


化石時期:Cambrian stage 3至現代[1]
Cephalodiscus dodecalophus
科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 半索動物門 Hemichordata
綱: 羽鰓綱 Pterobranchia
Lankester, 1877


電子顯微鏡下的研究表明,羽鰓綱和已經滅絕筆石綱屬於同一演化支[2][3]系統發育分析(phylogenetic analysis )表明,羽鰓綱是活的筆石綱演化支成員。[4]


  1. ^ Loduca, S. T.; Caron, J. B.; Schiffbauer, J. D.; Xiao, S.; Kramer, A. A reexamination of Yuknessia from the Cambrian of British Columbia and Utah. Journal of Paleontology. 2015, 89: 82–95. doi:10.1017/jpa.2014.7. 
  2. ^ Sato, A; Rickards RB, Holland PWH. The origins of graptolites and other pterobranchs: a journey from ‘Polyzoa’. Lethaia. 2008, 41: 303–316. 
  3. ^ Fortey, Richard A. Life: a natural history of the first four billion years of life on earth. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1998: 129. ISBN 0-375-40119-9. 
  4. ^ CHARLES E. MITCHELL, MICHAEL J. MELCHIN, CHRIS B. CAMERON, JÖRG MALETZ. Phylogenetic analysis reveals thatRhabdopleurais an extant graptolite. Lethaia. 2013-01-01, 46 (1): 34–56 [2018-04-02]. ISSN 1502-3931. doi:10.1111/j.1502-3931.2012.00319.x (英語). [永久失效連結]