![]() | 本页是以往讨论的存档。请勿编辑本页。若您想发起新讨论或重启现有讨论,请在当前讨论页进行。 |
- 现在你可以通过显示附近条目按钮使用新功能“查看附近条目”。六个维基站点已于十月开始测试这一功能。 [1][2]
全域监视列表现在为每个条目提供了将页面标记为已读的链接。这一功能是2023年社群愿望清单调查第161名。 [3]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年4月18日 (二) 01:54 (UTC)
来自单纯梦想文创事业的问题 (2023年4月24日 (一) 16:16)
您好!打扰了,我同一天建立了两次艺人的维基百科,都被删除。 --单纯梦想文创事业(留言) 2023年4月24日 (一) 16:16 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #569

- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- AddLetterboxdFilmIdBot (Task: Adding Letterboxd Film ID (P6127) statements to items which already have a TMDB Film ID (P4947))
- Closed request for permissions/Bot:
- Kristbaumbot 1 (Task: Add identifiers from Wörterbuchnetz to German lexemes)
- New request for comments:
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour April 24, 2023: Would you like to know how to join and use Telegram? Two regular Wikidata Telegram users will provide an introduction to Telegram and its available Wikidata channels. They will discuss how they use it, how it can provide help with Wikidata work, and how it can facilitate connections with other Wikidata users Event page
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #89, Ear
- Past
- Wikidata+Wikibase office hour session log: Telegram office hour 2023-04-19
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- Documenter l'histoire queer sur Wikidata (Documenting Queer History on Wikidata - French), John Samuel, Panel: Queer Data : les plateformes numériques d'archives, Collectif Archives LGBTQI+, Paris, 23 April 2023
- Hypotheses in urban ecology: building a common knowledge base
- Videos
- Using PetScan and Wikidata Terminator, Mooré Wikimedia Community (in Mooré)
- Wikidata Atlas: Putting Wikidata on the Map
- Notebooks
- Twitter thread
- Tool of the week
- User:Nikki/colour icons.css - is a Userscript to add colour to the editing icons. It uses green for add/save, yellow for edit, red for remove, orange for cancel and blue for help.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Wikibase newbie docs are here (to help to onboard new Wikibase users easier).
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- handled, mitigated, or managed by (approach or method that can be used to address an issue or problem)
- holds diplomatic passport of (country of the diplomatic passport held by the person)
- External identifiers: Dailymotion video ID, Databáze sérií ID, Universo del corpo ID, Enciclopedia delle scienze sociali ID, AML ID, AniList character ID, Amarkosh ID, Moly.hu author ID, Podcast Index ID, SINTA affiliation ID, Hall of Light developer ID, Hall of Light publisher ID, Hall of Light artist ID, Kinoglaz person ID, Michaelis ID, Kino1TV ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: KPU Plant Database ID, SoccerPunter team ID, HAL non-registered author ID, Master's degree Mon master ID, Dizionario dei prodotti DOP e IGP ID
- Query examples:
- Administrative subdivisions with more than 10 million inhabitants (source)
- Rivers in France over 50 km long (source)
- List of mental disorders (source)
- Paintings once owned by Red Flag Names (source)
- Top album languages found on Wikidata right now (Week 16, 2023) (source)
- Place of birth of humans with Github username (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- REST API: We continued work on making it possible to create or replace a label, or a description in a given language (phab:T323813)
- EntitySchemas: We continued working on the new datatype for linking to EntitySchemas. It is now available on beta in a very bare-bones version but not ready for wider testing yet. (phab:T332139)
- Ontology issues: We are evaluating the results of the survey we ran earlier this year.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Special:用户贡献等页面上的日期选择菜单现在将显示当前和过去十年的年份范围,而不是当前和未来十年。此功能请求是2023年社区愿望清单调查中投票第145名。 [7]
- 由于Graph扩展存在安全问题,所有维基媒体项目中的相关功能已被禁用。维基媒体基金会团队正在制定应对这些漏洞的计划。 [8]
- 过去数日,无法在移动版维基上保存部分类型的编辑。该问题已被修复。 [9][10][11]
- 全部维基将在4月26日14:00 UTC起短暂进入只读状态。 [12]
- 编辑团队计划对讨论页面项目的可用性分析进行A/B测试。计划的测量现已启用。您的维基可能被邀请参加。请在讨论页面提出对测量计划的改进建议。
- 维基媒体基金会年度计划2023-2024草案开始征求意见,截止日期为5月19日。最终计划将于2023年7月在元维基发布。
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年4月24日 (一) 22:03 (UTC)
The Signpost: 26 April 2023
- News and notes: Staff departures at Wikimedia Foundation, Jimbo hands in the bits, and graphs' zeppelin burns
- In the media: Contested truth claims in Wikipedia
- Obituary: Remembering David "DGG" Goodman
- Arbitration report: Holocaust in Poland, Jimbo in the hot seat, and a desysopping
- Special report: Signpost statistics between years 2005 and 2022
- News from the WMF: Collective planning with the Wikimedia Foundation
- Featured content: In which we described the featured articles in rhyme again
- From the archives: April Fools' through the ages, part two
- Humour: The law of hats
- Traffic report: Long live machine, the future supreme
来自Jacquinmusic的问题 (2023年5月1日 (一) 13:35)
您好,我想介绍一下维也纳莫扎特国际钢琴大赛 --Jacquinmusic(留言) 2023年5月1日 (一) 13:35 (UTC)
来自Jacquinmusic的问题 (2023年5月1日 (一) 13:37)
比如创办组织,时间,历届评委,著名的获奖选手等 --Jacquinmusic(留言) 2023年5月1日 (一) 13:37 (UTC)
- @Jacquinmusic:建议您可以在Draft:维也纳莫扎特国际钢琴大赛编写,编写完毕后在页面顶部加上{{subst:submit}},如此就会有草稿审核团队来提供您修改建议,谢谢。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2023年5月1日 (一) 13:40 (UTC)
内容归属工具Who Wrote That?、XTools Authorship和XTools Blame现已支持法语和意大利语维基百科,将来会支持更多语言版本。这是2023年社群愿望清单调查第7位的一部分。 [13][14][15]
- Video2commons工具的升级已完成。修复了一些与从YouTube上传相关的错误。 [16]
- Special:参数设置页面已被重新设计以适配移动端网页。新设计让用户通过屏幕较窄的设备访问时,可以更容易的访问不同类别的设置。您也可以通过移动端网页侧栏内的设置链接访问这一页面。 [17]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年5月2日 (二) 01:45 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #570

- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- ForgesBot (Task: Add licensing information to software forges entries in accordance to what is found in the corresponding Wikipedia page. It is used as a helper in the context of the Forges project)
- BEANS Bot (Task: Use protocol (P2700) instead of of (P642) to specify the protocol used in port (P1641) statements.)
- Closed request for permissions/Bot:
- AddLetterboxdFilmIdBot (Task: Adding Letterboxd Film ID (P6127) statements to items which already have a TMDB Film ID (P4947))
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming events
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call May 2, 2023: Fudie Zhao will be presenting on Wikidata in Digital Humanities projects. Agenda
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #90, Sewing
- Past
- Wikibase Live session (April 2023)
- Upcoming events
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Creating Map Visualizations with Wikidata and Python, 24 April 2023, Jelle Vankerkvoorde
- Videos
- Open data and Wikidata: revolutionizing scientific research (in Spanish) - YouTube
- Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #109 - YouTube
- Using MixandMatch gadget - YouTube
- Back having fun with lexemes! by Mahir256 - Twitch
- EMWCon Spring 2023 -YouTube
- Workshops
- Aligning Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology Foundry ontologies with Wikidata Workshop at 16th Annual International Biocuration Conference (2023) (Q111430238)
- Tools for linking Wikidata and OpenStreetMap
- Wikimentor Africa workshop - Learn how to report bugs, make feature requests and manage your tasks
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Twitter Wikipedia Badge - is a Chrome extension for verifying a Twitter username using Wikidata. (code, Tweet)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- WeChangEd is an ERC-funded research project and online database by Ghent University, about women editors in Europe. The database shows stories about women editors and their publications, and is powered by Wikidata and Sciencestories.io.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Channel One Russia Worldwide program ID, LSJ Wiki ID, Wastewater treatment plant in France ID, Musées Grand Est ID, INSPIRE-HEP literature ID, Musée Fabre ID, Arabic Ontology form ID, WPGA Tour Australasia player ID, Technic Platform modpack ID, Tatoeba sentence ID, Quranic Arabic Corpus root id
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Wood Database ID, Akadem organization ID, mosff.ru player ID, BSRussia.com team ID, Diritto on line ID, Soprintendenza Speciale di Roma place ID, BSWW player ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Piano Rolls
- Newest properties:
- Development
- EntitySchemas: We are still working on the new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements. (phab:T214884)
- Wikibase REST API: We're fixing several smaller issues like phab:T335578 and phab:T335581.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
来自GGYunY的问题 (2023年5月5日 (五) 02:26)
小日子享生活志维基百科:https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B0%8F%E6%97%A5%E5%AD%90%E4%BA%AB%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB%E8%AA%8C#%E5%90%84%E6%9C%9F%E5%B0%81%E9%9D%A2%E4%B8%BB%E9%A1%8C --GGYY 2023年5月5日 (五) 02:26 (UTC)
- @GGYunY:您可以参照Wikipedia:维基百科不是什么#维基百科不是不经筛选的资讯收集处,基本上,若仅有第一手来源(如杂志本身或活动举办者的官方网站),则不应将相关的清单写到维基百科的条目中,若有可靠的第三方来源(如非广编的新闻),也建议仅挑选较重要的几期编写,而非全部列出,这样很容易构成琐碎资料,很可能会被其他编者删除。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2023年5月5日 (五) 03:08 (UTC)
- 🫡 谢谢解惑! GGYY 2023年5月5日 (五) 14:12 (UTC)
来自Do.jhen的问题 (2023年5月7日 (日) 11:37)
怎么做自己的维基百科 --Do.jhen(留言) 2023年5月7日 (日) 11:37 (UTC)
- @Do.jhen:阁下可以先看看Wikipedia:自传,基本上维基百科不允许建立使用者自己的自传条目,谢谢。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2023年5月7日 (日) 11:47 (UTC)
来自Lang Chow的问题 (2023年5月7日 (日) 15:16)
你好,我是维基百科新手,请多指教! --Lang Chow(留言) 2023年5月7日 (日) 15:16 (UTC)
The Signpost: 8 May 2023

- News and notes: New legal "deVLOPments" in the EU
- In the media: Vivek's smelly socks, online safety, and politics
- Recent research: Gender, race and notability in deletion discussions
- Featured content: I wrote a poem for each article, I found rhymes for all the lists;
My first featured picture of this year now finally exists!
- Arbitration report: "World War II and the history of Jews in Poland" approaches conclusion
- News from the WMF: Planning together with the Wikimedia Foundation
Wikidata weekly summary #571

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Infrastruktur (RfP scheduled to end after 12 May 2023 14:16 UTC)
- Events
- Upcoming: October 09 - 11, 2023, Leipzig, Germany - workshop on handling and modelling mathematical research data — Wikidata, Wikibase and Scholia are all in scope
- Ongoing: Weekly Lexemes Challenge #91, Family (2/n)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blog: VocalEyes and Wikidata: Making accessibility information easily available
- Papers
- Wikidata: The Making Of (by Denny Vrandečić, Lydia Pintscher and Markus Krötzsch)
- The SciQA Scientific Question Answering Benchmark for Scholarly Knowledge
- Videos: Back having more fun with Lexemes! by Mahir256 - Twitch
- Tool of the week
Open Burial Map - Interactive map showing the details of burial places based on OpenStreetMap and Wikidata.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Britannica Kids kids level article ID, Britannica Kids students level article ID, Britannica Kids scholars level article ID, TOOI identifier, Chess Programming Wiki ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- character in this lexeme (character(s) this lexeme consists of)
- External identifiers: none
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- (Breaking Change Announcement) Changes to the wblistentityusage API module
- (Breaking Change Announcement) Entity Labels Added to Parsed Edit Summaries in API Requests
- (Breaking Change Announcement) Inconsistencies in the response of `list=wbsubscribers` API Query module
- Query Builder: The Query Builder now has a language selector so you can change the interface language.
- Date parsing: Input of dates in notations common in Asia, especially Japan, is now improved. (phab:T214002)
- EntitySchemas: We are continuing the development of the new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements. (phab:T214884)
- Wikibase REST API: We finished the work on the endpoint for replacing a label of description of an Item. (phab:T323813)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
上周,Community Tech发布了第一个更新以提供更佳差异,这是2022年社群愿望清单调查的第一位。 本次更新为差异添加了图标和工具提示,以便不熟悉蓝色和黄色高亮显示的用户更容易明白编辑造成的差异。
当您关闭通过MediaViewer显示的图像时,它现在将返回到维基页面,而不是返回到浏览器的历史记录中。此功能请求是2023年社群愿望清单调查中投票第65名。 [18]
- SyntaxHighlight扩展现在可将
,现在可以被取代。 [19] - 预加载新页面的文本/段落现在支持从本地化的MediaWiki界面消息进行预加载。例如在捷克语维基百科上使用
。 [20]
- Graph扩展更新:基金会的开发人员已将可视化软件升级到Vega5。现在社群基于Vega2的图像不再兼容。 社群需要更新本地图像、模板和lua模块,如de:Modul:Graph。Vega迁移指南提供了有关从Vega2迁移的详细信息。这里是一个示例。Vega5目前刚刚在mediawiki.org上启用,为社群提供测试环境。 [21]
到目前为止,所有新的OAuth应用程序都经过人工审核。而从本周开始,使用仅识别或基本授权的应用程序将不再需要审查。 [22]
- 明年,MediaWiki将停止使用IP地址来标记未登录用户,并将开始自动分配唯一的临时用户名。在IP编辑:隐私增强和滥用缓解/更新阅读更多内容。 您可以参与关于临时用户名的格式的讨论。 [23]
- 在十个Vector 2022皮肤是默认皮肤的维基百科上将有一次A/B测试。半数已登录的桌面版用户会看到一个界面,界面中页面的不同部分更清楚地分开。在此了解更多信息。 [24][25]
可以让代码继续像现在一样生效。您可以点此阅读更多,或阅读如何查找失效的脚本。 [26]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年5月9日 (二) 00:36 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: April 2023
来自地位未定的问题 (2023年5月15日 (一) 05:01)
生物信息框怎么弄 --地位未定(留言) 2023年5月15日 (一) 05:01 (UTC)
- @地位未定:您可以参考恒春风藤。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2023年5月15日 (一) 05:20 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #572

- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- WikiRankBot (Task: Use Alexa rank (P1661). "...track the monthly ranking of websites based on Similarweb Ranking")
- TiagoLubianaBot (Task: Link UMLS CUIs to Wikidata based on external mappings)
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- Cultural Institutions and Linked Open Data Networks: Create Your Own Database with Wikibase! Friday, 05.26.2023 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m (On-line)
- Conversation on open data and digital innovation in education. Carlos Blin Auditorium of the Central University of Chile, Av. Santa Isabel #1278, Santiago. Thursday May 25 – 10:00 a.m.
- Towards a new national bibliographic processing policy with linked data. Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 May 2023
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Tool of the week
- tidywikidatar is an R package for exploring the wealth of information stored by Wikidata.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Google Summer of Code 2023 and Outreachy Round 26 candidates announced, with Wikidata-related projects
- re•shape – A Wikimedia program to support knowledge equity - Applications are open between May 11 and June 18 to apply for a grant to create more space and visibility for marginalized knowledge.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- iconically alludes to (item that is iconically represented in the execution of this lexeme)
- External identifiers: Wood Database ID, Humanities Commons member ID, Shipbucket ID, MEL residence ID, JMA weather station ID, Soprintendenza Speciale di Roma place ID, GamesRadar+ ID, L'Histoire par l'image ID, Napster release ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Qualigeo ID, Ut ID, RAWG developer ID, RAWG publisher ID, Israel Composers' League composer ID
- Query examples:
- Name of languages containing the words "old" or "ancient" (source)
- Birthplaces of humans called "Antoine" (source)
- Who took the most pictures on WikiCommons around a Wikidata item? (source)
- Graph of art (and other things) owned by Art Looting Red Flag Names or members of the Nazi Party at any time (source)
- Top album languages found on Wikidata right now (Week 19, 2023) (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Personal Pronouns (Goal: Model and assign pronouns ethically in Wikidata)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- EntitySchemas: We've continued work on the new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements. (phab:T214884)
- Converted a number of Properties from string to external ID datatype (phab:T334450)
- mul language code: We've worked on preparing the special pages related to labels, descriptions and aliases for the new language code. (phab:T330193, phab:T329626)
- Wikibase REST API: We continued working on the ability to modify labels of an Item using the HTTP PATCH method. (phab:T332739).
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 基于ISBN自动生成的引文目前出现问题。这会影响可视化编辑器的自动选项卡的引用,以及使用了citoid API的小工具和用户脚本。我们正在努力恢复此功能。 [27]
- 自周三起,部分维基站点将可以使用添加链接功能。这些站点包括哥伦打洛语维基百科、豪萨语维基百科、客家语维基百科、夏威夷语维基百科、斐济印地语维基百科、克罗地亚语维基百科、上索布语维基百科、海地克里奥尔语维基百科、因特语维基百科、国际语(E)维基百科、伊博语维基百科、伊洛卡诺语维基百科、印古什语维基百科、伊多语维基百科、冰岛语维基百科、因纽特语维基百科、牙买加Patois语维基百科、爪哇语维基百科。这是逐步向更多维基百科部署这一工具的一部分。社群可以在本地配置这一功能如何工作。 [28]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年5月15日 (一) 21:44 (UTC)
来自PenneOnTheLeft的问题 (2023年5月16日 (二) 01:26)
但是最上面写着“警告:请替换引用Template:AFC_submission/submit”,不知道是什么意思 --Penne on the Left(留言) 2023年5月16日 (二) 01:26 (UTC)
- @PenneOnTheLeft:您好,已协助您修正,该错误讯息已消失,您可以继续编辑该草稿了。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2023年5月16日 (二) 05:00 (UTC)
- 哇,好的,感谢!--Penne on the Left(留言) 2023年5月16日 (二) 05:32 (UTC)
The Signpost: 22 May 2023
- In the media: History, propaganda and censorship
- Arbitration report: Final decision in "World War II and the history of Jews in Poland"
- Featured content: A very musical week for featured articles
- Traffic report: Coronation, chatbot, celebs
Wikidata weekly summary #573

- Discussions
- CEUR-WS (Task: CEUR-WS Semantification bot to be used on publishing Workshop proceedings via http://ceur-ws.org)
- AcmiBot (Task: Sync links with ACMI API)
- Events
- Past: The Wikimedia Hackathon took place on May 19-21 in Athens, Greece. Several Wikidata-related projects were presented during the showcase (notes, replay). You can also find more documentation on this page.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Papers
- Melanie Conroy, Quantifying the Gap: The Gender Gap in French Writers’ Wikidata; Journal of Cultural Analytics Vol. 8, Issue 2, 2023May 11, 2023.
- Videos
- Queering Wikidata: Early Insights from the Wikidata Gender Diversity Project, Presentation by Daniele Metilli, Beatrice Melis, Marta Fioravanti, Chiara Paolini on May 17 in Queering Wikipedia 2023 (Video)
- Making Queer Faces and Voices Visible and Audible Online: The role of Wikipedia and Wikidata, Presentation by John Samuel on May 17 in Queering Wikipedia 2023 (Video)
- Ethical and Inclusive Data Modeling for Gender Representation in Wikidata: Lessons and Recommendations from the Personal Pronouns Project, Presentation by Arielle Rodriguez, Crystal Yragui, Alex Jung on May 17 in Queering Wikipedia 2023
- “But what about representation?”: Finding Ethical Solutions and Best Practices for Gender Information in Wikidata, Discussion by Arielle Rodriguez, Crystal Yragui on May 17 in Queering Wikipedia 2023 (Video)
- Papers
- Tool of the week
- CreateNewEntity.js got improved to support up to 11 languages.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Deutschland is launching a laptop donation program to support Wikidata contributors with limited access to technology. If you've been actively contributing to Wikidata for at least a year, you can request a free laptop to support your work. WMDE Hardware Donation Program#Applying
- Wikibase.Cloud data modeling research has been published. It shows user flows and pain points in the Data Modelling experience of Wikibase Cloud users in Q1/2023.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: L'Histoire par l'image ID, Napster release ID, Xbox Games Store ID (Xbox 360), Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris author ID, Global Smash Roster fighter ID, RAWG developer ID, RAWG publisher ID, Qualigeo ID, Kress Collection Digital Archive ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- population by ethnic group (Part of a larger population isolated for statistical analysis)
- points of bonus (point of bonus in a tournament, given according some conditions (such as minimum number of goals...))
- External identifiers: Israel Composers' League composer ID, Stage 32 profile ID, kaino.kotus.fi identifiers, Radiomuseum.org company ID, Law Insider Legal Dictionary entry
- General datatypes:
- Query example: Scottish waterbodies & how they're linked (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- We continue working on modify data of labels of an Item in the Wikibase REST API. (phab:T332739)
- We continued working on the new datatype for linking to EntitySchemas.
- We are continuing to prepare various special pages for the mul language code.
- We fixed a bug on Wikipedia and co where the "add interlanguage link dialog threw an error (phab:T337081)
- We attended the Wikimedia hackathon.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
“已访问最近编辑的页面监视者数”的时间现在改为30天(过去是180天)。这是社群愿望清单调查的提案之一。 [30]
2023年5月22日 (一) 16:54 (UTC)
This Month in Education: April 2023
This Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 4 • April 2023
- Auckland Museum Alliance fund project update
- Introducing Wikipedia to Kusaal Language Teachers
- KWASU Fan Club Leads the Way in 21st Century Learning with Wiki in School Program
- On-line Courses for Educators in Poland
- Online meeting of Ukrainian educators working with Wikipedia – four perspectives
- Wikiclubs Editathon in Elbasan, Albania
- Wikipedia at the Brazilian Linguistics Olympiad
- Wikipedia at the University of Łódź Information Management Conference
Books & Bytes – Issue 56
The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Issue 56, March – April 2023
- New partner:
- Perlego
- Library access tips and tricks
- Spotlight: EveryBookItsReader
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2023年5月24日 (三) 10:04 (UTC)
您好,我有两个问题想要咨询,第一,我上传文件时提示没有上传权限。第二,我上传的文件属于我一个领导的徽章,已经得到他的同意,上传需要注意什么吗?--Xfflower(留言) 2023年5月26日 (五) 08:51 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #578

- Events
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call May 30, 2023: We will discuss results from our community survey on advocacy for Wikidata in libraries and hear from community members Mary Aycock, Steve Baskauf and Eric Willey about their experiences with advocacy and gaining support for Wikidata work within their respective libraries. Agenda
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Tool of the week
- TalkPageHeader.js shows the talk page header for languages other than English.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The libraries of the London School of Economics and the University of York have collaborated to produce a toolkit for uploading research theses metadata to Wikidata. Full announcement and access to the toolkit
- The contents of most Wikimedia Cloud Services Wiki Replicas are out-of-date owing to large & increasing replication lag; see https://replag.toolforge.org/ & Phab T337446. Exercise caution using data from any tools that have a dependency on these databases.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- time of periapsis (the time at which the orbit of an object in space, typically a planet or a satellite, goes through its periapsis)
- matched by identifier from (this external ID was added because the following link was presented in both the external database and the Wikidata item)
- External identifiers: Diritto on line ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- ISCED Attainment (''(no English description proposed yet)'')
- ISCED category orientation (International Standard Classification of Education category (based on focus/orientation) applicable to an educational program)
- Learning outcome (specific knowledge, skills, and abilities that students are expected to acquire as a result of participating in a particular education program)
- External identifiers: GamersGlobal series ID, Enciclopedia machiavelliana ID, BFM.ru persons ID, Open Yearbook org id
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Ontology issues: We are finishing the evaluation of the survey about which types of ontology issues are hindering reuse of Wikidata's data the most.
- Otherwise mostly a slow week because of the Wikimedia hackathon.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Growth team newsletter #26

Welcome to the twenty-sixth newsletter from the Growth team! Help with translations
One million Suggested Edits
We passed the 1 million Suggested edits milestone in late April!
- The Suggested edits feature (AKA Newcomer tasks) increase newcomer activation by ~12%, which flows on through to increased retention. (source)
- Suggested edits increase the number of edits newcomers complete in their first two weeks and have a relatively low revert rate. (source)
- Suggested edits are available on all Wikipedia language editions.
- Newer Suggested edits, like Add a link and Add an image, aren’t yet deployed to all wikis, but these structured tasks further increase the probability that newcomers will make their first edit. (source)
Positive reinforcement
Positive reinforcement aims to encourage newcomers who have visited our homepage and tried Growth features to keep editing.
- The new Impact module was released to Growth pilot wikis in December 2022, and we are now scaling the feature to another ten wikis. [32]
- The Leveling up features are deployed at our pilot wikis.
- The Personalized praise features were deployed at our pilot wikis on May 24. Mentors at pilot wikis will start to receive notifications weekly when they have “praise-worthy” mentees. Mentors can configure their notification preferences or disable these notifications.
Add an image
- We are creating a new section-level variation of the “add an image” task. We have tested the accuracy of suggestions, and the development of this new task is well-underway. [33]
Other updates
- We are progressively releasing Add a link to more wikis. [34]
- After adding Thanks to Recent Changes, Watchlist and Special:Contributions, we investigated Thanks usage on the wikis. There is no evidence that thanks increased after the feature was added on more pages.
- We helped with code review for the 2023 Community Wish to add Notifications for user page edits. [35]
- We have been attending several community events, that we documented in our Growth’s Community events report.
What's next for Growth?
- We shared an overview of Growth annual planning ideas, and have started community discussion about these potential projects. We would love to hear your feedback on these ideas!
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2023年5月29日 (一) 15:14 (UTC)
- 由于Zotero的ISBN搜索,从ISBN自动添加引文的功能又可以使用了。现在的数据来源为美国议会图书馆、法国国立图书馆、K10plus ISBN(德国的资料库)。可以向Zotero提议进行额外的数据源搜索。 可视化编辑器的自动选项卡中的ISBN标签将在本周晚些时候重新上线。 [36]
为Special:编辑监视列表增加了一个能选择特定命名空间所有页面的“选择所有”按钮。这一功能是2023年社群愿望清单调查第161位。 [37]
- 本月初的几天,工具菜单中的“添加跨语言链接”功能无法正常运作,现已经修复。 [38]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年5月29日 (一) 22:02 (UTC)
来自Chiichii23的问题 (2023年6月1日 (四) 14:33)
hi --Chiichii23(留言) 2023年6月1日 (四) 14:33 (UTC)
来自Chiichii23的问题 (2023年6月1日 (四) 14:36)
hi 您好! 想询问关于维基百科页面新增的问题,因提交的草稿资讯相较其他同期人员,我的草稿没有太多的[文献],请问审核机制的文献比较容易审核过关的,有哪些例子呢? 感谢您!! 维基实在难了Q.Q --Chiichii23(留言) 2023年6月1日 (四) 14:36 (UTC)
- @Chiichii23:您只能尽量多找一些报导此艺人的新闻(但不能是广编稿,使用这类新闻会被视为宣传),并根据新闻编写相关的叙述,而维基百科还有WP:关注度的规范,因此您也必须找到一定量的有效介绍新闻才能让草稿审核通过,谢谢。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2023年6月1日 (四) 23:37 (UTC)
- 好的 谢谢您我再来努力看看!!--Chiichii23(留言) 2023年6月2日 (五) 07:39 (UTC)
来自永结同心百年好合关于Help:页面重命名的问题 (2023年6月2日 (五) 17:44)
请问大标题有误想修改下即可该从何修改? --永结同心百年好合(留言) 2023年6月2日 (五) 17:44 (UTC)
- @永结同心百年好合:您好,您可以参照Template:Requested move的使用方式将其挂到您想要修改标题的调目中,如此就会有可以更改条目名称的人来协助确认并移动,谢谢。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2023年6月3日 (六) 00:23 (UTC)
阁下曾提报不符合收录标准之条目“姚木川”已过限期,如阁下认为该条目现时尚未合乎收录标准,可作提删。 --Cewbot(留言) 2023年6月5日 (一) 00:11 (UTC)
The Signpost: 5 June 2023
- News and notes: WMRU director forks new 'pedia, birds flap in top '22 piccy, WMF weighs in on Indian gov's map axe plea
- Featured content: Poetry under pressure
- Traffic report: Celebs, controversies and a chatbot in the public eye
- RealMe扩展将允许用户在用户页中的URL标记为已通过Mastodon或类似软件验证。
现在使用可视化编辑器时可以直接在参考资料列表处编辑参考资料。该功能是2023年社群愿望清单调查第二位。 [40]
- 以前,单击其他人在URL中应用过滤器的最近更改链接可能会无意中更改“组合显示同一页面结果”的设置。现已修复。 [41]
- 上周数日间,一些工具和机器人由于数据库问题会返回过时的信息,在问题修复时可能已经完全停止运作。这些问题现已得到修复。 [42]
- 机器人将不再因为编辑中的URL与spam blacklist匹配而被阻止。 [43]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年6月5日 (一) 22:51 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #579

- Events
- Introduction workshop about Wikidata for employees of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB, national library of the Netherlands), to make them more familiar and self-reliant with Wikidata - 6 June 2023, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague, The Netherlands - Slides (in Dutch) on Commons.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour June 5, 2023: In collaboration with the Black Bibliography Project, we will be adding metadata for undescribed or under-described African-American women authors listed in The Pen Is Ours: a Listing of Writings by and about African-American Women before 1910, compiled by Jean Fagan Yellin and Cynthia D. Bond.Event page
- Registration has opened for the workshop on mathematical research data taking place on 9-11 October 2023 in Leipzig. Talks, demos and lightning talks can be suggested, including Wikidata-related ones.
- Tool of the week
- IdentifierInput makes it easier to add identifier properties by letting you put in the full url and then stripping it down to just the identifier for you.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- alternate universe counterpart (this fictional character/entity is an alternate universe counterpart of the subject)
- visited by (organisms attracted by this plant taxon and reported to visit it)
- Mastodon instance URL (the mastodon instance of/about the subject)
- beforehand owned by (person or institution that owned the subject just before stated event. Meant to be used as qualifier of "significant event (P793)" for events like sales, auctions, gifts, etc)
- afterward owned by (person or institution that owned the subject after stated event. Meant to be used as qualifier of "significant event (P793)" for events like sales, auctions, gifts, etc)
- solubility product constant (equilibrium constant for a sparingly soluble solid chemical substance dissolved in an aqueous solution)
- funded by grant (title or name of the grant funding this item)
- External identifiers: stats.fm artist ID, Zeno.org ID, World Arachnid Catalog ID, Springs and Fountains of Andalucía ID, TMDb collection ID, TMDB company ID, WGA work ID, Peacock ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- Type of musical notation (system of musical notation used on a given music source or composition)
- External identifiers: Identifiant "Politique pappers", Svenska Akademiens ordlista ID, Holarse, wiki.ubuntuusers.de article ID, Marsilio Editori author ID, LiteraturPort autorenlexikon ID, Kialo ID, PremiershipRugby.com player ID (new), PesticideInfo chemical ID, Ukrainian Cultural Heritage ID, Image Duplicator ID, Saugoma.lt area ID, Lithuanian protected object ID, Saugoma.lt object ID, Musées Occitanie ID
- General datatypes:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Aikido
- Newest database reports:
- External identifier completeness - External identifier property use completeness.
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikibase REST API: We finished the new endpoint for patching labels (phab:T332739). We also started work on the new endpoint for retrieving Property data (phab:T337720)
- Client wikis: We drastically reduced the size of a ResourceLoader module that’s loaded on most Wikipedia page views (phab:334682)
- Language code: With awesome help from Nikki, we improved documentation for how to add language codes to Wikibase/Wikidata (phab:T335857)
- EntitySchemas: We are getting the new datatype ready for testing.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
阁下曾提报不符合收录标准之条目“爱在屏东”已过限期(条目已挂上提删模板),如阁下认为该条目现时尚未合乎收录标准,可作提删。 --Cewbot(留言) 2023年6月9日 (五) 00:02 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: May 2023
Wikidata weekly summary #580

- Events
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Call June 13, 2023: Helen Williams will discuss her work with Wikidata at the London School of Economics Agenda
- Wikidata Workshop 2023 will be co-located with the 22nd International Conference on Semantic Web (ISWC) in November 2023 in Athens. The submission deadline is Thursday, 20 July 2023. More details and call for papers
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Tool of the week
- narrow.css attempts to make the Wikidata desktop interface work better on narrower screens.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- quality is the result of process (quality that this process/activity directly correlates to and produces)
- External identifiers: theCrag ID, SEC Kerala code, Modern History Database person ID, Netflix person ID, Enciclopedia machiavelliana ID, PM20 film section ID, The Homicide Report person ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- ISCED field (mapping of a particular course's local fields according to the International Standard Classification of Education)
- Romanian river code (River codes from ApeleRomâne)
- External identifiers: Artmajeur artist ID, UETK ID, Trésors de Nice ID, German University Collections PersonID
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikibase REST API:
- We finished work on accessing data for Properties (phab:T337720)
- We started work on supporting conditional HTTP headers for accessing Property data (phab:T338138)
- You can now add sitelinks to outreach wiki (phab:T171140)
- Query Builder: Fixed an issue with missing icons in the language selector (phab:T335754)
- EntitySchemas: Final polishing on the new datatype before wider testing.
- Wikibase REST API:
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
内容归属工具Who Wrote That?、XTools Authorship和XTools Blame现已支持荷兰语、德语、匈牙利语、印度尼西亚语、日语、波兰语、葡萄牙语维基百科。这是2023年社群愿望清单调查第7位。 [44]
- Search Preview panel已部署在四个维基百科(加泰罗尼亚语、荷兰语、匈牙利语和挪威语)上。该面板将显示与文章相关的图像(如果存在)、文章的序言部分、相关图像(来自维基共享资源的MediaSearch),最后显示与文章相关的姊妹项目。 [45]
- RealMe扩展现允许管理员验证任何页面的Mastodon和类似软件的URL。 [46]
- 维基媒体项目默认的许可协议已经正式升级到CC BY-SA 4.0。软件的界面已经更新。社群可以随时更新原来的方针等文档中涉及CC BY-SA 3.0的部分。 [47]
- 在上个月的三天中,一些使用可视化编辑器或讨论工具编辑的维基百科页面在编辑过程中意外加入了
(或其本地化形式)。受影响页面请见按维基排序的受影响页面列表。该问题可能仍需修复。 [48] - 目前,可视化编辑器的“默认排序键”功能已损坏。现有的
关键字在可视化编辑器中错误地显示为缺少模板。开发人员正在寻找解决办法。同时,建议那些希望编辑页面默认排序的用户切换至源代码编辑。 [49] 上周,对删除表单的更新可能导致一些小工具或用户脚本无法工作。如果您需要操作(清空)原因字段,请将
替换为#wpReason > input
。请参阅 修复示例。 [50]
- 英语维基百科将在周一切换可视化编辑器到新的后端,周四部署到所有其它大型维基。此更改不会对用户造成明显影响,但如果您在使用可视化编辑器时遇到加载缓慢或其它异常情况,请在此处链接的phabricator工单上报告。 [51]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年6月12日 (一) 14:50 (UTC)
The Signpost: 19 June 2023
- News and notes: WMF Terms of Use now in force, new Creative Commons licensing
- Featured content: Content, featured
- Recent research: Hoaxers prefer currently-popular topics
Wikidata weekly summary #581

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Vargenau (RfP scheduled to end after 25 June 2023 07:51 UTC)
- Closed request for adminship: Infrastruktur (closed on May 12th without prior mention)
- Closed request for permissions/Bot:
- BEANS Bot (Task: Use protocol (P2700) instead of of (P642) to specify the protocol used in port (P1641) statements.) (closed on 22 May without prior mention)
- TiagoLubianaBot (Task: Link UMLS CUIs to Wikidata based on external mappings) (closed on 21 May without prior mention)
- Events
- Upcoming
- WikidataCon is happening later this year in Taipei and online. The call for proposals is now open.
- The role of Wikidata within the research lifecycle, Wednesday 21 June, 10am BST (UTC+1), online event hosted by the University of York, UK. International participation is welcome, despite "available to White Rose institutions only" on the booking page.
- The Fourth Wikidata Workshop is now accepting paper submissions until Thursday, 20 July 2023.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour June 23, 2023: Returning to Podcasts, we will be working on creating podcast episode pages. We will discuss how this episodic content can be transferred to other serialized items. You are, as always, welcome to bring your own project to work on Event page
- Webinar: Common European Data Space for cultural heritage (The ontology of Wikidata, how to interact with it for a better quality). Tuesday 20th June 2023, from 3.00 p,.m. to 5.00 p.m. CET. Register
- GLAM Wiki Conference 2023 scholarship application now open. Deadline is June 30, 2023.
- Ongoing: Weekly Lexemes Challenge #97, Poetry (started on 2023-06-19 12:01:21)
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Papers
- Videos
- Wikidata Lexeme Malayalam training (in Malayam) - YouTube
- Wikidata Lab XXXVII: Uploading images to Wikimedia Commons with OpenRefine - YouTube
- Intro to Knowledge Graphs and Wikidata (in Indonesian) - YouTube
- Setting up a Wikidata account (in Urdu) - YouTube
- Editing Wikidata Items for Parliament of Ghana Contest (Kusaal Wikimedia Community). See also: Introduction to Wikidata, How to Create a Wikidata Item, How to Add Labels and Description to Wikidata Items
- Africa Environment WikiFocus: Wikidata Training by Yamen Bousrih (in English and French) - YouTube
- Social Studies Campaign for Wikidata for Education project - YouTube
- Followup to the OBO Academy's Introduction to Wikidata (BioMed Orientation) - YouTube
- Wiki Workshop 2023: Session 1: Diversity and Bias in DBpedia and Wikidata, Session 5: How does Wikidata shape gender identities?, Session 11: Wikidata to Bootstrap an Enterprise Knowledge Graph, Session 11: Synia: Displaying data from Wikibases
- OpenRefine for Wikidata & WikimediaCommons - YouTube
- Wikidata SPARQL session for the Data Reuse Days - YouTube
- Documentation for Wikibase Cloud at the Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 – Athens, Greece - YouTube
- KGC 2023 Talk — The EU Knowledge Graph by Dennis Diefenbach, The QA Company - YouTube
- SS 2023 - Session 3: Wikidata for Classicists. The Example of the International (Digital) Dura-Europos Archive - YouTube
- Notebooks
- Slides: Reuse in the Wiki World empowers engagement with Natural History Collections
- Tool of the week
- Mapping Diversity is a platform that utilizes Wikidata to discover key facts about diversity and representation in street names across Europe. E.g. 59% of the streets and squares in Paris are named after people. Of those, 8.9% are named after women.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- [GLAM] Volunteer Opportunity: 2023 LD4 Wikidata Working Hour Summer/Fall Series
- Want to make knowledge about #NaturalProducts accessible to everyone in more languages? Help us translate our project page.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- satellite view (image of the subject taken from outer space)
- External identifiers: The Homicide Report person ID, KPU Plant Database ID, LiteraturPort autorenlexikon ID, Media Library for Dance and Theatre person ID, documenta archiv ID, Marsilio Editori author ID, Plant Finder ID (Chicago Botanic Garden), Israel Composers' League composer ID, Alabama Authors ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- HyperTextAPI
- Gottstein code (Gottstein code as a representation of a cuneiform sign variant)
- altesdresden.de object (altesdresden.de object)
- Moroccan administrative geographical coding - الترميز الجغرافي الإداري المغربي
- Moroccan administrative geographical coding
- External identifiers: COSL profile ID, snookerscores.net tournament ID, NBC Olympics Athlete ID, European Bridge League ID, research.com ID, ComingSoon.it TV IDs, Team France profile ID, FIGC player ID, Theapolis theater ID, Theapolis actor ID, AVP player ID, Volleyball Canada ID, Intangible cultural heritage ID by the Austrian UNESCO commission, Unidades de Conservação no Brasil ID, Korean Tour player ID, Austadiums ID, DEL player ID, CAMEO Chemicals ID
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Which mountaineers died on Mount Everest ordered by their death date? (source)
- Gallery of people born in Brittany and named Jeanne, Jean or Yann (source)
- List of botanical collectors who have a death date but don't have a Bionomia ID (source)
- British MPs who resigned from the Commons mid-parliament on two separate occasions (source)
- Dutch members of parliament with a Mastodon account (source)
- [Data quality] [ Inside a given instance of (P31) inside same country, find possibles duplicates if they share same date : same kind of event same date in same country might be a candidate for review and merge
- [Calendars] What is the equivalent in Iranian Hijri of March 5, 1902?
- Newest properties:
- Development
- We finished the endpoint for getting data from Properties and it is now available on Wikidata.
- We started expanding that endpoint with filter options and conditional http headers.
- EntitySchemas: The new datatype is now available for testing and feedback.
- mul language code: We've continued working on making the mobile termbox (labels, descriptions, aliases) ready for the new language code. (phab:T329644, phab:T338302, phab:T329655, phab:T316767)
- Vector 2022 skin: We are fixing an issue with the bolding of results in the main search suggester. (phab:T327510)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年6月19日 (一) 20:08 (UTC)
Action API模块和Special:LinkSearch现在将为主域名的所有
。这是删除外部链接数据库表中重复项工作的一部分。 [56]
CSS类。这可以支持使用div而不是表格的mbox模板。请确认新样式不会影响您所在的维基中的其它模板。 [59][60]现在小工具将默认在桌面版和移动版加载。以前,默认情况下小工具仅在桌面版加载。使用
参数)使小工具在移动版中运行或禁用它们,而不是根据用户是否使用移动网站或桌面版网站来禁用它们。作为临时解决方案,开发人员将在Minerva皮肤上禁用在移动版产生错误的常用小工具。 [61]- 默认情况下,所有命名空间选项卡现在都具有相同的浏览器快捷键。以前,自定义和扩展定义的命名空间必须在维基上手动设置其快捷键,但现在不再需要了。 [62]
- 标记审阅修订版本的表单现在使用标准化的用户界面组件。 [63]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年6月26日 (一) 16:18 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #582

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Wolverène (RfP scheduled to end after 2 July 2023 18:46 UTC)
- Closed request for adminship: Vargenau (successful) Welcome onboard \o/
- New requests for permissions/Bot: RomesfulImporterBot (Task: Creating and updating Russian Lexemes by transferring information from the Russian Wiktionary)
- Events
- Upcoming
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16:00 UTC, 12th July 2023 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Wikiconvention francophone: Opening of calls for communication and scholarship applications until July 14th.
- WikiIndaba 2023 Call for Submissions and Scholarship Applications. Deadline: June 30, 2023.
- Ongoing: Weekly Lexemes Challenge #98, Shoes (started on 2023-06-26 12:01:20)
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Videos
- re:publica 2023 - Peer learning methods and Open Educational Resources (OER) on Wikidata for a viable digital culture of remembrance (in German) - YouTube
- Workshop - Aligning Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology Foundry ontologies with Wikidata - YouTube
- Managing conflations and duplications of personal items in Wikidata, National Library of Greece - YouTube
- Why Wikidata in Linked Data and Libraries (in Greek)- YouTube
- Adding metadata utilities in the Koha staff interface based on Wikidata - YouTube
- From authority control to identity management - YouTube
- DSI Webinar - The ontology of Wikidata: how to interact with it for a better quality - YouTube
- Wikidata as a tool for biocuration of cell types, Biocuration Conference 2023 - YouTube
- Webinar: Wikidata, a useful knowledge base for any study - YouTube
- KGC '23 Talk — The Error Is The Message: Extracting Insights From Deceptive Data for Nazi-Looted Art - YouTube
- Surveys
- Notebooks
- Tool of the week
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- TU Berlin research group "The Restitution of Knowledge" are exploring the use of Wikidata to build a Linked Open Data (LOD) project that maps German colonial military expeditions into Africa. Interested in getting involved or learning more about their project? Reach out on the project's talk page: Wikidata:WikiProject TheRoK/Data Models.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: PremiershipRugby.com player ID (new), Professor at Cologne univ. ID, Numista ruling authority ID, Suomen etymologinen sanakirja ID, Suomen murteiden sanakirja ID, Svenska Akademiens ordlista ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- 讳 ()
- Date of declaration as a town (The date when a settlement is declared a town)
- Loss of town status (Date of loss of town rank)
- External identifiers: Azerbaijani National Encyclopedia ID, Alienor.org ID, The Literary Encyclopedia person ID, XWord Info author ID, WKF ranking ID, Composer's Union of Ukraine person ID, Archiefpunt curator ID, Archiefpunt archive ID, Archiefpunt compiler ID, Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal GTB ID, etymologiebank.nl ID
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Last words of authors (adapted from a query generated by ChatGPT) (source)
- List of American actors and actresses having a wikipedia page with parents having a wikipedia page
- (history) Where were the borders crossing between 东德 (Q16957) and 西德 (Q713750) ?
- Week 25, 2023: Top album languages found on Wikidata right now (source)
- Newest WikiProjects:
- WikiProject University of Washington Libraries - projects which individuals at the UW Libraries have done in collaboration with the Wikidata community.
- WikiProject New York Public Library - work underway at the New York Public Library (Q219555) to connect library data with Wikidata.
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikibase REST API: We are working on making it possible to get statements from a Property. (phab:T338383)
- EntitySchema: We're looking into the feedback we received from the testing of the new datatype.
- Ontology issues: We have released the survey results. The next step is looking into solutions.
- mul language code: We are continuing to adapt the desktop UI to make it ready for the new special language code. (phab:T329644, phab:T338302, phab:T339103, phab:T329655, phab:T329655)
- Vector 2022: We are changing the style for search suggestions as the default of the skin isn't working well for Wikidata. (phab:T327510)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The Signpost: 3 July 2023
- Disinformation report: Imploded submersible outfit foiled trying to sing own praises on Wikipedia
- Featured content: Incensed
- Traffic report: Are you afraid of spiders? Arnold? The Idol? ChatGPT?
Wikidata weekly summary #583

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: koavf 3 (RfP scheduled to end after 8 July 2023 13:16 UTC)
- Closed request for adminship: Wolverène Welcome onboard \o/
- New requests for permissions/Bot: UrbanBot (Task: UrbanBot's task is to mass-add English descriptions to items that don't have one)
- Closed request for permissions/Bot: RomesfulImporterBot (Task: Creating and updating Russian Lexemes by transferring information from the Russian Wiktionary)
Scholarship applications are now open.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour July 7, 2023: Let's collaborate to upgrade our community infrastructure! We'll transfer notes and content from Google Docs to our WikiProject subpages. We'll be practicing our Wiki markup skills and learning to manage Wikidata Project pages Event page
- Ongoing: Weekly Lexemes Challenge #99, Breast milk (Challenge started on 2023-07-03 12:01:21)
- Past: The “Games & Literature” conference took place June 28th-30th at German Literature Archive Marbach (Q1205813), several sessions mentioned Wikidata (see for example Why we thought it was a good idea to build a DACH games database).
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Videos
- Notebooks
- Tool of the week
- m:User:Base/Scripts/HaveWikibaseLabelLowercased.js - is a Userscript that adds an arrow next to the main label (page title) which upon double click (a tap and a confirmation on touch devices) automatically makes the label's first letter lowercase for the current interface language. If there was already a matching alias it gets removed.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The WikidataCon 2023 call for proposals is running until July 31st. If you have questions or need advice before sending a program proposal, join the program team during one of the office hour sessions (online or in Taiwan, in Chinese or in English). More information
- Scholia has a new aspect dedicated to profiling WikiProjects, e.g. toolforge:scholia/wikiproject/Q56241615 for WikiProject Invasion biology. Using it revealed inconsistencies across WikiProjects in terms of which properties they use (and how) to associate a page with a WikiProject, as discussed here.
- Introducing Wikibase World. The Wikibase registry has moved. Add an entry for your Wikibase if it's accessible over the open internet.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- first performance by (performer or performing group for the first performance of a work)
- record of (signal over time this object is a physical representation of)
- orchestration (the instruments used in a musical composition or arrangement described using score notation)
- type of document(s) held (used to specify the type of document(s) contained in an archival collection or documentation file)
- External identifiers: French sports venue number, Challenges billionaire ID, Intangible cultural heritage ID by the Austrian UNESCO commission, mosff.ru player ID, Austadiums ID, Akadem organization ID, Zeneszöveg.hu international artist ID, Azerbaijani National Encyclopedia ID, Encyclopedia.com ID, QLIT ID, Biographical Dictionary of Foreign Kartvelologists of Georgia ID, Politique pappers identifier, altesdresden.de object ID, BFM.ru person ID, beachsoccer.com player ID, National Science Foundation award, BIBFRAME Hub ID, elibrary.ru article ID, Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris work ID, Radiomuseum company ID, BSDB player ID, NBC Olympics athlete ID, Law Insider Legal Dictionary entry, VMI Historical Rosters Database ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- elected on (Date when a person was elected to a {{P|P39}}, in difference to {{P|P580}} (= {{Q|Q28530236}}). {{P|P2715}} cannot always be applied.)
- collage combines images (collage composed of images)
- Nigerian registered company (RC) id (RC number (Registration Number), identifier assigned to a business by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria)
- Cent cols (A property to link Wikidata entries to the dedicated pages of each pass by the Cent Cols)
- Phonographic copyright (identifier for phonographic copyright)
- External identifiers: myjewishitaly.it ID, Rostocker Matrikelportal ID, Lemmy community identifier, Mythoskop ID, Archivio digitale Fondo Edifici di Culto ID, British Institute at Ankara person ID, British Institute at Ankara settlement ID, LFG player ID, Flashpoint database ID, Woordenlijst Nederlandse Taal, World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions ID, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia author ID, Wikibase World identifier, Biblioteca centrale Cappuccini authority ID, National Library of Colombia authority ID, CNR ExploRA author ID
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- WikiProject Conflation aims to identify and untangle conflated items.
- WikiProject Scotland's Accused Witches aims at producing structured data documenting witchhunts, and prosecuted Scotland's accused witches on Wikidata using the University of Edinburgh's landmark Survey of Scottish Witchcraft database (1563 to 1736).
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikibase REST API:
- We finished the GetProperty endpoint with fields filter and Conditional headers (phab:T338141, phab:T338138)
- We started working on the endpoints for reading statement data of Properties (both a single statement, and a list of all of a Property’s statement) (phab:T339356), phab:T338383)
- Ontology issue survey: We put together an overview of solutions for the various types of issues and will share them this week.
- mul language code: We are continuing to work through the language fallback issues that were uncovered.
- Wikibase REST API:
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
作为点击播放的音频链接愿望清单提案的一部分,小型wiki现在可以使用内联音频播放器(由Phonos扩展实现)。 [65]
从本周开始,所有小工具都会自动加载在移动版和桌面版网站上加载。如果您在维基上发现小工具有问题,请调整小工具定义文件中的小工具选项。 [66]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年7月3日 (一) 22:50 (UTC)
This Month in Education: June 2023
This Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 5 • June 2023
- Africa Day 2023: Abuja Teachers celebrates
- From editing articles to civic power – Wikimedia UK's research on democracy and Wikipedia
- Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Program in Yemen Brings Positive Impact to Yemeni Teachers
- Using Wikipedia in education: students' and teachers' view
- The Journey of Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Lagos State
- WMB goes to Serbia
- But we don't want it to end!
来自Kagura Nana2018的问题 (2023年7月5日 (三) 06:26)
老师你好 需要注意什么 --Kagura Nana2018(留言) 2023年7月5日 (三) 06:26 (UTC)
诚邀阁下参与Wikipedia:页面存废讨论/记录/2023/07/05#杨琬茜的相关讨论。因为你的操作被页面创建者手动回退,副知这件事情,及邀请参与存废讨论--Rastinition(留言) 2023年7月5日 (三) 13:15 (UTC)
阁下曾提报不符合收录标准之条目“维熹科技股份有限公司”已过限期,如阁下认为该条目现时尚未合乎收录标准,可作提删。 --Cewbot(留言) 2023年7月8日 (六) 00:03 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: June 2023
Wikidata weekly summary #584

- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: koavf 3 Welcome onboard \o/
- New requests for permissions/Bot: FromCrossrefBot 1: Publication dates (Task/s: Using information from Crossref: 1 - Add publication date to items where they are not present in Wikidata 2 - Fix publication dates where they are erroneous)
- Events
- Upcoming
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16:00 UTC, 12th July 2023 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- LD4 conference (YouTube)
- Linked data via Vivaldi: A musical journey from Wikidata to the library catalog- Tuesday, July 11, 2:30pm EST
- Wikidata Sprint in UNLV Special Collections Highlighting LGBTQ+ Las Vegas - Tuesday, July 11, 11:30am EST
- Linking Us Together: Applications of Wikidata in Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO) - Tuesday, July 11, 11am EST
- WikiframeVG: A SPARQL Template-based Wikiframe for Wikidata Graph Exploration - Wednesday, July 12, 11:00 am - 11:30 am
- Wikidata and the sum of all video games: putting the "linked" in video game metadata
- How do you model my gender? Studying gender representation in the Wikidata knowledge base Wednesday, July 12, 10:00 am - 10:30 am ET
- Ongoing
- Ongoing: Weekly Lexemes Challenge #100, Ants (Challenge started on 2023-07-10 12:01:24)
- Past
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Videos
- How to create a Wikidata Lexeme with ease - Beginner's Guide (in Twi and English) YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Duplicity is a tool on Toolforge that helps find articles on Wikipedia that do not have a Wikidata Item, and match them to an existing Item, or create a new one. (example for English Wikipedia)
- HasProperty.js displays presence/absence of specific properties (configurable) after the Statements heading. Clicking a property name will jump to that properties section. For absent property, clicking property name will jump to the end of the page.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Overview of potential solutions regarding survey on ontology issues reusers are facing have been published. Are there important pieces missing? Is there something you disagree with? Generally sounds sensible? Do add your thoughts.
- Wikidata development plan for Q3 has been updated. Wikidata:Development_plan
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: The Literary Encyclopedia person ID, ComingSoon.it TV series ID, ComingSoon.it TV program ID, parliament.bg MP ID, Archivio digitale Fondo Edifici di Culto ID, Flashpoint database ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- excavated by (person who has conducted an archaeological excavation of a historic site)
- verdict (decision made at the end of a trial by the judge or jury)
- Founder of ()
- underlying structure (an instance of the subject becomes an instance of the object if some of its data are lost)
- timetable ()
- External identifiers: Antenna Structure Registration Number, BDFutbol manager ID 2, GSA player ID, Gameswelt ID, DigiListan artist ID, FSHF player ID, WWGR player ID, Threads username, ProQuest publication ID, Lift Up profile ID, Internet Broadway Database touring theatre ID, Ligue nationale de rugby ID
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Ontology issues: We published the overview of solutions and are looking for input on them now.
- mul language code: We continued work on it focusing on showing it in the right place in the desktop termbox (phab:T316767)
- Wikibase REST API: We continued working on the endpoints for reading statement data of Properties (both a single statement, and a list of all of a Property’s statement) (phab:T339356, phab:T338383)
- Vector 2022 skin: We continued work on improving the search display (phab:T327510)
- WMF Governance wiki is now connected to Wikidata so can be linked to in the sitelink section under multilingual sites (phab:T321967)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 章节级图像建议功能已部署在七个维基百科(葡萄牙语、俄语、印度尼西亚语、加泰罗尼亚语、匈牙利语、芬兰语和挪威博克马尔语)上。该功能会从使用者监视清单内的页面中,以章节为单位推荐适当的图像。
- 全域防滥用过滤器已在所有维基媒体项目上启用,英语维基百科和日语维基百科例外(这两个wiki的社群选择不引入全局滥用过滤器)。此更改是在征求全域意见之后做出的。 [67]
- Special:已封禁的外部域名是帮助管理员反spam的新工具。它提供了一个更清晰的界面来阻止域名及子域名,更容易搜索,而且软件可以更快地处理维基上的每次编辑。它不支持正则表达式(以应对复杂的情况),不支持URL路径匹配,也不支持MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist,但它能取代现MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist的大部分功能。在该工具的说明文档中有一个Python脚本可帮助将所有简单的域名迁移到此工具中,还有更多功能的详细信息。除元维基、维基共享资源和维基数据外,所有维基均可使用该工具。 [68]
- 维基编辑器扩展已更新。本次更新包括维基文本编辑的一些最常用的功能。过去,它使用的许多界面消息只能由管理员翻译,但现在所有translatewiki上的普通翻译者都可以翻译它们。请检查WikiEditor 您的语言的本地化进度,如果您的语言的“完成度”显示低于100%,请协助翻译。点击查看详细信息。
- Special:链接搜索和API响应部分的默认协议已从http更改为http和https。 [69]
- Special:链接搜索及其相应的API部分现在将搜索查询中提供的全部的URL。以前只有前60个字符。此功能是十五年前提出的要求。 [70]
- 有一个ChatGPT插件的实验。这是为了向用户显示当他们从维基百科阅读信息时信息来自哪里。它已经过维基媒体基金会工作人员和一些维基人的测试。很快所有ChatGPT插件用户都可以使用该维基百科插件。这是2023年第20期技术新闻中提到的插件。 [71]
- 关于提议的第三方资源方针的讨论正在进行中。该提案将影响小工具和用户脚本中第三方资源的使用。根据迄今为止收到的反馈,方针包括加载第三方资源的用户脚本和小工具相关的风险、一些实践和豁免的要求,如代码透明度和可检查性。欢迎您在2023年7月17日之前在 方针讨论页面提供反馈和建议。
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年7月10日 (一) 19:53 (UTC)
阁下曾提报不符合收录标准之条目“黄建宾”已过限期,如阁下认为该条目现时尚未合乎收录标准,可作提删。 --Cewbot(留言) 2023年7月14日 (五) 00:02 (UTC)
来自Tommy Cyou的问题 (2023年7月14日 (五) 03:39)
您好 我创建一个网络虚拟国家的词条 叫瓦兰民国 为什么我不可以编辑他? --Tommy Cyou(留言) 2023年7月14日 (五) 03:39 (UTC)
- @Tommy Cyou:您可以看看用使用者子页面的方式能不能建立,例如User:Tommy Cyou/瓦兰民国或类似名字的页面,但请注意,编写完成后请在页面顶部加上{{subst:submit}},这样就会有审核员来协助检视您的草稿有什么问题,要如何修正等等。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2023年7月14日 (五) 05:36 (UTC)
The Signpost: 17 July 2023
- In the media: Tentacles of Emirates plot attempt to ensnare Wikipedia
- Tips and tricks: What automation can do for you (and your WikiProject)
- Featured content: Scrollin', scrollin', scrollin', keep those readers scrollin', got to keep on scrollin', Rawhide!
- Traffic report: The Idol becomes the Master
Wikidata weekly summary #584

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Tomodachi94 (RfP scheduled to end after 21 July 2023 05:02 UTC)
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Peuc bot 3 (Task: One-time import of a database of Québec written literary works)
- MajavahBot (Task: Import version and metadata information for Python libraries from PyPI)
- Events
- Upcoming: The 4th Wikidata Workshop. (Extended deadline)! Papers are due on Thursday, 27 July 2023
- Ongoing: Weekly Lexemes Challenge #101, Archives (Challenge started on 2023-07-17 12:01:18
- Past: Wikidata and Wikibase Q3 office hour session log: Wikidata:Events/Telegram office hour 2023-07-12
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- OpenFact: Factuality Enhanced Open Knowledge Extraction
- "Psychiq and Wwwyzzerdd: Wikidata completion using Wikipedia" (browser extension to import information from Wikipedia, assisted by a DistilBERT-based ML model to predict Wikidata statements for instance and subclass)
- A universal literary canon based on multilingual encyclopedic data: proposal for a measurement method of literary works using quantitative data obtained from Wikidata and Wikipedia
- Videos
- Live Q & A with Denny Vrandečić - on Wikidata, Abstract Wikipedia and GenAi - YouTube
- Constructing ethnic language links to open data? Status of Sediq usage on Wikidata (in Chinese) - YouTube
- LD4 conference (YouTube)
- Linked data via Vivaldi: A musical journey from Wikidata to the library catalog
- Wikidata Sprint in UNLV Special Collections Highlighting LGBTQ+ Las Vegas
- Linking Us Together: Applications of Wikidata in Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO)
- WikiframeVG: A SPARQL Template-based Wikiframe for Wikidata Graph Exploration
- Wikidata and the sum of all video games: putting the "linked" in video game metadata
- How do you model my gender? Studying gender representation in the Wikidata knowledge base
- Tool of the week
- Wikidata Recent Changes API (simple front-end to the actual API) lets you query Wikidata edits by either properties, or labels/aliases/descriptions/sitelinks. You can retrieve any changes, or specify added/changed/removed. Current lag to Wikidata: 1 seconds. (blog)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- autosuggest value (qualifier for P1963 that suggests which values should be autosuggested to the user that uses the property for items that are instances of the subject)
- External identifiers: The Literary Encyclopedia person ID, ComingSoon.it TV series ID, ComingSoon.it TV program ID, parliament.bg MP ID, Archivio digitale Fondo Edifici di Culto ID, Flashpoint database ID, Choisirleservicepublic.gouv.fr organization ID, Gameswelt ID, Vélo'v station ID, Lithuanian protected object ID, Saugoma.lt area ID, Saugoma.lt object ID, Alienor.org ID, Musées Occitanie ID, Trésors de Nice ID, Image Duplicator ID, CNR ExploRA author ID, ECLI court code, Romanian river code, German University Collections person ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- verdict (decision made at the end of a trial by the judge or jury)
- Founder of ()
- underlying structure (an instance of the subject becomes an instance of the object if some of its data are lost)
- timetable ()
- Canadian Archival Information Network authority record ()
- External identifiers: BDFutbol manager ID 2, GSA player ID, DigiListan artist ID, FSHF player ID, WWGR player ID, Threads username, ProQuest publication ID, Lift Up profile ID, Internet Broadway Database touring theatre ID, Ligue nationale de rugby ID, Musée critique de la Sorbonne ID, FantLab translator ID, The Literary Encyclopedia work ID, Acclaimed Music album ID, Hugging Face user or organization ID, Friedländer ID, IMDb keyword
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- WikiProject Antiquity (aims to gather all contributors working in an aspect or another of Antiquity)
- WikiProject Lodging (aims at creating, improving, and organizing Wikidata items related to lodging, such as hotels, motels, inns, guest houses and lodging-related topics)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Vector 2022 skin: We finished working on removing the strange bolding pattern of the Search Results on Wikidata. Should be rolled out in the next train (phab:T327510)
- EntitySchemas: We are working on showing the Label of EntitySchema in Statements and Special pages (phab:T339924)
- Mismatch Finder: We are working on adding the Language Selector to the Mismatch Finder (phab:T328149)
- mul: We trying out changing how placeholders in Wikibase termboxes work: They’ll soon start falling back across the fallback chain of the language until they hit mul (phab:T340832)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
等语言创建嵌入了上层页面的子页面。这让维护本地覆盖的系统消息更加轻松。 [72]新的MediaWiki版本将弃用
API。 [73]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年7月17日 (一) 23:08 (UTC)
Books & Bytes – Issue 57
The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Issue 57, May – June 2023
- Suggestion improvements
- Favorite collections tips
- Spotlight: Promoting Nigerian Books and Authors
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --2023年7月18日 (二) 11:22 (UTC)
来自劳锦全的问题 (2023年7月20日 (四) 10:02)
您好,我《宇宙异变的先兆――SARS和禽流感的警示》著作作者,地球气候恶化成因研究实验室创始人。我拥有宇宙万物自然规律万象图、宇宙十字力、地球运动原动力、X行星、生命T模式、新能源、大地震预测、COVID-19起源、“电能摄取电磁感应论”气候恶化成因论等等几十项科研成果和知识产权, 计划在维基百科将我28年来所研究的科学成果开辟原创专栏条目,首次使用维基百科,非常兴奋,值得期待。现在编辑上存在许多不明之处,希望得到帮助,谢谢。 --劳锦全(留言) 2023年7月20日 (四) 10:02 (UTC)
阁下曾提报不符合收录标准之条目“苗栗县县长杯儿少权益宣导三对三篮球斗牛赛”已过限期,如阁下认为该条目现时尚未合乎收录标准,可作提删。 --Cewbot(留言) 2023年7月22日 (六) 00:04 (UTC)
来自BitterDuck的问题 (2023年7月22日 (六) 12:42)
嗨 --BitterDuck(留言) 2023年7月22日 (六) 12:42 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #585

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Yahya (RfP scheduled to end after 26 July 2023 17:46 UTC)
- Closed request for adminship: Tomodachi94 (successful) Welcome on board \o/
- Events
- Upcoming
- Missed the initial office hour sessions for preparing a WikidataCon 2023 submission? Join the next sessions on 20th, 22nd, and 26th and bring all your questions. Wikidata:WikidataCon 2023#Office hours (available in both Mandarin and English)
- Live Wikidata editing in Italian, July 25 at 9:00 PM CEST on YouTube
- Ongoing
- Ongoing: Weekly Lexemes Challenge #102, Money (Challenge started on 2023-07-24 12:01:19)
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- Videos
- Dataviz
- Wikicommunes (See also the thread on Mastodon)
- Tool of the week
- Images near items - helps to find Wikimedia Commons images near Wikidata items without image. It can load a category tree of Commons images with coodrinates, and then find Wikidata items of a certain P31 with coordinates but without images. Then, it will try to find nearby (<50 meters) pairs. (example link for UK red phone booths)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- median household income (median of the household income (cumulated salaries etc.) of a specific place, such as city, state, country)
- login URL (URL of a webpage used to log into a service)
- registration page URL (URL of a webpage used to sign up for a service)
- External identifiers: GamersGlobal series ID, Threads username, Dutch word ID, BSRussia.com team ID, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia author ID, World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions ID, Stage 32 profile ID, Livres Hebdo award ID, NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms entry, NCI Dictionary of Genetics Terms entry, ifkdb.se player ID, Livres Hebdo tag ID, stats.fm album ID, Ligue nationale de rugby ID, Holarse article ID, Musée critique de la Sorbonne ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- Top scorer (This property is for the best scorer of a single season of a team sport's competition, or even for the best ever scorer of the history of a competition. The qualifiers to be admitted to this property should be: {{p|54}}; {{p|1532}}; {{p|1013}} (es.: goals / tries / points / etc ).)
- External identifiers: BDFutbol referee ID, Baseball-Reference.com manager ID, USOPC Hall of Fame ID, identifiant d'un défunt sur le site Dans nos cœurs, IbsenStage ID, TV Guide movie ID, OlimpBase FIDE ratings ID, Digitale Sammlungen Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt ID, Capitolium Art artist ID, Nurnet ID, Roku Channel Store ID
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- WikiProject Henrik Ibsen is a project for users interested in the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen (Q36661).
- WikiProject Getty Library Wikidata Pilot - is a WikiProject in the Getty Library at the Getty Research Institute (part of the J. Paul Getty Trust) to create and enhance Wikidata items related to information in materials from the library’s Whitney and Lee Kaplan Collection of African American Visual Culture.
- Newest properties:
- Development
- EntitySchemas: We expanded the new datatype that is in testing. When a statement links to an EntitySchema it will now show its label when available (phab:T338613). We are also working on showing them by their label in recent changes and similar places (phab:T214885).
- mul language code: we are working on improving the termbox to integrate this new language code better (phab:T340644)
- Mismatch Finder: We are working on adding a language selector to it so you can switch the language of the tool (phab:T328149)
- Wikibase REST API: We completed two new endpoint for the Wikibase REST API:
- Retrieve all statements from a Property - /entities/properties/{property_id}/statements
- Retrieve a single statement from a Property - /entities/properties/{property_id}/statements/{statement_id}
- You can also retrieve a single statement from a Property from the existing /statements/{statement_id} endpoint
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年7月25日 (二) 02:20 (UTC)
来自Uusd的问题 (2023年7月28日 (五) 22:00)
导师好! 系统将您指定为我的导师,所以特向您请教。我最近编辑了我的第一个百科页面,但呈现的结果并不理想。希望您能够给予指导并协助我做出修正,不胜感激! --Uusd(留言) 2023年7月28日 (五) 22:00 (UTC)
- @Uusd:看了一下您建立的条目,建议您还是走WP:AFC的草稿建立流程,以目前的内容来说,您编写的条目并不符合中文维基百科对条目品质的要求,因此很容易被删除,谢谢。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2023年7月30日 (日) 23:57 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #587

- Discussions
- Welcome to our new admin Yahya! (see the closed request)
- Events
- The deadline for submitting your proposals for WikidataCon 2023 is July 31st (23:59) anywhere in the world. Submit your proposals at https://pretalx.com/wikidatacon2023/
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- An analysis of discussions in collaborative knowledge engineering through the lens of Wikidata, Elisavet Koutsiana et. al.
- Tool of the week
- osm.js will add a link to the navigation for items that have a Wikidata mapping on the OSM side.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- median household income (median of the household income (cumulated salaries etc.) of a specific place, such as city, state, country)
- login URL (URL of a webpage used to log into a service)
- registration page URL (URL of a webpage used to sign up for a service)
- shortcode (string of text replaced by an emoji or other character on a platform (e.g. :heart_eyes:))
- verdict (decision made at the end of a trial by the judge or jury)
- External identifiers: Stage 32 profile ID, Livres Hebdo award ID, NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms entry, NCI Dictionary of Genetics Terms entry, ifkdb.se player ID, Livres Hebdo tag ID, stats.fm album ID, Ligue nationale de rugby ID, Holarse article ID, Musée critique de la Sorbonne ID, Spotlight PIN ID, myjewishitaly.it ID, Minerba One Data Indonesia ID, Wikibase World ID, Open Yearbook org id, ProQuest publication ID, Friedländer ID, FIGC player ID, hitparade.ch song ID, Theapolis theatre ID, IbsenStage ID, IMDb keyword
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- Top scorer (This property is for the best scorer of a single season of a team sport's competition, or even for the best ever scorer of the history of a competition. The qualifiers to be admitted to this property should be: {{p|54}}; {{p|1532}}; {{p|1013}} (es.: goals / tries / points / etc ).)
- Project partner (property to list the partners of a project or an event, when different from the organizing body.)
- External identifiers: TV Guide movie ID, OlimpBase FIDE ratings ID, Digitale Sammlungen Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt ID, Capitolium Art artist ID, Nurnet ID, Roku Channel Store ID, BHL item ID, GamerProfiles Game ID, identifiant Pouët d'un groupe de démo, identifiant Pouët d'une démo, identifiant Pouët d'un membre d'un groupe de démo, Kastelenlexicon ID, SEVIS school ID, Xiaohongshu User ID, Musée d'Arts de Nantes ID
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikibase REST API:
- We released the following new stuff to Wikidata:
- GET /entities/properties/{property_id}/statements (phab:T339356) (new route)
- GET /entities/properties/{property_id}/statements/{statement_id} (phab:T338383) (new route)
- GET /statements/{statement_id} (now supports statements on Properties)
- We started work on a new route for replacing the data of a statement on a Property (phab:T340006)
- We released the following new stuff to Wikidata:
- EntitySchemas:
- We worked on improving the termbox (the table of labels, descriptions and aliases) on EntitySchema pages to bring it more in line with the one on Items and Properties
- We made sure that EntitySchemas are shown by their label instead of ID when available in Recent Changes and similar lists (phab:T339924)
- Mismatch Finder: We added a language selector so you can switch the interface language (phab:T328149)
- mul language code: We are working on showing more labels from fallback languags in the termbox (phab:T340832, phab:T338330)
- Wikibase REST API:
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- Special:最新页面和修订历史记录页面上的标签过滤器现在可以反选。例如,您可以隐藏使用自动化工具进行的编辑。 [74][75]
- 能使用插件的ChatGPT用户现在可以尝试使用维基百科ChatGPT插件。如果想交流该实验性功能或类似产品,您可以参加视频通话。 [76]
- 过去两周,无法为标题中包含非拉丁字符的页面生成PDF。现在这个问题已经得到解决。 [77]
- 自周二起,部分维基站点将可以使用添加链接功能。这些站点包括格鲁吉亚语维基百科、卡拉卡尔帕克语维基百科、卡拜尔语维基百科、卡巴尔达语维基百科、卡比耶语维基百科、吉库尤语维基百科、哈萨克语维基百科、高棉语维基百科、卡纳达语维基百科、克什米尔语维基百科、科隆语维基百科、库尔德语维基百科、康沃尔语维基百科。这是逐步向更多维基百科部署这一工具的一部分。社群可以在本地配置这一功能如何工作。 [78]
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年7月31日 (一) 23:54 (UTC)
The Signpost: 1 August 2023
- News and notes: City officials attempt to doxx Wikipedians, Ruwiki founder banned, WMF launches Mastodon server
- In the media: Truth, AI, bull from politicians, and climate change
- Disinformation report: Hot climate, hot hit, hot money, hot news hot off the presses!
- Tips and tricks: Citation tools for dummies!
- In focus: Journals cited by Wikipedia
- Opinion: Are global bans the last step?
- Featured content: Featured Content, 1 to 15 July
- Traffic report: Come on Oppie, let's go party
Growth team newsletter #27

Welcome to the twenty-seventh newsletter from the Growth team! Help with translations
Annual plan for Growth
We shared our annual plan, for the period July 2023 - June 2024.
Our first project of the year will be Community configuration 2.0, which helps editors with extended rights transparently and easily configure important on-wiki functionality.
After we finish work on Community configuration 2.0, we will hope to fit in one of the following projects:
- Article creation: This project aims to provide new editors with better guidance and guardrails in the article creation process, with the intention of lightening the load of new page reviewers.
- Non-editing participation: This project aims to create low-risk ways for readers to participate in Wikipedia with the intention of funneling more readers into contributing to the Wikimedia movement.
Please let us know what you think about these projects on the related talk page, or Growth's annual plan talk page.
Suggested edits

We released a new Section-level “add an image” structured task to Growth pilot wikis (Arabic, Bengali, Czech, and Spanish). This task was part of the Structured Data Across Wikipedia project. We are monitoring the edits made, and we look for community feedback as well.
Suggested Edits are now receiving topic predictions via the new Language-Agnostic Topic Classification. This change affects non-English Wikipedia wikis. It will ensure newcomers receive a greater diversity of task recommendations. Before, as this feature was a test, English Wikipedia was used to select topics. The change is gradual as lists of topics are refreshed when they become empty. The Research team will evaluate the impact in a few months. [79]
Starting on August 1, a new set of Wikipedias will get "Add a link": Georgian Wikipedia, Kara-Kalpak Wikipedia, Kabyle Wikipedia, Kabardian Wikipedia, Kabiyè Wikipedia, Kikuyu Wikipedia, Kazakh Wikipedia, Khmer Wikipedia, Kannada Wikipedia, Kashmiri Wikipedia, Colognian Wikipedia, Kurdish Wikipedia, Cornish Wikipedia, Cornish Wikipedia.
The Growth team provides dedicated features to establish a mentorship program for newcomers. Every newcomer gets a volunteer mentor who provides encouragement and answers questions. Communities can set up or join this mentorship system by visiting Special:ManageMentors. This mentorship system is configurable by the community at Special:EditGrowthConfig.
More communities have implemented mentorship. A Wikimedia Foundation data scientist will be looking at the impact of Mentorship. We will look at the impact on Spanish and English Wikipedia. [80]
The Growth team will also host a Mentoring new editors on Wikipedia session at Wikimania 2023 in Singapore. Workshop attendees will help brainstorm improvements to Growth’s mentorship features.
Positive reinforcement
We will share more complete experiment analysis for all the three parts of the Positive reinforcement project soon. At the moment, the new Impact module, Leveling up, and Personalized praise are still being A/B tested on the Growth team's pilot wikis.
In the meantime, initial leading indicators for the Personalized praise project have been published. Although this is still a relatively small sample, results seem healthy. They show that Mentors are indeed receiving notifications and clicking through to view their praise-worthy mentees.
Growth contributes to IP Editing migration
The Growth team is currently focusing on IP Editing: Privacy Enhancement and Abuse Mitigation. It is a project that touches many different Wikimedia Foundation teams. The Growth team will focus on temporary accounts through two main points:
- the user experience of a logged-out user, that switches to a temporary account,
- change Growth-owned extensions and features, so that they work as expected with temporary accounts. [81]
Community Configuration 2.0
We are still in the early planning stage of the Community Configuration 2.0 project:
- We are gathering internal Wikimedia Foundation teams' needs, so as community feedback. [82]
- We have started to investigate design improvements. [83]
- We are also reviewing similar tools that are part of other products. [84]
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2023年8月1日 (二) 12:42 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #588

- Events
- Upcoming: Submit your proposal for GLAM Wiki Conference 2023. Deadline has been extended to August 20, 23:59 anywhere in the world.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Tool of the week
- WikiShootMe expanded to make it possible to find the Items close to pictures you took so you can upload and add them to them (source)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Template:Synia is a new template which makes it easy to create links to Synia from Wikidata. Template:Synia+ guesses the relevant configuration pages for each entity depending on the values of P31 and P106.
- Wikifunctions, Wikidata's newest sibling project, had a soft launch. Welcome to the Wikimedia wikiverse, functioneers!
- The ORES service will be decommissioned and replaced by Lift Wing. If you have a tool that relies on ORES scores to judge edits or the quality of an Item please read the migration announcement. We are collecting affected community tools in phab:T343419.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: National Union of Composers of Ukraine person ID, Encyclopaedia Islamica ID, Master's degree Mon master ID, Virksomme ord ID, Swetrails route ID, European Bridge League ID, CAMEO Chemicals ID, The Literary Encyclopedia work ID, IMVDb artist numeric ID, Team France athlete ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- disinherited (someone who received or will receive no or little the subject's property or title even if otherwise eligible, (partially) the opposite of [[Wikidata:Property proposal/heir or beneficiary]])
- conference schedule (Conference schedule in Pentabarf XML format)
- state of transmission
- External identifiers: Works Diamond Catalogue ID, Editions Diamond Catalogue ID, NFSA ID, Identifiant Médiathèque Numérique CVS, DCB Number, wadoku id, USP Libraries Catalogue ID, Mémoire déposé sur DUMAS, Experimental Factor Ontology ID, BG EGN, Google Scholar Organization ID, fiba.basketball player ID
- General datatypes:
- Deleted properties:
- Query example: Entry dates and discovery dates of the objects of the museum of Brittany (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- EntitySchemas:
- We continued the work on giving them the same termbox as Items and Properties (phab:T324235)
- We finished the work on showing the labels for EntitySchemas in Recent changes, All Pages, Watchlist and edit summaries (phab:T339924, phab:T339921, phab:T339925, phab:T343231)
- We added missing messages related to IP editing and license notes (phab:T343333, phab:T343118)
- Wikibase REST API: We continued the work on the route for replacing the data of a statement on a Property (phab:T340006)
- EntitySchemas:
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年8月7日 (一) 21:20 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: July 2023
阁下曾提报不符合收录标准之条目“林俪轩”已过限期(条目已挂上提删模板),如阁下认为该条目现时尚未合乎收录标准,可作提删。 --Cewbot(留言) 2023年8月13日 (日) 00:04 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #589

- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- MangadexBot (Task: add metadata from mangadex to manga with Mangadex manga ID)
- WingUCTBOT (Task: Batch Upload of Niger-Congo B Lexemes, including Senses and Forms)
- New request for comments: Adapt blocking policy to IPv6 networks (Regarding the need to block IPv6 addresses and networks by a minimum /64 range )
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming:
- Wikimania 2023 (16–19 August, Singapore and Online) program is out: wikimania:2023:Program
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour August 18, 2023: Over the summer and into the fall the LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group will be offering a series of Wikidata Working Hours to give folks an opportunity to try out various Wikidata-related skills and tools by assembling a data set of diverse library and information science (LIS) materials (articles, conference proceedings, books) and adding it to Wikidata. Wikidata Working Hours provide hands-on Wikidata experience in a supportive space. We hope you will join us if you are interested in learning more about Wikidata, exploring LIS literature, and have been looking for a fun Wikidata project to contribute to. The first Wikidata Working Hour in the series will cover creating a bibliography of diverse LIS articles and books. We will generate a spreadsheet of sources ready for use during subsequent Working Hours. This session will be recorded and the recording shared on the event page. Event page
- Past: Weekly Lexemes Challenge #104, Police
- Upcoming:
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- Videos
- Adding Wikidata To Openstreetmap
- Recording mass paths on Wikimedia and Wikidata
- FOSS4G 2023 - Tools for linking Wikidata and OpenStreetMap - Edward Betts
- SPARQLE session - Sport, rugby and units - Nicolas VIGNERON
- Virtual Inauguration: AfLIA Wikidata Online Course for Cohort 2
- Live Wikidata editing (in Italian)
- KGC 2023 Masterclass: Wikibase and Question-Answering by The QA Company's CEO, Dennis Diefenbach
- Notebooks
- SEmantic Graphs (SEG) - Cautiously nudging RDF towards more expressivity (paper)
- Movie settings and population (What is the relation between how big a city is and how many movies are set in that city?)
- Wikidata study day
- SPARQL Queries for Cross-referencing and Data Cleanup
- Presentations: Chemistry in Wikidata visualized with Scholia, Egon Willighagen et al.
- Tool of the week
- Everything is connected - is a knowledge-based puzzle game where players must fit square pieces representing entities in the world together based on their known connections.
- WMF is moving from ORES to Lift Wing, an open-source machine learning infrastructure. Your input is vital to train the model for more accurate bad edits detection on Wikidata. Join us in enhancing edits detection by using the Annotation tool: https://annotool.toolforge.org/
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Tolkien Gateway ID, Biblioteca centrale Cappuccini authority ID, FSHF player ID, Mandarin-Cantonese Comparative Study ID, Internet Broadway Database touring theatre ID, British Institute at Ankara person ID, British Institute at Ankara place ID, Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal GTB ID, GSAFD ID, USP Libraries Catalogue ID, Nantes Museum of Arts ID, Mythoskop ID, Lemmy community ID, NFSA title ID, PesticideInfo chemical ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- Steam Deck compatibility rating (official rating used to determine which games, as a result of the review process, are compatible with Steam Deck and which are not)
- name version for other gender (use for when names that are not given name or surnames are gendered (since those two have their own properties), would also be helpful for many noble titles and honorifics as well as affixes)
- Curator of (has curated a collection or (art) exhibition)
- Philippine middle name ()
- External identifiers: Rumble channel, protected heritage site in Brussels ID (web), archINFORM Awards ID, RCS number, NFDI4Culture ID, Windows Package Manager Community package ID, AFC-Ajax.info player ID, FaroeSoccer referee ID, Steam curator ID, Футзал.рус player ID, alyga.lt player ID, CRIS Unique Site Number, Höhlenkataster ID (Österreich), Sitios ID, FNAC ID
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Map of places located in Rennes with an article on the French Wikipedia (and colored according to the number of pages in all Wikimedia projects)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles weapon types, and primary colors (source)
- Number of albums in Wikidata by year of release (source)
- Objects in Dresden with significant event (source)
- Newest WikiProjects:
- WikiProject Svenska Grillplatser (WikiProject Swedish Grill Places) - The idea is to see what Wikidata and OSM can contribute when it comes to barbecue sites and connections to municipalities, grillplatser.nu, naturkartan.
- WikiProject Nollywood - This is a WikiProject for adding and enhancing items in Wikidata for Nollywood (Nigerian films) held as VHS at the Northwestern University Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies. These films were primarily produced and collected from 1990-2000. Items will be added with information from the catalog record (MARC).
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikibase REST API: We are working on adding and replacing statements on Properties (phab:T339363, phab:T340006)
- EntitySchemas:
- We continued working on making the mobile termbox from Items and Properties work on EntitySchemas
- We fixed a missing warning for non-logged-in editors and license note (phab:T343333, phab:T343118)
- IP Masking: We are investigating what implications the upcoming IP Masking changes in MediaWiki have for Wikibase (phab:T328454)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in Education: July 2023
This Month in Education
Volume 12 • Issue 7 • July 2023
- Wikimedia Kaduna Connect Campaign
- Wikimedia Serbia published a paper Promoting Equity in Access to Open Knowledge: An Example of the Wikipedia Educational Program
- Wikimedia and Education Kailali Multiple campus
- WikiCamp in Istog, Kosovo: Promoting Knowledge and Nature Appreciation
- Wiki at the Brazilian National History Symposium
- US & Canada program reaches 100M words added
- Renewed Community Wikiconference brought together experienced Wikipedians and newcomers
- Kusaal Wikipedia Workshop at Ajumako Campus, University of Education, Winneba
- Join us to celebrate the Kiwix4Schools Africa Mentorship Program Graduation Ceremony
- Activities that took place during the presentation of the WikiEducation book. Educational practices and experiences in Mexico with Wikipedia and other open resources in Xalala, Veracruz from the Wikimedia Mexico Education Program
- 62+ Participants Graduates from the Kiwix4Schools Africa Mentorship Program
- “Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom” course launched in Ukraine
- OFWA and Goethe Institute Host Wiki Skills For Librarians Workshop-Ghana
- 自周三起,部分维基站点将可以使用添加链接功能。这些站点包括拉丁语维基百科、拉迪诺语维基百科、卢森堡语维基百科、拉克语维基百科、列兹金语维基百科、新共同语言维基百科、卢干达语维基百科、林堡语维基百科、利古里亚语维基百科、伦巴第语维基百科、林加拉语维基百科、拉特加莱语维基百科、拉脱维亚语维基百科、迈蒂利语维基百科、班尤马山语维基百科、莫克沙语维基百科、马拉加斯语维基百科、亚美尼亚语维基百科、柯尔克孜语维基百科。这是逐步向更多维基百科部署这一工具的一部分。社群可以在本地配置这一功能如何工作。 [87]
- A few gadgets/user scripts which add icons to the Minerva skin need to have their CSS updated. There are more details available including a search for all existing instances and how to update them.
MediaWiki message delivery 2023年8月15日 (二) 05:59 (UTC)
The Signpost: 15 August 2023
- News and notes: Dude, Where's My Donations? Wikimedia Foundation announces another million in grants for non-Wikimedia-related projects
- Tips and tricks: How to find images for your articles, check their copyright, upload them, and restore them
- Cobwebs: Getting serious about writing
- Serendipity: Why I stopped taking photographs almost altogether
- Featured content: Barbenheimer confirmed
- Traffic report: Come on in, and pull yourself up a chair
来自Brollent的问题 (2023年8月16日 (三) 06:05)
我想询问如何完整我的条目,加入条目为我电影团队的相关内容 --Brollent(留言) 2023年8月16日 (三) 06:05 (UTC)
- @Brollent:其他人已经在您的讨论页回答了,强烈不建议编辑与自己相关的条目,像是您提到的自己的团队所制作的作品即是如此。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2023年8月16日 (三) 06:42 (UTC)
- 所以我无法做任何事情,对吧?--Brollent(留言) 2023年8月16日 (三) 07:00 (UTC)
- @Brollent:您可以根据WP:COI的说明使用Template:Request edit模板请其他人代为审阅您的编辑建议并实际修改,谢谢。--冥王欧西里斯(留言) 2023年8月16日 (三) 07:29 (UTC)
- 所以我无法做任何事情,对吧?--Brollent(留言) 2023年8月16日 (三) 07:00 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #590

- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot: TiagoLubianaBot 2 (Task: The Open Targets Platform is an important biomedical resource that makes its data available under a CC0 license waiver. The request at hand is to extend the permissions of User:TiagoLubianaBot to import information from Open Targets, initially with a focus on physical interactions between proteins and drugs.)
- Events
- Ongoing: Weekly Lexemes Challenge #106, Sleep
- Past:
- Wikimania happened over the weekend. You can find a playlist of the events on YouTube here
- Past: Weekly Lexemes Challenge #105, Wikimania Singapore
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Celebrating the 2023 Wikimedian of the Year Winners. Congratulations Tofeiku and Siobhan Leachman for your dedication to Wikidata \o/
- Videos
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Psychiq, a Distributed Wikidata Game system, suggests statements to add to Items based on Wikipedia English articles content.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- appears before phonological feature (this lexeme form appears only when another lexeme form with this phonological feature comes after it)
- appears after phonological feature (this lexeme form appears only when it comes after another lexeme form with this phonological feature)
- appears before lexeme form (this lexeme form appears only when this other specific lexeme form comes after it)
- appears after lexeme form (this lexeme form appears only when it comes after this other specific lexeme form)
- Gottstein code (code representing a variant of the cuneiform sign according to the Gottstein system)
- tournament type (significance or status of a sports competition for a league, tour, association, etc.)
- External identifiers: Lemmy community ID, NFSA title ID, PesticideInfo chemical ID, Unidades de Conservação no Brasil ID, UMLS Semantic Network ID, Experimental Factor Ontology ID, Moroccan geographic code (2015), BHL item ID, TVING ID, Google Scholar organization ID, Rumble channel, GSA player ID, Roku Channel Store ID, snookerscores.net tournament ID, OlimpBase FIDE ratings ID, Antenna Structure Registration Number, Korean Tour player ID, Kastelenlexicon ID, NFDI4Culture ID, Pouët group ID, Pouët group member ID, Pouët demo ID, Steam curator ID, Podbay ID, Rostocker Matrikelportal ID, Panjab Digital Library ID, Diamond Catalogue work ID, Diamond Catalogue edition ID, Frankfurt University Library Digital Collection ID, Nurnet ID, DUMAS thesis ID, Syok podcast ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- patron deity ()
- WHO Aware Classification (The World Health Organization currently classifies 258 antibiotics into "Access", "Watch", and "Reserve" based partly on the risk of resistance developing as a result of such use and critical nature of the antibiotic in question.)
- nombre de niveaux (number of levels in a video game or number of stages in a particular sport)
- URL du plan du jeu vidéo (URL of the video game detailed map in subject provided by the site CPC-Power)
- Positioning (A list of all the satellite navigation system (ex. GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BDS, NavIC etc. ) a mobile device, or a smartphone supports. [https://w.wiki/7HE9 List of all the Satellite Navigation System].)
- place on the route (object, station, facility, city, natural formation or other place on a road, track, route, line, watercourse, utility line or other linear route)
- simule (the element imitates or makes the value of the property appear real)
- External identifiers: ANPI person ID (2), J. Paul Getty Museum agent ID, ID ve Slovníku české literatury po roce 1945, Vazhaju Word ID, MUDlistings ID, The Mud Connector ID, Visiongame.cz game ID, Visiongame.cz studio ID, Databáze her developer ID, Biographical Directory of Federal Judges Numeric ID, Living Music Database composer ID, Anikore anime ID, wiki.gg wiki ID
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Count of items with an article on fr.wikivoyage.org by country (source)
- Count of items with an article on fr.wikiquote.org by instance of (source)
- Count of items that have X amount of statements. A simple showcase of Blazegraph optimizations.
- Week 33, 2023: Top album languages found on Wikidata right now (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- EntitySchemas: We investigated ways to help you search for EntitySchemas by their Labels, Aliases and Descriptions (phab:T341969)
- Mismatch Finder: We have added the Language Selector to the Mismatch Finder (phab:T328149)
- Improved language fallback: We are testing to clearly show the fallback Label in the placeholders for empty Labels (phab:T338330, phab:T340832)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- The GDrive to Commons Uploader tool is now available. It enables securely selecting and uploading files from your Google Drive directly to Wikimedia Commons. [88]
- From now on, we will announce new Wikimedia wikis in Tech News, so you can update any tools or pages.
- Since the last edition, two new wikis have been created:
- To catch up, the next most recent six wikis are:
There is an existing stable interface policy for MediaWiki backend code. There is a proposed stable interface policy for frontend code. This is relevant for anyone who works on gadgets or Wikimedia frontend code. You can read it, discuss it, and let the proposer know if there are any problems. [97]
2023年8月21日 (一) 15:24 (UTC)