
紅點鏡(red dot sight),也叫內紅點,部份型號又名反射式瞄準鏡(英語:reflector sight 或 reflex sight),是一種無放大率的光學瞄具,有光亮的瞄準點(通常為一紅點)。一些望遠鏡及內置取景器的「傻瓜相機」亦會載有紅點鏡。
[編輯]- Journal of the Military Service Institution of the United States: Volume 37 - Page 552 -THE GRUBB GUN SIGHT (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- The Mining engineer, Volume 23 By Institution of Mining Engineers (Great Britain). THE GRUBB SIGHT FOR SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS By Sir HOWARD GRUBB and HENRY DAVIS
- The scientific transactions of the Royal Dublin Society By Royal Dublin Society - A NEW COLLIMATING TELESCOPE GUN SIGHT FOR LARGE AND SMALL ORDNANCE By SIR HOWARD GRUBB FRS Vice President Royal Dublin Society
- John Arne Ingemund Ekstrand's U.S. Patent 3,942,901 for a "Optical sighting instrument with means for producing a sighting mark" filed December 7, 1973
[編輯]- YouTube上的A WWII US Navy Mark VIII reflector sight
- YouTube上的A 1942 Japanese type 98 reflector sight in action
- YouTube上的A red dot sight on an Airsoft gun
- Article on the WWII Maxon M45 machine gun mount with section on the Navy Mark 9 reflector sight (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- May-June, 2007 CBS Interactive Business Network article: Seeing red: illuminated reticle sights (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)