临界点 (热力学)

水的临界点是温度647.096 K(373.946 °C;705.103 °F)及压强22.064兆帕斯卡(3,200.1磅力每平方英寸;217.75标准大气压;220.64巴)[3]。
在临界点附近时,液态和气态性质都会大幅变化,且液态和气态性质会越来越接近。以水为例,在一般条件下,水几乎不可压缩、热膨胀系数小、是高相对电容率的良好介电质,是电解质的良好溶剂。但在临界点附近, 上述性质都往反方向变化:水变成可压缩、可热膨胀、不适合作介电质,无法溶解电解质,也更容易和非极性气体和有机分子混合[4]。
临界点只会存在一相,汽化热为零。在压强体积图的等温度线(constant-temperature line)会出现拐点。表示在临界点处[5][6][7]:

临界点的存在最早是由Charles Cagniard de la Tour在1822年发现的[9][10],由德米特里·门捷列夫在1860年命名[11][12]而托马斯·安德鲁斯在1869年也为其命名[13]。Cagniard发现31 °C的CO2可以在73 atm压强下液化。但若温度略高,就算压强上升到3000 atm,都无法液化。
为了分析临界点附近的流体性质,定义了对比性质(简化性质,reduced properties),是以临界点性质为基础所定义的[14]。
有些气体有额外的修正系数,称为Newton's correction,加在用上述方式计算的临界温度和临界压强上。其值是靠实验推导,在不同的压强范围有不同的值[15]。
[编辑]Substance[16][17] | 临界温度 | 临界温度(绝对压强) |
氩 | −122.4 °C(150.8 K) | 48.1 atm(4,870 kPa) |
氨 (NH3)[18] | 132.4 °C(405.5 K) | 111.3 atm(11,280 kPa) |
R-134a | 101.06 °C(374.21 K) | 40.06 atm(4,059 kPa) |
R-410A | 72.8 °C(345.9 K) | 47.08 atm(4,770 kPa) |
溴 | 310.8 °C(584.0 K) | 102 atm(10,300 kPa) |
铯 | 1,664.85 °C(1,938.00 K) | 94 atm(9,500 kPa) |
氯 | 143.8 °C(416.9 K) | 76.0 atm(7,700 kPa) |
乙烷(C2H6) | 31.17 °C(304.32 K) | 48.077 atm(4,871.4 kPa) |
乙醇(C2H5OH) | 241 °C(514 K) | 62.18 atm(6,300 kPa) |
氟 | −128.85 °C(144.30 K) | 51.5 atm(5,220 kPa) |
氦 | −267.96 °C(5.19 K) | 2.24 atm(227 kPa) |
氢 | −239.95 °C(33.20 K) | 12.8 atm(1,300 kPa) |
氪 | −63.8 °C(209.3 K) | 54.3 atm(5,500 kPa) |
甲烷(CH4) | −82.3 °C(190.8 K) | 45.79 atm(4,640 kPa) |
氖 | −228.75 °C(44.40 K) | 27.2 atm(2,760 kPa) |
氮 | −146.9 °C(126.2 K) | 33.5 atm(3,390 kPa) |
氧 | −118.6 °C(154.6 K) | 49.8 atm(5,050 kPa) |
二氧化碳 | 31.04 °C(304.19 K) | 72.8 atm(7,380 kPa) |
一氧化二氮 | 36.4 °C(309.5 K) | 71.5 atm(7,240 kPa) |
硫酸 | 654 °C(927 K) | 45.4 atm(4,600 kPa) |
氙 | 16.6 °C(289.8 K) | 57.6 atm(5,840 kPa) |
锂 | 2,950 °C(3,220 K) | 652 atm(66,100 kPa) |
汞 | 1,476.9 °C(1,750.1 K) | 1,720 atm(174,000 kPa) |
硫 | 1,040.85 °C(1,314.00 K) | 207 atm(21,000 kPa) |
铁 | 8,227 °C(8,500 K) | |
金 | 6,977 °C(7,250 K) | 5,000 atm(510,000 kPa) |
铝 | 7,577 °C(7,850 K) | |
水[3][19] | 373.946 °C(647.096 K) | 217.7 atm(22,060 kPa) |
[编辑]- ^ Horstmann, Sven. Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Hochdruckphasengleichgewichtsverhalten fluider Stoffgemische für die Erweiterung der PSRK-Gruppenbeitragszustandsgleichung [Theoretical and experimental investigations of the high-pressure phase equilibrium behavior of fluid mixtures for the expansion of the PSRK group contribution equation of state] (学位论文). Oldenburg, Germany: Carl-von-Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. 2000. ISBN 3-8265-7829-5. OCLC 76176158 (德语).
- ^ Stanley, H. Eugene. Introduction to phase transitions and critical phenomena. New York: Oxford University Press. 1987. ISBN 0-19-505316-8. OCLC 15696711.
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Wagner, W.; Pruß, A. The IAPWS Formulation 1995 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ordinary Water Substance for General and Scientific Use. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data. June 2002, 31 (2): 398. doi:10.1063/1.1461829.
- ^ Anisimov, Sengers, Levelt Sengers (2004): Near-critical behavior of aqueous systems. Chapter 2 in Aqueous System at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures Palmer et al., eds. Elsevier.
- ^ 5.0 5.1 P. Atkins and J. de Paula, Physical Chemistry, 8th ed. (W. H. Freeman 2006), p. 21.
- ^ K. J. Laidler and J. H. Meiser, Physical Chemistry (Benjamin/Cummings 1982), p. 27.
- ^ P. A. Rock, Chemical Thermodynamics (MacMillan 1969), p. 123.
- ^ Fisher, Michael E.; Widom, B. Decay of Correlations in Linear Systems. Journal of Chemical Physics. 1969, 50 (9): 3756 [9 January 2023]. Bibcode:1969JChPh..50.3756F. doi:10.1063/1.1671624. (原始内容存档于2023-01-13).
- ^ Charles Cagniard de la Tour. Exposé de quelques résultats obtenu par l'action combinée de la chaleur et de la compression sur certains liquides, tels que l'eau, l'alcool, l'éther sulfurique et l'essence de pétrole rectifiée [Presentation of some results obtained by the combined action of heat and compression on certain liquids, such as water, alcohol, sulfuric ether (i.e., diethyl ether), and distilled petroleum spirit]. Annales de Chimie et de Physique. 1822, 21: 127–132 (法语).
- ^ Berche, B., Henkel, M., Kenna, R (2009) Critical phenomena: 150 years since Cagniard de la Tour. Journal of Physical Studies 13 (3), pp. 3001-1–3001-4.
- ^ 门捷列夫将其称为“沸腾的绝对温度”(абсолютная температура кипения; absolute Siedetemperatur).
- Менделеев, Д. О расширении жидкостей от нагревания выше температуры кипения [On the expansion of liquids from heating above the temperature of boiling]. Горный Журнал [Mining Journal]. 1861, 4: 141–152 (俄语).,“沸腾的绝对温度”定义在151页。 Wikimedia (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)可以看到内容
- 德文翻译:Mendelejeff, D. Ueber die Ausdehnung der Flüssigkeiten beim Erwärmen über ihren Siedepunkt [On the expansion of fluids during heating above their boiling point]. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. 1861, 119: 1–11 [2024-10-28]. doi:10.1002/jlac.18611190102. (原始内容存档于2025-02-22) (德语). The "absolute temperature of boiling" is defined on p. 11: "Als absolute Siedetemperatur müssen wir den Punkt betrachten, bei welchem 1) die Cohäsion der Flüssigkeit = 0° ist und a2 = 0, bei welcher 2) die latente Verdamfungswärme auch = 0 ist und bei welcher sich 3) die Flüssigkeit in Dampf verwandelt, unabhängig von Druck und Volum." (As the "absolute temperature of boiling" we must regard the point at which (1) the cohesion of the liquid equals 0° and a2 = 0 [where a2 is the coefficient of capillarity, p. 6], at which (2) the latent heat of vaporization also equals zero, and at which (3) the liquid is transformed into vapor, independently of the pressure and the volume.)
- 门捷列夫在1870年认为他对临界点的定义要早于Thomas AndrewsMendelejeff, D. Bemerkungen zu den Untersuchungen von Andrews über die Compressibilität der Kohlensäure [Comments on Andrews' investigations into the compressibility of carbon dioxide]. Annalen der Physik. 2nd series. 1870, 141 (12): 618–626 [2024-10-28]. Bibcode:1870AnP...217..618M. doi:10.1002/andp.18702171218. (原始内容存档于2021-11-03) (德语).
- ^ Landau, Lifshitz, Theoretical Physics, Vol. V: Statistical Physics, Ch. 83 [German edition 1984].
- ^ Andrews, Thomas. The Bakerian lecture: On the continuity of the gaseous and liquid states of matter (PDF). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (London). 1869, 159: 575–590 [2024-10-28]. S2CID 96898875. doi:10.1098/rstl.1869.0021. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2018-11-18). The term "critical point" appears on page 588.
- ^ Cengel, Yunus A.; Boles, Michael A. Thermodynamics: an engineering approach. Boston: McGraw-Hill. 2002: 91–93. ISBN 978-0-07-121688-3.
- ^ Maslan, Frank D.; Littman, Theodore M. Compressibility Chart for Hydrogen and Inert Gases. Ind. Eng. Chem. 1953, 45 (7): 1566–1568. doi:10.1021/ie50523a054.
- ^ Emsley, John. The Elements Second. Oxford University Press. 1991. ISBN 978-0-19-855818-7.
- ^ Cengel, Yunus A.; Boles, Michael A. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach
Fourth. McGraw-Hill. 2002: 824. ISBN 978-0-07-238332-4.
- ^ Ammonia – NH3 – Thermodynamic Properties. www.engineeringtoolbox.com. [2017-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2017-06-30).
- ^ Critical Temperature and Pressure. Purdue University. [2006-12-19]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-25).