

国语字 Quốc Triều Xử Trí Vạn Tượng Sự Nghi Lục
汉喃 國朝處置萬象事宜錄

国朝处置万象事宜录》(越南语Quốc Triều Xử Trí Vạn Tượng Sự Nghi Lục),又称《国朝处置万象事宜》,越南阮朝历史文献,由乂安官员吴高朗于1827年以汉文编撰。该书提及1827年万象国王阿弩(即昭阿努)反对暹罗国操纵而起兵,因失利而向阮朝求援,阮朝出兵护送阿弩返国的史实。因老挝、泰国(暹罗)有关该次战事的记录稀少或经过改写,而本书提供的史料可作补充,并对研究当时印支半岛(即中南半岛)国际关系有参考价值。









卷二提到,由于万象形势严峻,阮廷遂进行外交调停,在该年底“投书暹将,并护送蛮人(万象人)归国”。[6]另外还有暹罗将领腊苏帕伐迪(Phraya Ratchasuphawadi,书中称作“丑颇祸𠫾”)给越方的书信,信中提出“阿弩为臣不忠,萌心背叛,致暹王遣兵追拿”[15]芒族部落“为阿弩之所逼勒,阿弩若此过动,致各芒困苦弗获宁居”等指控。后面部分的内容,现存抄本已缺。[16]



据东南亚史学者Mayoury、Pheuiphanh Ngaosrivathana所提及,老挝留下的阿弩王起兵资料甚少,而暹罗军队取得的老挝相关文献也少,而暹罗的文献记录又曾被改写。而《国朝处置万象事宜录》把阿弩事件按日记事,资料充足可信,可补史料不足,并让后世读者从中了解阮氏朝廷曼谷王朝及老挝人等势力如何作出决策的情况。[17]此外,本书还可反驳后世政客的老挝“受越南控制”的观点,相反老挝大部分地区被曼谷王朝直接控制,阮廷对此也无可奈何。[18]




本书的流传情况,从1884年的《内阁目录》里可知它原本著录有五册,为1868年集贤院购进。[20]在后世有抄本流传,页数165页。[8]法属时期法国远东学院取得抄本一份,内有165页(两卷),编号为“A. 949”,并制作微缩胶卷副本。后来北越(越南民主共和国)取得该抄本,收藏在越南社会科学委员会东南亚研究部。1977年,越南社会科学委员会委任学者Do Thi Hao译成越南语版本。而微缩胶卷副本则被法国远东学院收藏。此外,南越时期(越南共和国)亦有学者收藏本书的抄本及越译手抄本。[21]

东南亚史学者Mayoury、Pheuiphanh Ngaosrivathana指出,此书在后世的推广和引用不多,原因之一是它的文字艰深,不易阅读,并在2001年将本书译成英语,并收录两卷本的汉文手抄本的(卷一完整,卷二有缺),成书出版,书名为《Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities》,由日本东洋文库东亚文化研究中心出版。[22]


  1. ^ Grant Evans: A Short History of Laos: The Land in Between., p.25. Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest NSW, Australia.
  2. ^ 姆·耳·马尼奇·琼赛《老挝史》,福建人民出版社,172─182。
  3. ^ 陈重金(即陈仲金)《越南通史》(即《越南史略》),北京商务印书馆,337─338。
  4. ^ 冯承钧《西域南海史地考证论著汇辑·安南书录》,231页;越南汉喃文献目录数据库系统检索─书目详细资料:《国朝处置万象事谊录》页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)。
  5. ^ Ngo Cao Lang: The Journal of Our Imperial Court's Actions with regard to the Incident Involving the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Elephants, in Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.223.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Ngo Cao Lang: The Journal of Our Imperial Court's Actions with regard to the Incident Involving the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Elephants, in Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.190.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  7. ^ >Mayoury and Pheuiphanh Ngaosrivathana: Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.24-25.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 越南漢喃文獻目錄資料庫系統檢索─書目詳細資料:《國朝處置萬象事誼錄》. [2015-03-13]. (原始内容存档于2015-04-02). 
  9. ^ Ngo Cao Lang: The Journal of Our Imperial Court's Actions with regard to the Incident Involving the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Elephants, in Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.266.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  10. ^ Ngo Cao Lang: The Journal of Our Imperial Court's Actions with regard to the Incident Involving the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Elephants, in Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.265.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  11. ^ Ngo Cao Lang: The Journal of Our Imperial Court's Actions with regard to the Incident Involving the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Elephants, in Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.264.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  12. ^ Ngo Cao Lang: The Journal of Our Imperial Court's Actions with regard to the Incident Involving the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Elephants, in Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.242.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  13. ^ Ngo Cao Lang: The Journal of Our Imperial Court's Actions with regard to the Incident Involving the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Elephants, in Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.230.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  14. ^ Ngo Cao Lang: The Journal of Our Imperial Court's Actions with regard to the Incident Involving the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Elephants, in Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.225.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  15. ^ Ngo Cao Lang: The Journal of Our Imperial Court's Actions with regard to the Incident Involving the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Elephants, in Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.187.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  16. ^ Ngo Cao Lang: The Journal of Our Imperial Court's Actions with regard to the Incident Involving the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Elephants, in Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.183.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  17. ^ Mayoury and Pheuiphanh Ngaosrivathana: Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.18-19.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  18. ^ Mayoury and Pheuiphanh Ngaosrivathana: Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.20-21.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  19. ^ Mayoury and Pheuiphanh Ngaosrivathana: Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.23.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  20. ^ 冯承钧《西域南海史地考证论著汇辑·安南书录》,231页。
  21. ^ Mayoury and Pheuiphanh Ngaosrivathana: Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, p.24-25.  The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.
  22. ^ Mayoury and Pheuiphanh Ngaosrivathana: Vietnamese Source Materials concerning The 1827 Conflict between the Court of Siam and the Lao Principalities, The Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for Unesco, The Toyo Bunko.



