鏟齒中喙鯨![]() | |
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與正常人類體型比較 | |
科學分類 ![]() | |
界: | 動物界 Animalia |
門: | 脊索動物門 Chordata |
綱: | 哺乳綱 Mammalia |
目: | 偶蹄目 Artiodactyla |
下目: | 鯨下目 Cetacea |
科: | 喙鯨科 Ziphiidae |
屬: | 中喙鯨屬 Mesoplodon |
種: | 鏟齒中喙鯨 M. traversii
二名法 | |
Mesoplodon traversii (Gray, 1874)
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現存標本取得地點 | |
異名 | |
Dolichodon layardii Gray, 1874 |
鏟齒喙鯨(學名:Mesoplodon traversii),又稱鏟齒中喙鯨,是喙鯨科中最為罕見也是人類了解最少的物種。它最早由在紐西蘭皮特島於1872年發現的部分下顎骨骼而得名,詹姆斯·赫克托於1873年報告並說明了這種生物,第二年約翰·愛德華·格雷描述了這種生物,並以收集者亨利·哈默斯利·斯格特命名。[2][3]
[編輯]1872年,博物學家亨利·特拉弗斯(Henry Travers)在紐西蘭查塔姆群島的皮特島上發現了鏟齒喙鯨的下頜,該下頜帶有牙齒。紐西蘭國立博物館館長詹姆斯·赫克托在1873年發表的一篇有關鯨魚和海豚的論文中報道了該下顎,認為牠是1865 年,大英博物館動物學家約翰·愛德華·格雷從南非標本中描述過的長齒中喙鯨[2]。格雷在1874年的回應中對赫克託的鑑定表示懷疑,並認為該下巴可能來自一個新物種,他暫時將其命名為Dolichodon traversii,以紀念收藏家特拉弗斯[3]。赫克托並沒有被格雷說服,他在1878年的一篇文章中堅稱這是長齒中喙鯨的下顎[5][6]。
2010年12月,一頭5.3公尺(17英尺)長的母鯨和3.5公尺(11 英尺)長的雄鯨在紐西蘭豐盛灣東部的奧佩佩海灘擱淺,然後死亡。當時它們被認為是格氏中喙鯨,科學家在拍攝照片、測量數據和組織樣本後將死亡鯨魚埋在海灘上。2011年的基因分析顯示,這兩頭鯨魚其實是鏟齒喙鯨,也是已知的第一批完整個體。之後鏟齒喙鯨骨架被挖出,並被帶到紐西蘭國家博物館,缺乏母鯨頭骨,因為已被沖入大海。首次對鯨魚外觀的描述以及DNA分析於2012年發表[9][10][11][12]。
[編輯]- 朗氏中喙鯨:另一種相當稀少的鯨類
[編輯]- ^ Taylor, B.L., Baird, R., Barlow, J., Dawson, S.M., Ford, J., Mead, J.G., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Wade, P. & Pitman, R.L. Mesoplodon traversii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008. [24 March 2009]. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of data deficient.
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Hector, James. On the whales and dolphins of the New Zealand seas. (PDF). Transactions of the New Zealand Institute. 1873, 5: 154–170 [6 November 2012]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2012-02-06). 引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「Hector1873」的
標籤用不同內容定義了多次 - ^ 3.0 3.1 Gray, John Edward. Notes on Dr Hector's paper on the whales and dolphins of the New Zealand seas. (PDF). Transactions of the New Zealand Institute. 1874, 6: 93–97 [6 November 2012]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2012-02-06). 引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「Gray1874」的
標籤用不同內容定義了多次 - ^ 科學家發現鏟齒突吻鯨活體,屬世界最稀有鯨魚[永久失效連結]
- ^ Hector, James. Notes on the whales of the New Zealand seas. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute. 1878, 10: 341–342 [16 July 2024].
- ^ 6.0 6.1 van Helden, Anton L.; Baker, Alan N.; Dalebout, Merel L.; Reyes, Julio C.; Van Waerebeek, Koen; Baker, C. Scott. Resurrection of Mesoplodon traversii (Gray, 1874), senior synonym of M. bahamondi Reyes, Van Waerebeek, Cárdenas and Yáñez, 1995 (Cetacea: Ziphiidae) (PDF). Marine Mammal Science. 2002, 18 (3): 609–621 [18 July 2024].
- ^ Reyes, J.C.; Van Waerebeek, K; Cárdenas J.C. & Yáñez, J.L. (1995): Mesoplodon bahamondi sp.n. (Cetacea, Ziphiidae), a new living beaked whale from the Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile. Boletin del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile 45: 31–44.
- ^ Baker, Alan N.; van Helden, Anton L. New records of beaked whales, Genus Mesoplodon, from New Zealand (Cetacea: Ziphiidae).. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 1999, 29 (3): 239–240. Bibcode:1999JRSNZ..29..235B. doi:10.1080/03014223.1999.9517594
- ^ Thompson, Kirsten; C. Scott Baker; Anton van Helden; Selina Patel; Craig Miller; Rochelle Constantine. The world's rarest whale. Current Biology. 6 November 2012, 22 (21): R905–R906. Bibcode:2012CBio...22.R905T. PMID 23137682. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.08.055
- ^ Perry, Nick. Beached whales of rarest species. Stuff. AP. 7 November 2012 [19 July 2024].
- ^ Platt, John R. Amazing: Rarest Whale Seen for First Time in History, but Not at Sea 網際網路檔案館的存檔,存檔日期7 November 2012.. Scientific American Blogs, 5 November 2012.
- ^ First ever sighting of rare whale confirmed. CBC News. 6 November 2012 [12 January 2014]. (原始內容存檔於9 November 2012).
World's rarest whale seen for first time: Spade-toothed whale. Scientific American Blogs. 5 November 2012 [12 January 2014]. (原始內容存檔於8 November 2012). - ^ Vyas, Heloise. Rare spade-toothed whale washes ashore on New Zealand beach in discovery hailed as 'huge' for science. ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). 16 July 2024 [16 July 2024]. (原始內容存檔於16 July 2024).
- ^ Sullivan, Helen. World’s rarest whale may have washed up on New Zealand beach. The Guardian. 2024-07-16 [2024-07-16]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英國英語).
- ^ New Zealand scientists begin dissecting rare spade-toothed whale. [[ABC News (Australia)|]]. 2 December 2024 [2 December 2024].
[編輯]- Perrin, William F.; Wursig, Bernd; Thewissen, J. G. M. (編). Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Academic Press. 2002. ISBN 0-12-551340-2.
- Reeves, Randall R.; Leatherwood, S. Dolphins, porpoises and whales: 1994–98 Action plan for the conservation of cetaceans. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 1994. ISBN 2-8317-0189-9.
- Thompson, K.; et al. The world’s rarest whale. Current biology. 2012, 22 (21): R905–R906. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.08.055.
- First ever sighting of rare whale confirmed. CBC News. November 6, 2012 [2012-11-09]. (原始內容存檔於2012-11-09).