恩培多克勒 | |
![]() 恩培多克勒雕像 | |
时代 | 前苏格拉底哲学 |
地区 | 西方哲学 |
学派 | 多元论学派 |
主要领域 | 宇宙形成论、本体论 |
著名思想 | 所有物质都是由水、土、气体和火四种元素组成 |
作为前苏格拉底时期哲学家,恩培多克勒受到当时占据主流的毕达哥拉斯学派和埃利亚学派思想的影响。他像巴门尼德一样用韵文写作。相传能够体现其哲学思想的两部长诗《论自然》(Περὶ φύσεως)和《净化》(Καθαρμοί)以及他的一篇散文《医论》目前只留下古人记载的约450行残篇。
[编辑]他还认为万物的生成和消灭都是无休止的循环运动,但是后人对此的观点划分为两种派别。一种是传统观点(Traditional Interpretation of Empedocles’ cycle),这种观点认为恩培多克勒所描绘的循环场景是从一个完全的结合状态到完全的毁灭,再有一个相反的进程回到完全结合的状态。这个观点的主要问题是并没有实际的证据证明确实还有这么一个相反的过程[注 1] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)[2],亚里士多德认为恩培多克勒逃避了这个问题[注 2][2]。
上述逃避的问题也给予了第二种观点发挥的空间,第二种观点被称为非传统观点(Non-traditional Interpretation of Empedocles’ cycle),这种解读认为宇宙仅仅发生了一次,宇宙中爱恨两个动力因之间的斗争是波动的、辩证的,恨将元素进行分离,而爱又将元素聚合到一起[注 3] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)。经过漫长的辩证运动之后,又恢复为一个完整的球体,也因此宇宙达到了终点。[注 4]
[编辑]- ^ 斯通普夫. 第一节 古代希腊哲学. 西方哲学史:从苏格拉底到萨特及其后.第八版修订版. 世界图书出版社.
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Kingsley, K. Scarlett; Parry, Richard. Empedocles. Zalta, Edward N. (编). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Winter 2019. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. 2019 [2019-12-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-08).
[编辑]- ^ However, we do not find in the remains of Empedocles’ poem a description of another cosmogony, one taking place under the influence of Love. Of course, that we do not find one does not mean that it did not exist, given the fragmentary nature of the text. In fact, Aristotle suggests in a number of places (De Caelo II 13, 295a29; De Generatione et Corruptione II 7, 334a5) that Empedocles was committed to such a second cosmogony. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/empedocles/#Cosm
- ^ But he(Aristotle) says Empedocles shied away from holding to such a cosmogony because it is not reasonable to posit a cosmos coming to be from elements already separated—as though cosmogony can only happen through the separation of elements out of a previously blended condition of them all (De Caelo, III 2, 301a14).
- ^ Strife’s creation of separate elements allows for their recombination by Love to form a cosmos. As described above, this would be a condition in which some portions of each of the other roots become intermingled. Love asserts her influence, forming the cosmos (consisting of a world-order with continental land-masses, oceans, rivers, winds, sun, moon, seasons, planets, stars, etc.). From the mixture of roots in due proportions, there arise various forms of animal life. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/empedocles/#Cosm
- ^ Ultimately, both animals and cosmos perish as Love totally reunifies the roots. Thus, finally, the Sphere is restored and the cosmos ends.