聖恩A·C·巴克提韋丹塔·斯瓦米·帕布帕德大師 | |
![]() 1974年聖恩A·C·巴克提韋丹塔·斯瓦米在德國所攝 | |
頭銜 | 國際奎師那知覺協會的創辦人──阿闍黎 |
个人资料 | |
出生 | Abhay Charan De 1896年9月1日 |
逝世 | 1977年11月14日 | (81歲)
墓地 | 伊世空神廟三摩地神殿 |
宗教信仰 | 印度教 |
國籍 | 印度 |
父母 |
宗派 | 高迪亞外士那瓦主義 |
知名于 | 哈瑞奎師那運動[1] |
签名 | ![]() |
高級職位 | |
上师 | Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakurd |
聖恩A·C·巴克提韋丹塔·斯瓦米·帕布帕德大師 (IAST:Abhaya Caraṇāravinda Bhaktivedānta Svāmī Prabhupāda; 孟加拉語:অভয চরণারৱিন্দ ভক্তিৱেদান্ত স্ৱামী প্রভুপাদ) (1896–1977) 是一位來自印度的靈性、哲學和宗教導師,將《摩訶真言》和「奎師那知覺」的教義傳播到全世界。他原名Abhay Charan De,後合法改名為Abhay Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami,通常被稱為Bhaktivedanta Swami、Srila Prabhupada或簡稱帕布帕德。[3]
[编辑]聖恩A·C·巴克提韋丹塔·斯瓦米·帕布帕德大師於1896年9月1日出生於印度加爾各答。[9]他的父母是高爾·莫漢·德(Gour Mohan De)和拉贾妮·德(Rajani De)。[3] 父親是一位中等收入的商人,擁有自己的布料和服裝店。[10]帕布帕德在六歲時組織了「戰車節」的模仿活動,後來將這一節日帶到了西方。[11]1916年,帕布帕德開始在加爾各答的蘇格蘭教會學院學習,並於1920年畢業。[12]
[编辑]1922年,帕布帕德在朋友的建議下會見了瓦伊什納瓦學者和教師巴克提斯達塔·薩拉斯瓦蒂。[9]1933年,他在阿拉哈巴德接受了巴克提斯達塔的精神啟蒙,並被賦予了「阿貝·查拉那拉文達」(Abhay Charanaravinda)的名字。[3][14]1944年,他開始出版《回到神格》雜誌,[15][16][17]單獨撰寫、編輯、資助、出版和分發該雜誌。[18][19]1959年,他接受了「棄絕者」身份,並開始翻譯及註釋《薄伽梵往世書》等。1965年,帕布帕德乘坐遊輪「賈拉杜塔號」啟程前往美國,實現其啟蒙導師以英語宣導的願望。[20][21]
[编辑]帕布帕德的主要著作包括《薄伽梵歌原意》和《薄伽梵往世書》 。[36]他還編寫及註釋了《奉愛的甘露》、《主柴坦亞的教誨》、《自在奧義書》等等。他成立了巴克提韋丹塔書信信託基金會,專門出版和分發其著作。[37][38]帕布帕德的著作被翻譯成多種語言,並在全球廣泛發行。[39]他的著作被學者認為是傳統智慧的重要現代詮釋。
[编辑]帕布帕德的運動在1970年代面臨「洗腦」的指控和反邪教運動的挑戰。他努力應對ISKCON內部的管理和領導問題,包括性虐待和財務不端行為。帕布帕德在印度面臨來自傳統種姓制度的反對,並努力在孟買建設寺廟。帕布帕德過往的一些觀點或言論被認為對黑人持有種族歧視,對低種姓及女性持有歧視態度。[40][41][42] 儘管如此,他的教義和運動在全球範圍內持續擴展。
[编辑]- ^ Klostermaier 2000,第25頁.
- ^ Jones 2007,第77-78頁.
- ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Tamal Krishna Goswami 2012,第22頁.
- ^ Lewis 2005,第128頁.
- ^ Klostermaier 1998,第183頁.
- ^ Hopkins 1983,第136, 142頁.
- ^ 7.0 7.1 Cox 1983,第40-41頁.
- ^ 8.0 8.1 Ivanenko 2008,第73-74頁.
- ^ 9.0 9.1 Ketola 2008,第66頁.
- ^ Shinn 1987,第34頁.
- ^ Ravindra Svarupa Dasa 1985,第69-70頁.
- ^ Emmott 1965,第160頁.
- ^ Prabhupada 1965,第26頁.
- ^ Sherbow 2004,第131頁.
- ^ Knott 1986,第28頁.
- ^ Sooklal 1986,第26頁.
- ^ Shinn 1987,第36頁.
- ^ Zeller 2010,第14頁.
- ^ Satsvarupa dasa Goswami 2002,第104‒105頁.
- ^ Sherbow 2004,第132頁.
- ^ Selengut 1996.
- ^ Dwyer & Cole 2007,第23頁.
- ^ Brooks 1989,第83頁.
- ^ Satyaraja Dasa 2011.
- ^ Lavezzoli 2006,第195頁.
- ^ Doyle 1991,第127頁.
- ^ Sherbow 2004,第133–134頁.
- ^ Tamal Krishna Goswami 2012,第127, 131–132頁.
- ^ Schweig 2004,第15, 19頁.
- ^ Deadwyler 1989,第66頁.
- ^ Judah 1974,第50, 54頁.
- ^ Sooklal 1986,第21頁.
- ^ Kapoor 1976,第133頁.
- ^ Hopkins 1983,第119頁.
- ^ Farkas 2021,第2頁.
- ^ Davis 2015,第166頁.
- ^ Shinn 1987,第35頁.
- ^ Tamal Krishna Goswami 2012,第112頁.
- ^ Tamal Krishna Goswami 2012,第113頁.
- ^ Lorenz 2004,第112-128, 347-390頁.
- ^ Brown 2020,第122頁.
- ^ Lucia 2014,第238頁.
- ^ Ivanenko 2008,第43頁.
- ^ IANS 2018.
- ^ Modi 2021b.
- ^ Gabbard 2015.
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[Hare Krishnas] are now part of the culture in ways that the average person couldn't have imagined some 20 or 25 years ago. ... ISKCON communities offer premarital counseling, interfaith activities, social-service programs and baby-sitting—just the kind of institutional structure that many early converts were fleeing.
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If today the Bhagavad Gita is printed in millions of copies in scores of Indian languages and distributed in all nooks and corners of the world, the credit for this great sacred service goes chiefly to ISKCON. ... For this one accomplishment alone, Indians should be eternally grateful to the devoted spiritual army of Swami Prabhupada's followers. The voyage of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to the United States in 1965 and the spectacular popularity his movement gained in a very short spell of twelve years must be regarded as one of the greatest spiritual events of the century.
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Some people say my government is opposed to globalisation. But let me say I am all in favour of the globalisation of the message of the Bhagavad Gita. ... What we need today is the application on a national scale of the work-related ideology of the Bhagavad Gita. This will create a new work culture, and a new work culture will create a new India.
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[T]here is a growing sense that the Hare Krishnas are forming a useful bridge to Britain's Indian community - and at the same time becoming reasonable and articulate exponents to the English of the Vedic way. Perhaps the Hare Krishnas are coming of age.
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It is as if millions of minds are bound by one emotion and millions of bodies are connected by one common consciousness! This is the Krishna consciousness which has been spread by Prabhupada Swami ji to the entire world. (...) Prabhupada Swami was not only a supernatural devotee of Krishna, but he was also a great devotee of Bharat. (...) Srila Prabhupada Swami always used to say that he is traveling in the countries because he wants to give India's most priceless treasure to the world. (...) Swami ji's revered Guruji Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati ji saw that potential in him and instructed him to take the thought and philosophy of India to the world. Srila Prabhupada ji made this command of his Guru his mission, and the result of his efforts is visible in every corner of the world today. (...) When we visit any country and when people greet us with 'Hare Krishna', we feel so much warmth and pride. (...) Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON took up this great responsibility of propounding Bhakti Yoga to the world. He worked to connect Bhakti Vedanta with the consciousness of the world. This was no ordinary task. He started a global mission like ISKCON at the age of about 70, when people become inactive. This is a huge inspiration for our society and for every person. (...) Prabhupada Swami remained active for his resolutions from his childhood till his whole life. When Prabhupada ji went to America by sea, he was almost empty-pocket; he had only Gita and Shrimad Bhagwat! During the journey, he suffered heart attacks twice. When he reached New York, he did not have any arrangements for food and no place to stay. But what the world saw in the next 11 years, in the words of revered Atal ji, it was nothing less than a miracle.
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[编辑]- Vanipedia — 帕布帕德的在線遺產庫
- Bhaktivedanta Vedabase – 帕布帕德的官方多語言在線圖書館
- The Bhaktivedanta Archives — 帕布帕德的檔案庫
- 开放目录项目中的“帕布帕德”
- 帕布帕德在互联网电影资料库(IMDb)上的資料(英文)
- 帕布帕德的馆藏信息(WorldCat在线联合目录)<
- 互联网档案馆中帕布帕德的作品或与之相关的作品
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