
[编辑]目前,只有前10种元素的中子滴线的值是已知的,即H~Ne。[1] 若Z = 8,中子数的最大值是16因而O-24是最重的氧同位素。[2]
Z | 核素 |
1 | 3H |
2 | 8He |
3 | 11Li |
4 | 14Be |
5 | 17B |
6 | 22C |
7 | 23N |
8 | 24O |
9 | 31F |
10 | 34Ne |
[编辑]Z | 核素 |
2 | 2He |
3 | 5Li |
4 | 6Be |
5 | 7B, 9B |
6 | 8C |
7 | 11N |
8 | 12O |
9 | 16F |
10 | 16Ne |
11 | 19Na |
12 | 19Mg |
13 | 21Al |
15 | 25P |
17 | 30Cl |
18 | 30Ar[3] |
19 | 34K |
21 | 39Sc |
22 | 38Ti[4] |
23 | 42V |
25 | 45Mn |
27 | 50Co |
29 | 55Cu |
30 | 54Zn[5] |
31 | 59Ga |
32 | 58Ge |
33 | 65As |
35 | 69Br |
37 | 73Rb |
39 | 77Y |
41 | 81Nb |
43 | 85Tc |
45 | 89Rh |
47 | 93Ag |
49 | 97In |
51 | 105Sb |
53 | 110I |
55 | 115Cs |
57 | 119La |
59 | 123Pr |
61 | 128Pm |
63 | 134Eu |
65 | 139Tb |
67 | 145Ho |
69 | 149Tm |
71 | 155Lu |
73 | 159Ta |
75 | 165Re |
77 | 171Ir |
79 | 175Au, 177Au |
81 | 181Tl |
83 | 189Bi |
85 | 195At |
87 | 201Fr |
89 | 207Ac |
91 | 214Pa |
93 | 219Np[6] |
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