![]() | 本頁是以往討論的存檔。請勿編輯本頁。若您想發起新討論或重啟現有討論,請在當前討論頁進行。 |
There are currently requests for comment open on meta to create two new global groups. The first is a group for members of the OTRS permissions queue, which would grant them autopatrolled rights on all wikis except those who opt-out. That proposal can be found at m:Requests for comment/Creation of a global OTRS-permissions user group. The second is a group for Wikimedia Commons admins and OTRS agents to view deleted file pages through the 'viewdeletedfile' right on all wikis except those who opt-out. The second proposal can be found at m:Requests for comment/Global file deletion review.
We would like to hear what you think on both proposals. Both are in English; if you wanted to translate them into your native language that would also be appreciated.
It is possible for individual projects to opt-out, so that users in those groups do not have any additional rights on those projects. To do this please start a local discussion, and if there is consensus you can request to opt-out of either or both at m:Stewards' noticeboard.
Thanks and regards, Ajraddatz (talk) 2014年10月26日 (日) 18:04 (UTC)嗨各位,當前元維基上有兩個評論請求正在開放討論。第一個有關全域OTRS用戶組權限,這將授予他們任何wiki上的自動巡查權限,除了禁止這樣做的以外。它可以在此處找到。另一個有關維基共享資源管理員和有OTRS訪問權的人在所有wiki授予「viewdeletedfile」權限,除了禁止這樣做的以外。它可以在此處找到。
多謝,祝好!--Liuxinyu970226(留言) 2014年11月1日 (六) 01:05 (UTC)
《黃花崗》雜誌 48 期的文章《「葉公好龍」與民主自由派的朋友們》提到了維基百科,內容是這樣說的:
原文在此。--⚞★⚟ 2014年11月2日 (日) 11:57 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #131

- Events/Blogs/Press
- Wikidata turned 2 on Wednesday! Have a look at the notes from the community and development team and add your note. Also don't forget to check out all the cool presents (a painting, speed improvements, a huge load of unconnected articles that you can help connect via the Wikidata Game, WikidataLDF, a recent changes visualisation)!
- Wikidata II
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata is nominated for 2 Open Data Awards! \o/ Magnus and Lydia will attend the award ceremony next week. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
- Wikidata as the central hub for open life science data
- What is Wikipedia about? Great data viz based on Wikidata
- Super Lachaise, a mobile app based on Wikidata for a cemetery in Paris
- Random items without statements
- Tutorial: How to make a 「descendants of」 timeline using Wikidata
- Updated statistics on the topics with most highly-rated articles on Wikipedia
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: deepest point, Desa code of Indonesia, Slovene Cultural Heritage Register ID, Catalan object of cultural interest ID, Municipality code of Brazil, Pleiades identifier, MalaCards ID, natural product of taxon, official blog, University of Barcelona authority ID, Beilstein Registry Number, Gmelin Number
- Development
- Worked around memory corruption in zend PHP
- HHVM beta feature is enabled again for Wikidata
- Fixes for various breaking changes in mediawiki core
- Work on language fall backs for new serialization code
- Work on fixing XML dumps
- Work on making Special:Version correct again for Wikidata extensions
- Implemented LabelLookup to improve performance further
- Worked more on remaining tasks for simple queries
- Poked remaining tasks for statements on properties
- Further improvements to the usability and workflow of sitelink editing
- Wrote browser tests for authority control gadget
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
New Wikipedia Library Accounts Now Available (November 2014)
Apologies for writing in English, please help translate this into your local language. Hello Wikimedians!

The Wikipedia Library is announcing signups today for, free, full-access accounts to published research as part of our Publisher Donation Program. You can sign up for:
- DeGruyter: 1000 new accounts for English and German-language research. Sign up on one of two language Wikipedias:
- Fold3: 100 new accounts for American history and military archives
- Scotland's People: 100 new accounts for Scottish genealogy database
- British Newspaper Archive: expanded by 100+ accounts for British newspapers
- Highbeam: 100+ remaining accounts for newspaper and magazine archives
- Questia: 100+ remaining accounts for journal and social science articles
- JSTOR: 100+ remaining accounts for journal archives
Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team.2014年11月5日 (三) 23:19 (UTC)
- You can host and coordinate signups for a Wikipedia Library branch in your own language. Please contact Ocaasi (WMF).
- This message was delivered via the Global Mass Message to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List.
—以上未加入日期時間的留言是於2014年11月6日 (四) 00:42 (UTC)之前加入的。
希望社群中有人可以承擔這項在工作。萬分感謝!--Mountain(留言) 2014年10月30日 (四) 07:52 (UTC)
- 請管理員補填Wikipedia:每日圖片/2014年11月1日,因為明天要展示,但該頁被保護,無法編輯。--Mountain(留言) 2014年10月31日 (五) 02:39 (UTC)
- (:)回應:能不能不要全部照搬共享資源的每日圖片,多些採納經選拔的特色圖片?--百戰天蟲,支持維基一萬年,拯救水門事件 2014年11月1日 (六) 15:11 (UTC)
- 如有本地評選出來的特色圖片,是會及時採納的。只是本地的特色圖片太少了--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2014年11月2日 (日) 01:29 (UTC)
- 特色圖片目前的情況是文字太多,這樣一來維護的成本大,而且圖片也不太大,圖片的焦點不夠。因此建議是否改為如下方式,這樣圖片也能足夠大,文字也不需要太多。是否可行?(圖片多大合適可以進一步討論)
Cow at Flumserberg (near Walensee, Switzerland)
--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2014年11月3日 (一) 01:58 (UTC)
- 圖片大小也許還要考慮窄屏顯示器的效果。我想為維護方便可以採用當前的形式,僅添加文字標籤並將圖像居中,添加Horizontal = y並將Content=留空即可。
--Ericmetro(留言) 2014年11月3日 (一) 14:27 (UTC)
這個無法使用wiki語法啊。而且packed-hover模式只有鼠標放上去才會顯示出文字遮住圖片,而現在這種則是一直會遮住圖片一部分。另圖片大小測試了一下,只要寬度不大於450px,主流屏幕都應該沒問題。--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2014年11月4日 (二) 00:58 (UTC)
- 另外,目前的形式,只適合使用簡短的短語,如果是一兩句話這種長度就不合用了--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2014年11月4日 (二) 01:05 (UTC)
- 不過packed-hover在觸屏設備上文字說明要點一下才顯示,貌似有時候會點到圖片頁面裡。--Ericmetro(留言) 2014年11月6日 (四) 14:10 (UTC)
- 終於還是出現空白項目上首頁了。請好心人/管理員盡快把紅足真蝽Forest Bug (Pentatoma rufipes)寫好。11月7日的我在全保護前已經寫好。天哪,經此一役,大家知道木木的重要性吧(轟)。真正的默默耕耘,自愧不如。Oneam 01:00 AM(留言) 2014年11月6日 (四) 00:45 (UTC)
- 我覺得還是把未編寫的每日圖片的標準改大一點吧[1],翻看了先前幾天的頁面,填寫了內容的都超過這個數,最少的在300左右,而未填寫的也有到200左右的。@User:Shizhao:既然你的是測試版,用的時候就加注釋填一下頁面尺寸吧……Liangent(留言) 2014年11月6日 (四) 02:52 (UTC)
- 紅足真蝽寫好了,請點讚。--淺藍雪❉ 2014年11月7日 (五) 23:12 (UTC)
- 我覺得還是把未編寫的每日圖片的標準改大一點吧[1],翻看了先前幾天的頁面,填寫了內容的都超過這個數,最少的在300左右,而未填寫的也有到200左右的。@User:Shizhao:既然你的是測試版,用的時候就加注釋填一下頁面尺寸吧……Liangent(留言) 2014年11月6日 (四) 02:52 (UTC)
新墨西哥州國家實驗室的Kyle Hickmann和他的團隊夥伴向公眾宣布了他們的實驗成果——藉助維基百科的訪問日誌進行算法分析,比疾病防控中心要快兩周得出結果,成功預測流感病情突發事件。[2]--⚞★⚟ 2014年11月7日 (五) 03:48 (UTC)
- en:Google Flu Trends? Liangent(留言) 2014年11月7日 (五) 09:03 (UTC)
- 這是大數據方法下不同資料來源得出的預測結果比較。要看在什麼題目、什麼數量上、哪在來源會比較有預測效度。--❦‽維基vs百度‽來源專題 hanteng✉ 2014年11月8日 (六) 11:05 (UTC)
VisualEditor News #9—2014

VisualEditor is also available on the mobile version of Wikipedia. Log in and click the pencil icon to open the page you want to edit. Click on the gear-shaped settings button in the upper-right corner to pick which editor to use. Choose "編輯" to use VisualEditor, or "編輯源代碼" to use the wikitext editor.
It will remember whether you used wikitext or VisualEditor, and use the same editor the next time you edit an article.
The user guide has information about how to use VisualEditor. Not all features are available on the mobile website.
Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team has fixed many bugs and requests, and worked on support for editing tables and for using non-Latin languages. Their weekly updates are posted on Mediawiki.org. Informal notes from the recent quarterly review were posted on Meta.
Basic support for inserting tables and changing the number of rows and columns in them was just introduced to Wikipedias. Advanced features, like dragging columns to different places, will be added later.
To help editors find the most important items more quickly, some items in the toolbar menus are now hidden behind a "更多" item, such as "下劃線" in the styling menu.
The French Wikipedia should see better search results for links, templates, and media because the new search engine was turned on for everyone there. This change is expected at the Chinese and German Wikipedias this week, and the following week at the English Wikipedia.
The "pawn" system has been mostly replaced. Bugs in this system sometimes added a chess pawn character to wikitext. The replacement provides better support for non-Latin languages, with full support hopefully coming soon.
VisualEditor is now provided to editors who use Internet Explorer 10 or 11 on desktop and mobile devices. Internet Explorer 9 is not supported yet.
The keyboard shortcuts for items in the toolbar menus are now shown in the menus.
VisualEditor will replace the existing design with a new theme from the User Experience/Design group. The appearance of dialog boxes has already changed in the mobile version. The appearance on desktops will change soon. You are welcome to compare the old "Apex" design and the new "MediaWiki" theme which will replace it.
Several bugs were fixed for internal and external links. Improvements to MediaWiki's search solved an annoying problem: If you searched for the full name of the page or file that you wanted to link, sometimes the search engine could not find the page. A link inside a template to a local page that does not exist will now show red, exactly as it does when reading the page. Due to an error, for about two weeks this also affected all external links inside templates. Opening an auto-numbered link node like [3] with the keyboard used to open the wrong link tool. These problems have all been fixed.
The tool for quickly editing TemplateData has been deployed to all Wikimedia Foundation wikis on Thursday, 6 November. This tool was already available on the biggest 40 Wikipedias, and now all wikis will have access to it. This tool makes it easier to add TemplateData to the template's documentation. When the tool is enabled, it will add a button above every editing window for a template (including documentation subpages). To use it, edit the template or a subpage, and then click the "管理模板數據" button at the top. Read the help page for TemplateData to learn more about it. You can test the TemplateData editor in a sandbox at Mediawiki.org. Remember that TemplateData should be placed either on a documentation subpage or on the template page itself. Only one block of TemplateData will be used per template.
You can use the new autovalue setting to pre-load a value into a template. This can be used to substitute dates, as in this example, or to add the most common value for that parameter. The autovalue can be overridden by the editor, by typing something else in the field.
In TemplateData, you may define a parameter as "required". The template dialog box in VisualEditor will warn editors if they leave a "required" parameter empty, and they will not be able to delete that parameter. If the template can function without this parameter, then please mark it as "推薦" or "可選" in TemplateData instead.
The VisualEditor team plans to add auto-fill features for citations soon. The appearance of the media search dialog will improve, to make picking between possible images easier and more visual. The team posts details about planned work on the VisualEditor roadmap.
The user guide is being updated to add information about editing tables. The translations of the user guide for most languages except Spanish, French, and Dutch are significantly out of date. Please help complete the current translations for users who speak your language. Talk to us if you need help exporting the translated guide to your wiki.
You can influence VisualEditor's design! Tell the VisualEditor team what you want changed during the office hours via IRC. The next sessions are on Wednesday, 19 November at 16:00 UTC and on Wednesday 7 January 2015 at 22:00 UTC. You can also share your ideas at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback.
Also, user experience researcher Abbey Ripstra is looking for editors to show her how they edit Wikipedia. Please sign up for the research program if you would like to hear about opportunities.
If you would like to help with translations of this newsletter, please subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Subscribe or unsubscribe at Meta. Thank you! —Elitre (WMF)
2014年11月14日 (五) 23:29 (UTC)
- 中文的使用指南也已經翻譯出來了。--⚞★⚟ 2014年11月16日 (日) 07:28 (UTC)
大家好!現在 有2份工作正在招人,我想這裡有些朋友可能會感興趣。請幫忙轉發一下,如果你知道有些人有興趣或者對Community Engagement team有天賦。
- Community Liaison - this position will initially focus on working with the Flow team and also with the Editing (VisualEditor) team, mostly at non-English wikis; however, a lot of smaller or short-term tasks continually come up, so the WMF is particularly looking for someone who is adaptable, and with several diverse interests.
- Community Liaison (Part time contract) - this part-time position will primarily focus on working with the Mobile teams, as the link explains.
如果你需要更多信息,可以自覺發我電郵(cep@lists.wikimedia.org),不過千萬不要將簡歷投遞到我這裡哦。謝謝啦! m:User:Elitre (WMF) 2014年11月20日 (四) 11:45 (UTC)