










  • Experimentation Equipment
    • Phase Change Heat Exchanger
      • Heat exchangers are devices used to maintain critical temperatures inside spacecraft. Heat exchangers may remedy the problem of not being able to regulate temperature in space because it has no atmosphere. The phase change heat exchanger has two modes of operation.[6] In the first mode, which uses a freeze cycle, heat exchange fluid is given to the upper flow passageway, which freezes the phase change material at the top.[7] The liquid phase change material at the top is then displaced by the newly-formed phase change material falling to the bottom. In the second mode, which uses a melt cycle, heat exchange fluid is given to the lower passageway to melt the phase change material at the bottom, causing the newly-formed liquid phase change material to be displaced towards the top.[7]
        Graph generalizing process in a heat exchanger
    • Nanotube Solar Cell
      • A nanotube solar cell is a solar cell designed by the aerospace company Nanoracks that absorbs sunlight more efficiently than traditional solar cells. The Nanotube Solar Cell is three-dimensional, which allows it to have access to the Sun's light in space at every angle while being stationary itself.[8] It is composed of 3-D, carbon nanotube-based photovoltaic devices and copper-zinc-tin-sulfide photo absorbers. They can be implemented into a space station's solar panels to allow for higher power production and usage efficiency.[8] The efficiency of Nanotube Solar Cells also allow for the station to have higher reserves of power to run numerous experiments.[9]
    • Biomolecule Sequencer
      • A biomolecule sequencer is a tool that can be used by crew members to sequence the DNA of microorganisms outside of Earth.[8] Before the production of the biomolecule sequencer, DNA sequencing was limited to Earth because of the equipment and materials required. The new technology eliminates this restriction, with the added benefit of being able to be used in space. The device can also be used to test the DNA of crew members to monitor their health and bodily reactions to space station projects.[10] In the event that a research study needs to be performed on a space station, the biomolecule sequencer can be used to gather needed biological data.[11]
        NASA astronaut Kathleen Rubins used a biomolecule sequencer in the first-ever sequencing of DNA in space
  • Essential Equipment
    • Compressed Air
      • Compressed air is used by astronauts to manage their air supply.[12] It is also utilized for research experiments, and to power boosters for both the ISS and other space vehicles.[12] Compressed air equipment sent to the ISS must be very efficient and low power due to the nature of space to break up fluids.




























货运飞船 进步号 航天飞机的多功能模块 自動運載飛船(ATV) HTV货运飞船
天鹅座号飞船 天舟货运飞船 逐夢者太空飛機
起飞质量 2,2–2,4 t 9 t 7,7 t 6,0 t
5,8 t
6,0 t[24][25] 2,0 t (2013)
3,5 t (2015)[26]
3,75 t (2019)[27][28]
6,5 t (2017)
6,8 t (2021)[29]
7,4 t (2023)[30]
5,5 t[31]
着陆质量 150 kg 9 t 20 kg (ab HTV-7) 3,0 t[24][25] 1,75 t[31]
运载火箭 聯合系列 航天飞机 亞利安5號 H-IIB
獵鷹9號 安塔瑞斯 / 擎天神5號 长征七号 Vulcan
成本估算 65 Mio. USD[32] 450 Mio. USD[33] 600 Mio. USD[34] HTV: 300–320 Mio. USD[35][36] 150/230 Mio. USD[37]
(Dragon 1/2)
260/220 Mio. USD[37] (Cygnus 2/3) 570 Mio. Yuan[38]
Hersteller 能源火箭 泰雷兹阿莱尼亚宇航公司 (MPLM) 空中巴士國防航天 三菱电机 SpaceX 軌道科學公司 中国空间技术研究院 内华达山脉公司
服役时间 1978年至今 2001–2011 2008–2015 2009–2020 2012–2020
2014年至今 2017年至今 预计2023年夏[39]




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  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Rainey, Kristine. Cargo Spacecraft to Carry Wide Range of Research. NASA. 2016-06-16 [2021-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-08). 
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