中日韩统一表意文字 (Unicode区段)

中日韩统一表意文字 CJK Unified Ideographs | |
范围 | U+4E00..U+9FFF (20,992个码位) |
平面 | 基本多文种平面(BMP) |
已分配 | 20,992个码位 |
未分配 | 0个保留码位 |
统一码版本历史 | |
1.0.1 | 20,902 (+20,902) |
4.1 | 20,924 (+22) |
5.1 | 20,932 (+8) |
5.2 | 20,940 (+8) |
6.1 | 20,941 (+1) |
8.0 | 20,950 (+9) |
10.0 | 20,971 (+21) |
11.0 | 20,976 (+5) |
13.0 | 20,989 (+13) |
14.0 | 20,992 (+3) |
相关区块 | |
码表链接 ∣ 网页链接 | |
注释:[1][2] |
中日韩统一表意文字(英语:CJK Unified Ideographs)是Unicode区段,收录了现代汉语与日语最常用的汉字。
中日韩统一表意文字区段包含了20,992个汉字,编码范围为U+4E00–U+9FFF,Unicode 14.0起已完整填满。
此区段中的U+4E00–U+9FA5共20,902字,是在Unicode 1.0.1版本时初始制定的,亦常被称为“Unified Repertoire and Ordering”,简称“URO”。[3]
在Unicode 11.0中加入的5个汉字中,包含了元素周期表中新命名的第117与118号元素“鿬”与“鿫”。
版本 | 最终码点[a] | 码位数 | UTC ID | L2 ID | WG2 ID | IRG ID | 文档 |
1.0.1 | U+4E00..9FA5 | 20,902 | X3L2/89-153 | N480 | Proposal for Creating Unified CJK Han Char Collection, 1989-07-01 | ||
X3L2/89-162 | N492 | Memo on Unified Han Character Collection, August 1989 | |||||
X3L2/89-163 | N493 | Are Japanese Ideographs Different from Chinese & Korean?, August 1989 | |||||
X3L2/90-019I | N507 | Coding of ideographic characters in ISO 10646, 1989-09-11 | |||||
X3L2/90-019C | Further Explanations on HCC (as previously described in 2 N 2046), 1989-11-13 | ||||||
X3L2/90-019D | Chinese National Position on HCC, 1989-11-13 | ||||||
X3L2/90-019F | N508 | Proposed Rules for Handling the Differences of Similar Hanza/Hanja/Kanji, 1989-11-13 | |||||
X3L2/90-056A | Wada, Eiiti, Letter from Prof. Wada re Han Character Collection, 1990-01-30 | ||||||
X3L2/90-019F.1 | N508R | Proposed Rules for Handling the Differences of Hanza/Hanja/Kanji Similar in Shape | |||||
X3L2/90-023 | Hastings, Tom, Naming Ideographic Characters in ISO DP 10646, 1990-02-08 | ||||||
X3L2/90-061D | N612 | Hasegawa, Masami, Possible solutions to the CJK ideographic character problem, 1990-03-01 | |||||
X3L2/90-060A | N600 | Detail Report of the ad hoc (Seoul) meeting of WG2, 1990-03-02 | |||||
X3L2/90-132 | N647 | Arrangement of Characters from China in DIS 10646, 1990-09-07 | |||||
X3L2/90-124 | N667(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | 7. Review feedback on conclusions reached at meeting 17 in Sapporo, Minutes of SC2/WG2 Meeting 18 in Munich, 1990-11-12 | |||||
X3L2/91-001 | Smith-Yoshimura, Karen, RLG Position Paper on Han Unification, 1991-01-02 | ||||||
X3L2/91-016 | Comments on ISO-IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 N669, 1991-01-16 | ||||||
X3L2/91-017 | Outline Position Han Unification (Draft), 1991-01-16 | ||||||
X3L2/91-045 | Collins, Lee, Unified Han Character Set in ISO/IEC DIS 10646, 1991-03-12 | ||||||
UTC/1991-055 | Collins, Lee, Disposition of CJK Issues | ||||||
X3L2/93-014 | Explanatory notes for the Unified Ideographic CJK Characters Repertoire and Ordering V.1.0, 1991-11-29 | ||||||
X3L2/92-173 | N814 | Unified CJK Ideographic Character Repertoire & Order V2.0, 1992-04-25 | |||||
X3L2/93-053 | N823 | Zhang, Zhoucai, A minor change with one Kanji glyph in Unified CJK Ideographs, 1992-06-27 | |||||
X3L2/93-052 | N822 | Additional Unified Ideographic CJK Characters (HCS-B), 1992-06-29 | |||||
UTC/1992-046 | X3L2/93-012 | Jenkins, John, Proposed revision to the unification rules, 1992-09-12 | |||||
X3L2/93-013 | Jenkins, John, A preliminary examination of a possible composition mechanism for CJK characters, 1992-10-08 | ||||||
UTC/1993-019 | Jenkins, John, Report from EASC to UTC, 1993-09-09 | ||||||
X3L2/94-084 | N1006 | Defect report of J-Column in the CJK Unified Ideographs, 1994-04-05 | |||||
X3L2/94-098 | N1033 (pdf, doc(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike, 8.1.8, Unconfirmed Minutes of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 Meeting 25, Falez Hotel, Antalya, Turkey, 1994-04-18--22, 1994-06-01 | |||||
X3L2/94-109 | Proposal for ISO/IEC JET1/SC2 Defect Correction Procedures, 1994-06-01 | ||||||
X3L2/94-111 | N1043 | N100 | Koike, T., Draft text of ANNEX: Rules of CJK Unified Ideographs, 1994-07-07 | ||||
UTC/1994-024 | X3L2/94-108 | Adams, Glenn, IRG #3 Conclusions, 1994-09-06 | |||||
X3L2/95-105 | N1257 | pDAM No. 8 to ISO/IEC 10646-1: New Informative Annex on CJK Ideographs, 1995-09-08 | |||||
X3L2/95-130 | N1318 | Hart, Edwin; Edberg, Peter; Jenkins, John, US comments on PDAM-8, Informative Annex on CJK Ideographs, 1995-12-13 | |||||
X3L2/96-066 | Kobayashi, Tatsuo, Proposal for source identifier for CJK ideographs, 1996-01-26 | ||||||
L2/98-297 | Matsuoka, Eiji, ISO 10646-1.2 (Unicode) and Kanji database, 1996-04-19 | ||||||
UTC/1996-023 | Hart, Edwin, Source Code Separation Rule | ||||||
X3L2/96-082 | N1399 | ISO/IEC 10646-1 - Amendment #8, 1996-08-15 | |||||
L2/97-285 | N1649(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Paterson, Bruce, Final text AMD #8 for 10646-1 - procedure for the unification and arrangement of CJK Ideographs, 1997-09-11 | |||||
L2/98-138 | N1769 | Paterson, Bruce, Revised Text of ISO 10646-1/FPDAM 13: Amendment 13 - CJK unified ideographs with supplementary sources (page 1, 2, 3 and 438 only), 1998-04-06 | |||||
L2/98-278 | Kobayashi, Tatsuo, Sample pages from "Basic Unified Character Set" (BUCS), 1998-07-30 | ||||||
L2/99-335 | N2109(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N674 | Zhang, Zhoucai, SuperCJK, version 9.0 with Kangxi and HYD data, 1999-09-03 | ||||
L2/99-385 | N2144(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N713R | Jenkins, John, Clarification of the Non-Cognate Rule, 1999-12-08 | ||||
L2/99-386 | N2145(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N715 | Change in name of HKSAR Hanza source, 1999-12-09 | ||||
L2/00-289 | N2247(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Proposal to Add the Hanja Column of D. R. R. of Korea in ISO/IEC 10646-1 [sic], 2000-08-10 | |||||
L2/00-291 | Everson, Michael, Comments to Korean proposals (L2/00-284 - 289), 2000-08-30 | ||||||
L2/00-299 | N2259(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Sato, T. K., Addition of New Source information on CJK ideographs, 2000-09-04 | |||||
L2/01-309 | Jenkins, John, Variation selectors and Han, 2001-08-08 | ||||||
L2/01-351 | N2376(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Proposal to add the Hanja code tables of D P R of Korea into ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 (18194 ideographs to CJK Unified Ideographs and its Extension A), 2001-09-03 | |||||
L2/02-054 | Whistler, Ken, Error in Canonical Mapping for U+F951, 2002-02-04 | ||||||
L2/02-121 | N2426(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Ksar, Mike, Proposal to add 1 Hanja code of D P R of Korea into 10646-1:2000, 2002-03-18 | |||||
L2/02-217 | N2468R(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Concerns on the VARIATION SELECTORS in ISO/IEC 10646-2, PDAM-1, 2002-05-15 | |||||
L2/02-070 | Moore, Lisa, Properties - Error in canonical mapping of U+F951, Minutes for UTC #90, 2002-08-26 | ||||||
L2/02-415 | N2517(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Proposal to add 3 hanja codes of D P R of Korea into 10646-1:2000, 2002-11-01 | |||||
L2/02-437 | N2535(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N956 | Ideograph Unification, 2002-11-21 | ||||
L2/02-463 | N2564(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Kim, Kyongsok, 3-way cross-reference tables - KS X 1001, KPS 9566, and UCS, 2002-11-30 | |||||
L2/03-016 | Late DPRK Comments on SC 2 N 3624, 10646-1/FPDAM 2, 2002-12-09 | ||||||
L2/03-197 | Jenkins, John, Draft Document to Submit to WG2 on Simplified Chinese, 2003-06-10 | ||||||
L2/03-285 | Cook, Richard, Submission of kHYPLCDPF data for inclusion in Unihan.txt, 2003-08-24 | ||||||
L2/03-286 | Cook, Richard, Han variant issues, 2003-08-24 | ||||||
L2/03-287 | Cook, Richard, 16 UniHan.txt errors, 2003-08-24 | ||||||
L2/03-288 | Cook, Richard, Submission of kGSR data for inclusion in UniHan.txt, 2003-08-24 | ||||||
L2/03-301 | Cook, Richard, 24 more UniHan.txt errors, 2003-08-27 | ||||||
L2/03-311 | West, Andrew, Unicode 4.0.1 Beta Review, comments from Andrew C. West, 2003-09-17 | ||||||
L2/03-399 | Fok, Anthony, Unihan reported errors / changes re kHKSCS entries, 2003-10-13 | ||||||
L2/03-356R2 | Moore, Lisa, Han Ideographs - Unihan updates, UTC #97 Minutes, 2003-10-22 | ||||||
L2/03-367 | N2667(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Suignard, Michel; Muller, Eric; Jenkins, John, CJK Ideograph source references corrections, 2003-10-22 | |||||
L2/03-398 | Nguyen, D., Unihan reported errors / changes re kCowles, 2003-10-29 | ||||||
L2/03-413 | Hiura, Hideki; Kobayashi, Tatsuo; Kida, Yasuo; Muller, Eric; Lunde, Ken; Jenkins, John, Ideograph Variation Selector and Variation Collection Identifier, 2003-10-31 | ||||||
L2/03-453 | Minutes of the Editorial Group Ad Hoc Discussion, 2003-12-17 | ||||||
L2/04-038 | Jenkins, John, Status of the Unihan database, 2004-01-28 | ||||||
L2/04-082 | Jenkins, John, A user's guide to the Unihan database, 2004-02-03 | ||||||
L2/04-138 | Cook, Richard, Proposal to add "kHDZRadBreak" to Unihan.txt, 2004-04-22 | ||||||
L2/04-208 | N2774R(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N1064 | Proposal to add 6 KP source references to existing CJK Unified Ideographs, 2004-05-25 | ||||
L2/04-186 | Jenkins, John, Status of the Unihan database, 2004-06-04 | ||||||
L2/04-219 | Muller, Eric, Registry for Ideographic Variation Sequences, 2004-06-06 | ||||||
L2/04-336 | Muller, Eric, About the registry of Ideographic Variation Sequences, 2004-08-06 | ||||||
L2/04-373 | Cook, Richard, Unencoded CJK Ideographs: Proposal to add kXHC data to Unihan.txt, 2004-11-06 | ||||||
L2/04-420 | Muller, Eric, Report of the Ideographic Variation Sequences ad-hoc, 2004-11-18 | ||||||
L2/05-227 | Muller, Eric, Draft Letter to ISO regarding Ideographic Variation Sequences, 2005-08-20 | ||||||
L2/06-208 | Jenkins, John, Additional Fields for the Unihan 5.0 database, 2006-05-16 | ||||||
L2/06-108 | Moore, Lisa, Properties - Unihan, UTC #107 Minutes, 2006-05-25 | ||||||
L2/06-309R | Karlsson, Kent, Bug in DerivedNumericValues.txt, 2006-11-07 | ||||||
L2/06-324R2 | Moore, Lisa, Consensus 109-C17, UTC #109 Minutes, 2006-11-29, Add U+6F06 and U+9621 to the list of accounting numbers in the Unihan database. | ||||||
L2/07-123 | N3256(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Upcoming version of the Ideographic Variation Database, 2007-04-24 | |||||
L2/07-159 | Jenkins, John, U-source Database as Versioned Document, 2007-05-10 | ||||||
L2/07-161 | Jenkins, John, UTC Proposed-Ideograph Database, 2007-05-10 | ||||||
L2/07-172 | Constable, Peter, Constraint on Ideographic Variation Selector Sequences, 2007-05-12 | ||||||
L2/07-327 | N3359(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Changing K5 source reference format from K5-dddd to K5-hhhh, 2007-09-24 | |||||
L2/08-051 | Jenkins, John, Splitting Up Unihan.txt, 2008-01-28 | ||||||
L2/08-052 | Jenkins, John, Unihan Frequency Data Derived From Wikimedia, 2008-01-28 | ||||||
L2/08-109 | Muller, Eric, IVD Update and incorporation in Unicode and in ISO/IEC 10646, 2008-02-07 | ||||||
L2/08-143 | N3408 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Suignard, Michel, Representation of CJK Unified Ideographs in multi-column, 2008-04-09 | |||||
L2/08-234 | N1406 | Cook, Richard; Bishop, Thomas; Lunde, Ken, Han Unification Issues, 2008-06-06 | |||||
L2/08-281 | Smith, Joshua J., Errors/Inconsistencies in Unihan Database, 2008-08-04 | ||||||
L2/08-161R2 | Moore, Lisa, CJK - CJK Unified Ideographs in Multi-column Format, UTC #115 Minutes, 2008-11-05 | ||||||
L2/08-415 | Davis, Mark, Simplified and Traditional Mappings in Unihan, 2008-11-05 | ||||||
L2/08-425 | Cook, Richard; Lunde, Ken, IRG Use of IVD Collections, 2008-11-18 | ||||||
L2/08-430 | Cook, Richard, Proposal to correct Unihan property categories, 2008-12-16 | ||||||
L2/09-030 | Cook, Richard, Proposal to publish kHanyuPinyin data in Unihan, 2009-01-26 | ||||||
L2/09-118 | Suzuki, Toshiya, Comparison of UTC and DYC glyph, 2009-04-10 | ||||||
L2/09-119 | Suzuki, Toshiya, Investigation of DYC-source glyphs in UTR #45, 2009-04-10 | ||||||
L2/09-017 | Cook, Richard; Davis, Mark; Jenkins, John, Proposal to publish kRSURadBreak data in Unihan, 2009-05-18 | ||||||
L2/09-223 | Davis, Mark, Unihan organization, 2009-06-11 | ||||||
L2/09-237 | Davis, Mark, Unihan property names, 2009-07-13 | ||||||
L2/09-225R | Moore, Lisa, Properties — Unihan property names, Properties — Unihan organization, UTC #120 / L2 #217 Minutes, 2009-08-17 | ||||||
L2/10-034 | Member's submission #1 to IRG #34, 2010-01-27 | ||||||
L2/10-035 | Member's submission #2 to IRG #34, 2010-01-27 | ||||||
L2/10-100 | N3787(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Request for disunifying U+2F89F from U+5FF9, 2010-04-07 | |||||
L2/10-195 | Suignard, Michel, CJK Charts, 2010-05-10 | ||||||
L2/10-205 | Suignard, Michel, IRG Source format change, 2010-05-13 | ||||||
L2/10-211 | Lunde, Ken, Adobe-Japan1 IVD Collection: Current Status and Future Directions, 2010-06-16 | ||||||
L2/10-215 | Lunde, Ken, "Hanyo-Denshi" IVD Collection (PRI 167) to Adobe-Japan1-6 Mapping Table, 2010-06-22 | ||||||
L2/10-218 | N1666 | Error report on U+225D6 AND U+2F89F, 2010-06-24 | |||||
L2/11-032 | Davis, Mark; Edberg, Peter; Jenkins, John, Additions to Unihan needed for CLDR, 2011-01-31 | ||||||
L2/11-016 | Moore, Lisa, Properties — Additions to Unihan needed for CLDR, UTC #126 / L2 #223 Minutes, 2011-02-15 | ||||||
N4008(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Kim, Kyongsok; Gim, Gyeongseog, R.O.Korea's response to Japan's question RE: Idu characters, 2011-03-04 | ||||||
L2/11-111 | Lunde, Ken, Current Status of IVS Support in OSes & Applications, 2011-04-07 | ||||||
N4103(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Resolution M58.03 (Correction of G-sources in CJK main block), Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 58, 2012-01-03 | ||||||
L2/12-333 | West, Andrew, Request to UTC to Propose 226 Characters for Inclusion in CJK Extension F [Affects U+5F50, U+753E, and U+7DC7], 2012-10-19 | ||||||
L2/13-017 | Suignard, Michel, Unihan data file change, 2013-01-24 | ||||||
L2/13-018 | Add tone marks in Unihan kMandarin field for 114 Han characters, 2013-01-25 | ||||||
L2/13-031 | Jenkins, John, Changes to kEACC field in Unihan database, 2013-01-28 | ||||||
L2/13-041 | Jenkins, John, Unihan erratum - kMandarin value for U+6535, 2013-01-30 | ||||||
L2/13-011 | Moore, Lisa, B.11.10, B., UTC #134 Minutes, 2013-02-04 | ||||||
L2/13-147 | N4436(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Suignard, Michel, Proposal to change data format for CJK sources, 2013-06-02 | |||||
N4403 (pdf, doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Umamaheswaran, V. S., 10.4.3 Data format for CJK sources, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 61, Holiday Inn, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2013-06-10/14, 2014-01-28 | ||||||
L2/14-058 | Suignard, Michel, Proposal to change data format for CJK sources, 2014-02-03 | ||||||
L2/15-034 | Persson, Åke, Proposed changes in Unihan kMandarin field for 571 Han characters, 2015-02-01 | ||||||
L2/15-035 | Persson, Åke, Proposed changes in Unihan_Readings.txt, 2015-02-01 | ||||||
L2/15-065 | Jenkins, John, Proposal to Add IDS Links to Online Unihan Database, 2015-02-02 | ||||||
L2/15-070 | Davis, Mark, IDS in Unihan, 2015-02-03 | ||||||
L2/15-036R3 | Edberg, Peter, Unified input on proposed changes to Unihan readings, 2015-05-05 | ||||||
L2/15-150 | Persson, Åke, Proposed changes in Unihan kMandarin field for 34 Han characters, 2015-05-05 | ||||||
L2/15-167 | Cook, Richard, Unihan Property Status Report (Unicode 8.0), 2015-06-17 | ||||||
L2/15-250 | Davis, Mark, Relations between certain Han properties, 2015-10-20 | ||||||
L2/15-313 | Lunde, Ken, Request for IDS Data, 2015-11-03 | ||||||
L2/15-254 | Moore, Lisa, B.14.5 Relations between certain Han properties, UTC #145 Minutes, 2015-11-16 | ||||||
N4972(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Request to remove K1-6B6B from U+8C6C [Affects U+8C6C], 2018-06-05 | ||||||
N4974(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N2301 | Request of TCA’s Horizontal Extension for Chemical Terminology [Affects U+55B9, U+80BC, U+80E9 U+8132, U+8159, U+841C, and U+915E], 2018-06-12 | |||||
N4988(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Proposal on Updating 11 G glyphs of CJK Unified Ideographs to ISO/IEC 10646 [Affects U+3B9D, 3CFD, 4A76, 6FF9, 809E, 891D, 21D4C, 2278B, 23AB8, 2459B, and 2A8FB], 2018-06-13 | ||||||
N5075(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N2272R | Request for TCA’s Horizontal Extension and Updating 11 T Glyphs [Affects U+7B9A], 2018-10-05 | |||||
N5020 (pdf, doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Umamaheswaran, V. S., 10.4.5, 10.4.6, and 10.4.8, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 67, 2019-01-11 | ||||||
L2/19-242 | N5094(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N2370 | Chan, Eiso, 20 questionable V4-Source characters in Ext. C and Ext. E [Affects U+6146, U+87CE, and U+8956], 2019-02-14 | ||||
N5078(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N2375R | Modify the T-glyph for U+6BD2 and U+93BF [Affects U+6BD2 and U+93BF], 2019-05-10 | |||||
L2/19-239 | N5080(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N2338 | TCA's feedback to IRG N2338 [Affects U+53FD], 2019-05-14 | ||||
L2/19-237 | N5068(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Editorial Report on Miscellaneous Issues (meeting IRG#52) [Affects U+53FD, U+6146, U+6711, U+671C, U+6721, U+6725, U+6BD2, U+87CE, U+8956, and U+93BF], 2019-05-17 | |||||
L2/19-244 | N5107 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | TCA's UNC Proposal for WG2 submission [Affects U+9B97], 2019-05-24 | |||||
L2/19-241 | N5083(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N2391 | Errata report for WG2 submission_TCA [Affects U+6711, U+671C, U+6721, and U+6725], 2019-05-31 | ||||
4.1 | U+9FA6..9FBB | 22 | L2/03-411 | Goldsmith, Deborah; Muller, Eric, Unencoded chars in GB 18030 & HK-SCS, 2003-10-31 | |||
L2/04-161R | N2807(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Suignard, Michel; Muller, Eric; Jenkins, John, HKSCS and GB 18030 PUA characters, background document, 2004-06-17 | |||||
L2/04-263 | N2808(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Suignard, Michel, HKSCS and GB 18030 PUA characters, request for additional characters and related information, 2004-06-17 | |||||
L2/16-237 | Chung, Jaemin, Forty-one kCangjie values to be added and one kCangjie value to be corrected, 2016-08-15 | ||||||
5.1 | U+9FBC..9FC2 | 7 | L2/07-015 | Moore, Lisa, CJK Unified Ideographs (C.20), UTC #110 Minutes, 2007-02-08 | |||
L2/07-067R | N3210(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Lunde, Ken; Muller, Eric, Addition of seven CJK Unified Ideographs, 2007-02-08 | |||||
L2/07-268 | N3253 (pdf, doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Umamaheswaran, V. S., M50.25, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 50, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany; 2007-04-24/27, 2007-07-26 | |||||
U+9FC3 | 1 | L2/07-020 | Whistler, Ken, Feedback Re Proposal to disunify U+4039, L2/07-010, 2007-01-15 | ||||
L2/07-015 | Moore, Lisa, CJK Character U+4039 (C.3), UTC #110 Minutes, 2007-02-08 | ||||||
L2/07-010 | N3196R2(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | West, Andrew; Jenkins, John, Proposal to Disunify U+4039, 2007-05-01 | |||||
L2/07-150 | Whistler, Ken, E, WG2 Consent Docket, 2007-05-10 | ||||||
L2/07-118R2 | Moore, Lisa, 111-C17, UTC #111 Minutes, 2007-05-23 | ||||||
L2/07-268 | N3253 (pdf, doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Umamaheswaran, V. S., M50.20, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 50, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany; 2007-04-24/27, 2007-07-26 | |||||
5.2 | U+9FC4..9FC6 | 3 | N3353 (pdf, doc(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Umamaheswaran, V. S., M51.10, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 51 Hanzhou, China; 2007-04-24/27, 2007-10-10 | |||
L2/07-387 | Proposal to encode six CJK Ideographs in UCS, 2007-10-17 | ||||||
L2/07-345 | Moore, Lisa, Consensus 113-C15, UTC #113 Minutes, 2007-10-25, Accept 2 Japanese ARIB unified ideographs at U+9FC4 and U+9FC5. | ||||||
L2/08-184 | N3318R (pdf, appendix(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Revised proposal to encode six CJK Ideographs in UCS, 2008-03-25 | |||||
L2/08-318 | N3453 (pdf, doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Umamaheswaran, V. S., M52.2k, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 52, 2008-08-13 | |||||
U+9FC7..9FCB | 5 | L2/08-174 | Six characters to be submitted for inclusion in the BMP, 2008-04-22 | ||||
L2/08-372 | N3513(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N1405R | Revised proposal for Six urgently needed characters submitted for inclusion, 2008-06-09 | ||||
N3513-A | Addition of five Hong Kong Supplementary Character Sets characters, 2008-09-24 | ||||||
L2/08-412 | N3553 (pdf, doc(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Umamaheswaran, V. S., M53.07, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 53, 2008-11-05 | |||||
L2/08-361 | Moore, Lisa, Consensus 117-C20, UTC #117 Minutes, 2008-12-02 | ||||||
6.1 | U+9FCC | 1 | L2/07-333 | Lunde, Ken, Proposal to add twenty-one CJK Unified Ideographs to the UCS, 2007-10-02 | |||
L2/10-212 | Lunde, Ken, Proposal to Add Two Ideographs to Extension E, 2010-06-16 | ||||||
L2/10-221 | Moore, Lisa, B.14.2, UTC #124 / L2 #221 Minutes, 2010-08-23 | ||||||
L2/10-228 | N3885(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Lunde, Ken, Proposal to append one CJK Unified Ideograph to the URO, 2010-08-24 | |||||
N3903 (pdf, doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | M57.02h, Unconfirmed minutes of WG2 meeting 57, 2011-03-31 | ||||||
8.0 | U+9FCD..9FCF | 3 | L2/12-333 | West, Andrew, Request to UTC to Propose 226 Characters for Inclusion in CJK Extension F [Affects U+9FCF], 2012-10-19 | |||
N1967 | Proposal on 3 China’s UNCs, 2013-11-04 | ||||||
L2/14-082 | N4508(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Proposal on 3 China’s UNCs, 2014-03-12 | |||||
N1988 | Additional Request for the 3 China’s UNCs, 2014-03-21 | ||||||
N4553 (pdf, doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Umamaheswaran, V. S., M62.15, Minutes of WG 2 meeting 62 Adobe, San Jose, CA, USA, 2014-09-16 | ||||||
L2/14-260 | N4621(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Suignard, Michel, CJK chart and source references update, 2014-10-23 | |||||
L2/14-250 | Moore, Lisa, Consensus 141-C7, UTC #141 Minutes, 2014-11-10 | ||||||
L2/16-052 | N4603 (pdf, doc(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Umamaheswaran, V. S., M63.02d, M63.05, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 63, 2015-09-01 | |||||
L2/15-262 | Disposition of Comments on ISO/IEC CD 10646 (Ed.5), 2015-10-26 | ||||||
U+9FD0 | 1 | L2/14-197 | N4582(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N2010 | Lu, Qin, Resolution IRG M42.4, Resolutions of IRG Meeting #42, 2014-05-23 | ||
L2/14-260 | N4621(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Suignard, Michel, CJK chart and source references update, 2014-10-23 | |||||
L2/14-250 | Moore, Lisa, Consensus 141-C7, 141-C9, UTC #141 Minutes, 2014-11-10 | ||||||
L2/16-052 | N4603 (pdf, doc(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Umamaheswaran, V. S., M63.02d, M63.05, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 63, 2015-09-01 | |||||
U+9FD1..9FD5 | 5 | L2/12-333 | West, Andrew, Request to UTC to Propose 226 Characters for Inclusion in CJK Extension F, 2012-10-19 | ||||
N1888 | UTC/US Character Submission for Extension F, 2012-11-08 | ||||||
L2/13-032 | Jenkins, John, Proposed Urgently Needed Characters Submission from the UTC to the IRG, 2013-01-28 | ||||||
N1936 | UTC/US Urgently-needed Character Submission, 2013-05-20 | ||||||
N1936A-R | UTC/US Urgently-needed Character Submission, 2013-05-20 | ||||||
N4584A(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), N4584B(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), N4584C(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N2005 | UTC/US Urgently-needed Character Submission, 2014-05-15 | |||||
L2/14-250 | Moore, Lisa, Consensus 141-C7, UTC #141 Minutes, 2014-11-10 | ||||||
L2/16-052 | N4603 (pdf, doc(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Umamaheswaran, V. S., M63.02e, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 63, 2015-09-01 | |||||
N4987(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Proposal on China’s Horizontal Extension for 14 CJK Ideographs [Affects U+37C3, 3FE0, 9FD4, 20164, 24A7D, 25ED7, 2677C, 26C21, 2A917, 2AA30, 2BD77, 2C494, 2C72F, and 2CB38], 2018-06-13 | ||||||
N5020 (pdf, doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Umamaheswaran, V. S., 10.4.9, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 67, 2019-01-11 | ||||||
10.0 | U+9FD6..9FE9 | 20 | L2/13-009 | N4583(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Shardt, Yuri; Chin, Mitrophan; Andreev, Aleksandr, Proposal to Encode Chinese Characters Used for Transliterating Slavonic, 2013-01-22 | ||
L2/13-112 | Anderson, Deborah; Jenkins, John, Options for handling Proposal for Transliterating Slavonic (L2/13-009), 2013-05-05 | ||||||
L2/13-058 | Moore, Lisa, B.15.1, UTC #135 Minutes, 2013-06-12 | ||||||
L2/14-238R | N4627(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Anderson, Deborah, Response to PDAM2 ballot comments from Great Britain on Chinese Characters needed for Slavonic, 2014-10-17 | |||||
L2/14-250 | Moore, Lisa, Consensus 141-C7, UTC #141 Minutes, 2014-11-10 | ||||||
L2/15-047 | Anderson, Deborah, CJK Slavonic transcription characters, 2015-02-01 | ||||||
L2/15-017 | Moore, Lisa, B.15.1, UTC #142 Minutes, 2015-02-12 | ||||||
L2/15-170 | Andreev, Aleksandr; Chin, Mitrophan; Shardt, Yuri, Proposal to Add the Palladius Transcription to the Unihan Database, 2015-07-08 | ||||||
L2/16-052 | N4603 (pdf, doc(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | Umamaheswaran, V. S., M63.02f, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 63, 2015-09-01 | |||||
U+9FEA | 1 | N2048 | Chung, Jaemin, U+3E02 unification issue, 2014-11-19 | ||||
L2/16-203 | Moore, Lisa, B.11.3.2, UTC #148 Minutes, 2016-08-18 | ||||||
11.0 | U+9FEB..9FED | 3 | L2/12-333 | West, Andrew, Request to UTC to Propose 226 Characters for Inclusion in CJK Extension F [Affects U+9FED], 2012-10-19 | |||
L2/17-156R | N4830(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Proposal on 3 China's UNCs for Chemical Terminology to URO+, 2017-07-26 | |||||
L2/17-103 | Moore, Lisa, B.3.4, UTC #151 Minutes, 2017-05-18 | ||||||
L2/17-397 | N4832(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Proposal on 2 TCA's UNCs for Chemical Terminology to URO+, 2017-09-07 | |||||
N4953 (pdf, doc(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | M66.08a and c, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 66, 2018-03-23 | ||||||
L2/17-362 | Moore, Lisa, Consensus 153-C8, UTC #153 Minutes, 2018-02-02 | ||||||
U+9FEE..9FEF | 2 | L2/17-396 | N4831(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Proposal to add two Urgently Needed Characters, 2017-07-20 | |||
N4953 (pdf, doc(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) | M66.08b, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 66, 2018-03-23 | ||||||
L2/17-362 | Moore, Lisa, Consensus 153-C8, UTC #153 Minutes, 2018-02-02 | ||||||
13.0 | U+9FF0..9FFC | 13 | L2/19-238 | N5072R(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | N2378 | UNC Proposal on China & TCA Science and technology, 2019-05-02 | |
L2/19-244 | N5107 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | TCA's UNC Proposal for WG2 submission, 2019-05-24 | |||||
N5122(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | M68.08, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 68, 2019-12-31 | ||||||
L2/19-270 | Moore, Lisa, Consensus 160-C10, UTC #160 Minutes, 2019-08-02 | ||||||
[编辑]- ^ Unicode character database. The Unicode Standard. [2017-06-20]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-25).
- ^ Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard. The Unicode Standard. [2017-06-20]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-29).
- ^ Lunde, Ken. URO. CJK Type Blog. Adobe. 2012-09-16 [2020-09-15]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-01).