文赋是西晋政治家陆机所写的一篇文学作品评论文章,陆机在文赋中阐述了诗歌的哲学基础及其修辞形式。[1]《文赋》将文体分为诗、赋、碑、诔、铭、箴、颂、论、奏、说十类[2]。20世纪牛津大学修中诚(E.R.Hughes)、哈佛大学方志彤、柏克莱加州大学陈世骧(Essay on Literature, 1948, 1953)和华盛顿大学康达维(David Knechtges)等先后将文赋翻译成英文[3]。此外方志彤还认为,文赋是中国诗论中最能清楚表达的论述之一。它在中国文学史上的影响程度仅次于刘勰的文心雕龙。[4]
[编辑]- Chen Shixiang, translator, ——. Essay on Literature. Portland, Me.: Anthoensen Press. 1952. Internet Archive free access link The first translation into English,reprinted in Cyril Birch, ed. p. 222. 232
- Achilles, Fang. Rhymeprose on Literature The Wên-Fu of Lu Chi (A.D. 261–303). Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. 1951, 14 (3/4): 527–66. JSTOR 2718186. doi:10.2307/2718186.. Reprinted in Mair, Victor H. The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press. 1994. ISBN 023107428X., pp. 124–133.
- Sam Hamill. The Art of Writing : Lu Chi's Wen Fu
. Minneapolis, Minn.: Milkweed Editions. 1991. ISBN 091594362X.
- Stephen Owen, "The Poetic Exposition on Literature." Annotated, with an introductory section. [5]
[编辑]- ^ Owen (1992).
- ^ 比较文学角度下的英美文学教育. 现代职业教育杂志社. (原始内容存档于2020-02-22).
- ^ 鸟瞰他山之石———英语学界中国文论研究① (PDF). (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-02-22).
- ^ Levy (2001).
- ^ Owen (1992),第73-181页.
[编辑]- Achilles, Fang. Rhymeprose on Literature The Wên-Fu of Lu Chi (A.D. 261–303). Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. 1951, 14 (3/4): 527–66. JSTOR 2718186. doi:10.2307/2718186.
- Levy, Dore J., Literary Theory and Criticism, Mair, Victor H. (编), The Columbia History of Chinese Literature, New York: Columbia University Press: 916–939, 2001, ISBN 0231109849
- Owen, Stephen, The Poetic Exposition on Literature, Readings in Chinese Literary Thought, Cambridge, MA: Council on East Asian Studies Distributed by Harvard University Press: 73–181, 1992, ISBN 0674749200