维提之家(House of the Vettii)是位于罗马城镇庞贝城的一栋多姆斯,在公元79年维苏威火山爆发后被保存下来。这栋房子是以其两位事业成功的自由民屋主名称来命名的,分别为奥古斯都教友会成员“奥卢斯·维提乌斯·康维瓦”(Aulus Vettius Conviva)以及“奥卢斯·维提乌斯·雷丝提图图斯”(Aulus Vettius Restitutus)[1]。该遗址经精心挖掘几乎将所有的壁画保存了下来[2],这些壁画完成于公元62年地震后,艺术史学家称这些壁画的样式为庞贝第四风格。维提之家位于region VI,靠近维苏威门(Vesuvian Gate),与Vicolo di Mercurio和Vicolo dei Vettii接壤。这栋房子在庞贝属于大型的多姆斯,范围横跨整个block 15的南段[3]。这栋房子的平面设计是典型的罗马多姆斯,但未包括客厅(tablinum)。有12个神话场景分布在四间小卧房(Cubiculum)和一间卧躺餐厅(triclinium)中。
维提之家的平面图通常分为五个主要部分:大中庭(atrium)、小中庭、大列柱中庭(peristyle)、小列柱中庭和商店。[4]这栋房子设有大花园、主要起居区、仆人区。服务区以小中庭为中心,而主要住户则留在大中庭周围。房子的主要部分有两个入口,主入口位于东立面,从Vicolo dei Vettii进入,第二个入口从南立面的Vicolo di Mercurio进入。此外,东立面有5个小窗户, [5]南立面有2个垂直的窄窗, [6]西立面有1个小窗户。 [7] 小中庭和小列柱中庭位于房子的北区。 [8]大中庭周围有四间小卧房(最有可能属于房子的主要住户),两间厢房(alae)和一间冬季卧躺餐厅(triclinium)。从主入口进入中庭,必须经过窄通道(fauces)和前庭(vestibulum)。小中庭周围有四间房间,据信这些房间曾给仆人使用以及作为储藏室。厨房也位于小中庭附近,还有一间让厨师居住的小卧房,以及一间用来从屋顶开口处收集雨水的天井 。小中庭的东南角还发现了一个楼梯,但二楼已不复存在。[4]
房子里有两个服务区,第一个服务区以小中庭为中心。第二个服务区可以从房子的主中庭进入,也可以从南立面的 Vicolo di Mercurio 进入。在这里有一扇大门通向商店,也就是所谓的店铺单元(taberna)。牲口是通过这扇大门运送,并停放在商店内。 [8]除了商店之外,还有一间房间和沟型厕所。
[编辑]维提之家拥有大量庞贝第四风格的壁画,有十二幅描绘神话场景的面板残存至今,这些壁画属于由前三种风格结合而成的第四风格。首先是第一庞贝风格的标志,在墙的底部可看到一圈假的彩色大理石。其次是热衷于创造幻想的场景,尤其在上圈和神话场景中十分显著,这借鉴了第二风格。最后是第三风格,该风格表现在绘制了脱离现实的细柱来支撑上圈壁画。第四风格的新颖之处在于神话场景,其中有十二幅作品留在维提之家。 [9]据信这些场景是从希腊原型作品复制而来的,但没有留存至今的希腊绘画可供比较。[10]十二幅面板画位于两间列柱中庭花园旁的卧躺餐厅,以及一间小列柱中庭旁的卧躺餐厅,其余的则位于主入口左侧的卧躺餐厅和小卧房。[11]这些绘画结合创作神灵奖惩的主题,其中一幅特别展示了朱庇特(宙斯)和他的儿子作为世界秩序执法者的力量。[12]
[编辑]- ^ Their identity was preserved in campaign-slogan graffiti on the street front of the house. Two inscribed signet rings were also found.
- ^ The House of the Vettii was not one of the eighteenth-century discoveries, which were rifled for their museum-worthy objects. It was excavated between September 1894 and January 1896. There is evidence that the house was disturbed, perhaps looted, shortly after the eruption.
- ^ Beth, Severy-Hoven. Master Narratives and the Wall Painting of the House of the Vettii. Gender & History. November 2012,. 24 (no. 3): 540–580.
- ^ 4.0 4.1 Archer, William. The Paintings of the Casa Dei Vettii in Pompeii. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. : 6.
- ^ Archer, William. The Paintings of the Casa Dei Vettii in Pompeii. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. : 434.
- ^ Archer, William. The Paintings of Casa Dei Vettii in Pompeii. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. : 14.
- ^ Archer, William. The Paintings of the Casa Dei Vettii in Pompeii. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. : 17.
- ^ 8.0 8.1 Severy-Hoven, Beth. Master Narratives and the Wall Painting of the House of the Vettii. Gender & History. November 2012,. 24 (no. 3): 544.
- ^ Khan Academy. Khan Academy. [2017-11-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-28) (英语).
- ^ Archer, William Carthon. The Paintings of the Casa Dei Vettii in Pompeii. University of Virginia, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. 1981: 395.
- ^ Archer, William. The Paintings of the Casa Dei Vettii in Pompeii. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. 1981: 394.
- ^ Severy-Hoven, Beth. Master Narratives and the Wall Painting of the House of the Vettii. Gender & History. November 2012,. 24 (no. 3): 554.
[编辑]- Butterworth, Alex and Ray Laurence. Pompeii: The Living City. New York, St. Martin's Press, 2005.
- (Stoa.org) On-line companion to Penelope Mary Allison, Pompeian Households: House of the Vettii (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- John R. Clarke, Andrew Otwell, David Richard, Denise Ketcham, * Heather Matthews "The House of the Vettii at Pompeii: An Interactive Exploration of Roman Art in the Domestic Sphere" (currently inactive)
- Rowland, Ingrid D. (2014). From Pompeii : The Afterlife of a Roman Town. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
[编辑]- R. Etienne, Pompeii. The Day a City Died (London 1986; 3rd ed. 1994)
- R. Laurence, Roman Pompeii: Space and Society (London, 1994)
- A. Wallace-Hadrill, Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum (Princeton, 1994)
- Beth Severy-Hoven, 'Master Narratives and the Wall Painting of the House of the Vettii, Pompeii', Gender and History 2012, vol. 24 (3) 540-80
- Rowland, Ingrid D. (2014). From Pompeii : The Afterlife of a Roman Town. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.