
[编辑]镭补是1918至1928年间,由位于新泽西的东奥兰治市的Bailey Radium Laboratories公司生产的产品。公司的拥有者是威廉·J. A. 贝利,一个自称为“医学博士”的哈佛大学辍学生,[1]并且不是一个医生。[2]这种产品被宣传为“治愈活死人的良方”[3]和“永恒的阳光”。
华尔街日报上的文章这样评论拜尔斯的死亡:“镭补一直很管用,直到他的下巴掉下来为止。”[5] 拜尔斯的死亡使得美国食品药品管理局强化了对专利药品的管制。
[编辑]- ^ Medicine: Radium Drinks. 时代杂志. 1932-04-11 [2022-06-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-17) (英语).
- ^ Literary Digest, 16 April 1932 互联网档案馆的存档,存档日期2010年12月3日,.
- ^ Radium Cures - museumofquackery.com. [2013-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-16).
- ^ Death Stirs Action on Radium 'Cures'. Trade Commission Speeds Its Inquiry. Health Department Checks Drug Wholesalers. Autopsy Shows Symptoms. Maker of "Radithor" Denies It Killed Byers, as Does Victim's Physician in Pittsburgh. Walker Uses Apparatus. Friends Alarmed to Find Mayor Has Been Drinking Radium-Charged Water for Last Six Months.. New York Times. April 2, 1932 [2011-10-01]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-10).
Federal and local agencies, as well as medical authorities in various parts of the country, were stirred to action yesterday as a result of the death of Eben M. Byers, wealthy Pittsburgh steel manufacturer and sportsman, who died here Wednesday at the Doctors' Hospital from causes attributed to radium poisoning resulting from the drinking of water containing radium in solution. ...
- ^ 存档副本 (PDF). [2013-10-20]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2017-12-09).
- Radithor (ca. 1918). 15 Sep. 2004. Oak Ridge Associated Universities. 12 Apr. 2005 [1] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
[编辑]- Radithor (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),在Oak Ridge Associated Universities Health Physics Historical Instrumentation Museum Collection (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Reprint of The Wall Street Journal article, "The Radium Water Worked Fine Until His Jaw Came Off"
- Scientific American; August 1993; The Great Radium Scandal; by Roger Macklis
- Theodore Gray's Periodic Table of Elements (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Promotional article in Deseret News, 26 Feb 1909 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)