
蘇丹伊斯邁一世 Sultan Ismail I Johor | |||||
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統治 | 1959年5月8日-1981年5月11日 (22年3天) | ||||
加冕 | 1959年11月2日 | ||||
前任 | 蘇丹伊布拉欣一世 | ||||
繼任 | 蘇丹馬目·依斯干達 | ||||
州務大臣 | |||||
出生 | ![]() | 1894年10月28日||||
逝世 | 1981年5月10日![]() | (86歲)||||
安葬 | 1981年5月11日 | ||||
配偶 | 蘇丹後翁姑·敦阿米娜·賓蒂·翁姑阿末 (1920年結婚—1977年妻逝) 蘇丹後諾拉·賓蒂·蘇丹登姑彭里瑪拉惹登姑阿末 (1977年結婚—1981年結束) | ||||
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王朝 | 天猛公王朝 | ||||
父親 | 蘇丹伊布拉欣一世爵士·伊本·蘇丹阿布巴卡 | ||||
母親 | 蘇丹後翁姑麥姆娜·賓蒂·翁姑阿布都馬吉德 |
永恆的柔佛蘇丹伊斯邁,已故偉大的蘇丹伊布拉欣爵士之子 KBE CMG(馬來語:Sultan Ismail Al Khalidi Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Sir Ibrahim Al-Masyhur),簡稱蘇丹伊斯邁(馬來語:Sultan Ismail I),現代柔佛及天猛公家族的第三任蘇丹,柔佛第23任蘇丹。蘇丹伊布拉欣一世及蘇丹後翁姑麥姆娜·賓蒂·翁姑阿布都馬吉德之子。前蘇丹蘇丹馬目·依斯干達之父,現蘇丹蘇丹伊布拉欣·依斯邁祖父。尊號永恆的(馬來語:Al Khalidi)。
[編輯]1959年5月8日,伊斯邁的父親蘇丹伊布拉欣一世駕崩。伊斯邁成為柔佛蘇丹,並於1959年11月2日在新山大皇宮加冕。眾所周知,蘇丹與他的臣民非常親近; 他每年都會訪問柔佛州所有八個地區的選定村莊,並經常結識為州政府工作的公務員。
[編輯]蘇丹伊斯邁生性溫順安靜,並且是一位動物愛好者,在建立新山動物園方面發揮了重要的作用。他收藏了鹿、鱷魚的野生動物。在華人社區,他被親切的稱呼為老蘇丹(Lau Sultan)[1]。蘇丹伊斯邁有過兩次婚姻,兩位妻子都獲得了蘇丹後的頭銜:
- 第一任妻子:蘇丹後翁姑·敦阿米娜·賓蒂·翁姑阿末(1905年2月5日-1977年9月14日,死於車禍[2]),兩人共育有7個孩子,有3個活到成年。
- 第二任妻子:蘇丹後諾拉·賓蒂·蘇丹登姑彭里瑪拉惹登姑阿末(1937年10月10日-),兩人沒有孩子。[6]
1977年8月,蘇丹依斯邁和他的妻子蘇丹後翁姑·敦阿米娜·賓蒂·翁姑阿末在古來遭遇車禍。雖然她一直處於植物人狀態,直到一個月後因腦損傷去世,但蘇丹只受了輕傷。蘇丹依斯邁於 1977年11月與東姑諾拉再婚。東姑諾拉隨後於1978年10月加冕為蘇丹後。[7]
[編輯]First Class (D.K.I.) (1920) and Grand Master (1959) of the Royal Family Order of Johor
First Class (S.P.M.J.) (1941) and Grand Master (1959) of the Order of the Crown of Johor
First Class Sultan Ibrahim Medal (P.S.I.) (1928)
[編輯]馬來亞聯合邦 :
Grand Commander of the Order of the Defender of the Realm (S.M.N.) - Tun (1958)[8]
Recipient of the Order of the Crown of the Realm (D.M.N.) (1960)
馬來西亞 :
吉蘭丹 :
Recipient of the Royal Family Order or Star of Yunus (DK)
Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Crown of Kelantan (SPMK) – Dato'
First Class Member of the first class of the Family Order of Terengganu (DK)
First Class of the Royal Family Order of Selangor (DK I) (1975)[9]
First Class Member of the Family Order of the Crown of Indra of Pahang (DK I) (1968)[10]
Family Order of Brunei 1st Class (DK) – Dato Laila Utama (1958)
Grand Officer of the Order of the Star of Romania (16 July 1920)
Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown of Thailand (21 July 1925)
Honorary Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) (1 January 1926)
Recipient of the King George V Silver Jubilee Medal (6 May 1935)
Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) - Sir (11 May 1938)[11]
Recipient of the King George VI Coronation Medal (12 May 1937)
Recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal (2 June 1953)[來源請求]
Grand Officer of the Order of the Crown of Italy (1938)
[編輯]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Road renamed after 3rd Johor Sultan from Treacher Road, DEBBIE CHAN, June 9, 2007, The Star (Malaysia)
- ^ Berita Harian, 15 September 1977, Page 1. [2023-02-24]. (原始內容存檔於2023-02-24).
- ^ Morais (1965), pg xxii
- ^ Who's who in Malaysia ... & Profiles of Singapore, Morais (1967), pp. xxii; Selamat Johor Tanda Kenangan (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- ^ Bonda Saudara Sultan Johor Mangkat Akibat Sakit Jantung - Semasa | mStar. 13 January 2012 [2023-02-24]. (原始內容存檔於2023-02-24).
- ^ Morais (1979), pg 67
- ^ Andressen (1992), pg 125-6
- ^ Senarai Penuh Penerima Darjah Kebesaran, Bintang dan Pingat Persekutuan Tahun 1958 (PDF). [2023-05-07]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2022-04-04).
- ^ DK I 1975. awards.selangor.gov.my. [2023-05-07]. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-29).
- ^ Bintang Pahang untok Sultan Johor. Berita Harian. 23 April 1968: 5 [2023-05-07]. (原始內容存檔於2023-03-01).
- ^ 第34396號憲報. 倫敦憲報 (Supplement). 11 May 1937.
[編輯]- Andressen, PaulMads Lange fra Bali: Og Hans Efterslaegt Sultanerne af Johor, published by Odense Universitetsforlag, 1992, ISBN 87-7492-851-1
- Bayly, Christopher Alan; Harper, Timothy Norman, Forgotten Armies: The Fall of British Asia, 1941-1945, Harvard University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-674-01748-X
- Colonial Reports - Annual, by Great Britain Colonial Office, published by H.M. Stationery Office, 1939
- Information Malaysia, published by Berita Publications Sdn. Bhd., 1985
- Kratoska, Peter H., South East Asia, Colonial History: Peaceful Transitions to Independence (1945–1963), Taylor & Francis, 2001, ISBN 0-415-24784-5
- Makepeace, Walter; Brooke, Gilbert Edward, One Hundred Years of Singapore: Being Some Account of the capital of the Straits Settlements from its foundation by Sir Stamford Raffles on the 6th February 1819 to the 6th February 1919, published by J. Murray, 1921
- Martin, Frederick; Keltie, John Scott; Anderson, Parker Isaac; Renwick, Mortimer Epstein; Steinberg, Sigfrid Henry; Paxton, John; Turner, Barry, The Statesman's Year-book: Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1981-1982, published by St. Martin's Press, 1981
- Morais, J. Victor (編). The Who's who in Malaysia 5. 1965 [first edition published in 1956].
- Morais, J. Victor (編). Who's Who, Malaysia and Singapore 7. Kuala Lumpur: John Victor Morais. 1969 [first edition published in 1956].
- Morais, J. Victor (編). Who's who in Malaysia and Singapore. Who's Who Publications. 1979.
- Morais, J. Victor (編). Who's who in Malaysia ... & profiles of Singapore. Who's Who Publications. 1982.
- Schimmel, Annemarie, Islamic Names: An Introduction, published by Edinburgh University Press, 1989, ISBN 0-85224-563-7
- Nadarajah, Nesalmar, Johore and the Origins of British Control, 1895-1914, published by Arenabuku, 2000
- Nadarajah, K.N, Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen His Story, published by Pelanduk Publications, 2000, ISBN 967-978-709-5
- Ong, Pamela Siew Im, One Man's Will: A Portrait of Dato' Sir Onn bin Ja'afar, 1998, ISBN 983-808-053-5
- Sopiee, Mohamed Noordin, From Malayan Union to Singapore Separation: Political Unification in the Malaysia Region, 1945-65, University Malaya Press, 2005, ISBN 983-100-194-X
[編輯]蘇丹伊斯邁·伊本·已故蘇丹易卜拉爵士 盤陀訶羅王朝的分支 出生於:1894年10月28日逝世於:1981年5月10日
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統治者頭銜 | ||
前任者: 蘇丹伊布拉欣 |
![]() 柔佛蘇丹 1959年5月8日-1981年5月11日 |
繼任者: 蘇丹馬目·依斯干達 |