

34This Wikimedian is 34 years, 3 months, and 13 days old.

User language
it-N Questo utente può contribuire con un livello madrelingua in italiano.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
es-1 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento básico del español.
Users by language
Questo utente è un docente certificato da Wikimedia Italia.

是一个全域用户帐号,主站在维基百科 (Italian)
This user is an administrator on the Italian Wikipedia. (verify·CA)
This user has autopatrolled rights on Wikimedia Meta-Wiki.Wikimedia Meta-Wiki

This user is a member of the ItWikiCon gilda.
This user won a WikiRiccio in 2018 as a member of del team organizzatore di itWikiCon 2017.
This user won a WikiRiccio in 2018 as a member of del team organizzatore di itWikiCon 2018.
Questo utente è titolare di un wikipassaporto.

This user volunteered at Wikimania 2016: , .

This user has a page on Wikimania 2014.

This user has a page on Wikimania 2015.

This user has a page on Wikimania 2016.

This user has a page on Wikimania 2018.

Hi! I'm Dario Crespi and I'm a Wikipedia user since 2007. I contribute to other projects like Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata and Open Street Map. I'm member of Wikimedia Italia since 2013. I live in Busto Arsizio, a city between Milan and Varese.

Since 2012 I'm a member of the Wiki Loves Monuments Italia organizing committee.
In 2013/2014 i collaborated to the project Archeowiki; since 2014 I'm working for the project BustopediA (that includes Wiki Loves Busto Arsizio).

I'm part of the Wikimania Esino Lario team, iWikiCon 2017 team and iWikiCon 2018 team.


I took part in these events:


HERE my italian user page