微囊藻屬![]() | |
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銅綠微囊菌 | |
科學分類 ![]() | |
域: | 細菌域 Bacteria |
門: | 藍菌門 Cyanobacteria |
綱: | 藍藻綱 Cyanophyceae |
目: | 色球藻目 Chroococcales |
科: | 微囊藻科 Microcystaceae |
屬: | 微囊藻屬 Microcystis Kützing, 1833 |
模式種 | |
銅綠微胞藻 Microcystis aeruginosa Kützing ex Lemmermann 1907
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物種 | |
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異名 | |

微囊菌屬(學名:Microcystis)也稱微囊菌屬,是色球藻目藍菌的一屬藍藻,常見於淡水中,其中包含會造成有害藻華的銅綠微囊菌(Microcystis aeruginosa),其毒素會導致肝臟、膽囊病變[1]。
[編輯]迄今為止, 全球範圍內報導了約50種。 微囊藻屬包含以下數個物種[3] :
- 銅綠微囊藻 Microcystis aeruginosa Kützing ex Lemmermann 1907,異名:Microcystis aeruginosa (Kützing 1833) Otsuka et al. 2001
- Microcystis amethystina (Filarszky 1900) Forti 1907
- 銀色微囊藻 Microcystis argentea Schiller 1954
- Microcystis biformis (Braun 1879) Bourrelly 1970
- 放射微囊藻 Microcystis botrys Teiling, 1942[4]
- 喜石灰岩微囊藻 Microcystis calciphila Schwabe 1947
- Microcystis chroococcoidea West and West 1911
- Microcystis comperei Komárek 1984
- Microcystis complanata Skuja 1964[5]
- Microcystis concharum (Hansgirg 1890) Silva 1996
- Microcystis delicatissima (West and West 1912) Starmach 1966,基異名:Aphanocapsa delicatissima West and West 1912
- Microcystis dimidiata (Kützing 1834) Silva 1996
- Microcystis elabens (Brebisson 1843) Kützing 1846
- Microcystis elachista (West and West 1894) Compère 1967[6]
- Microcystis elongata Desikachary 1959
- Microcystis ferruginea Wawrik 1963,為Cyanogranis ferruginea (Wawrik 1963) Hindák 1982的異名
- Microcystis floccosa Zalessky 1926
- 水華微囊藻 Microcystis flosaquae (Wittrock et al. 1879) Kirchner 1898
- Microcystis halophila Martens and Pankow 1972[7]
- 鱗狀微囊藻 Microcystis ichthyoblabe (Kunze 1823) Kützing 1843
- 不定微囊藻 Microcystis incerta (Lemmermann 1899) Lemmermann 1903
- 濱海微囊藻 Microcystis litoralis (Hansgirg 1892) Aboal 1988[8]
- Microcystis livida Meneghini 1842
- 邊緣微囊藻 Microcystis marginata (Meneghini 1837) Kützing 1846,為Anacystis marginata Meneghini 1837的異名
- Microcystis montigena Hoffmann, 1986[9]
- Microcystis novacekii (Komárek 1958) Compère, 1974
- Microcystis ochracea (Brand 1898) Lemmermann, 1907
- Microcystis ovalis Hollenberg 1939
- Microcystis packardii (Farlow 1879) Tilden 1910
- Microcystis panniformis Komárek et al. 2002
- Microcystis protocystis Crow, 1923
- Microcystis protogenita Rabenhorst, 1865
- 假絲狀微囊藻 Microcystis pseudofilamentosa Crow 1923
- Microcystis rosea Kufferath 1942
- Microcystis roseopersicinus (Kützing 1845) West 1904
- Microcystis salina (Woronichin 1929) Elenkin 1938
- Microcystis salinarum (Hansgirg 1887) Silva 1996
- Microcystis splendens Hollenberg 1939
- 史密斯微囊藻 Microcystis smithii Komárek and Anagnostidis 1995
- Microcystis stagnalis (Lemmermann 1900) Lemmermann 1903
- 熱微囊藻 Microcystis thermalis Yoneda 1938
- 緑色微囊藻 Microcystis viridis (Braun 1865) Lemmermann 1903
- Microcystis wesenbergii (Komárek 1958) Komárek ex Komárek 2006
- Microcystis zanardinii (Hauck 1877) Silva 1996
[編輯]- ^ Chroococcales. EOL. [24 June 2011]. (原始內容存檔於2010-12-29).
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Cyanobacteria: Microcystis. The Silica Secchi Disk. Connecticut College: The SilicaSecchi Disk. [24 June 2011]. (原始內容存檔於2008年3月26日).
- ^ Taxonomy Browser Genus: Microcystis. Taxonomy Browser Genus: Microcystis. AlgaeBase. [24 June 2011]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-15).
- ^ 浙江省環境監測中心生態監測與評價研究所 晁愛敏 於海燕 魏錚,中國淡水微囊藻的一個新記錄種
- ^ Skuja H. Grundzüge der Algenflora und Algenvegetation der Fjeldgegenden um Abisko in Schwedisch-Lappland. Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis Series 4 1964; 18:1-465.
- ^ Compère P. [Title pending]. Bull. Jard. Bot. Natl. Belgique 1967; 37:141.
- ^ Martens B, Pankow H. Taxonomische Bemerkungen zu einigen Algen aus den Boddengewässern des Darss und des Zingst (südliche Ostsee). Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie 1972; 57:779-800.
- ^ Aboal M. Aportación al conocimiento de las algas epicontinentales del sudeste de España. III: Cianofíceas (Cyanophyceae Schaffner 1909). Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 1988; 45:22.
- ^ Hoffmann L. Cyanophycées aériennes et subaériennes du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 1986; 56:89.