User talk:甘糸/News
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-43
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The Pagoda of the Celestial Lady (Vietnamese: Chùa Thiên Mụ; also called Linh Mụ Pagoda) is a historic temple in the city of Huế in Vietnam. Its iconic seven-story pagoda is regarded as the unofficial symbol of the city, and the temple has often been the subject of folk rhymes and ca dao about Huế. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- Special:Search进行了一些小的排版调整,包括音频播放器的位置以及占位用图片的高度。具体细节请见T319230。
- 维基百科加入了新的参数设置项目,即是否在Special:Search中隐藏条目缩略图。具体细节请见T320337。
部分维基站点将因主数据库切换而进入只读模式数分钟。维护将分别于10月25日07:00 (UTC)(受影响站点)和10月27日07:00 (UTC)(受影响站点)进行。
- 自周三起,部分维基站点将可以使用添加链接功能。这些站点包括阿萨姆语维基百科、巴什基尔语维基百科、巴厘语维基百科、巴伐利亚语维基百科、萨莫吉提亚语维基百科、中比科尔语维基百科、白俄罗斯语维基百科、旧白俄罗斯语维基百科、保加利亚语维基百科、博杰普尔语维基百科、比斯拉马语维基百科、班嘉语维基百科、班巴拉语维基百科、比什奴普莱利亚-曼尼浦尔语维基百科、布列塔尼语维基百科、波斯尼亚语维基百科、布吉语维基百科、布里亚特语维基百科、印尼语维基百科。这是逐步向更多维基百科部署这一工具的一部分。社群可以在本地配置这一功能如何工作。 [3]
- 从2022年10月26日(周三)开始,有Growth导师的维基将更新导师列表。导视系统的运作仍然如常。登记流程将会改变,同时将提供新的管理选项。另外,本次更新也简化了维基百科的导师系统创建流程。 [4][5][6]
- 标题首字母在Unicode 11中为小写字母的页面将被重命名或删除。受影响的页面列表位于m:Unicode 11 case map migration。更多信息请见T292552。
- Vector 2022皮肤在规模较小的维基百科项目作为默认皮肤启用。参见更多信息。
MediaWiki message delivery 2022年10月24日 (一) 21:22 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-44
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Women's rights in Qatar are restricted by the country's male guardianship law and influenced by the Wahhabi interpretation of Islam. Both women and men were enfranchised in the country at the same time, in 1999. Labour force participation rates of Qatari women are above the world average and among the highest in the Arab World, which comes mainly as a result of an increasing number of Qatari women who are attaining academic degrees. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 在Kartographer地图上使用键盘导航时,焦点将变得更加明显。 [8]
- 在Special:最近更改上,您現在可以用「⧼rcfilters-filter-newuserlogactions-label⧽」過濾器來隱藏新用戶創建日志。 [9]
- 在可視化編輯器中的地圖對話框有說明文字。 [10]
- 現在可以在可視化編輯器中使用下拉式選單選擇Kartographer地圖的語言。 [11]
- 現在可以在可視化編輯器向Kartographer地圖加入標題。 [12]
- 現在可以在可視化編輯器隱藏Kartographer地圖的邊框。 [13]
MediaWiki message delivery 2022年10月31日 (一) 21:15 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-45
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Truck art in South Asia is a popular form of regional decoration, with trucks featuring elaborate floral patterns and calligraphy. It is especially common in Pakistan and India. During the War in Afghanistan, Pakistani decorated trucks that ran services between Pakistan and Afghanistan came to be known as jingle trucks by American troops and contractors who were deployed across the latter. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 活動報名工具的新版本已經進入測試階段,歡迎大家到測試維基(testwiki)或者測試維基二號(test2wiki)做測試(這件工具的功能,是參加者和活動的籌辦者都會用的),試用之後如果有任何意見,請在相關計劃的討論頁告知我們。詳情請看計劃的網頁。 [14]
- 上周有兩次,大約45分鐘,一些文件和縮略圖無法加載,上傳失敗,多出現于登錄的用戶。目前正在調查原因,很快會有一份事件報告。
- 本週沒有MediaWiki的新版本。
MediaWiki message delivery 2022年11月8日 (二) 00:32 (UTC)
- 《格式手冊(虛構)》:依據社群討論結果,重新訂立虛構事物相關條目之格式手冊,並恢復指引地位。(討論紀錄)
- 《新聞動態指引(「正在發生」部分)》:依據社群討論結果,正式訂立首頁「正在發生」部分新聞動態相關指引。(討論紀錄)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-46
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Gorgany Nature Reserve (Ukrainian: Ґорґани заповідник) is a strict nature reserve (a 'zapovidnyk') of Ukraine that covers a part of the Gorgany mountain range of the Outer Eastern Carpatians in southwest Ukraine. The reserve is 46% old-growth forest, one of the last and largest such stands in Europe. The reserve was originally created in 1996 to protect relic stands of Stone pine trees (Pinus cembra). The reserve is administratively in the Nadvirna District of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 在 Wikidata,如果满足某些条件,跨wiki链接现在可以指向重定向页面。 这项新功能称为站点链接到重定向。 当一个wiki使用一个页面来涵盖多个概念但另一个 wiki 使用更多页面来涵盖相同的概念时就能需要它。 欢迎您对新提议指南的讨论页提供反馈。 [15]
-、、维基新闻、维基学院、维基旅游)的门户站点已经使用自动更新系统来生成显示。 [16]
- 模板页将会增加一个新链接用于直接“编辑模板数据”。 [17]
MediaWiki message delivery 2022年11月14日 (一) 21:54 (UTC)
Books & Bytes – Issue 53
[编辑]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Issue 53, September – October 2022
- New collections:
- Edward Elgar
- E-Yearbook
- Corriere della Serra
- Wikilala
- Collections moved to Library Bundle:
- Ancestry
- New feature: Outage notification
- Spotlight: Collections indexed in EDS
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2022年11月17日 (四) 11:20 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-47
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Pizza quattro formaggi (four cheese pizza) is a variety of pizza in Italian cuisine that is topped with a combination of four kinds of cheese, usually melted together, with (rossa, red) or without (bianca, white) tomato sauce. It is popular worldwide, including in Italy, and is one of the iconic items from pizzerias' menus. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 搜索栏和Special:Search搜索结果中的条目缩略图将不再显示非自由图像,详情请参阅T320661。
MediaWiki message delivery 2022年11月21日 (一) 23:21 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-48
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
en:Equestrian statue of the Duke of Wellington, Glasgow
(de:Reiterstatue des Duke of Wellington (Glasgow)) (es:Estatua de Wellington) (ja:ウェリントン公爵騎馬像 (グラスゴー)) Please be bold and help translate this article! The equestrian statue of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington located outside the Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, Scotland, is one of Glasgow's most iconic landmarks. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- “限制宽度模式”这一新选项已添加到Vector 2022年版皮肤。如果您的显示器宽度大于等于1600像素,该选项也会在每个页面上作为切换按钮出现。它允许为匿名和登录用户增加页面宽度。 [19]
部分维基站点将由于数据库切换的原因进入只读模式数分钟。维护将分别于11月29日07:00 (UTC)和12月1日07:00 (UTC)在s3数据库组的站点和s1数据库组的站点进行。
- 以 SVG 图像格式显示的数学公式将不再向不支持其的浏览器提供PNG备选格式。这是世代系统现代化工作的一部分。在2018年2月前,仅显示PNG版本是默认选项。 [20][21][22]
- 一些使用flagged revisions扩展的维基项目,用户贡献界面将会增加一个新选项框,允许用户只查看已审批的编辑。 [23]
MediaWiki message delivery 2022年11月28日 (一) 20:03 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-49
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Black Woman with Child is a circa 1650 full-length portrait painting by Albert Eckhout. It is in the collection of the National Gallery of Denmark. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
维基文库使用的ProofreadPage扩展使用了开源工具OpenSeadragon,后者的JavaScript API已被重大重写以支持动态加载图片。先前版本的API所提供的功能应仍能运作,但已不再被支持。用户脚本和小工具应迁移至新版本的API。有关新版本API所提供的功能,请参阅MediaWiki上的文档。 [25][26]
MediaWiki message delivery 2022年12月6日 (二) 00:41 (UTC)
- 移動設備上的討論頁計劃的 A/B 测试已经在15个维基百科上开始。移动設備网站上的一半编辑将可以使用回复工具和其他功能。 [27]
- 新用戶名不能使用符號
,這是爲了讓用戶名更好的與模板兼容。現有的用戶名不會被影響。 [28]
MediaWiki的新版本将于13 12月部署于测试维基及。它将于14 12月部署至非维基百科wiki及部分维基百科,并于15 12月部署至所有wiki,参见日历。
The HTML markup used by DiscussionTools to show discussion metadata below section headings will be inserted after these headings, not inside of them. This change improves the accessibility of discussion pages for screen reader software. [29]
- 第四届最酷工具獎將會在2022年12月16日17:00 UTC頒發!頒獎將會在YouTube上的MediaWiki 頻道直播,并會在結束後加入維基共享。
MediaWiki message delivery 2022年12月12日 (一) 23:34 (UTC)
This Month in Education: End of the 2022
[编辑]This Month in Education
Volume 11 • Issue 10 • October–November 2022
- 2nd Latin American Regional Meeting on Education
- Adopting Wikipedia for Secondary School Students in Nigeria Classroom
- Celebrating 2022 Vibrance in Kwara State University Malete
- Celebrating the Wikipedia and Wikidata Birthday in school
- Report on school libraries in Poland for the Wikiteka project
- Wiki For Senior Citizens Network
- WikiEducation, Educational practices and experiences in Mexico with Wikipedia and other open resources
- Wikimedia & Education Workshops: a Wiki Movimento Brasil initiative
- An event at the National History Museum in Tirana
- Students 24-hour competition on Wikipedia article writing
- Wiki-Data a Giant at 10
- WikiGraphers: Visualizing Open Knowledge
- Wikimedia Israel’s Educational Innovation: “Students Write Wikipedia” as a Matriculation-Exam Alternative
- Wikimedia Morocco User Group Empowers Moroccan Teachers to Use Wikipedia in the Classroom
- Wikimedia Russia has released the "Introduction to Wikipedia" textbook
- “Wikipedia for School” contest was held in Ukraine for the third time
- Announcing the Wikipedia & Education User Group Election Results
- 因受節日影响,下期技术新闻将于2023年1月9日发布。
- 过往在用户贡献界面,用户只能过滤查询带有特定标签的编辑,现在你可以做反向的查询了。这是2022年社群愿望清单调查的一个请求功能。 [30]
一个新功能允许小工具开发者为页面标题下方添加内容,这是功能已经能稳定地在各个皮肤中使用。文档见此。 [31]
我们其中一台服务器已经迁移到由Kubernetes驱动的新设施中(详情)。更多维基项目将会在2023年头逐步迁移至这些新设施上。欢迎测试并反馈任何问题。 [32]
- 上周由于數據庫问题,所有维基项目进入只读模式9分钟。 [33]
- 本週和下週都沒有MediaWiki新版本。
- “回复”一词在一些维基项目的语言中长度很短,例如阿拉伯语(“ردّ”),这样使得讨论页上的讨论工具 按钮十分难用。对于这些语言项目将会增加一个箭头图标。只有在Beta测试功能启用设置的才会生效。 [34] [35]
- 一些编辑可以被系统本身或者滥用过滤器管理标记上标签。这些标签是连接到对应的帮助页面。不久将会改链接到最近更新界面并让用户能看到其他这样标记的编辑。这是2022年社群愿望清单调查的一个请求功能。 [36]
- 信任与安全工具团队分享了一个新计划用于构建私人事件报告系统。 该系统将使编辑在受到骚扰或虐待时更容易寻求帮助。
- Wikitest实时预览功能将于2023年1月9日当周对启用了2010Wikitest编辑器的用户启动Beta测试。到时是编辑器工具栏上的一个按钮功能。这是2021年社群愿望清单调查受欢迎功能的第4名。
- 现在你可以报名Wikimedia黑客马拉松2023,将于5月19~21日在希腊雅典举行。你也可以在1月14日前申请赞助经费。
MediaWiki message delivery 2022年12月20日 (二) 00:00 (UTC)
- 《音樂關注度指引》:調整音樂相關條目之音樂榜單關注度滿足條件,並微調其他部分語句措辭。(討論紀錄)
- 《快速刪除方針》:明確R7準則之滿足條件。(討論紀錄)
- 《序言章節格式手冊》:經社群討論通過,將〈列明來源〉一節確立為指引。(討論紀錄)
- 《電視格式手冊》:經社群討論通過,將〈演員及角色資料〉一節確立為指引。(討論紀錄)
- 《傀儡方針》:刪除導言中可能涉及法律威脅之語句。(討論紀錄)
- 《編輯戰方針》:全面調整內容之語句及措辭,落實與原《回退不過三原則》方針頁面之整合。(討論紀錄)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-02
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Zakia Khudadadi also spelt as Zakia Khodadadi (Pashto: ذکیه خدادادی; born 29 September 1998) is an Afghan parataekwondo practitioner. She is the first Afghan female taekwondo practitioner. She rose to prominence after winning the African International Parataekwondo Championship in 2016 at the age of 18. She represented Afghanistan at the 2020 Summer Paralympics. She was initially denied the opportunity to compete at her maiden Paralympics due to the Taliban takeover but she was later allowed by the International Paralympic Committee to compete in the event after being safely evacuated from Afghanistan. She was able to compete and became the first Afghan female Paralympic competitor to compete at the Paralympics after 17 years since Mareena Karim's participation at the 2004 Summer Paralympics. She also officially became the first Afghan female sportsperson to participate in an international sporting event after the Taliban takeover. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
Tech News: 2023-02
[编辑]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can use tags to filter edits in the recent changes feed or on your watchlist. You can now use tags to filter out edits you don't want to see. Previously you could only use tags to focus on the edits with those tags. [37]
- Special:WhatLinksHere shows all pages that link to a specific page. There is now a prototype for how to sort those pages alphabetically. You can see the discussion in the Phabricator ticket.
- You can now use the thanks function on your watchlist and the user contribution page. [38]
- A wiki page can be moved to give it a new name. You can now get a dropdown menu with common reasons when you move a page. This is so you don't have to write the explanation every time. [39]
- Matrix is a chat tool. You can now use
to create Matrix links on wiki pages. [40] - You can filter out translations when you look at the recent changes on multilingual wikis. This didn't hide translation pages. You can now also hide subpages which are translation pages. [41]
Changes later this week
- Realtime preview for wikitext is a tool which lets editors preview the page when they edit wikitext. It will be enabled for all users of the 2010 wikitext editor. You will find it in the editor toolbar.
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 10 January at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis) and on 12 January at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 10 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 11 January. It will be on all wikis from 12 January (calendar).
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年1月10日 (二) 01:07 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-03
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The Léopoldville riots were an outbreak of civil disorder in Léopoldville (modern-day Kinshasa) in the Belgian Congo which took place in January 1959 and which were an important moment for the Congolese independence movement. The rioting occurred when members of the Alliance des Bakongo (ABAKO) political party were not allowed to assemble for a protest and colonial authorities reacted harshly. The exact death toll is not known, but at least 49 people were killed and total casualties may have been as high as 500. Following these riots, a round table conference was organized in Brussels to negotiate the terms of Congo's independence, The Congo received its independence on 30 June 1960, becoming the Republic of the Congo. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
diff=[revision ID]&oldid=[revision ID]
”替换为“diff=prev&oldid=[revision ID]
”。这是为了解决当页面历史被标签过滤时链接指向不正确的差异的问题。由于此更改,某些用户脚本可能会出现异常。 [42]
- 关于对话页的外观变更过去仅会被应用到
命名空间和User talk:
命名空间,这些变更之后还会拓展到其他讨论页页面空间,例如Wikipedia talk:
命名空间。对于一些非讨论页命名空间的讨论型页面,例如互助客栈,外观将不会发生变化。您可以调整您的设置(Beta测试特性)。 [43] - 在维基文库,当Page命名空间的一个图片被缩放或平移时,链接到特定Index命名空间的Page命名空间的所有页面的图片都会记住应用这个设置。 [44]
- Vector2022皮肤在英文维基百科对于桌面用户将会变成默认启用。 这将会在UTC时间1月18日15:00生效。 详情见此。
- 2023年版的社区愿望清单调查邀请贡献者提出技术建议并对工具和改进进行投票,将于2023年1月23日 18:00 UTC 开始。您可以在社区愿望清单调查沙箱起草您的提案。
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年1月17日 (二) 01:10 (UTC)
Books & Bytes – Issue 54
[编辑]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Issue 54, November – December 2022
- New collections:
- British Newspaper Archive
- Findmypast
- University of Michigan Press
- Duke University Press
- 1Lib1Ref 2023
- Spotlight: EDS Refine Results
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2023年1月23日 (一) 14:15 (UTC)
- 上周,所有维基都出现了已登录用户和未缓存页面无法访问的问题,该问题持续了约15分钟。此次问题是操作时序失误导致的。 [45]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年1月23日 (一) 23:45 (UTC)
- 上周大概有15分钟一些用户无法登录或者编辑,这是由于会话保存问题导致的。 [48]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年1月31日 (二) 00:05 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-06
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Sweden Finns' Day (Finnish: Ruotsinsuomalaisten päivä, Swedish: Sverigefinnarnas dag) is an anniversary celebrated in Sweden on 24 February. The anniversary of the calendar was approved by the Swedish Academy in 2010 and was celebrated for the first time in 2011. February 24 was chosen as the birthday of Carl Axel Gottlund, a collector of folk poetry and a defender of the status of the Finnish language. The purpose of the day is to celebrate the Sweden Finns and to recognize their history, language and culture as a prominent part of Sweden's cultural heritage. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 在Vector 2022皮肤中,登出用户的页面满宽切换开关,即使刷新页面或打开新窗口后,也能看到他的设置。 这个功能只会对将Vector 2022设为默认皮肤的维基项目生效。 [49]
- 往常,当切换主数据库服务器时会宣布一些维基站点会进入只读模式几分钟。现在我们不会在宣布这些事件,因为这几分钟影响不大。在周二、周四7:00 UTC将会继续切换工作。 [50]
- 使用Vector 2022皮肤访问所有维基站点时,已登录用户将会见到与浏览的页面相关的工具链接(例如:链入页面)在一个新的边栏菜单上,这个菜单会现在是屏幕的另一边。这个变动先前已经部署到捷克语、英语、越南语维基百科上。 [51]
- 2023年社群願望清單調查将会在2023年2月6日18:00 UTC停止审阅新提案。提案者请尽快完成提案撰写,以预留时间进行翻译和复审。投票将于2月10日开始。
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年2月6日 (一) 10:21 (UTC)
This Month in Education: January 2023
[编辑]This Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 1 • January 2023
- Educational Projects 2023-1 in Mexico
- Integration of Wikipedia in Ukrainian universities – teacher-led and student-led
- Transitional Justice in Kosovo edit-a-thon and Partnership with Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Prishtina
- Wikidata Citation Hunt Program for secondary school students, Dubai
- Wikipedia edit-a-thon with students from Art Faculty - University of Prishtina
- Тeacher from Belgrade got a reward for using Wikibooks in teaching
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-07
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() A delivery robot is an autonomous robot that provides "last mile" delivery services. An operator may monitor and take control of the robot remotely in certain situations that the robot cannot resolve by itself such as when it is stuck in an obstacle. Delivery robots can be used in different settings such as food delivery, package delivery, hospital delivery, and room service. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-07
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() A delivery robot is an autonomous robot that provides "last mile" delivery services. An operator may monitor and take control of the robot remotely in certain situations that the robot cannot resolve by itself such as when it is stuck in an obstacle. Delivery robots can be used in different settings such as food delivery, package delivery, hospital delivery, and room service. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 回复工具及讨论工具的其他部分将会部署给所有移动站点的用户使用。详情请看相关决定。 [53]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年2月14日 (二) 01:48 (UTC)
- 《申請成為管理人員指引》:修訂〈安全投票暫行規定〉一節內容,確認未來一場管理員選舉之預提名及投票流程。(討論紀錄)
- Ericliu1912經申請通過(支持率85%),就任管理員。
- Koala0090經申請通過(支持率86%),就任管理員。
- 中文維基百科成立二十週年;經社群投票表決通過,以魔琴之方案製作紀念識別標誌,暫時替換一般標誌。
- 方針:《封禁方针》、《模板編輯員方針》、《避免地域中心方針》、《方針與指引》、《共识方針》、《命名常规》、《中立的观点方針》、《删除方针》、《维基百科不是什么》、《傀儡方針》、《不要人身攻击方針》及《可供查證方針》。
- 指引:《日期和数字格式手册》、《版面佈局格式手冊》、《捷徑指引》、《链接格式手册》、《账户安全指引》、《格式手冊(不要華而不實)》、《可靠来源指引》、《地区词处理指引》、《用戶頁指引》、《两岸四地用语格式手册》、《列表格式手册》、《消歧义指引》、《标点符号格式手册》、《人物关注度指引》、《假定善意指引》、《签名指引》、《字詞轉換處理指引》、《醫學可靠來源指引》及《序言章節格式手冊》。
- 《格式手冊》:修訂〈空格〉一節中有關在阿拉伯數字與計量單位字母符號之間插入空格之規定。(討論紀錄)
- 經社群討論,就《維基百科不是什麼》方針〈維基百科不是新聞報導〉一節中有關藝人參與節目列表之規定重新確立共識及執行細節;相關說明頁面尚待修訂。(討論紀錄)
- 社群決定取消回退員查看被标记为非公开的滥用过滤器(abusefilter-view-private)之權限,並在配套方案通過後一併付諸實施。(討論紀錄)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-08
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Buddha Dhatu Jadi (Bengali: বুদ্ধ ধাতু জাদি; Burmese: ဗုဒ္ဓဓာတုစေတီ also known as the Bandarban Golden Temple) is located close to Balaghata town, in Bandarban City, in Bangladesh. Dhatu are the material remains of a holy person, and in this temple the relics belong to Buddha. It is the largest Theravada Buddhist temple in Bangladesh and has the second-largest Buddha statue in the country. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 上周,在对基金会云服务计划维护期间,不可预见的并发症迫使团队关闭所有工具 2-3 小时,以防止数据损坏。 正在进行相应工作以防止将来出现类似问题。 [57]
- 2023年社群願望清單調查的投票阶段将于2月24日18:00 UTC结束。结果将于2月28日公布。
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年2月21日 (二) 01:57 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-09
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Alina Scholtz (24 September 1908 – 25 February 1996) was a Polish landscape architect, known as one of country's pioneers in developing the field. Throughout her career she worked on various public and private projects for cemeteries, parks and green spaces. Some of her most noted works include the grounds of a villa on Kielecka Street in Warsaw for which she won a Silver Medal at the 1937 World Exhibition in Paris, the memorial cemetery to the victims of the Palmiry massacre, and landscaping projects along the East-West traffic route of Warsaw. In addition to her design work, she served as one of the founding members of the International Federation of Landscape Architects. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- Last week, in some areas of the world, there were problems with loading pages for 20 minutes and saving edits for 55 minutes. These issues were caused by a problem with our caching servers due to unforseen events during a routine maintenance task. [61][62]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年2月27日 (一) 23:47 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-10
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Mary Nzimiro, birthname Mary Nwametu Onumonu, MBE (1898–1993) was a pioneering Nigerian businesswoman, politician and women's activist. In 1948, she was appointed principal representative of the United Africa Company (UAC) for Eastern Nigeria, while maintaining textile and cosmetics retail outlets of her own in Port Harcourt, Aba and Owerri. By the early 1950s, she was among the richest individuals in West Africa, becoming a resident of the exclusive Bernard Carr Street in Port Harcourt. On the political front, she was a member of the influential National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons, becoming a member of its executive committee in 1957 and vice-president of the NCNC Estern Women's Association in 1962. During the Nigerian Civil War (1967–1970), she organized Igbo women in support of the Biafrans. As a result she lost most of her property in Port Harcourt and returned to her native Oguta where she died in 1993. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 社群愿望清单调查2023已经结束。技术社群已经公布了调查结果。并将在 2023 年 4 月提供最新情况。
- 一些使用语言转换器用于处理多书写文本的维基项目,会在页面源代码中使用自定义规则(尤其是中文维基百科)来控制转换逻辑,会导致目录不一致地应用这些规则,尤其是在Vector 2022皮肤中。这部分问题已经修复。 [64]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年3月6日 (一) 23:49 (UTC)
This Month in Education: February 2023
[编辑]This Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 2 • February 2023
- A Strategic Direction for a Massive Online Course for Educators in Brazil
- Alliance Funding for Wikipedia as a school resource in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, New Zealand
- Call for Submissions to Wiki Workshop 2023
- Collaboration with Charles University on the creation of Czech Wikipedia started in January
- Open Education Week 2023 in the Wikimedia Mexico Education Program
- Wikiclubs with different schools in Albania
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-11
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Elizabeth Langdon Williams (February 8, 1879 in Putnam, Connecticut – 1981 in Enfield, New Hampshire) was an American human computer and astronomer whose work helped lead to the discovery of Pluto, or Planet X. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-11
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Elizabeth Langdon Williams (February 8, 1879 in Putnam, Connecticut – 1981 in Enfield, New Hampshire) was an American human computer and astronomer whose work helped lead to the discovery of Pluto, or Planet X. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 自周三起,部分维基站点将可以使用添加链接功能。这些站点包括(三宝颜查瓦卡诺语维基百科、闽东语维基百科、车臣语维基百科、宿务语维基百科、查莫罗语维基百科、切罗基语维基百科、夏延语维基百科、中库尔德语维基百科、科西嘉语维基百科、卡舒比语维基百科、教会斯拉夫语维基百科、楚瓦什语维基百科、威尔士语维基百科、意大利语维基百科)。这是逐步向更多维基百科部署这一工具的一部分。社群可以在本地配置这一功能如何工作。 [66][67]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年3月13日 (一) 23:19 (UTC)
Books & Bytes – Issue 55
[编辑]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Issue 55, January – February 2023
- New bundle partners:
- Fold3
- 1Lib1Ref January report
- Spotlight: EDS SmartText Searching
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2023年3月16日 (四) 12:46 (UTC)
Books & Bytes – Issue 55
[编辑]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Issue 55, January – February 2023
- New bundle partners:
- Fold3
- 1Lib1Ref January report
- Spotlight: EDS SmartText Searching
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2023年3月17日 (五) 02:46 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-12
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! an American anti-war song that was influential within the pacifist movement that existed in the United States before it entered World War I. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 上周,一些用户在加载图片缩略图时出现,这是由于缓存数据不正常导致。 [68]
一个连接到用户的Special:中央认证 页面将会添加到 Special:用户贡献,一些用户脚本已经这样添加过,可能会形成冲突。这个功能请求来自于2023年社群愿望清单调查第17号投票项目。
Special:滥用过滤器 的编辑框默认可以调整大小了,这个功能请求来自于2023年社群愿望清单调查第80号投票项目。
- 管理员解封用户时其增加一个新选项,允许将用户的用户页添加到他们的监视列表中,这在 Special:解除封禁 和API接口一样有效。 [69]
- 你可以参加维基移动应用开发团队的下一次会议,会议上将会讨论现有特性和将来的路线图。会议于3月24日 17:00UTC举行,详细和如何参加见此。
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年3月21日 (二) 01:25 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-13
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Diana Alexandra Aguavil Calazacón (born 7 August 1983) is an Ecuadorian indigenous leader, since 25 August 2018, the first female governor of the Tsáchila nationality after 104 years of male administrations and winning the 2018 Tsáchila election. She was also the second woman to become a candidate. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 滥用过滤器的条件限制从1000提高到2000。 [70]
- 一些全域滥用过滤器的操作将不再应用于本地项目。 [71]
- 桌面版用户现在可以通过单击工具菜单中的订阅链接来订阅讨论页。如果您订阅了一个讨论页,当该讨论页上开始新话题时您会收到通知。这与将页面放入您的监视列表或订阅单个讨论是分开的。 [72]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年3月28日 (二) 01:13 (UTC)
- 本周起,部分旧浏览器将无法使用维基媒体wiki上的JavaScript。受影响的主要是Internet Explorer 11用户。如果您的电脑上有旧浏览器的话,您可以升级到更新版本。 [80]
。迁移指南中可以找到示例。 [81]- Special:特殊页面中的部分链接将会重新排版。与所有用户有关的链接将会清楚地和与您账户有关的链接分隔开来。 [82]
- 使用新的
CSS类,用于在一个页面的特定小节中隐藏回覆按钮。 [83][84][85]
- 在页面中创建图表等数据可视化元素的Vega软件将在未来升级至最新版本。仍使用老旧的1.5版本语法的图表可能会无法正常工作。多数现存的用法已被找到并更新,但您还可以帮忙检查,以及更新本地文档。查看如何找到并修复此类图表的示例
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年4月3日 (一) 23:39 (UTC)
This Month in Education: March 2023
[编辑]This Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 3 • March 2023
- Audio-seminar project of the Wikimedia Mexico Education Program
- Empowering Nigerian Female Artists: Through Art & Feminism Edith-A-Thon at KWASU Fan Club
- Exploring How Wikipedia Works
- Florida graduate students complete Library History edit-a-thon for credit
- Improving hearing health content in Brazil
- Media Literacy Portal to become a key resource for media education in Czech Libraries
- Wikeys in the Albanian language
- Wikimarathon is an opportunity to involve students and teachers in creating and editing articles in Wikipedia
- Wikimedia Polska short report
- Wikimedia Serbia participated in the State Seminar of the The Mathematical Society of Serbia
使用可视化编辑器时,您现在可以不打开画廊对话框即编辑图片注解。这项功能来自2023年社群愿望清单调查,在调查中排名第61位。 [86]
当他人编辑您的用户页时,您将收到通知。详见参数设置中的“用户页编辑”选项。这项功能来自2023年社群愿望清单调查,在调查中排名第3位。 [87]
- 自周三起,部分维基站点将可以使用添加链接功能。这些站点包括摩洛哥阿拉伯语维基百科、丹麦语维基百科、丁卡语维基百科、下索布语维基百科、埃维语维基百科、希腊语维基百科、艾米利亚-罗马涅语维基百科、世界语维基百科、爱沙尼亚语维基百科、巴斯克语维基百科、埃斯特雷马杜拉语维基百科、通布卡语维基百科、富拉语维基百科、芬兰语维基百科、佛罗语维基百科、斐济语维基百科、法罗语维基百科、法兰克-普罗旺斯语维基百科、北弗里西亚语维基百科、弗留利语维基百科、爱尔兰语维基百科、圭亚那克里奥尔语维基百科、苏格兰盖尔语维基百科、加利西亚语维基百科、Gilaki语维基百科、瓜拉尼语维基百科、果阿孔卡尼语维基百科、哥特语维基百科、古吉拉特语维基百科、马恩语维基百科。这是逐步向更多维基百科部署这一工具的一部分。社群可以在本地配置这一功能如何工作。 [89][90]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年4月10日 (一) 20:05 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-16
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Lucy Salani was an Italian activist and is considered the only Italian transgender person to have survived the Nazi concentration camps. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-16
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Lucy Salani was an Italian activist and is considered the only Italian transgender person to have survived the Nazi concentration camps. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 现在你可以通过显示附近条目按钮使用新功能“查看附近条目”。六个维基站点已于十月开始测试这一功能。 [91][92]
全域监视列表现在为每个条目提供了将页面标记为已读的链接。这一功能是2023年社群愿望清单调查第161名。 [93]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年4月18日 (二) 01:54 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-17
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! María Fernanda Castro Maya is a Mexican self-advocate disability rights activist. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
Special:用户贡献等页面上的日期选择菜单现在将显示当前和过去十年的年份范围,而不是当前和未来十年。此功能请求是2023年社区愿望清单调查中投票第145名。 [97]
- 由于Graph扩展存在安全问题,所有维基媒体项目中的相关功能已被禁用。维基媒体基金会团队正在制定应对这些漏洞的计划。 [98]
- 过去数日,无法在移动版维基上保存部分类型的编辑。该问题已被修复。 [99][100][101]
- 全部维基将在4月26日14:00 UTC起短暂进入只读状态。 [102]
- 编辑团队计划对讨论页面项目的可用性分析进行A/B测试。计划的测量现已启用。您的维基可能被邀请参加。请在讨论页面提出对测量计划的改进建议。
- 维基媒体基金会年度计划2023-2024草案开始征求意见,截止日期为5月19日。最终计划将于2023年7月在元维基发布。
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年4月24日 (一) 22:03 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-18
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Sonia Shainwald Orbuch (born Sarah Shainwald, May 24, 1925 – September 30, 2018) was an American Holocaust educator. During the Second World War she was a Jewish resistance fighter in eastern Poland. Orbuch hid in the forests of Poland with her family during the Second World War. She joined a group of Soviet partisans, being renamed Sonia in case she was captured, and helped fight against the Germans. After the war, she returned home, where she met her future husband. After having a daughter in a refugee camp in Germany, the family eventually emigrated to the United States. She spent the rest of life in public engagement, speaking about her experiences and in 2009, published her autobiography, Here, There Are No Sarahs: A Woman's Courageous Fight Against the Nazis and Her Bittersweet Fulfillment of the American Dream. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
内容归属工具Who Wrote That?、XTools Authorship和XTools Blame现已支持法语和意大利语维基百科,将来会支持更多语言版本。这是2023年社群愿望清单调查第7位的一部分。 [103][104][105]
- Video2commons工具的升级已完成。修复了一些与从YouTube上传相关的错误。 [106]
- Special:参数设置页面已被重新设计以适配移动端网页。新设计让用户通过屏幕较窄的设备访问时,可以更容易的访问不同类别的设置。您也可以通过移动端网页侧栏内的设置链接访问这一页面。 [107]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年5月2日 (二) 01:45 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-19
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Nadia Ghulam Dastgir is an Afghan woman who spent ten years posing as her dead brother to evade the Taliban's strictures against women. Her book about her experiences, written with Agnès Rotger and published in 2010, El secret del meu turbant (The Secret of My Turban), won the Prudenci Bertrana Prize for fiction. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
上周,Community Tech发布了第一个更新以提供更佳差异,这是2022年社群愿望清单调查的第一位。 本次更新为差异添加了图标和工具提示,以便不熟悉蓝色和黄色高亮显示的用户更容易明白编辑造成的差异。
当您关闭通过MediaViewer显示的图像时,它现在将返回到维基页面,而不是返回到浏览器的历史记录中。此功能请求是2023年社群愿望清单调查中投票第65名。 [108]
- SyntaxHighlight扩展现在可将
,现在可以被取代。 [109] - 预加载新页面的文本/段落现在支持从本地化的MediaWiki界面消息进行预加载。例如在捷克语维基百科上使用
。 [110]
- Graph扩展更新:基金会的开发人员已将可视化软件升级到Vega5。现在社群基于Vega2的图像不再兼容。 社群需要更新本地图像、模板和lua模块,如de:Modul:Graph。Vega迁移指南提供了有关从Vega2迁移的详细信息。这里是一个示例。Vega5目前刚刚在mediawiki.org上启用,为社群提供测试环境。 [111]
到目前为止,所有新的OAuth应用程序都经过人工审核。而从本周开始,使用仅识别或基本授权的应用程序将不再需要审查。 [112]
- 明年,MediaWiki将停止使用IP地址来标记未登录用户,并将开始自动分配唯一的临时用户名。在IP编辑:隐私增强和滥用缓解/更新阅读更多内容。 您可以参与关于临时用户名的格式的讨论。 [113]
- 在十个Vector 2022皮肤是默认皮肤的维基百科上将有一次A/B测试。半数已登录的桌面版用户会看到一个界面,界面中页面的不同部分更清楚地分开。在此了解更多信息。 [114][115]
可以让代码继续像现在一样生效。您可以点此阅读更多,或阅读如何查找失效的脚本。 [116]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年5月9日 (二) 00:36 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-20
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Purple Day is a global grassroots event that was formed with the intention to increase worldwide awareness of epilepsy, and to dispel common myths and fears of this neurological disorder. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 基于ISBN自动生成的引文目前出现问题。这会影响可视化编辑器的自动选项卡的引用,以及使用了citoid API的小工具和用户脚本。我们正在努力恢复此功能。 [117]
- 自周三起,部分维基站点将可以使用添加链接功能。这些站点包括哥伦打洛语维基百科、豪萨语维基百科、客家语维基百科、夏威夷语维基百科、斐济印地语维基百科、克罗地亚语维基百科、上索布语维基百科、海地克里奥尔语维基百科、因特语维基百科、国际语(E)维基百科、伊博语维基百科、伊洛卡诺语维基百科、印古什语维基百科、伊多语维基百科、冰岛语维基百科、因纽特语维基百科、牙买加Patois语维基百科、爪哇语维基百科。这是逐步向更多维基百科部署这一工具的一部分。社群可以在本地配置这一功能如何工作。 [118]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年5月15日 (一) 21:45 (UTC)
“已访问最近编辑的页面监视者数”的时间现在改为30天(过去是180天)。这是社群愿望清单调查的提案之一。 [120]
2023年5月22日 (一) 16:54 (UTC)
This Month in Education: April 2023
[编辑]This Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 4 • April 2023
- Auckland Museum Alliance fund project update
- Introducing Wikipedia to Kusaal Language Teachers
- KWASU Fan Club Leads the Way in 21st Century Learning with Wiki in School Program
- On-line Courses for Educators in Poland
- Online meeting of Ukrainian educators working with Wikipedia – four perspectives
- Wikiclubs Editathon in Elbasan, Albania
- Wikipedia at the Brazilian Linguistics Olympiad
- Wikipedia at the University of Łódź Information Management Conference
Books & Bytes – Issue 56
[编辑]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Issue 56, March – April 2023
- New partner:
- Perlego
- Library access tips and tricks
- Spotlight: EveryBookItsReader
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2023年5月24日 (三) 10:04 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-22
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Valencian Art Nouveau (Spanish: modernismo valenciano, Valencian: modernisme valencià), is the historiographic denomination given to an art and literature movement associated with the Art Nouveau in the Valencian Community, in Spain. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 由于Zotero的ISBN搜索,从ISBN自动添加引文的功能又可以使用了。现在的数据来源为美国议会图书馆、法国国立图书馆、K10plus ISBN(德国的资料库)。可以向Zotero提议进行额外的数据源搜索。 可视化编辑器的自动选项卡中的ISBN标签将在本周晚些时候重新上线。 [122]
为Special:编辑监视列表增加了一个能选择特定命名空间所有页面的“选择所有”按钮。这一功能是2023年社群愿望清单调查第161位。 [123]
- 本月初的几天,工具菜单中的“添加跨语言链接”功能无法正常运作,现已经修复。 [124]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年5月29日 (一) 22:02 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-23
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Alessandra Korap is an indigenous leader and Brazilian environmental activist from the Munduruku ethnic group. Her main work is defending the demarcation of indigenous territory and denouncing the illegal exploitation and activities of the mining and logging industries. Alessandra is internationally recognized for her work. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- RealMe扩展将允许用户在用户页中的URL标记为已通过Mastodon或类似软件验证。
现在使用可视化编辑器时可以直接在参考资料列表处编辑参考资料。该功能是2023年社群愿望清单调查第二位。 [126]
- 以前,单击其他人在URL中应用过滤器的最近更改链接可能会无意中更改“组合显示同一页面结果”的设置。现已修复。 [127]
- 上周数日间,一些工具和机器人由于数据库问题会返回过时的信息,在问题修复时可能已经完全停止运作。这些问题现已得到修复。 [128]
- 机器人将不再因为编辑中的URL与spam blacklist匹配而被阻止。 [129]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年6月5日 (一) 22:51 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-24
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Cassinga Day is a national public holiday in Namibia remembering the Cassinga Massacre. Commemorated annually on 4 May, the date "remembers those (approximately 600) killed in 1978 when the South African Defence Force attacked a SWAPO base at Cassinga in southern Angola". (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
内容归属工具Who Wrote That?、XTools Authorship和XTools Blame现已支持荷兰语、德语、匈牙利语、印度尼西亚语、日语、波兰语、葡萄牙语维基百科。这是2023年社群愿望清单调查第7位。 [130]
- Search Preview panel已部署在四个维基百科(加泰罗尼亚语、荷兰语、匈牙利语和挪威语)上。该面板将显示与文章相关的图像(如果存在)、文章的序言部分、相关图像(来自维基共享资源的MediaSearch),最后显示与文章相关的姊妹项目。 [131]
- RealMe扩展现允许管理员验证任何页面的Mastodon和类似软件的URL。 [132]
- 维基媒体项目默认的许可协议已经正式升级到CC BY-SA 4.0。软件的界面已经更新。社群可以随时更新原来的方针等文档中涉及CC BY-SA 3.0的部分。 [133]
- 在上个月的三天中,一些使用可视化编辑器或讨论工具编辑的维基百科页面在编辑过程中意外加入了
(或其本地化形式)。受影响页面请见按维基排序的受影响页面列表。该问题可能仍需修复。 [134] - 目前,可视化编辑器的“默认排序键”功能已损坏。现有的
关键字在可视化编辑器中错误地显示为缺少模板。开发人员正在寻找解决办法。同时,建议那些希望编辑页面默认排序的用户切换至源代码编辑。 [135] 上周,对删除表单的更新可能导致一些小工具或用户脚本无法工作。如果您需要操作(清空)原因字段,请将
替换为#wpReason > input
。请参阅 修复示例。 [136]
- 英语维基百科将在周一切换可视化编辑器到新的后端,周四部署到所有其它大型维基。此更改不会对用户造成明显影响,但如果您在使用可视化编辑器时遇到加载缓慢或其它异常情况,请在此处链接的phabricator工单上报告。 [137]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年6月12日 (一) 14:51 (UTC)
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年6月19日 (一) 20:08 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-26
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Rawon (Javanese: ꦫꦮꦺꦴꦤ꧀) is an Indonesian beef soup. Originating from East Java, rawon utilizes the black keluak nut as the main seasoning, which gives a dark color and nutty flavor to the soup. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
Action API模块和Special:LinkSearch现在将为主域名的所有
。这是删除外部链接数据库表中重复项工作的一部分。 [142]
CSS类。这可以支持使用div而不是表格的mbox模板。请确认新样式不会影响您所在的维基中的其它模板。 [145][146]现在小工具将默认在桌面版和移动版加载。以前,默认情况下小工具仅在桌面版加载。使用
参数)使小工具在移动版中运行或禁用它们,而不是根据用户是否使用移动网站或桌面版网站来禁用它们。作为临时解决方案,开发人员将在Minerva皮肤上禁用在移动版产生错误的常用小工具。 [147]- 默认情况下,所有命名空间选项卡现在都具有相同的浏览器快捷键。以前,自定义和扩展定义的命名空间必须在维基上手动设置其快捷键,但现在不再需要了。 [148]
- 标记审阅修订版本的表单现在使用标准化的用户界面组件。 [149]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年6月26日 (一) 16:18 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-27
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() A hook echo is a pendant or hook-shaped weather radar signature as part of some supercell thunderstorms. It is found in the lower portions of a storm as air and precipitation flow into a mesocyclone, resulting in a curved feature of reflectivity. The echo is produced by rain, hail, or even debris being wrapped around the supercell (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
作为点击播放的音频链接愿望清单提案的一部分,小型wiki现在可以使用内联音频播放器(由Phonos扩展实现)。 [151]
从本周开始,所有小工具都会自动加载在移动版和桌面版网站上加载。如果您在维基上发现小工具有问题,请调整小工具定义文件中的小工具选项。 [152]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年7月3日 (一) 22:51 (UTC)
This Month in Education: June 2023
[编辑]This Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 5 • June 2023
- Africa Day 2023: Abuja Teachers celebrates
- From editing articles to civic power – Wikimedia UK's research on democracy and Wikipedia
- Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Program in Yemen Brings Positive Impact to Yemeni Teachers
- Using Wikipedia in education: students' and teachers' view
- The Journey of Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Lagos State
- WMB goes to Serbia
- But we don't want it to end!
- 章节级图像建议功能已部署在七个维基百科(葡萄牙语、俄语、印度尼西亚语、加泰罗尼亚语、匈牙利语、芬兰语和挪威博克马尔语)上。該功能會從使用者監視清單內的頁面中,以章節為單位推薦適當的圖像。
- 全域防滥用过滤器已在所有维基媒体项目上启用,英语維基百科和日语维基百科例外(這兩個wiki的社群選擇不引入全局滥用过滤器)。此更改是在征求全域意见之后做出的。 [153]
- Special:已封禁的外部域名是帮助管理员反spam的新工具。它提供了一个更清晰的界面来阻止域名及子域名,更容易搜索,而且软件可以更快地处理维基上的每次编辑。它不支持正则表达式(以应对复杂的情况),不支持URL路径匹配,也不支持MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist,但它能取代现MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist的大部分功能。在该工具的说明文档中有一个Python脚本可帮助将所有简单的域名迁移到此工具中,还有更多功能的详细信息。除元维基、维基共享资源和维基数据外,所有维基均可使用该工具。 [154]
- 维基编辑器扩展已更新。本次更新包括维基文本编辑的一些最常用的功能。过去,它使用的许多介面消息只能由管理员翻译,但现在所有translatewiki上的普通翻译者都可以翻译它们。请检查WikiEditor 您的语言的本地化进度,如果您的语言的“完成度”显示低于100%,请协助翻译。点击查看详细信息。
- Special:链接搜索和API响应部分的默认协议已从http更改为http和https。 [155]
- Special:链接搜索及其相应的API部分现在将搜索查询中提供的全部的URL。以前只有前60个字符。此功能是十五年前提出的要求。 [156]
- 有一个ChatGPT插件的实验。这是为了向用户显示当他们从维基百科阅读信息时信息来自哪里。它已经过维基媒体基金会工作人员和一些维基人的测试。很快所有ChatGPT插件用户都可以使用该维基百科插件。这是2023年第20期技术新闻中提到的插件。 [157]
- 关于提议的第三方资源方针的讨论正在进行中。该提案将影响小工具和用户脚本中第三方资源的使用。根据迄今为止收到的反馈,方针包括加载第三方资源的用户脚本和小工具相关的风险、一些实践和豁免的要求,如代码透明度和可检查性。欢迎您在2023年7月17日之前在 方针讨论页面提供反馈和建议。
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年7月10日 (一) 19:53 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-29
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Esther Victoria Cooper Jackson was an American civil rights activist and social worker. She was one of the founding editors of the magazine Freedomways. She also was an organizational and executive secretary at the Southern Negro Youth Congress. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
等语言创建嵌入了上层页面的子页面。这让维护本地覆盖的系统消息更加轻松。 [158]新的MediaWiki版本将弃用
API。 [159]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年7月17日 (一) 23:08 (UTC)
Books & Bytes – Issue 57
[编辑]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Issue 57, May – June 2023
- Suggestion improvements
- Favorite collections tips
- Spotlight: Promoting Nigerian Books and Authors
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2023年7月18日 (二) 11:22 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-30
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The cuts of pork are the different parts of the pig which are consumed as food by humans. The terminology and extent of each cut varies from country to country. There are between four and six primal cuts, which are the large parts in which the pig is first cut: the shoulder (blade and picnic), loin, belly (spare ribs and side) and leg (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年7月25日 (二) 02:20 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-31
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The Gunhild Cross (Danish: Gunhildkorset), named for its first owner, Gunhild, a daughter of Svend III of Denmark, is a mid-12th-century crucifix carved in walrus tusk and with both Latin and Runic inscriptions. It is now in the collection of the National Museum of Denmark. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- Special:最新页面和修订历史记录页面上的标签过滤器现在可以反选。例如,您可以隐藏使用自动化工具进行的编辑。 [160][161]
- 能使用插件的ChatGPT用户现在可以尝试使用维基百科ChatGPT插件。如果想交流该实验性功能或类似产品,您可以参加视频通话。 [162]
- 过去两周,无法为标题中包含非拉丁字符的页面生成PDF。现在这个问题已经得到解决。 [163]
- 自周二起,部分维基站点将可以使用添加链接功能。这些站点包括格鲁吉亚语维基百科、卡拉卡尔帕克语维基百科、卡拜尔语维基百科、卡巴尔达语维基百科、卡比耶语维基百科、吉库尤语维基百科、哈萨克语维基百科、高棉语维基百科、卡纳达语维基百科、克什米尔语维基百科、科隆语维基百科、库尔德语维基百科、康沃尔语维基百科。这是逐步向更多维基百科部署这一工具的一部分。社群可以在本地配置这一功能如何工作。 [164]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年7月31日 (一) 23:54 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-32
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Polyura athamas, the common nawab, is a species of fast-flying canopy butterfly found in tropical Asia. It belongs to the Charaxinae (rajahs and nawabs) in the brush-footed butterfly family (Nymphalidae). (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
[编辑]MediaWiki message delivery 2023年8月7日 (一) 21:20 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-33
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The women's page (sometimes called home page or women's section) of a newspaper was a section devoted to covering news assumed to be of interest to women. Women's pages started out in the 19th century as society pages and eventually morphed into features sections in the 1970s. Although denigrated during much of that period, they had a significant impact on journalism and in their communities. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
This Month in Education: July 2023
[编辑]This Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 7 • July 2023
- Wikimedia Kaduna Connect Campaign
- Wikimedia Serbia published a paper Promoting Equity in Access to Open Knowledge: An Example of the Wikipedia Educational Program
- Wikimedia and Education Kailali Multiple campus
- WikiCamp in Istog, Kosovo: Promoting Knowledge and Nature Appreciation
- Wiki at the Brazilian National History Symposium
- US & Canada program reaches 100M words added
- Renewed Community Wikiconference brought together experienced Wikipedians and newcomers
- Kusaal Wikipedia Workshop at Ajumako Campus, University of Education, Winneba
- Join us to celebrate the Kiwix4Schools Africa Mentorship Program Graduation Ceremony
- Activities that took place during the presentation of the WikiEducation book. Educational practices and experiences in Mexico with Wikipedia and other open resources in Xalala, Veracruz from the Wikimedia Mexico Education Program
- 62+ Participants Graduates from the Kiwix4Schools Africa Mentorship Program
- “Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom” course launched in Ukraine
- OFWA and Goethe Institute Host Wiki Skills For Librarians Workshop-Ghana
- 自周三起,部分维基站点将可以使用添加链接功能。这些站点包括拉丁语维基百科、拉迪诺语维基百科、卢森堡语维基百科、拉克语维基百科、列兹金语维基百科、新共同语言维基百科、卢干达语维基百科、林堡语维基百科、利古里亚语维基百科、伦巴第语维基百科、林加拉语维基百科、拉特加莱语维基百科、拉脱维亚语维基百科、迈蒂利语维基百科、Banyumasan语维基百科、莫克沙语维基百科、马拉加斯语维基百科、亚美尼亚语维基百科、柯尔克孜语维基百科。这是逐步向更多维基百科部署这一工具的一部分。社群可以在本地配置这一功能如何工作。 [167]
- A few gadgets/user scripts which add icons to the Minerva skin need to have their CSS updated. There are more details available including a search for all existing instances and how to update them.
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年8月15日 (二) 05:59 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-34
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Insect toxins are various protein toxins produced by insect species. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- The GDrive to Commons Uploader tool is now available. It enables securely selecting and uploading files from your Google Drive directly to Wikimedia Commons. [168]
- From now on, we will announce new Wikimedia wikis in Tech News, so you can update any tools or pages.
- Since the last edition, two new wikis have been created:
- To catch up, the next most recent six wikis are:
There is an existing stable interface policy for MediaWiki backend code. There is a proposed stable interface policy for frontend code. This is relevant for anyone who works on gadgets or Wikimedia frontend code. You can read it, discuss it, and let the proposer know if there are any problems. [177]
2023年8月21日 (一) 15:25 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-35
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The Manchester Blitz (also known as the Christmas Blitz) was the heavy bombing of the city of Manchester and its surrounding areas in North West England during the Second World War by the German Luftwaffe. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
作为改善段落拆分差异处理更改的一部分,正在推出改进的拆分检测。过去的两周里,我们将其部署到了第0组和第一组维基。本周它将被部署到第二组维基。 [178]
所有Special:用户贡献页面现在都显示用户的本地编辑计数和帐户的创建日期。 [179]
- 维基文库用户现在可以使用
标签内的页码。 [180] - 两个参数设置的位置已重新调整。选项“启用可视化编辑器”现在位于所有维基的“编辑”页。之前,它在部分维基上位于“测试功能”页中。选项“使用可视化编辑器内置的wikitext模式,而不是其他wikitext编辑器”现在也位于所有维基的“编辑”页中,而非“测试功能”页。 [181][182]
维基媒体开发者帐户的注册将移至,而非Wikitech。 新系统的更多信息见此。
- 所有语言方向为从右至左的维基,以及韩语、亚美尼亚语、乌克兰语、俄语和保加利亚语维基百科的侧边栏中新增了一个链接,使用URL缩短程序提供该页面的短URL。此功能将在未来几周内出现在更多维基百科上。 [183]
- 现在正在讨论删除DoubleWiki扩展。当前,当选择特定语言版本旁边的
符号时,此扩展允许维基文库用户并排查看多个语言版本的文章。欢迎在phabricator工单发表意见。 - 有人建议将第二个隐藏类别列表(出现在维基文本编辑表格下方)与主类别列表(位于页面下方)合并。更多信息请见Phabricator。欢迎反馈!
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年8月28日 (一) 14:00 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-36
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Ghana Independence Act 1957 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that granted the Gold Coast fully responsible government within the British Commonwealth of Nations under the name of Ghana (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- EditInSequence是一项允许用户在维基文库上更快编辑页面的功能。根据社群反馈,它已被移至测试功能。您可以在参数设置中的测试功能页面启用它。 [184]
作为 为IPA生成音频和点击时播放的音频链接愿望清单项目的一部分,Phonos的内嵌音频播放器模式已部署到所有项目。 [185]
- 当管理员更改用户的用户组时,有一个新选项可以将用户的用户页面添加到他们的监视列表中。该功能通过Special:用户权限和API实现。 [186]
- 一个新的维基已创建:
- LoginNotify扩展自一月以来始终没有发送通知。该问题现已修复,今后您可能会看到登录尝试失败以及新设备尝试登录成功的通知。 [188]
- 自周三起,部分维基站点将可以使用添加链接功能。这些站点包括东马里语维基百科、毛利语维基百科、米南佳保语维基百科、马其顿语维基百科、马拉雅拉姆语维基百科、蒙古语维基百科、马拉地语维基百科、西马里语维基百科、马来语维基百科、马耳他语维基百科、米兰德斯语维基百科、厄尔兹亚语维基百科、马赞德兰语维基百科、纳瓦特尔语维基百科、那不勒斯语维基百科、低地德语维基百科、下萨克森语维基百科、尼泊尔语维基百科、尼瓦尔语维基百科、新挪威语维基百科、诺维亚语维基百科、西非书面文字维基百科、诺曼语维基百科、北索托语维基百科、纳瓦霍语维基百科、齐切瓦语维基百科、奥克语维基百科、李维-卡累利阿语维基百科、奥罗莫语维基百科、奥里亚语维基百科、奥塞梯语维基百科、旁遮普语维基百科、邦阿西楠语维基百科、邦板牙语维基百科、帕皮阿门托语维基百科、庇卡底语维基百科、宾夕法尼亚德语维基百科、普法尔茨德语维基百科、诺福克/皮特肯语、皮埃蒙特语维基百科、西旁遮普语维基百科、旁狄希腊语维基百科、普什图语维基百科。这是逐步向更多维基百科部署这一工具的一部分。社群可以在本地配置这一功能如何工作。 [189][190]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年9月4日 (一) 23:33 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-37
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Betrayal trauma is defined as a trauma perpetrated by someone with whom the victim is close to and reliant upon for support and survival. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- ORES,客观修订评估服务,现在在英语维基百科和维基数据之外的所有维基上使用新的开源基础设施。英文维基百科和维基数据将在本周跟进。如果您发现最近更改过滤器中有任何与ORES相关的异常结果(例如“贡献质量预测”和“用户意图预测”),请报告。 [191]
- 当您登录到一个维基媒体基金会下属的维基并访问另一个维基媒体基金会下属的维基时,系统会尝试自动登录。这在很长一段时间内都是不可靠的。您现在可以访问登录页面,让系统进一步尝试。如果你觉得这让登录变得比以前更好或更糟,请及时反馈,十分感谢。 [192]
The Technical Decision-Making Forum Retrospective team invites anyone involved in the technical field of Wikimedia projects to signup to and join one of their listening sessions on 13 September. Another date will be scheduled later. The goal is to improve the technical decision-making processes.
As part of the changes for the Better diff handling of paragraph splits wishlist proposal, the inline switch widget in diff pages is being rolled out this week to all wikis. The inline switch will allow viewers to toggle between a unified inline or two-column diff wikitext format. [193]
- 所有维基将在9月20日短暂进入只读状态(大约几分钟)。目前定于14:00(UTC)。更多信息将在技术新闻中发布,并将在未来几周内发送到各个维基上。 [194]
- The Enterprise API is launching a new feature called "breaking news". Currently in BETA, this attempts to identify likely "newsworthy" topics as they are currently being written about in any Wikipedia. Your help is requested to improve the accuracy of its detection model, especially on smaller language editions, by recommending templates or identifiable editing patterns. See more information at the documentation page on MediaWiki or the FAQ on Meta.
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年9月11日 (一) 21:07 (UTC)
Books & Bytes – Issue 58
[编辑]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Issue 58, July – August 2023
- New partners - De Standaard and Duncker & Humblot
- Tech tip: Filters
- Wikimania presentation
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2023年9月12日 (二) 14:27 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-38
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The Putumayo genocide is the term which is used in reference to the enslavement, massacres and ethnocide of the indigenous population of the Amazon at the hands of the Peruvian Amazon Company, specifically in the area between the Putumayo River and the Caquetá River during the Amazon rubber boom period from 1879 to 1912. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
MediaWiki现在有一个前端代码的稳定接口策略,它更明确地定义了我们如何弃用MediaWiki代码和基于维基的代码(例如小工具和用户脚本)。感谢所有为其内容和讨论做出贡献的人。 [195][196]
- 全部维基将在9月20日14:00 UTC起短暂进入只读状态。 [197]
- 所有维基都将使用维基媒体URL缩短程序来在侧边栏提供短链接。 [198]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年9月18日 (一) 19:19 (UTC)
- Vector 2022皮肤现将记住未登录用户的目录展开状态。 [199]
作為轉用 Vue.js 和 Codex 的一步,ResourceLoader
模塊現已不推薦使用。對於仍使用該模塊的工具,有一份MediaWiki UI 到 Codex 的遷移指引。工單內有更多詳情,歡迎發問。- 小工具定义将有一个新的“命名空间”选项。该选项使用命名空间ID列表。使用此选项的小工具将仅在指定的命名空间中加载。
- 滥用过滤器将新增两个变量:
。它们仅作用于账户创建。当在其它维基进行过多次编辑的用户首次访问您的维基时,您可以使用它们来阻止帐户的自动创建。 [200][201]
- 您可以参加下一次与维基百科移动应用程序团队的会议。会议期间,我们将讨论当前的功能和未来的路线。会议将于10月27日 17:00 (UTC)举行。详细信息及参与方式见此。
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年9月26日 (二) 16:50 (UTC)
- 增加了新的用户选项:“始终启用安全模式”。该选项将使页面加载时不包含任何维基上的JavaScript或CSS。这对修复出问题的JavaScript部件十分有用。 [202]
Vector 2022皮肤将不再使用Vector Legacy (2010)的自定义样式和脚本。该更改将于今年晚些时候或2024年初进行。请参阅如何调整维基上的CSS和JS 页面。 [203]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年10月3日 (二) 01:25 (UTC)
- 自周三起,部分维基站点将可以使用添加链接功能。这些站点包括斯瓦希里语维基百科、瓦隆语维基百科、瓦瑞瓦瑞语维基百科、沃洛夫语维基百科、卡尔梅克语维基百科、科萨语维基百科、明格列尔语维基百科、意第绪语维基百科、约鲁巴语维基百科、壮语维基百科、西兰语维基百科、闽南语维基百科、祖鲁语维基百科。这是逐步向更多维基百科部署这一工具的一部分。社群可以在本地配置这一功能如何工作。 [205]
- 在一些维基上,新手会被建议在没有任何图片的条目中加入Commons的图片。該功能將得到拓展,從條目級別細化到段落級別:从周二开始,这些维基的新用户将能够将图像添加到没有插图的段落。具体的维基请见Growth团队部署列表的“图像推荐”一列。在此了解有关此功能的更多信息。 [206]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年10月9日 (一) 14:38 (UTC)
This Month in Education: September 2023
[编辑]This Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 7 • September 2023
- Inauguration of the Kent Wiki Club at the Wikimania 2023 Conference
- Letter Magic: Supercharging Your WikiEducation Programs
- Réseau @pprendre (Learning Network) : The Initiative for Educational Change in Francophone West Africa
- WikiChallenge Ecoles d’Afrique closes its 5th edition with 13 winning schools
- WikiConecta: connecting Brazilian university professors and Wikimedia
- Wikimedia Germany launches interactive event series Open Source AI in Education
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-42
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Athyma nefte, the colour sergeant, is a species of brush-footed butterfly found in tropical South and Southeast Asia. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 我们修复了统一登录在一些浏览器(Chrome、Edge、Opera)上出现的问题。用户浏览姊妹项目时不再需要手动点击登录或刷新页面了。欢迎反馈该修复是否生效。 [207]
- 编辑提示现可用于移动版前端和Minerva皮肤。本功能的灵感来自英文维基百科的小工具。详情请见T316178。
- 3周后,Vector 2022皮肤中与一年前已弃用的
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年10月16日 (一) 23:46 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-43
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Typhoon Rusa was the most powerful typhoon to strike South Korea in 43 years. It was the 21st JTWC tropical depression, the 15th named storm, and the 10th typhoon of the 2002 Pacific typhoon season. It developed on August 22 from the monsoon trough in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, well to the southeast of Japan. For several days, Rusa moved to the northwest, eventually intensifying into a powerful typhoon. On August 26, the storm moved across the Amami Islands of Japan, where Rusa left 20,000 people without power and caused two fatalities. Across Japan, the typhoon dropped torrential rainfall peaking at 902 mm (35.5 in) in Tokushima Prefecture. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 维基媒体项目新增了每季度一次的语言和国际化通讯,包含新功能的开发、各种语言相关技术项目的改进以及相关支持工作。
所有维基均已启用源映射支持。在浏览器的开发者工具中打开调试器时,您应该可以看到未缩小的JavaScript源代码。 [208]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年10月23日 (一) 23:15 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-44
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Christiaan Hendrik "Hein" Eersel was a Surinamese linguist and cultural researcher. He served as Minister of Education and Population Development in the cabinet of acting Prime Minister Arthur Johan May. He was also the first chancellor of the University of Suriname. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 作为改进共享资源的UploadWizard项目的一部分,结构化内容团队对选择自己的作品与非自己的作品的上传步骤(T347590)及自己作品的授权许可步骤(T347756)进行了一些改进。
- 系统设计团队发布了Codex1.0.0 版,这是维基媒体的新设计系统。请参阅有关Codex 1.0.0发布的完整公告。
- 分类页面的列表在每个维基上使用國際統一碼部件函式庫对该语言进行排序。在到11月2日的几天内,许多语言的类别更改将无法正确排序。这是因为开发人员正在升级到该库的新版本。他们将使用脚本来修复现有分类。这将需要几个小时或几天,具体取决于维基规模。点此了解详情。 [209][210]
- 从11月1日开始,增长团队将更新影响模块(Special:Impact)。新的影响模块向新用户展示了更多关于他们对维基的影响的数据。一些维基百科在过去的几个月里已进行了这项测试。 [211]
- 有一个重新启用Graph扩展的提议。您可以查看此提案并分享您的想法提供助力。
- 维基媒体基金会正在努力使管理员能够直接编辑MediaWiki配置。这与之前在Special:EditGrowthConfig上的工作类似。技术相关的征求意见截至11月8日,您可在此期间提供反馈。
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年10月30日 (一) 23:20 (UTC)
- Vector 2022皮肤中,许多导航元素(标语、工具菜单、导航链接等)的默认字体大小已稍微提高,以与页面内容使用的字体大小相匹配。 [212]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年11月6日 (一) 21:04 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-45
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Reclaim the Night is a movement started in Leeds in 1977 as part of the Women's Liberation Movement. Marches demanding that women be able to move throughout public spaces at night took place across England until the 1990s. Later, the organisation was revived and sponsors annual and national marches against rape and violence against women. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
This Month in Education: October 2023
[编辑]This Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 8 • October 2023
- 3 Generations at Wikipedia Education Program in Türkiye
- CBSUA Launches Wiki Education in Partnership with PhilWiki Community and Bikol Wikipedia Community
- Celebrating Wikidata’s Birthday in Elbasan
- Edu Wiki Camp 2023 - together in Sremski Karlovci
- PhilWiki Community promotes language preservation and cultural heritage advocacies at ADNU
- PunjabWiki Education Program: A Wikipedia Adventure in Punjab
- WikiConference on Education ignites formation of Wikimedia communities
- Wikimedia Estonia talked about education at CEE meeting in Tbilisi
- Wikimedia in Brazil is going to be a book
- Wikipedian Editor Project: Arabic Sounds Workshop 2023
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-46
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! "Ishe Komborera Africa" (Shona for: God Bless Africa), also called "Ishe Komborera Zimbabwe" (Shona for: God Bless Zimbabwe), was the Zimbabwean national anthem from 1980 to 1994. It was the country's first national anthem after gaining independence in 1980. It is a translation of 19th-century South African schoolteacher Enoch Sontonga's popular African hymn "Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika" into Zimbabwe's native Shona and Ndebele languages. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 4个新的维基已创建:
- 参考预览现成为多个维基的默认功能。参考预览是供参考的弹出窗口,类似于页面预览功能。您可以退出登录来查看它们。如果您使用了小工具参考工具提示或导航Popups,您将看不到参考预览。部署计划于2023年11月22日进行。
Canary (also known as heartbeat) events will be produced into Wikimedia event streams from December 11. Streams users are advised to filter out these events, by discarding all events where
meta.domain == "canary"
. Updates to Pywikibot or wikimedia-streams will discard these events by default. [222]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年11月13日 (一) 23:51 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-47
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Bhagavata Mela is a classical Indian dance that is performed in Tamil Nadu, particularly the Thanjavur area. It is choreographed as an annual Vaishnavism tradition in Melattur and nearby regions, and celebrated as a dance-drama performance art. The dance art has roots in a historic migration of practitioners of Kuchipudi, another Indian classical dance art, from Andhra Pradesh to the kingdom of Tanjavur. The term Bhagavata, state Brandon and Banham, refers to the Hindu text Bhagavata Purana. Mela is a Sanskrit word that means "gathering, meeting of a group" and connotes a folk festival. The traditional Bhagavata Mela performance acts out the legends of Hinduism, set to the Carnatic style music. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 本週沒有MediaWiki的新版本。 [223][224]
- 自週三起,部分维基站点将可以使用“添加链接”功能。这些站点包括克丘亚语维基百科、罗曼什语维基百科、罗姆语维基百科、基隆迪语维基百科、阿罗马尼亚语维基百科、塔伦蒂诺语维基百科、卢森尼亚语维基百科、卢旺达语维基百科、梵语维基百科、雅库特语维基百科、桑塔利语维基百科、萨丁尼亚语维基百科、西西里语维基百科、低地苏格兰语维基百科、信德语维基百科、北萨米语维基百科、桑戈语维基百科、塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语维基百科、僧伽罗语维基百科、斯洛伐克语维基百科、斯洛文尼亚语维基百科、萨摩亚语维基百科、索马里语维基百科、阿尔巴尼亚语维基百科、塞尔维亚语维基百科、苏里南汤加语维基百科、斯威士语维基百科、南索托语维基百科、沙特弗里西语维基百科、巽他语维基百科、西里西亚语维基百科、泰米尔语维基百科、图卢语维基百科、泰卢固语维基百科、德顿语维基百科、塔吉克语维基百科、泰语维基百科、土库曼语维基百科、他加禄语维基百科、茨瓦纳语维基百科、汤加语维基百科、巴布亚皮钦语维基百科、土耳其语维基百科、宗喀语维基百科、鞑靼语维基百科、契维语维基百科、塔希提语维基百科、图瓦语维基百科、乌德穆尔特语维基百科、维吾尔语维基百科、乌孜别克语维基百科、文达语维基百科、威尼斯语维基百科、维普森语维基百科、西佛兰德语维基百科、沃拉普克语维基百科。这是逐步向更多维基百科部署这一工具的一部分。社群可以在本地配置这一功能如何工作。 [225][226][227]
- Vector 2022皮肤將對下拉式選單、列寬等進行一些細微的視覺變化。這些變更已於上週添加到4個維基百科中。如果沒有發現問題,這些變更將於本週在所有維基上進行。這些變更將使為可讀性和深色模式添加新選單成為可能。了解更多。 [228]
- 有一個關於重新啟用Graph扩展的更新。為了加快進程,發布時將不支持Vega 2,並且僅提供一些协议。您可以通过分享您對該計劃的看法來提供協助。
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年11月21日 (二) 00:54 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-48
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The Zaniskari or Zanskari is a breed of small mountain horse or pony from Ladakh, in northern India. It is named for the Zanskar valley or region in Kargil district. It is similar to the Spiti breed of Himachal Pradesh, but is better adapted to work at high altitude. Like the Spiti, it shows similarities to the Tibetan breeds of neighbouring Tibet. It is of medium size, and is often grey in colour. The breed is considered endangered, as there are only a few hundred alive today, and a conservation programme has been started at Padum, Zanskar, in the Kargil district of Ladakh. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
Books & Bytes – Issue 59
[编辑]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Issue 59, September – October 2023
- Spotlight: Introducing a repository of anti-disinformation projects
- Tech tip: Library access methods
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2023年11月27日 (一) 16:16 (UTC)
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年11月27日 (一) 23:07 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-49
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Sheikh Hussein is a town in south-eastern Ethiopia. The site has been recorded in the tentative list for UNESCO World Heritage List since 2011 as a religious, cultural and historical site. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- Vector 2022皮肤的段落間距已從7像素更改為14像素,以匹配文字大小。這將使區分段落和句子變得更容易。 [232]
- 可视化编辑器的「默认排序键」功能再度可用。您不再需要切換為源代码编辑器來編輯
關鍵字。 [233]
- 本週沒有MediaWiki的新版本。 [234][235]
- 12月6日,在参数设置啟用「显示讨论活动」的用戶將注意到包含
Toolforge的Grid Engine關閉流程將於12月14日開始。仍在使用此舊系統的工具的維護者應計劃遷移到Kubernetes,或在開始日期前於Phabricator有關工具的任務中告訴團隊您的計畫。 [236]
- 團隊正在就即將棄用結構式討論事宜聯絡使用結構式討論的社群。您可以在計劃頁面閱讀更多信息,並分享您的評論。
- 2024年維基媒體黑客松已開放報名和獎助金申請,活動將在明年5月3日至5月5日於愛沙尼亞塔林舉行。獎助金申請截止至2024年1月5日。
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年12月4日 (一) 23:49 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-50
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
fr:Applaudissements aux fenêtres pendant la pandémie de Covid-19
(es:Aplauso por los trabajadores de la salud) (gl:Aplauso ao persoal sanitario) Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() During the COVID-19 pandemic, applauding daily at a scheduled hour was a gesture of acclamation, recognition and gratitude towards health professionals in tribute to their work at the time. This habit emerged in January 2020 in Wuhan, where the pandemic originated, and then spread to several cities around the world during the quarantines and sanitary cordons ordered as preventive measures, Italy being the first one. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 維基媒體共享資源的上传向导在「選擇是否為自己的作品」步驟有一些細微的用戶界面改進。 這是結構化內容團隊在改進共享資源的上传向导計劃的一部分。 [237][238]
MediaWiki的新版本將於12月12日部署至測試維基及。它將於12月13日部署至非維基百科wiki及部分維基百科,並於12月14日部署至所有wiki(參見日曆)。 [241][242]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年12月12日 (二) 02:11 (UTC)
This Month in Education: November 2023
[编辑]- 第4屆WikiUNAM編輯松:社群知識加強教育
- 聖保羅聖卡薩醫學院舉行編輯松
- 奈及利亞EduWiki社群:透過維基百科擁抱數位學習
- 夜間維基學校為捷克年長者提供維基百科上的進修教育
- 透過伊朗大學學生協會擴展維基百科教育計劃
- 在阿爾巴尼亞透過維基俱樂部和Wikeys桌游探索維基百科
- Wikeys遊戲一週年紀念
- 讓參訪學生參與教育計劃
- 身為維基百科人的伊朗學生:使用維基百科教授研究方法和百科全書寫作
- 奈及利亞Kiwix4Schools:透過數位識讀彌合知識差距
- 在貝南朱古的教室中閱讀維基百科
- 扎里亞提亞普維基媒體人推廣
- 拉哥斯內陸阿傑綜合高中2023年11月1日藝術推廣
- 菲律賓維基社群舉辦聚會倡議女性賦權
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-51
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge is a wildlife refuge in New York City managed by the National Park Service as part of Gateway National Recreation Area. It is composed of the open water and intertidal salt marshes of Jamaica Bay. It lies entirely within the boundaries of New York City, divided between the boroughs of Brooklyn to the west and Queens to the east. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
- 因應假期,下一期技術新聞將於2024年1月8日發送。
MediaWiki的新版本將於12月19日部署至測試維基及。它將於12月20日部署至非維基百科wiki及部分維基百科,並於12月21日部署至所有wiki(參見日曆)。 下週沒有MediaWiki的新版本。 [243][244]
- 12月18日起,用户將無法在測試功能選單將自己的用户討論頁啟用結構式討論。已經啟用啟用結構式討論的用户仍可以在測試功能選單停用此功能。這是結構式討論棄用作業的一部分。 [245]
模块命名空間將完全支持重定向功能。頁面在使用「移動頁面」功能後將留下適當且可被软件識別的重定向(例如不顯示在Special:未链接页面)。同時也將支持手動重定向。 [246]
- 願望松是一項新行動,鼓勵維基媒體社群之間合作,為社群願望清單調查收集的願望開發解決方案。第一屆社群願望松將於3月15日至17日舉行。如果您身為使用者、開發者、設計者或產品負責人對計劃提案感興趣,您可以報名活動並了解更多信息。
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年12月18日 (一) 16:17 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-52
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Plant blindness is an informally-proposed form of cognitive bias, which in its broadest meaning, is a human tendency to ignore plant species. This includes such phenomena as not noticing plants in the surrounding environment, not recognizing the importance of plant life to the whole biosphere and to human affairs, a philosophical view of plants as an inferior form of life to animals and/or the inability to appreciate the unique features or aesthetics of plants. Related terms include plant‐neglect, zoo-centrism, and zoo‐chauvinism. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-02
[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Pax airship disaster was the explosion of the Pax airship on May 12, 1902, in Paris, which killed the Brazilian inventor Augusto Severo and the French mechanic Georges Saché. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
2024年第02期技术新闻[编辑]维基媒体技术社群现在发布最新的技术新闻。请告知其他用户这些更改;不是所有的更改都会对您造成影响。技术新闻提供其它语言的翻译版本。 最近更改
本週更改 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年1月9日 (二) 01:18 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-03[编辑]
2024年第03期技术新闻[编辑]维基媒体技术社群现在发布最新的技术新闻。请告知其他用户这些更改;不是所有的更改都会对您造成影响。技术新闻提供其它语言的翻译版本。 最近更改
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年1月16日 (二) 00:12 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-04[编辑]
2024年第04期技术新闻[编辑]维基媒体技术社群现在发布最新的技术新闻。请告知其他用户这些更改;不是所有的更改都会对您造成影响。技术新闻提供其它语言的翻译版本。 問題
本週更改 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年1月23日 (二) 01:03 (UTC) Books & Bytes – Issue 60[编辑]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2024年1月24日 (三) 13:37 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-05[编辑]
2024年第05期技术新闻[编辑]维基媒体技术社群现在发布最新的技术新闻。请告知其他用户这些更改;不是所有的更改都会对您造成影响。技术新闻提供其它语言的翻译版本。 最近更改
本週更改 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年1月29日 (一) 19:30 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-06[编辑]
2024年第06期技术新闻[编辑]维基媒体技术社群现在发布最新的技术新闻。请告知其他用户这些更改;不是所有的更改都会对您造成影响。技术新闻提供其它语言的翻译版本。 最近更改
未來更改 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年2月5日 (一) 19:21 (UTC) This Month in Education: January 2024[编辑]Apologies for writing in English. Please help to translate in your language.
This Month in Education Volume 13 • Issue 1 • January 2024 In This Issue
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-07[编辑]
2024年第07期技术新闻[编辑]维基媒体技术社群现在发布最新的技术新闻。请告知其他用户这些更改;不是所有的更改都会对您造成影响。技术新闻提供其它语言的翻译版本。 最近更改
本週更改 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年2月13日 (二) 05:47 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-08[编辑]
2024年第08期技术新闻[编辑]维基媒体技术社群现在发布最新的技术新闻。请告知其他用户这些更改;不是所有的更改都会对您造成影响。技术新闻提供其它语言的翻译版本。 最近更改
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年2月19日 (一) 15:35 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-09[编辑]
2024年第09期技术新闻[编辑]维基媒体技术社群现在发布最新的技术新闻。请告知其他用户这些更改;不是所有的更改都会对您造成影响。技术新闻提供其它语言的翻译版本。 最近更改
未來更改 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年2月26日 (一) 19:22 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-10[编辑]
2024年第10期技术新闻[编辑]维基媒体技术社群现在发布最新的技术新闻。请告知其他用户这些更改;不是所有的更改都会对您造成影响。技术新闻提供其它语言的翻译版本。 最近更改
未來更改 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年3月4日 (一) 19:46 (UTC) Books & Bytes – Issue 61[编辑]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2024年3月5日 (二) 16:32 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-11[编辑]
2024年第11期技术新闻[编辑]维基媒体技术社群现在发布最新的技术新闻。请告知其他用户这些更改;不是所有的更改都会对您造成影响。技术新闻提供其它语言的翻译版本。 本週更改
未來更改 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年3月11日 (一) 23:03 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-12[编辑]
2024年第12期技术新闻[编辑]维基媒体技术社群现在发布最新的技术新闻。请告知其他用户这些更改;不是所有的更改都会对您造成影响。技术新闻提供其它语言的翻译版本。 最近更改
問題 本週變更 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年3月18日 (一) 17:38 (UTC) This Month in Education: February 2024[编辑]Apologies for writing in English. Please help to translate in your language.
This Month in Education Volume 13 • Issue 2 • February 2024 In This Issue
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-13[编辑]
2024年第13期技术新闻[编辑]维基媒体技术社群现在发布最新的技术新闻。请告知其他用户这些更改;不是所有的更改都会对您造成影响。技术新闻提供其它语言的翻译版本。 最近更改
本週變更 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年3月25日 (一) 18:55 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-14[编辑]
2024年第14期技术新闻[编辑]维基媒体技术社群现在发布最新的技术新闻。请告知其他用户这些更改;不是所有的更改都会对您造成影响。技术新闻提供其它语言的翻译版本。 最近更改 本週變更 未來更改 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年4月2日 (二) 03:35 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-15[编辑]
2024年第15期技术新闻[编辑]维基媒体技术社群现在发布最新的技术新闻。请告知其他用户这些更改;不是所有的更改都会对您造成影响。技术新闻提供其它语言的翻译版本。 最近更改
本週變更 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年4月8日 (一) 23:36 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-16[编辑]
2024年第16期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其它語言的翻译版本。 問題 本週更改
未來更改 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年4月15日 (一) 23:28 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-17[编辑]
2024年第17期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其它語言的翻译版本。 最近更改
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年4月22日 (一) 20:26 (UTC) Books & Bytes – Issue 62[编辑]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2024年4月23日 (二) 11:03 (UTC) This Month in Education: March 2024[编辑]Apologies for writing in English. Please help to translate in your language.
This Month in Education Volume 13 • Issue 3 • March 2024 In This Issue Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-18[编辑]
2024年第18期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 最近更改 ![]()
本週更改 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年4月30日 (二) 03:32 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-19[编辑]
2024年第19期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 最近更改 ![]()
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年5月6日 (一) 16:43 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-20[编辑]
2024年第20期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 最近更改
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年5月13日 (一) 23:57 (UTC) This Month in Education: April 2024[编辑]Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-21[编辑]
2024年第21期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 最近更改
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年5月20日 (一) 23:03 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-22[编辑]
2024年第22期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 最近更改
本週更改 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年5月28日 (二) 00:14 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-23[编辑]
2024年第23期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 最近更改
本週更改 未來更改 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年6月3日 (一) 22:33 (UTC) 2024年第24期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 最近更改
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年6月10日 (一) 20:19 (UTC) This Month in Education: May 2024[编辑]Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-25[编辑]
2024年第25期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 最近更改
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年6月17日 (一) 23:47 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-26[编辑]
2024年第26期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 最近更改
本週更改 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年6月24日 (一) 22:31 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-27[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Roller printing on fabrics is a textile printing process patented by Thomas Bell of Scotland in 1783 in an attempt to reduce the cost of the earlier copperplate printing. This method was used in Lancashire fabric mills to produce cotton dress fabrics from the 1790s, most often reproducing small monochrome patterns characterized by striped motifs and tiny dotted patterns called "machine grounds". Improvements in the technology resulted in more elaborate roller prints in bright, rich colours from the 1820s; Turkey red and chrome yellow were particularly popular. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
2024年第27期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 最近更改
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年7月1日 (一) 23:58 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-28[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The India naming dispute in 1947 refers to the argument over the use of the name India during and after the partition of British Raj, between the countries of Pakistan and the Republic of India. This dispute involved key figures such as Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of British Raj, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the leader of the Muslim League and a founder of Pakistan. By 1947, the British Raj was going to be divided into two new nation states – Hindustan and Pakistan. Jinnah was initially convinced that Hindustan would not use the term India, since it lacked indigenous pedigree, etymologically and historically India meant the Indus Valley (modern-Pakistan). He also opposed the use of the name India as it would cause confusion regarding history. The disagreement had significant implications for national identity and international recognition. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
2024年第28期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 最近更改
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年7月8日 (一) 21:30 (UTC) This Month in Education: June 2024[编辑]Apologies for writing in English. Please help to translate in your language.
This Month in Education Volume 13 • Issue 6 • June 2024 In This Issue
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-29[编辑]![]() Adumu, is a type of dance that the Maasai people of Kenya and Tanzania practice. Young Maasai warriors generally perform the energetic and acrobatic dance at ceremonial occasions including weddings, religious rites, and other significant cultural events. The Adumu dance is characterized by a sequence of jumps performed by the dancers, who stand in a circle and alternately jump while keeping their bodies as straight and upright as possible. In addition to wearing vividly colored shúkàs (clothes) and beaded jewelry, the dancers are typically clad in traditional Maasai costume. Traditional Maasai songs and chants are also performed during the dance. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
2024年第29期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 技術新聞調查
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Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2024年7月18日 (四) 12:16 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-30[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The Rathaus-Glockenspiel is a large mechanical clock located in Marienplatz Square, in the heart of Munich, Germany. Famous for its life-size characters, the clock twice daily re-enacts scenes from Munich's history. First is the story of the marriage of Duke Wilhelm V to Renata of Lorraine in 1568, followed by the story of the Schäfflerstanz, also known as the coopers' dance. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
2024年第30期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 功能週報
技術新聞由技術新聞編者撰寫,並由機器人送達 • 貢獻 • 翻譯 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 訂閱或退訂。 歡迎訂閱維基媒體基金會公報獲取更多新聞。 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年7月23日 (二) 00:03 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-31[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The Nederlandsche Cocaïnefabriek (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈneːdərlɑntsə koːkaːˈinəfaːˌbrik]; English: Dutch Cocaine Factory) or NCF was an Amsterdam-based company producing cocaine for medical purposes in the 20th century. It imported its raw materials mainly from the Dutch East Indies and sold its products across Europe, making good profits especially in the early years of World War I. The NCF produced morphine, heroin and ephedrine as well. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
2024年第31期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 功能週報
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年7月29日 (一) 23:09 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-32[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Suffrage drama (also known as suffrage plays or suffrage theatre) is a form of dramatic literature that emerged during the British women's suffrage movement in the early twentieth century. Suffrage performances lasted approximately from 1907-1914. Many suffrage plays called for a predominant or all female cast. Suffrage plays served to reveal issues behind the suffrage movement. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
2024年第32期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 功能週報
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年8月5日 (一) 20:42 (UTC) 2024年第32期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 功能週報
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年8月5日 (一) 20:43 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-33[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! In the Australian Aboriginal mythology of the Aboriginal people of south-eastern Australian state of Victoria, the Karatgurk were seven sisters who represented the constellation known in western astronomy as the Pleiades. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
2024年第33期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 功能週報
项目近況 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年8月12日 (一) 23:20 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-34[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! B1 is a medical-based Paralympic classification for blind sport. Athletes in this classification are totally or almost totally blind. It is used by a number of blind sports including blind tennis, para-alpine skiing, para-Nordic skiing, blind cricket, blind golf, five-a-side football, goalball and judo. Some other sports, including adaptive rowing, athletics and swimming, have equivalents to this class. The B1 classification was first created by the IBSA in the 1970s, and has largely remained unchanged since despite an effort by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) to move towards a more functional and evidence-based classification system. Classification is often handled on the international level by the International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) but it sometimes handled by national sport federations. There are exceptions for sports like athletics and cycling, where classification is handled by their own governing bodies. Equipment utilized by competitors in this class may differ from sport to sport, and may include sighted guides, guide rails, beeping balls and clapsticks. There may be some modifications related to equipment and rules to specifically address needs of competitors in this class to allow them to compete in specific sports. Some sports specifically do not allow a guide, whereas cycling and skiing require one. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年8月19日 (一) 01:56 (UTC) 2024年第34期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 功能週報
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年8月20日 (二) 00:52 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-35[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Erzi (Russian: Эрзи; Ingush: Аьрзи, romanized: Ärzi, lit. 'Eagle') is a medieval village (aul) in the Dzheyrakhsky District of Ingushetia. It is part of the rural settlement (administrative center) of Olgeti. The entire territory of the settlement is included in the Dzheyrakh-Assa State Historical-Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve and is under state protection. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年8月26日 (一) 03:19 (UTC) 2024年第35期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 功能週報
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MediaWiki message delivery 2024年8月26日 (一) 20:31 (UTC) 2024年第36期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 每週亮點
项目近況 延伸閱讀
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年9月3日 (二) 01:05 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-37[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Cappadocian calendar was a solar calendar that was derived from the Persian Zoroastrian calendar. It is named after the historic region Cappadocia in present-day Turkey, where it was used. The calendar, which had 12 months of 30 days each and five epagomenal days, originated between 550 and 330 BC, when Cappadocia was part of the Persian Achaemenid Empire. The Cappadocian calendar was identical to the Zoroastrian calendar; this can be seen in its structure, in the Avestan names and in the order of the months. The Cappadocian calendar reflects the Iranian cultural influence in the region. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年9月9日 (一) 01:43 (UTC) 2024年第37期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 功能週報
项目近況 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年9月9日 (一) 18:51 (UTC) This Month in Education: August 2024[编辑]Apologies for writing in English. Please help to translate in your language.
This Month in Education Volume 13 • Issue 7 • August 2024 In This Issue
Books & Bytes – Issue 64[编辑]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2024年9月11日 (三) 16:35 (UTC) 2024年第38期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 維護與改進
MediaWiki message delivery 2024年9月17日 (二) 00:01 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-39[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Independence Day (Albanian: Dita e Pavarësisë) is a public holiday in Albania observed on 28 November. It commemorates the Albanian Declaration of Independence (from the Ottoman Empire), which was ratified by the All-Albanian Congress on 28 November 1912, establishing the state of Albania. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年9月23日 (一) 00:29 (UTC) 2024年第39期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 每週亮點
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MediaWiki message delivery 2024年9月23日 (一) 23:35 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-40[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The wildlife of the archipelago of Bahrain, is more varied than might be expected of this small group of islands in the Persian Gulf. Apart from a strip of the north and west of the main island, where crops are grown with irrigation, the land is arid. With a very hot dry summer, a mild winter, and brackish groundwater, the plants need adaptations in order to survive. Nevertheless, 196 species of higher plant have been recorded here, as well as about seventeen species of terrestrial mammals, many birds and reptiles, and many migratory birds visit the islands in autumn and spring. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年9月30日 (一) 01:57 (UTC) 2024年第40期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 近況更新 - 面向編輯者
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MediaWiki message delivery 2024年9月30日 (一) 22:18 (UTC) 2024年第41期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 本週要聞
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MediaWiki message delivery 2024年10月7日 (一) 23:40 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-42[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The little Danes experiment was a 1951 Danish operation where 22 Greenlandic Inuit children were sent to Danish foster families in an attempt to re-educate them as "little Danes". While the children were all supposed to be orphans, most were not. Six children were adopted while in Denmark, and sixteen returned to Greenland, only to be placed in Danish-speaking orphanages and never live with their families again. Half of the children experienced mental health disturbances, and half of them died in young adulthood. The government of Denmark officially apologised in 2020, after several years of demands from Greenlandic officials. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年10月14日 (一) 03:17 (UTC) 2024年第42期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 近況更新 - 面向編輯者
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MediaWiki message delivery 2024年10月14日 (一) 21:19 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-43[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Kharayeb (Arabic: الخرايب) is a historic town in the Sidon District in the South Governorate, Lebanon. The town is 77 km (48 mi) south of Beirut, and stands at an average altitude of 190 m (620 ft) above sea level. The town boasts a rich historical legacy, with archaeological excavations revealing a complex settlement history spanning from Prehistory to the Ottoman period. Notably, Kharayeb's origins can be traced back to the Persian period (539–330 BC), when it played a pivotal role in the region's agricultural and economic landscape, culminating in the construction of its Phoenician temple around the 6th century BC. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年10月21日 (一) 02:38 (UTC) 2024年第43期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 本週要聞
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MediaWiki message delivery 2024年10月21日 (一) 20:51 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-44[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Christmas horror is a fiction genre and film genre that incorporates horror elements into a seasonal setting. It is popular in multiple countries. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年10月28日 (一) 02:05 (UTC) 2024年第44期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 近況更新 - 面向編輯者
近況更新 - 面向技術貢獻者 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年10月28日 (一) 20:55 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-45[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Placenta cake is a dish from ancient Greece and Rome consisting of many dough layers interspersed with a mixture of cheese and honey and flavored with bay leaves, baked and then covered in honey. The dessert is mentioned in classical texts such as the Greek poems of Archestratos and Antiphanes, as well as the De agri cultura of Cato the Elder. It is often seen as the predecessor of baklava and börek. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年11月4日 (一) 02:17 (UTC) 2024年第45期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 近況更新 - 面向編輯者
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MediaWiki message delivery 2024年11月4日 (一) 20:49 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-46[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Trisomy 16 is a chromosomal abnormality in which there are 3 copies of chromosome 16 rather than two. It is the most common trisomy leading to miscarriage and the second most common chromosomal cause of it, closely following X-chromosome monosomy. About 6% of miscarriages have trisomy 16. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年11月11日 (一) 02:09 (UTC) 2024年第46期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 近況更新 - 面向編輯者
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會議與活動 MediaWiki message delivery 2024年11月12日 (二) 00:06 (UTC) Books & Bytes – Issue 65[编辑]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2024年11月12日 (二) 12:50 (UTC) This Month in Education: October 2024[编辑]Apologies for writing in English. Please help to translate in your language.
This Month in Education Volume 13 • Issue 8 • October 2024 In This Issue
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-47[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Boana platanera, commonly known as the banana tree dwelling frog, is a species of tree frog in the family Hylidae. It is distributed within Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Trinidad and Tobago. Boana platanera was described in 2021, and individuals of the species were previously classified as Boana crepitans or Boana xerophylla. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年11月18日 (一) 02:53 (UTC) 2024年第47期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 近況更新 - 面向編輯者
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MediaWiki message delivery 2024年11月19日 (二) 01:59 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-48[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Wang Su-bok was a singer from North Korea, who was the most popular singer in Japanese-occupied Korea in 1935. She was credited as a ground-breaking female artist, whose work led the way for the modern K-pop phenomenon. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年11月25日 (一) 01:57 (UTC) 2024年第48期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 近況更新 - 面向編輯者
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MediaWiki message delivery 2024年11月25日 (一) 22:40 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-49[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Storm Filomena was an extratropical cyclone in early January 2021 that was most notable for bringing unusually heavy snowfall to parts of Spain, with Madrid recording its heaviest snowfall in over a century, and with Portugal being hit less severely. The eighth named storm of the 2020–21 European windstorm season, Filomena formed over the Atlantic Ocean close to the Canary Islands on 7 January, subsequently taking a slow track north-eastwards towards the Iberian Peninsula and then eastwards across the Mediterranean Sea. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年12月2日 (一) 02:48 (UTC) 2024年第49期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 近況更新 - 面向編輯者
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MediaWiki message delivery 2024年12月2日 (一) 22:21 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-50[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Syrian literature is modern fiction written or orally performed in Arabic by writers from Syria since the independence of the Syrian Arab Republic in 1946. It is part of the historically and geographically wider Arabic literature. The modern states of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel as well as the Palestinian autonomous areas only came into being in the mid-20th century. Therefore, Syrian literature has since been referred to by literary scholarship as the national literature of the Syrian Arab Republic, as well as the works created in Arabic by Syrian writers in the diaspora. This literature has been influenced by the country's political history, the literature of other Arabic-speaking countries and, especially in its early days, by French literature. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年12月9日 (一) 01:59 (UTC) 2024年第50期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 本週要聞
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MediaWiki message delivery 2024年12月9日 (一) 22:14 (UTC) This Month in Education: November 2024[编辑]Apologies for writing in English. Please help to translate in your language.
This Month in Education Volume 13 • Issue 9 • November 2024 In This Issue
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-51[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The Mars ocean theory states that nearly a third of the surface of Mars was covered by an ocean of liquid water early in the planet's geologic history. This primordial ocean, dubbed Paleo-Ocean or Oceanus Borealis (/oʊˈsiːənəs ˌbɒriˈælɪs/ oh-SEE-ə-nəs BORR-ee-AL-iss), would have filled the basin Vastitas Borealis in the northern hemisphere, a region that lies 4–5 km (2.5–3 miles) below the mean planetary elevation, at a time period of approximately 4.1–3.8 billion years ago. Evidence for this ocean includes geographic features resembling ancient shorelines, and the chemical properties of the Martian soil and atmosphere (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年12月16日 (一) 01:45 (UTC) 2024年第51期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 本週要聞
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MediaWiki message delivery 2024年12月16日 (一) 22:23 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-52[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() In August 2023, major floods occurred in large part of Slovenia and neighbouring areas of Austria and Croatia due to heavy rain. Amongst others, the level of rivers Sava, Mur and Drava was exceptionally high. Several settlements and transport links in Slovene Littoral, Upper Carniola and Slovenian Carinthia were flooded. Due to the amount of rain, the streams in Idrija, Cerkno and Škofja Loka Hills overflowed. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年12月23日 (一) 02:56 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2025-01[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The Uganda Railways Corporation (URC) is the parastatal railway of Uganda. It was formed after the breakup of the East African Railways Corporation (EARC) in 1977 when it took over the Ugandan part of the East African railways. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2024年12月30日 (一) 02:37 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2025-02[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() From 1942 to 1949, Canada forcibly relocated and incarcerated over 22,000 Japanese Canadians—comprising over 90% of the total Japanese Canadian population—from British Columbia in the name of "national security". The majority were Canadian citizens by birth and were targeted based on their ancestry. This decision followed the events of the Japanese Empire's war in the Pacific against the Western Allies, such as the invasion of Hong Kong, the attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, and the Fall of Singapore which led to the Canadian declaration of war on Japan during World War II. Similar to the actions taken against Japanese Americans in neighbouring United States, this forced relocation subjected many Japanese Canadians to government-enforced curfews and interrogations, job and property losses, and forced repatriation to Japan (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2025年1月6日 (一) 03:56 (UTC) Books & Bytes – Issue 66[编辑]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2025年1月10日 (五) 17:33 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2025-03[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Christmas seals are adhesive labels that are similar in appearance to postage stamps that are sold then affixed to mail during the Christmas season to raise funds and awareness for charitable programs. Christmas seals have become particularly associated with lung diseases such as tuberculosis, and with child welfare in general. They were first issued in Denmark beginning in 1904, with Sweden and Iceland following with issues that same year. Thereafter the use of Christmas seals proved to be popular and spread quickly around the world, with 130 countries producing their own issues. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2025年1月13日 (一) 02:24 (UTC) 2025年第3期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 本週要聞
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MediaWiki message delivery 2025年1月14日 (二) 01:41 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2025-04[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
en:2010 Nagorno-Karabakh clashes
(it:Scontri del Nagorno Karabakh del 2010) (tr:2010 Dağlık Karabağ çatışmaları) Please be bold and help translate this article! The 2010 Nahorno karabakh war were a series of exchanges of gunfire that took place on February 18 on the line of contact dividing Azerbaijani and the Karabakh Armenian military forces. Azerbaijan accused the Armenian forces of firing on the Azerbaijani positions near Tap Qaraqoyunlu, Qızıloba, Qapanlı, Yusifcanlı and Cavahirli villages, as well as in uplands of Agdam Rayon with small arms fire including snipers. As a result, three Azerbaijani soldiers were killed and one wounded. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2025年1月20日 (一) 01:20 (UTC) 2025年第4期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 近況更新 - 面向編輯者
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MediaWiki message delivery 2025年1月21日 (二) 01:35 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2025-05[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() Jinnah's Birthday, officially Quaid-e-Azam Day and sometimes known as Quaid Day, is a public holiday in Pakistan observed annually on 25 December to celebrate the birthday of the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, known as Quaid-i-Azam ("Great Leader"). A major holiday, commemorations for Jinnah began during his lifetime in 1942, and have continued ever since. The event is primarily observed by the government and the citizens of the country where the national flag is hoisted at major architectural structures such as private and public buildings, particularly at the top of Quaid-e-Azam House in Karachi. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2025年1月27日 (一) 01:30 (UTC) 2025年第5期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 本週要聞
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MediaWiki message delivery 2025年1月27日 (一) 22:13 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2025-06[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() The French conquest of Corsica was a successful expedition by French forces of the Kingdom of France under Comte de Vaux, against Corsican forces under Pasquale Paoli of the Corsican Republic. The expedition was launched in May 1768, in the aftermath of the Seven Years' War. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2025年2月3日 (一) 12:21 (UTC) 2025年第6期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 近況更新 - 面向編輯者
MediaWiki message delivery 2025年2月4日 (二) 00:08 (UTC) This Month in Education: January 2025[编辑]Apologies for writing in English. Please help to translate in your language.
This Month in Education Volume 14 • Issue 1 • January 2025 In This Issue
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2025-07[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! ![]() On 11 May 1812, at about 5:15 pm, Spencer Perceval, the prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, was shot dead in the lobby of the House of Commons by John Bellingham, a Liverpool merchant with a grievance against the government. Bellingham was detained; four days after the murder, he was tried, convicted and sentenced to death. He was hanged at Newgate Prison on 18 May, one week after the assassination and one month before the start of the War of 1812. Perceval remains the sole British prime minister to have been assassinated. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2025年2月10日 (一) 02:19 (UTC) 2025年第7期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 本週要聞
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MediaWiki message delivery 2025年2月11日 (二) 00:11 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2025-08[编辑]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! A constitutional referendum was held in Madagascar on 17 November 2010, in which voters approved a proposal for the state's fourth Constitution. The Malagasy people were asked to answer "Yes" or "No" to the proposed new constitution, which was considered to help consolidate Andry Rajoelina's grip on power. At the time of the referendum, Rajoelina headed the governing Highest Transitional Authority (HAT), an interim junta established following the military-backed coup d'état against then President Marc Ravalomanana in March 2009. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
--MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2025年2月17日 (一) 01:21 (UTC) 2025年第8期技術新聞[编辑]維基媒體技術社群現在發布最新的技術新聞。請告知其他用户這些更改;不是所有的更改都會對您造成影響。技術新聞提供其他語言的翻译版本。 本週要聞
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