2022 [7 October 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-18) (英语).
- ^ Jack Mintz: Trudeau vs. Poilievre: Handouts vs. tax cuts. Financial Post. 2022-09-30 [2022-10-18]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-30).
- ^ Pierre Poilievre pledges to scrap carbon levy on industrial emitters. Toronto Star. 2025-03-17 [2025-03-17].
- ^ Stephanie Taylor and Mickey Djuric. Poilievre promises to kill carbon ‘tax’ as Conservatives weigh climate plans. Global News. 2022-03-04 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-06).
- ^ Zinchuck, Brian. Pierre Poilievre is the new Conservative Party of Canada Leader. His acceptance speech said a lot about energy. PipelineOnline.ca. 4 March 2022 [September 22, 2022]. (原始内容存档于September 27, 2022).
We will greenlight mining and manufacturing of minerals like lithium, cobalt and copper to make our electric cars and batteries.
- ^ 165.0 165.1 Yakabuski, Konrad. Will the real Pierre Poilievre please stand up?. Globe and Mail. 20 January 2022 [March 11, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 11, 2023).
'We must permit Quebec to build more hydroelectric dams to provide the electricity that will be needed to power electric cars,' the person calling himself Pierre Poilievre said. 'The future of our green economy depends on [critical] minerals and green electricity.'
- ^ Lévesque, Catherine. Pierre Poilievre plans to scrap the carbon tax, but will he unveil a climate plan?. National Post. 27 September 2022 [March 11, 2023]. (原始内容存档于October 16, 2023).
'we should be mining lithium, cobalt, nickel and other minerals necessary for electrification — but do it right here in Canada, of course.'
- ^ Martel, Marie-Ève. Poilievre veut miser sur l'immigration pour renflouer le système de santé. LeDevoir. 17 January 2022 [March 11, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 11, 2023).
Enfin, le chef de l’opposition officielle à Ottawa s’est engagé à réduire la bureaucratie et la « paperasserie » imposées aux entreprises afin de les rendre plus productives, notamment dans les secteurs minier et hydroélectrique, pour planifier la transition écologique.
- ^ Catherine Cullen. Poilievre, Charest call for more pipelines while insisting they can cut emissions. CBC News. 2022-04-26 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-18).
- ^ Alexander Quon. Pierre Poilievre promises to scrap 'anti-energy laws' during CPC leadership campaign stop in Sask.. CBC News. 2022-03-04 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-04).
- ^ Conservative leadership debate: 5 out of 6 members say they're pro-choice. Global News. 2022-05-11 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-13).
- ^ 171.0 171.1 JOËL-DENIS BELLAVANCE. «Le mariage gai est un succès», dit Pierre Poilievre. LA PRESSE. 2020-01-17 [2022-09-06]. 原始内容存档于2022-04-05.
- ^ VOTE NO. 175. House of Commons. 2021-06-22 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-11).
- ^ Pierre Poilievre says he wants to make Canadians more free. So why does he oppose decriminalizing drugs?. Canada's National Observer. 2022-06-09 [2022-09-12]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-20).
- ^ Poilievre would impose life sentences for trafficking over 40 mg of fentanyl. CityNews Toronto. 2025-02-05 [2025-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2025-02-07).
- ^ Conservative leader calls for stricter bail policies after Ontario police officer killed. Global News. 2022-12-30 [2023-01-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-03).
- ^ Catherine Lévesque. Pierre Poilievre launches consultations to find a 'grassroots First Nations solution' to tax revenue. National Post. 2023-01-24 [2023-01-25].
- ^ 聯邦保守黨黨魁博勵治承諾推動廣泛諮詢幫助原住民. 新时代电视. 2023-01-24 [2023-01-24]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-25).
- ^ Conservative leadership debate: Poilievre, Brown disagree on instating no-fly zone over Ukraine. Global News. 2022-05-11 [2022-09-10]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-31).
- ^ Poilievre, Pierre. Pierre Poilievre: Canada must get tough on Russia. National Post (National Post). February 28, 2022 [10 September 2022].
- ^ Reports of China's election interference plans show need for foreign agents registry: Poilievre. The Observer. 2023-02-18 [2022-03-04].
- ^ EXCLUSIVE TV Interview with Pierre Poilievre. [2023-03-04]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-06).
- ^ 存档副本. [2024-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-07).
- ^ Poilievre promises review of foreign aid to prevent money from financing terrorists. National Post. 2023-10-13 [2022-10-14].
- ^ 184.0 184.1 Poilievre says he would 'cut wasteful foreign aid,' work towards NATO spending target. CTV News. 2024-02-15 [2024-02-15]. (原始内容存档于2024-06-22).
- ^ https://www.conservative.ca/poilievre-launches-plan-to-take-back-control-of-border/?utm_content=CPC15PositiveAd169_PPA_V2&utm_medium=VIDEO&utm_source=GAM&utm_campaign=CPConnetwork001
- ^ 存档副本. [2025-03-11]. (原始内容存档于2025-03-17).
- ^ Hamdi Issawi. Poilievre visits Edmonton, takes aim at ‘gatekeepers’ in bid for CPC leadership, dit Pierre Poilievre. Edmonton Journal. 2022-04-15 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-15).
- ^ Catherine Lévesque. Poilievre promises to protect freedom of speech on campus, appoint a 'Free Speech Guardian'. National Post. 2022-06-21 [2022-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-16).
- ^ EXCLUSIVE: Poilievre suggests capping immigration at Harper-era levels, deportations for wrongdoers. [2025-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2025-03-20).
- ^ Poilievre says he would set immigration targets based on housing, jobs and health care trends. [2024-08-29].
- ^ 191.0 191.1 博勵治批杜魯多毀了移民制度 稱執政後將控制人口增長. [2024-08-30].
- ^ Poilievre, Pierre [@PierrePoilievre]. We need doctors & other workers. (推文). 2022-07-29 [2022-09-06] –通过Twitter (英语).
- ^ Poilievre adds to Legault's call for Liberal government to close Roxham Road border crossing. [2023-08-21]. (原始内容存档于August 24, 2023).
- ^ Atlantic provinces begin to welcome Roxham Road asylum seekers. [2023-08-21]. (原始内容存档于August 24, 2023).
- ^ Poilievre calls for asylum seeker cap, border plan as U.S. tariff threat looms. [2024-12-01]. (原始内容存档于2025-01-17).
- ^ https://www.conservative.ca/canada-first-news/?utm_content=CPC15PositiveAd169_PPA_V2&utm_medium=VIDEO&utm_source=GAM&utm_campaign=CPConnetwork001
- ^ Canada shouldn’t remove retaliatory tariffs until all U.S. tariffs gone, Poilievre says. CBC News. 2025-03-07 [2025-03-07]. (原始内容存档于2025-03-14) (英语).
- ^ Poilievre, citing Carney, promises to change conflict law if elected. [2025-03-07].
- ^ Riding by riding results (PDF). cpcleadership.ca. 10 September 2022 [2022-09-22]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-09-11).