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金翅大鹏鸟 00:50 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
- 其实我也是很奇怪,记得历史上是这么说的。一时偷懒,没有调查。 你去把那个英文的改了吧。--Unugy 02:12 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
我又看了一下,英语的第一世界和我们说的不一样。--Unugy 02:16 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
- 英文版的Wiki,我已经一个礼拜上不去了。好心人把这一段帖出来给安看看吧。谢谢!不过我坚持认为,把东欧社会主义国家单独列为第二世界的说法,其实并不存在。 金翅大鹏鸟 04:09 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
- 英文版這樣寫:
- Other terms sometimes used to describe the developed/developing country dichotomy are first world/third world (the term second world was during the Cold War reserved for communist states,) North/South, or industrialized countries/non-industrialized countries. The term Western countries has similar, though not identical, connotations.
- 不過我也懷疑這段內容的真實性。我以前學的三個分類,是:"developed countries", "developing countries" (如:當時的亞洲四小龍,後來的四小虎)和"under-developed countries"。第三世界的國家都是低度發展的。--石添小草 04:40 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
- 問了一襲我們的歷史老師,他說“第二世界”最早就是指加拿大、日本等實力不及蘇美,但又不至於差到存在大批貧困人口的國家,並沒有明確指出東歐是第二世界。--Refrain 05:08 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
- 英文版這樣寫:
- Ok,这样看来,至少把原文中那个括号去掉应该不会有什么异议了吧。金翅大鹏鸟 05:20 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
from Third World is a term originally used to distinguish those nations that neither aligned with the West nor with the East during the Cold War and many were members of the Non-Aligned Movement, but today is used to denote the nations with smallest UN Human Development Index (HDI) of the world, independently of their political status
The terms First World, Second World, and Third World can be used to divide the nations of Earth into three broad categories. The term Second World has largely fallen out of use because the circumstances to which it referred largely ended with the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union.
好像人家说的,和大陆教的不一样.西方在50年代就有了第一世界的说法,好像. --Unugy 05:55 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
在贴一点 he three terms did not arise simultaneously. After World War II, people began to speak of the NATO and Warsaw Pact countries as two major blocs, often using such terms as the "free world" as compared to the "Soviet bloc". It was eventually pointed out that there were a great many countries that fit into neither category, and in the 1950s this group came to be called the Third World. It then began to seem that there ought to be a "First World" and a "Second World".
Eventually, it became common practice to refer to nations within the Soviet Union's sphere of influence (e.g. the Warsaw Pact countries) as the Second World. Besides the Soviet Union proper, most of Eastern Europe was run by satellite governments working closely with Moscow. The term "Second world" may or may not also refer to Communist countries whose leadership were at odds with Moscow, e.g. China and Yugoslavia.
There were a number of countries which did not fit comfortably into this neat definition of partition, including Switzerland, Sweden, and the Republic of Ireland, which chose to be neutral. Finland was under the Soviet Union's sphere of influence but was not communist, nor was it a member of the Warsaw Pact. Austria was under the United States' sphere of influence, but in 1955, when the country again became a fully independent republic, it did so under the condition that it remained neutral. Yugoslavia, a communist east European country, was a founder member of the Non-Aligned Movement. Albania was a communist east European country which withdrew from the Warsaw Pact over ideological differences in 1968 and had stopped supporting the pact as early as 1962.
In recent years, as many "developing" countries have industrialized, the term Fourth World has been coined to refer to countries that have been left out of economic globalization and still lack industrial infrastructure.
--Unugy 06:01 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
Common practise in 1950s? 我本人是学英语的,说实话我并没有看到过在50年代时有人把美欧叫做第一世界、或者把苏联东欧叫做第二世界。是否可以请Unugy在英文wiki问一问呢? 金翅大鹏鸟 06:32 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
- Fisrt World
- the highly developed industrialized nations often considered the westernized countries of the world Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, 10th Edition
- the industrialized capitalist countries of western Europe, North America, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. Compact Oxford English Dictionary
- main industrialized nations: the principal industrialized countries of the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, the nations of Western Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand Encarta® World English Dictionary, North American Edition
- During the Cold War, the industrialized capitalist nations of the world. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language
- the major industrialized non-Communist nations, including those in Western Europe, the United States, Canada, and Japan. Cf. Second World, Third World, Fourth World. Infoplease Dictionary
- Second World
- the Communist nations as a political and economic bloc Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, 10th Edition
- During the Cold War, the Communist nations of the world. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language
- 1. the world's industrialized nations other than the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. 2. the Communist and socialist nations of the world. Cf. First World, Third World, Fourth World. Infoplease Dictionary
- Third World
- 1 : a group of nations especially in Africa and Asia not aligned with either the Communist or the non-Communist blocs 2 : an aggregate of minority groups within a larger predominant culture 3 : the aggregate of the underdeveloped nations of the world Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, 10th Edition
- • noun the developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. — ORIGIN first used to distinguish the developing countries from the capitalist and Communist blocs. Compact Oxford English Dictionary
- less developed nations: the nations outside the capitalist industrial nations of the First World and the industrialized Communist nations of the Second World, generally less economically advanced but with varied economies ( hyphenated when used before a noun ) Encarta® World English Dictionary, North American Edition
- 1. The developing nations of Africa, Asia, and Latin American. 2. Minority groups as a whole within a larger prevailing culture. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language
- 1. the underdeveloped nations of the world, esp. those with widespread poverty. 2. the group of developing nations, esp. of Asia and Africa, that do not align themselves with the policies of either the U.S. or the former Soviet Union. 3. the minority groups within a nation or predominant culture. Cf. First World, Second World, Fourth World. Infoplease Dictionary
- The nonaligned nations—which are often developing nations—of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. They are in a “third” group of nations because they were allied neither with the United States nor with the former Soviet Union. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy
- Sociology
--可夫 (talky? click me!) 09:05 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
非常感谢可夫兄,确实是我孤陋寡闻所至。上学上了这么多年,今天方才得知毛泽东不是“三个世界”这一概念的首倡者。西方对三个世界的划分与大陆教科书上的如此不同,我们教科书和大众传媒上居然一字不提,真是令人遗憾。我看不如这样,这个条目保持原样,再在第二世界这个条目中加入说明就好了。大家意见如何? 金翅大鹏鸟 09:57 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
- 嗯嗯嗯……終于知道什麽叫做井底之蛙了,謝謝Cough大人。--Refrain 12:42 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
- 其实这个误会主要是英语的和大陆的说法差不了很多,所以容易混淆。另外,google汉语的第一世界等,也可以看到还是有人用英语的定义的。 另外为什么你访问不了英语的wiki?
--Unugy 15:36 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
- 另外 “可夫”提供的第二世界的定义,还是包括大陆的说法的--Unugy 15:40 2005年3月22日 (UTC)
條目中,將 "賽普勒斯"列在亞洲,問題是這個國家為歐洲島國, 是否需要更正呢?

- 哪些國家的經濟、社會發展和人民生活水平較高,人類發展指數極高,且皆屬於高收入經濟體?
說明,重新編寫超過2/3--葉又嘉(留言) 2016年3月31日 (四) 07:50 (UTC)
- (!)意見:問題不當,較是相對的用詞,需要清楚寫明較甚麼高,不然提問變得空泛--Dragoon17cc(留言) 2016年4月1日 (五) 03:15 (UTC)
- (:)回應,已改善--葉又嘉(留言) 2016年4月1日 (五) 05:56 (UTC)
- (!)意見:問題不當,較是相對的用詞,需要清楚寫明較甚麼高,不然提問變得空泛--Dragoon17cc(留言) 2016年4月1日 (五) 03:15 (UTC)
- (+)支持,符合標準,感謝貢獻。Wetrace歡迎參與人權專題 2016年4月1日 (五) 14:47 (UTC)
- (+)支持,符合標準--B2322858(留言) 2016年4月2日 (六) 10:07 (UTC)
- (+)支持,通過標準--林勇智 2016年4月2日 (六) 14:41 (UTC)
- (+)支持:符合標準。--2015leon(留言) 2016年4月3日 (日) 13:59 (UTC)
- 向 中加入存档链接
祝编安。—InternetArchiveBot (報告軟件缺陷) 2018年5月31日 (四) 16:38 (UTC)
[编辑]这个表格的原始出处在哪里?“综合世界银行、国际货币基金组织、联合国开发计划署、美国中央情报局等机构发布的资料来看”,这里的“综合”是如何进行的,是否有明确的判定标准?另外,对这些不同来源的资料,给出的出处似乎并不全。 --Wind2323(留言) 2019年6月18日 (二) 01:24 (UTC)
- (:)回應,沒有標準,自行認定的--葉又嘉(留言) 2019年7月23日 (二) 16:31 (UTC)
- (:)回應,如果将各种资料来源做一个汇总,目前达到先进发达国家或高度发达经济体的国家或地区总共有33个,其中欧洲最多,共有22个,包括7个西欧国家(德国、奥地利、瑞士、法国、比利时、荷兰和卢森堡),7个北欧国家(丹麦、挪威、瑞典、芬兰、冰岛、英国和爱尔兰),6个南欧国家(西班牙、葡萄牙、意大利、马耳他、希腊和斯洛文尼亚)以及2个东欧国家(捷克和斯洛伐克)。亚洲第二多,共有7个,包括东亚的日本和亚洲四小龙以及西亚的以色列和塞浦路斯。其余4个先进发达国家是北美洲的美国和加拿大以及大洋洲的澳大利亚和新西兰。值得注意的是一些人均GDP极高的中东产油国和文莱,巴哈马、安道尔、圣马力诺和列支敦斯登等以旅游业为主的袖珍小国,以博彩业为主的摩纳哥和澳门以及波多黎各、格陵兰、法罗群岛和新喀里多尼亚等欧美国家的海外领地并不算先进发达国家或高度发达经济体。波罗的海国家、一些南欧和东欧国家被称为中等发达国家,其中3个波罗的海国家和东欧的匈牙利有望最先进入先进发达国家的行列。中国、马来西亚和少数拉美国家勉强可以被称为中等发达国家。Kenwick(留言) 2020年5月7日 (四) 08:05 (UTC)