

威廉·阿斯平瓦爾英語William Aspinwall所著《第五王國派簡述》(1653年)的扉頁

第五王國派(英語:Fifth Monarchists)是英國內戰期間清教徒中最為極端的一派,持有基督教千禧年主義英語Millennialism[1]其名稱來自於《但以理書》中稱四個王國英語Four kingdoms of Daniel(巴比倫、波斯、馬其頓、羅馬)處於基督的王國之前,該派稱1666年及其與聖經中獸名數目的關係表明該年人類的世俗統治將結束,聖經中的第五王國時代即將到來,在此期間基督將統治世界一千年。


該派成員認為1649年1月查理一世被處決標誌着第四王國的結束,並認為護國公時期和1660年斯圖亞特王朝復辟阻止了第五王國的到來。一些人認為,這證明了軍事行動的正當性,這意味着這兩個政權都對他們進行了迫害,這兩個政權從未成為群眾運動。第五王國派殘餘的諸多領導人在參與1661年1月的托馬斯·文內英語Thomas Venner起義後被處決,這組織瓦解。




第五王國派從《但以理書》的四個王國英語Four kingdoms of Daniel中汲取了靈感。這預言了第五王國或神的國將出現在巴比倫、波斯、馬其頓、羅馬之後。追隨者認為,1649年1月查理一世的處決標誌着第四王國或稱羅馬君主制的結束。一些人成為弒君者,因為他們相信國王的死會帶來聖徒王國,或由那些「得救的」人(如第五王國派)統治。這些所謂「聖徒」的作用是讓群眾為耶穌再臨做準備,儘管這究竟何時發生存在爭議。根據《啟示錄》,一些人相信基督會在1666年再臨,這與聖經中獸名數目相對應,而「千年」的說法也很常見。[3]

許多第五王國派支持反律法論,以「得救者」不受十誡約束為由拒絕法律制度,同時他們還認為自己有責任抵制任何阻礙天國降臨的制度。雖然運動最終分裂為反對暴力的「受難聖徒」和主張拿起武器的「起義聖徒」(如托馬斯·文內英語Thomas Venner),但這些信仰使奧利弗·克倫威爾和後來的同時代人將他們視為狂野的革命者和既定秩序的敵人。[4]




總的來說,第五王國派也反對對非新教徒的宗教寬容;與挖掘派等派系不同的是,他們無意結束現有的社會秩序或擴大政治權利,因為他們認為只有「得救者」才有資格掌權。[6]但也有一些例外,如同情平等派克里斯托弗·費克英語Christopher Feake瑪麗·凱里英語Mary Cary (prophetess),後者支持性別平等和扶貧措施;在1654年去世前,她用「MC」這個名字寫作,因此很多人認為她是男性。[7]

第五王國派最初是宗教獨立派的一個派別。獨立派主導了1648年後的殘缺議會,與浸禮派重浸派有着密切聯繫。第五王國派作為一個獨立派別出現的時間通常追溯到1651年12月,當時包括費克、約翰·羅傑斯英語John Rogers (Fifth Monarchist)和約翰·辛普森在內的一群傳教士在倫敦聚會。他們對議會顯然未能推進「上帝革命」感到失望,於是商定了一項行動方案來支持他們的目標,包括積極抵抗共和國政府。[8]

第五王國派主要出身於倫敦手工藝人階層,由於其中包括新模範軍的高級軍官,他們吸引了與其實際人數不相稱的關注。其中包括托馬斯·哈里森少將和羅伯特·奧弗頓英語Robert Overton少將,納撒尼爾·里奇英語Nathaniel Rich (soldier)上校、約翰·瓊斯·梅西加納德英語John Jones Maesygarnedd上校和威廉·戈夫英語William Goffe上校,以及約翰·卡魯英語John Carew (regicide)等高級行政官員。還有許多其他人最初同情他們的觀點,包括克倫威爾和小亨利·文。1653年4月,克倫威爾解散了殘餘議會,第五王國派的政治影響力達到了頂峰,他們因此將他譽為新的摩西[9]

第五王國派還支持克倫威爾對荷蘭共和國的戰爭;儘管這是針對新教徒同胞的,但第五王國派認為,他們有責任將聖徒王國傳播到每個國家,無論是新教還是天主教。[10][b]克倫威爾用一個通常被稱為「小議會」的提名機構取代了殘缺議會;在149名議員中,有15名可以確定為是第五王國派,包括Praise-God Barebone英語Praise-God Barebone、卡魯和哈里森。[12]首次會議於1653年7月開始,但不同派系很快就捲入了關於什一稅的激烈討論中:第五王國派想要廢除而非減少什一稅,並改革法律制度,他們認為法律制度應當完全基於《聖經》中包括的法律。12月8日,佔多數的溫和派通過了一項動議,敦促克倫威爾解散議會,最終導致了16日開始的護國公時期。[13]

該事件的結果是該政權與第五王國派之間的公開衝突:哈里森、奧弗頓和里奇被開除出軍隊,而羅傑斯和費克則攻擊克倫威爾叛教,並向他們的追隨者宣揚叛亂。這導致第五王國派與約翰·卡魯等持有浸信會或重浸派觀點的活動分子分裂,特別是後者反對使用暴力。[14]羅傑斯和費克被逮捕,而政府則對其他成員進行監視,此後,政府採取迫害與寬容交替的方式,試圖分裂運動。這一政策取得了一些成功,羅傑斯、戈夫、約翰·瓊斯·梅西加納德和威爾斯傳教士Morgan Llwyd英語Morgan Llwyd與政府和解。只剩下少數起義者,如文內,他因策划起義於1657年入獄。到他1659年獲釋時,第五王國派已經失去了大部分影響力,不再是一支重要的力量。[15]


伊恩·博恩英語Ian BoneThomas Rainsborough英語Thomas Rainsborough紀念牌匾的安裝儀式上發表講話(2013年5月12日),支持托馬斯·文內和第五王國派。這面旗幟是當時叛亂分子使用的旗幟的複製品。

1660年5月斯圖亞特王朝復辟後,哈里森是第一個被判犯有弒君罪的人,然後於10月13日被處以英式車裂。原因之一是他為反對「不敬虔的統治者」的暴力行為辯護,這意味着他被視為對重建秩序的持續威脅。這一點似乎在1661年1月6日得到了證實,當時文內試圖以「耶穌王」的名義煽動一場民眾起義以佔領倫敦,有50名他的追隨者駐紮在Norton Folgate英語Liberty of Norton Folgate[16]



托馬斯·文內英語Thomas Venner,1661年因叛國罪被處決


  • 第五帝國英語Fifth Empire,一個葡萄牙的千禧年主義教派,也受到《但以理書》中四個王國的啟發


  1. ^ In part due to the lifting of strict censorship laws.
  2. ^ As stated in their 1654 manifesto; "In this present Age, the Lord JEHOVAH is setting up the fifth Kingdom, which shall not be left to other people, but shall break in pieces all the four kingdoms, and remain for ever and ever; and that (at this time) when as the fourth Monarchy is partly broken in these Nations, that Christ may be the only Potentate, the King of kings, and of all Nations."[11]


  1. ^ Capp 1971,第18-19頁.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Keay 2023,第152頁.
  3. ^ Solt 1961,第316頁.
  4. ^ Solt 1961,第318頁.
  5. ^ Capp 1971,第23頁.
  6. ^ Solt 1961,第320-321頁.
  7. ^ Manganiello 2004,第96-97頁.
  8. ^ Keay 2023,第153頁.
  9. ^ Plant.
  10. ^ Solt 1961,第320頁.
  11. ^ Birch 2018,第20頁.
  12. ^ Woolrych 1982,第232頁.
  13. ^ Woolrych 1982,第345頁.
  14. ^ Birch 2018,第25-27頁.
  15. ^ Solt 1961,第323頁.
  16. ^ Sheppard 1957,第15-20頁.
  17. ^ Birch 2018,第32頁.
  18. ^ Haselrig 1661,第3頁.




  • Anon. (1661), A judgment & condemnation of the Fifth-Monarchy-men, their late insurrection. Also, how far the guilt of that fact may justly be imputed to those that are commonly distinguished by the names of Independants, Presbyterians, Anabaptists and Quakers. Set forth in a letter to a friend. By a moderate gentleman. London.[1]
  • Anon. (1661), Londons allarum, or The great and bloody plot of the Fifth-Monarchy-Men discovered being a perfect relation of their most horrid, damnable, treasonable, and tumultuous rising on Sunday night last: with the names of the gentlemen killed and wounded at St. Pauls, Redcross-street, White-Cross, and Bishops-Gate: as also, the manner of their bloody design, their resolution and intentions; and the number of prisoners taken, and committed to New-Gate, the Gate-House, and other places; together with a further discovery of their wicked design; and a perfect narrative of their bloody proceedings on Wednesday morning last. Likewise, a list of the names of these bloody traytors; and the number kill'd ant taken prisoners on both sides, London: Printed for G. Horton, for general satisfaction.[2]
  • Anon. (1661), London's Glory: Or, The Riot and Ruine of the Fifth Monarchy Men, London: Printed for C.D.
  • B, T., Munster parallel'd in the late massacres committed by the Fifth Monarchists, or, Their valley of Achor turned into Akeldama being a continuation of the bloody history of the phanatiques, London: Printed by T.M., 1661, OCLC 13236915 .
  • Banks, Charles, Thomas Venner, the Boston wine-cooper and Fifth-Monarchy man, The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 1893, 47: 437–444 .
  • Brown, Louise Fargo, The Political Activities of the Baptists and Fifth Monarchy Men In England During the Interregnum, American Historical Association, 1913 .
  • Burrage, Champlin, The Fifth Monarchy Insurrections, The English Historical Review, 1910, 25 .
  • Capp, Bernard, A Door of Hope Re-opened: The Fifth Monarchy, King Charles and King Jesus (PDF), Journal of Religious History, 2008, 32 (1): 16–30, doi:10.1111/j.1467-9809.2008.00699.x 
  • Capp, Bernard (1972), The Fifth Monarchy Men: A Study in Seventeenth-Century English Millenarianism, London: Faber.
  • Cartwright, James J. (編), The Memoirs of Sir John Reresby of Thrybergh, 1634-1689, London: Longmans, Green, and Co, 1875 .
  • Dunan-Page, Anne, L'insurrection de Thomas Venner (1661): anglicanisme et dissidence au défi des prophéties, Les Voix de Dieu: Littérature et prophétie en France et en Angleterre à l'Âge baroque, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle: 227–239, 2008 .
  • Farr, David, Fifth Monarchism in Norfolk: Millenarianism and the English Revolution, Norfolk Archaeology, 2015, 47 (2): 170–182 .
  • Farr, David, Major-General Thomas Harrison: Millenarianism, Fifth Monarchism and the English Revolution 1616-1660, Routledge, 2016, ISBN 978-1409465546, doi:10.4324/9781315593227 .
  • Hill, Christopher, The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas During the English Revolution, Penguin, 1984, ISBN 9780140551471 .
  • The last farewel to the rebellious sect called the Fifth Monarchy-men on Wednesday January the ninth. Together with their treacherous proceedings, attempts, combats, and skirmishes at VVoodstreet, Bishopsgate-street, Leaden-Hall, and several other places. With the total dispersing, defeating, and utter ruining of that damnable and seditious sect, London, 1661, OCLC 1170545766 .
  • Maclear, J. F., New England and the Fifth Monarchy: The Quest for the Millennium in Early American Puritanism, William and Mary Quarterly, 1975, 32 (2): 223–260, JSTOR 1921563, doi:10.2307/1921563 .
  • Rogers, Edward, Some Account of the Life and Opinions of a Fifth-Monarchy-Man, Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer, 1867 .
  • Rogers, P. G., The Fifth Monarchy Men, Oxford University Press, 1966, OCLC 491109402 .
  • Venner, Thomas (1660), The last speech and prayer with other passages of Thomas Venner, the chief incourager and promoter of the late horrid rebellion immediately before his execution in Coleman-street on Saturday last being the 19th of Ianuary, 1660 : together with the names of the rest that were condemned for the same fact, London.[3]


  1. ^ Text Creation Partnership. A judgment & condemnation of the Fifth-Monarchy-men, their late insurrection. Also, how far the guilt of that fact may justly be imputed to those that are commonly distinguished by the names of Independants, Presbyterians, Anabaptists and Quakers. Set forth in a letter to a friend. . By a moderate gentleman.. April 2011. 
  2. ^ Londons allarum, or The great and bloody plot of the Fifth-Monarchy-Men discovered being a perfect relation of their most horrid, damnable, treasonable, and tumultuous rising on Sunday night last: with the names of the gentlemen killed and wounded at St. Pauls, Redcross-street, White-Cross, and Bishops-Gate: as also, the manner of their bloody design, their resolution and intentions; and the number of prisoners taken, and committed to New-Gate, the Gate-House, and other places; together with a further discovery of their wicked design; and a perfect narrative of their bloody proceedings on Wednesday morning last. Likewise, a list of the names of these bloody traytors; and the number kill'd ant taken prisoners on both sides.. quod.lib.umich.edu. 5 September 1661 [2024-03-04]. 
  3. ^ The last speech and prayer with other passages of Thomas Venner, the chief incourager and promoter of the late horrid rebellion immediately before his execution in Coleman-street on Saturday last being the 19th of Ianuary, 1660 : together with the names of the rest that were condemned for the same fact.. quod.lib.umich.edu. 5 September 1660 [2024-03-04].