
克爾齊尼西戰役(格魯吉亞語:კრწანისის ბრძოლა, 波斯語:نبرد کرتسانیسی )是1795年9月8日至9月11日期間,第比利斯附近爆發的一場戰役。作戰一方是卡爾特利-卡赫蒂王國以及伊梅雷蒂王國,另一方是伊朗崇高國、埃里溫汗國以及占賈汗國。[1] 最終伊朗崇高國獲勝,第比利斯以及格魯吉亞東部地區被伊朗崇高國佔領[2][3][4][5]。
克爾齊尼西戰役是兩次俄伊戰爭(俄伊戰爭 (1804年—1813年)、俄伊戰爭 (1826年—1828年))的導火索。 [6] 兩次戰爭之後,伊朗與俄羅斯帝國簽署古利斯坦條約和土庫曼恰伊條約,將外高加索和達吉斯坦割讓給俄羅斯帝國。[6]
[編輯]- ^ "Tiflis", in: Walter Yust (ed., 1952), The 大英百科全書 - A new survey of universal knowledge.
- ^ David Marshall Lang (1962), A Modern History of Georgia, p. 38.
- ^ Axworthy, Michael. Sword of Persia: Nader Shah, from Tribal Warrior to Conquering Tyrant. I.B.Tauris. 2010: 283.
The Qajars eventually won the struggle, and under Agha Mohammad Khan set about re-establishing Persia's traditional boundaries. Agha Mohammad Khan reconquered Georgia in September 1795.
- ^ Fisher, William Bayne. The Cambridge History of Iran 7. Cambridge University Press. 1991: 128–129.
(...) Agha Muhammad Khan remained nine days in the vicinity of Tiflis. His victory proclaimed the restoration of Iranian military power in the region formerly under Safavid domination.
- ^ Yarshater, Ehsan. Encyclopaedia Iranica 8. Routledge & Kegan Paul. 2010: 72.
(..) Aga Mohammad Khan then proceeded to punish Erekle and capture Tbilisi, which resulted in the bloody conquest of eastern Georgia.
- ^ 6.0 6.1 Fisher et al. 1991,第329-330頁.
[編輯]- Ates, Abdurrahman. A?A MUHAMMED HAN’IN KAFKASYA SEFERLER? VE OSMANLI-?RAN ?L??K?LER? (1795-1797) [A?A MUHAMMED KHAN'S CAUCASIAN EXPEDITIONS AND OTTOMAN-IRAN RELATIONS (1795-1797)]. Karadeniz ?ncelemeleri Dergisi [Journal of Black Sea Studies]. Spring 2014, 8 (16): 49 [2024-03-12]. (原始內容存檔於2020-03-25).
- Hitchins, Keith. EREKLE II. Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vol. VIII, Fasc. 5: 541–542. 1998 [2024-03-12]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-17).
- Fisher, William Bayne; Avery, P.; Hambly, G. R. G; Melville, C. The Cambridge History of Iran 7. Cambridge: 劍橋大學出版社. 1991 [2024-03-12]. ISBN 0521200954. (原始內容存檔於2023-01-13).
- Ioselian, Plato. Malan, Solomon Caesar , 編. A Short History of the Georgian Church. London: Saunders. 1866.
- Mikaberidze, Alexander. Conflict and Conquest in the Islamic World: A Historical Encyclopedia 1. ABC-CLIO. 2011. ISBN 978-1598843361.
- Perry, John. The Zand dynasty. The Cambridge History of Iran, Vol. 7: From Nadir Shah to the Islamic Republic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1991: 63–104. ISBN 9780521200950.
- Suny, Ronald Grigor. The Making of the Georgian Nation. Indiana University Press. 1994. ISBN 978-0253209153.