
LARGe 供應鏈管理


精益、敏捷、彈性和綠色環保型供應鏈管理(LARGe 供應鏈管理)試圖將精益敏捷英語Agile manufacturing彈性綠色環保方法融合於供應鏈管理之中。精益化供應鏈管理的目標是儘可能實現零存貨以及減少工作進程;敏捷化供應鏈管理用意於實現對客戶查詢和控制成本和質量過程中市場的變化情況的快速響應;彈性化供應鏈管理用意於維持和修復那些可能會影響供應鏈正常工作的負面擾動;綠色環保型供應鏈管理指的是通過對產品生產過程中的低排放污染物和循環策略來實現供應鏈的可持續性發展。



LARGe 供應鏈管理的理念來源於葡萄牙新里斯本大學葡萄牙語Faculdade_de_Ciências_e_Tecnologia_da_Universidade_Nova_de_Lisboa科學技術部的機械與工業工程(UNIDEMI)研究組。 該研究組主要從事LARGe供應鏈管理的研究工作。 UNINOVA和NECE兩個合作夥伴。



一個精益型公司意味著庫存幾乎為零;一個有彈性的公司必須有充足的存貨來應對干擾可能對供應鏈造成的影響。這些概念看上去似乎相互矛盾。然而,理想的情況是在一家公司里擁有雙系統[1]。這些對生產和供應鏈管理更深層次研究的建議以及精益和彈性理念需要進行兼容性模擬檢測。LARGe 供應鏈管理發展了對精益、敏捷、彈性和綠色環保型供應鏈管理(範例[2])之間的相互關係(衝突和取捨[3])的深入理解。這種認識對於實現對這四個概念的真正兼容至關重要。這一成果將對增強環境的競爭力和可持續性的做出重要貢獻;理由是,從公司層面講,能夠將更好的「精益,敏捷,彈性,綠色生產系統」型理念應用於全局統籌供應鏈層面及其代理人管理是非常有益的。LARGe 供應鏈管理包括了多種多樣的相關主題,例如方法論,特點[4],組織系統,性能測量[5][6],人的因素[7],信息系統和管理集成模型[8]


  1. ^ Azevedo, Susana G; Carvalho, H & Cruz Machado, V. The influence of agile and resilient practices on supply chain performance: an innovative conceptual model proposal. HICL2010: Innovative Processes and Solutions in Logistics and SCM, Germany. 2010. 
  2. ^ Azevedo, Susana G; Carvalho, H & Cruz Machado, V. Green Supply Chain Management: A Case Study Analysis of the Automotive Industry. Proceedings of International Conference of Competitive and Sustainable Manufacturing, Products and Services, Italy. 2010. 
  3. ^ Cruz-Machado, Virgilio; Duarte, S. Tradeoffs among paradigms in Supply Chain Management. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Bangladesh. 2010. 
  4. ^ Carvalho, Helena; Cruz Machado, V. Lean, agile, resilient and green supply chain: a review. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Thailand. 2009: 3–14. 
  5. ^ Azevedo, Susana G; Carvalho, H., & Cruz Machado, V. A proposal of LARG Supply Chain Management Practices and a Performance Measurement System. International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning. 2011, 1 (1). 
  6. ^ Duarte, Susana; Carvalho, H & Cruz Machado, V. Exploring relationships between supply chain performance measures. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM), China. 2010: 91–95. 
  7. ^ Correia, Natacha; Cruz Machado, V & Nunes, I.L. Strategy in human performance management in lean environment. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM), China. 2010: 554–557. 
  8. ^ Maleki, Meysam; Cruz, P, Valente, R, & Cruz Machado, V. Supply Chain Integration Methodology: LARGe Supply Chain. Proceedings of ENEGI Conference, Portugal. 2011: 57–66.