

科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 脊索動物門 Chordata
綱: 哺乳綱 Mammalia
目: 長鼻目 Proboscidea
屬: 薩盧姆獸屬 Saloumia
Tabuce et al., 2020
薩洛米亞獸 S. gorodiskii
Saloumia gorodiskii
Tabuce et al., 2020

薩洛米亞獸 是一個滅絕的長鼻目屬。它是長鼻目最古老的成員之一,生活在始新世塞內加爾。它只有一顆臼齒的咀嚼面凹凸不平,這表明它可能與始祖象密切相關。





Cladogram after Tabuce et al. 2019[1]












薩洛米亞獸屬的唯一標本是在塞內加爾中西部考拉克市北部M'Bodione Dadere村附近的Lam-Lam地層發現的。該地區的景觀相對平坦,並與薩魯姆河交叉。該地區有幾米厚的第四紀砂土。通常通過井身和鑽孔進入化石露頭。Lam Lam地層由富含軟體動物和海膽的石灰岩組成,與粘土石灰岩和泥灰岩交替。石灰岩中含有各種有孔蟲,其中,「Globigerinatheca」、Cassigerinelloita」和「Pseudohastigerina」是大約4400萬年前盧特提亞人的典型特徵。來自Lam-Lam地層的其他脊椎動物大多為鰩鰭魚類。[2] 上覆的Taïba地層含有古鯨的殘骸。[3][1] 它的名稱源自薩魯姆河。這個特殊的稱呼是為了紀念地質學家Alexandre Gorodiski,他在1952年的測繪工作中發現了這顆牙齒。一年後,Gorodiski與RenéLavocat共同公布了這一發現,並將其描述為始祖象的一個物種[1]


  • Emmanuel Gheerbrant, Baadi Bouya and Mbarek Amaghzaz: Dental and cranial anatomy of Eritherium azzouzorum from the Paleocene of Morocco, earliest known proboscidean material. Palaeontographica, Abteilung A 297 (5/6), 2012, S. 151–183.
  • Jeheskel Shoshani and Pascal Tassy: Advances in proboscidean taxonomy & classification, anatomy & physiology, and ecology & behavior. Quaternary International 126–128, 2005, S. 5–20
  • Emmanuel Gheerbrant: Paleocene emergence of elephant relatives and the rapid radiation of African ungulates. PNAS 106 (6), 2009, S. 10717–10721.
  • Jeheskel Shoshani, W. J. Sanders and Pascal Tassy: Elephants and other Proboscideans: a summary of recent findings and new taxonomic suggestions. In: G. Cavarretta et al. (Hrsg.): The World of Elephants – International Congress. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Rom, 2001, S. 676–679


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Rodolphe Tabuce, Raphaël Sarr, Sylvain Adnet, Renaud Lebrun, Fabrice Lihoreau, Jeremy E. Martin, Bernard Sambou, Mustapha Thiam und Lionel Hautier: Filling a gap in the proboscidean fossil record: a new genus from the Lutetian of Senegal. Journal of Paleontology, 2019, doi:10.1017/jpa.2019.98
  2. ^ Maureen A. O'Leary, Raphaël Sarr, Raymond Malou, El Hdji Sow, Christopher J. Lepre und Robert V. Hill: A New Fossil Amiid from the Eocene of Senegal and the Persistence of Extinct Marine Amiids after the Cretaceous–Paleogene Boundary. Copeia 4, 2012, S. 603–608
  3. ^ Phillip D. Gingerich: Cetacea. In: Lars Werdelin und William Joseph Sanders (Hrsg.): Cenozoic Mammals of Africa. University of California Press, Berkeley, London, New York, 2010, S. 873–899