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Wikidata weekly summary #412

- Discussions
- New request for comments: How to model curricula and link them to educational resources?, Need comment on English item label and foreign language proper noun, Merging 2 items
- Ongoing CheckUser nominations: Sotiale, Jasper Deng, Romaine
- Events
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Wikidata Schemas, 21 April. Agenda
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #10, April 26
- Past Wikidata Lab XXII - Wikiproject COVID-19 (video in English)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Open data and COVID-19: Wikipedia as an informational resource during the pandemic (Wikidata being also mentioned as a source for the research)
- Videos:
- Tool of the week
- Ordia generates statistics from Wikidata lexeme information, and through the "Text to Lexemes" feature allows linking a document to the associated lexemes, and highlighting missing lexemes that can be added.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- First step of blank node deprecation in WDQS & Wikibase RDF model: introducing the new function
- The tool wikidata-filter was renamed wikibase-dump-filter, to better reflect that it can be used with dumps from any Wikibase instance
- LexData – a python library to edit Lexicographical data – has been released in a major new version.
- The ImageHeader gadget, which had been broken since February, was fixed.
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms now supports Hebrew nouns
- New tool: Anagram generator based on Wikidata names
- First step of blank node deprecation in WDQS & Wikibase RDF model: introducing the new function
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: eligible award recipient
- External identifiers: Wikiparques ID, Encyclopedia of Brno Person ID, FooDB compound ID, Forest Stewardship Council Certificate Code, HASC
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: IDU general item ID, CONI honoured ID, parliament seats, electoral system, same transportation stop on the other side of the road, string instrument handedness, Canadiana Name Authorities in French ID, defines curriculum, clinitalregister.eu
- External identifiers: Encyclopedia of České Budějovice ID, DPVweb ID, IDU theatre ID, Ternopil Encyclopedia ID, ROKPS ID, Aberdeen Built Ships ID, Bibliotheca Augustana author ID, Diels-Kranz ID, IDU theatre name ID (2), Oregon Historic Sites Database ID, Infames Romani ID, Accademia delle Scienze di Torino ID, Heritage Gateway ID, Il Sole 24 Ore ID, identifiant monument MémorialGenWeb, Extratime.ie player ID, DGHS facility code, WikiTrek ID, Itch.io developper profile
- Deleted properties: P134 (has dialect), P1432 (B-side)
- Query examples:
- Women with cats in paintings (Source)
- Films by Peter Mettler available free on VOD (Source)
- Films broadcast on VOD by artfilm.ch sorted by Director and Date (Source)
- Swiss films listed by date and duration per minutes (Source)
- Counties in England (Source)
- Programming Languages, Year of creation and Image of inventor(Source)
- Map of Antonine Wall items on Wikidata (Source)
- Map of Hospitals in Buenos Aires on Spanish Wikipedia (Source)
- Map of Michelin starred restaurants in Switzerland (Source)
- English civil parishes on Wikidata with OSM relation ID (Source)
- Collections in Louvre with an image on Wikimedia Commons (Source)
- Chief Mousers(Source)
- Books about Semantics (Source)
- Danish COVID-19 research projects(Source)
- Newest database reports: Lincoln (disambiguation page)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Prototyping week: the Wikidata team at Wikimedia Germany spent one week working on some quick experiements. The projects developed during this week are not necessarily going to be added to the maintained codebase. Among those projects:
- try to use GraphQL for the API providing access to Wikibase/Wikidata data
- allow to programmatically access different configuration variables of a Wikibase instance to make it easier for tools to built on top of it
- investigate ranking for Items to order them by their relevance in a query result
- com up with a workflows for editing statements linking to other Items in the Wikidata Bridge
- identify how to improve Wikidata's accessibility
- create design system components to continue improving consistency
- Prototyping week: the Wikidata team at Wikimedia Germany spent one week working on some quick experiements. The projects developed during this week are not necessarily going to be added to the maintained codebase. Among those projects:
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 下期《技术新闻》将于2020年5月4日发布。
小维基工具组是为了要帮助需要技术知识协助的小维基社群。他们可以学习和分享技术知识。 [1]
。如此皮肤将可以使用HTML5元素。如果您的小工具或使用者样式正在使用这些选择器,您需要更新他们。 [2]
- 本周没有MediaWiki的新版本。
- 未来,维基计划上的一些项目在Internet Explorer 8里可能会看起来很奇怪甚至无法运作。Internet Explorer 8已于2011年被新版浏览器取代。 [3]
- 差异视图的字体将会变更。 [4]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年4月20日 (一) 18:45 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #413

- Discussions
- New request for comments: Udder balm
- CheckUser nomination: علاء
- Events
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #11, May 3
- Upcoming: Live editing of Wikidata, May 2 18:00 (UTC) YouTube, Facebook
- Tool of the week
- zotkat's exporter for Zotero (a software to manage bibliographic data) allows you to export bibliographies to the QuickStatements format. It is helpful to easily create bibliographical entries, especially as Zotero can read metadata about works from dozens of other websites, and can thus be used as intermediary.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata now includes more than seven million people (it has doubled since July 2017), also: project chat discussion
- Nobelprize.org has now redesigned its website so that Wikipedia can link to it easier using the Wikidata Property Nobel Laureate API ID (P8024) (more information)
- The use of Listeria to generate basic charts (pie, area, line, bar) with d:Template:Graph:Chart, see d:Template:Wikidata list#Charts
- Mohammed Sadat joined the Wikidata team as community communications manager for Wikidata and Wikibase
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: tournament format, dialect of computer language, located in the statistical territorial entity
- External identifiers: ModelSEED compound ID, UM-BBD compound ID, DLL Catalog author ID, DLL Catalog work ID, CPAN author ID, Fandango performer ID, Club Identifier Netherlands Handball Association, Forest Stewardship Council License Code, IDU theatre company ID, Internetowy Polski Słownik Biograficzny ID, Texas Historic Sites Atlas ID, Swedish Glaciers ID, Soccerdonna coach ID, Encyclopedia of České Budějovice ID, Il Sole 24 Ore ID, Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis ID, Moravian Lives ID, motorsportstats.com driver ID, motorsportstats.com series ID, motorsportstats.com venue ID, SAR ancestor ID, Ternopil Encyclopedia ID, Psocodea Species File ID, SkiMo Stats ID, National-Football-Teams.com club ID, re:publica speaker ID, Provenio ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: nerve origin, 法令番号, interpretation, DoME exhibition ID
- External identifiers: dbchgk, COVIDWHO ID, History Colorado ID, Maryland's National Register Properties ID, Epistemonikos ID, National Library of Israel J9U ID, Lexikon der Filmbegriffe ID, Dart thesis, DPE school code
- Query examples:
- Pairs of lakes named after a couple
- The longest river that feeds into another river (Source)
- Longest rivers that do not feed into a sea or ocean (Source)
- Map showing things in Wikidata that are located on or next to the River Thames (Source)
- Defining formulas of physical and other quantities (Source)
- TreeMap visualising the 12 times table (Source)
- Map of the "Leipzig University Villages" (Source)
- There are now more than 7 million people on Wikidata (Source)
- Recently published works on COVID-19 (Source)
- Welsh hospitals, health centres, doctors surgeries and temporary Covid19 hospitals (Source)
- Newest database reports: measures of gobbledygook
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on error screens for the Bridge
- Use updated data for the Bridge (phab:T240223)
- Display statements made with federated properties on item pages (phab:T246606)
- Automated references: normalizing data that the extractor gets out of HTML pages (phab:T249004)
- Create a distributed game so people can vet references easily (phab:T248997)
- Cleanup rows from wb_items_per_site (phab:T249613)
- Don't suggest initial uppercase in mobile termbox (phab:T241978)
- Have the focus on field when adding new element on Sense (phab:T203461)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #414

- Discussions
- New request for comments: A meta item namespace (Mxxx) for structured data about Wikidata
- Events
- Competition for the International Museum Day is about improving data about museums in Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland on Wikidata, from 3 May 2020 to 18 May 2020, more information on Museum Day 2020/Wikidata Competition
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Alex Jung on Wikidata and Wikipedia Infoboxes, 05 May. Agenda
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries in French by Vigneron, Tuesday May 5 at 20:00 CEST (UTC+2)
- Tool of the week
- ProWD explores completeness for entities and classes.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- MachtSinn, a tool that allows you to easily add Senses to Lexemes, has lately been improved significantly
- 33,000 values of British Museum person or institution ID (d:Property:P1711) now have a useful target again. After their being mostly inoperative for several years, the new British Museum website now has information pages matching these values, with links to related objects. (Example). To work around bug T112081, a script by Andrew Gray is going through the items making null edits to update the relevant URLs.
- Outdated copy of wb_terms has been dropped on April 29th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: COVIDWHO ID, Sicilian Regional Assembly ID, Sicilian Regional Assembly numeric ID, Accademia delle Scienze di Torino ID, Republic of Korea Parliamentarian Society ID, NKAA ID, MémorialGenWeb monument ID, History Colorado ID, SciProfiles ID, Bibliotheca Augustana author ID, CONI honoured ID, DGHS facility code, Diels-Kranz ID, DPVweb ID, Maryland's National Register Properties ID, Encyclopaedia Metallum label ID, WhatDoTheyKnow organisation ID, FactGrid item ID, Heritage Gateway ID, RPPS ID, Priset of Archidiecezja Gdańska ID, Sejm-Wielki.pl profile ID, Extratime.ie player ID, Slovak Registration ID, Infames Romani ID, Itch.io developer profile, Oregon Historic Sites Database ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Ex-libris, tabular case data, Geneanet URL(s), transitivity, Compatible with
- External identifiers: DPE school code, identifiant Prix de Lausanne, CDAPNC author ID, identificativo Giunta regionale della Sicilia, Goodreads work ID, Wikilengua, BeWeb cultural institution ID, Anagrafe Istituti Culturali Ecclesiastici ID, Group Properties wiki ID, House Divided ID, Southwest Harbor Public Library item, Gitabitan.net ID, The Conversation author ID
- Query examples:
- French municipalities which have the property "archived by" (P485) for the departmental archives of Bouches-du-Rhône (Source)
- Municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants in the Basque Country (Source)
- People born in Wales who became head of government in Wales or overseas (Source)
- Average stardate of Star Trek episodes (Source)
- Municipalities in mainland France with more than 50,000 inhabitants (Source)
- Graph showing direct ancestral lines linking Boris Johnson and George I, and Jesus and Abraham (Source)
- Photos by Carlton Watkins with their collection (Source)
- Works from Louvre Museum whose inventory number begins with an S (Source)
- Works from the Islamic arts department of Louvre Museum (Source)
- Map of artists with place of their birth on Wikidata (Source)
- Location and image of the cathedrals of Paris (Source)
- Jewish art collectors and dealers who were murdered in Nazi concentration camps (Source)
- Newest database reports: Notable descedents of Mayflower passengers
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Add monolingual language codes rm-rumgr, rm-surmiran, rm-sursilv, rm-sutsilv, rm-vallader, rm-puter (phab:T222426)
- More work on the test system for federated properties
- More work on displaying statements with federated properties (phab:T246606)
- Bridge: more work on generic error screens (phab:T241126)
- Bridge: warn the user that they are about to edit anonymously (phab:T246676)
- Work on a Wikidata distributed game for automated finding of references
- Automated finding references: build a scraper, simple value matching, item analyzer
- Have the focus on field when adding new element on Sense (phab:T203461)
- Add more properties to the PageImages list (phab:T249811)
- Use strict types everywhere in Wikibase (phab:T251382)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 为了进行数据库维护,一些维基将在5月5日05:00 UTC左右的几分钟内进入只读模式。 [5]
- 为了进行数据库维护,一些维基将在5月7日05:00 UTC左右的几分钟内进入只读模式,这也会影响中央认证,例如这可能影响全域重命名、更改密码、更改或确认您的电子邮件地址及登入到新的维基。 [6]
- 当有人连结到您建立的页面时,您会收到通知。您将很快可以关闭个别页面的这些通知。 [7]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年5月4日 (一) 16:59 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #415

- Events
- Past: Remote Wikimedia Hackathon, May 9-10 (see the showcase replay and the description of projects). Several Wikidata-related sessions took place:
- Past: Wikidata local school gathering was organised by Wikidata Taiwan. Link to Event page and dashboard
- Upcoming: Live SPARQL queries session in French about Lexemes by Vigneron, May 12th at 20:00 CEST
- Upcoming: Live Wikidata editing about video games by JeanFred, May 13th at 19:30 CEST
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Webinar introducing Wikidata and adding
tags into OpenStreetMap objects for OpenStreetMap contributors in the Philippines (in English and Tagalog): YouTube - Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Mark Graham from the Internet Archive
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Lydia Pintscher from Wikimedia Deutschland
- How to create external identifiers on Wikidata (in Italian): YouTube
- Open Data and Wikidata training (in Mandarin Chinese): YouTube
- Bandaid: using Wikidata to generate band names
- Webinar introducing Wikidata and adding
- Tool of the week
- WikidataExtract extracts schemas (shape expressions) from Wikidata entities
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata:WikiProject Authority control/VIAF linking to multiple items has been created: most of the items listed probably need merging - have a look!
- New tool: universal almanac based on Wikidata by Alexander Doria
- A proposal for a new Wikiproject Wikilambda that allows creating multilingual content in Wikidata that can be used in all Wikipedias. Signatures of support are needed and discussion and questions are welcomed!
- V1 of Wikidata Bridge is almost ready to be tested on Catalan Wikipedia
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: general property-based URL formatter, hardiness of plant, hardiness zone, ex-libris, voting system, supported metadata, tabular case data, Gazette of India notification
- External identifiers: motorsportstats.com team ID, Canadiana NCF ID, Indian Railways train number, SNCF Station Identifier, South African Company Registration Number, DART-Europe thesis ID, DoME exhibition ID, DPE school code, Epistemonikos ID, Lexikon der Filmbegriffe ID, National Library of Israel J9U ID, UK Modern House Index architect ID, UK Modern House Index building ID, Joconde technique ID, PragerU presenter ID, regional government of Sicily ID, Anagrafe Istituti Culturali Ecclesiastici ID, BeWeb cultural institution ID, ACUM work ID, Reta Vortaro ID, Mozilla Developer Network article
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: social media followers, Gobbledygook, forearm length, number of stepchildren, number of adopted children, CV, axe, banned in
- External identifiers: NMMA built heritage ID, NMMA antiquities ID, Super Mario Wiki ID, Philadelphia Museum of Art person ID, Archaeology in Greece Online place ID, iDAI.gazetteer ID, iDAI.chronontology ID, identifiant SILL d'un logiciel, Lower Austrian Castle ID, Naturdenkmal-ID Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz, Bookogs credit ID, Bookogs work ID, Bookogs book ID, GMC membership number, Bibliography of the History of Slovakia ID, LombardiaBeniCulturali author ID, Augustins de l'Assomption ID, ASUT ID, Niden INE
- Query examples:
- Films claimed to pass the Bechdel test with less than 2 female cast members in Wikidata
- African-American librarians in Wikidata that don't have Wikipedia articles (Source)
- Magicians with known precise birth date (Source)
- Sheffield Shield cricket players and the number of states they have played in (Source)
- Number of Twitter followers of scientists at Dutch universities (Source)
- Former United Kingdom Parliament MP's still living (by first election) (Source)
- Number of paintings in National Gallery with artist and gender (Source)
- Nearby table tennis tables to public spaces for the Wiki Explorer Android application (Source)
- Map of Ramsar sites in France (Source)
- Highest software version numbers recorded on Wikidata (Source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Speed skating, Witches
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Display statements with federated properties (phab:T246606)
- Federated properties: fix a bug that caused some properties to not appear in search results (phab:T252024)
- Wikidata Bridge: more work on error messages
- Prevent Wikibase schema updaters to modify database directly (phab:T249598)
- Write a technical RFC about site-wide edit rate limiting (phab:T247459)
- Fix an issue on Wikibase: property names are missing when rendering (phab:T247196)
- More work on automated references
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 为了进行数据库维护,维基共享资源将在5月12日05:00 UTC左右的几分钟内进入只读模式。 [9]
- 为了进行数据库维护,包括维基数据在内的一些维基将会在5月19日05:00 UTC左右的几分钟内进入只读模式,英语维基百科将会在5月21日05:00 UTC左右的几分钟之内进入只读模式。 [10][11]
的时候只能一次检查一个值。 [12]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年5月11日 (一) 20:41 (UTC)

- 如果您忘记密码,您可以要求新密码并发送至您的电子邮件地址,您需要知道您的电子邮件地址或使用者名称。您现在能够在偏好设定中选择重置密码时需要同时输入这两个,以减少接收到其他人请求的密码重设邮件。该功能现已部署至所有维基媒体计划。 [13][14]
- 现在有一个程式错误导致正在使用iOS 13上的Safari的iPhone用户出现问题。如果您正使用iPhone阅读或编辑维基百科,并在移动版网站上发现问题,您可以报告它们。 [15]
- 为了进行数据库维护,包括维基数据在内的一些维基将会在5月19日05:00 UTC左右的几分钟内进入只读模式,英语维基百科将会在5月21日05:00 UTC左右的几分钟之内进入只读模式。 [16][17]
- 图表将会使用Javascript在使用者的浏览器中进行渲染。希望图表能对所有使用Javascript的使用者运作地更好,它将无法对不使用Javascript的使用者运作。 [19]
。您可能需要更新您的小工具、脚本或使用者样式。这是为了方便我们运行HTML5。 [20]Vector皮肤的一些CSS已被修改。这会影响
。它们将不再使用> ul
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年5月18日 (一) 17:19 (UTC)
2020年5月25日 (一) 14:18 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #417

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2020-05-25.
- Discussions
- Open requests for Oversight: Kostas20142, Esteban16
- Events
- Past: WikidataLab XXXIII: Wiki-Education and Data Literacy with Shani Evenstein on May 21st. The training in English was organized by Wiki Movement Brazil User Group. (replay)
- Past: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #6 (YouTube)
- Past: Art+Feminism virtual Wikidata editathon by Global Open Initiative on May 19. (Video) Part 1, Part 2
- Upcoming: Wikidata Wochenende, event dedicated to the German-speaking Wikidata community, will take place fully remote on June 12-14. If you're interested, don't forget to register. We're looking for speakers to give introductions to Wikidata & tools.
- Upcoming #vBIB20 (Q94495218) the first fully remote German library conference: May 26-28. Metadata about all presentations are already stored in Wikidata: Query. Some sessions and presentations are related to Wikidata or other Wikiprojects:
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #14, May 31
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- The Missing Path: Diagnosing Incompleteness in Linked Data ("We describe our iterative design process and evaluation with Wikidata contributors")
- EURECOM at the SemStats 2019 Challenge ("we study the coverage of [the official database of French enterprises] in Wikidata")
- Enriching Knowledge Bases with Interesting Negative Statements ("we argue for the importance of negative information on knowledge bases, and present two methods to mine it")
- Video: Editing Wikidata: File Candidates tool and World heritage of Visby - Youtube, Facebook
- Tool of the week
- If you're looking for even more tools, the Tools Directory indexes over 130 Wikidata tools.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New tool: Structured Search, a tool allowing you to search through Wikimedia Commons using structured data, is now live. This tool by Hay Kranen was demoed at Wikimedia Hackathon 2020.
- New tool: script by Tohaomg to easily rearrange the order of values for statements in Wikidata (to be added to your common.js page)
- New documentation page: Wikidata:How to create Wikidata Tours
- Teaching notes for introducing people to Wikidataː d:User:Einebillion/Teaching notes
- The Wikidata development team created a distributed Wikidata game called Reference hunt!. With this game, you get a suggestion of an Item and a reference based on structured data from an external website. Try it and leave us feedback.
- Gabriel, an intern at the Google Summer of Code is developing a tool to assist users in verifying (structured) data of media on commons. If you want to help, feel free to fill out this questionnaire.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: molecular model, is metaclass for, lighting, type of age limit, nominal share capital, content partnership category, field of training
- External identifiers: iDAI.chronontology ID, iDAI.gazetteer ID, Archaeology in Greece Online place ID, ASUT ID, NMMA antiquities ID, NMMA built heritage ID, DB chgk, K-Scholar ID, Wyoming SHPO ID, Lower Austrian Castle ID, Co-Optimus ID, Bookogs credit ID, Wiener Wohnen ID, Arkansas Register of Historic Places ID, Augustins de l'Assomption ID, LiederNet author ID, LiederNet composer ID, LiederNet song cycle ID, LiederNet text ID, Bibliography of the History of Slovakia ID, MACRIS ID, National Register Database, Louisiana ID, Niden INE, 500 Queer Scientists profile, Mediaqueer.ca Artist ID, Mediaqueer.ca Movie ID, Natural Atlas ID, Colon Classification, MDAH's HRI ID, RI National Register Search ID, CTHS author ID, name-suggestion-index identifier, PC Games Database.de company ID, SNES central game ID, Super Mario Wiki ID, Wikilengua article
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: US Fault ID, estimated value, funder, principal investigator, contributed to Wikimedia Commons by, Theater poster, transitive over, approval of subject, living people protection class
- External identifiers: Monasteries in the Netherlands until 1800 ID, Library classifications' IDs for topics, Absolute Games game ID, Absolute Games person ID, Absolute Games developer and publisher IDs, ModelHub ID, npm package, AusStage person ID, AusStage venue ID, AusStage organization ID, AusStage work ID, Montreux Jazz Festival song ID, Montreux Jazz Festival person ID, motorsportstats.com event ID, Veldkruus, AustLit ID, AFL player ID, Bioweb Ecuador ID, FilmPolski press collection ID, NTB ID, Odeon ID, Montreux Jazz Festival concert ID, Canadian Football League player ID, cadastral municipality number in Austria, Britannica Kids, Latin texts IDs, Medusa NRHP ID, Noovie person ID, Artsdatabanken ID, ICTV taxnode ID, LongTake person ID, ESRB video game ID, OnlyFans ID
- Query examples:
- Famous mathematicians related to famous actors (Source)
- West Highlands of Scotland rail line connections (Source)
- Universities ranked by PageRank on English Wikipedia (Source)
- Interactive, zoomable tree map of second level administrative regions of the world (Source)
- Number of alphabets which use this letter (Source)
- Metabolites and the species where they are found in (Source)
- Items in the United Kingdom with coordinate location (P625) on or near 1 degree 50 west (Source)
- Map of Tunisian museums (Source)
- Map of pairs of homonymous French municipalities linked by a colored line according to the distance (Source)
- Women botanists or botanical collectors with a birth date prior to 1900 (Source)
- vBIB20 lectures in Wikidata (Source)
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Schools
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Federated properties: Linking to the source wiki immediately after saving a statement (phab:T251776)
- Properly display federated properties on a local item's Revision History page (phab:T249836)
- Documentation for federated properties (phab:T252991, phab:T252861)
- Last steps of getting the distributed game "Reference hunt" ready
- Wikidata Bridge: more work on error messages
- Track errors people encounter when using the Bridge (phab:T252683)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
![]() |
友善星章 |
想请教高雄维基人还有在聚会吗? 我本人具有台湾及澳洲的双重背景,然而相对于英文维基,我真的对中文维基如何正确地附上参考来源还是有些地方百思不解,真的好复杂喔! 希望在高雄有人能就近教我.真的谢谢你并祝平安喜乐! Khhmel(留言) 2020年5月27日 (三) 07:24 (UTC) |
- Liangent-adminbot因长期不活跃,已被取消管理员机器人权限。
- 《跨维基汇入者指引》、《权限申请》:依据社群讨论结果,正式引入可由其他维基汇入页面之“跨维基汇入者”用户组,并订立相关指引。(讨论纪录)
- 因应社群讨论,将《申报有偿编辑》(方针)更名为《有偿编辑方针》、对方针导言进行了修订(讨论纪录),后另将方针更名后的一系列事实性修改交付公示并获得通过。(讨论纪录)
- 《可靠来源布告板评级指引》:依据社群讨论结果,正式订立可靠来源布告板评级指引。(讨论纪录)
- 《过度分类指引》:依据社群讨论结果,将〈非定义性特征〉、〈过窄交集〉和〈武断的收录标准〉等三个章节订立为指引。(讨论纪录)
- 方针:《机器人方针》、《档案移动员方针》、《封禁方针》、《IP封禁例外方针》、《不要人身攻击》、《避免地域中心方针》、《生者传记方针》、《命名常规》、《文明方针》、《有偿编辑方针》、《保护方针》及《快速删除方针》。
- 指引:《过度分类指引》(一、二)、《繁简处理指引》、《页面分类指引》、《跨维基汇入者指引》、《什么是条目》、《格式手册(列表)》、《不要为阐释观点而扰乱维基百科》、《关注度指引(虚构)》、《消歧义指引》、《重定向指引》、《格式手册(链接)》、《草稿名字空间》、《关注度指引》、《格式手册(版面布局)》、《关注度指引(音乐)》、《隐退指引》、《非自由版权图片大小指引》、《权限申请指引》、《假定善意指引》、《可靠来源布告板评级指引》及《不要伤害新手》。
Wikidata weekly summary #418

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Dan Koehl 2
- Events
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #15, June 7
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Discussion of our Wikidata priorities and needs as we plan for the group's future, 02 June. Agenda
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- The WikiCite annual report 2019-20 has been published. Describing the "satellite event grants" program that was run (and details of the nine successful proposals); the changes that resulted from the COVID-19 shutdown of all in-person events; and a summary of WikiCite-related news from across the movement. For more details see Meta:WikiCite/Administration. For more information, contact LWyatt (WMF)
- Defying Wikidata: Validation of Terminological Relations in the Web of Data
- KORE 50DYWC: An Evaluation Data Set for Entity Linking Based on DBpedia, YAGO, Wikidata, and Crunchbase
- SchemaTree: Maximum-Likelihood Property Recommendation for Wikidata
- Editorial: Special Issue on Quality Assessment of Knowledge Graphs Dedicated to the Memory of Amrapali Zaveri
- European Semantic Web Conference 2020
- Past video: Querying Wikidata with a glimpse of SPARQL - Thorsten Butz - PSCONFEU 2020. YouTube
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network Live Wikidata editing scheduled for 1st June at 7:00 PM UTC: YouTube, Facebook
- Upcoming video (in Spanish): Wikidata Online Workshop: "Connecting Authority Resources with the Knowledge Graph" scheduled for 2nd June at 3:00 PM UTC: YouTube
- Tool of the week
- wdumps allows you to create a limited RDF dump from Wikidata, for those times when your SPARQL queries keep timing out. It is not particularly user-friendly, and it typically takes several hours to get a complete dump, but it is the best way to for example get a list of all English names of humans in Wikidata, or a list of every scientific article with its title and DOI.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The former WikiProject iNaturalist was renamed WikiProject Biodiversity to allow discussions beyond iNaturalist.
- Special:FewestRevisions to be disabled, if you are currently using it, please leave a comment
- Winners of the Wikidata competition during Museum Day 2020: VIGNERON, Alexmar983, Braveheart, Pasleim, Benoît Prieur, Uli.ch, Nono314, Sukkoria and Airon90. Congratulations!
- As part of a thesis project, the search engine "Lister" has been developed to make it easier for the general public to access data on the Semantic Web in general, and WikiData specifically. It's in a usability test-phase right now, and if you'd like to try it out and help improve it, you can do so at this link. The test should at most 15 minutes.
- Follow the discussion about restricting editing of properties to autoconfirmed users.
- New domain
to be adopted by our Toolforge community. New domain/scheme for Toolforge-hosted webservices will change fromtools.wmflabs.org/toolname
with the aim to introduce permanent redirects for the legacy URLs on 2020-06-15. - Wikidata development team is currently running a survey until June 9th to understand better how people access and reuse Wikidata’s data from the code of their applications and tools (for example through APIs), and how we can improve the tools to make your workflows easier. If you would like to participate, please use this link (Google Forms, estimated fill-in time 5min).
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: curricula, attribution text, based on tabular data
- External identifiers: FlashScore.com player ID, Aberdeen Built Ships ID, Origin video game ID, npm package, FEMA number, Mod DB mod ID, Ubisoft Store game ID, Norwegian prisoner register person ID, ID natural monuments in Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz, LombardiaBeniCulturali architecture author ID, BaGLAMa GID, GMC membership number
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: parish church, ISCO-08 occupation code, official product site, tag, heraldic attitude, Non volatile storage capacity
- External identifiers: Australian Classification ID, EU-Football.info stadium ID, Semantic Scholar corpus ID, Olympedia ID, Emmys person ID, Archivio Storico Ricordi person ID, New York Times contributor ID, Cinema Context, Helsinki persistent building ID Ratu, Xfinity Stream ID, Juno Download album ID 2, sobory.ru, HBO Max ID, Yle Topic ID, Den Store Danske ID, Dansk litteraturs historie ID, Geneanet genealogist ID, IGRS video game ID, Wiki-Brest ID, Wiki-Narbonne ID, Wiki-Niort ID, Wiki Pas-de-Calais ID, Wiki-Rennes ID, Wikimanche ID, Wiki-Anjou ID, Picardia ID, Grandterrier.net ID, BoardGameGeek family ID, Proleksis enciklopedija ID, VIAF partner ID
- Query examples:
- Map of German states with links to iNaturalist observations
- Cities/towns named after people (Source)
- Network of researchers who are vBIB20 co-presenters and are linked with a Wikidata item (Source)
- Timeline of legalized same-sex marriages by country (Source)
- BubbleChart of the 7,397 different keywords in DieDatenlaube (Source)
- Weight of royal crowns (Source)
- Recorded COVID-19 cases in difference Indian states (Source)
- Twitter accounts of current UK MP's (Source)
- Number of female employees at different organizations that Wikidata knows about (Source)
- Location of libraries that have a GitHub repository (Source)
- Location of 19th century infectious diseases published in Die Gartenlaube (Source)
- People with an entry in the Biographical Lexicon of the Austrian Empire and biographical articles in Die Datenlaube (Source)
- Fictional spaceship captains from the Star Trek multiverse (Source)
- Timeline of Selenographers, for the birthday of German astronomer Johann Heinrich von Mädler and his famous map of the Moon (Source)
- Points of interest 2 km within St. Jakobus church, Pesterwitz (Source)
- Images of religious art whose main theme is Pentecost (Source)
- World map of authors with both an ORCID and Twitter account ID's (Source)
- Ratio of (days country has been in the UN) with (sum of periods of office for Heads of Government during that time) (Source)
- Map of 2020 Art+Feminism editathons (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Public art
- Development
- More documentation for federated properties
- Properly display federated properties on a local item's Revision History page (phab:T249836)
- More improvements on the Wikidata Bridge
- Add Wikidata support for awawiki (phab:T252870)
- Fix various bugs on Wikibase
- Work on improving the unclear error messages (phab:T247690)
- Create reports for the reference hunt game
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- Android版维基共享资源应用程序有新测试版本可用。现在您可以在检视图片时使用缩放功能,它亦会在您上传有地理标记的照片时提供地点建议。 [22]
- 5月27日,维基共享资源数据库发生问题,造成该站点无法被编辑,为时八分钟。因为此问题数据库被移动了,而在5月29日有一小段时间只读。 [23][24][25]
- Vector皮肤之前有一个无法加入到其他语言条目连结的问题,如果没有现存到其他语言的连结,您将无法看到该章节,并附带使通往内容翻译和语言设定的连结消失。这个问题现已被修复。 [26]
- 您会在他人加入了到您创建的页面的连结时得到通知。您现在可在个别页面上关闭这些通知,很快地您也可以在收到的通知上关闭它们。 [27]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年6月1日 (一) 22:31 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #419

- Discussions
- New request for comments: Handling of stored IDs after they've been deleted or redirected in the external database
- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata Wochenende, June 12-14: online Wikidata workshop and hackathon in German. Don't forget to register to get access to attendees information.
- Upcoming: Video: Live Wikidata editing #9: Youtube, Facebook
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #16, June 14
- Upcoming: Webinar on Wikidata and cultural heritage collections, by Science Museum Group UK, June 19th
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Wikidata based Location Entity Linking
- WikiBank: Using Wikidata to Improve Multilingual Frame-Semantic Parsing
- Wikimedia Public (Research) Resources
- RDF Reasoning on Large Ontologies: A Study on Cultural Heritage and Wikidata
- What is an Open Knowledge Base anyway? (lists Wikidata as key example).
- KGTK: A Toolkit for Large Knowledge Graph Manipulation and Analysis ("we present KGTK, a data science-centric toolkit... We illustrate KGTK with real-world scenarios... such as Wikidata")
- Video: Live Wikidata editing #8 - Wikidojo edition: YouTube, Facebook
- Wikidata Online Workshop (in Spanish): "Connecting Authority Resources with the Knowledge Graph" - YouTube
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Andrew Lih
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Jane Darnell
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Dr. Martin Poulter
- Tool of the week
- QuickStatements lets you edit thousands of Wikidata items at a time. Add labels and descriptions, or statements with sources and qualifiers, add sitelinks, create or merge items, or remove statements that were created in error. Batches can be discussed and, if necessary, reverted in full through the EditGroups tool.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Simple Query Builder: wrap-up of the feedback loop and next steps
- New page Subsetting under WikiProject Schemas for documenting how to define, construct, manage and maintain subsets of Wikidata.
- MyCroft, the open digital personal assistant now has a Wikidata skill to answer questions about current and historic facts & information about a person.
- Do you know a Wikidata/Wikibase community member who has accomplished something new or has been inspiring in the last year? If so, please take a few minutes and nominate someone in the 2020 Community Spotlight survey.
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms now supports Bengali nouns.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: curriculum topics, attribution text, based on tabular data, living people protection class, position in biological sequence, region within image, ISCO-08 occupation code, parish church, has grouping, has sorting, has column
- External identifiers: FlashScore.com player ID, Aberdeen Built Ships ID, Origin video game ID, npm package, FEMA number, Mod DB mod ID, Ubisoft Store game ID, Norwegian prisoner register person ID, ID natural monuments in Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz, LombardiaBeniCulturali architecture author ID, BaGLAMa GID, GMC registration number, AFL player ID, serial identifier on SerialZone, Absolute Games game ID, Modelhub ID, Liszt Academy Lexikon person ID, Medusa NRHP ID, motorsportstats.com event ID, LGBT Danmark online dictionary ID, Olympedia athlete ID, Worlds Without End author ID, Archivio Storico Ricordi person ID, AusStage organization ID, AusStage person ID, AusStage venue ID, AusStage work ID, AustLit ID, Cinema Context ID, New York Times contributor ID, HBO Max ID, Semantic Scholar corpus ID, Montreux Jazz Festival concert ID, Montreux Jazz Festival person ID, Montreux Jazz Festival song ID, ESRB video game ID, NexusMods video game ID, LongTake person ID, Yle Topic ID, digilibLT work ID, PHI Latin Texts work ID, Musisque Deoque work ID, Den Store Danske ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: official product site, tag, heraldic attitude, Non volatile storage capacity, introduced in version (2), height of center of mass, strike tone, number of migrations, depicted without, offset from vertical, for type elements, Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak, number of branches
- External identifiers: Australian Classification ID, EU-Football.info stadium ID, Emmys person ID, Helsinki persistent building ID Ratu, Xfinity Stream ID, Juno Download album ID 2, sobory.ru, Dansk litteraturs historie ID, Geneanet genealogist ID, IGRS video game ID, Wiki-Brest ID, Wiki-Narbonne ID, Wiki-Niort ID, Wiki Pas-de-Calais ID, Wiki-Rennes ID, Wikimanche ID, Wiki-Anjou ID, Picardia ID, Grandterrier.net ID, BoardGameGeek family ID, Proleksis enciklopedija ID, VIAF partner ID, NVE Elvenett elvID, Scholars Strategy Network ID, Opera Online work ID, Opera Online composer ID, ICP artist ID, Singapore Infopedia ID, Legacy.com person ID, AnyDecentMusic album ID, Uffizi artwork ID, Ancestry.com ID, Dlive game ID, Spotify songwriter ID, MuseScore artist ID, MNBAQ artist ID, kino-teatr.ru film ID, Cimetières de France ID, vglist video game ID, Gramophone composer ID, Political Graveyard politician ID, CAOI person ID
- Query examples:
- User:PAC2/Prenoms a notebook interface (Q28405706) to explore data about a given name (Q202444) : the idea is to ask simple questions and find answers
- Similarly the talk page of "Ada" with queries
- Postcards of exterior and interior views of theatres on CARTHALIA (Source)
- List of cities (or map) of Russia where no one famous was born and died (Source)
- Turkish scientists by citation count (Source)
- ESWC2020 papers with links to video lectures (Source)
- Women who have been Captain Regent of San Marino (Source)
- Species of birds (Source)
- List of open science fellows (Source)
- Spouses of the German Bundestag (Source)
- MWAPI searches in wikidata about people descibed as slave traders by citizenship (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikidata Bridge: Made a number of technical improvements to wrap up the work in the first version.
- Reference Hunt: Making final technical improvements and are now running the process to find references on the whole of Wikidata (as opposed to the initial small subset for testing). Once that's done we'll release them as a dump.
- Easier access to data for programmers: Researching and interviewing ways to improve the APIs in preparation for working on them.
- Query builder: Working on defining the first version and creating mockups based on the feedback we received.
- Use modern TypeScript syntax (3.2 -> 3.9) (phab:T253211)
- More technical documentation for Federated Properties (phab:T252991) & preparing for the next steps
- Convert some properties to external identifiers (phab:T253722)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 有一些条目存在可通过不同方式排序的表格。例如,国家列表可以依国家名字母排序,但你可以点击“面积”一列的表头以使其依面积顺序排序。如果你再次点击那一表头,它会倒序排列。第三次点击时将回到原始排序模式。 [28]
- 自封闭标签现在以HTML5标准工作。
- 有一名为
上的指示,以使编者为移动版视图适配并自定义样式。 [29][30]
你现在可以更新经API更新大量信息的描述。这对于小工具和插件十分有用。 [31]
- 2012年的一个临时修复已帮助维基计划使得首页的移动版视图更为友好。自2017年起,这种方式已经不被推荐,并会在7月13日后停止运作。计划应该使用模板样式替代。118个计划需要修复。你可以在此获取详情并检视你的计划是否被影响。 [32]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年6月8日 (一) 21:12 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #420

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Stanglavine
- Events
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #17, June 21
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries in French by Vigneron, Tuesday June 16 at 20:00 CEST (UTC+2)
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Program for Cooperative Cataloging's upcoming Wikidata pilot, June 16. Agenda
- Past: remote Wikidata Wochenende (list of projects - in German)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- KulturNav – a hub for museum vocabularies connected to Wikidata
- Library data as linked open data
- Lord of the Wiki Ring: Importing Wikidata into Neo4j and analyzing family trees
- Video: Live Wikidata editing #9 - YouTube
- How authors and publications are linked in Wikidata Scholia (in Swedish) - YouTube
- ISE2020 - Excursus: How to query Wikidata Knowledge Graph using SPARQL - YouTube
- Wikidata Live editing (replay)
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Navino Evans
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Dr. Daniel Mietchen
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting João Alexandre Peschanski
- Part 1 - Meet João! - YouTube
- Part 2 - On choosing to work with Wikidata in Academia - YouTube
- Part 3 - Auto-generating knowledge via Wikidata - YouTube
- Part 4 - Metadata Curation and reconciliation on Wikidata - YouTube
- Part 5 - Visualization of new data artifacts via Wikidata - YouTube
- Part 6 - Data Archaeology via Wikidata - YouTube
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Ewan McAndrew
- Tool of the week
- Mix'n'match lets you match lists of external identifiers to Wikidata items, or create new items if necessary. Thousands of catalogs already exist, in dozens of different topic areas, and it's easy to import new ones.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New: Overview of GLAM metadata standards and (if relevant) how they are mapped and crosswalked on Wikimedia projects. Feel free to add more to the list!
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms can now group forms înto sections, and (on wide screens) distribute sections across two columns!
- New Wikidata Lexeme Forms feature: the warning about duplicate lexemes now links to edit mode, where you can fix any forms that the existing lexeme might be missing.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: funder, intended subject of deprecated statement, Democracy Index, principal investigator, file page offset, strike tone
- External identifiers: Noovie person ID, NTB ID, sobory.ru ID, Philadelphia Museum of Art person ID, WorldFootball.net stadium ID, National Football Teams.com match ID, EU-Football.info stadium ID, Canadian Football League player ID, cadastral municipality number in Austria, Monasteries in the Netherlands until 1800 ID, Indonesian intangible cultural heritage, Australian Classification ID, Dansk litteraturs historie ID, DLive game ID, MuseScore artist ID, Uffizi artwork ID, MNBAQ artist ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: FIBA Hall of Fame, SIUSA archival fonds ID, qualifier for this property, SIUSA archive producer IDs, Library and bibliographic classification, gloss quote, Vmusic.bg artist ID, black-and-white photograph, Gujin Tushu Jicheng link, version control system, provisions, sleeping capacity, floor area
- External identifiers: Dansk Biografisk Leksikon ID, IDU person ID, SPOnG game ID, Bundesinventar der historischen Verkehrswege der Schweiz (IVS), Unique Property Reference Number, Legacy.com newspaper ID, GCatholic person ID, Econlib ID, Opera Online opera house ID, Opera Online performer ID, finalesrugby.fr ID, Opera Online conductor ID, PMSA ID, Deku Deals ID, duden id, Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften, KKBox track ID, Rate Your Music album ID, Offizielle Deutsche Charts album ID, locality number in Austria, UNBIS Thesaurus ID, Qobuz album ID 2, AZLyrics.com song ID, Singapore Infopedia ID
- Query examples:
- Rose cultivars
- List of present-day countries and capital(s) (Source)
- Aliases of all sovereign states in Wikidata (Source)
- Monuments named after/commemorating/depicting slave traders (Source)
- Statues and monuments of slaveholders or traders (Source)
- Members of the Ku Klux Klan whose English description doesn’t mention that (Source)
- Bases named after Union soldiers (Source)
- Married couples who also sat in the Bundestag (Source)
- List of virtual conferences and their environment (Source)
- Network of the Erich Fried Prize winners (Source)
- Notable Russian people with possible (but unproved) descent from Genghis Khan (see the query for explanation)
- Researchers or academics with Native American ancestry
- Count of items by ethnic group (Source)
- Metro map of Stockholm Country showing line colors and layers (Source)
- Countries that have no world heritage sites (Source)
- Number of statues of women, per country (Source)
- 1st level subdivisions of Europe (and colonies) with less than 30 inhabitants per km² (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Collecting a lot of feedback and doing research around how to improve our APIs to start making it easier to access Wikidata's data for programmers
- Finalized the initial feature list for the query builder and working on designs and prototypes for testing
- Doing user research on the Merge gadget to prepare for making it part of the proper code-base so that other Wikibase instances also benefit from easier merging
- Federated Properties: continued working on the first version of Federation that will make it possible to use Wikidata's Properties in another Wikibase installation
- Start of a new project (Wikibase Decoupling & Extension Registration) in order to clean up our codebase a bit and make it easier to extend with new features in the future
- More work on the design system to have a set of unified components for Wikidata that will make it easier to develop new features in the future because we don't have to rewrite components that are used in a lot of places
- Some MediaWiki skin changes meant broken edit links on Wikipedia and co. Fixed now. (phabricator:T252800)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 在许多页面有一通往维基数据项目的连结。它在Monobook皮肤中有一段时间没有显示。这是因为一个故障,并且现在已被修复。 [33]
- 上周,编辑、登入与登出操作有一小段时间没有正确工作,并很快得到修复。 [34]
Pywikibot是一个Python函式库,用来自动化维基上的工作。自七月的新版本发布后,它将再也不支援Python 2,对Python 3.4和MediaWiki版本低于1.19的支援也会一并移除。您应该迁移到Python3。您可以获取帮助。 [35]
取代。 [36]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年6月15日 (一) 21:38 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #421

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Stanglavine
- Events
- Upcoming: Celtic Knot Wikimedia Language conference (remote, July 9-10): program & concept are published, registration is open
- Upcoming: live OpenRefine introduction et demonstration, by Vigneron, on Twitch and in French, Tuesday June 16 at 20:00 CEST (UTC+2)
- Past: Wikidata queries workshop, June 21st, in the frame of the Small wiki toolkits–Indic workshop series
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- When Deno meets Wikidata (blog post)
- Writing Wikidata Queries (Workshop Notes)
- Wikidata course at TAU: Hosting Denny Vrandečić. The future of Wikidata, Abstract Wikipedia WikiLambda - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- On Commons, c:Template:Wikidata Infobox now has over 3 million uses; see c:Category:Uses of Wikidata Infobox.
- New page about the Bibliography of Wikidata – needs help on expanding the list.
- Upcoming domain name migration on the Wikimedia Toolforge implies that OpenRefine users need to update their Wikidata reconciliation service to the new endpoint which will be available by default in the upcoming release of OpenRefine (3.4). phab:T254172
- Wikirecords - proposal for a Wikibase-based sister-project
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: funder, intended subject of deprecated statement, Democracy Index, principal investigator, file page offset, strike tone, applies to name of value, entry receptor, estimated value, media franchise, Dewey Decimal Classification (works), Library of Congress Classification (edition), Universal Decimal Classification (works), Regensburg Classification (works), study type
- External identifiers: Noovie person ID, NTB ID, sobory.ru ID, Philadelphia Museum of Art person ID, WorldFootball.net stadium ID, National Football Teams.com match ID, EU-Football.info stadium ID, Canadian Football League player ID, cadastral municipality number in Austria, Monasteries in the Netherlands until 1800 ID, Indonesian intangible cultural heritage, Australian Classification ID, Dansk litteraturs historie ID, DLive game ID, MuseScore artist ID, Uffizi artwork ID, MNBAQ artist ID, Cimetières de France ID, Dansk Biografisk Leksikon ID, SIUSA archival fonds ID, Odeon ID, WikiTrek ID, Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak, Spotify songwriter ID, NVE Elvenett elvID, Proleksis enciklopedija ID, Singapore Infopedia ID, vglist video game ID, Veldkruus ID, BitterDB compound ID, Helsinki persistent building ID Ratu, SIUSA archive producer family ID, SIUSA archive producer organization ID, Museum of Family History ID, Deku Deals ID, Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: FIBA Hall of Fame, qualifier for this property, Library and bibliographic classification, gloss quote, Vmusic.bg artist ID, black-and-white photograph, Gujin Tushu Jicheng link, version control system, provisions, sleeping capacity, floor area, Dowker-Thistlethwaite notation, Encyclopedia Tatarica (tt) Online ID, twin town sign, floor material, Encyclopedia Tatarica (ru) Online ID, intended background color, is exception to constraint, prohibits, permits, Kunya, jour équivalent dans le calendrier correspondant, context of death, inverse agonist of, seatwidth, external error, set in environment
- External identifiers: IDU person ID, SPOnG game ID, Bundesinventar der historischen Verkehrswege der Schweiz (IVS), Unique Property Reference Number, Legacy.com newspaper ID, GCatholic person ID, Econlib ID, Opera Online opera house ID, Opera Online performer ID, finalesrugby.fr ID, Opera Online conductor ID, PMSA ID, duden id, KKBox track ID, Rate Your Music album ID, Offizielle Deutsche Charts album ID, locality number in Austria, UNBIS Thesaurus ID, Qobuz album ID 2, AZLyrics.com song ID, GCatholic diocese ID, BBFC ID, Criminological Thesaurus ID, FIPRESCI person ID, Web of Science ID, Crossref journal ID, KBpedia ID, QUDT quantity kind ID, Utenlandske krigsgraver i Norge ID, BWFpara.tournamentsoftware.com player ID, Directorio de Afrocubanas, Maitron des fusillés ID, TheFreeDictionary medical term ID, Spanish Olympic Committee athlete ID, Naturvårdsverket Amenity ID, Supreme Court of Sweden case number
- Query examples:
- Apologies for both of the problematic queries ("MWAPI searches in wikidata about people described as slave traders by citizenship" in Weekly Summary #419 and "Monuments named after/commemorating/depicting slave traders” in Weekly Summary #420). The "MWAPI searches in wikidata about people described as slave traders by citizenship” in #419 lists any people with the word "slave" in a label, description or alias, among them several people who are not slave traders. The "Monuments named after/commemorating/depicting slave traders” in #420 incorrectly linked this query for enslaved people instead of this query for slavetraders.
- Ages of US presidents/vice-presidents: today, when leaving office, at death
- The subway network of Stockholm
- Former footballers who have ever been an MP in the UK parliament (Source)
- Latin American Women Writers with a GND ID (Source)
- Roads that are named after film directors (Source)
- Wikidata Queries around the SARS-CoV-2 virus and pandemic
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Sweden, WikiProject Ennegreciendo/Noircir Wikimedia
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Continue working on the infrastructure review, in order to address the most pressing infrastructure issues
- Make the Wikibase.git code base PSR-4 compatible (phab:T172368)
- Work on an overview of existing types of coupling in Wikibase between Repo and Client (phab:T254902)
- More work on consistency of UX components
- Handle failed requests to the federation source wiki when saving statements (phab:T254889)
- Catch federated properties exceptions in getParserOutput and display error page (phab:T255010)
- Improve the permissions for Blazegraph in wdqs docker image (phab:T237248)
- Create entitySources config for WMF production wikis (phab:T254315)
- Participate in fixing several incidents (phab:T255855, phab:T255410)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 最近推出的新工具能让新使用者更容易开始编辑,这些新工具在这些wiki可用。因为新工具的错误,上周有一小段时间时间这些wiki的可视化编辑器有些问题,但很快的修好了。 [37]
来解决问题。 [38]
- 开发人员正在研究解决讨论页上编辑冲突的新界面。这会在6月24日发布。您可以提供反馈。 [39]
- 2012年的一个临时修复已帮助维基计划使得首页的移动版视图更为友好。自2017年起,这种方式已经不被推荐,并会在7月13日后停止运作。计划应该使用模板样式替代。91个计划需要修复。你可以在此获取详情并检视你的计划是否被影响。 [40]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年6月22日 (一) 18:49 (UTC)
- 《关注度指引(数字)》:修订〈单个数的关注度〉一节内容,加入关于单个数之有效数学性质的定义。(讨论纪录)
- 《关注度指引(音乐)》:依据社群讨论结果,正式订立音乐相关条目之关注度指引。(讨论纪录)
- 《COVID-19条目共识》:依据社群讨论结果,允许在学术性条目或对疾病或病毒以学术性为主的行文中手动替换部分词语为较正式的术语(讨论纪录),并允许手动替换意义不明确之“肺炎”一词。(讨论纪录)
- 《关注度指引(组织与公司)》:依据社群讨论结果,正式订立学校相关条目之关注度指引。(讨论纪录)
- 《关注度指引(人物)》:修订〈人物收录条件〉一节内容,微调关于古人的关注度门槛(讨论纪录),并依据社群讨论结果正式订立色情演员相关条目之关注度指引。(讨论纪录)
- 方针:《保护方针》、《有偿编辑方针》、《不要人身攻击》、《IP封禁例外方针》、《快速删除方针》、《编辑禁制方针》、《方针与指引》、《中立的观点》、《用户名方针》、《命名常规(人名)》、《志愿者回复团队方针》、《文明方针》及《命名常规》。
- 指引:《关闭存废讨论指引》、《可靠来源布告板评级指引》、《勇于更新页面》、《外部链接指引》、《关注度指引(数字)》、《高风险模板指引》、《关注度指引(组织与公司)》(一、二)、《过度分类指引》、《权限申请指引》、《跨维基汇入者指引》、《小小作品指引》、《账号请求指引》、《关注度指引(天体)》、《关注度指引(虚构)》、《关注度指引(气旋)》、《关注度指引(交通)》、《关注度指引(性质表)》、《关注度指引(几何图形)》、《关注度指引(足球员)》、《一级行政区道路特殊收录限制列表》、《关注度指引(地理特征)》、《关注度指引(书籍)》、《关注度指引》、《格式手册(版面布局)》及《重定向指引》。
Wikidata weekly summary #422

- Discussions
- Closed request for comments: Disallow merging into newer entity
- Events
- Past: Wikidata Wochenende 2020 (in German)
- Past: Cultural heritage webinar, Science Museum group. (presentations and videos)
- Past: Wikidata Query Service exercise (in Chinese) (video)
- Past: Wikidata in Toronto webinar with Alex Jung (video)
- Past: Writing Wikidata queries workshop, part of the Small Wikis Toolkit series (video recording)
- Upcoming: Wikidata & Wikibase office hour, Query Service special, July 21st at 16:00 UTC (18:00 CEST)
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Merrilee Proffitt, Chris Cyr, and Rob Fernandez on a project to surface library holdings to indicate possible notability for persons, June 30th. Agenda
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #19, July 5
- Upcoming: Wikidata Parliament of Ghana contest, July 1st
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Lexemes in Wikidata: 2020 status, by Finn Årup Nielsen
- Upcoming video: Live Wikidata editing #10 - with guest: YouTube, Facebook
- Tool of the week
- The Sourcerer edit game suggests some sources that could fit to a claim and helps people adding references easily.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikibase Live sessions is coming back with the first call about Data Modeling in the context of Libraries happening on Thursday, July 2nd at 1600 UTC.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: funder, intended subject of deprecated statement, Democracy Index, principal investigator, file page offset, strike tone, applies to name of value, entry receptor, estimated value, media franchise, Dewey Decimal Classification (works and editions), Library of Congress Classification (works and editions), Universal Decimal Classification (works and editions), Regensburg Classification (works and editions), study type, number of branches, references work, tradition or theory, Dowker-Thistlethwaite notation, qualifier for this property, gloss quote, use with property value, use with qualifier, prompt when missing, offset from vertical
- External identifiers: Noovie person ID, NTB ID, sobory.ru ID, Philadelphia Museum of Art person ID, WorldFootball.net stadium ID, National Football Teams.com match ID, EU-Football.info stadium ID, Canadian Football League player ID, cadastral municipality number in Austria, Monasteries in the Netherlands until 1800 ID, Indonesian intangible cultural heritage, Australian Classification ID, Dansk litteraturs historie ID, DLive game ID, MuseScore artist ID, Uffizi artwork ID, MNBAQ artist ID, Cimetières de France ID, Dansk Biografisk Leksikon ID, SIUSA archival fonds ID, Odeon ID, WikiTrek ID, Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak, Spotify songwriter ID, NVE Elvenett elvID, Proleksis enciklopedija ID, Singapore Infopedia ID, vglist video game ID, Veldkruus ID, BitterDB compound ID, Helsinki persistent building ID Ratu, SIUSA archive producer family ID, SIUSA archive producer organization ID, Museum of Family History ID, Deku Deals ID, Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften ID, GCatholic person ID, Legacy.com person ID, Econlib ID, UNBIS Thesaurus ID, Web of Science ID, Encyclopedia Tatarica (tt) Online ID, Criminological Thesaurus ID, Crossref journal ID, Duden ID, Encyclopedia Tatarica (ru) Online ID, Directory of Afrocubanas ID, Emmys person ID, finalesrugby.fr ID, Goodreads work ID, locality number in Austria, IDU person ID, Gramophone composer ID, Foreign war churchyards in Norway ID, Riksdagen person guid, GCatholic diocese ID, PMSA ID, BBK (library and bibliographic classification), Rate Your Music release ID, QUDT quantity kind ID, Unique Property Reference Number
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: FIBA Hall of Fame, Vmusic.bg artist ID, black-and-white photograph, Gujin Tushu Jicheng link, version control system, provisions, sleeping capacity, floor area, twin town sign, floor material, intended background color, is exception to constraint, prohibits, permits, Kunya, jour équivalent dans le calendrier correspondant, context of death, inverse agonist of, seatwidth, external error, set in environment, property constraint for Commons, Dowker-Thistlethwaite name, Localised title, DOI formatter, Open Data portal, subscribed by, Knot Atlas identifier, theorised by, Knotilus identifier, KnotInfo identifier, sorting weight, character designer, image set, taxon synonym string
- External identifiers: SPOnG game ID, Bundesinventar der historischen Verkehrswege der Schweiz (IVS), Legacy.com newspaper ID, Opera Online opera house ID, Opera Online performer ID, Opera Online conductor ID, KKBox track ID, Offizielle Deutsche Charts album ID, Qobuz album ID 2, AZLyrics.com song ID, BBFC ID, FIPRESCI person ID, KBpedia ID, BWFpara.tournamentsoftware.com player ID, Maitron des fusillés ID, TheFreeDictionary medical term ID, Spanish Olympic Committee athlete ID, Naturvårdsverket Amenity ID, Supreme Court of Sweden case number, Econlib person ID, NUKAT (non-VIAF) ID, Reposcope ID, People's Representative Council of Indonesia ID, PPN ID, Oxford Bibliographies ID, Grove Art Online ID, Maniadb artist ID, Maniadb album ID, Swiss Timber Bridges, PO ID, Wikipedia Library partner ID, InciWeb, HLTV ID, Les roses cultivées à l'Haÿ en 1902 ID, Swedish Riksdag document, Church of Jesus Christ missionary ID, Church of Jesus Christ pioneer ID, Nauvoo community project ID, Dignity Memorial person ID, Oberwolfach mathematician ID, Unique Street Reference Number, TlF ID, identifiant lobbywatch.ch d'un parlementaire, identifiant Manioc livre, Bibliothèque Digital des Caraïbes, identifiant Manioc périodique, AlloCiné theater ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: no statements/enwiki
- Newest properties:
- Development
- It is now possible to search for EntitySchema pages using a shortcut “E:”, similar to “P:” for Properties and “L:” for Lexemes. For example: E:E10 or E:kakapo. T245529
- Continued working on the first version of Federation, which will allow other Wikibase installations to use Wikidata's Properties - getting closer to a first testable version
- More work on consistency of user interface components
- Finalizing the click-dummy for the first version of the Query Builder so we can start testing it with some editors soon and get feedback.
- Continuing to investigate how to improve our APIs and other ways to improve access to the data in Wikidata for programmers
- Discussed the future of the Wikidata Query Service and ideas for next steps we can take to make it scale better. Guillaume will join the next office hour to talk about it.
- More work on clearer separation of Wikibase repository and Wikibase client code in order to improve maintainability
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 因为有一些用户在部分计划看到他们似乎登入了其他人的账户,每个人的账户都被登出。问题现在应该已经修正。 [41]
- 有一些读者没有看到页面的新编辑。如果页面已经被更改,他们亦会看到旧版本。这只会影响没有登入的读者。这个问题已经持续了十天且已被修复。 [42]
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2020年6月29日 (一) 16:31 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #423

- Events
- Past: Wikidata Parliament of Ghana contest launch (replay)
- Upcoming: Biohackathon 2020 Barcelona 2020 November 9th - 13th The accepted wikidata related proposal: Knowledge graphs and wikidata subsetting
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #20, July 12
- Upcoming: Celtic Knot conference, July 9-10, including several sessions about Wikidata, a Wikidata helpdesk
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Why Ariadne uses Getty AAT over Wikidata
- Video: LIVE Wikidata editing #10 - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Ptable displays the periodic table automatically extracted from information provided by Wikidata; it also provides a check that all the elements are there with some basic properties. Additional pages provide charts of the nuclides under different criteria such as half-life. Each element or nuclide is linked to its Wikidata item for more information or to edit if necessary.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Abstract Wikipedia was approved.
- OpenRefine 3.4 beta 2 was released.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Open Data portal, theorised by, DOI formatter, set in environment, academic appointment
- External identifiers: House Divided ID, thefreedictionary medical term ID, People's Representative Council of Indonesia ID, Grove Art Online ID, Supreme Court of Sweden case number, KBpedia ID, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency OBJECTID, Oxford Bibliographies ID, Swiss Timber Bridges ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: taxon synonym string, PM20 subject code, PM20 geo code, number of downloads, Interactive element, course, Zoning symbol, vanDerWaalsConstant, has pattern
- External identifiers: AlloCiné theater ID, Cistercian Biography Online ID, Pitchfork artist ID, Archive Of Our Own tag, Austrian encyclopedia of music online, Swiss Tunnel ID, ANZSRC 2020 FoR ID, CPJF ID, TripAdvisor ID 2, Wien Kulturgut: Kunstwerke im öffentlichen Raum ID, public transport stop, Homebrew formula name, Offizielle Deutsche Charts song ID, British Museum object ID, ToS;DR service numerical identifier, code EHESS d'une commune, IAPH code, ProtonDB video game ID
- Query examples:
- France has a new Prime Minister: see the list of all ministers in French history (very long scroll). If you want to know more, see this notebook
- Open data portals in Wikidata (using the newly created property Open Data portal (P8402))
- Objects that are named after people on Wikidata (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on the consistent design system (Phabricator board)
- More work on decoupling the different Wikibase extensions from each other
- Polishing the first step of Federation (using Wikidata's Properties in another Wikibase installation) (incl. preventing users from selecting a federated property with a non-supported data type (phab:T252012) and preventing users from accessing Special:NewProperty when federation is enabled (phab:T255576) and viewing a list of all properties when federation is enabled (phab:T246339))
- Continuing research and interviews around the topic of making it easier to access Wikidata's data for programmers
- Doing first testing of mockups and prototypes of the first version of the Query Builder - coding can start soon
- Convert a few properties from string to external identifier: Linguasphere code (P1396), KOATUU identifier (P1077) and ISIN (P946)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- The Score extension has been disabled for now. This is because of a security issue. It will work again as soon as the security issue has been fixed. [43]
- Abstract Wikipedia是个新的维基媒体计划,它收集不基于语言的资讯以让您可以方便地以任何语言阅读。它基于维基数据来建立,名称仅是初步决定,您可以了解详情。 [44]
- iOS维基百科应用程序的开发人员正在考虑新的实验性工具,如果您使用iPhone,您可以回答这份问卷来帮助他们。
- 一些对使用者签名的规则即将实施,使用者签名将不能再有Lint错误和包含一些无效的HTML,嵌套替换引用也不允许,必须包含到使用者页面、使用者讨论页或使用者贡献页之一的连结。您可以检查您的签名是否在新的规则下有效。这是为了解决签名对工具或页面上其他文字所造成的问题。
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年7月6日 (一) 20:18 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #424

- Events
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: New co-facilitator introductions and tools for editathons, 14 July. Agenda
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #12, 18 July Facebook, YouTube
- Past: Celtic Knot Wikimedia language conference, online, July 9-10. Videos, documentation and slides of sessions are accessible from the program page.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Using OpenRefine with Wikidata for the first time, by Addshore
- Using Wikidata in Mathematica and Wolfram, by Toni Schindler
- Fostering the presence of museums on Wikipedia and Wikidata, by Debora Lopomo
- Extending the Met’s reach with Wikidata, by Jennie Choi
- Wikidata-related videos from the Celtic Knot Conference:
- Wikidata and how you can use it to support minority languages (Mohammed Sadat)
- Wikidata-powered infoboxes (Pau Cabot)
- Hands-on Wikidata and lexicographical data (Nicolas Vigneron and Léa Lacroix)
- FAIR linguistic data thanks to norm data – Wikidata as part of the research project VerbaAlpina (Christina Mutter)
- Sámi placenames on Wikidata (Jon Harald Søby)
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - Wikidata editing #11 Facebook, YouTube
- Video: Introducing the Wikidata powered Dictionary of Welsh Biography timeline (Jason Evans), YouTube
- Video: Diving into Wikidata workshop (Will Kent), YouTube
- Video: Linked data for libraries with Wikibase, Infrastructure track (Jens Ohlig), YouTube
- Tool of the week
- DragNDrop.js makes it possible to show a Wikipedia article and drag items to Wikidata.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Dowker-Thistlethwaite name
- External identifiers: AlloCiné theater ID, Maniadb artist ID, Group Properties wiki ID, Oberwolfach mathematician ID, Archive Of Our Own tag, GameBanana video game ID, Spanish Olympic Committee athlete ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Image link, numeric ID, peak bagging classification, vanDerWaalsConstantA, vanDerWaalsConstantB, road name formatter, road number formatter, Medical Service, Ofsted inspection rating, OpenStreetMap numeric user ID, traffic sign template image, Vietnamese middle name
- External identifiers: Wiki Loves Earth Ukraine identifier, OHM Relation ID, Filmstarts title ID, UK Research and Innovation person ID, SmallGroup ID, Personendatenbank Germania Sacra ID, SAH Archipedia building ID, SAH Archipedia architect ID, Our Campaigns candidate ID, VPE railway line ID, Churches in Limburg, The Draft Review ID, ANZSCO 2013 ID, ANZSOC ID, ASCRG ID, Encyclopédie berbère, 雑志コード, OpenStreetMap user name, National Registry of Exonerations Case ID, Svenska Akademiens Ordbok ID, QLD Biota ID, Australian Weed ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Continued building out documentation for Federated Properties (phabricator:T255651) and making interface improvements to the first stage of the feature (incl. phabricator:T246886, changes to special pages that interact with both Items/Properties, and phabricator:T255581, changes to Special:ListDataTypes when federation is enabled)
- More work on the consistent design system
- More work on decoupling the different Wikibase extensions from each other to make development easier
- Finalizing research and interviews to better understand what could be improved in the way developers access Wikidata's data (APIs, SPARQL)
- Testing the first prototype of the Simple Query Builder with some editors to get final input before coding starts
- Sorting of language links on Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects was broken (presumably by a change in MediaWiki core). A fix is being worked on. (phabricator:T257625)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 没有使用特定语言的维基可以使用翻译页面。有时一部分的翻译可能过时或缺少,过时的翻译将以粉红色背景来标记。缺少的翻译在未来也将被标记。这个标记可能破坏某些版面,将很快地能使用
<translate nowrap></translate>
来停用这个。 [48] MediaWiki新版本将于7月14日部署至测试维基及MediaWiki.org,7月15日部署至非维基百科站点及部分维基百科,7月16日部署至所有站点,参见日历。
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年7月13日 (一) 16:30 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #425

- Discussions
- New request for comments: General semi protection for all property pages
- Events
- Upcoming: The First Wikidata Workshop: Second Call for Papers. Papers due: August 10, 2020 | Workshop date: October 29, 2020
- Upcoming: next Wikidata office hour, July 21st at 16:00 UTC (18:00 CEST) in the Wikidata Telegram group. Query Service special with guests from WMF Search Team.
- Upcoming: Wikidata Lab XXIV: Posicionamento digital relativo with Ederporto - July 23 17:00 UTC (14:00 BRT). In this technical training, we'll study the possibilities and functionalities of relative digital positioning in images and do practical activities on this topic using historical photographs of the city of São Paulo. The event will be held in Portuguese. Join us!
- Upcoming video: July 21 - Wikipedia Weekly Network - Entity Schemas and Shape Expressions (ShEx) Facebook YouTube
- Upcoming video: July 25 - Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #13 Facebook YouTube
- Upcoming: Kidok-Workshop, online workshop about church building data. In German, non-native users welcome. Currently looking for a date in the upcoming week and people to help!
- Upcoming video: Beyond Wikipedia - Knowledge that even a computer can understand. July 22, 2020 at 17:00 UTC. In this talk, Zbyszko Papierski will present Wikidata Query Service as one way that developers can interact with Wikidata.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities botany pilot using Wikidata QIDs
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #11 Facebook, YouTube
- Video: Wikispore Day, including an interview of Denny Vrandečić about Abstract Wikipedia at 34'00
- Video: Merging elements on Wikidata (in Italian) - YouTube
- Video: Wikibase Ecosystem - taking Wikidata further (by Lydia Pintscher), YouTube
- Tool of the week
- User:Frettie/consistency_check_add.js check consistency and add missing relations of a Wikidata object like father/son...
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Breaking change: removing special pageterms behavior on repo wikis, use entityterms instead (relevant for people using pageterms submodule of the query API module on Wikibase repository wikis)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: version control system, interactive elements, course, peak bagging classification, public transport stop, descriptive solubility, applies if regular expression matches, energy consumption per transaction, content partnership category, Van Der Waals Constant a, Van Der Waals Constant b
- External identifiers: Spanish Olympic Committee athlete ID, EHESS ID of a French commune, OpenHistoricalMap relation ID, IAPH code, Knot Atlas identifier, Knotinfo identifier, Swiss Tunnel ID, Wien Kulturgut: Kunstwerke im öffentlichen Raum ID, Österreichisches Musiklexikon Online ID, Swedish Riksdag document ID, Artprice artist ID, AnyDecentMusic album ID, SAH Archipedia architect ID, Personendatenbank Germania Sacra ID, Cistercian Biography Online ID, Digital Library of the Caribbean ID, Homebrew formula name, Our Campaigns candidate ID, UK Research and Innovation person ID, Unique Street Reference Number, Benerail station ID, Churches in Limburg, Vmusic.bg artist ID, US Quaternary Fault ID, ASCRG 2016 ID, ANZSOC 2011 ID, ANZSCO 2013 ID, Political Graveyard politician ID, SAH Archipedia building ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: BTI Status Index, BTI Governance Index, lyricsmule, number of majors offered, nationality (cultural identity), image of view, web interface software
- External identifiers: Native Plants Database ID, Český hudební slovník osob a institucí ID, OpenCritic critic ID, DATAtourisme ID, ASCCEG 2019 ID, AHECC 2017 ID, ANZSIC 2006 ID, Unsplash User ID, South Africa EMIS code, Denkmaldatenbank Thurgau ID, HLTV Player ID, HLTV Team ID, SÚKL code, Nomenclature de tous les noms de rosiers, Science Fiction Awards Database author id, Fototeka person ID, Henrik Ibsen skrifter ID
- Query examples:
- Painters in Wikidata with the surname Ruiz (Source)
- Cities with female mayor (Source)
- MPs in the current UK parliament with identified mythical ancestors (Source)
- Indian subcontinent rail lines (Source)
- List of countries by age of the head of government (Source)
- Cities of the United States between 100,000 and 600,000 inhabitants with the counties and states they are located in (Source)
- Newest database reports: list of 1000, 2000 (without statements) and 10000 (filtered) random items
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on the consistent design system
- More work on decoupling the different Wikibase extensions from each other to make development easier:
- load WikibaseClient through the JSON file (phab:T257435),
- decoupling Client from Lib/Repo in the JavaScript code (phab:T256054),
- reduce the uses of Repo classes (phab:T255885, phab:T255882)
- Move all the special pages (phab:T257444), API modules (phab:T257443) and hooks (phab:T257445) from the PHP entry point to the JSON file
- Merge the registration of WikibaseLib into the Repo and Client extensions (phab:T257432) and merge WikibaseView into Repo (phab:T258043)
- Prepare the first development phase for the Simple Query Builder
- Reference game: run a scraper, work on a dashboard that will gives an overview of the potential references that have already been judged in the game
- Fix a bug related to maximum limit of search results (phab:T256885)
- Resolve some configuration issues regarding Entity Sources (phab:T254315)
- Federated Properties:
- Changes to special pages that interact with both items/properties when federation is enabled (phab:T246886)
- Changes to Special:ListDatatypes when federation is enabled (phab:T255581)
- Add new monolingual language codes: mic (Miꞌkmaq), gil (Kiribati)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- A temporary fix helped wikis make their main pages more mobile friendly. This was in 2012. It has not been recommended since 2017. The mobile main page special casing stopped working 14 July. 60 wikis now have main pages that don't work well on mobile. You can see which ones, how to fix it and how to get help in Phabricator. This is the same problem that was reported in Tech News 2020/24 and 2020/26.
- There is a problem with the interlanguage links. The interlanguage links are the links that help you find a specific page in a different language. The sorting is broken. The developers are working on a solution. [53]
- Some users keep getting the notifications for the same event. Some of these are old events. [54]
- Some users have trouble logging in. This is probably a browser cookie problem. The developers are working on understanding the problem. If you have trouble logging in you can see the details on Phabricator. [55]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 21 July. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 22 July. It will be on all wikis from 23 July (calendar).
Future changes
- There is a
link. This will disappear. That is because web browsers today can create a printable version or show how it will look in print anyway. [56]
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2020年7月20日 (一) 19:11 (UTC)
- 《共识》:新增〈提案讨论及公示时间〉一节,明文制定公示的规则。(讨论纪录)
- 《方针与指引》:新增〈修订方针指引要注意的事情〉一节。(讨论纪录)
- 《关注度》:修订〈通用关注度指引〉,大幅简化“来源”一项之定义。(讨论纪录)
- 《关闭存废讨论指引》:修订〈页面存废讨论关闭的规则〉章节中第二条第四款及第七条条文。(讨论纪录)
- 《非原创研究》:修订〈日常计算〉一节内容,更加清楚地定义日常计算的范围。(讨论纪录)
- 《快速保留》:修订〈应用〉章节的第二项,并将其应用涵盖范围的“包括”改为“包括但不限于”。(讨论纪录)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Starter kit is now available for wiki communities. This page lists technical resources, tools, and recommendations. These are essential to operate a wiki project. This is mostly useful for smaller wikis where the community has limited experience with this. [57]
- The first features of the Desktop Improvements project are available for logged-in users on all wikis. In order to use them, uncheck 使用旧版Vector in your local or global preferences in section 皮肤设置. More improvements are planned. Feedback is welcome.
On multiple wikis, a UTCLiveClock gadget is available. For wikis that import the gadget directly from mediawiki.org, end users can now choose a different timezone to show instead of UTC.
The deployment train for MediaWiki has been blocked this week. [58][59]
- Translation Notification Bot was sending the same message multiple times to every translator. This has been fixed. [60]
- Some users were receiving the same notification multiple times. This has been fixed. [61]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from July 28. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from July 29. It will be on all wikis from JUly 30 (calendar).
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2020年7月27日 (一) 13:53 (UTC)
- 在7月23日星期四的17:50至17:59 UTC之间,Wikidata Query Service的所有查询都失败了,有些查询在更长的时间段上失败。 [62]
- 在过去的几周,跨语言链接的顺序错误,此问题已在两周前的技术新闻中提到,现已修复。 [63]
- 全局偏好设定的“使用旧版Vector”选项目前有问题,开发人员正在进行修复。 [64]
- 在维基共享资源上,Wikibase扩充功能中的一个错误导致“移动”和“建立”保护类型在主要(Gallery)命名空间中被停用,无法设定新的保护,现存的保护也无法作用,导致允许了某些原本不应被允许的页面移动和建立。现已修复。 [65]
- 影片播放器将变得更简单、更现代,目前的测试版功能将在本周成为维基百科以外的维基上所有人使用的影片播放器,旧版播放器将移除。 [66]
- 使用者的
页面即将也在移动版网站上载入,您可以阅读说明文件来了解如何避免将样式套用到移动版外观上。 [67] MonoBook外观上的
变数行为被修改。 [68]MediaWiki新版本将于8月4日部署至测试维基及MediaWiki.org,8月5日部署至非维基百科站点及部分维基百科,8月6日部署至所有站点,参见日历。
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年8月3日 (一) 15:43 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- FileImporter and FileExporter became standard features on all Wikis during the first week of August. They help you transfer files from local wikis to Wikimedia Commons with the original file information and history intact. [69]
- The mobile skin displays a message at the bottom of the page about who edited last. This message showed raw wikitext. This has now been fixed. Some messages in Structured Discussions and content translation may still appear as raw wikitext. Developers are working on it. [70]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from August 11. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from August 12. It will be on all wikis from August 13 (calendar).
Future changes
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on September 1. This is planned between 13:30 and 15:30 UTC. More information will be published in Tech News and will also be posted on individual wikis in the coming weeks. [71][72]
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2020年8月10日 (一) 16:06 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #429

- Discussions
- Closed requests for adminship: Hazard-SJ, Gnoeee, Wagino 20100516 (all successful)
- New request for comments: How (un)important is preserving the historic character of an item?
- Events
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #26, August 23
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Video: Editing Wikidata with information from Son jarocho (in Spanish). YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Entity Explosion: a new multilingual Chrome browser extension. "Taking the power of Wikidata with me wherever I go across the web!". Uses API calls to the Wikidata Query Service to match the URL you are browsing on to a Wikidata item, and then displays data and links to other sites about the same entity. (Video)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Bridge v1 will be deployed on Catalan Wikipedia on August 18th
- New description and screenshots for the Simple Query Builder project, feedback welcome
- Help:Dataset sizing
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: alternative form
- External identifiers: Henrik Ibsen writings ID, RKD thesaurus ID, TCLF ID, Sculptures and cities database ID for sculptures, Manioc book ID, Presence compositrices ID of composer, Offizielle Deutsche Charts song ID, ToS;DR service numerical identifier, Have I Been Pwned breach ID, Unsplash User ID, EIB project ID, ANZSRC 2020 FoR ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: latest start date, earliest end date, Number of votes after transferring, map URL, type of archaeological site, record number, front and back matter
- External identifiers: Sports-Reference.com college football school ID, Panteono de edukado.net, LSG local body code, MobyGames attribute ID, Dictionary of Occupational Titles ID, Frauen in Bewegung 1848–1938, Anais do Museu Paulista article ID, Dictionary of Occupational Titles Code (fourth edition, revised), Proballers player ID, Linked Open Data Cloud identifier, Chrome Webstore extension ID, CTHS publication ID, LBS Physical ID, GBIF occurence ID
- Query examples:
- Largest collections of Picasso content (Source). The National Gallery of Art holds the most with 303 objects
- Bubble chart of snooker world champions (Source)
- Map of streets in Tillydrone named after WW2 military leaders (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixed a bug where a length limit for strings seems to have reverted itself back from 1500 to its default 400 (phabricator:T259440)
- Fixed a bug that Wikibase is not always adding &redirect=no in situations when MediaWiki usually does (phabricator:T255387)
- Wrapping up the initial work on the design system so it is ready for use in the first new feature (Query Builder)
- Fixed the serialization of statements on Forms and Senses not containing the datatype (phabricator:T249206)
- Wrapping up work on the first version of Federated Properties so that other Wikibase installations can use Wikidata's Properties instead of having to maintain their own
- Worked on ensuring the data from the linked data interface at Special:EntityData is always up to date after an edit has been made (phabricator:T128486)
- Enabling clients to use Lua to request labels, descriptions and aliases in some (often minority) languages even when they are not content languages (phabricator:T259340, phabricator:T260118)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 如果您透过撤销连结来回退编辑,您的编辑会标记
标签;现在起只有您没有在发布前修改编辑框内的任何内容才会标记,这是为了防止使用者实际上进行其他操作的编辑被标记为撤销。 [73] - 新的OOUI版本将无法在Internet Explorer 8上运作,这表示维基将在Internet Explorer 8上看起来奇怪而且无法运作地很好。这已在2020年第17期技术新闻中提过,要让维基在非常旧的浏览器上运作将会导致其他问题。 [74]
技术新闻由技术新闻作者制作并由MediaWiki信息递送送达 • 贡献 • 翻译 • 获取帮助 • 提供反馈 • 订阅或退订。
2020年8月17日 (一) 20:41 (UTC)
2020年8月24日 (一) 17:59 (UTC)
2020年8月31日 (一) 20:10 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
- Normally pages can be moved to a title that has no existing page yet or to a page that has only one revision, which is a redirect to the page to be moved. A new user right allows editors to move pages over one-revision pages that redirect to anywhere. [79]
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 8 September. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 9 September. It will be on all wikis from 10 September (calendar).
All MediaWiki API modules will now use
instead ofwatch
. This was inconsistent before. [80]
Future changes
- The Wikipedia Android app team might work on patrolling tools in the future. You can let them know what tools would be useful for you or for less experienced patrollers. See the page on mediawiki.org.
- OTRS will be updated to a new version. This will probably take around two days. OTRS agents will not have access to the system during these days. Emails that come in during the update will be delivered when the update is done. The plan is to start around 08:00 UTC on 14 September. This could change. [81]
- The Wikipedia Android app will send push notifications if users want them. This could help you see for example when someone wrote on your talk page or your edit was reverted. This will need Google Play Services to work. It will also be possible to get the app without Google Play Services but push notifications will not work. Google Play Services is also used to make the app work for Android 4.4 users. [82][83]
Wikimedia code review could move to GitLab. It would be hosted on Wikimedia servers. You can take part in the consultation.
Dropdown menus in the Vector skin use a
class. This will not work in the future. Scripts can usenav ul
will also not work. Some scripts need to be updated. You can read more in Phabricator.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2020年9月7日 (一) 15:59 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #433

- Discussions
- New request for comments: Alternate disclosure policy
- Events
- Past: The Workshop On Open Citations And Open Scholarly Metadata 2020 took place in Bologna and online on September 9 and included a talk State of WikiCite in 2020, available on Zenodo via doi:10.5281/zenodo.4019954.
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, September 15 at 18:00 CEST
- Upcoming: Wikidata birthday organizers call, September 16th at 13:00 UTC/GMT
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #20: Facebook, YouTube, September 19
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #30, September 20
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Video: Youtuber Tom Scott tries to answer the question What Is The Best Thing?, using Wikidata to curate a collection of "things", and an online poll for people to vote on those things.
- "Our admiration for Wikidata and for the people who work with it knows no bounds. Having a single source of well modelled, massively interlinked, well managed data that anyone can query at the press of a button is a real thing of wonder." - says the UK Parliament data team
- Houcemeddine Turki, et al. (2020). Using logical constraints to validate information in collaborative knowledge graphs: a study of COVID-19 on Wikidata (Zenodo Preprint).
- Video: Wikidata basics short videos by Wikimedian in Residence at University of Edinburgh (YouTube)
- Video: Creating a Mix'n'Match set for Queensland Biota on Wikidata - YouTube
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #19: Cradle and colours in queries. Facebook, YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Mbabel is a tool that simplifies article creation by providing pre-made sentences based on Wikidata statements.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The consultation phase for the Wikimedia movement Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) is in progress until 6 October 2020. The UCoC drafting committee wants to learn which parts of the draft would present challenges for you or your work. What is missing from this draft? What do you like, and what could be improved?
- All the lists of languages used on Wikidata: feel free to improve this draft documentation page.
- The Wikidata development team is seeking to evaluate and improve the process of collecting and reacting to bug reports and feature requests. You can give feedback about your experience using this anonymous form until September 30th or add feedback publically to Wikidata talk:Contact the development team/Process review 2020.
- WikiMap, a tool by User:DB111 that maps geocoded images from Commons and Wikipedia articles, now supports Wikidata items as well (Q99232292)
- Wikidata QID's are approaching 9 digits. Now is the time to fix any code or schemas that assume that Q numbers are smaller than 9 characters.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: aerial view, ride height, category for the exterior of the item, axle track
- External identifiers: Anais do Museu Paulista article ID, Legacies of British Slave-ownership place ID, Wisconsin Historical Society NRHP ID, Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe ID, Jewish Encyclopedia ID, Grove Music Online ID, Hikr waypoint ID, DIL ID, Seattle Art Museum ID, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art artwork ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: expansion of, Oakeshott typology, Slack URL, TDD number, Hill size, K point, number of negative votes, number of support votes
- External identifiers: Historic Montana ID, KHRI ID, KinoWiki ID, BD Gest' series ID, Portugal. Dicionário Histórico ID, Discord username, China Treaty Database ID, Discord channel, Bollywood Hungama movie, NMC Heritage ID, identifiant d'un artiste département des arts graphiques du musée du Louvre, SPoT skater ID, Canadian Women Artists History Initiative ID, Lambiek Special pages, Lambiek comic magazines, Rheinland-Pfälzische Personendatenbank ID, Delft municipal monument ID
- Query examples:
- Shortest path of descent from Charlemagne to George Washington, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Elizabeth II
- List of most recent common ancestors (ordered by number of total degrees separated) between George Washington and George W. Bush (9th cousin 8 times removed), George Washington and Barack Obama (12th cousin 9 times removed), George Washington and Elizabeth II (2th consin 7 times removed), George W. Bush and Barack Obama (11th cousin), George W. Bush and Elizabeth II (14th cousin once removed), Barack Obama and Elizabeth II (19th cousin 3 times removed)
- Artists that have recorded songs in several languages, by number of different languages used (Source)
- Average age of companies listed on major indices (Source)
- Basque Country sister cities with world municipalities (Source)
- Map of companies developing/manufacturing a COVID-19 vaccine candidate that is at least in a phase 1 clinical trial (Source)
- Map of mountains in Austria showing their heights; from red for the lowest through green to black for the highest (Source)
- Top World Heritage sites by number of paintings depicting them (Source)
- Map of sports pitches for team sports that require between 10 and 20 players on the field - Wikidata/OSM query
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixing an error that sometimes causes Wikidata UI to report 2 error messages when saving a sitelink in an Item instead of just one. (phabricator:T260869)
- Development of version one of Federated Properties has concluded! Expect an announcement with timing of the release of this feature soon. Wikibase users who want an early look at the feature are invited to reach out to participate in the pre-release testing round.
- Development of the WikibaseManifest extension has continued into its second sprint; we focused on determining a product specification for the Manifest output.
- Finishing a draft documentation for a REST API to get it ready for a feedback round before implementation.
- Finished improvements to the automated scoring of the quality of Items with ORES. Still need to retrain ORES and deploy the changes before the scores are actually different though.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- The Wikipedia apps briefly showed pages without CSS last week. This meant they looked wrong. It was quickly fixed but cached pages without CSS were shown for a few hours. [84][85]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 15 September. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 16 September. It will be on all wikis from 17 September (calendar).
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2020年9月14日 (一) 16:19 (UTC)
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维基执行主编 | ![]() |
授予人:—屈指行程二萬✨勿忘国耻🔊🔊 2020年9月21日 (一) 08:50 (UTC)
- 另外建议您适时存档对话页。--屈指行程二萬✨勿忘国耻🔊🔊 2020年9月21日 (一) 08:50 (UTC)