
用戶:Vanished user 1231123/沙盒/TS25

Nintendo Power
File:Nintendo Power.jpg
總編輯史蒂夫·托馬森(Steve Thomason)
歷任編輯克里斯·斯萊特(Chris Slate)
編輯者菲爾·賽博爾德(Phil Theobald)
發行量475,000 (2012)[1]

— 期數

2012年12月11日 (2012-12-11)


公司任天堂 (1988–2007)4
未來美國英語Future US (2007–2012)
OCLC 編號760783416

任天堂力量》(英語:Nintendo Power)是一部起初只在任天堂內部出版的新聞和雜誌月刊,之後獨立出版。《任天堂力量》出版的創刊號是1988年6月/8月,主打遊戲是NES(美版FC)上的《超級馬里奧兄弟2》。2007年12月,任天堂將出版權交易給英國出版商未來(Future)的美國子公司未來美國英語Future US[2]此前它是在美國和加拿大地區最長壽的電子遊戲雜誌之一,更是任天堂在北美的官方雜誌。

2012年8月21日,任天堂宣佈將不再會與未來出版社(Future Publishing)續約,意味着《任天堂力量》將於首次出版的第24年的2012年12月停刊。[1][3] The final issue, volume 285, was released on December 11, 2012.[4] Nintendo Power officially returned on December 20, 2017 as a podcast.



《任天堂力量》由任天堂美洲市場經理蓋爾·蒂爾登(Gail Tilden)於1988年創刊。[5]《任天堂力量》之前的是免費贈送俱樂部成員的數頁長任天堂歡樂俱樂部英語Nintendo Fun Club新聞》Nintendo Fun Club News)。[6]然而在1988年中期,《任天堂歡樂俱樂部新聞》由於7個問題而停刊,間接地促進了《任天堂力量》的發展。[7]第一個問題出現於1988年7月/8月,這一刊過度突出了紅白機遊戲超級馬里奧兄弟USA。此問題中,一共出版了360萬份雜誌,每位任天堂歡樂俱樂部成員都收到了一份免費雜誌。



2007年9月19日日,任天堂官方宣佈大型雜誌出版商未來美國英語Future US將會發行《任天堂力量》。未來美國的首次發行在10月的第222刊(2007年9月)。更換出版商之後每年將會出版13期,額外出版的雜誌為假日季刊。《任天堂力量》於2011年停止發行假日季刊。[8]

2012年8月21日,任天堂選擇停止與未來出版社英語Future US續約,這意味着《任天堂力量》24年的出版歷史將被終結。最後一刊於2012年12月出版。資深編輯克里斯·霍夫曼(Chris Hoffman)稱他的下屬將會「盡力地使最後一期令人難忘」 。據報道,任天堂並沒有參與將雜誌網絡化的討論中。[9][10]



File:Cover of final Nintendo Power issue.png
The final issue of Nintendo Power, paying homage to the first issue's cover picture

雜誌起初由歡樂俱樂部「主席」霍華德·菲利普斯英語Howard Phillips (video gaming)(Howard Phillips)編輯,他自己也是一個狂熱的玩家。《歡樂俱樂部新聞》只專注於任天堂內部製作的遊戲,《任天堂力量》作為一部允許評價由任天堂授權的廠商遊戲(如科樂美卡普空等)的刊物橫空出世。1980和1990年代早期《任天堂力量》的吉祥物任天堂力量,一個由菲利普(Phillips)製作的漫畫角色。在菲利普離開任天堂之後,內斯特(Nester)成為雜誌唯一的吉祥物。雜誌早期有着兩頁的《霍華德和尼斯特》(Howard and Nester)漫畫,而之後又被兩頁漫畫《尼斯特的冒險》(Nester's Adventures)所取代,但之後減少到了一頁,最終完全消失。隨後,馬里奧取代內斯特成為了雜誌的吉祥物。在2000年代早期,資深編輯 艾蘭·埃芙莉爾(Alan Averill)又為雜誌製作了另外一個吉祥物。起初的埃芙莉爾面對鏡頭非常害羞,他從未在任何一張照片中露面過;他更願意用《勇者鬥惡龍》的史萊姆來替代他的出現。粉絲要求看埃芙莉爾真容的呼聲越來越大,但雜誌繼續用玩具來替代他的出現,甚至聲稱艾蘭實際上是一隻藍色的史萊姆。最終,埃芙莉爾從《任天堂力量》中退休,加入了任天堂美洲本地化部門。至今,大多數粉絲仍未見過埃芙莉爾的真容。2005年上半年早期,玩家脈搏部分出現了一張T先生(Mr.T)的照片。在雜誌出版的後期中,查克·諾里斯本人和克里斯·謝潑德(Chris Shepperd)開支的笑料成為了經典笑話。


Following the release of the 超級任天堂, the magazine featured lengthy, continuous comic stories based on Super Mario World and 薩爾達傳說 眾神的三角神力. After these stories ended, they were replaced by similar multi-issue stories based on 星際火狐系列, 超級銀河戰士, and later on, 任天堂64 games such as Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire英語Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (video game) and Blast Corps.英語Blast Corps. Comics based on the animated series of 精靈寶可夢系列 and 星之卡比 (動畫) also made several appearances. Toward the end, short excerpts based on Custom Robo英語Custom Robo and 合金裝備 (1998年遊戲) are featured, as well as a very short 銀河戰士Prime comic, and one based on the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon英語Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games translated from the original Japanese version.

Official Guides from Nintendo Power


Nintendo Power produced a series of strategy magazines called Official Guides from Nintendo Power. The first one is simply called The Official Nintendo Player's Guide英語The Official Nintendo Player's Guide. Since Nintendo Power switched from a bi-monthly magazine to a monthly magazine in May 1990, every other issue is a strategy guide focused on a single game. Only four such strategy guides were released. Nintendo then outsourced production of official guides to 普莉瑪遊戲.

Spin-off magazines


During 2001, Nintendo Power released a spin-off semi-magazine named Nintendo Power Advance, featuring the Game Boy Advance and its games. A copy of the first issue was given complimentary to subscribers in addition to being sold at newsstands. Four issues of Nintendo Power Advance were printed, the last of which serves as a strategy guide for 超級瑪利歐世界.[來源請求]

With the release of Pokémon for the Game Boy, Nintendo Power includes six mini-issues of Pokémon Power mainly featuring tips and strategies for the game.

In 1989, a smaller version of the magazine called Pocket Power was distributed at movie theaters showing The Wizard英語The Wizard (film).[13]



Nester is the long-time teenage 吉祥物 and comic strip star of Nintendo Power. Nester was created by Howard Phillips英語Howard Phillips (video gaming), "President" of the Nintendo Fun Club and a former editor of Nintendo Power, to be the supporting character in his comic strip, Howard & Nester. The comic strips generally advertised new games, often by dream sequences where Nester was actually a given video game character. From 1989 to 1993, The Nintendo Power Awards featured Nester-shaped trophies and were referred to in the magazine as the "Nesters" as a reference to the 奧斯卡金像獎.

In the June 1991 issue (Volume 25), Phillips was written out of the strip after his real-life counterpart left Nintendo to work for LucasArts. The strip was retitled Nester's Adventures the following issue and continued publication until Volume 55 (December 1993). Nester, now as a college student, appeared in Nintendo Power issue #100.[14] He is seen again in issue #231, the magazine's twentieth anniversary, here a grown man with a son new to Nintendo.[14] Nester's final appearance in Nintendo Power is in the final issue, Volume 285, in a comic titled "Nester & Max", where he is seen reading and lamenting the final issue.[15] He is then reminded by his son that, "None of this is really going away, is it? I mean, Nintendo Power had a great run and you've got it all right here. It's like when you finish a great game - you're kind of sad to see it end, but really proud and happy, too. You know what I see when I look at this final issue? 100% completion."[來源請求]

Nester had also been featured in a few video games that were released while the character was still featured in the magazine. His first appearance was as a commentator in NES Play Action Football英語NES Play Action Football. Other appearances include the ending of To the Earth英語To the Earth. Nester was the main character in Nester's Funky Bowling英語Nester's Funky Bowling for the Virtual Boy, which also introduced his sister Hester. The character of Lark in Pilotwings 64英語Pilotwings 64 for the 任天堂64 was based on Nester.[16] Several games for the NES featured the name "NESTER" as one of the pre-set names on high-score lists, or a default character name such as in To the Earth. The original 紅白機 release of 勇者鬥惡龍系列 references both Howard and Nester through character dialog, however this was removed in the later Game Boy Color version. He is mentioned in one line of dialogue in the game StarTropics. A 可下載內容 microgame in WarioWare D.I.Y.英語WarioWare D.I.Y. created by Nintendo Power called Funky Boxing (a loose reference to Nester's Funky Bowling英語Nester's Funky Bowling) does not have any apparent references to the character, but if the game is opened in the editor, the player's boxer is named "NESTER."[17]


Nintendo Power
類型Entertainment, talk
集數2 (截至2018年1月26日 (2018-01-26))
播出日期December 20, 2017
網址Nintendo Power

On December 20, 2017, Nintendo of America announced the official return of Nintendo Power in the form of a podcast, hosted by former Editor-in-Chief of the original magazine, Chris Slate.[18] In the first episode, Slate states that the podcast was a "passion project" for Nintendo and that he wanted Nintendo Power to return. He also acknowledged that the format of that episode was experimental and that the frequency of the series' episodes hasn't been determined.[19] Later in the episode, Slate interviews with the developers of 薩爾達傳說 曠野之息 and discusses the 任天堂Switch.[20]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Kain, Erik. Nintendo Power Magazine Will Cease Publication This December According To Nintendo. Forbes. 23 August 2012 [17 December 2014]. 
  2. ^ Nintendo and Future US Team To Publish Nintendo Power magazine. Future US. 19 September 2007 [17 December 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2 November 2013). 
  3. ^ Mallory, Jordan. Nintendo Power coming to an end. Joystiq. 
  4. ^ John Gaines. Where Have All the Magazines Gone?. Library Point. [March 14, 2016]. 
  5. ^ Harris, Blake J. Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo, and the Battle That Defined a Generation. NY, NY: HarperCollins. 2014: 56, 58. ISBN 978-0-06-227670-4. 
  6. ^ Phillips, Howard. Welcome to the Club. Nintendo Fan Club News. 1987, 1 (1) [17 December 2014]. 
  7. ^ Phillips, Howard. Nintendo Fan Club News #7. Nintendo Fan Club News. July 1988, 2. 
  8. ^ Future officially takes over Nintendo Power. Nintendo Forums. 12 October 2007 [2014-05-21]. 
  9. ^ Jordan Mallory. Nintendo Power coming to an end. Joystiq.com. August 21, 2012 [August 21, 2012]. 
  10. ^ Sarah LeBoeuf. Nintendo Power Ceasing Publication After 24 Years. Escapistmagazine.com. August 21, 2012 [August 21, 2012]. 
  11. ^ THE UNDERWHELMING FATE OF DRAGON WARRIOR. Press The Buttons. [18 December 2014]. 
  12. ^ Parish, Jeremy. The New Dark Age of Dragon Quest. USgamer. 21 August 2013 [20 December 2014]. 
  13. ^ Luke Plunkett. Pocket Power Unearthed. Kotaku. [2009-03-29]. (原始內容存檔於October 12, 2012). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Caoili, Eric. Promotional Consideration: Nester's return. Engadget. June 29, 2008 [December 22, 2017]. 
  15. ^ Webster, Andrew. Link to the past: making Nintendo Power’s final cover. The Verge. December 24, 2012 [December 22, 2017]. 
  16. ^ Nintendo Power: "His handle is Lark, but everyone in class knows this guy is Nester." Nintendo Power. Nintendo of America. September 1996, page 25.
  17. ^ Mario Maze by WADY. 
  18. ^ Nintendo Power Returns As An Official Nintendo Podcast. My Nintendo News. December 21, 2017 [December 21, 2017]. 
  19. ^ McWhertor, Michael. Nintendo Power returns as an official podcast from Nintendo. Polygon. December 21, 2017 [December 22, 2017]. 
  20. ^ Gach, Ethan. Nintendo Power Comes Back In Podcast Form. Kotaku. December 21, 2017 [December 22, 2017] (英語). 

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