托达人 | |
![]() 《映像印度·尼尔吉里山》中的托达部落,理查德·巴伦1837年绘 | |
总人口 | |
约1000人 | |
语言 | |
托达语 | |
宗教信仰 | |
印度教和非传统信仰 | |
相关族群 | |
托达族,泰米尔族,玛拉雅利人 |
在传统上,托达人的定居点通常由三个到七个半个水桶状的小茅屋组成,并将整个山坡划为牧场[2],用乳制品与居住在尼尔吉里地区的其他邻居之间进行贸易[2]。在宗教信仰上,托达人崇拜水牛,因此在任命农业祭司等仪式上,有乳制品的相关表演,在宗教仪式和葬礼上,会有歌颂水牛的相关歌曲。[2]同时,兄弟一妻多夫制也在托达人的传统社会中,非常盛行,然而现在此风俗已被广泛放弃。在20世纪最后的二十五年里,由于受到外界干扰,一部分托达人失去了他们的牧场,或者被泰米尔纳德邦植树造林。[3] [2] 托达人居住地现属于尼尔吉里生物圈保护区的一部分,该保护区被联合国教育科学文化组织列入人与生物圈计划,并被联合国教育科学文化组织世界遗产委员会评为世界遗产。[4]
[编辑]托达人曾经实行一妻多夫制,但现在已不再实行此婚姻制度。[6][7]托达人的一妻多夫制是非常典型的一妻多夫制,一个女子嫁给一个男子后,那么此男子的所有兄弟或者一半的兄弟会共同享有这名女子。[8]一妻多夫制的习俗在托达人中已经存在数百年之外,女子结婚时,她就会自动嫁给丈夫的兄弟。[9] 1869年,肖特博士曾经如此描述托达人的一妻多夫制:“一个家庭中如果有四五个兄弟,那么其中一人长大结婚后,他的妻子就会把他的兄弟视为自己的丈夫,等他们长大成人后,便会依次与他们圆房。如果这名女子还有几个妹妹,那么她们如果到达结婚年龄,就会自动成为姐夫的妻子……不过,因为该部落女性非常稀少,更多的情况是一女同嫁数男,甚至最多的可以同时嫁给六名男子。”[10]

托达人的生活方式在现代文明的影响下,已经发生了很多变化:过去托达人只有从事牧业,而现在却开始从事农业和其他职业;过去托达人属于素食主义,但现在部分托达人开始吃非素食的食物;现在的许多托达人也放弃了过去一直居住的小木屋,而改建混凝土建筑。[6] 现在在当地有致力于打造传统的半桶状木屋的运动,在过去的十年里,已经建成了40座木屋,并且许多神圣牧场也被重新装修。[12]

[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 emeneau,Toda Grammar and Text,1984
- ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Encyclopædia Britannica. (2007) Toda (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- ^ Chhabra 2006
- ^ World Heritage sites, Tentative lists, April 2007. [2012-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-06).
- ^ Insertions/Deletions Polymorphism in Tribal Populations of Southern India and their possible Evolutionary Implications, Human Biology. Vol 75. #6 December 2003 by Vishwanathan, H., et al.
- ^ 6.0 6.1 (Walker 2004)
- ^ (Walker 1998)
- ^ Austin L. Hughes. Evolution and human kinship. OUP USA. 14 July 1988: 101. ISBN 0-19-505234-X, ISBN 978-0-19-505234-3 请检查
值 (帮助). - ^ Bron B. Ingoldsby and Suzanna D. Smith. Families in global and multicultural perspective. Sage Publications, Inc. 7 September 2005: 104. ISBN 0-7619-2819-7, ISBN 978-0-7619-2819-5 请检查
值 (帮助). - ^ (荷兰)爱德华·亚历山大·韦斯特马克. 人类婚姻简史. 北京: 商务印书馆. 1992年: 181. ISBN 9787100009331.
- ^ http://www.bartleby.com/196/29.html (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) The Golden Bough. 1922.
- ^ (Chhabra 2005) Quote: "……在过去的十年里,我们接触过的政府和私人结构正致力于建筑传统的木屋,现在,我们有足够的资金支持建造40座木屋。此外,一些半桶形的神圣奶场也被重新装修。"
[编辑]- Classic Ethnographies
- Marshall, William E., Travels amongst the Toda, or the study of a primitive tribe in South India, London: Longmans, Green, and Co. Pp. xx, 269, 1873 [2012-09-23], (原始内容存档于2020-08-20).
- Rivers, W. H. R., The Todas, London: Mcmillan and Company. Pp. xviii, 755, 1906 [2012-09-23], (原始内容存档于2020-08-19).
- Rivers, William H. R.. 1909. The Todas. Anthropological Publications, Oosterhout N.B.
- Thurston, Edgar; K. Rangachari. Castes and Tribes of Southern India Volume I - A and B. Madras: Government Press. 1909.
- Toda Music, Linguistics, Ethnomusicology
- Emeneau, M. B., Oral Poets of South India: Todas, Journal of American Folklore, 1958, 71 (281): 312–324 [2012-09-23], (原始内容存档于2020-01-23)
- Emeneau, M. B., Toda Songs, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Pp. xvii, 1003., 1971
- Hocking, Paul, Reviewed Work(s): Toda Songs, by M. B. Emeneau, The Journal of Asian Studies: 446
- Emeneau, Murray B., Ritual Structure and Language Structure of the Todas, Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, Pp. 103, 1974, ISBN 0-87169-646-0.
- Tyler, Stephen A., Reviewed Work(s): Ritual Structure and Language Structure of the Todas by M. B. Emeneau, American Anthropologist, 1975, 77 (4): 758–759.
- Emeneau, Murray B., Toda Grammar and Texts, Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, Pp. xiii, 410, index (16), 1984 [2012-09-23], ISBN 0-87169-155-8, (原始内容存档于2020-11-22).
- Nara, Tsuyoshi and Bhaskararao, Peri. 2003. Songs of the Toda. Osaka : ELPR Series A3-011.91pp [+3CDs with sound files of the songs].
- Nettl, Bruno; Bohlman, Phillip Vilas, Comparative Musicology and Anthropology of Music: Essays on the History of Ethnomusicology, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, Pp. 396: 438–449, 1991, ISBN 0-226-57409-1.
- Shalev, M. Ladefoged, P. and Bhaskararao, P. 1994. "Phonetics of Toda." PILC Journal of Dravidic Studies, 4:1. 19-56pp. (Earlier version in: University of California Working Papers in Phonetics. 84. 89-126 pp.). 1993.
- Spajic', S. Ladefoged, P. and Bhaskararao, P. 1996. "The Trills of Toda." Journal of International Phonetic Association, 26:1. 1-22pp.
- Modern Anthropology, Sociology, History
- Barnard, Alan, Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology, London: Routledge, Pp. 588, 2002, ISBN 0-415-28558-5.
- Walker, Anthony, Between Tradition and Modernity, and Other Essays on the Toda of South India, Delhi: B. R. Publishing Corporation, 1998 [2012-09-23], (原始内容存档于2008-09-17).
- Emeneau, M. B., A Century of Toda Studies: Review of 'The Toda of South India: A New Look' by Anthony R. Walker; M. N. Srinivas, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 1988, 108 (4): 605–609.
- Sutton, Deborah, 'In this the land of the Todas': Imaginary Landscapes and Colonial Policy in Nineteenth-Century Southern India, Dorrian, M.; Rose, G. (编), Deterritorialisations, Revisioning Landscape and Politics, London: Black Dog Press, 2003.
- Sutton, Deborah, 'Horrid Sights and Customary Rights': The Toda Funeral on the Colonial Nilgiris, Indian Economic and Social History Review, 2002, 39 (1): 45–70.
- Walker, Anthony R., The Truth About The Toda, Frontline, The Hindu, 2004, (原始内容存档于2007-10-13).
- Toda Traditional Knowledge, Environment, and Modern Science
- From: Chhabra, Tarun. August 15, 2002. "Toda's Traditions In Peril", Down to Earth.
- Chhabra, Tarun, How Traditional Ecological Knowledge addresses Global Climate change: the perspective of the Todas - the indigenous people of the Nilgiri hills of South India (PDF), Proceedings of the Earth in Transition: First World Conference, 2005, (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2012-09-04).
- The Society for Ecological Restoration and Indigenous Peoples' Restoration Network. EIT PROJECT SHOWCASE: The Edhkwehlynawd Botanical Refuge (EBR)
- Chhabra, Tarun, How Traditional Ecological Knowledge addresses Global Climate change: the perspective of the Todas - the indigenous people of the Nilgiri hills of South India (PDF), Proceedings of the Earth in Transition: First World Conference (ppt), 2005, (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-10-11).(Pictures of a new house being built on pages 57–60, and new house, with decorative art, being blessed on page 70)
- Chhabra, Tarun, Restoring the Toda Landscapes of the Nilgiri Hills in South India, Plant Talk, 2006, 44, (原始内容存档于2007-10-10).
- India Environmental Trust. 2005.Supported Projects: Edhkwehlynawd Botanical Refuge (EBR) - Reforestation in a Tribal Area
- National Committee for the Netherlands for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN-NL). 2006. Funded Projects:,India: Nilgiri Hills, NGO (EBR), 8 Hectares.
- Rajan, S.; Sethuraman, M.; Mukherjii, Pulok K., Ethnobiology of the Nilgiri Hills, India, Phytotherapy Research, 2002, 16 (2): 98–116, doi:10.1002/ptr.1098.
[编辑]- The Society for Ecological Restoration and Indigenous Peoples' Restoration Network. EIT PROJECT SHOWCASE: The Edhkwehlynawd Botanical Refuge (EBR)
- India Environmental Trust. 2005.Supported Projects: Edhkwehlynawd Botanical Refuge (EBR) - Reforestation in a Tribal Area
- National Committee for the Netherlands for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN-NL). 2006. Funded Projects:,India: Nilgiri Hills, NGO (EBR), 8 Hectares.
- Ooty.com - Todas (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) — A short introduction to the Todas.
- Toasting the Todas (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) — 2008. Travelogue with pictures of ceremonies.
- Frontlineonnet.com - Todas — The Truth about the Todas.
- Ethnologue: Toda, A language of India (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)