内蒙古 (UNPO成員)
西藏 (UNPO成員)
東突厥斯坦 / 新疆 (UNPO成員)
- 抵抗組織: 東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭運動,東土耳其斯坦解放組織
- 政黨: 東突厥斯坦流亡政府
- 壓力團體: 世界維吾爾代表大會,世界維吾爾青年代表大會,東土耳其斯坦信息中心
- 爭取地位: 東突厥斯坦共和國[5]
[编辑]查謨-克什米爾 (印控克什米爾;與巴基斯坦存在克什米爾紛爭)
- 抵抗組織: 虔誠軍, 聖戰者運動 / 哈爾卡特穆斯林遊擊隊 (Harkat-ul-mujahideen)
- 爭取地位: 與巴基斯坦統一
- 政治組織: 泛黨自由聯席, 查謨克什米爾解放陣線
- 爭取地位: 1947年的克什米爾獨立邦
- 政黨: 吉爾吉特-巴爾蒂斯坦聯合運動
- 爭取地位: 吉爾吉特-巴爾蒂斯坦共和國
[编辑]- 泰盧加那(安得拉邦內陸)
[编辑]- 毗達婆(馬哈拉施特拉邦東部內陸)[來源請求]
- Political parties: Vidarbha Rajya Party, Vidarbha Vikas Party, seeking to separate Vidarbha from Maharashtra.
- 旁遮普地區(旁遮普邦)
- Proposed state:
- Rebel organizations: Khalistan Commando Force, Babbar Khalsa International, Khalistan Zindabad Force, International Sikh Youth Federation, Khalistan Liberation Force
- Proposed state:
[编辑]en:Separatist movements of Pakistan
- 爭取地位: 信德國
- 政治運動: Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz
- 政黨: 塔利班, 阿蓋達
- 抵抗組織: 瓦濟里斯坦軍 (Army of Waziristan)
- 實體政權: 瓦濟里斯坦伊斯蘭酋長國
[编辑]- 孟加拉印度教徒
- 爭取地位: Bangabhumi印度教共和國
- 抵抗組織: 孟加軍
- 爭取地位: 泰米爾-伊拉姆
- 抵抗組織: 泰米爾伊拉姆猛虎解放組織 (militarily inactive)[12]
- 政黨: 全球亞述聯盟 (AUA) (伊拉克)
- 亞述(伊朗、土耳其、敍利亞)和AUA(伊拉克)是UNPO成員
- 爭取自治區域: 亞述
- 受影響地區:
- 政黨: 庫爾德民主黨(伊拉克)(KDP), 庫爾德民主黨(伊朗)(KDPI), 庫爾德民主黨(敍利亞) (KDP), 庫爾德愛國聯盟 (PUK,伊拉克), 庫爾德獨立黨 (PSK,伊朗)
- (伊朗的KDPI、伊拉克的KDP和PUK是 UNPO成員)
- 反抗團體: 庫爾德工人黨 (PKK,土耳其和敍利亞),庫爾德公社(科馬拉,伊朗),庫爾德自由生活黨 (PJAK,伊朗)
- 爭取地位: 庫爾德斯坦[13][14]
- 受影響地區:
阿拉伯斯坦 (胡齊斯坦) (See also: en:Politics of Khūzestān Province)
- 抵抗組織:阿瓦士人民民主陣線 (Al-Ahwaz Arab People's Democratic Popular Front), 阿瓦士阿拉伯復興黨 (Ahwaz Arab Renaissance Party), 阿瓦士解放組織 (Ahwaz Liberation Organisation)
- 壓力團體: 阿瓦士民主團結黨(Democratic Solidarity Party of Al-Ahwaz, DSPA, UNPO成員)
- 什葉派
- 政治團體 伊拉克伊斯蘭最高委員會
伊拉克的土庫曼人 (伊拉克國家土庫曼人黨(The Iraqi National Turkmen Party)是UNPO成員)
- 政黨: 伊拉克土庫曼人陣線 (ITF)(目標:促使伊拉克政府承認國內土庫曼人少數民族地位)
巴勒斯坦 (詳見:巴勒斯坦國)
- 抵抗組織: 阿克薩烈士旅 (現名薩伊德-阿拉法特旅, al-Shaid Yasser Arafat Brigades), 哈馬斯, 巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭聖戰組織, 坦茲姆
- 政黨: 哈馬斯, 解放巴勒斯坦民主陣線, 法塔赫, 巴勒斯坦解放陣線, 巴勒斯坦解放組織, 解放巴勒斯坦人民陣線
- 實權政體:巴勒斯坦民族權力機構
[编辑]- 受影響地區:巴達赫尚省 (瓦罕走廊,阿富汗)、戈爾諾-巴達赫尚自治州(塔吉克)
- 政黨: Lali Badakhshan
- 爭取地位: 巴達克山聯合人民共和國(United Badakhshan Peoples Republic)[17]
- 團體: 自由卡拉卡爾帕克民族復興黨 (Free Karakalpakstan National Revival Party) (混淆:可能只出現在互聯網上)[18]
[编辑]- 阿薩姆邦(See also under Bodoland, Dimasaland, Kamtapur, Karbi below.)
- Rebel organization: United Liberation Front of Assam, Muslim United Liberation Tigers of Assam[22]
- Political parties: National Democratic Front of Bodoland
- Dimasaland
- Political party: Dima Halim Daogah (Two factions)
- Kamtapur
- Political party: Kamtapur Peoples Party (political wing of KLO)
- Rebel organizations: Kamtapur Liberation Organisation, Koch-Rajbongshi Liberation Organisation
- Proposed autonomous region: Kamtapur state curved out of West Bengal
- 卡比
- Rebel organization: Karbi National Volunteers, United People’s Democratic Solidarity[23]
- Proposed autonomous region: 卡比昂隆(Karbi-Anglong)[來源請求]
- 特里普拉邦
- Rebel organizations: National Liberation Front of Tripura (two factions operating), All Tripura Tiger Force
- Garo
- Rebel organizations: People's Liberation Front of Meghalaya/Achik National Volunteer Council[24]
- Proposed autonomous region: Achikland
佐人 (Zo)
- 抵抗組織: 欽民族陣線 (Chin National Front)
- 爭取地位: 欽區
- 山民/庫基族(西緬甸)
- 壓力團體: Kuki National Organisation
- 抵抗組織: Kuki National Army
- 爭取地位: Kukiland
- 梭米(東北印和西緬甸)
- 印度米佐拉姆邦[來源請求]
- 抵抗組織: 梭米革命組織 (Zomi Revolutionary Organization)[來源請求], Mizoram Farmers Liberation Force[來源請求]
- 爭取地位: Zozam[來源請求]
- 印度曼尼普爾邦
若開人 (Rakhine)
[编辑]- 若開族 / 阿拉干族(西緬甸)
- 壓力團體: 阿拉干獨立聯盟 (Arakan Independence Alliance),若開羅興亞民族組織 (Arakan Rohingya National Organization)
那加人 (Naga)
[编辑]- 那加蘭(那加蘭邦、西緬甸)
- 抵抗組織: 那加蘭全國社會主義委員會
- 流亡政府: 那加蘭人民共和國政府 (Government of the People's Republic of Nagaland)
- 爭取地位: 那加蘭人民共和國 (Nagalim / People's Republic of Nagaland)
- 克倫族
- 克倫尼族(紅克倫) (UNPO成員)
- 壓力團體: 克倫尼民族進步黨(Karenni National Progressive Party)
- 抵抗組織: 克倫尼軍(Karenni Army)
- 流亡政府: 克倫尼臨時政府(Karenni Provisional Government)
- 爭取地位: 克倫尼合眾獨立邦(United Karenni Independent States)
- 孟族(UNPO成員)
- 政黨: 新孟邦黨 (New Mon State Party)
[编辑]亞齊 (UNPO成員)
馬魯古群島 (南摩祿加是(UNPO成員))
- 政黨: 馬魯古主權陣線
- 流亡政府: 南摩祿加共和國 (Republik Maluku Selatan)
西巴布亞 (UNPO成員)
- 政黨: Free Papua Movement/Organisasi Papua Merdeka, West Papua Niugini
- 爭取地位: 西巴布亞共和國
- 東爪哇
- 爭取地位: 東爪哇共和國 (Republic of East(ern) Java)
- 壓力團體: 當地社區運動
- 摩洛族(棉蘭老島)
- Political party: Moro National Liberation Front
- Rebel organization: Moro Islamic Liberation Front
- Proposed state: Federal Republic of Mindanao, Bangsamoro Juridical Entity
- 科迪勒拉 (UNPO成員)
- Political party: Cordillera Bodong Association
- Rebel organization: Cordillera People's Liberation Army
[编辑]Various ethnic groups in Europe are seeking greater autonomy or independence. In the European Union, several of these groups are members of the European Free Alliance. In some cases, the group seeks union with a neighboring country.
- 政黨: 奧蘭的未來 member of the European Free Alliance
- 爭取地位: 奧蘭
- 政黨: Bavaria Party member of the European Free Alliance[30]
- 政黨: 汝拉獨立運動 (Mouvement Indépendantiste Jurassien),汝拉自治運動 (Mouvement Autonomiste Jurassien),汝拉青年團 (Groupe Bélier),
- 政黨: 提契諾同盟
- 壓力團體: Domà Nunch
- Political party: Frisian National Party, member of the European Free Alliance
- Status: Democratic movement seeking greater autonomy for Frisian-speaking people in Fryslân[31]
- [[Image::Flag of Frisia.svg|22px|border]] Frisia
- Political party: Frisian Alliance
- Status: Democratic and cultural movement seeking independence for Frisian-speaking people in Fryslân, including areas now part of Germany, in addition to the Netherlands[32]
- Political parties (seeking a union with France):
- Political parties (seeking a union with Flanders):
- Lijst Dedecker
- Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie member of the European People's Party
- Vlaamse Progressieven member of the European Free Alliance
- Vlaams Belang member of the Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty-Group
- Political parties (seeking independence or confederation and, in some cases, a certain degree of cooperation with the Netherlands):
- Lijst Dedecker
- Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie member of the European People's Party
- Vlaamse Progressieven member of the European Free Alliance 25px
- Vlaams Belang member of the Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty-Group
- Political parties (seeking independence or confederation and, in some cases, a certain degree of cooperation with the Netherlands):
- Political parties:
- Partei der deutschsprachigen Belgier member of the European Free Alliance 25px
- Political parties:
- Political parties (seeking a union with France):
巴斯克 and
Navarre (Main article: Basque nationalism)
- Political party: Partido Nacionalista Vasco (member of the European Democratic Party), Eusko Alkartasuna (member of the European Free Alliance 25px), Aralar, Nafarroa Bai, Basque Nationalist Action, Batasuna
- Terrorist organization: Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (E服TA)
- Proposed state: Euskal Herria (Basque Country)
加泰隆尼亞 (Catalan independentism),
the 瓦倫西亞自治區 and
the 巴利阿里群島
- Civil Organization: Sobirania i Progrés, Plataforma pel Dret de Decidir, Cercle d'Estudis Sobiranistes
- Pressure groups: Catalunya Acció, Free Catalonia, Endavant, Moviment de Defensa de la Terra, Reagrupament
- Youth pressure groups: Maulets, Coordinadora d'Assemblees de Joves de l'Esquerra Independentista, Joventuts d'Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya
- Political parties (secessionist): Candidatura d'Unitat Popular (in the Catalan Countries); Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (in Catalonia, Balearic Islands, and Northern Catalonia; called Esquerra Republicana del País Valencià in the Valencian Country), member of the European Free Alliance 25px; Estat Català (in Catalonia).
- Political parties (autonomist): Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya, Unió Democràtica de Catalunya (in Catalonia); Partit Socialista de Mallorca-Entesa Nacionalista, Entesa de l’Esquerra de Menorca (in the Balearic Islands); Bloc Nacionalista Valencià (in the Valencian Country).
- Proposed state: Catalan Countries (united or federated); Principality of Catalonia, Valencian Community and Balearic Islands.
- 加里西亞
- Political party: Bloque Nacionalista Galego (Galician Nationalist Block)(autonomist), member of the European Free Alliance 25px, NÓS-Unidade Popular (WE-Popular Unity)(independentist), Frente Popular Galego (Galician Popular Front)(independentist), Partido Galeguista (The Galician Party) , Terra Galega Galician Coalition (Centrist nationalist Party)
- Youth pressure groups: Galiza Nova, AGIR, CAF
- Proposed state: Galiza
- Main article: Galician nationalism
安達魯西亞 (Main article: Andalusian nationalism)
- Political parties (autonomist): Partido Andalucista, Partido Socialista Andaluz, Bloque Andaluz de Izquierdas, Partido Comunista del Pueblo Andaluz
- Political parties (secessionist): Nación Andaluza, Asamblea Nacional de Andalucia
- Youth movement: Jaleo!!!, Juventudes Andalucistas
- Proposed state: Andalusia
- Political party (autonomist): Chunta Aragonesista member of the European Free Alliance 25px
- Political party (secessionist): Estau Aragonés, Tierra Aragonesa
- Pressure groups: Puyalón
- Youth movement: Astral, Chobenalla Aragonesista, A Enrestida
- Proposed state: Aragón
Asturias (Main article: Asturian nationalism)
- Political parties (autonomist): Partíu Asturianista, URAS
- Political parties (secessionist): Unidá Nacionalista Asturiana member of the European Free Alliance 25px, Bloque por Asturies, Andecha Astur
- Youth movements: Darréu, UNA-Mocedá , Fai!
- Trade Unions: CSI, SUATEA, Frenti Estudiantil d'Asturies
- Other pro-independence organizations: Sofitu
- Proposed state: Socialist Republic of Asturies
- Proposed flag: Asturina
Canary Islands
- Political party: Congreso Nacional Canario (MPAIAC party), Federación Nacionalista Canaria, Alternativa Popular Canaria, Unidad del Pueblo
- Youth movement: Azarug
- Terrorist organization: MPAIAC (defunct)
- Proposed State: Canary Islands
- Political party: Conceju Nacionaliegu Cántabru
- Political parties (autonomist): Tierra Comunera
- Political parties (secessionist): Izquierda Castellana, Movimiento Popular Castellano,
- Youth movement: YESCA
- Proposed state: Castile
- Proposed flag: Pendón Morado,Pendón Estrellado
- Main article: Castilian nationalism
- Political parties: Unión del Pueblo Leonés (UPL or Leonese People's Union),Partido Regionalista del País Leonés (PREPAL),Unión del Pueblo Salmantino (UPS), Partido Carlista del Reino de León (PC)
- Proposed state: País Llïonés - Leonese Country (Conceyu Xoven)
- Proposed autonomous region: Comunidad Autónoma de León - Autonomous Community of León (UPL, PREPAL, UPS, PC)
- Civil organizations: Ciudadanos del Reino de Leon (CCRRLL), Ciudadanos Zamoranos (CCZZ)
- Youth movements: Conceyu Xoven (Young Council)
- Principal Article: Leonese regionalist movement
- Political party: Mouvement de libération de la Bourgogne
- Rebel organization: GALB
- Political party: Forum Nationaliste d'Alsace-Lorraine, Union du Peuple Alsacien
Basque Country
- Political party: Abertzaleen Batasuna (AB), Batasuna, Eusko Alkartasuna (EA) member of the European Free Alliance 25px, Parti Nationaliste Basque.
- Pressure group: All local politicians [來源請求], even those in "French" parties, agree to demand a Basque département and co-officiality of Basque language, a demand that has been rejected by the French government.
- Rebel organization: Iparretarrak (defunct), ETA
- Proposed state: Euskadi or Euskal Herria (Basque Country)
- Pressure groups: Celtic League
- Political party: Adsav, Breton Party, Union Démocratique Bretonne member of the European Free Alliance 25px, Emgann
- Rebel organization: Armée Révolutionnaire Bretonne, Front de Libération de la Bretagne
- Proposed state: Brittany
- Political party: Corsica Nazione, Partitu di a Nazione Corsa member of the European Free Alliance 25px
- Rebel organization: National Front for the Liberation of Corsica
- Political party: Le Mouvement Normand
Northern Catalonia
- Political party: Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya member of the European Free Alliance 25px, Bloc Català
- Proposed state: Països Catalans
- Political party: Savoy Regional Movement
- Political party: Ligue savoisienne
- Political party: Partit de la Nacion Occitana, Partit Occitan member of the European Free Alliance 25px, Iniciativa per Occitània, Anaram au Patac, Hartèra
French Flanders or French Netherlands
- Political Party: Le Bloc Représentatif du Nord-France et Flandres Frances
- Proposed state: Les Pays-Bas français, Les Flandres françaises or Le Parti du Artois et Flandres
Aosta Valley
- Political parties: Lega Nord Piemont
- Political parties: Lega Lombarda, Lega Alleanza Lombarda, Lombard Independentist Front
- Pressure groups: Domà Nunch
South Tyrol
- Movement: Venetism
- Political parties: Liga Veneta, North-East Project, Liga Veneta Repubblica, Venetians in Movement, Venetian National Party, Venetian People's Unity
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
- Political parties : Lega Nord Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Friuli Movement, Giulian Front
- Political party: Lega Nord Liguria, Ligurian Independentist Movement
- Political parties: Lega Nord Emilia
- Political parties: Lega Nord Romagna
- Political parties: Lega Nord Toscana
- Political parties: Lega Nord Marche
- Political parties: Lega Nord Umbria
- Political parties: Movement for the Independence of Sicily, Sicilian Alliance, Sicilian People's Party, Sicilian National Front
- Pressure groups: Terra e Liberazione
- Southern Italy
- Political parties: Movement for Autonomy, Federalist Alliance, Lega Sud Ausonia, Southern Action League
[编辑]康沃爾: Cornish self-government movement, Constitutional status of Cornwall
- Pressure groups: Revived Cornish Stannary Parliament, Tyr Gwyr Gweryn, Celtic League
- Political parties: Mebyon Kernow - Party for Cornwall member of the European Free Alliance 25px, Cornish Green Party, Cornish National Party
英格蘭: English nationalism
- Political party: Free England Party
- 北愛爾蘭 ("六鎮"): Irish nationalism, Irish Republicanism, Ulster nationalism
- Pressure groups: Celtic League
- Political parties: Sinn Féin, Social Democratic and Labour Party, Republican Sinn Féin, Irish Republican Socialist Party, Ulster Third Way, Ulster Independence Movement
- Militant organization: Provisional Irish Republican Army, Real IRA, Continuity IRA, Irish National Liberation Army
- Pressure groups: Celtic League
- Political parties: Mec Vannin, Liberal Vannin
蘇格蘭: Scottish independence
- Pressure groups: Independence First, Celtic League, SRSM
- Political parties: Scottish National Party member of the European Free Alliance [[:]], Scottish Green Party, Scottish Socialist Party, Scottish Enterprise Party, Solidarity (Scotland)
威爾斯: Welsh independence
- Pressure groups: Cymuned, Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, Celtic League
- Political parties: Plaid Cymru member of the European Free Alliance 25px, Forward Wales, Wales Green Party, Cymru Annibynnol
[编辑]Cornish self-government movement, Constitutional status of Cornwall
- Pressure groups: Cornwall 2000, Cornish Solidarity
- Pressure groups: Campaign for an English Parliament
- Political party: English Democrats Party
科索沃共和國, (UNPO成員)
- 實體政權: 科索沃共和國
- Political parties: Democratic League of Kosovo, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Democratic Party of Kosovo, National Movement for the Liberation of Kosovo, The People's Movement for Kosovo
- 抵抗組織:Kosovo Liberation Army (became Kosovo Protection Corps)
- 爭取地位: 塞爾維亞一部份
- 實體政權: 科索沃共和國
- 政黨: Democratic League of Kosovo, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Democratic Party of Kosovo, National Movement for the Liberation of Kosovo, The People's Movement for Kosovo
Republika Srpska
- Political parties: Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, Serbian Democratic Party[34]
- Political parties: Istrian Democratic Assembly, Istrian Democratic Forum
- Krajina:
- Political party: Republic of Serbian Krajina Government in Exile
- 爭取地位:北伊庇留斯自治共和國
- 實體政權: 北塞浦路斯土耳其共和國
- 塞凱伊: Székely autonomy initiatives
羅馬尼亞境內的匈牙利人 – Joined UNPO in 30 July 1994
- 狀態: 實體政權: 德涅斯特河沿岸共和國[37]
克里米亞 (Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People是UNPO成員)
喀爾巴阡山脈的盧森尼亞人: 喀爾巴阡盧森尼亞人大會
[编辑]- ^ HONG KONG: Websites come under attack for pushing independence. Asia Pacific Media Network. 2005-02-07 [2009-04-11].
- ^ “Inner Mongolian People’s Party” and the basic facts about its key members. Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center. [2009-04-11].
- ^ Speech of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to the European Parliament, Strasbourg. The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. 2001-10-14 [2009-04-11].
- ^ INTERNATIONAL TIBET INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT. International Tibet Independence Movement. [2009-04-11].
- ^ The East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM). Council on Foreign Relations. [2009-04-11].
- ^ Luis Pereira and Jose Ho. Strong turnout in Macau legislative poll. The Standard - Hong Kong. 2005-09-26 [2009-04-11].
- ^ Taiwan Solidarity Union rejects China’s latest olive branch as 'old trick'. 2009-01-07 [2009-04-10].
- ^ Syed Amin Jafri. Coastal leaders call for separate Andhra state. India Limited. 2006-12-26 [2009-04-10].
- ^ Aparna Pallavi. Gonds nourish aspirations at annual fair. India Together. 2006-02-28 [2009-04-10].
- ^ World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous People: Adivasis. Minority Rights Group International. [2009-04-11].
- ^ Ali, M. Emran and Toshiyuki Tsuchiya. Land Rights of the Indigenous People of the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh. Center for World Indigenous Studies. [2009-04-11].
- ^ The Final Countdown. Sri Lanka Ministry of Defence. [2009-04-10].
- ^ Pike, John. Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). Federation of American Scientists. 2004-05-21 [2008-07-23].
- ^ Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan. Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan. [2009-04-11].
- ^ John Stanton. Turmoil in Pakistan: Baloch vow fight for independence. Online Journal. 2007-03-30 [2009-04-11].
- ^ Afshin Molavi. IRAN’S AZERI QUESTION: WHAT DOES IRAN’S LARGEST ETHNIC MINORITY WANT?. Eurasianet. 2003-04-15 [2009-04-11].
- ^ Roots of the Conflict. El Gringo. [2009-04-10].
- ^ Uzbekistan: Shadowy Group Agitates For 'Free Karakalpakstan'. Radio Free Europe. 2008-04-05 [2009-04-11].
- ^ Nagorno Karabagh Republic: History and Current Reality. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. [2009-04-10].
- ^ Azerbaijan in a stir over political prisoner. BBC. 2003-02-06 [2009-04-10].
- ^ Arunachal Dragon Force (ADF). South Asia Terrorist Portal. [2009-04-10].
- ^ Muslim United Liberation Tigers of Assam (MULTA). South Asia Terrorist Portal. [2009-04-10].
- ^ United People’s Democratic Solidarity (UPDS). South Asia Terrorist Portal. [2009-04-10].
- ^ People’s Liberation Front of Meghalaya (PLF-M). South Asia Terrorist Portal. [2009-04-10].
- ^ India - Terrorist, insurgent and extremist groups. South Asia Terrorist Portal. [2009-04-10].
- ^ Pattani United Liberation Organization (PULO). [2009-04-10].
- ^ Montagnard Foundation home page. Montagnard Foundation. [2009-04-10].
- ^ National Minorities of Finland, The Sámi. Virtual Finland. [2009-04-10].
- ^ Scania. UNPO. [2009-04-10].
- ^ Bayernpartei. Bayernpartei. [2009-04-10].
- ^ FNP program for the Provincial Elections 2007. Frisian National Party. [2009-04-12].
- ^ Frisian Alliance official website
- ^ Grueski victorious in violence-marred Macedonia polls. B92. 2008-06-02 [2009-04-12].
- ^ Armed Peacekeepers in Bosnia. DIANE Publishing. 2004: 122. ISBN 1428910204.
- ^ Szekler National Council website. Szekler National Council. [2009-04-12].
- ^ Jeff Chinn and Steven D. Roper. Territorial Autonomy in Gagauzia. Association for the Study of Nationalities. 1998 [2009-04-12].
- ^ Maxmilián Strmiska. Rise and Fall of Moravian Regionalist Parties. The International Institute of Political Science. [2009-04-10].
- ^ Silesian Autonomy Movement. Silesian Autonomy Movement. [2009-04-10].