
[编辑]元素名称 | 锕 | 钍 | 镤 | 铀 | 镎 | 钚 | 镅 | 锔 | 锫 | 锎 | 锿 | 镄 | 钔 | 锘 | 铹 |
原子序 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 |
符号 | Ac | Th | Pa | U | Np | Pu | Am | Cm | Bk | Cf | Es | Fm | Md | No | Lr |
图片 | ![]() |
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无 | 无 | 无 | 无 | |
原子量 | [227] | 232.0377(4) | 231.03588(2) | 238.02891(3) | [237] | [244] | [243] | [247] | [247] | [251] | [252] | [257] | [258] | [259] | [266] |
天然同位素数量 | 3 | 7 | 3 | 8 | 3 | 4 | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |
最长寿同位素 | 227 | 232 | 231 | 238 | 237 | 244 | 243 | 247 | 247 | 251 | 252 | 257 | 258 | 259 | 266 |
最长寿同位素之半衰期 | 21.8年 | 140亿年 | 32500年 | 44.7亿年 | 214万年 | 8080万年 | 7370年 | 1560万年 | 1380年 | 900年 | 1.29年 | 100.5天 | 52天 | 58分钟 | 11小时 |
最常见同位素 | 227 | 232 | 231 | 238 | 237 | 239 | 241 | 244 | 249 | 252 | 253 | 255 | 256 | 255 | 260 |
最常见同位素之半衰期 | 21.8年 | 140亿年 | 32500年 | 44.7亿年 | 214万年 | 24100年 | 433年 | 18.1年 | 320天 | 2.64年 | 20.47天 | 20.07小时 | 78分钟 | 3.1分钟 | 2.7分钟 |
密度(g/cm3)[8] | 10.07 | 11.724 | 15.37 | 19.05 | 20.45 | 19.816 | 13.67 | 13.51 | 14.78 | 15.1 | 8.84 | ? 9.7 | ? 10.3 | ? 9.9 | ? 14.4 |
熔点(°C) | 1050 | 1842 | 1568 | 1132.2 | 639 | 639.4 | 1176 | 1340 | 986 | 900 | 860 | 1530 | 830 | 830 | 1630 |
沸点(°C) | 3198 | 4788 | 4027? | 4131 | 4174? | 3228 | 2607? | 3110 | 2627 | 1470? | 996? | — | — | — | — |
电子排布 (气相) |
6d17s2 | 6d27s2 | 5f26d17s2 或 5f16d27s2 |
5f36d17s2 | 5f46d17s2 或 5f57s2 |
5f67s2 | 5f77s2 | 5f76d17s2 | 5f97s2 或 5f86d17s2 |
5f107s2 | 5f117s2 | 5f127s2 | 5f137s2 | 5f147s2 | 5f147s27p1 |
电子排布 (固相) |
6d17s2 | 5f0.56d1.57s2 | 5f1.76d1.37s2 | 5f2.96d1.17s2 | 5f46d17s2 | 5f56d17s2 | 5f66d17s2 | 5f76d17s2 | 5f86d17s2 | 5f96d17s2 | 5f117s2 | 5f127s2 | 5f137s2 | 5f147s2 | 5f146d17s2 |
金属半径(pm) | 203 | 180 | 162 | 153 | 150 | 162 | 173 | 174 | 170 | 186 | 186 | ? 198 | ? 194 | ? 197 | ? 171 |
原子序数 | 元素名称 | +3离子半径(pm) | +4离子半径(pm) |
90 | 钍(Th) | 108 | 99 |
91 | 镤(Pa) | 105 | 93 |
92 | 铀(U) | 103 | 93 |
93 | 镎(Np) | 101 | 92 |
94 | 钚(Pu) | 100 | 90 |
95 | 镅(Am) | 99 | 89 |
96 | 锔(Cm) | 98 | 88 |
97 | 锫(Bk) | —— | —— |
98 | 锎(Cf) | —— | —— |
99 | 锿(Es) | —— | —— |
100 | 镄(Fm) | —— | —— |
101 | 钔(Md) | —— | —— |
102 | 锘(No) | —— | —— |
103 | 铹(Lr) | —— | —— |
[编辑]氧化态 | 锕 | 钍 | 镤 | 铀 | 镎 | 钚 | 镅 | 锔 | 锫 | 锎 | 锿 | 镄 | 钔 | 锘 | 铹 |
+2 | Fm2+ | Md2+ | No2+ | ||||||||||||
+3 | Ac3+ | Th3+ | Pa3+ | U3+ | Np3+ | Pu3+ | Am3+ | Cm3+ | Bk3+ | Cf3+ | Es3+ | Fm3+ | Md3+ | No3+ | Lr3+ |
+4 | Th4+ | Pa4+ | U4+ | Np4+ | Pu4+ | Am4+ | Cm4+ | Bk4+ | Cf4+ | ||||||
+5 | PaO+ 2 |
UO+ 2 |
NpO+ 2 |
PuO+ 2 |
AmO+ 2 |
+6 | UO2+ 2 |
NpO2+ 2 |
PuO2+ 2 |
AmO2+ 2 |
+7 | NpO3+ 2 |
PuO3+ 2 |
AmO3− 5 |
发射的中子多于吸收的中子;[23] 达到临界质量时,235
Nuclear reactor[13][24][25] |
The core of most Generation II nuclear reactors contains a set of hollow metal rods, usually made of zirconium alloys, filled with solid nuclear fuel pellets – mostly oxide, carbide, nitride or monosulfide of uranium, plutonium or thorium, or their mixture (the so-called MOX fuel). The most common fuel is oxide of uranium-235.
![]() Fast neutrons are slowed by moderators, which contain water, carbon, deuterium, or beryllium, as thermal neutrons to increase the efficiency of their interaction with uranium-235. The rate of nuclear reaction is controlled by introducing additional rods made of boron or cadmium or a liquid absorbent, usually boric acid. Reactors for plutonium production are called breeder reactor or breeders; they have a different design and use fast neutrons. |
Plutonium-238 is potentially more efficient isotope for nuclear reactors, since it has smaller critical mass than uranium-235, but it continues to release much thermal energy (0.56 W/g)[21][30] by decay even when the fission chain reaction is stopped by control rods. Its application is limited by the high price (about US$1000/g). This isotope has been used in thermopiles and water distillation systems of some space satellites and stations. So Galileo and Apollo spacecraft (e.g. Apollo 14[31]) had heaters powered by kilogram quantities of plutonium-238 oxide; this heat is also transformed into electricity with thermopiles. The decay of plutonium-238 produces relatively harmless alpha particles and is not accompanied by gamma-irradiation. Therefore, this isotope (~160 mg) is used as the energy source in heart pacemakers where it lasts about 5 times longer than conventional batteries.[21]
锕-227被用作中子源。 Its high specific energy (14.5 W/g) and the possibility of obtaining significant quantities of thermally stable compounds are attractive for use in long-lasting thermoelectric generators for remote use. 228Ac is used as an indicator of radioactivity in chemical research, as it emits high-energy electrons (2.18 MeV) that can be easily detected. 228Ac-228Ra mixtures are widely used as an intense gamma-source in industry and medicine.[16]具有耐用晶体基质的自发光锕系元素掺杂材料的开发是锕系元素利用的一个新领域,因为向某些玻璃和晶体中添加α发射放射性核素可能会赋予发光性。[32]
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Theodore Gray. The Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe. New York: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers. 2009: 240. ISBN 978-1-57912-814-2.
- ^ Morss, Lester; Asprey, Larned B. Actinoid element. britannica.com. Encyclopædia Britannica. 1 August 2018 [3 September 2020]. (原始内容存档于2015-04-29).
- ^ Neil G. Connelly; et al. Elements. Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry. London: Royal Society of Chemistry. 2005: 52. ISBN 978-0-85404-438-2.
- ^ Greenwood, p. 1250
- ^ Jensen, William B. The positions of lanthanum (actinium) and lutetium (lawrencium) in the periodic table: an update. Foundations of Chemistry. 2015-04-01, 17 (1). ISSN 1572-8463. doi:10.1007/s10698-015-9216-1 (英语).
- ^ Jensen, William B. The positions of lanthanum (actinium) and lutetium (lawrencium) in the periodic table: an update. Foundations of Chemistry. 2015, 17: 23–31 [28 January 2021]. S2CID 98624395. doi:10.1007/s10698-015-9216-1. (原始内容存档于16 August 2021).
- ^
Scerri, Eric. Provisional Report on Discussions on Group 3 of the Periodic Table. Chemistry International. 18 January 2021, 43 (1): 31–34. S2CID 231694898. doi:10.1515/ci-2021-0115
- ^ Density for all the elements in the Periodic Table. [2019-12-15]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-04).
- ^ Actinoid element | Chemical Properties & Uses | Britannica. www.britannica.com. [2025-02-07] (英语).
- ^ Although "actinoid"(rather than "actinide")means "actinium-like" and therefore should exclude actinium, that element is usually included in the series.
- ^ Neil G. Connelly; et al. Elements. Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry. London: Royal Society of Chemistry. 2005: 52 [2014-03-31]. ISBN 0-85404-438-8. (原始内容存档于2014-01-01).
- ^ Greenwood, p. 1264
- ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 Yu.D. Tretyakov (编). Non-organic chemistry in three volumes. Chemistry of transition elements 3. Moscow: Academy. 2007. ISBN 978-5-7695-2533-9.
- ^ Greenwood, p. 1265
- ^ Jay H. Lehr; Janet K. Lehr. Standard handbook of environmental science, health, and technology. McGraw-Hill Professional. 2000: 2–38. ISBN 978-0-07-038309-8.
- ^ 16.0 16.1 Z. K. Karalova; B. Myasoedov. Actinium. Analytical chemistry items. Moscow: Nauka. 1982.
- ^ V.A. Mikhailov (编). Analytical chemistry of neptunium. Moscow: Nauka. 1971.
- ^ F. Weigel; J. Katz; G. Seaborg. The Chemistry of the Actinide Elements 2. Moscow: Mir. 1997. ISBN 978-5-03-001885-0.
- ^ Fields, P.; Studier, M.; Diamond, H.; Mech, J.; Inghram, M.; Pyle, G.; Stevens, C.; Fried, S.; Manning, W.; et al. Transplutonium Elements in Thermonuclear Test Debris. Physical Review. 1956, 102 (1): 180–182. Bibcode:1956PhRv..102..180F. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.102.180.
- ^ Smoke Detectors and Americium, Nuclear Issues Briefing Paper 35, May 2002
- ^ 21.0 21.1 21.2 Greenwood, p. 1262
- ^ 22.0 22.1 Greenwood, p. 1255
- ^ 23.0 23.1 Golub, pp. 220–221
- ^ G. G. Bartolomei; V. D. Baybakov; M. S. Alkhutov; G. A. Bach. Basic theories and methods of calculation of nuclear reactors. Moscow: Energoatomizdat. 1982.
- ^ Greenwood, pp. 1256–1261
- ^ Sergey Popov; Alexander Sergeev. Universal Alchemy. Vokrug Sveta. 2008, 2811 (4) [2019-10-15]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-21) (俄语).
- ^ David L. Heiserman. Element 94: Plutonium. Exploring Chemical Elements and their Compounds. New York: TAB Books. 1992: 338. ISBN 978-0-8306-3018-9.
- ^ John Malik. The Yields of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Explosions (PDF). Los Alamos. September 1985: Table VI [15 February 2009]. LA-8819. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于24 February 2009).
- ^ FAS contributors. Nuclear Weapon Design. Federation of American Scientists. 1998 [7 December 2008]. (原始内容存档于26 December 2008).
- ^ John Holdren and Matthew Bunn Nuclear Weapons Design & Materials. Project on Managing the Atom (MTA) for NTI. 25 November 2002
- ^ Apollo 14 Press Kit – 01/11/71 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), NASA, pp. 38–39
- ^ 32.0 32.1 B.E. Burakov; M.I Ojovan; W.E. Lee. Crystalline Materials for Actinide Immobilisation. World Scientific. 2010 [2019-10-15]. ISBN 978-1848164185. (原始内容存档于2020-03-17).