此条目目前正依照其他维基百科上的内容进行翻译。 (2024年2月13日) |
莎拉·瓦根克内希特联盟—理性和公正 Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht – Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit | |
简称 | BSW |
主席 | 莎拉·瓦根克内希特 阿米拉·穆罕默德·阿里 |
总书记 | 克里斯蒂安·雷耶 |
创始人 | 莎拉·瓦根克内希特 阿米拉·穆罕默德·阿里 克劳斯·恩斯特 克里斯蒂安·雷耶 卢卡斯·舍恩 阿里·阿尔-戴拉米 |
成立 | 2024年1月8日 |
分裂自 | 左翼党 |
总部 | 柏林克劳森街9—10号 |
党员 (2024年9月19日) | 约900[1] |
意识形态 | |
政治立场 | 左翼至极左翼 |
欧洲议会党团 | 无所属 |
官方色彩 | |
联邦议院 | 10 / 736
联邦参议院 | 5 / 69
州议会 | 47 / 1,898
欧洲议会 | 6 / 96
州长 | 0 / 16
官方网站 | |
bsw-vg | |
德国政治 政党 · 选举 |
莎拉·瓦根克内希特联盟—理性和公正(德语:Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht – Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit,缩写为BSW)是德国的一个左翼保守主义政党,成立于2024年1月8日。该党的前身是2023年9月26日成立的同名注册协会。
[编辑]瓦根克内希特联盟被描述为民粹主义[9][10]、社会主义[4]、经济社会主义[5]、反资本主义[11]、左翼保守主义[5]、文化保守主义[12]、社会保守主义[13]、反移民[18]、左翼民粹主义[2]、左翼民族主义[3]、欧洲怀疑主义[6]。多被描述为左翼保守主义是因为该党在经济上持左翼至极左翼立场,而在某些社会文化议题上采取保守主义立场[19]。 沃特曼认为这种立场在反建制和右翼倾向的选民中颇受欢迎[20]。根据沃德瑞斯、马奇和皮蒂拉斯在《英国政治与国际关系杂志》发表的研究,瓦根克内希特联盟被归类为欧洲激进左翼的一部分,该党源于左翼党内部由瓦根克内希特领导的“改革共产主义者”派别,该派别与民主社会主义多数派存在冲突[21]。
对于将该党描述为“极右翼”或“社会右翼”的说法,政治学家索斯藤·法斯指出,瓦根克内希特即使在左翼党内,仍然是一位具有左翼特征的政治家。他评论说:“我对此会保持一些谨慎,因为这显然是一个左翼计划。这绝不是一个代表右翼立场的政治家。”[22] 艾科·瓦格纳将瓦根克内希特联盟描述为一个“社会经济左翼和社会文化右翼的政党”,并将其归类为左翼威权主义[23]。索斯藤·霍尔茨霍伊泽将该党归类为“融合型”,认为该党并非传统的左翼或社会主义政党,而是代表了一些社会民主主义、保守主义甚至秩序自由主义的立场[24]。但是哈友·冯克反对将瓦根克内希特联盟归类为“融合型”或“右翼”,认为该党“务实、社会和经济上倾向左翼,并且注重和平政策”。冯克还质疑“左翼保守派”这一标签,认为该党在移民问题上做限制的保守立场反映了“现有民主党派的共识”[25]。
州协会 | 主席 | 建立时间 |
勃兰登堡州[71] | Robert Crumbach | 2024年5月25日 |
萨尔州[72] | Astrid Schwamm
Randolf Jobst |
2024年3月22日 |
萨克森州[73] | Sabine Zimmermann
Jörg Scheibe |
2024年2月24日 |
图灵根州[74] | Katja Wolf
Steffen Schütz |
2024年3月15日 |
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Erster Bundesparteitag der Wagenknecht-Partei BSW begonnen [First federal party conference of the Wagenknecht party BSW begins]. 27 January 2024 [2024-02-11]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-27) (德语).
Auf der eintägigen Veranstaltung, zu der die 450 Gründungsmitglieder geladen waren, soll zunächst der Parteivorstand gewählt werden.
- ^ 2.0 2.1
- Caddle, Peter. Ex-AfD members joining new German left-wing populists' party 'unimaginable', says its chairwoman. Brussels Signal. 25 October 2023.
- Systems, Eulerpool Research. Linkspopulistische "BSW"-Partei formiert sich [Left-wing populist "BSW" party forms]. Eulerpool Research Systems. 9 January 2024 (德语).
- Wagenknecht-Partei laut erster Umfrage bei zwölf Prozent – Koalitionen schwierig [Wagenknecht party at twelve per cent according to first poll - coalitions difficult]. Der Standard. 24 October 2023 (德语).
Die Umfrage bestätigt allerdings, was bisherige Befragungen schon deutlich gemacht hatten: dass eine linkspopulistische Bewegung unter Sahra Wagenknecht das Potenzial hat, die Parteienlandschaft in Deutschland massiv aufzumischen.
- Münchau, Wolfgang. Sahra Wagenknecht's new left-populist party should be taken seriously. New Statesman. 25 October 2023.
- Scally, Derek. German Linke rebel walks out to form new left-wing populist party. The Irish Times. 23 October 2023.
- ^ 3.0 3.1
- Ziedler, Christopher. Vermögenssteuer statt Zuwanderung: So sieht Wagenknechts links-nationales Angebot aus [Wealth tax instead of immigration: this is what Wagenknecht's left-wing nationalist offer looks like]. Der Tagesspiegel. 21 January 2024 (德语).
- Lentsch, Josef. How the nationalist left could succeed in Germany: Sahra Wagenknecht's breakthrough. PartyParty. 19 October 2023.
- Nieuwe 'anti-woke' partij in Duitsland kan rekenen op veel stemmen [New 'anti-woke' party in Germany can count on many votes]. Nieuw Rechts (荷兰语).
Met haar links-nationalistische focus kan Wagenknecht stemmen winnen bij zowel linkse als rechtse kiezers die ontevreden zijn over de huidige politiek in Duitsland.
- Fix, Liana; Kapp, Caroline. Why Vladimir Putin Is Embracing Germany's Far Right. The Atlantic. 31 October 2023.
To make things worse, a new nationalist left-wing party just launched by the charismatic politician Sahra Wagenknecht echoes some of the AfD’s positions on Russia.
- Tomlinson, Chris. New Left-Wing Nationalist Party May Not Run in German State Elections. The European Conservative. 29 December 2023.
- ^ 4.0 4.1
- Alipour, Nick. Ziel Europawahl: Wagenknechts neue Partei will mit EU-Kritik triumphieren [Aiming for the European elections: Wagenknecht's new party wants to triumph with EU criticism]. EURACTIV. 由Carmen Diaz Rodriguez翻译. 24 October 2023 (德语).
Ihre Mischung aus sozialkonservativer und sozialistisch orientierter Wirtschaftspolitik sei bei Anti-Establishment- und rechten Wählern beliebt, sagte der Politikwissenschaftler Constantin Wurthmann kürzlich in einem Interview mit Euractiv.
- Müller-Vogg, Hugo. Stimmen zur neuen Wagenknecht-Partei [Voices on the new Wagenknecht party]. Focus. 24 October 2023 [29 October 2023]. (原始内容存档于30 October 2023) (德语).
Nationalismus scheint für Wagenknecht nicht mehr, wie bisher, der böse Gegner zu sein, sondern Mittel und Zweck, um Menschen für ihre Art von Sozialismus zu mobilisieren. National und sozialistisch, gepaart mit einer einzelnen Person als Dreh- und Angelpunkt, dazu noch eine Entourage aus im Bundestag bisher weitestgehend Ausgegrenzten, man könnte auch schreiben: Claqueuren, Spinnern und Querulanten.
只需其一 (帮助) - Koydl, Wolfgang. Sahra Wagenknechts neue Partei ist ein Ein-Frau-Projekt. Ohne sie verpufft es rückstandslos. Kommt das gut? [Sahra Wagenknecht's new party is a one-woman project. Without her, it will fizzle out without a trace. Will that work?]. Die Weltwoche. 23 October 2023 (德语).
Hier national, dort sozialistisch – kein Wunder, dass die Medien Sahras Bündnis verschreckt dann doch lieber «linkskonservativ» nennen.
- Tutt, Cordula. Die Kritikerin des Kapitalismus [The critic of capitalism]. Wirtschaftswoche. 23 October 2023 (德语).
Die Wirtschaftspolitik der neuen Partei dürfte nach innen eher sozialistisch ausgerichtet sein. „Soziale Gerechtigkeit“ wollen zwar so ziemlich alle Parteien in Deutschland, doch verstehen sie Unterschiedliches.
- Foster, John. When Left is Right: The Sahra Wagenknecht Experience. The Battleground. 3 November 2023.
To be fair, Wagenknecht is still a socialist. But what sort of socialism? The kind obsessively focused on questions of the national.
- Casdorff, Stephan-Andreas. Sahra Wagenknecht gründet ihre Partei: Die Vergangenheit lässt grüßen [Sahra Wagenknecht founds her party: The past sends its regards]. Der Tagesspiegel. 8 January 2024 (德语).
Dazu Wagenknecht mit ihrer Ausstrahlung, verbal-radikal sozialistisch, wenn es (ihr) passt, mit kühler Rhetorik gegen die da oben und die Ampel-Koalition – und es wird ungemütlich für Rechte und Linke.
- Quadbeck, Eva. Wagenknecht unter Zugzwang [Wagenknecht under pressure to move]. RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland. 12 September 2023 (德语).
Inhaltlich muss man sich eine solche Partei schillernd wie ihre Anführerin selbst vorstellen, wechselnd zwischen links- und rechtspopulistischen Tönen: national in der Außen- und Migrationspolitik, sozialistisch in der Sozial- und Wirtschaftspolitik, konservativ in der Gesellschaftspolitik und russlandfreundlich.
- Lachniet, Manfred. Maaßen: "Wahlergebnis weit hinter den Erwartungen zurückgeblieben". Junge Freiheit. 2 September 2024 (德语).
Die sozialistische Wagenknecht-Partei habe einen medialen Rückenwind genossen und verfüge über eine gänzlich andere organisatorische und finanzielle Ausgangssituation.
- Eckner, Constantin. What the AfD's 'historic victory' means for Germany. The Spectator. 2 September 2024.
The party was handed a boost by Sahra Wagenknecht’s decision to quit the far-left party Die Linke and set up her own alliance. Wagenknecht’s newly-formed outfit has adopted anti-immigration policies and promoted a rather conservative worldview. At the same time, Wagenknecht still represents socialist positions in socio-economic matters.
- Mehrer, Angela; Puglierin, Jana. War, peace, and populism: How Germany's extremist parties are shaping its foreign policy debate. Note from Berlin. European Council on Foreign Relations. 10 September 2024.
The socialist and culturally conservative Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) – only founded in January this year – came third in both states, winning more votes combined than the parties of the governing “traffic-light” coalition.
- Anheier, Helmut K. Will the German Center Hold?. Project Syndicate. Berlin. 5 September 2024.
Such historical references probably carry little weight with AfD voters or those who cast ballots for the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), a pro-Russian, anti-American socialist movement that is willfully oblivious to the atrocities committed by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s army in Ukraine.
- Hoff, Henning. The Self-Declared "Stability Anchor" Looks Adrift. Internationale Politik. Berlin. 20 September 2024.
The heated political situation, however, underpinned by strong showings in recent regional elections by the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) and, to a lesser extent, the new nationalist, pro-Russia, anti-immigration with socialist economic policies Sahra Wagenknecht Movement (BSW) has caused the government to act chaotically.
- Stock, Oliver. "Bunte sozialistische Wundertüte": Was Unternehmer von Sahra Wagenknechts Wirtschaftsprogramm halten. Business Punk. 14 October 2024 (德语).
Wie jede sozialistische Partei möchte sich auch das BSW das Recht vorbehalten, selbst über Subventionen zu steuern, umzuverteilen und zu privilegieren.
- Alipour, Nick. Ziel Europawahl: Wagenknechts neue Partei will mit EU-Kritik triumphieren [Aiming for the European elections: Wagenknecht's new party wants to triumph with EU criticism]. EURACTIV. 由Carmen Diaz Rodriguez翻译. 24 October 2023 (德语).
- ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Knight, Ben. Wagenknecht: A far-left challenge to Germany's far-right AfD. Deutsche Welle. 23 October 2023 [24 October 2023]. (原始内容存档于24 October 2023).
- ^ 6.0 6.1
- Alipour, Nick. The mystery of Europe's new 'left conservative' group. Euractiv. 28 May 2024.
Manuel Müller, a European politics expert at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA), told Euractiv that BSW represents “Eurosceptic left-conservatism”.
- Marsh, Sarah. Germany's upcoming state elections: what to watch for. Reuters. 30 August 2024.
Both the AfD and the BSW are eurosceptic, anti-immigration, Russia-friendly and against military support for Ukraine.
- Deconinck, Carl. Germany's new party BSW comes out all guns blazing. Brussels Signal. 17 January 2024.
The title of “biggest Eurosceptic party in Germany” can go to BSW, observers say, with a programme that would likely make left-liberal progressives faint if its policies were to become reality.
- Becker, Max; von Ondarza, Nicolai. Germany: A More Polarised, Politicised, But Also Potentially More National-Focused Election Campaign (PDF). CIDOB Monographs (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs). 2024, 88: 69–73. ISBN 978-84-18977-22-0.
In addition, the weakness of the traffic light coalition went together with a rise of the AfD, but also of a new populist party from the left (Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht, BSW), which also has a clear Eurosceptic programme.
- von Harrach, Georg. Far-right win German state election for the first time. Channel 4 News. 2 September 2024.
Although BSW is at the other end of the political spectrum, the two parties share a Eurosceptic, anti-immigration, populist stance. Both also advocate cutting off military aid to Ukraine.
- Alipour, Nick. The mystery of Europe's new 'left conservative' group. Euractiv. 28 May 2024.
- ^ Parteien nach 1989. www.teachsam.de. [2024-01-09]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-09).
- ^ Sahra Wagenknecht: German politician launches 'left-wing conservative' party. 2024-01-08 [2024-03-18]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-10) (英国英语).
- ^ 9.0 9.1 Germany's far-left star quits post-Communists to found populist party. Reuters. 23 October 2023 [24 October 2023]. (原始内容存档于23 October 2023).
- ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Schuetze, Christopher F. Leftist Upstart Threatens to Shake up German Politics With Her Own. The New York Times. 23 October 2023 [24 October 2023]. ISSN 1553-8095. (原始内容存档于24 October 2023).
- ^
- Germany's European Election Results: Key Takeaways. Martens Centre. [2024-08-31] (美国英语).
Nothing could be further away from the political programme if one carefully reads the BSW programme, which is pro-Russian, anti-capitalist, and anti-Western
- Thomeczek, J. Philipp. Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW): Left-Wing Authoritarian—and Populist? An Empirical Analysis. Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 2024-09-01, 65 (3): 535–552. ISSN 1862-2860. doi:10.1007/s11615-024-00544-z (英语).
In the text, Wagenknecht shows strong anti-capitalist stances and describes the behaviour of economic elites (Wirtschaftseliten) as “irresponsible and immoral.”
- The Week UK. Sahra Wagenknecht: changing the face of German politics. TheWeek. 2023-11-11 [2024-08-31] (英语).
Wagenknecht is a true anti-capitalist who wants to soak the rich and expand the welfare state.
- Eckner, Constantin. Will Germany's new left-wing party challenge the AfD?. The Spectator. 2023-10-23 [2024-08-31] (英国英语).
Over the past decade, Wagenknecht has become one of the most well-known left-wing politicians in Germany, regularly assuming anti-capitalist positions and thereby becoming an icon of the extreme left
- Oferte electorale est-germane - între putinofilie, anti-capitalism şi xenofobie ["East German electoral offers - between putinophilia, anti-capitalism and xenophobia"]. RFI. 2024-08-09 [2024-08-31] (罗马尼亚语).
În plină ascensiune se află şi formaţiunea naţional-populistă şi anti-capitalistă, Uniunea Sarah Wagenknecht (BSW).
- Moreau, Patrick. The emergence of a conservative left in Germany: the Sahra Wagenknecht alliance – reason and justice (BSW). Fondapol. February 2024 [2024-09-04].
For historians of the Weimar period, the Wagenknecht programme is reminiscent of National-Bolshevism in Germany in the 1930s, a thesis defended by the political scientist Peter R. Neumann49. The comparison is tempting: the fascination with Russia, the desire to break away from the capitalist system, the “anti-imperialist” nationalism, the redistribution of wealth and economic interventionist socialism, an ideological straddle between the nationalist right and communism…
- Baszak, Gregor. The Left-wing maverick who could stop the AfD. UnHerd. 2023-10-09 [2024-09-15] (英国英语).
Still, she continues to appeal to popular anti-capitalist sentiments.
- Germany's European Election Results: Key Takeaways. Martens Centre. [2024-08-31] (美国英语).
- ^
- Thomeczek, Jan Philipp. The Voting Potential of Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht. Political Studies Review. 2024: 1. doi:10.1177/14789299241264975.
A new challenger seeks to enter the German party system: Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht. With her new party, former Die Linke politician Sahra Wagenknecht combines a left-authoritarian profile (economically left-leaning, but culturally conservative) with anti-US, pro-Russia and anti-elitist stances.
- Herold, Maik; Cyrill, Otteni. A New Left-conservative Competitor in the German Party System? the Supporters of 'bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht' (BSW) and Their Ideological Positions. OSF Preprints. 2024: 1. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/8EZQW.
With a unique blend of economically left and culturally conservative positions, the BSW appeals to a substantial proportion of the electorate, particularly in eastern Germany.
- 'Extreme resurgence': Is polarised Europe getting ungovernable as centrist space shrinks?. Daiji World. 3 September 2024.
It had previously eschewed an alliance with the left-wing Die Linke, which has 12 seats, and the only other alternative is the 15 members of the Sara Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), formed this year by former Die Linke members and politically further to the left, though culturally conservative. The CDU is unlikely to be keen on them too.
- Parker, Jessica. Far right eyes political earthquake as Germans head to the polls. BBC. 31 August 2024.
Meanwhile another insurgent party – the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) – has catapulted itself in the polls up to third place in this state. Ms Wagenknecht, a former communist and long one of the most prominent politicians in eastern Germany, has had success in blending cultural conservatism with economically left-wing policies.
- Fazi, Thomas. Who's afraid of Sahra Wagenknecht? Germany's 'left-conservative' has redefined populism. UnHerd. 31 August 2024.
In short, this means it mixes demands that would once have been associated with the socialist-labour Left — interventionist and redistributive government policies to regulate capitalist market forces, higher pensions and minimum wages, generous welfare and social security policies, taxes on wealth — with positions that today would be characterised as culturally conservative: first and foremost, a recognition of the importance of preserving and fostering traditions, stability, security and a sense of community.
- Mehrer, Angela; Puglierin, Jana. War, peace, and populism: How Germany's extremist parties are shaping its foreign policy debate. Note from Berlin. European Council on Foreign Relations. 10 September 2024.
The socialist and culturally conservative Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) – only founded in January this year – came third in both states, winning more votes combined than the parties of the governing “traffic-light” coalition.
- Thomeczek, Jan Philipp. The Voting Potential of Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht. Political Studies Review. 2024: 1. doi:10.1177/14789299241264975.
- ^
- Philipp Fritz; Klaus Geiger; Virginia Kirst; Martina Meister; Mandoline Rutkowski. Hier finden sich Hinweise auf Wagenknechts Erfolgschancen [Here are some indications of Wagenknecht's chances of success]. Die Welt. 27 October 2023 (德语).
"Auch hier zeigt sich eine Parallele zu Wagenknecht, die ihre Partei explizit sozialkonservativ ausrichtet und sich gegen von ihr als „woke"...
- Tlusty, Ann-Kristin. Vom Planeten Wagenknecht [From planet Wagenknecht]. Die Zeit. 8 January 2024 (德语).
Neben Wagenknechts Haltungen zu Migration, Pandemie, Russland, Sozial- und Wirtschaftspolitik gibt es einen weiteren Aspekt, den ihre Anhängerinnen oft als Grund ihrer Sympathie nennen: Wagenknechts gesellschaftspolitischen Konservatismus, ihre Kritik an den sogenannten Lifestyle-Linken.
- Alipour, Nick. Germany's left-wing rebel launches populist party to run in EU elections. EURACTIV. 23 October 2023.
Her mix of socially conservative and socialist-leaning economic policies is popular among anti-establishment and right-leaning voters, political scientist Constantin Wurthmann told Euractiv in a recent interview.
- Hildebrandt, Tim. Germany Has a New Player in Left-Wing Politics. Where Does It Stand on China?. The Diplomat. 3 November 2023.
In contrast, Wagenknecht and the BSW embody a distinct strain of left-wing politics, marked by a leaning towards social conservatism which could lead to a closer alignment with entities like the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Wagenknecht, who earned a Ph.D. in economics, has previously lauded the CCP’s economic and industrial policies, holding China as an exemplary model for how to manage a national economy.
- Knight, Ben. Wagenknecht: A far-left challenge to Germany's far-right AfD. Deutsche Welle. 23 October 2023 [24 October 2023]. (原始内容存档于24 October 2023).
Some analysts say Wagenknecht is offering something that has never been seen before in Germany: Conservative social values allied with socialist economic values.
- Philipp Fritz; Klaus Geiger; Virginia Kirst; Martina Meister; Mandoline Rutkowski. Hier finden sich Hinweise auf Wagenknechts Erfolgschancen [Here are some indications of Wagenknecht's chances of success]. Die Welt. 27 October 2023 (德语).
- ^ Gwyn Jones, Mared. Élections européennes : ce qu'il faut savoir sur les principaux enjeux nationaux. Euronews. 4 June 2024 [21 September 2024].
- ^ Eckner, Constantin. What the AfD's 'historic victory' means for Germany. The Spectator. 2 September 2024.
- ^ Marsh, Sarah. Germany's upcoming state elections: what to watch for. Reuters. 30 August 2024 [21 September 2024].
- ^ von Harrach, Georg. Far-right win German state election for the first time. Channel 4 News. 2 September 2024.
- ^ [14][15][16][17]
- ^ 19.0 19.1 Head of German state of Saxony says deal with populist BSW 'possible'. Deutsche Presse-Agentur. 2 September 2024.
That makes the BSW, which finished third with 11.8% of the vote, a crucial potential partner. The party has campaigned on a mix of opposition to immigration, far-left economic policies and right-wing stances on some social issues such as gender policy.
- ^ Alipour, Nick. Germany's left-wing rebel launches populist party to run in EU elections. Euractiv.com. 23 October 2023 [24 October 2023]. (原始内容存档于24 October 2023).
- ^ Wondreys, Jakub; March, Luke; Pytlas, Bartek. 'My enemy's enemy is my friend'? European radical left parties' response to Russia's war in Ukraine. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations (Political Studies Association). 28 September 2024: 18. doi:10.1177/13691481241284204.
- ^ Politologe: Könnte AfD gefährlich werden. ZDF. 23 October 2023 [29 October 2023]. (原始内容存档于28 October 2023) (德语).
- ^ Lechts oder rinks? Das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht im Parteienwettbewerb (PDF). FES Impuls (Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung). December 2023: 1–4. ISBN 978-3-98628-355-1 (德语).
- ^ Holzhauser, Thorsten. Nicht links oder rechts, sondern beides? Das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht nach der Europawahl (PDF). Paris: Ifri. 2024 [27 July 2024]. ISBN 979-10-373-0886-3.
- ^ Schack, Ramon. Hajo Funke über Wagenknecht-Partei: "Ich verstehe nicht, wie Medien von rechtsoffen sprechen können". Berliner Zeitung. 25 February 2024 (德语).
- ^ Kowalczuk, Ilko-Sascha. Freiheitsschock: eine andere Geschichte Ostdeutschlands von 1989 bis heute 1. bis 4. Auflage 2024. München: C.H.Beck. 2024. ISBN 978-3-406-82213-1.
- ^ Die Diktatur der Mehrheit. www.dbwv.de. [2024-12-19] (de-DE).
- ^
- Szumski, Charles. Owen Morgan , 编. Regional elections in Germany cause European stir. Euractiv. 2 September 2024.
French MEP Manon Aubry of La France Insoumise (The Left) said the AfD’s success, along with the strong showing of the far-left BSW party led by Sahra Wagenknecht, reflected a polarised political landscape in Germany and in Europe.
- Brady, Kate; Faiola, Anthony. Far right set to win in a German state for the first time since WWII. Washington Post. 1 September 2024.
The additional success of the far-left BSW, only founded in January, could reshape German politics, with the party having the potential to scoop up voters from across the political spectrum in next year’s national vote.
- Marsh, Sarah. Germany far-right party could win first state in eastern regional elections. Reuters. 1 September 2024.
New far-left BSW could become kingmaker.
- Chazan, Guy. Far-right Alternative for Germany wins first regional election. Financial Times. Berlin. 2 September 2024.
The AfD is not the only beneficiary of local residents’ anger: they also voted in large numbers for a new far-left party, the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), which won 15.8 per cent in Thuringia and 11.8 per cent in Saxony.
- Erlanger, Steven; Schuetze, Christopher F. East Germans Lean Toward Extremes in State Elections. New York Times. Berlin. 1 September 2024.
But if the Christian Democrats must turn to the far-left BSW for a coalition partner, they may find these negotiations awkward because Ms. Wagenknecht, who is not running for office on the state level, has insisted that any coalition partner accept her position on Ukraine, calling for an end to German aid to Kyiv and rapid negotiations to try to end the war.
- Bharadwaj, Apurva. Germany's Far-Right Poised To Win Regional Elections. NDTV. 1 September 2024.
Opinion polls have indicated that the AfD is ahead in Thuringia and a close second in Saxony. Another party, the far-left BSW, is also getting a strong upstart, the opinion polls showed.
- Jackson, James; Cleave, Iona; Kelly, Kieran. German far-Right to win first state election since Nazi era. The Daily Telegraph. Berlin. 1 September 2024.
The preliminary results showed large increases for both the far-Right AfD and the far-Left BSW in the eastern German state, while the Greens suffered heavy losses.
- Stroud, Liv. Germany grapples with far-right surge as AfD wins state election. Euronews. 3 September 2024.
In Thuringia, none of the established parties managed to secure an absolute majority or even a coalition majority, and the main question remains whether the AfD can form a coalition with the far-left Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) or the conservative CDU.
- von der Burchard, Hans; Posaner, Joshua. German far right seizes on knife attack ahead of crucial state elections. The Politico. Berlin. 24 August 2024.
The AfD is attacking not only the ruling coalition of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats, the Greens and the Free Democrats, but also the two main opposition parties, the center-right CDU/CSU and the far-left Sahra Wagenknecht alliance, which are the AfD’s main opponents in both state elections.
- Cole, Deborah. 'A test case for German democracy': populists ride high before state elections. The Guardian. Erfurt. 29 August 2024.
The campaign has included the remarkable rise of an eight-month-old party built around a veteran far-left firebrand, the Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance).
- Rogers, Iain. German Far-Left Leader Turns Power Broker After State Votes. Bloomberg News. 2 September 2024.
Sahra Wagenknecht and her new BSW alliance of the far left are set to play a key role in keeping the Alternative for Germany out of power in Thuringia despite the far-right party’s victory in Sunday’s state election there.
- Edwards, Christian; Otto, Claudio; Otto, Matties; Schmidt, Nadine. AfD becomes first far-right party to win German state election since 1945. CNN. 2 September 2024.
In another worrying development for Germany’s mainstream, the fledgling Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) – a far-left party that has questioned the country’s support for Ukraine and shares some of the AfD’s anti-immigration streak – came third in both states, despite only being founded earlier this year.
- Macdougal, John. Election outcome highlights Germany's Ukraine war problem. Radio France Internationale. Berlin. 2 September 2024.
A new far-left party, BSW, also made a big impact in the polls, having run on a ticket of peace negotiations with Russia and opposition to the planned stationing of US missiles in Germany.
- German Chancellor Scholz calls on parties to isolate far right. Le Monde. Paris. 2 September 2024.
Sahra Wagenknecht, who heads the far-left BSW, said her party "cannot work together" with Höcke and has long ruled out a coalition with the AfD.
- Colborne, Femke. Election outcome highlights Germany's Ukraine war problem. The Manhattan Mercury. 2 September 2024.
A new far-left party, BSW, also made a big impact in the polls, having run on a ticket of peace negotiations with Russia and opposition to the planned stationing of US missiles in Germany.
- Ridgwell, Henry. German far-right surge raises doubts about Berlin's support for Ukraine. Voice of America. 3 September 2024.
The newly formed far-left BSW party was in third place with 15.8%. The AfD came in second in the neighboring state of Saxony, just behind the Christian Democrats.
- Axelrod, Toby. Far-right party wins German state election for first time since the Nazi era. The Forward. 3 September 2024.
A far-left party, Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance or BSW, also produced notable results, coming in third in Thuringia with 15.8% of the vote.
- Today in Germany: A round-up of the latest news on Tuesday. The Local. 3 September 2024.
Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) on Monday further ruled out working with the second-placed AfD and said the party is considering a coalition with the SPD and the new Sahra Wagenknecht alliance (BSW) - the far-left party named after its founder.
- Waterfield, Bruno; Moody, Oliver. Germany election results: hard-right AfD set to win Thuringia. The Times. 2 September 2024.
In another blow to the political mainstream, the newly created far-left populist Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), named after its founder, a former communist, came in third place in both regions on 14.5 per cent and 11.5 per cent of the vote.
- Burmeister, Julian. Wie Deutschland international gesehen wird: Gibt es ein neues Image nach den Wahlen?. Südwestrundfunk. 3 September 2024 (德语).
Die Partei „Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht“ wird von der internationalen Presse fast durchweg als linksextrem charakterisiert.
- McGuinness, Damien. Germany's one million Syrians at centre of fierce debate over their future. BBC. Berlin. 10 December 2024.
Sahra Wagenknecht, who this year set up a new anti-migrant far-left populist party, echoed the AfD's rhetoric.
- Rogers, Iain. Scholz Gains Ground on Conservative Challenger Merz in New Poll. BNN Bloomberg. 6 December 2024.
The Greens are fourth with 13.5% and the BSW — a new far-left party founded in January — fifth at 6%.
- Pitel, Laura; Nilsson, Patricia. German job cuts darken mood of election campaign. Financial Times. Berlin and Frankfurt. 3 December 2024.
Münch warned that the fearful climate posed a threat to all mainstream parties at a time when the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), which is second in the polls, and a new entrant, the far-left Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), have claimed successes in some recent regional elections.
- McGuinness, Damien. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz loses confidence vote. BBC. Berlin. 16 December 2024.
Another new populist political party could also get into parliament for the first time, the anti-migrant nativist far-left Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance BSW, which is named after its firebrand Marxist leader.
- Szumski, Charles. Owen Morgan , 编. Regional elections in Germany cause European stir. Euractiv. 2 September 2024.
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- ^ Hoyer, Katja. The rise of Reform could make Britain ungovernable – look to Germany to see why. The Daily Telegraph. 19 March 2024.
We’re now in a position where the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) is polling as the second largest political party while a new far-Left party, headed by the former communist Sahra Wagenknecht, is also projected to take up seats in the next German parliament.
- ^
- Adler, Nils. Not just AfD: What's the BSW, Germany's rising populist left party?. Al Jazeera. 25 September 2024.
The BSW belongs on the left – the hard left, even.
- Waterfield, Bruno. Brandenburg election: Olaf Scholz's SPD narrowly defeats hard-right AfD. The Times. 23 September 2024.
As well as consolidating the status of the AfD as a new force in German politics, the vote secured a kingmaker role for the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), a new socially-conservative, anti-immigration hard-left party.
- Adler, Nils. Not just AfD: What's the BSW, Germany's rising populist left party?. Al Jazeera. 25 September 2024.
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- ^ Thomeczek, J. Philipp. Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW): Left-Wing Authoritarian—and Populist? An Empirical Analysis. Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 2024, 65 (3): 546–547. doi:10.1007/s11615-024-00544-z .
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Formed in January this year after much speculation, the party’s unique appeal lies in its anti-immigration stance and conservative cultural positions, such as scepticism towards gender-inclusive language and trans rights.
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Einen EU-Erweiterungsstopp, was auch für die Ukraine gelten muss, die ansonsten noch mehr zum Fass ohne Boden für die deutschen Steuerzahler wird.
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