[编辑]1929年,英澳纽南极研究探险队成员在南极科考船发现号(RRS Discovery)上,用白色棉布临时制作一面礼仪旗(courtesy ensign,船只在外国水域时用来表示尊重的旗帜),以纪念没有自己旗帜的南极大陆,这面旗帜后来收藏在伦敦国家海事博物馆。这支探险队在前往南极洲的航行中,至少有两次使用白旗来代表南极洲,1929年8月1日出版的《泰晤士报》描述“这艘船在船头悬挂英国国旗,前桅杆悬挂白色的南极旗,船尾悬挂澳大利亚国旗。”[2][3]
[编辑]1978年,旗帜学家惠特尼·史密斯在北美旗帜学协会年会上,提出南极洲旗帜的设计方案。这是一面带有白色图案的橘色旗帜,罗马字母“A”代表南极洲,半球代表南极圈以下的区域,双手代表人类对环境的保护;为了提高旗帜的可见度,他选择使用国际橘色,这是航空航天工业中常用的一种颜色,用来将物体与周围环境区分开来。[1] 选择鲜艳橘色也是因为它在国旗中很罕见,没有一个在南极洲有活跃研究基地的国家,在他们的国旗上使用橘色。图案设计在位于旗帜靠旗杆的悬挂侧,这样即使旗帜被南极猛烈的强风吹坏,靠近悬挂侧的部分仍有机会保持清晰可见。[4]
[编辑]1996年,英国旗帜研究院首席旗帜学家格雷厄姆·巴特拉姆为多媒体公司开发、电子艺界发行的3D地图集程序,提出另一个南极洲旗帜的设计方案。[5] 这面旗帜以联合国旗帜为范本,选择蓝色为旗帜底色,绘制白色南极洲轮廓以象征中立,设计灵感来自南极条约体系的标识。[6]
旗帜学家泰德·凯耶将巴特拉姆的设计印制出来,并带着这面旗帜参加南极巡航。响应凯耶的要求,巴西科考站费拉兹司令基地和洛克罗伊港大英博物馆升起这面旗帜。[1] 自2015年以来,巴特拉姆的设计已在大多数受支持的平台上,用作“南极洲旗帜”的表情符号,它使用区域指示符序列AQ实现。[7]
[编辑]2018年,埃文·汤森提出“True South”的旗帜设计方案。[9][10] 这面旗帜具有以下含义:
这面旗帜以“地理南极”(或称“True South”)为名,不同于“地磁南极”。[12] 该面旗帜自问世以来,迅速为人熟知并受到欢迎。[13] 已被一些国家南极计划、[14][15] 南极非营利组织和探险队采用,飘扬悬挂在南极洲的几个研究站;[16] 同时,它于2022年被用作南极点的定点标记。[17]
[编辑]南极条约体系的标识偶尔被使用作为南极洲旗帜,一方面因为自1961年第一次磋商会议以来,其成员国就持续使用;[18][19] 另一方面,则是因为它启发其他类似的旗帜。[6] 关于这个标识设计的起源,可以追溯到1959年《南极条约》的第一次修订;[20] 但是,南极条约体系的磋商成员国直到2002年为止,才正式将其认定作为官方标识。[21]
这个标识以旗帜的形式被使用。[22][23][24] 同时,也用于所有官方文件,正式来说是代表南极条约体系,而不是代表南极洲本身。[22] 1971年,美国邮政局为其发行过一枚纪念邮票。[25]
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Kaye, Edward. Flags Over Antarctica (PDF). Proceedings of the International Congress of Vexillology. 27 July 2003, XX: 389–401 –通过Nordic Flag Society.
- ^ White Flag of Antarctica - National Maritime Museum. collections.rmg.co.uk. [26 October 2020].
- ^ Savours, Ann. The Voyages of the Discovery: An Illustrated History of Scott's Ship. Seaforth Publishing. 4 April 2013. ISBN 978-1-84832-702-3 (英语).
- ^ Antarctica — Whitney Smith proposal. www.crwflags.com. [12 January 2023].
- ^ Phil Salvador. Music Highlight: Electronic Arts 3D Atlas. 3 June 2015 [2 April 2023].
- ^ 6.0 6.1 Dumont-Le Cornec, Elisabeth. The World Encyclopedia of Flags: Banners and Ensigns. Firefly Books. 2020: 154. ISBN 978-0-2281-0258-8 (英语).
...One flag was designed by Graham Bartram and is very similar to the flag of the Antarctic Treaty, and the other is by Whitney Smith... Neither of these flags has ever been flown on the territories governed by the treaty.
- ^ Flag for Antarctica Emoji. Emojipedia. [13 December 2017].
- ^ Antarctica Flag Redesigned. Antarctica Flag Redesigned. [2024-03-20].
- ^ Antarctica's first flag gives the uninhabited continent a voice in the climate crisis. 29 April 2021.
- ^ True South: A New Flag for a Global Antarctica.
- ^ A New Flag of Antarctica. True South. [2020-12-07] (英语).
- ^ Lilit Marcus. Is Antarctica a country? The future of the world's least understood continent. CNN. 18 July 2021 [9 August 2022] (英语).
- ^ Antarctica, The World Factbook (Central Intelligence Agency), 2 August 2022 [20 August 2022] (英语)
- ^ Long, Molly. This flag has been designed to represent and protect Antarctica. Design Week. 20 April 2021 [9 August 2022] (en-UK).
- ^ Sandigliano, Teo. TRUE SOUTH, a new flag for Antarctica's conservation. WeVux. 23 April 2021 [20 August 2022] (美国英语).
- ^ * Antarctica's New Flag Hopes To Bring Attention To This Fragile Continent. Matador Network. [9 August 2022] (美国英语).
- Flag Days: Good Luck, True South. 99% Invisible. 8 June 2021 [8 August 2022] (美国英语).
- Antarctica's first flag gives the uninhabited continent a voice in the climate crisis. Dezeen. 29 April 2021 [9 August 2022] (英语).
- Team, True South. True South Flies on All 7 Continents in Celebration of Antarctica Day. True South. 4 December 2020 [28 January 2021] (英语).
- ^ Antarctica Photo Library. photolibrary.usap.gov. [8 August 2022] (英语).
- ^ Antarctic treaty, first consultative meeting, 10 Jul 1961 (PDF) (法语).
- ^ Postage stamp issues to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty, 1961. Polar Record. January 1972, 16 (100): 104–105. Bibcode:1972PoRec..16..104.. ISSN 1475-3057. S2CID 251050011. doi:10.1017/S0032247400062677 (英语).
The representatives recommend their governments:...that the most prominent feature of the stamp should be the Atlantic Treaty emblem representing a map of Antarctica, which appears on the official documents of consultative meetings;
- ^ Original facsimile of Antarctic Treaty, 1 December 1959 (PDF).
- ^ The Antarctic Treaty Explained. British Antarctic Survey. [2020-10-27] (英国英语).
- ^ 22.0 22.1 Decision 2 (2002) - ATCM XXV - CEP V, Warsaw. Antarctic Treaty database. [2020-10-26].
- ^ Antarctic Treaty. www.fotw.info. [2023-03-29].
- ^ Postage stamp issues to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty, 1961. Polar Record. January 1972, 16 (100): 104–105. Bibcode:1972PoRec..16..104.. ISSN 1475-3057. S2CID 251050011. doi:10.1017/S0032247400062677 (英语).
[编辑]- Antarctica – flag proposals
- YouTube上的The Coolest ""Country"" Flag You Need To Know, a video by CGP Grey on the topic